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The Oshawa Times, 11 Nov 1960, p. 5

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. . WHIT Manarer: Lioyd Roberison THE OSHAWA TIWES, Fridey, Movember 11, 1960 § Legion Auxiliary wise Formed In 1945 the singing of & hymn and prayer.| Whithy brench of the Fund, the Pee Wee Bell Club, the Words of welcome were given by ae os Mogi the Canadian. Junior Hotkey Club, and the Chil the president was _originelly formed on erty The meeting was turned over Jan, 24, 1645 under the of the late Mrs, Joseph Wilson, to Mrs, MacMillan, The CGIT girl's group assisted in the worship ser- The first of the suxil \Viee, A musical interlude was Mission Circle Has | Fall Thankoffering Whithy Baptist Church Wom. en's Mission Circle held their sn Imus Fall Thankoflering on Wed Besday evening in the Church. Pastor Named To New Post , 8.870% Tel. MO. 8-37 Rev, John Ward, for more thes \sly yerrs pastor of the Whithy * | Bagtist Church, leaves at the end oi this year Lo assume 8 new role lin church extension, He has heen appointed an Extension Mis | sioner at Richmond Hill, There, he will establish & con |gregation end instigate the con BY and DISTRICT Whithy Bureau Offices 111 Dundas St, West L=truetion of 8 pew chureh, He an iticipates that this project will take more than two years, Rev, Ward came to Whithy in § (the summer of 1954, During his (played by Mrs, John Ward st they 1s to the veterans ond Shewr| by ipiano, This was followed by fomilies and the aim and object] {prayer by the leader and scripture reading by Miss Marie Black, Miss Ruth Mitchell gave » of the organization is to offer help) and pid in this capacity within the branch : The siete of olficers in the or story entitled "The Church of the] The Auxiliary visits Canada's) Lamps' Miss Date Bryant read | living amotisl Sunnybrook! ganization at present sre as fol # poem entit "Lamps of God" ,| Hospital, where gifts are present , , Earl Ormis- A chorus was sung by the CGIT ed to the patients, Veterans are lows President, im George {Group, While offering was re glen visited in the Oshawa Gen-'%; Dest president, Mrs, o leeived, Miss Ruth MacMillan eral Hospitsl, Brown; secretory, Mrs, non | presided at the piano, The offer. portant part of the Ladies'| Tore; treasurer, Mrs, Vi {ing was taken by Louise Pogson) srs oT orearem. continually 1omes; first vice, 2 William and Margaret Wigston, Ametions aid Is given to 170Ds; second vice, Mrs, William { Mrs, John Ward introduced the! EECrIE. POTD Bons tn the dis.|8Y; Bgl, at Arms, Mes, Gordon | guest speaker, Dr. Alleen VIRINE.| triet The following 2 Mob asm [acutise committee, {medical missionary of ha, | 4 liam Parkinson, {who gave a very informative ad (the bu Banizations iat Let such Arse Stanlick, Mrs, Jack Clark, hard 4 dress and showed colored slides| #4 From "| Mrs, Elmer Archer, Mrs, Earnest has taken 8 keen interest in other REV. JOHN WARD of her work at the Baptist Mis-| Salvation Army, Retarded Chil-| jy s and Mrs, Mabel Lind. facets of community work ont} { sion field hospital in India, Mrs. dren's Association (Whithy, Pick ley side the church, He was the first dent of the Kiwanis Club of Whit-| Hosking thanked the speaker. loping Ajax branch), the Vet president of the Whithy Branch of by and was a charter member, | The meeting closed with » erans TB Camp, the Cancer Fund the Canadian Cancer Bociety and, He and Mrs, Ward will move to hymn and benediction, Refresh. ' " if ihe hast 10 years as adeln new' huma fn Richmond HN ments ate Aerie Sn. Choscral Totowa Dray) 0 J i i enom na enar rs, 4 ' many (rips to Toronto hospitals shortly after the end of the year, s n Be a Whithy High with eancer patients who require! A successor has not been named liam Hewis and her group, weatment, He is a former presi- for the Whithy ehureh, Guests aitending were from School Scholarships, the Poppy Classrooms Citizens of Whithy are remind- sociation held its monthly meet-| pickup b m, The Whithy Odd Fellows lodge p.m,, however future suppers willling on Wednesday evening at the!" up by 9 am presiding, These suppers will be open tolthe Queen', accompanied at the ROPEAN DISH Inclement weather was un- members of all Independent|piano by Miss G. Kirkwood, Mrs, meyer | BOWIE ile, Claremont, Oshawa DAY-BY-DAY At Hillcrest (I00OF) held their regular meet-\he on each second meeting night! school, The president, Mrs, C. A | doubtedly responsible for a small|Order of Odd Fellows lodges in|Sturgess welcomed a very good id f | (1 1DIAN FAULK IT and Whithy, Lodge Plans Foor aE DAE Hillerest Home and Behool As-iof newspapers at the eurb for ing, Noble Grand Bro, BSwainlof each month, | Bturg opened the meeting with! turnout of members at this meel-|this and other districts, however | attendance, This was followed by ; | pastorate, the interior of the | church here has heen completely remodelled, He could well be dub- {hed ga working pastor, for he don. ined overalls and rolled up bis | |shirt sleeves along with other | tradesmen and in fact engineered the changes in his church, He drew the plans and personally supervised the moving of the church organ, . While in Whithy, Rev, Ward PAINT ond WALLPAPER STORE 107 BYRON 67, 5, WHITBY MO 8-5231 YOUR C.I.L, Paint Dealer ed that Ssturdsy is Boy Scout paper collection day, They are requested to leave tied bundles | | CHILDREN HONOR WAR DEAD IN SCHOOL SERVICE of 1118 Green street, and On Thursday morning the pupils of Kathleen Rowe Memo- rial Public School assembled in the school auditorium for the Remembrance Day Bervice Hutchison H&S Has First Meet R. H. Hutchison Home and School Association held iis first offielal monthly meeting on Tues day evening at Dundas Street school, The president, Mrs" 0 Coons, read the Home and School ereed and then introduced the principal, Mrs, Hogg, who said a few words on "Education Week He also announced that the Hutchison sehook colors will red and white He mentioned that there will he no skating this year due to gered hours, He made the gestion that as soon as the arenal is built in the Park Vista sub division that the children could skate in the moming and after schon! Mrs Cowan and Kyle uitended borough Conference port on Myr I Y slag | F Mrs, 3 the Peter gave a re Falrman, I ( |] same Superintendent of Public Schools, | was addressed the group briefly men-|r tioning the danger of crossing the| road at 5 pm. Mr, Fairman ape | proached Chief Rankine and thev agreed that guards will from now on wear vhite coat forming their duties, also flares will he used until fAashin ean he installed The parents rooms whe minute (alk lum, after adjourned served hy Holman The won bh ( while ner Het adjourned fo class | gave a 20.| on the school eurrien: | whieh the meeting was and refreshments] the mothers of Mpg room re teachers banner Holman's room hi | Va Hear Testimony | At FBYPA Meeting On Tuesday evening the Faith Baptist young people enjoyed thelr weekly meeting This vio the form o ht, Every one at th experienced an evening Christian fellow ship The devotional part of the meet ng took the form of a te Himony | time Ih gave a blessing to those who gave testimonies and those who heard them, After this the mee'ing was dismissed Nex! week the meeting will take the form of a hamburg fry All those wishing to attend please meet at the church at 7.45 ne wee n eling 0 During the service sll students in Grade 6 filed past this memo rig ross to lay poppies of remembrance, The pleture shows four members of Grade Kinettes Plan 11, {ing, however those who found it|those planning to attend should so | mpossible to attend missed alsiate thelr desire by Friday eve-| {good evening of discussions and|ning prior to the Tuesday they |sociability which prevailed plan to be in attendance, throughout the session These suppers are not intended Vice Grand Bro, Kemp repori-|to be large elaborate affairs bul ed all previously known sic kiwill consist of substantial food to | members were well on the road appease the best appetites and all {ta recovery, however Bro, Erie/for a very small sum along with | Darling would he confined to the|the friendship and sociability | Toronto General hospital for 8 It was reported some members few days longer |of this lodge journeyed to Stouff- It was also reported that Bro, |ville on Monday evening, Nov. 7, 6 as they lay their poppies at the cross, Left to right they are Henry Van Beek, 10, of 510 (ireen street, Patsy Jewel, 10, 20% Arthur street, Linda Madill, Peter Ventress, 12, of 1201 Brock street. The ehildren made their own poppies Oshawa Times Photo Minister's Wite Gives Report On "the Kinette song he duced Lindy | cake . Ceneral Council harlie Gay, for some time on the | ailing side, has progressed so its| arrangements were made for a The regular meeting of the WA favorably that he found it possible Night to be held of Whithy United Chureh was held|and necessary to relieve some on Wednesday evening at the Jan, 23, The conveners for thision Tuesday in the Sunday School|stored up vitality by joining his Spruce Villa Hotel, The president, event will be: Betty Silver, Don-|auditorium. The president, Mrs hunting gang recently, Kinette Jinny Jeffery, opened the na Robertson and Anita Hamp-|L, F Richardson, presided and| Re ports from the hunting meeting with the "Queen' and|son opened the meeting with a poem | grounds state Brother Charlie A Christmas party for all chil- entitled "Victory", A hymn was brought down one of the largest y dren of the Kinsmen will be held sung and prayers were sald, re-\huoks to be shot in his hunting Mrs, Joyce Carr, Mrs | Dee 17, the Kinette members will ports were read and adopted, |. ; Edith Chantlei i Mrs. Dorothy| ( f P |area for some time, We doubt (ith Chantler and Mrs. Dorothy) agsist the Kinsmen in (his proj: Mrs, H, T, Fallaise reported for ' oR The minutes were read v very much, as reported, thal metect, Christmas gifts will be sent|current events hy reading a very! m. oiin p ind treasurer's report given The| ub' y { J Charlie was ably assisted in hold 1A B to the Club's three adopled ehil-| interesting article on what it costs 9 . Jorls Bpellen trophy was present-|qvon of Africa, Next Wednesday|to maintain the White House and|"® the gun, Knawing the brother «l to Betty Silver, The Kinette's|, f Cinetie > ap Anemisla : 3 'las we do we fully believe he has and Thursday, Kinette me mhers|the President of the United States egained his health nd confi pin was presented (0 honorary| will he working on their Christ-| comparing it to the cost of Hying| EAN i Ieaiih al ) nemhber. Jean Callow: mas float for the Santa Clausiof the Prime Minister of Canada |dence to where he can once Past president sylvia Suclghove parade, The conveners for the Mes, A, Price and Mrs, R Hall, | 48Aln compete with the top noteh presided over the enrol men, o'| Christmas parade and float are: dolegates to Preshytery, gave "Nes, he following Yvonne ! ghien | Yvonne MacGee and Anita Hamp:| their reports | General business was handled ery) ion, wa aotle, Ghaila| 500 Mrs, L, I", Richardson express-|in due course, along with sey RHF, 0RONY ) At the next dinner meeting, of led appreciation to all whe had eral interesting discussions on gi the business meeting jt| Pee 7, a Christmas party will fol-lhelped In any way with the Toll|various projects for the future Christmas Party held Ihe Kinetie regular monthly dinner meeting| Gentlemen's Club Alter dinner guests were intro the local lodge H&S Plans Dinner For Refugee Child The National Office of the Home and School Association and the Parents and Teachers Feder have written to all local and School Assoclations ui unusual appeal for Re membrance Day and World Refu gee Year They are asking the local groups to appeal to thelr mem hers to remember the war refu eltldren in an unique metho on Sunday, Nov, 18, | The members will be asked tol! sel an extra place at thelr table @s FU ry were entertaining a ref itor Home of pupil Assembled in the form | massive cross, the entire on eetion Kathleen Rowe Pupils Remembrance Service aused to explain and instruct that lodge in the operations of Dart base. hall activities for their district, This well known and appre: elated lodge game, where the darts are thrown underhand from a distance of 15 feet to a target, Is played under softhall rules, in- eluding all bases, halls, fouls and strikes, circular black target lines being automatic outs when plerced, except the black centre spot which is a home run, It Is anticipated that in a few weeks this game will be well racelved by District 80 and play- offs with other districts could be a possibility Whithy lodge will be hosts to Corinthian lodge for the first meeting this season of these two lodges in a. scheduled dart game and all members are asked to bel in attendance for the lodge social| supper, meeting and game, The vegular Friday evening of euchre will again be held on Nov, 11, at & pm, and the public and membership Is cordially invited to attend, The lodge room is plenty large and quite a number of tables can easily he handled to make each Friday evening very progressive, in Baptismal ceremonies and that the shell was presented to him hy his home town church, which was 1000 years old, He later explained that such shells were taken to the Holy Land during the Crusades by pil: grims for the peaceful purpose of baptising the combatants into God's Kingdom of Love, Rev, Nicholson said that this was a sharp contrast with the knights in armour who attempted to eonvert and save with their battle axes, He told the children that the shells used in the Crusades were symbaols of remembrance because, through the centuries, they proved more effective than the battle axes, Rey, Nicholson explained the significance of the building of family, stone monuments on remembering those who paid the supreme saeri- fice, He sald that the building of [stone monuments dated back to {the very early Biblical times decided that the Kinette|low with exchange of gifts, The| Travelogue and Christm a s/prosperity of nembers would sell Christmas| Roster book was handed Out At Bazaar to make them such a sue.|membership, 5 a8 8 money raising project, the meeting and the agenda Wiki cess In fellowship and finance -- mn set up for the year, Projects for| Mps, J, B, Whitehurst led the MONTHLY SUPPER suggestions were made i worship period taking as her sub, One of the coming projects It was decided to have an "Eas joer "A Faith that Works' will be a monthly supper to he ter Money Bunny" and later on al pe Friendship Group was fn eld the second Tuesday of each 'Games Night", The next execu: oharge of the program and their month before lodge opening, The tive meeting will be held on Nov leader, Mrs, A. Archibald, Intro. first sociability gathering of this | #0 at the home of Ruth HewsoR.|qy0nd' the minister's wife, Mrs [nature will be held on the third| Centre street south fohn Smith, who gave the high-|Tuesday of this month at 6,90! lights of their trip to Generall . - G NEWS | ounell held in Edmonton last BOWLIN September. General Council was held in MacDougal church, Ed. PICKERING MIXED LEAGUE |monton, Mrs. Smith told that Team scores |General Council is one of the four Whatzits 10, Alley Cats 16, Ohjcourts of the chureh, General Kves 16. Rave Cats 16, Off Night-|Counell 1s the highest and then ers 11, Gabbers 10, Dead Heads 4, {the conferences, the Preshytery, Pin Heads 4 {then our local session , 5 n y ann! One y Y ROUSSE 3 Tilbles wel " Ins hunting Tk MW al My en disou : | was tne membership of Kathleen Rowe ingles Tom Woolner 605 (228, | possibility of a new conference in oh . A 9 9 (2 0 [Northern Ontario, As delegates tol Memorial Public School, their 200); Millie Bilida 603 (246, B41);| 3 \ X teachers and many parents, eon y|John Rilidia 647 an; « lara) Hon ral ( aunell oul h ! onference sreaatod in the S heal Aiton Watts 640 (210, 218, 217); Danny (Sends in their representatives, tor 2 Rememhianee Day mmell 607 (221, 205) {one minister and one layman for|'"" ar A tem ' tng T : levery service, on Thursday merning Singles over 200 -- Shirley Mae-[every 1H men on its roll | The service commenced With Ikie 234 Ron Brown 240 Kimo There were Mere women dele |i Canada" and then Rey ugee child to dinner, In order thal bi ney 330, Ra De Maint wh To ia usual Googe Nicholson of 8t. John's he refugee children will eventu [Larry Disney 231, Doug Rowden \ ¢ rated in res Anglican Church vead the serip lly get the benefit of this meal 226, Lew Coe 219, Shirley Moore ports and dehales, Several im:/jyre lesson and led the congre the H-8 members have heen ask:|?16, Claive Holter 214, Belly Holl partum de elon were made this) gation with the Lord's Prayer ed to contribute $1 to the world/er 210, Jack Moore 206, Harold year dg yi hy ae maath We) The school principal, Dwight refugee children's program, [Ledson 204, Clarence Hrooks 204,/l0rested in, 1s the Integration of gwerdfeger, explained the mean: hha etd and Harold Led 01 Women's work, The new organ ing of remembrance to the ehil- Rt 1s hoped that With the co-op! ization coming into effect Jan 1,] dren and reminded them that, al eration Wf the 4300 associations WHITRY MEN'S MAJOR 1962 will take in all the women though there was no -sehool on tn Canada a great number ol wyosday started a new of the United Chureh WA and Remembrance Day, they should neglected children in such places|, nq ai teams split poiats with) WMS, and it will be named "The not vesard it as a holiday but as as Hong Kong, Italy, Austria, thelaguniios Pharmacy taking two| United Chureh Women", This new! a day set aside for the remember: Gaga Strip and other locations) oo" Hillorest Dairy. Basseit's organization will be represented ing of war dead Will, tn the very neat future, ref jawelry took two from Budiby a board of women In his address, Rev. Nicholson, foive the benefit of thelp retro Cook's "Esst' Wilson's Food| 'The method of finance will he produced a shell from his pocket active meals in Canadian' homes. |Aarket nicked Hambly Tive and! changed, Instead of three hoards! and he said that It was more than Hortinsky Florists edged Mercan- there will be twa hoards in charge] 600 years old, He sald that it was Kow Playing even THE UNFORGETTABLE PE LEWES GH BERT "Tale EDM FTEHREOMIONG SOND BROCK THE GREATEST SEA HUNT OF ALL TIME! when Moses led the Hebrews out of Egypt The ceremony of the Placing of the Poppies was performed by all Grade 6 pupils of the school, who Phone MO 8.3618 WHITBY rday Matinee at 1:30 Shows ot 7 and 9 p.m, RSONAL STORIES BEHIND tile Dept, Store, of missions, There will he an in . 'Three Projects each made their own poppy, pe Mrs. Edith Paisley, of Bramp- Myrle Reeson who got off to ajtegration of mission work, It is slow start this year has found necessary to have a new hoard, the mark and led the way with|Home Missions and World Mis a triple of 808 (201, 8M); Doug sions, Women will have a good Bruechie 742 (290, 270), Manning representation on this hoard. The| Wi t Work Maris Ma (266), Dick Adams 1 Conviction Ia that Same Thou in er Following the observing of one | (204, 252), Geo, Ollitfe 747 (261,|W li © local leve! : 4 : 'as sileno \ Swendfe 253), Dily Jordan 729 (383), Pere. [between those who do practical] The town of hg , Niet nly hy ast i Sweet 715 (375, 385), Alf, Reardon/things to help the local chureh( Works a ts vear. CC "During the service the congre: 702 (287) And those wha study and give to] Seharale hrjects, Tha Year. {gation sang "0 God, Our Help Good siagles were rolled hy Rill[the world church | Town Engineer Charles HOAR in Ages Past" and Grades i | Newstead (202), Bill Jordan (200),) Temperance was another ques-| announced that the Federal andl and 6 sang MO Valiant Heams", Ernie Patterson (205), Jim Suth.|Hon brought up at General Couns | Provincial Governments had offi-| erland (288), Chuck Gill (2ad4),|0! The United Church feels that|elally approved the program ; Jim Patterson 277. Ward Bick] Voluntary total abstinence is the The first project, employing six WHITBY (275, 256), Denny Brown (2TH) Nelsen an stout hid 3 fo to seven men, hi sll for he 208), Ernie White! '0W", but we should show Chis [razing of the old town ha ( Pp S Bob Murphy. Jie Ry White tian tolerance to those who have/the building of a municipal park. ERSANATS : different views ing lot in its place. The cost of WHITRY LADIES' CANDY Recruiting for our church was the project is $4300 and the town! Linda, daughter of Mr, and LEAGUE hronght home with great force [has received a subsidy of $2700 {Mrs, A. Wenzel, is celebrating Points for the day: Allsorts 4,[The need of ministers, deaconess:| Employing six to seven men, her fifth birthday today. Her Gumdrops 8, Humbugs 0, Jelly[es and Christian Education lead. the second project will he the|friends wish her many happy re- Beans 0, Life Savers 3, Lollipops o's 1s a oat Shillenge to our hullding of a 3 400 new 'works turns of the day . Maple Buds 1, Peppermints 0. YOURg people, In 19681 we require department building on Vietoria| : . --. over 350 -- G Wiles 683 [200 ministerial candidates alone. street, adjacent to the Rew sows| MP. and Mrs Vaught Chute and I. Mothersill 666, D. Kehoe 648, /00n0ern was expressed for pan /age treatment plant, Approxi Mr. Hanson Turner, of Toronto, H. Rastarache 879. B. Moase 37d. /onts discouraging their children mately $5300 has heen received Were fuests at the home of My. A. Mikacel 564, B. Pascoe 362 |W church work instead of nresents|by the town in the way of a sub Ah Mrs Ronald Barker, of Brock J. Gordon 333 ing church work as a challenge tolsidy LAR | Singles over 200 -- G. Wiles 209 them as A $12.000 curbing pragram will} 228: D. Kehoe 258, 33: 1. Mother! Pig A E A hitehura express replace old and OONSITNO ROW 10 ico house Enest of het daugh ull 297, 228, 208; B. Pascoe 3M; a vote of thanks ta | Irs, Smith/ourhs basically on A mimber ation' Nirs Reta Rarnes A. Mikacel 233. I. Stevenson 333 100M the members for her splen downtown streets, From elght to 7:23 RB. Moase 233. 200: E. Walker did report nine men will he employed and Rev. and Mrs. John Ward had 332, J. Gordon 233. K. Loyst 223.1 The meeting came to a close the town has received a $6800 as their guest Dr, Aileen Vining, AB] J, Ward 321, H. Bastarache 200. 1 redeating the WA Benediction, | subsidy for this project Baptist Missionary in India, who 230: A. Kochany 217. M. Beatle The Harmony group were teal All work will be carried out! addressed the Whithy Baptist \ CHARY S17, M, Healey hostesses and a social hali-hour/by town works department per | Wonfen's Mission Circle at their 200 and R, Robb 204, followed, (sonnel and no contractors have annual Thankeifering meeting, WYNTER UND N, NORTH 3 ofiNf R WHITEY various reports read and adopl- ed A motion was passed to have a questionnaire sent to all parents regarding school uniforms. Dur- ing the business meeting, Mrs Sturgess gave her report on the Home and School convention in Peterhorough which she attended Mrs, Frost's room won the ats] tendance hanner for the Jr, and Mrs, Stewart's room for the Br, Mr. D, Catherwond, principal, in- vited the parents to visit the classrooms and the teachers out- Hned the course of studies for the year and answered questions ask- ed hy the parents, Every class room has an excellent display of the children's work, The meeting closed with a so- cial half-hour with refreshments served hy the kindergarten moth- ers, The meeting was held the! second Wednesday this month, reason being "Education Week", The December meeting will be at the regular date, Dee, 7, Painting & Decoroting AB Fen well Marcle NT Wy INGES "STAURA if ; v WHITBY AUTO TRIM THE HOME OF GOOD CAR KEEPING YOUR SLIP COVER CENTRE MO & §121 DUNDAS STW 1 STOP SERVICE~FREE ESTIMATES McMaster Divinity College QUARTETTE ot the WHITBY BAPTIST CHURCH Friday, Nov, 11 at 8 pm, Soturday, Nov, 12,8 p,m, Young People Sponsoring Sunday, 1T am, & 7 pm, A weekend of gospel preaching end bright singing by dedicated young men training for the Ministry, EVERYONE INVITED TO ATTEND On Saturday, Nov, 12, Mrs Aulis Laine, sister of Mr, Ken- neth MacInnis, of Whitby, will ar- rive at Malton Airport from Rome where she spent five months with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Alex MacInnis, Mrs, Aulis will be met at the airport by members of her 301 DUNDAS ST, W, MO 8.4009 -- WHITBY Finer taste is a Seagram tradition about whisky Mase this simple, inexpensive test at home: Pour an ounce or two of Seagram's 83" into a glass, Add ice if you like, Then pour in clear, cold water* (plain or sparkling) until the mixture ia just the right shade of pale amber, Now lift the glass and breathe in that clean, fresh fragrance . . . like fields of golden rye in the sun, That is Seagram's "83" as Seagram's and Nature made it -- with nothing added but honest, all.revealing water, If it tastes better than any other whisky with water, then you'll be sure to like it as well with any other favourite mixer distinguished new decanter,

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