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The Oshawa Times, 15 Nov 1960, p. 9

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dhe Oshavon Times PAGE NINE oy OSHAWA MASS CHEST SURVEY OPENED AT CENTRE a a] $166,330 | Is Total 1 For Chest office of the Greater Osh-| a munity Chest reported Monday Miernoon thet contribu- tions to date totalled $166,330 19, The list of contributions, not pre- viously acknowledged, follows: Master Feeds nm | € SECOND SECTION OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1960 Anonymous B Bilsky (Chir Cooper's Service Stal Mrs. 4. M. Henley vy Kolynkn (McGibbon and actor) Sw | Buteh's Snack Bar IW. R. Chepman Auto Electric W. McKinstry Albert Spragge Bruce Hutchings duck Goldsmith Evelyn 1, Gay (Ernest Marks Employee) Ea i i A | E. Johnson (Optometrist) Mrs, Lorraine Reid iss ily Vasko Mcintosh Anderson Funeral Home John W. Tamblyn Mrs, RB, G, Mills Wm. E. Noble Dr. RB. C, Ross Wm. Taylor, Dental Laboratory Central Hotel Employees George Moms J. Rowe N. Frederick J. Bagriff J. Coldrick Lottie Cummings hank Miss Flora French New View Lunch Major Rankin (Salvation Army) London Life Insurance Co. Empl Ken Crone Thomas D. Seton i BESTulun BEES wuudBob 22338838 333% Sesesssss --e 2883 swe 33 0.0 ie PRESENT PICTURE OF QUEEN TO SCHOOL A framed piclure of Queen | by the Prince Philip Chapter of | are Mrs, Frank McCallum, | District Retarded Children's 60.00 Elizabeth 11 was presented to | the Independent Order of the | education secretary of the | Association and Mrs, Alfred J.C Ethier 1200 the Glenholme School for Re: | Daughters of the Empire, Seen | chapter; Mrs, William F, Wil- Austin, regent of the Prince 8. ¥, Everson 40 60 tarded Children Monday night admiring the picture, from left, | son, president, Oshawa and | Philip Chapter, Wize 112 To Seek |To cost 2510075 Board Gives Contracts 12.00 12.00 Corporation City of Oshawa | (Hillsdale Manor add); | Burl Peters Sabina Sobanski irs. K. Brown Magistrate Court Empl F. 8, Ebbs Mrs. Iris Richardson Corporation City of Oshawa (Police Nept, add.) Miss Jean V, Stewart 0 1.00 1.00 2.00 Board Seats J, McPhee 12 00 C, J, MeCarthy 12.00 J. Norrie A 25.00, At the latest count 12 men and 200 women will contest the 10 Osh awa Board of Education seats Dewiand add Trustee C, W, Minett an Pid Rk. THE MASS X-RAY and skin testing survey opened Monday | afternoon al the Oshawa p- | ping Centre wher 370 employees of the 1 a. an | Iaton | Police Will Operate Radar Speed Trap The Oshawa Police Department will use a radar speed trap for traffic control this winter, The quipment is to be purchased as as sible, | STon "was made at a' meeting of the Oshawa Police Commission Monday Mayor Lyman A. Gifford moved that the purchase he made, Judge J Pritchard, chairman of the mission, seconded the motion A 'great deal of concern was ex pressed, during the meeting, over Oshawa ffic and traffic ac com "In the last civie eléction only 27 per cent of the electoss cast their ballots, Is this our appre ciation of. those who fought and {died to preserve our freedom asked Dr, Claude Vipond at the Monday luncheon meeting of the Rotary Club of Oshawa Dr. Vipond, who spoke subject "The Rotarian a zen", declared could lose their vole struggle with the totalitarian 'world is a struggle for ideas. The I program for the meetin arranged hy the club's « fairs committee Dr. Vipond wa | introduced by Rotarian Roy Ba rand while the thanks of the { gathering was voiced by Pre dent John Lowry It was pointed out that members of the club are servin either on city council or eivic boards, At the same time Di Teen Dance Is Popular Donald Potter and Valerie Smith were winners in a teenage dancing competition Saturday which wa { held at the UAW Hall, The com { petitions are sponsored the | Local 222 Recreation Committe and the UAW Ladies' Auxiliary The Union has been sponsoring teenage dancing for the past three years "to assist in keeping { down juvenile delinquency by keeping teenagers off the | streets." Although dance competition have been held for the past three years, this is the first year a trophy has been awarded to | the winners, It was donated hy {the International recreation de { partment of the UAW The. trophy has heen offeved for competition within the region which is composed of Windsor on the west and Montreal on the east. Competitions will be held every Saturday and are dpen to leenagers between 12 and 16 ears Other cities included in the re gion will hold dancing competi fons for the teenagers at the bame time. Finalists will compete lor the International trophy at pinion Hall here sometime in March, Cities which compete rophy include St. ( Noodstock, Brantford, Oa orcata and Oshawa There are 16 z hwarded here every Saturday, on the a nadia wecause the tha 5 wa vie af even | | | | i i : for the pot prize [ bile ni¢, In explained More Interest In Politics Urged for their x-rays. The mass sur- | vey is being financed from the proceeds of annual Christmas Seal Campaign Oshawa Times Pholos Blame Drink For Position Of Accused dents, It was felt that consistent tend an electric speed-trap in win- A charge of robbery and two enforcement traffic laws is ter weather, because he has to sit charges of breaking, entering needed throughout the winter, out in the open. A radar trap can and theft were added Monday to be set up in a car the original rebbery DIFFICULTIES CITED | he chief said this left very against William Michael Turchin Police Chief Herbert Pinole] yee ero control during ital of 221 Conant street, who, today that normally, winter months. He said traffic. Nov, 7, pleaded guilty using electric traffic control, it! yeuaily got progressively worse bing the Oshawa CNR ary to slack off during until spring, when it 'was neces Sept. 10 had either in rain OF capy (o have an all out drive to A ( NR employee was shot dur now, It generally felt that! pring things back to normal, ing the robbery and later had his peed trap wires cause drivers to [leg amputated fam on their brakes, On slippery CONTINUOUS CHECK E . could cause accidents. With the radar trap, traffic willl Turchin pleaded " hazard, it is very be kept continually in check, The other three charges, too, The rob: policeman to at- chief said the radar equipment Dery Concerned $45 taken will cost between $1700 and $1800, the CPR station, June 25, 1057 He said it will include a graph One break-in (ook place at to record the speed of any car, at Barons' Radio and Electrie Ltd | any distance and at any speed, 426 Simcoe street south, Nov, 10,| These graphs will be used as evi- 1954, Some electric razors and a dence in court, The equipment mantle radio were taken, The {will also include an adapter to other break-in was at the Oshawa allow use at night, service ( entre, a6 Simcoe street The chief said the graphs willl 5outh, May 17, 1057, Some appli. also help out in another way, He ances and money were faken said very often, on short streets, from the premises residents complain of excessive Magistrate ¥. 8, Kbbs remand: speed by passing cars, The ed Turchin a week for sentence, graphs will give a record of the He said he wanted to allow time speed of all cars that pass if for the accused to be examined hy a doctor at the Ontario Hospi- T0 ADD GUARD tal, Whithy, to see if anything Concern was also expressed, | further should be taken into cons during the ce®mmission meeting, sideration over the safely of children on wp oping Oshawa streets, It was decided to suffered brain up of his employees, He is seen with Glen Wright, bf the Ontario Department of Health, In the picture employees of the are seen a waited | store underwent tu X-ray tests at a mo- the upper picture Book, manager of vho headed the line | Company berculosi Lhe Tow Lore Myrle Lore | y the he of to rob slation, was nec weather roads, thi guilty to the Besides this difficult for a pointed out that these main operated their He felt that the large corporations were woefully lacking in their participation in civie politics and for that reason were exhibiting a hortsighted attitude The elub told that as civil ization become more complex Vipond men in own bu employees of the nesse wa sald he had concussion In al mother ieefi) Vipond also the modern many for thi were road to, Ha Rit. William| a hallot of Thompson, south, all pleaded innocent Prince street, the Sometimes teach grammar n an to a confe -| address to secondary and the world smaller and smal: have an additional guard at Wil: 000 vigent She also mentioned) ler, neighborliness is becoming son road and Taylor avenue other medical troubles, She told] more and more important, Dr.) It was also decided the city, po" on of some "od men who| goal of citizenship is the main. should conduct a survey to eonsig = 00 a the tenance of peace in the world sider the possibility of installing way they took him out. got him One path in this direction is the "walk light like the one used) 4. ang spent his money. She firm establishment of democ. at the Ritson Public School, It is said drink always made him worse munity is better than the people Penses Anonymous," she said making it up Sergeant of Detectives William Dr pomted out Jordan, of the Oshawa Police that in urban coms ama e 0 Turchin cases, told the court he provided the citizens. Foll- thought excessive drinking was owing the Second World War ] responsible for the break-ins greater prosperity than ever 1S hefore came to Canada. Despite adly lacking and civie 3 Youths Face were not up to par a | Tt was asserted that the quality of civic government depends on has cost the Oshawa Board of Toda 1 4 vig A \ Three 18-year-old Oshawa villin pull their weight and Education $3000 since the begin: 16 hyo! MALTA, help to pAminister civic BOVE oie" ofthe 'vear the chairman of yore Temantied hy Magis ment, Democracy, Dr Vipond 0 nooerty conmmdites. Trustee trate F. 8. Ebbs, Monday, on a commented, is more than casting i proj : public mischief charge the private citizen to Board of Education at a meet: ¢on road south: James ing of the secondary school com: walker assume, day by day, his indi F mittees Monday night in the Cap) vidual responsibilities haar y . hoard room of the O'Neill Colleg-! poad The members of the club were - pading a rep i the s r.. Les Fveniss Sales their services in civie affairs, Reading a report of the super Hall wl a I " poll he Visor of buildings and mainte. on Hallowe'en night This interest was a mark of the 5 hii vi | citizen. who should vote hance, R. HM, Lunney, Trustee Two witnesses testified they regularly and intelligently, as Brown said that of this sum, saw the bays at the time the win a by 5 4 hg. al what others are doing for him hroken windows Thompson suggested breaking al In reply to a question hy Trus. Window, One girl said she saw| eo : tee 8. G. Saywell, Mr, Lunney him take hold of a newspaper | * SPIECH APPALS said that the damage was lo. Vending box the box Lloyd Jackson said Monday wight the Dr. §. 1. Philip's School, Dr, through the window. But they he appalled hy the incorceet!C, F. Cannon School and Ger. heard a crash Ld the hox was and sloppy speech of some of the trude Colpus School. Damage had thrown through the window products of Ontario high schools. heen caused to the OCVI and trio to Friday, for judgment the mayor said 'tute ton, Mr. Lunney said 300 delegates There had been three prosecu HAVE LITTLE LOSS school teachers' tions this fall, he added RE v Rr ' MONTREAL (CPJ, H rence Dr, C. M., Eliott, superinten ! principals of the schools involved erated Council of Sales Finance sometimes had a good idea as to Companies, said Monday Cana the thildran Pg au the Sar dian companies lost oly a frac. am eft scrawlings which ge ey A of one per cent through| Vipond felt that the primary before striking its next budget, on "hin (0 behave (his way." | racy in a community, No com. expected this would curtail ex "He had joined Alcoholics Department, who worked on the| munity services must be fa educational facilities Malicious damage to school SC 1e arge the quality of the people who are hut ratther the willing: Brown, told the Oshawa "Herbert James Oley "late and Vocational Institute urged to come forward and offer 2674 SNe re! ing ake: Thaw aid} well as showing appreciation of $2679 was spent in replacing dow was broken, They said Both girls said they| HAMILTON (CP) Mayor calized mainly to three schools, didn't see him throw The magistrate remanded 1 wonder if you still Oshawa Central Collegiate Insti dent of public schools, said the Ross, vice-president of the ud were often very indicative. He "O0 APPEAL DISMISSED TORONTO (CP)--An appeal hy Milton Frank Sullivan, sentenced to be hanged Dec. 9 for the March 6 murder of Georgina Ga \ f Folevet, was dis hest id vied among the world. He in the 1 placing Canada redit risks i the the finance firms heavier penalties for the eulnrits Ontario The hoard decided ta continue a to ask the of district police, in apprehending the | children, Mand by the Sullivan ition the Sudbury COO {jail | delinquency, | charge| tod F. H Favle 5.00 Corporation City of Oshawa (Works Dept, add.) (City Hall Employees) Credit Bureau of Oshawa 11d Erie A. Hall Mrs. Olive Petley Alex 8B. Ross H. G. Roughley Lid Vincent Hair Styling Total to date 15.00 i.00 25.00 10.00 0.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 166,330.19 GM To Present 7th Motorama General Motors of Canada Lim. ited this month will sponsor a Motorama show at the Automo- tive Building, CNE Grounds, To- ronto, the company announced ay. The show, the seventh Motor. ama to be held in Toronto, will run from Friday, Nov, 25, to Saturday, Dee, 10, It will feature an elaborate stage show, "The Magic Man," mihy exhibits showing the work GM's research and engineer- of ing staffs as well as the com d plete line of 1061 GM cars, Frigi- from | daive home appliances and GM dentist diesel equipment, ing stock, The 30-minute stage show, fea turing songs and dances with mediaeval theme, will be direct: ed by Howard Cable, with chore. ography by Alan Lund, 5, T.HOPKINS WILL NOT RUN Ald, 8, T. Hopkins, a mem- ber of Oshawa City Council for the past two and a half years sald this morning he will not seek re-election in the Dec, 5 municipal election Mr, Hopkins said: "It is with considerable regret 1 announce that my business and personal commitments in 1961.82 are such that 1 shal not seek re-election Deg, 1 including roll. Ald, Hopkins is the second member of the 1960 council who has said definitely he will mot seek a seat on the 1061-62 city council, Ald, Er- nest Marks, QC, said last week he would not seek re- election Remand Driver For Judgment Edward Vaillancourt, 109 Alma street, was remanded a week for judgment, hy Magistrate F, § Ebbs, Monday, on a drunk driv. Ing charge The accused pleaded innocent 23 Elgin street east and of the charge and insisted he had! former 199 Harmony nothing to drink on the day of his/were named in the accounts he arrest, Two of his friends, with of hreaking a $128 window at whom he had been visiting short:| whether anyone else had gone, ly hefore being stopped by police, testified they saw no evidence he had heen drinking, They said he hadn't been drinking while with them Police Constable J, Mandryk and Patrol Sergeant Al Williams, who arrested Vaillancourt, both insisted he had heen drunk and smelled of alcohol, Sergeant H. J King, who was on duty at the time the accused was arrested, said he at first thought it was a borderline case, "But after seeing him in the station for a while, 1 1, thought he was intoxicated. 1 have! never seen a sober man carry on the way he did," Sergeant King said Dr. A. E. King, who examined the accused, said he thought he was intoxicated. But he said Vail. said he thought there should he delinquency payments last year, lancourt would not allow a com: children in the elubhouse on Sat plete examination After hearing argument by de fence and crown counsels, Mag guilty States write off two per cent to istrate Ebbs said: "Now you have| club house with a pot luck lunch tion in municipal elections by |and exchange of gifts. both confused me." 8 Oshawa Labor Council nounced Monday morning that he would not stand for re-election, Ii is understood that Trustee Dy A, E. O'Neill will not seek re election either Nine of the contestants members of the present hoard, al a |Among them are the chairmen night of the hoard, Trustee George A It was moved by Trustee M Fletcher, who it is understood, Brown that the contract for the will stand again. He has com. school he awarded to the lowest | pleted a total of eight years as bidder subject to investigation 2 Uusies in Oshawa and that the City Council be re-| Trustee 8, G, Baywell, the vet: quested to debenture the sums eran member of the hoard, with oF 32,003.75. don he main 1 years, service, said Monday i008 fo a swimming pool an t aig $235,000 for the auditorium, (ent, he would stand The contracts were awarded to| One trustee was undecided Mon: Sterling Construction of Walker: day, He is 'Trustee Murray ville, Ont, for $1,219,800; the Bparkes, mechanical contract to Melville Trustees who have sald they of Welland for $300,108; and the would stand for re-election are electrical contract to Yoastern George K, Drynan, vice chairman Electric of Oshawa for $149,230, of the hoard; H, B. Armstrong, vive Tr 2 F. R. Britten, M, Brown, Mrs FIVE TENDERS C. C Lee, Mrs, W, Bhaw, W, T | Werry | Non-members contesting hoard seats are Dr. Peter Zakarow, a in the city; Fred Whal ley, @ member of Local 222, UAW, and Vietor Ayling, a mem: | her of Local 404 Rubber Workers, who are both sponsored by the $2,510,075 new R, 8 School by Education | Monday | Contracts totalling were awarded for the McLaughlin Composite are the Oshawa Board of hoard meeting Admits 8 Bad Cheques Tony Zakarow, 43, of 15 Mill street, pleaded guilty Monday to eight charges each of forgery and uttering cheques totalling $2405, all in four months of 1954, The cheques had been forged on his father-in-law's account at the Bank of Montreal, The amounts of the cheques varied | from $80 to $720, They were writ: ten in May, June, July and education) August of 1954, { Louis came up Restitution to the bank had {for discussion again Monday been made in full by court time, | night in the committee meeting Monday of the Oshawa Board of Educa Defence counsel explained that tion Mr, Zakarow had evaded arrest Reviewing the finance commit. for six years to make money to tee's accounts of the past month, Support his wife and six ehildren [Trustee M. Brown asked the He had waited until his children {chairman of the finance commit. Nole Suen all grown, to give tee, 8. GG. Saywell, whether ie a aa cam "there were some people's fares He said the accused had start: paid and others not." ed a business that went bad in 1054, "He had tried unsuccessful At a previous meeting it had Jy to get his father-in-law to con heen disclosed that Trustee Say: medieval theme, will be direct well had to pay his own way to May Refund Cost of Fare Fares to a recent |eonvention in St | opposed it, It was supported hy| The tenders submitted for the -- For Composite School. construction of the school ranged, Armstrong, Dr, A, E. O'Neill and from the one that, wai awarded Mrs, W, Bhaw, the contract to the highest at! . . $1,202,451. Five contractors sub. BUILDING SCHEDULE mitted tenders, | Sterling Construction undertake Seven mechanical tenders sub. 10 start building operations in mitted prices, the highest of which| May, 1061, to complete the class. was $309,652, and eight electrical |Y00m Wing in August, the shop tenders submitted bids, The high-| Wing, which contains 10 shops, est of these was $167,900 {by the end of September and the auditorium wing in mid-Decems YOUR MEMBERS OPPOSED ber, "In a recorded vote, 10 of the, The total prie B10 . trustees supported the: motion cluded he i A mi to award the tenders and four| the $48,500 paid for the site, C 4 y Aaoned Hasyn wibporte Gordon 8, Adamson, arehie the | tee school chairman of the hoard; eels for the ode George| ent at the meet! Drynan, vice chairman; 8, & Britten, | M, of the firm, J, We Saywell, ¥, 'R, 4 the board 'member y 1 CC Lee CW the completed se ool Brown, , C, of Minett, H, M, Bparkes, W. T. an overlay so that they could vie |Werry and J, A, Yanch, sualize the school with and withs Opposing the motion were|out the addition of the swims Trustees Rev, P, Coffey, H, B. ming pool and auditorium, Donevan Pupils To Get Awards The second annual commence: ment of the Dr, ¥, J, Donevan| award is that the student receive Collegiate Institute will be held|ing it should have been a pupil in the school auditorium Friday, at one of the two schools, King Nov, 18, | street and Harmony, in which the During the exercises eight stu-| late Mr, Maycock taught, dents will receive first class| If no students in any of the honor diplomas, 66 will receive three Oshawa collegiates qualify, secondary school diplomas and the award is held over and ae. 87 will receive intermediate cer: cumulates accordingly, This year tificates, |with a smaller number of stu« The guest speaker at the com: dents qualifying than in previous mencement exercises will be Dr,| years, each will receive a sum of Norman William Radforth, head more than $80, of the post graduate school and] Ope ze wi chairman of the department of| 4 DOI he prise od warded biology at McMaster University, | prince Philip Chapter of the Prizes will be awarded to 18 j0DE, the prize will be awarded past and present students of the| to the students who have obtain. school, {ed the highest standing in His The prizes have heen donated tory in Grades 10, 11 and 13, hy the Business and Professional| Service awards will he made Women's Club for the highest to five senior students who have standing in English in Grade 12;| given outstanding service to the the Ladies Auxiliary Dranch 44 school, Canadian Legion for the highest] wm ) standing in mathematics and sei None" oi Sand. uider the dl. A condition of the Mayeock 10 hecause he was living with Zaka- | : py tals p the convention as the convention ence at the Grade 13 level; the of music at DCI, will contribute a isaid but he wanted row, ol 1 . Far profi. t {budget was exhausted when he finding himself destitute, he Kinette Club of Oshawa for protl nymber of musical selections to {applied for the necessary funds. | forged some cheques. He thought! ii vatis Club of Oshawa for ro. | he OVening's. program, ficiency in English and two other, After the exercises there will the cheque and left and the by gambling. He was unsuccess:| qo abog: "the Lionette Club of be d thei chairman of the finance com-| ful. The amounts of the cheques| oe Lael tho most progress in Ate pn os oir guests in the mittee, who went later, came in| &rew larger, English at the Grade 13 level; | sooo caTelera, and got nothing although he had| 'When charges ole laid his ha" Lyceum Club and Women's signifiod he wished to go," Rey, Wife was sick, He thought hel yu Wecooiaiion" for outstanding] Harman Park orrey sale b " a] foray Wm jl. remand.| Saywell prize for music; the lit was too late to bring up the|q afiatrate Ki : Lk Namang: Maycock awards to students ob subject of refunding to Trustee (ene. ? taining the highest standing in eh tence, their grade, een ances Trustee Brown pursued his questioning "Who was in R d d F C LEBRATI G Ire Pp volved?" he asked, Trustee A. E eman e or E N 0 u ar Saturday night sory business administrator and Observation BIRTHDAYS : ecu, Dances husiness administrator, Harman Park Club House Ger ald Godfrey reported at a meets to Know street, was remanded another| soaied to the following resi |ing of the Harman Park Neighe dents of Oshawa and distriet borh ! i : ie ha week for observation at the On| wna ane celebrating births |" ood Association recently, Je was fold there was no one|iario Hospital, Whitby, when he days today: Mr, Godfrey went on to state else / appeared in Oshawa Magistrate's Iris Wanna . 98 that tentative plans have ' hee Trustee F. R Britton said that Court, Monday, on a charge of iy Vaitamaker, 34 Mak R out of respect to Trustee Saywell wounding two men, : "Eddie | Year's Dance also, } Toad | Commi p tion of refunding but he would at ald Wilcox, 28. of 741 Stone Lilley, Mn armen wad hg ory routs showed Hat (the next meeting : street, and Godfrey Sweet, 26, ofl joverdale: Kathy Joynt, 353 [events organized to interest everys h Vayne Street laid after the| Keudalwood road; Margaret [One in the neighborhood, An im » le charge was laid alter thel peaiiie" 208 Drew street: |and crafts class has been arrangs ating art two men were stabbed in a fight, Ronald Landry, 8 "Henry Y Oct, 20. Wilcox received serious | Fr ah [youngsters whieh is very well ats A } : Fairlawn street; J. W. Low. [tended but there is still room for Is Planned Sweet was wounded in the chest, ry, 50 Connaught street: Dar. |More children to join, This class Ts When oe Tort ray od| lene Fowler, Hampton; David |!8 supervised by an instructor already. en he first appear H. Lander. 684 Brookside [Tom the CRA, The monthly meeting of the in court he pleaded innocent and dr 5 And 1 After A Neighborhood Association of Val-/bail was set at $4000. When he Nr Bree ay rew Tutak, Afternoon and evening Euchres he) Ll y home of Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Lynde bail was withdrawn, At this time, form The Oshawa Times of ea eradays with prites awarded. recently Ryan elected to he tried by a 5 Of ! § ' 8 : : \ shin 18 OAL Ww el "riday ev ! Plans were made to hold a skat.|{udge rather than the Magis. igi, ory - h 4 ay venti, LR ing party for the hoys and girls of| trate. The erown attorney asked Regent Theatre good p A up consisting of Bria Wi I : the park area under 14 years of for a week remand to allow a four-week period. Th a John Gow, Gordon bie |age, on Friday evening, Dec. 4,/dootor to examine the accused, | fourweek per Brigada : Reon, « [the president, Gerald Godfrey, nicoloy and the vice-president, Fred Reports on birthdays will [Carey i be received only between the Mrs, George Thomson read the hours of & am, and 10 am. Minutes of the previous meeting Phone RA 33NM and Mrs. Roland Morris gave | "Someone went in, picked up|to pay hack some of the money i a short reception for gradus would he no good, to Ws wife ;oniovement in Art; the 8, G | He added that he did not think O'Neill and W. G. Bunker, advi. have been very popular at the Cong 2 . John Ryan, 40, of 96 Centre| ongratulations and hes { {made to hold a TeenAge New he had not brought up the ques: The two injured men were Don. Green §t. Whitby; y | od for Saturday mornings for the wounds in his arm and side] Slveeti Mrs. L. Gould, 463 leyview Park was held at the appeared the second time, his ave held in the Park Building on The first five persons to in. Veils 9 land a party for pre-school-age attragton 8 coBvigadoos', Denny Weiss, Robert Lewis, {the treasurer's report. AGREES LIFT BAN PORONTO (CP) -- Suburban York Township council Monday agreed to lift a ban on participa urday afternoon, Dee. § It was also decided to hold the next association meeting in the township employees

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