29 Toews ToS Tem Sem 2 7" | IN MEMORIAM Today' 5 Stock Market Listing s on Toronto Exchange EWESEBRGVGR ~ 16 I0Viag mews BIRTHS DEATHS oy oh Ewe Aires £ i er | Te Canetinn oT id Bales Wighlow 11 sm Pi Bock Sales Wighlow 1 sm Poh Bock Bales Bigh Low IF a, Pi Sask Boles igh Low i a. Pi A RE A Ro Se RR ey a dBW NE te hy Bad ] » cond at Ap # ' in is wiless movies § ; " 2% Steel Can Be ee Bk " ow # ®6 @ THOMPSON -- Mi. nd Mes CU Orie: on Tacnior. Nov sad Just to the ond of Bol TOaR We, ak ExAridend, wf Bom Toke on oe Stepp A Bh Wh 0% siglo Hur 109 86 BH #9 Macleod 36 15 HS 16 kids Boppy 6 & vibe Ho . ' # oi ; " e 2 ; ' viet " nets danihin 5, Choishne Aub, eroher 15, 1660. Marthe Elen CIorke. gGpcese snd Wind fo hear snd mind, Fighla, xw~Ex-warvemts,) Eman He on 2h Wh entle 4 3A Pris wih A Aes "+0 I He 1h, at the Owhaws widow of he |e Wika Edward Wat a beswtitn memory he Tell Be DUSTRIALS Foner ¥ a #7 i 7 isi d, _" Wn bn 2 Al as - 3 sini yi "x ® ® Fe er Wil aad mother & rd - ¥ I La a : . pe iid Mather ond Aaaghier gop ud Lin ne Mes. Geoepe Ford! son jssnd by June, Grant snd) IN Fou 1/6 2 2 Renae Con . son ws #4 Sumechy 5 Matbagani We HO HS M9 +1 (Mary), Bimes snd Clavie, WB Ber! propos, Byer ars Linde amt Carri bat Frit Com wh eE ¥ Fin 4 io hc 1l all 1 dig ol | Ucken iw =m BB » WER Bev. sid Mes. Bokert\ Mh yeor. Resting ot the hemes Sock Beles Wighlow 11 sam. OW ge a Dykam 5 8 ¥ Fis B TR Wh We ~A% Baeks Wa Merri ww 8 ©» B, Werry (hee Bernice Lazenisy) sn Funetsi Home Omang, wih memos Arad bli wo Svs ah 1% os "ann Vr Can PL 166 41%, 19% 1% + (7 4 Widsin we w O% OW + pounce fhe serivel of thele sob, Guy aA Osksas Union Ake Fi " po 47 Gi. Pope Ww 1 g % Treas FFL 41 How © Lon gl Besy Loa » Bs #5 BW Laer Union Hospital, Cut Knife, 2 ih F; bine P94 In Gas 5 5 IB ~~ Beyonn yi n #1 Saskatchewan, mm Wedneshsy, Novem. CAWSEY Alte Gas w es ids oh er | Ulorp Bh Bibs os 19% ~ Hac kag 8 Yd ud rd Wr " oer 9, 1 . . CHIFRE -- Mas. Thomas ©) whah Alg « pd " say Gr Weg 6 Dd wv % OW prs K+) Wh wo 417 at we 3 1 : g ¢ & # vik G H i Ye " Exp : OSHAWA es 1h thank inends and neighbors or) Algome Wh " Grevhng [. » Weskon A 8 bm w= eas coin Res igh im 8 8 % +m fo py |fheir oad expressions of syepathy Alaniin i] ed in i 79 Weston § or 1h 510804 106% 18% % Comp RL Goiavie r 4 DEATHS | MONUMENT COMPANY oes fusing the heent. bereavement in ear % West Aut 580 016 16 16 + C Thageten (6 Newiuaa yA » RB - SPECIALIZING IM # her dont "walang " Lp Tok 6 A Py 42% Wk Nine ig Re Se Ti nd 74 WE 6 MH w% = LN » COWLE In the Oshaws Genersi Monuments, Marvers HENRY Mr asd Mes rt ew Asin sian Ih Sih Bote 1% + In Corin 7 Borthgaie na PA Fo - i Hospital on Thesdey, Bovembes 15, Memorials, Cormerstones Henry wish 16 take this oppo "% bh B. 1 Chr bug "us 1 BW Cassar Oper Wo Bs 246 18 Dorothy Jones, beloved wile of 'Thes Statutory of all types to thank iriends -- fred " intake Gos oh ie Can Ving 5 Bs Wh in eC] Cant Pat . Per oo 15 15 ih dove Cowie ahi Assy mother o Eveiys 36 KING ST. E ne for Besistanet IB ae ot Ten pos 6 inv oy 1% ah 2 Chime pe Pee Kop -m Bh 8 £ LS Clarke), Fredericks +9 € together BEM : : pr i dad hh Hes A y 4 Coch Wil & pi dM i es Big iii BALI EP RA & 3111 or RA B-BB76 ' Beat" 4d Dupont Hh Sea fe de 1 etickens Ba ty A = 1 1 oh in her Gk vesr. Resting ut the Me Mr and Mis. Bideey Henry Tot 5d B 99 n Price Br oh Ss Hh wh E ¢ Discvry & Pros Ar 5 sum iv ig i 8 incosh- Anderson Funersi Fame, 152 Ins 378 A 4 " € Fen " ue Chih dun Is i 0b King Street East for service in the 4 Pi 0 « Maries 4 Son Chapel on Thursday, November 17 #4 GERROW FUNERAL * donkey Em or " ILS Con M and 5 WO S104 4 94 ed Fath 4 A +4 - PT 2 pm. Interment Union Cemetery, ) CHAPEL Please Note Lahit ps % Acme Gas WW IG Bh = WB C Morrison Woo 14 iA 4 4 g on a V. Wa Osha» : Lakeland Uy Balley 8 A 1006 iw © Mosher 1566 2 4k Ue y fp Ww 71 : : Deadlines now in effect for Lalo B ih Bailey 8 pr 4 Comment 0 Wo 0 boy toa aa 2 COLLAKE, Emit Baroid w tel Kindness beyond price this column: " oh GC Br zl8 Can Dey Luts th Capen We § 4 $ pi 0 ie 86 6 +8 ew Lodge Withy, on Tuesdoy, No ch of all 7 Lon Hos A Wh +" C Ex Gas wy Coprand BS EW i Te 18 18 16 yet within reach of a # . ; Bexopny ng health for some Gime at the Fair Birth Memoriams. Cords of Bartinatos $i " ME snd PR 146 % © Homesid i 4 Deine on 7» io Mleom 69 795 TH TH vember 15, 1960, Emil Hargld Collard, RA 8 622¢ Thanks B oe 14 pt Mass F #5 - bh Cont Die Vi Deis wh " che we 12 i 12 : pushand of the late Amy Janet J & dig on ol 2% 250 ' Mel she I i Charter 6 Wn 4 Inekenson wn Hy shor oh 8 vin Langiord and des father of Wrs, R 390 KING STREET WEST 9 AM. SAME DAY 1 Pods 5% 15% Mont Loew 216 £ West Pele Wh ¥ Hams "ah Frith Ge Bib WE Ble 4 ielart (Mary) and Harold of Whithy Lik Caled wo Moore ih " Dey Fal wh i East Mal in y id we uw mw in bis ith yesr. Resting at the W. ( " HEA THS Eh ® g % Borth Star pr 49 in Home OH A 169 od Falcon : Sisco 0 i 8 et Town Funeral Chapel, Whithy, for wer OCKE'S FLORIST 11 AM. SAME DAY Cdn Brew ud Fi NO BGas 316 A HEOLG 7 Faraday i Steep B Ho T0500 TH --b ce in the Chapel on Thursdsy, Ne LOCKE'S ) DIAL RA 3.3492 gin Brew yor Phone 54 Lang Point 09 ; Fatima SR a um cmb t 2 wm. Interment 5 Par anaement 4 wi 4 A Nethid Ut Wh Medai Pe] Frotishes " b A i ~ 4 Cotiminie, Wimistes| Funeral arrong Tenis 2 Can Celan Ad Ont Bleel ath ' Vie Pete i : Goes Bishurs fh thy 164 4 re Hera remer 4 4 oe 4 ' wa " Petry Lik ¥ Geen Min 1£ and y oo hgment 6 puter ET, Dems bodes 8 i o fond mm fd Ho 36 \ CHOPPING . an g Pageters 200 " Erove Gas 5 Headway i : : J OSHAWA SHOPPING CF Prd pr 0" on # 4 a4 Thom L Le " 4 3 © Husky 455 48S Pembing 12 Hocky Pele 10 High Bell . Un Fort THe is § ith CENTRE NET EARNIN cil, 4% 4% + % Fow corp i 6 45 4 Boy alite 4 Hollinger 0 Upp Can 0 115° 112 1) 4 - 2 y Of 3% 21% Pies Elect We 1h " i Sap fa wi Moly nh Gk Ww SU iA 24 - HOUR PHONE BERY oan of He Bits -- 4% GN Gas bi 86 hb Soi 6 1 0 Tot Nickel 466 454 + we we Ws RA B-6555 FORONTO (CP Industrials] € Vicker 2 7 / y : ' tron Be 1 150 60 985 S60 X CWN Ges 63% 10% h ! " 4 74 fa oe pre i: oh 1% 1 i 48 (QI A for the first time! Coch-D i Ws y o ib y "8 44 ois He ie 1 Comb Ent k A (f ' " oe 4 0h 1 Ne IN MEMORIAM «ovo te sock mar) (85% gu ERR EN "i ih $i Ul et to er an advance as all] Crown Zell : +4 MINES. 25 Wo ahead Is de Dist Besg ' Hp pe A 3500 16 56 " 4 a5 NR I 18 i mt hase metals p 5 50 343% 43 $34 AI RENS i ¥ LL] 14 Ww A CHESEBROVGH " ais BO Wis Th T% 4 24 Ve Agnice 0 BB MB 5% i 50 % y Bales LL Le ory of Edward 4 ed pr -------- - who passed AWAY o i { 41%. International Nickell oe g fio passed away | On ide ndusirials were . w 1 BA Oil both divped % 2? ations k PRELATE'S TOUR | WELSH HOOKS NOTED FAMILY 20 q at he wae 1,577,000 shares compared|goma an th was ahead al Hd In golds | He put His arm down 20 at 500.08. Golds took the| BEY Teeny Mond lat 92% and 26 5 4 TAUNTON, England (CP)--Rt,| CARDIFF (CP scheme) Oliver Wendell Holmes, the And w higgest down fo at 80.13 vi neral' Molore and Howard vd of Canada gained #5 Dome gained % a Uk He Mark Hodson, Anglican|to set up & Welsh oll counell,| American poet who died in 1804, ad BA We oils declined 3. at Phar IR ib dropped 2 point at 125 Leeds in Yorkshire, England, Bishop of Taunton, embarks onito promote Welsh literaiure, has was the father of the noted By- af | Sm point at 12 gat With e metals gained 18 ati, Mond 38% 10 lead losers, | jase metals were weak. Nore has manufactured woollen goods|a world tour in December, His|been approved by the nations! privee Court Jurist of the same ! He Wa 88% to lead ase metal | been | od Church Always: remembered by wile, Anne '?7 ternational Paper dropped %, Al-|uuda took the bigge down since the 4th century first stop will be in Fiji library commitiee name Comelars and family Phe final volume lor the day " ------------ aelery 0 Bi aud 2 a len Foamtreads for all the family Handsome, sturdy, comfortable corduroy, in the latest colors wo please the men on your list. Foam rubber soles and leather outsoles are welded on, can't come loose Sanitized, washable. ' $ 2 bi 2 Vi # 7% PLAYBOY 84.98 fat She¥ dove the wedge heeds and cushion -soft comfort of these dainty yet durable house sfippers. Made of satin, the woven pattem is accented with gold thread Sanitized, washable CHATELAINE © The soft leather soles make these i children's shoes specially quiet JUNIOR # round the house, yet there's lots of | hha orth ig ob SANDMAN robber" midsoles. Sanitized, and 2.98 washable too Croted by KAUFMAN OF KITCHENER 46) £5 rua 4 rE 2% waterproof heobewes AGNEW SURPASS SHOE STORES WHITBY 23 SIMCOE §. SHOPPING CENTRE SELL KAUFMAN RUBBER PRODUCTS KAUFMAN RUBBER FOOTWEAR AVAILABLE AT BURNS COMPANY LTD. 1 KING WEST OSHAWA PHONE RA 5.4611 COLLIN'S SHOES 119 BROCK SOUTH WHITBY PHONE MO 8.3476 SELL KAUFMAN PRODUCTS OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS TILL 2 P.M SHOP AT HOUSTON SHOES WHITBY PLAZA -- WHITBY FOR KAUFMAN FOOTWEAR GET KAUFMANS AT MODEL SHOE STORE 32 SIMCOE SOUTH OSHAWA PHONE RA 5.1521 DAVIDSON SHOE STORE OSHAWA LTD, SELL KAUFMAN RUBBER FOOTWEAR SHOP FOR KAUFMANS AY DANCEY'S SHOES 18 SIMCOE SOUTH OSHAWA PHONE RA 5.183% A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE THE TRUCKS WORK HARDER, Just a year ago, Chevy came up with a torsion bar independent front suspen sion and has already put some 300,000 Chevrolet trucks with it out on jobs. The ride that results from Chevy's suspension design is making life a lot easier for drivers, (Just ask them!) It'staking better care of loads, the fragile kind that used to cost somebody money if they were bounced around. Chevy's ride also enables truck owners to revise their buying habits and work their trucks longer before they trade. This follows naturally, The trucks take less of a beating, There's less stress on sheet metal. Less abuse to tires. Less pounding to wear out parts before their time, The upshot of it is you either save money or earn more of it, or both. And you couldn't ask a truck to do more than that. See your dealer, ¥eicvmoiir J AT ORDINARY ton from one the load, AXLE. All trucks had # of one time: a shift wansmits road shock and vibro and up to the chassis, cab and idea Model illustrated: Fleetside pickup, One of Chevrolet lob-whipping line of big lightweights, Whitewall tires eptional at extra cost RIDE SMOOTHER, ST LONGER! IAEAM FRONY CHEVY'S INDEPENDENT SUS. PENSION, Each whee! flexes in dependently, keeps Whe truck and Whe load level with the road; wink wives Nee abuse ov well a sivas ond strain on chassis ond cob. heam design thot wheel to the other 61 CHEVROLET STURDI-BILT TRUCKS ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LTD. 140 BOND ST. WEST, OSHAWA, ONT. HARRY DONALD LIMITED WHITBY, ONT.