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The Oshawa Times, 15 Nov 1960, p. 15

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__|#5--Resl Estate For Sele 45--Resl Estate For Sole 45--Reol Estate for Sole |45--Real Estate for Sele (47 --Automobiles for Sale |50--Articles For Sele mens, Loy . ApITLIAnt hones fi 5, heir, 196 FORD deluxe conch special fr ELECTROBONE RCA Vietor Admire nA (Hy Leyes i biid Yk seeres. 8 2] S991 " T (ower, ~ ty eid , por IP we, ork. Barlow Matas, yr King Birest West fp 8 inant in i JBL fi os bands ® mr m---- 99% 5 pari ae =i wien wilowences ot Parkwey | rea Co ey Bont Bg LTR S. MACKO od | 1954 PLYMOUTH haritop, $495 special Mets aiowthess at Patiowey | fully decorsied, nelly' pot dawn payment, BA ¥ 44 Aiba gros Pasi What arn, Bimeos rest Version, Priced for wick sale, Mi 108 TOR ONLY $405 down ome Timing Tor ow doh wom, WA 64043 Brethows Reni El REALTOI else, carries $67 monting, new, dsc 98 STUDEBAKER Chompion, 4-800%, YACUUM cleaner sepeirs, #8 makes, | Must sell, MHA. 6% Resole yr old, Modern 572 room brick and stone bungs- fow in Hillsdale Terrace THE OSHAWA | TIMES, Tuosdey, November 1, 1960 15 method of travel, she polats out Is economicsl on shoes, but Is very hard on the slacks which form part of her costume. + "You can't imagine how, |pairs of slacks | am get through," she said STARTED 15 MONTHS AGO ding Ht Ap own on bieycle outside her home in Van. conver 16 months ago, and waved goodbye to her mother. She trav. elled by Fave | risk REAL BUY $11,879 FULL PRICE THREE BEDROOM BUNGALOW , fenc- gent, sIGrms ; y to schools, ond store, bus stop, South GM. workers, Down poy- ment $1,500 or best offer ae» cepted. Don't miss, coll RA 8-6479 NEW MODERN 6 ROOM Ranch-style house Close to school, shopping end bus service, Morth west sec~ tion, Owner leaving. ety Telephone RA 5.6271 FOR RENT 5 room house, centrally lo coted, oil heoting, 3 pee bath, Immediote possession, $85 monthly OSHAWA BLYD, §, = close to King 5t., large 6 room, 2 storey brick home, herdwood and tile floors, 4 pee. bathe room, plus 2-pce. beth, Full price $12,700 with low down payment and immediate pos aorii (#1208 FULL Wo clean Ne aan Jontiamen war, Telephone BAS single ir 9 For Si en gy, #9 "APY 1% room for rami, with or Png, suit for yA person at 77 On Rear sioves, : psy large ot, private drive, Excellent condition, Wa Gown DRYER. parts, MSERIRERLS, WIRES, BNSF . - kitchen ir mn BT Beautiful Hollywood 4 i, many exiras, lendeceped, low low mileage, only $95, Bo down pay: CHROME dincils suite, nesrly new, two | GLEAN, comiorabie, singe payment, open mortgage, BA ment, Hilllgp Motors, HA 5651 phirs beige Grapes, tiple snd dows | HA po He i oka Fl very Meany other ex1r08, $11,500 PULL price, east end, fivesoom |j wt 85 50, with the purchase of any hed Jock Sherriff of 5 Marko, I [Ps i naw off fornaas Sind mo anion Sake inak. FekS oom suite over $150, This wetinding | LOUr around the world, She is Eagland, son After 0 Huda dark-haired Muryl Anderson of nderson says she plane 0 mal make her way through a num Tor business oF gentleman, pice location, Apily Park Boulevard North. BA oz. rE --------_ - ye and make her way to ONE bri space bed witling room, Australia, ¥B furniure in clean home, ng facilities i" desig One min. centre on v rat Biva Wa 87295, | wom (oF fire, Iwo single beds, | ' ies, private en-| Whee, pear Yomi HA #1614 or 6) oft | wo Tired" "Nousekeeping rooms, ond kitchen with refrigerator, ¢ sitee Apply 156 Agnes Bireet ¥ room For one gentleman, close Oshawa Shopping Centre $1,000 DOWN a ox) to be away from five or six Jou sind she said, "but 1 am lov. g every moment of it and have never been the least bit ho sick, I have always had a bump of curiosity, Books shar ned by appetite for knowledge, le on thelr a Mi Cl 6655) HILLSIDE AVE South GM. plant, near new hopping Centre, comioriabie bed! 5 room brick ronch style i Grenfell Styne, RA 54721 bungalow, tiled bethreom, Ah Two rooms with kilehen. vo Toon oak and tile fleers, fully decs a iaite jor Rung uaupis or, $e, orated ond landscaped, olus . -- minum storms and screens, for gentlemen (0 share ; Te 4 harassing privileges, Parking] Full price $12,800, Terms Phone HA 54131, ni ier furnished room, all sonveni SENECA ST close to Bouth OM, two minutes! 3 bedroom ig bus yr #4 Roy) Bireet, RA 58505 on a large lo LANGE housekeeping voom, Privale en colored tranes, an Far poly B18 Celine or phone RA § 8 F 0am r.- Bll, one 1ady, private entrances on first Hoon, whetain ers, central, vacant, Apply 51 Nassau Street Ls . | | BOOMERS «= good clean comfortable rooms, single heds, central, 86 weekly 44 Colborne East, BA 5.4802 OWE Tarnished room for Eentieman Apply 620 Bimess Nort rh, a on - close 10 bought & bicycle and camping equipment and here 1 am." TE ------ HUMANE TRAP LONDON (CP) -- A prize of £500 to anyone inventing a hy iimane fox-trap Is offered by the ry | Royal Boclety for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, Jungle terms einl 12 gauge 10, Dominion Blreet West DISHES, furniture, ment, Phone custom built brick 53 x pee bath, vanity with large mirror, cc in living end dining en, bungalow, urs please 150°. 4 built-in ve custom condition 198 King Bireel equip | Garrard Rd. N quip ceiling 4 Rd N. room exhaust fan in kiteh n from double Pier oak trim through mediate possession, Full price $12,900, Terns nee healing $8,500, £65 per month, Call n windows, No conver water I'6% DODGE, Al condition Iv hone RA 5.3264 ATE Auto Insurance, Save up to went, Bix months to pay. For serviee at your home eall RA wr, Im $178 down price ment $96 per Martin, y 12 Pgs x "Toemed, 1 sorey, irame house. on} (nek ond front, buses, Schoms powers, | Hiliiap Motors, RA B445) ged Fe machines, Estimates free H nesting anit, slectnie hot wnier haste |Esinte IAd Wher, only wiles. Mune lke full valence in living reom pp Bi Fel 10 POWEIAG Laureotinn, suilomatic Withi Small bovkcase Phone By M, McINTYRE HOOD Priced ot $13,900 for quick {Wiig word Witten, div) ssoment, i OMEVROLET sation wagon, low|U7 15 fect of pips, Vike new, 34. 115 | nadian girl, wearing Digitalis and Realtor, RA B-4661, monthly, Asking $1601 down (somatic, Telephone Tih 59455 wnyiime, ACF 10 good until Decamber i Baer Muryl as miready| Phone BA Lower!" countries to ber " Eu . : payment. BA 54770. Privete sale take Wi ls ® Nn = A It # [ Js ye ' RAT Impala two-door furniture Students' arsks, 4 ham) ning to travel around the vi ber Pass inte India, Vi cd, mmedinte possession, One I6VERF| phone Colax 342 alter 6 9m Chureh bireet The title of her will be ie MODERN shxroom ranch sty Owher |v John G. Vice, Wis Bimeos Nor | Wiss" cud sider arreis, solid oak, a sithe party, Phone WHiehalt pa : hyd 1.5004 son | For this § room brick bengalow with large living reom and Holly« Tor dition, Fried for quick wile 8% SY. | GUE OENIO sewing machine, unpaeked, | PU WITHON wir purifier, small size, Hod DOWN Waroom Wo sore 17 Voi KAWAGEN, or (rade on newer ofier 1A 2974 \WEAPK Pesoinn Lomb Tor sobl. overs old home situated in north-east Oshave I, with it ak Cleremant| 8 0 OPI a 4 Be OO voi Baral of [97 R 2) ing machine, small drop leaf chrome | RA 54402 4 ot UGLAS L whitewills windshield washers pada | DEMONSERATONRS, two portable. sell warrenty, Best offer Fy I Leaving this lovely 5 room bungalow on lorge 51 x 157 land. { ) ) = $3700. WA BAY {Berea record slayer, romplete, $69.00, |31~~Swop & Borter 11956 FORD country | Fast rans After ho call , | |iission; radio, Bpecia Hh 4 5 #5 down, 82 weekly, pe: stew) sinks and cabinets; vanity bs vidio, two fone, excellent fond a Hillside, KA 37008 Loyd Corson, RA 3.2537 bungalow, all 1195: DODGE sedan, 8125. Call RA me ONTINUED patierns of floor cov: | re ues # low down, pay- Nr ii canvas back nai am L187 KING 57, E RA B-466) in quiet central rene ping shopping, Wi conveniences, Yes, wigs, Vaewim Clasner Repair Serv GLE or doybls © wentie 4% id . only, cooking a W desired. Ap: tng worms throughout, For apm SROOM tongiiow, Wilson [new Wilitoy Motors, RA 46891 |MEAVY duty (atic top electric stove, Aluminum storms end screens price, sin - Foom brick \ranemiisvion, ewstom rade, two tone, PH to The Oshawa Times sale, with $1,300 down. All $ {aluminum story eed ick | mitenie, wir lifts, elewn cor hunt sell, | |Witkon tind South -- {patched slacks, sas made London! hours ka 33 3775 otiers, Joseph Bosco, Reshtor, 1 Lacildp POWTIAL a erm, Barons' Home Furmsings, wre Vancouver, 3 Landscaped, sdineent Schoo yeh, travelled 10,000 miles on her bi- pri dfl n Py ( | ad J b423 iy st Town Line Turkey | OWPAINTED Fovkenses, "only $e with eyele, and her feet have hardly Russie untries , and J a pS J porth GM, sev 4 . Ei DOWN, near north 6 OR pardtop, white, automatic transmis |of drawers, $115 Doukenses, A] and at the end of her tour, 10] *he will pedal through the 2 t KA 56185 or RA 54 . open mongas HA : 1780 OMEVROLER pickup (ruck, 8000 USED Drew, most. sll sires, 94 and wp RA 5-6588 : |"Faiched Pants", she gays, Wer y [7 $7 low, on large Jot in Brougham Lu Hin |sizes; Oshawa Hardware snd Vieetrig, | OF for sale, sewers snd walsr, 9 45 | wood styled kitchen, Aluminum storms and screens, T.V, antenna, . {ow down payment. Vhone WA BH95 | oinous brand, lifetime gunranies held new condition, Phone RA 84593 or 31 v Ii ih Li} Ld w | home, toeated in quiet residential Brel. | op (ake over payments, W, Appleby, | i 0, reiRRTRiar, Tika Tew, new, size 16, 1h excellent condition" Will ts Phone yi srold Segal at BAS y- . OWNER TRANSFERRED FROM He |'08 PONTIAC Laurentian se dan, ewht| table ¢ top and shell, step led. BAND new'S Wi rears rig ps) instrument panel, fender mirrors sy p 3 | powered tape recorders, $60.95, 1 Phil ONE hed, Night finish, as % scoped lot with paved drive, Asking only $12,250 with reason | . ry new able down payment, For appointment to see call RA 5.6588 | GOWER 55 OLDSMOBILE "88° Hydromatie, || portable, stereq wired record player, sedan OIL tanks, pressure systems, Three. Barlow Charlie Rankine, RA 5-6588 Dick Young, RA 3-71R% 4) GLADSTONE AVE Motors, 428 King Birect West hotgun shelly 81.20 per (awn moweis; outhosrd motors; § harlie n 3658 ot b ' Bast offer, HA 54663, restaurant -- --- bed Large lot, hot If 57800 «8, many cheerful designs, Fedused| #noleum, half price, Be 8 yard, Wil faxes 1, Dip 4. Founder of LJ race 8, Spanish only LLOYD AYERS year SELLING furniture? We'll buy it. Re-| frigeralors, IV's, washers pianos, toves, ete, For top eash offer, eon | tact 18 Prince Sireel, Phone KA 8-113] | AUTOMATI pl -- Fail close 16 bus line, New forced ow ihest, BA 990 Lameon, Rew 198 EnEYROL) BY deka, ome Voce ne BA 841 anytime | South 108 celine Bireet ment phone Bh 141%, (Flor, compete' decirated, oh West 110i VOLKSWAGEN, pericst condition, |¥% Telephone HA § oll around. Fully decoreted hungeiow.. north of gra Centre, | 14000 miles, $2100, Private, MO 85554, |6AD VANE hent reciaimer with dust eon. LONDON -- A Uyearold Ca of services prepaid Road paved | dweih Bosen, Teettar RA S400 (Can 7 WA 51667 i a the Af) tact wn _financs, "Telephone 181 BUYS 5 smoothiop muliress, value | stopping place on 8 hieyele | Crossing antic by boat to | 2 e rr ------ KWO oF lores bedroom, hesutiinl home, | a RYErREE | Bimeoe Sires! South. "Where Frices are bt it drive, Substantial down | wat su AR ' | the purehase of any mess of unfinished touched the ground, She is plan. the Khy- Linom brick, sitached garage, oil heat | CECTU0, Corer car, Fensonabie, Tele. iby fressers, $26, Wilson's Furniture, psim 4 write 8 hook on her experiences, es and rubber Piantations of " # ( Hor evenings. Wietow and Olsen Restore | miles, custom eal Tadin, Flestwood |B, F, Goodrich Blores, RA 54543 " 6 hie mus wll, Vory re or 91 OWEVROLER, two door, #ood son: Church. BA 37624 |50---Articles for Sale H 54007 5 |=. J00._RA_ S00 after § p.m for mecurity, fietull 109, ressonabie | King Sirect Kast 4 piece tiled bath, Make an appointment 10 see this one year wed 10 #6 yi OF § ou Qunet loraed, to sol, with leks hack olin he RRL phone iking four burner, eleetrie stove, whsh: |saeriice, Owner Going south, Hyman, Realior y HORTOP STREET w {ey linder Bom atic radio hente nl \der, garden tools, MO 84785 {mator, Cruise-s-Day Pigg vently tuned up, winterized, $1975 Con ps Lape recorder, $99.50, 1 portable width, Best offer, WA (+ reasonable, HA 59812 |848, Trio Felevision, 171 Bond Street OPEN EVENINGS AND ALL DAY SATURDAY {our door PE ? REA LTOR | station wazon, vi matic NEW earbines, 400 calibre piece bath sels; sump pumps; siainiess RA BAGS) "0 VORD Victoria hardtop, fire lore, 48 Bond and (ittings of all kinds, i, Chinn Bill Norris, RA 5-6588 Wes Ellioty, RA B-0581 dba Well kept 2 East Newcastle 3616 ' CROSS 0 STEPHEN MACKO REALTOR garage, Full for auick sale, 25¢ per fool, 6 % son & Furniture, 20 Church Street Ossie 6, Greek or: 2, Gun 4 1] mfp [ATI All Ale AH ICILIAID] ADA Malte bioti Hollywood kitchen, he, ted, 3 large bedrooms Well 'MM OOLDEMOBILE, transmission good moter and dec privite, BA 6:5055 or ean FINGLE Tarnished YOO, use of kiteh id i machine, central, clean Lu room, TERN { SLOY Tor sale. B0' x 120°, sewer and Swater, $1600 Phone RA 83331; after 6 $2909 wood oll, Wix-room REALTOR---RA 3-2254 JOHN A. J BOLAHOOD LIMITED REALTOR INSURANCE conveniences, good barn 167 SIMCOE § 5 room modern bungalow with 3 room basement apartment This modern brick bungelow has 3 bedrooms, good-size living room, family size bright kitchen, tiled 4-piece bathroom, Aftrac tively decorated throughout, Aluminum storms end screens, Large landscaped lot, paved driveway, All this plus the basement apart ment rental of $50 monthly, Close to Roman Catholic and Public schools, Asking price of only $13,400, Substantial dewn payment buy ing goods, Apply customers' all landscaped Imitation fireplace, A home to suit any size family $3,500 down and full price $1 4,500. Call Ossie Martin After 9 p.m, coll RA B.3404 FOR BUYING POWER CALL {he seen at 1036 King {equipped IMArket 3.8400 fireet West fuper Bh sedan low mileage, ol 5 OIL DEMOBILE tires, wintariged eit West Bs MG, TF serie good condition, RA A-69766 after 6 p 'MH OLDAMOBILE convertible, #and motor le RA 47550 after 6 100 William tikie over payments, m ll Bowmanville, [lure | 99 NARI Metropolitan, low mileads, POUG GOWER eluded, best offer, RA B13 |BARCATNN, Teavy duly stoves, $20 and | washing ma: | refrigerators, $39.50| ups rangeties, 810 and up; chines, 819 and up and ups ohrame table and chairs, opines Aining suite washer with set saver in 1] $60; chesterfield eg | 31, Tortilla baking plate 12. A western $254 show (nissan) $005 step tables, $5.95; ps: 38; Incite Her 49; vacuum cleaner $15. My phone store, {PIANG, upright, 56" high x * ork, reconditioned, new felts, A, RA 61131, Community Furnl. | 19 Prince Street, Shaws | wit | 14, Olty (Wash) 5, | 10, Takes a HA| book from article 6, Conrse 7." Arabian Nights" bird 8, Bmelt ni 6%, Ld PIEIMIOITIETL 1} A (nl id hot Ol | (1 THEE hs needed, Make appointment to see this one! BUY OF BUYS-MUST BE SOLD 6 room modern brick at 576 Drew Street, This 8 year old home is now listed for quick sale with enly $1,500 down payment, $75 monthly payments, Selling at only $11,500, This is an out standing buy, Make an early appointment to see this home now hydro, $18,800, Good terms or " » AHA hid Tindall Real | 'RISTOW & OLSEN REALTORS NEAR ST. HEDWIG'S Three bedroom bungalow forced hot air oil heating, decorated landscaped and with a garage, Qwner will hold mortgage with a sub stantial down payment, Call Hilda Ristow at RA B.5107 or RA 5.3605 evenings 490 LOWELL AVE Five roem bungalow conven- iently located to schools and transportation, Large kitchen with extra eupboard nd fxhaust fon, Basement alr oil heating hot water and large {secanomieal, best offer, Call RA 85-0624 5.7001 after 6 p.m 48--Automobiles Wanted WANTED Ll hy | the library BEATER, ne nd ed, sold and ex = |ehanged paw ab rir Mg in own, 17, Twilled | Drayton's Cycle, 204 Bond Street East fabri A one-owner, undercont EVVEWHTTERS, a8, Bea off Hl GMC) Also Go Kart loss Now electrie add multiply.subiractore, ¥ingland 4 ; § y i on, motar, Dave, RA 528 10, and your trade, Bill damilion | 80, Child's LAKERIORE Auto i rr Ashburn, Brooklin, J i vehicle ears for wrecking. Highest prices paid, |ORDERR taken for worm 28, Hence (L) an or aluminum, free estimates, Phone HA 3-408) Palm SPOT CASH FOR BALE or vent, three eabln trail cockatoo ers, sleeps five, equipped with wilt 28, ¥: alll Tove and Tights. tos hos, hydro, Wiide| 38 Farew PAID FOR Wental Sorvice, MO 83326 | 20, oh Good clean cars. Trade chalk or down, Liens pald off ENCYCLOPAEDIA, Universal --- 2. Bhip' fitter DODD MOTOR SALES Reference, 15 volumes, with hookeasej h Em. 314 PARK RD, § alin & Rapidex knitting machine, Bot Helagnle RA 3-942] as new, Telephone RA R204. WINTER 1 loth (three) ladies, o 16, In' ve 89, Macaw Churn taf RA 5-6544 ANNAPOLIS AVE | | $9,900 will buy vou a nifty five-room bungalow located on ao ler BO 135', Nigely 1h Hilo 92, Worship q cule i" Odd (Scot) 88, Sutred 10, Mies low, a8 a plane 34. Lease Li oa LLOYD REALTY LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER REAL MONEY MAKER GOOD LOCATION Anyone and boarders, adding machines 899. 8, wood terms oil rooms landscaped, 6 fruit trees heating, all | All schools w walking di tion at corner, This is g real call Howard Me RA 5:6544 or For friendly, courteous service, call RA 3.3775 Jim Dionne, RA B.3798 Steve Macko, RA B-466) Ize 5 minutes Jack Sherriff, ithin ince, transporta od interested in roomers accommaodation for 22 boarder rooms com pletely furnished? Six - room private living quarters for vourself, Also, used furniture business established or store + could be converted to a res taurant, Parking facilities for REAL ESTATE BROKER EIA Ti 31 Bond Street East RA 8-5161 DOWN $300 DOWN " ancing, for more information call Juny Osborne at 8-51 6 rooms located on Farewell Ave. Completely remodelled and decorated. All the are extra large. 4 pe. bath and hes oil heating. Immediate possession Lloyd Realty Ltd, Realtors RA 8.5123, RA 8.5124, DOWN $1,000 DOWN This heme has been well looked after and Is located in College RA 8.5125 Simcoe § Hill distrigt, Has 6 rooms and eomplete in every detail, All mod ern conveniences. Call for an inspection 47--Automobiles for Sole DOWN $1,000 DOWN 1038 CHEVROLYY in excellent condition me home en Oshawa Blvd, North, A good rental area and moving te Torento and wants a fast sale | ave Members of Oshawa end District Real Estate Boord up Cabe j-4164 NOR $1,000 down brick, en large scaped lot, Storms hardw 1 and tile Must be en. Call n for Bill Swarbrich 5.6544 or 5:8342 SUNSET AVE $1.000 down peEner i OSHAWA five rooms, well land oll heat, floors ash RA IH sires 14 to 16, In very good condition. Telephone RA 81415, Oshawa ONE fur cape stole, one spring cost, one fall coats, size 14, allin very good condition, Phone RA 54020, J a8) ELECTRIC stove, large Westinghouse ys yy good condition, phone R, 4. ve out 1080, 48, 1 ury VARIETY of 16inch ear wheels, #3 &4, Btar in each, also body solder and plastic sol Yigo MACKIE MOTORS KING ST, E. VARCOE'S RD, [inne ant, WA sant ee "WOOT! gp, Abate . TE IMONEY extractor for sale, also want 40, Fall ower HOUSTON'S GARAGE [He Jian Sook Tanah dowd sand) DOWN AND SERVICE STATION [ACH heater, Kenmore, large size; 1, Crust 2. Timber wold r [also hea duty rangette, Beaver, hoth BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM= [I "kond condition. will sell reasonably PLETE BRAKE SERVICE 8, Hebrew mensurs TELEVISION LOG Heular GENERAL REPAIRS ELECTRIC range 22" heavy duty, in 67 KING ST | perfect condition, will sell for S78 or RA 3.7822 [CHCHAIV Channel 1l--~Hamillos CBLTTV Channel 6-~Toronts |WGR-TV Channel 2--Buffale WBEN-TV Channel é=~Buffale WKEW-TV Channel 7---Buftale WROC.TV Channel S-Rochester at For any choice clean car space a electric tank, laundry tut separate fruit cellar, To mave right in spect call Roy Flintoff at RA fiy m bir 8:5107 or RA 5-3454 even ' | canaition ings | 4 anti 5.6544 CASH OR TERMS Spotless brick bungalow w three bedrooms ing re in N. area. Ow Excellent opr al living. Call at RA 8.5107 ening and you can A real buy on iG] well ny ar 101 sedan, powerglide, Hest offer, Apply further partioulars 118 Mill Street for {105K PONTIAC convertible, fully power: onuipped, 250 HP, 348 euble Inch motor, [low mileage Excellent condition, Will |aceept rade, RA $3770 [1655 OMEVROLEY station wagon, oellent condition, yadio, white walls down payment. Hilltop Metors, B68} (1060 BUICK fourdoor hardtop, fully nwered, deep tread white walls, radio Hilltop Motors, RA th SELL! SELLY SELL! and full din « Qshawa Blvd wner of this mod m bur | Ww. ner transferred Ine a fine home Make us an offer DOWN $500 DOWN New N.MH.A. bungalows with finished recreation interest is at the old rate of 6%, The homes are decorated. Call for an appointment n Rd. § ded with exe luminum finished pa ( n b 00 ji $2.000 dow Passe n | st | 1 Cunnings LU Bs LIST YOUR HOME WITH US OUT OF TOWN IT WILL BE SOLD THE SAME DAY arly After 6 P.M, Call with atrac RA 5.6782 Mike kitchen, property well land John Penicka, RA 8.5161 scaped fsking $11 100 with | $4,000 do for $63 | din on le En "oll L. S. SNELGROVE CO. LTD. if Wil Is! id ng 1% od just ne hest reasonable offer. Phone RA 3.0839. §0--Articles For Sale | THREE showoases for gale, Apply 11] {Bond Ktreet Kast or telephone RA {80016 for further particulars THREN blue tse Mand RA 51 green, | 10 Ve EN Enoyelopedia Ametioans, Call |? volu Lands and Pooule: {umes of Popular Selence RA PA REC id felovision sets, [USED (parts and repairs for all (from 840 to 8150 Street West, RA NPo: | LADY'S muskrat Meagher's, B King makes of wringer type washers, WW hp 58425 motors 85 to $10, guaranteed recondi {olal 8695. Baview Motors, NH (3508, reasonable | Street West 4.00 pm tioned washers and stoves, Paddy's onal, sie 18, cost Market, Hamplon, CO 8.2841 [#15 DOWN, 'BI Chevrolet sedan, take BOY B threes » aver small payments, Very good condi: tunity for e on | No RA| Qwner is nomi Ristow 8 Yd Paul or RA w wvening dresses, pink, eens 16, Reasonable, SWITZER DRIVE Five room bungalow with ot tached garage d. Large living room fireplace, 38 % martga Listed at $13,500 ubstential down Far further information Carl Olsen at RA 8:5107 RA 5.3412 RA 5.6165--RA 8-5107 19 ATHOL ST, W OSHAWA No down payment #6801 1056 VAUXHALL, rooms, The completely four-door sedan only six years | | th. | | je a payment all t or Phong RA 3:00 alter | SoSTINTON Appi Tn division atl \ | pliances divisie {Beatty Bros.) now sold at Paddy's | TUERDAY EVE, 9 Market, Hampton, A complete line of 5.00 excellent condition, Phone HA 5.0876 | dbbiisnaes at hard to beat prices, CO =Pamily Theatre GUNN, and nunting sup | 8 Rin Tin Tin H=Romper Room plies, new and used, terms 10 por cent (RKATY Playhouse Y=Deputy Dawg down, Dominion Tire Stove, 48 Bond ost selection, and lengthwise sharpen: un To Learn S~Hehind Closed Doors Street West A111 ing Sportsman's Corner 106 Myron hree Stooges 4 Popey Playhouse PAINT, Interior, street South, Whithy, Open until § p.m 5115 PM, $-My Little Margie All colors, Guaranteed, flat , gloss, [hursdays and Friday Mischief Makers 2:30 AM Qpuawa Rardware nd Bleotrie, #yy TOWERS, 40 0 sell fupporting Herb Sheldon 11=Maovie , reh Street, RA 8.7624 hot dipped aalvania od with a 5:30 P.M, T=Romper Room OIL stove, used one year channel head, installec quarry Barly Show S~Home Cooking dition, Phone HA 8.0 teed for ane voar, 307.99 Televi iy King 4-Life of Riley sion 07 3 WE pay highest prices. in the oity for . - Ylayhouse Five Susie used furniture. Pretty's Used Rarminiee | Id Rwaon typewriter, standard, | ¢.hig Mao Show 10.00 AM, Store. RA 3:3871, 444 Bimeoe south $0; electrie sole, 3 Iba, lke new, g.MoGraw ~December Brid fi; office desk, 835: oheekwriter $38; A od OFFICE, alare and restaurant wlding. machine, $88; National cash veg 6:00 P.M, 3-3--Dough Re Mi ment, We buy and sell, new or used ister, $45, 136 Simeoe Street South, RA| 4=Ivantoe 10:30 AM, | Bony terms dating ly trade. BIH [01011 evenings RA 3.44 d=Highway Patrol ¥=Dr. Hudson Hl 14 Suew milton, nok 1 ki Hamiite hur, Rroekin $1 BUYE a 8 pleco chrome set, an up Gis Pm, §8-Play Your Huneh B= Plivhoue Five holstered ehaly or two table lamps and | & ~Cluh y =Video Village Folly The Cat SALE a trilite, valued at $30.50, with. the pur ' 1:00 AM Big Mac Show 1:88 N ing Cour Products of the PY Morning Court quality at the best chase of any ehesterfield over $180 6:00 P.M 8- Price Iv Hight Ml id prices, fully guaranteed. [This amazing offer is good until De ti ember \ 4 = NOWS comber 3 Easy terms, Havons' Home | 43 += Love Luey t= Western 11:30 AM Double hung windows only | $18. Call now i $130 P.M, 6-Friendly Glant se ho oh ht a (] Halong 414s P G-Junior nent VE. piece outfit, sige 044, | 8118 AM with " ton RA _0-4046 BUYING oR SEUNG ig TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST, == OSHAWA (Just East of Wilsen Road) RA 3.4494 Res, 5.5574 ammunition S.room bungalow hed garage. Large exchange, now and used, larg Sam Goldstein Dubyk, RA 8.5690 evening exterior, $2.05 gallon WEDNESDAY 8:00 P.M, Family Theatre ?=The Lone Ranger Playhouse Fun To Learn and ins fry an "offer Call Bill Trin Ratcliffe at RA 5.6544 0) 43 PARK RD. S. : DOWNTOWN BUSINESS LOCATION Very central, large lot zoned C 1, with spacious 10 reom building in excellent condition, plus a number of storage buildings, a rare opportunity, shown by appointment only, Call Sid Martyn, RA 3.9810 BASEMENT APARTMENT J bedroom brick bungalow just a few years old, large 12 x 16 ft ultra modern kitchen, 4 piece and tiled bath, hardwood and tile floors, 3 room self contained basement apartment with 3 piece bath, kitchen with ample cupboards, heavy stove cable, forced air by oil heating, glass lined hot water tank, laundry tubs, 2 meters, 2 stove cables, central location, full price $13,000, with easy terms call Keith Peters, RA 5.8762 or RA 5-4162 evenings COUNTRY BUSINESS New restaurant plus 2 other stores, § apartments, town water, hot water tanks, bathrooms, in elder solid brick building, central: ly located en main street in good town, excellent value at $13,» 900 with terms, call Sid Martyn, RA 3-9810 $1,000 DOWN 7 room brick home, he } dwaod floors, full basement, oil heating, storms and screens, T.V, antenna, garage. Asking $10,900. Call Keith Peters, RA 5.8761 or RA 5.4162 evenings PRICED TO SELL $4,000 full price, 5 room bungalow with 3 bedrooms, modem kitchen, living oom and bathroom, close to high school, public school and shopping, located in good village north east of Osh awa. Call Sid Martyn, RA 3.9810 10-ACRE LOTS Located at Hampton, good market garden land Avking acre, open to offer, Call Keith Peters, RA 5.8761 or Alsa Simplicity washing machines with evenings [i2year warranty fram $98 Midiews APARTMENT SITE METEOR Four Fumiy 111 Brock Sireet North, MO x HH i ik 20 fr. frontage, zoned R2B, full price only 3 800 with halt * pe cosh, for quick sale call, Sid Martyn, RA 3.9810 | VOL PLANT YOUR BUILDING LOT BULBS NOW Harmony Rd. North, 42 x 180 fr, priced to sell with terms, Call Keith Peters, RA 5.8761 or RA 5.4162 evenings We have a large variety of Dutch bulbs. Nursery $700 DOWN Stock, Landscaping $4,300 full price, 4 room bungalow, central location, hot and cold water, bathroom, commercial lot. Call Sid Martyn, RA 810 BEVE"WYCK GARDENS HIGHWAY 12 3 miles north of Whithy PHONE OL 5.3570 Residende MO 8.473% in god von i after © pom Members of Oshawa and District Real Estate Board WHITBY CLASSIFIED FOR RENT ern one and twa bedroom suites, trically equipped, drapes, TV outlet | lockers, washer, dryer, parking, 'ental | $85 400 S100 monthly, Contact J. A Daly, MO 8.4778 or A, J, Sohats, Heal tor MO 3337 SEPTIC tanks cleaned the sanitary way new tanks installed. Walter Ward 204 Chestnut West, Phone MO #2363 TYPEWRITERS, just arrived, New and used, 8. Midiown h: hed Furalture, | & th 08 11 Brock North M ws | 1058 WUICK Super, convertible; '58 FOR RENT = Two, 'hre and tour (Edsel tudor hardian, Will secent trade FOR R apartments, close 'a sohoals | Can arvange finance Phone MO #5740 Parking space. Apply 300 High Wivest, hiihy. ARWING machines far vent) alse guar |anteed vepairs to all makes of sewing {machin a, Call Necohl and Herning 111 Brock Areet North, \ Oshawa and Estate Board Member District + Mischief Makers Herb Sheldon 030 PM, equip 'SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD. STUDEBAKER, VOLKSWAGEN SALES and SERVICE 334 RITSON RD. SOUTH OSHAWA, ONT Tel: RAndolph 3-346) Aluminum ~Whithy apartments, mod |FOR SALE « Black loam. manure for a Des elog: |wardons, Call MO 8.4514, Whithy talking strain Apply BARY budgies for sale, ready for training, veasanable #07 Athal Street y | ) News {Furmshings 434 Simeoe Street South. | ¢ Muntiey- Brinkley ag' hE Love That Bob Lymer" Aluminum Co, Where Prices are Lower!" . Rune ' 8:10 P.M only Sam dh gh) CASH FOR YOUR CAR RA 8.5385 Tui neluder elds Shah 1 wy SM Sa Cnsenitaion lp Nt VAN HEUSEN | ALUMINUM DOORS MOTORS AND WINDQWS! [tis Arame sel bedroom suite N - : : ¢ The Issues JOON DE WANTED = Soldier wishes ride houdair 12:00 NOO? emNOWS vision 149 KING ST. W ny {ta West Toronto, Has to report hy 8.30 pring, step and coffee table Reve wy down S=-Roven Gane Rugs Bunny and §8-Newsi Weather | m. Phone MO 8.4310 after 6 pm Ni and table lam: 5, pillows, ete 4 \ nn delivers | "Guarantoed' Best Vales | JReMl McCoys Friends ews Weather Harvons' Home Furnishings, 43 Simeoe Show 3a The Texan © PM. Street South Ho Backus Show arn eas News GOODRICH Stoves tires, bat | 115 PM, A &= Huntley Brinkley olvinatar rofrigeratorKs, tele: 7. News: Weather Rots a Weather Re . ain, Pht Nudge Plan. RA lie | 2 1a PM, Nol y | IN, (lain enters or gay stripes || ya arp Spe Prompt service, Free estimates. Order | 9--Rugs Bunny Show Sheaker of the aw for early delivery, Chair and table! g-Divectors' Choice 12:30 P. roRtals, Clove Fox 412 Simeoe Novth, | &3- Laramie . fore 4 pom, RA 8.0083 4=The Californians I-Queen MG bedding sal, 8:00 P.M §3-1t Could Be You Wi, bunk beds, eight pleces cam: | 11L&=Chevy Mystery &=Soareh for Tomorrow bby our slashed price $561 spring Show 12:45 P.M, filled mattresses, branded names, dis. | $=The Rifloman NeNovy ' [continued tiokings, close out from | d=Andy Griffith Show |11=-News $14 continental beds, springiiled 00 PM, Guiding Light (single siae, eight only, out they #0. p.wyalt Earp 1:00 P.M, Movie Matinee 3 RA 3.9851 ay cols, eamplete, special, | § DN 0 Nb foamy | pillows: Sash. and] Ti neiired Hileheooh Mid-Day Matinee Aout Mapes 481 DREW ST N " 2 CHRIS | MAS | REES nis. Wilson Furnitove, 20) 00 BM ' Chueh Street ee y Foature Movie ak NA-Front Page at PRL INED OR SHAGS WAREHOUSE clearance of odds and RONCRES . Nest wey Millers Scotch Pine and Red ents ne ghtly marked. Many 7. Stagecoach Wa y costs forgotten, ar | &8- Thriller IE Mis, Hearing RR ein pon sno | 5 od C ¢ y regular $29.85, sale! 4 Forestries, 306 King W,, RA LALA 2:00 P.M, 8.1685 | AN wanted for housework, § to § | Monday ta Friday, Phone MO 8.4301 Special Reduced Price, or We Sell, Cash and Carry' CALL FOR QUICK SERVICE ALEX VAJDA ANDY NAGY'S BODY SHOP MERCEDES - 8ENZ DKW SALES AND SERVICE 408 KING W,, OSHAWA A 3.7132 CLEARANCE TALE Open t onable offers MERCURY Two « door hardtop, fully equipped, 14,000 miles, $500 per HEVROLET 89 CHEVROLET Two A 5.4162 NAP a automatic white walls, one APARTMENT FOR RENT = One bed room, heated, close to schools and shop ping, parking OL 33611, Bro Klin CASH prices paid for A furniture, refrigerators, stoves, skates, and almost any artiole. Midtown Furaiture, 111 Brook Street North, MO #498) ATTENTION hunters! For rent, tratlers, 'ents, Coleman stoves Ughts, sleeping bah 303 rifles, guns, boats, mators an' trallers Rental Service, MO $3226 FOR RENT cabin trailers, skill saws, cement paint sprayers, titles, ete, WILDE RENTAL Service and Sales 1418 Dundes E. MO 8.3226 FOR RENT Luxury Apartments For discriminating people, Slecwically equipped. Apply 08 Duniep West, Phone MO Sewing « snipe, lowest in Whithy MO 840 LOST = In Whithy Navember §, viel. ity, of Anderson Street and Elizabeth Crescent, north east ward, female cals Vie, one and hall yoars ald; golden sable and white, tattoned HWRN. § on vight flank. I seen please phong MO HD. Rowley, 1000 Ryton Street Reward FOR RENT room apart Adults preferred POR RENT private entrance, {Phone MO 8 4241. in respectable home FOR SALE "New Kelvinator ol pliances. Wo are clearing all our stog! a seme prices below cost. Come early as there is a Hmited ---- prices oabiv and shot Wilde i 0 LICR |] PATTY The Aquanauts Wa-Country Time fue PM W4-My Three Sons 8:30 1 ? i a + December 1. Twa hed: nent, in apartment building MO 23591 Whithy. 1 and Wost Box, boat and chain saws, mixers, shotguns, '60 borite [319.95 coverings Furnished roam with T..Ouzle ana Harriet Sm lanted Dead or $8-The Price In " 9:00 P.M al VET davenport, want regular 859, special $36 - wamut and blond end-tables, plain Had-Red Skelton Shaw | 3-Day 0 Pour and faney, values to $39.95, out they gol 10:00 P.M, $2-Jan Murray Show from $4 tri light floor lamps, regular /1i6--Roh Hope Broa Series S10.05: slashed to 87; '60 wade! metal} (= Alcoa Presents hody earviages, values to #48 85, vedue: | §-Rest of the Past 2:13 P.M, v quick sale, $36; lovely assorted! 4--Qairy Moore Show | 11¥=Nursery Sehool fee tanles, regular to $850, five! 3-Daw Hour of 1 $8 Wilson Furniture, 20 Chureh NMyteries "mp \ Twilight Rone Caranad Royal Canadian | ® Mounted Police Theatre nee PM, | & House Party WAS 1.9 Newst | 31:00 PM, Weather: Sports 1h6-Halls of Ivy 1:18 PM, t=Late Show = Viewpoint 1:30 PM, i=late Show Bo Sports Views 8 x Paw - door radio, owner De ALUMINUM WINDOWS DOORS, AWNINGS x DIRECT FACTORY PRICES « MANUFACTURED LOCALLY My REE ESTIMATES chi NO OBLIGATION Colonial Alumirum Sales RA 8. 4414 ALUMINUM DOORS AND WINDOWS We Sell the Best and R Rest §3-Bob Hope Show T=The Hawaiian hye - " Sister Eileen LALLA] door +-Du Pont Show LLL 14 Mantovani Plays wale T=Naked ¢ 2-Poter + Mary 19.30 Po, 16- Explorations I=interpal Calling §=Film Feature SRest Of The 11:00 BP Weather: Sports his PM f=Late "haw & VV owpaiw pm N=law Shaw &-Trackdowa $2 Jack Paw S=Fim Festival 100 P.M, Mysto Theatre ne SEE HOME APPLIANCES |» OSHAWA LTD ! 90 SIMCOE SOUTH FOR FRIGIDAIRE SALES AND SERVICE Domestic and Ce minercial | RA » T=Road To Reality §Hame Cooking Loretta Young | SWAGEN ew Deluxe CHEVROLET De FORD ¥ S00 PONTIAC Twa + door uxe one Owner our-door Fairlane ; Millionaire 3:30 P, | =-Publie Service Guide f=Wha Da You Trust { 83 Fram These Roots 64-The Verdiot Is Yours "PrN ve wih Cam Deluxe 2 air the All aluminum products vg Glass, Sereems [B Ww \ hower ¢ ¥ 4 1 h Wop a FAST EF IC. e TV toy nq : | SERVICE ah an' \ " vy |. Andy JIM ELLIO 1 Al x "Mm AM | hy fan Handsiane ; uma Seal Co. RA 3-2866 RA 5.9365 ANYTIME ewe "cow WAVE From $695 (Lanelin en riched). Includes expert shap- ing ond set by Ken, "Whithy's ery h Mair Stylist". Phone 8124 4 foe appointment, ted by K { ma $1,300 DOWN | & oom brick and stone bungalow located in Applehill district, hardwood and tile floors, 4 piece tiled bath, divided basement, decorated and landscaped, spacious lot with shade trees. $13,000 | OSHAWA CAR AUCTION full price and one mortgage. Call Keith Peters, RA 5.8761 or 25 GRENFELL ST, RA 5.4162 evenings. { RA 8.5179 METEOR Specia $150 R TRADE AND TERMS Sweet Success T=Popeve » ig Room Foy | $3--Today | | &=Nows Roundup to revi Day

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