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The Oshawa Times, 16 Nov 1960, p. 10

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wii be in of fhe sele of Pius for Christmas perty were 10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednosdey, Movember 16, 1960 Ukrsinion. Chrisimes corte 8 discioset ad 1 was docked 1 - every Sundey beginning Novem neve tis event on Monday eve ver 21 slier each Mess ning, December 5 ot 700 wt the GROUPS CLUBS AND A Mrs, Nicholas King wiggesied Hoe, Genosia with the wes x 4 -- let the group publish 8 OK change of gifts " 3 ¢ the teas fl the rooms were "97% of Us own favorite recipes w-- -- - ne LOYAL WORKERS =~ (snd followiog ls the Yet of newithe tescierh, AL Tho Coens dis. 40d 1 Wes wnauimoushy decided ROUSEROLD HINT The Loyal Workers Group of officers for 199) nowt eo y on, Each member must brisg # the WME met in the perior of President, Sister Josephineipioys \lesst three of thelr favorite re: WoL viteger is & fine remedy King Street United Church for Hood; vice-president, Sisterl The minutes were reed, thon Cl. 0 ey ext meeting. Mrs for & harddried paint brush the November meeting Pearl Badour; treasurer, Sisieried hy the treasurer's report Kong le in charge of edllecting Ales & Vinegar soaking, fhe The president, Mrs, Beri How Mine Wilson, secretary, Bisterl Mr. lowrence Millon epokel, ., yooipeq brush will be gs pliable ss new lett, reed 8 poem, "0 Pilgrim's Dene Cheeshorough; ick eobibriefly and unsoupesd thet the Eo ---------------- -- Presence The minuies were Vener, Sister Florence Kitchen; i report cards would go home ahou! read and the moll called, Mrs |ouditors, Sisters Myrtle Magee, vo first of December, He also Edward Sills gave the treasurer's| ory Shewehuck, Mary Luks ooued for cooperation of the per report, Mrs, Howlett announced, 7e5%y, The next meeting Wik Vel ous wien calied on pertaining to THE thet dopstions for the "Red hed one week earlier on Decem 5 survey the schools are conduct Door" would be gratefully rve-|Per ling of the preschool children ceived. The December meeing | Mrs, La Rocque sonounced the will be in the charge of Mrs ST. ANDREW'S W.M.5, text council meeting to be held George Wilson $t., Andrew's VWomen's Wis iu E, A. Lovell Schod November The theme for the devotions siongry Society met with Mrs. 22, of 8 pm, theme will be on and program was "Pesce Mrs! George Telford, vice president, Visual Aids', Also there will be OSHAWA AND AJAX Herbert McLoughlin read the presiding lon open house conference to he 2nd Psalm and offered prayer Mrs. Allen Whitelaw and Mrs. held in Toronto al Massey Hall "There must be personal Pence Herry Bropt led in the oad ib 7 17 at B15 pm THURSDAY-FRIDAY-SATURDAY with God before there can be service I Mrs, George lee Introduced World Pesce for God Mrs. Mr. L. Husted of the Tuberew-isirs, 1. §. Akin whe showed SPECIALS Churles Skuce sald in speaking of losis and Health Association Was films on her native land, Jamaica two kinds of peace, More things present, He seked for coopera-| poom prize was won by Miss are wrought by prayer than this|tion in the coming Tuberewlosls ss Porder's room. Refreshments ¢ world knows, Prayer for Pence Mass Survey were served hy the mothers of BLUEBERRY PIE wae offered, Mrs. RB, L. Movers ' The mentsert of nd WHS ers Grade 6 pupils read "Memorial Day! Mrs, invited to join the Women's Aso | RRIES Frank Hortop played & piano solo €istion et 8 dinner m November | $7. GEORGE'S CWI MADE WITH FRESH FROZEN BLUEBE and Mes, Theodore Willkine read |17 10 the Supper Boom of the! ne November meeting of Bt "In Flanders' Field," Church George's Jv, CWL wes held re HONEY DIPPED Refreshments were served by Mrs, Morley Wyman, : 5 cently at the home of My DONUTS 6 for 23* Mrs. Melaughlin end her com. UFer, reported the slloestion Michael Karas l mittee been met, Mrs, Telford ss Chris The Reverend J tian Citizenship secretary spoke of 4 opened the meet ( CENTRE STREET WA the Pun Fair and Tes 8 Ade Mrs. Edward Hy wk rm db 3 e . The East Group of Centre tale House AD pen discussion The minutes were read hy Mi FOR QUALITY, FRESHNESS and FLAVOR Street United Church WA met followed regarding the Sunoay| aq ki 6 th ¢ . in the Chapel for the November entertainment bylaw, 1 was un Alex, Korikush and : Shop at the bakery with the large variety meeting, Group Leader Mrs, W,|a0imous tha! (he Eroup opposes go pen Bondfardi B. Miller presided, The devotion. Sundsy movies i {showed 14 in piiendance al period was led hy My Ww. G Harold Sprole assisied vg yr 11k { Dick ay a oy Mrs WG. oy Mrs, Ernest' Gomble and] Mes. Wyrcanuk than Specials are Also Available At the 'theme "The Treasure of s Mrs, dohn Hopkins, told of the Members nv ti 0-0] Quiet Mind wlp and service given to the refu- 8 making yg FouOn| & BAILEY FOODS, Oshawa Shopping Centre ' y ay ? ' 4 ¢ 4 s : Pop of 8 success, The ne om } » Ri. Ra . & r -- 4 2 : = . During the business riod 6 by the World Council 0 breakfast will be wt the y THE FOOD SHOP, 42 Simcoe Strest Nortr w = : ; ; WE ARF Cl FARING ALL everyone was asked to bring gift o'clock Mass on Decembe ar erred Vitor Mion Jn wowomwsaue cium vas sareed vy ti ie ro WE, meme Eg 1960 DESIGNS THAT MAY ih held 8 Dusiness mes irer's report was read by will be held on November ' the CRA buildin My rummage sie wi be hel n 46 sii" Pie resing, -- ~~ NOT BE PRODUCED NEXT Church Wall on November 22 pall was salled and rie, sapsule sister bane, +1 here were 18 members ana five Lo YEAR - ALL ARE OFFERED 8 pot luck supper 1 Phe December meeting will beldence was read by ihe seore 1 a AT VERY WORTHWHILE at the home of Mrs, Eldon Bouth-{ tary, Mr DK Armistead A well and everyone was reminded) report wes given by the standir SAVINGS to turn in thelr 'Sunshine Bags' |commitiees ; and coppers for the copper con The elub will celebrate its 114 test at this meeting birthday in January and an 'r FANNERY AUXILIARY ation will be sent to the Lindsa My Darling Wife, Kewarths White Cane Club to be The regula meeting of Tannery Ladies' Auxiliary y 81" Names were drawn for the ex Herbie finds it easier to get a message - eld at the home of Sister a, of gifts at the Christma ross to vou by means of a letter than by toe VI T R A - Modern Walnut Bedroom Suite; 189 ence Kitchen, with the president " Dee er 1 y " a ey , . i + INrossa Sister Josephine Hood, presiding," mr Tione Club is giving ) houting, so here in the quiet of the attractive styling and first class construction. Double Dresser, | {} TT ) { . 2 Minutes were read. Roll call Christmas dinner for the blind 8 orning, | will try and write you a Chest and Bookcase Bed showed eleven members present, of the distriel and thelr escort : Treasurer and bingo Te por tsiat Christ Memorial Church on reasonable letter concerning you and me Regular Price $239.00 SALE PRICE vere given December B at 6 pm It was decided the Christmas| Refreshments were served by 4 for members' children Lionettes Mrs, Rufus Lambert "n u to realize that |. appreciate vould he held on December be- and Mrs, Norman Gowe . " doing ond have done for our family GERARD COLLIN An excellent suite in Walnut | tween 2 + 4 In the afternoon . : ( GUIDE ASSN ody. more than me, knows hew ha ast say rDresse est ane -Bookeose Election of officers was held) IL ou) Distriet) ind nobody, more than me, knows how hard it is and an honest saving. Triple Dresser, Chest and Bookcese Bed | The November meeting of the to stretch the family dollar. So why do we have to Regular Price $279.00 SALE PRICE Adelaide Distriet of the Poi act like a uple of strange alley-cats the moment iGuide Association wag held re pant v under the ehalrmanship of the subject of finance is raised?' We know that we Mrs, W. E, Gardener, district have to scrimp a bit more to help ot 10 . commissioner, | Who intredyoed : ve A rimp a bit m re t hel Mary got o | Our best buy. Trim modern design in Af- ( or ner teacher's are, A } Mrs, R, J, Manning, district Loliege her teacher's certificate, And 0 rican Red Mahogany with wooden drawer pulls. Large Size Gulder course, Herbie in High School and Susie in grade B Mrs. D. J, Bowler read bie t don't live on love---they have to be fed and clothe Double Dresser, Chest and Bookcase Bed JUST QOr ve on ¥ ey nave 10 Te [s RAs) ( iMrs, Frank . Stevens gave the 3 treasurer's report and Mrs But we'll make out all right if we don't get Regular Price $299.00 SALE PRICE Blake Wall, badge convener stated 16 Guides had earned pro panicky---after all, we have seen rougher times fieleney badges during the pre than this and have always managed to pull through KNECHTEL [ M a nie stated new lieu ==but it must be a joint effort for the whole family J : 1 There is only one of this excellent de nas were busy in the 2, 10, 11 sign left, Double Dresser has framed mirror and the finish is companies, and a new Tawhy ' ' ' f the far Softone Walnut, Double Dresser, Chest and Bookcase Bed Owl, is active In the 1ith Com sugge a summit Lonterence © 6@ Tamiy . pany, Mrs, Theo Lakin will be te lav all fair Regular Price $309.00 SALE PRICE the leaders uniform convener SAR Reports were presented by the and equitable budget that will ¢ learly lay out our course Representatives of the 3 i i of living for the next six months, Then there will be K11 GOUR <j : Double Dresser Chest 00 1% the 2. 10. 16 and 17 Parent no bickering and no snitting and no sulking. Let JUL You have your and Bookcase Bed [] Committees us type out and pin up the family budget for all to see hoice of Bookcase Bed in Double Size Sale Price res | papoiiyess Wate Figg Ne and we'll get away from these Frantic Finances. The only or Twin Panel Beds either way you Double Dresser Chest LA members to be held on No point | insist on making is that we only buy save $50.00 Attractive dark Walnut and Twin Panel Beds 2 00 onthe 3 al af. wit be. ald quality merchandise from reputable stores. Let's finish Sale Price lin Ne heal fh ; embers were forget this "huge savings' and "less than half price' reminded that annual reports are stuff for a while and get back to honest buying That is . {due at this time w first and last co \@ ) dget lig | ALBERT STREET H and 8 y Hirst and last comment on budget policy MONTMAGNY Only one suite left at this popular | The November meeting of Al price. Modern Walnut design, with-carefully matched Walnut . & the cards an the table and arrive at a EERE 1 gon Fg ng ho To preserve our sense of reason, | suggest veneers, Double Dresser, Chest and Bookcase Bed sociation v J p y | Mrs, Joseph La Roogue presiding that you read this and drop me a line before our Regular Price $209.00 SALE PRICE in the absence of the president Summit Meeting Mrs. Newton Wright With Love From 7 pom, to & pom, the par : From the guy you mariied i ents were given the opportunity ¥ guy you ari # a - : A to visit the classrooms and meet twenty-three years ago ; . smooth modern styling with re cessed drawer pulls to give trim exterior lines, The wood is DEMURE DELIGHT : Mahogany in a warm spicetone shade, Double Dresser Chest PS~ and Bookcase Bed By ANNE ADAMS 'Mi i Young fashionables love the Miracle Cushion Johnston's at 8 Simcoe St. N, Is a typical example Regular Price $299.00 SALE PRICE combination of print 'n' plain "Fae a a Ai the demure Vietorian charm of Holds False Teeth of o reputable store carrying quality 7 ay" this scooped tunic and dress, | . EASES nerchandise. Anything you've ever bought for me or for Whip up this easy-sew duo now!| T ht v 3 s been $ Ne ¢ DRE Al n Printed Fattors 40: Girls'| | on \ Herbie has been geod-----and if it's not right ANI . Lad Charming French Provin 9 . 7 ston's gl ' y i ' Sizes 6, 8 10 J I! Nie 0 dres « Bick to doe {J Johra} n's will make it right---and they'll do it wit cial design One suite in Cherry Fruitwood and one in Antique takes 2% yawns eh fabrie]| o Ends daily "Axing" y smile or - ; : ~ fate takes Na Yard Bl Carros we a ' Dad White & Gold on Cherry wood. Triple Dresser, 5 Drawer Chest . Send FORTY CENTS (40) fp| ipih of sien tions! few ever and Panel Bed g ( stamps cannot be accepts] Ginovas ad badly AiR . od) Top this Pattern. Ploase print] fw as wire, Iermied in Regular Price $429.00 SALE PRICE nly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS Wall, roe eq a Helps ptevens luod PPS. -- Christmas is coming and a gift from STYLE. NUMBER i nakes wohhliest plates A Johnston's is a sure way to please a man. Will we send order to ANNE ABAMS My 4 0 = aiwe § ¢ | ay 10 please ¢ care of The Oshawa Times, Pat Harmless ah a oF deatn y make out our list GIBBARD . : f ¥ dae tern Dept, Oshawa, Ontario, | moan ast up 10 4 months ¥ ! One of the best contemporary designs SEND NOW! Big, beautiful, J} : LL crafted in Cherry and finished in Fruitwood. All the best of | IN \ . t : : Winter] is nee it i i . a hit A Gibbards meticulous care in cabinet work and finish has been tvles to sew -- SChool, CATeer,| [Fal med Al dette G8 Toil devoted to this suite, Three pieces -- Large Double Dresser, 5 half-sizes, Only de Brockville, On ; Drawer Chest and Bookcase Bed Regular Value $489.00 SALE PRICE iy © : y, OW UL Ho fy O48) VY, BUDGET TERMS | FREE STORAGE | PEEK FREAN'S | de §: A Ho DIGESTIVE SS sans ay lden. . Finest creamery butter and pure cane sugar, give this popular | gl Te Bn . Ws Peek Frean cookie its rich delectable flavour, When you shop AK -- fis 4 took for Peek Frean Digestive in its colourful new wrappér ) » ' | Win Gry 9 ; 0 Baked to Perfection, Wrapped for Protection by a, I SA ) Xa - 0 PEEK FREAN alors of "aout qully" Mcall Tn SH 63 KING ST. EAST RA 53514

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