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The Oshawa Times, 15 Nov 1960, p. 7

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\MARY HAWORTH'S MAIL (How To Provide A Child [Gi Gk, Thai, was own vi Sowden, mbt $1003 "th 1 : re 44 a im pom mer He -- ¥ Sans polythene A bution sewed on each end Infatuated With Married Boss 'With His "Very Own Room nl va oe aa ada 4 Sip A Slt feet sh ad 4 ' ' abtien 4 fuards provide entertainment spick snd span, They con be tipping owt of childres's po By ELEANOR ROSS Pretty plastics and other wash ; Asks How To Remedy SHUALION 1.22 4 i ertuses oie sis eo vce "i Woo some Tors. cloned sy win soup snd __ wna development we rn | y the easiest possithe upkeep POINT TO REMEMBER water, or Just & damp cloth / Pear Mary Haworth: | am siyour mother's roof, and if she WERE Parents 16 provi ie n : MILE ESSENTIAL Yung Rui with » very good eon't urgently need a Compan youngsier with Wis own room WASHABLY PAINE dak i And Nery one poink- to ging Keep your polythene kitshen Up to 12 years of age children Joh, | have glways liked and ve ions care such bs only you could Mothers don't need that advice, h oF two ob washalie paint DEF wy which there Wore away from an open flame need ot lenst # pint of milk dally specied my boss, bub now | more provide, it may be constructive ior they're sil too femiliar with|is worth many times more then child's room, # i by sil or very hot spols, such as the top and adolescents Ld than "lke Wm, My whole life isto slay away -~hetier, in fact, for that expression' My very own,' 1H Coss ab i i complete BEN k sheild have wrapped wp in doing my work hoth of you Ownership is an emotions need, A Tew thong louches will concerned, of the stove or the oven pints, and seeing him, : : even in the very young, It ves Mike children s rooms saler 108, Overbright coors cam oer -- - It Jen's that he hes really en miGHY Noy nELP MOTHER a tha important sense " individu (he, ani sutier in other + onl Himulate the nerves. Try to guide] 4 ' 8 general, ® 16 & certain glity that is part of (he human 4 od . couraged na. He Tow on Think mutuabity ahowt. personal feelings pin os op : drawers so they can't he pulled the children in selecting colors SHOP he suspects how | feel in family relationships and if your, But today, many of our smaller|®® 100 far, Use adjustable that sre cheerful, ut that won't 0 bout ear Moher seems (0 depress Your\modern homes and apartments chothes rods in the closel--1aising knoek their eyes out nd make ot, es nad left, iris, no doth you alfect her| have not sulficient space Lo spare thems as the children add INCHES | or (rricable, 8s dome Very | me for another woman, It was #| Similarly, Bometimes the greatest s separate room for each grow-|10 heir stature, ght reds and screaming ye very harsh experience and my| [aver (In disguise) that a @s-|ing child, Sometimes the only) Pride in being able 10 reach the bri bors wea very Brent comiort) n 4 son oF daughter can 49) solution 1s to have two children new height will Inspire the hid lows sre apt to do, to me 86 thet time. We was Mind, Ve verano 47 ihe some room : -- FIRST FOR BETTER VALUES! cons hat parent's im considerate ond very hell), | environment snd keep| CAN WORK OUT GO BACK TO MOTHER? out of range of emotions) clashes! This, however, can work oi 4 4 I fo ! He oo shout, i ale and Is) As for your erush on the boss, happily i J erie a fhe z f Foliage $0 real you have fouch appily married and, as | 404 LUPE iy doesn't even know |" 1s nothing to do with the good | yisely' spaced, For there are 4 of 1 them fo believe re not! v I have this erush on him life that you should he building ways of giving each child his BEELER RILLENRS SIR 7. 7 ny My problem is whether to stay Low ards, I Is symptomatic, very own world HIGHLIGHTS here on leave town? None of my| rather, of your latter-day loneli-| The solutions are not difficult] / RIPPLE PEPPOROMIA ,.....ovvvvi, tpray 196 family is here, and 1 don't have ness and heart hunger, a fever of and they're not costly, either, | JUST RINSED ne ] NIA tebe t rar sie tastes 1% too many friends here, either, My sorts, indicating emotional mal-| It doesn't require foo much of| INTO YOUR HAIRY 98 ' Al BUSH PINE ea 29¢ brothers want me (0 go hack] nutrition at present, Bo don't cling! an outlay to invest In accordion 4 TTT TT 29 fame to stay with mother, as she lo it as something to guard and or shding walls, Just enough (0 / vn 4 RUBBER PLANT .......00vvvevees spray 29¢ is slone and so am 1, but 1 don't cherish, MH sereen off 5 hed, a chest and » 2 4 4 5 NEPTHITIS retin risrerereer SOHN 19¢ want io live with her, even though chair, These screened gleoves on 4 TREE FERN Sea URGENT CALL FOR COUNBE) or 4 i p hould 4 ther side of a room leave the hey shink k suih gel a job any: Pear Mary Haworthi This 15 yest of the space for a playroom DRACENA PLANT Fries enrane where. but still 1 don't know whet irgent, My girl friend Is coming and for genersl activities LARGE BOSTON FERN ......: 1000: to do, because 1 like my present $0 Loh for a big wepsend m my Usually, children prefer lo} y o fs | ) BEGONIA Baad ' y A ot college campus, She will be stay: share YEO The ma j resi | job and don't see how 1 could get flies & bus Sha wilt pe st Ye share a playroom, The main snd po ig r hair = presiel \\ ) A PHILODENDRON, 7 LEAF ,....... p 75 hose thing for a child is to have his ¥ ' arin lark along without seeing my 4 in 4 } Ni ) lamar UMBRELLA PLANT s.3 or lights thet ' ease advise me, CC When I go to call for her, do own private nook so that he can Ry A i i every day, Please a I go direetly upstairs to her door enjoy ns sense of individuality ' a amp COLOR WALL IVY ah 4) FROM BAD TO WORSK or telephone from the lobby and privacy and ownership om, 16 @ viih any no RINSE ) 4 Dear C.L.5 This is a pleture oF wait there? Similarly, when 1 We've seen plastic sliding pan pM or 10 Beaiy gray he | how to go from had to Worse bring her back, do I leave her eis and screens used with excel J SPECIAL LJ without making 8 move. In con: downstairs or take her to her lent effect adding, in fact, inter LITTLE CHILL CHASERS soling yourself for a broken mar- door? Please answer immedi-lest to a room | . "LIFE LIKE" ROSES riage by geting a crush on yous ately BD They let light filter (through : BEAUTIFUL Little sister will he all set | resistant outsole, The lastex (married boss, you are simply while still insuring privacy to go out and play, even in the loop and button closure looks | wasting more of your life BE, INFORMAL i y ehilliest Aoi iy in these cory | attractive and gives the child |p " can. indeed, get a job, Dear BD; Uf the girl were Bedspreads and chair ; ushion Wa SE phot one) 1.35 Volues up to 39% boots, The hoots have a cold a snug fit whether worn under any place, 1 advise you to leave Unehaperoned al the hotel, you pach ehid hoorag v8 own resisting cellular plastic inner | or over snow suits the present situation on the would telephone from the lobby eolors--involve so little money layer, & furry cull and a skid By TRACY ADRIAN | qouple-quick, or as soon as you lo gs your arrival and she _-- can line up other employment would meet You there, In bring may not squire her to her door were psy: Ing her back, you would take| af (he evening's end Get a job in a edly Ww » , | KEEP IN TRIM Oot 0d counsel 1s available and leave of her at the elevator It is conservative to sign off at D> dig inte the question of why you Common sense suggests that the elevator, hut if the girl Shop with sonfis Ui are so compulsively hell-bent onthe aunt's presence as chaperone jumps at shadows In long eorri donee where you 2 / self-defent in your emotional in: creates a slightly more. relaxed dors late at night, It is gallant to see this WOOLWORTH ¢ hb.) wi fu etter hd 8 0 umnist e Pp vestments in mien situation for the youngsters, how- deliver her personally fo the aunt, Seal of Setisfection : a os If vou prefer not to return to ever--a situation in which the MH Pp Y Ly, p . . » boy, after phoning from thel Mary Haworth counsels BRENT U0] 2 I | & In Fstablishin Diet Club wing demonstration lohy, may be asked to come up: through her column, not by mall J day nto a on ing am er oH stairs fo greet the aunt and get or personal interview, Write her and show how she LJ the Ase ] r are § newspape By IDA JEAN KAIN tueing elub, Your neighborhood orie dishes, Another membel girl, In this case, he may oriin care of this newspaper Phe success of reducing clubs! doctor is In an excellent position might get a special speaker---a hased on the principle that bylto suggest possible club mem- nutrition or exercise authority of handing together overweights canibers, Another way to locate eli-'a doctor--for her meeting, There accomplish what they cannot do gible members would be to ask are all kinds of possibilities With 3 | alone, In a club of this kind, alllyour neighborhood newspaper tol enthusiasm you ean do anything EA @ the members have overweight In write a short story, telling women! t is highly important io take common, However, this single in- ghoul your club and Inviting care of the prime reason for gel igrest may not give sufficient those who need to lose a similar (ing together in a businesslike motivation as the following letter amount to get in touch VAY otherwise the group ® Rg ® Indicales cpasin vill tend (0 he merely "We are interested in establish. DON'T DISCOURAGE Youth Sean © social sympathizging, Tt might he ing a diet club, We helonged (0) While 25 to 70 is a great dis "ooo" oian ta allow a quarter one some time ago but it col. Parity nage, the amount of oe Sine end of the meeting lapsed, The members were quite WEB Lo be lost is more im for chatting and general social some distance apart gen. portant, If a teen - ager whe izing graphically, weight-wise, and in|/heeded to lose your same amount | our ages, Bome had about 100 ex. | would beg to join your group, you| cess pounds to lose, others only Would no doubt all find yourself) 15 to 20, Also our ages were from! !TYIng your hest to help her! Also 25 to 70. We lost interes you could benefit from her youth haat "Now we want (0 start a club ful enthusiasm, PERMANENT® In our vieinity, and I have been! To keep up interest, each mem: delegated to write for Informa: ber should have a definite re. DONE BY EXPERTS I ton and pointers to get it started, | sponsibility, One can take charge = We know of only three people whalof weighing In; another of chart RUDY'S would be Interested and we would in h raph progre: \ 1 . 1 1 like a Aigprion +4 art a os a: roves; or f hion Hair Styling Sit back in your chair for a moment Pee think carefully aby Oa, we savers "or 11 ocousry to haves son HOB op about the way you feel, And be honest. You don't feel uel slated. Wo. each los 40 club, some clubs (ry is' plan: ond Jie ' i tired without good reason, do you? Appetite isn't poor, is re, but alas have Each member harge a oppin LLL] i ' Salned It bask again, At present specie meeting nH is her Fospor Wien $t np it? Not losing weight, are you? You don't have a cough over 200 pounds." [sibility to keep her rtieular| A medical eheck-up should he meeling Mteresting, Ong member Phone RA 8:2381 or cold that hangs on, do you? 4 # prerequisite (0 joining a re. might decide fo turn her club! Because if you do feel rotten for these reasons, you're showing symptoms of Tuberculosis, Dangerous symp- toms. In its early stages Tuberculosis has no symp- toms at all! If you're smart you'll get a Tuberculin Test . , . for the satisfaction of knowing you're all right , . . or, for the vital knowledge that will enable you to take the simple, necessary steps to combat this dread CANADA'S OWN TV disease. This is not meant to be "Scare Copy". This is a judicious and scientific precaution, It could save your life, ...and doing something about it COULD SAVE MANY LIVES! BEYOND YOUR Wh AILPARE THERES YOUR TUBERCULOSIS COSTS THE UNITED STATES 40,- THE KALMAR; Styled in the réfreshing simplicity of Scandinavian Modern, ALL OF THEM. BETWEEN THE AGES OF 15 AND OO ANDAYS, AND FO RIB tg 15 tube Duplex chassis with transformer powered amplifier provides 20 watts 44, TUBERCULOSIS NOW LEADS ALL OTHER 000 IN TAXES ANNUALLY AND THE SHAME peak musié power output, Separate AM and FM tuners may be operated sim- DISEASES AS THE CAUSE OF DEATH. OF IT IS THAT WE CAN WIPE OUT THIS DIS- ultancously for "Simulcast stereo radio reception, Exclusive pushbutton controlled "Broad Band setting for Hi-Fi AM radio, New Garrard Type "A" SO FAR, YOUR THOUGHTS HAVE BEEN SELFISH EASE. automatic turntable with three interchangeable spindles and 45 RPM button, ONES, CONCERNING YOURSELF AND YOUR IM- HOW COULD YOU MAKE A BETTER INVEST. features a weighted turntable ring and professional-type tone arm, Provision MEDIATE FAMILY, NOW LET YOUR MIND BE- MENT THAN TO HELP WIPE OUT THIS DISEASE! is made for use of Electrohome's exclusive 360° Satellite Sound System, To GIN TO VIEW THE LARGER PICTURE: YOUR BY GIVING A FEW MINUTES OF YOUR TIME complement your Kalmar hi-fidelity, 100 the Dimension Group of occasional OWN COMMUNITY, YOUR CITY, YOUR NATION, TO VISIT A TEST CLINIC, THERE IS ONE LO- furniture by Delleraft, THIS YEAR ABOUT 50,000 PEOPLE WILL DIE OF SATED NEAR YIU nv TUNE FEW MINUTES" Available with Satellite Speakers, TUBERCULOSIS, AND THE SHAME OF IT IS THAT WE CAN WIPE OUT THIS DISEASE. A HALF- LET'S GET BEHIND THIS CAMPAIGN -- REALLY CHOICE OF WALNUT, SWEDISH WALNUT, MILLION PEOPLE ARE ESTIMATED TO HAVE GET BEHIND IT, YOUR CO-OPERATION CA N OILED WALNUT AND OILED TEAK, ACTIVE TUBERCULOSIS AT THIS TIME BUT ONLY HELP TO SAVE LIVES, 50 PER CENT ARE KNOWN TO HEALTH AUTH. TUBERCULOSIS IS CONTAGIOUS, NO ONE IS SAFE od A 50 ORITIES, AND THE SHAME OF IT IS THAT WE CAN FROM INFECTION. AND THE SHAME OF IT IS = WIPE OUT THIS DISEASE, THAT WE CAN WIPE OUT THIS DISEASE, "iva | OSHAWA MASS T.B. SURVEY i AGHER"S Starts Wednesday, November 23rd WATCH THE OSHAWA TIMES FOR LISTING OF CLINIC LOCATIONS 3 KING ST. wast Help Prevent Tuberculosis = Have A Test -- Support The Sale Of Christmas Seals !!

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