MARY HAWORTH'S MAIL fn the sense that she let selfish KEEP IN TRIM ness gain the ascendency in her makeup, This was & personal Was Doormat For Daughter Now Faces Consequences Dear M widow, 59 months age. | come from a poor nut for still trying? When 1 fr family of nine children and mar- to discuss this with my da ried young. | guess thet is why Ilshe won't answer MADE DOORMAT OF SELV Dear ¥.P.i Yes, you are 10 problem that threatens to erush to take action, reports how happy now to keep my muscles from for having your spirit--I am sure the right she is to have triumphed over getting flabby, | take exercises exercises, now 1 can do th er If more precisely, And also walking / ¢ of eourse, |friends were always asking her overweight girls to take action, . to over backwards to make life ns on daughter, wpoiled her Bs possible for our der father and I both : pregnant, her hushand was sent| overseas, lo be gone three years She came home to us, which her father and I both wanted, We band's Army yment on a ay Five years ago, her hushond| 4, was promoted to & good executive results, there has) kindliest sentiments, been no Nving with her, It seems! remains that "Hell is paved wil to be a ease of money going 10 good intentions," And family di cord and estrangement are hel on earth, Job end, since then her head. ROLE PF PRACTICAL HELP She insisted 1 sell my home DAUGHTER 18 WRONG However, In emphasizing your which ' ontribution to your daughter's purpose of life, M after my husband's death and she found & small apartment for me,|g shout two miles from her, Bhelypiovely exploitative bia could see me more of len that WaYinat siding with her against {Not at all She Is blameworthy, too; f she sald, But she must have fo otten, for 1 see her and her nus and only about once a month | They take annual trips In Jan-| wary and she asks me to keep her house while they are away as their son is in school during that time and they also have a goodie. I had been doing this, bu st January 1 asked her In a pice way to find someone else and she has hardly spoken to mi since, just because I dared to eross her, I don't drive, and now she is punishing me by not coming to see me, How do you cope with Gives Hours Of Joy | By ALICE BROOKS Best under-the-tree gift! Delight # child with this sew-easy ward: | robe for 14 or 15-inch dolls, Use fabric leftovers « from child's clothes for doll's blouse, Jumper, skirt, coat, hat, party dress. Pattern 7416: pattern pieces for each garment, Send THIRTY . FIVE CENTS (coins) for this pattern (stamps cannot be accepted) to The Osh: awa Times, Household Arts Dept,, Oshawa, Ontario, Print plainly NAME, ADDRESS, PAT: | THIN NUMBER, JUST ouT! cralt Book, Over 125 designs for home furnishings, for fasnions - knit, crochet, embroider, weave, sew, quilt -- toys, gilts, bazaar ftems, FREE -- six designs for opular veil caps, Quick -- send ¢ TODAY, A powerhouse of energy! Blue Bonnet Is goed for growth, because it's all vegetable, And that sunny sweet flavor makes just about everything taste bet ter. Buy I in the handy Yellow Quik package. Blue Bonnet MARGARINE Saga sEEREEn Haworth; | am slsomething Wke this? Am 1 fo PAVED La i y husband died 18 blame? Or mm | some kind of al 80IL's duty to himself and man | Ws lame, | When she was four months Made a doormat of your s daughter most of and for letting her dominate your emotional landscape nowadays { this You have accustomed her to wouldn't take any money for!trest you as a convenience, there board and wouldn't even let herifore she Is simply running true dry a dish, She saved her bus-[to form--true (o the pattern in for a down\which you shaped her--in giving ome when he got! you scant consideration, Granted that your mistaken in ilgence, leading to d Our 1961 Needle: | | preference, not a necessity, Wn |dezling with pampering circum | stances and second, because, As la grown-up, she now has an in exorable moral obligation to cor- |rect any grievous flaws in her | character thet may derive from al blunders, This Is every Triumphant Dieter Tells How She Lost 81 Pounds By IDA JEAN KAIN never fun to be fat, par- never again let myself go and nobody escapes the tieularly when you're young. But cind, to be so heavy in your youth asl cided that i I wented need to work at i, 1gnier ff 2 | situation, or rather with the emo- ean he a tragedy tional problem i presents -- & suppose, is for you to find other her enemy--fat, She was 8 good- land do a lot of walking "If my letter will help other if nEwWer her Niel pterests ENLARGE HORIZON Put aside your feelings of fn fury and frustration, Turn your altention out to the world, away from and beyond family ties, En- natured, pretty girl, and her to he their bridesmaid, But shel please print #6, 1 would like the recognized thet to he a bride her: pictures hack as they serve as a self she would have to lose a reminder for me!" | Jond of weight," That's 1008'S pry gow DIFFERENCE large your horizon of thought |'MSPiring y What a difference in those ple: In 8 second letter, the young lady reports, {went from a 24% or Junior Plenty {25 to a Junior size 15, Right now {Fm in the process of acquiring a (new fall and winter w "Believe me, as 1 look back, tam on & good diet now snd will | realize it was just this summer that 1 'woke up' to my real self, "I am 21 vears old and de- 20d to fun, I never knew before to have a Of 50 much! I guess the most fun As for how to cope with thelto be ashamed to tell your weight husband end a future in that di- I've had hes come through diet. rection 1 hed to do something NE One girl, who made up her mind shout the awit fat, 1 have! And CMerge, have the traditional happy end. ing, This can only happen when you lake charge of your Ie, | FIRST TEETH | "My dress size Most children have thelr first set of teeth by the age of three, we | IS YOUR i PLUMBING J in 6] GOOD ORDER? ore NOT -- If You Foll into this Group Statistics Show 50% STOP WASTING MONEY NOW ! CALL RA 5-5132 TODAY For FREE ESTIMATES ON REPAIRS end NEW FIXTURES GUSCOTT PLUMBING 207 SIMCOE $7. §, OSHAWA Are I ~ Watching the 'real me' "Thank you for the Wlustrated f ] Fashion RUDY'S Styling AND BARBER SHOP Wilson Shopping Pleze FREE PARKING PHONE RA 8-239) Tell your overweights skip the shape-ups," Cheers! We know this story will Laok for opportunities te "do" for] "I've Just got to let you Wow, oi" One showed the young other people through channels of (about my huge and marvelous q. oc a hefly bridesmaid , , , community service, 8s a volun-| success as a dieter! I've heen on| oo" hut far past pleasingly teer worker, In the same en- a doctor's diet for five months. 0' Pre second picture taken astie indefatigable way that), . , and U'm still on it, My goals voor (ater showed our heroine wn Javished love and care oniis to weigh 150 pounds in alle. "o0 qc tiahter, your hushand snd child in years|other six weeks, After reading ! past, your eolumn and seeing in print Thus, what might have heen a what others have done, 1 was) of palin woerience hee vs prompted to write and report my | en 12 experience heeomes an Pr (LEAR Vly ok asion for personal growth Progress, nn Wiemishes on face or body, | "My weleht before dieting this Pimples, ied Bosly Iehing Skin, nt giekl ippointing ted by the still the fac was motive ¢, after all, the essentia' i A H time was 221 pounds, But before| 8857 Haworth eounsels/that I had weighed 246 pounds! r column, not by mafl|T reduced 25 pounds on my own,| E70) Write her then I went to the doctor and he VOUF pki has supervised my reducing, 1 I am you Mary through 1 sr personal Interview t'in esre of this newspaper, enh fil B08. Louk better fash, FOOD VAME BEEF! STEAKS & ROASTS! 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