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The Oshawa Times, 17 Nov 1960, p. 26

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, Movember 7, 1960 25 Mier special tests and Krays Raw fruits and vegetables, slong er quainied with the maximum then hind these sented shock troops, the mintmum, The overseer at each sthile, site me sneck through the mob, sma IHSIDE YOU | st, Jory Sees hyde out Mote, seins, sudo 0 kaos ses, sul, est German : 2 drought prow.Em, ' we doelor ean help you eure ices and geome, often stir wp ting on & igh chair in bib and dow down Most trips turn out to he false Ww ory ------ PRODUCE FEATURES Best Of Quality At Attractive Prices! s irritable intestine, He pre irritability ; | PLAY 5 GRIM tucker, keeps Oariing eyes on The play 1s deadly serious, #6 which patrons bet on which nme worst Don't Like Rushes What starts this Irritability? TEMPORARY HELP down grim ms marble statues, ihe winning number, By DAVE MeINTOSH in Baden Baden Oiterally, Baths, There is hardly any noise Wn A the Wig table, where the nels jangle thelr nerves, Bome o.oo released schedule with thes alle he pass | R # ney. of orn SUDETIHarkel ) ' suihs % ven the 08 ? RN /) d . oc counters, small|limes they're allergic (eo the Pass uous of rest and exercise ciency of 8 modern supermarket, any (CH yohody Jaughs MEP rei is . | Speak in whispers Even Women Wearing vast quantities of By BURTON WH, FERN, MD (cronds mob the counter me ] y of 7 and exereis with happy checkout clerks | you sit down to play ers) is that you can't Hie up YOUr| cocional harsh arguments he: hh We ry ankles 0) af times DF Les sushed around by laxatives and rh y _ a 7 Bui : NES ETRMPS SEVETR. Himes gf ie | oy " nly pong in 8 ain, He should ry I teguat open for letters from readers famous with the exception of pare Aisha 4 asi nA his undertones and with BREEY Gree or four minutes, this oo g CHET ! 5 aller breskinst, when fi) v ) rt w ! : amount to a fale sum hy | J aod cramps fill the lower When guards loth, oi bp ya » without laxatives or enemas ad bi rich ie ; e lars tine, They sys-\abdomen. Tight clething makes the CTOWaR e fighting to lea 4 use readers' questions WS phe croupier's rake serapes in. The minimum bet at the men and ordinary thieves by re- tematic / y wily as [lo worse. They keep vietims WED DIET IMPORTANT in the outer har, where cow mim 6000 marks or about $1 Acrouplers spesk most European) Im | 4 # al y along. You're dried-up and stop- lean mest, starches, strained © Address your letters to Dr "pil oot difference between 0, The big majority of palrons|iangusges--~or Bt least that part liquor or ehampagne are sold nes ANA alerms = only gas OF MUCUE & 4 P ' 4 & fe i An escort is avaliable f ; ped-up fruits snd eooked vegetables, Fern in care of this newspaper. Monte Carlo and the Bpielhank look ae If they are better acl of the Ja #_escort home Baden Baden Is 50 rer Hardly surprising in Germany, |(ned ond quiet, uggings are The ehief cashier can tell what which spicuous sig, in three languages, prods deep into your wallet he: appeared near the i | fore yow've produced i Ithe tables keep eards on the (het the casino will he closed on numbers as they turn up. Some Nov 16 (Day of Prayers and Re Eaton Denies " ile Slave Labor (iA : 4 4)} The Impossible / sald Wednesday Premier Frost, TORONTO (CP) Cleveland In- 4 lost the Initiative at this year's dustrislist Cyrus Faton sald i federal-provineial fiscal confer: Wednesday the West should stop ence hy "asking for the impos: referring to peoples of the Com. h sthle," munist world as representing | He told a press conference slave labor" lafter a two-day Liberal caucus! "This practice is offensive and that Mr, Frost had left the im: inaccurate," Mr, Eaton sald, "It {pression he was seeking hall of is one of the descrintions that {all the income and corporation ought to he abandoned in the in. [taxes and succession duties eol- terest of truth and international [lected in Ontario, If he had understanding," |"asked for the attainable, he wp Eaton was Interviewed could have gained the support of while attending the Royal Agris : other provinces cultural Winter Fair and & dis : / Mr, Wintermeyer sald unem: rectors' meeting of Steep Rock 4 NOT FATAL ox | Intestinal Clerks s Even through ap rnitghie 6 Cries wi gg " Ieiay ier You can't soothe the whae In : testine cramps your is, WoL, TRUSCIE 6nd CM ROXIOV testing overnight, But even the on 12] ar (®) heilts odds as gh as 37 10 1. bers, He con thus decide any ore ' never thiepiens your ie cramp eventually eam The players are 6s nlent and 85 gument over whose ehips ire on Intestinal clerks can't sland 16. po those are only temporary nf es be rushed, Continuous Rerve Bt op gape a medicine. ton. 10. one again your hens Cumadion Press Balt Wier Baths hut which con also he the sonring rooms, Thick Corvets piu bet is five marks functions with the smonth eth) BADEN BADEN, West Germ: loosely translated as The Clean multe fosteps and the patrons (about $1.25), elegantly dressed SN rouns sometimes sneak by with ng erowd i . ' v ; | Jewels WHAT ( w dose for an Groups sometimes sneak by with: Like a toddler, the patient has 8 : dest ¢ yacht at this resor iween & eroupier and a dissatls those tp - ¢ IBY they dow's like to ¥ ¢ a a ' The Bpiethank, tide gaming d : (4 ; lg wallets often bet $50 or rri'piie intestine oF ApRshie Coon vying those watered-down Or maybe they don't ike 16 begin toilet training all over Dr, Fern's maithox bo wile Col TUT oe and the most The admission fee is only WEEE fied player are carried on In Vi- Hr) " opin, With & spin every Vira mucus pours out Im # Walle he cannot undertake 16. Monts Carte pay honey ¢ g ) valer irregular Bours upset them And y ' 4 M4 tines LL can J ¥ ¥ AP bia ie Sammed ever ' tPpENI WE st dod Wt gitempl to replace wale tomachs waken sleepy inesting: onswer individunl Meters, he will from the poor as well as the et FG Hm 4 The Mansgement Bypesrs able time the Spiethank doses at 3 wievks at tiny check-out counters Aches # to keep oul known confidence! um column whenever possible and the S.cent chip just as deliher. rouletie tables is two mas! quiring each patron to show his barf i" rushing to the bathroom Without watery lubrication, Wn For regularity, you need regi oor" ey are of general Inter: W6ly as the S20 chip--and Just! (ahout cents) and the maxi passport on the way In, The Dé anes, dows Uy vw order pstingl contents can't sweep lar meals, The get-well menu lists as often ' A . y € 1ers neuages dealing with the . 2DDE vhe! RArBEIRrS he Ne the (rapped Bul whew WAGE) Tare. numbers game, But the operative for winners, who appear language is German, which Is rere, practically unknown, denomination hips you wantl On & recent night, this incon with & fick of the eye "We wish to draw the atten | Most of the patrons sitting #t tion of our clients to the fact 5 carry horoscopes, Other players pentance)," 557 and kibitzers stand four deep be: TT ; / . Ww TORONTO (CP) -- Liberal In ussia y / Leader Wintermeyer of Ontario ployment in Ontario was the ve: [ron Mines Limited, one of his sult of the government falling to|firms, FOODS prepare people fo take thelr| rhe industrialist said he hopes place in the technical age, {Canada will review its policies GARDEN FRESH FROM FLORIDA | LONG GREEN | SALAD FAVOURITE Fresh CUCUMBERS 2: 23¢ ry FAVOURITE | FA RADE Ld ALITY THE FAMOUS ALL RPOSE OURITE | FANCY GRADE | TOP QUALITY SPECIAL! FANCY FORDHOOK employed were under 24 years of make its influences felt on McdNTOSH APPLES ih 33 VENTURA FARMS 25 age, and ein all of them new administration in Washi POLY BAG manual laborers, |ton, p 11.02 ¢ " eT --_--- - LIMA BEANS... GALLUP POLL GARDEN FRESH FROM ARIZONA | MILD AND SWEET | FOR ZESTY SALADS | 3 o AVAILABLE IN MOST LOBLAW MARKETS a Fy BI i GREEN ONIONS . 3:23 | imine vz 390 uu 69 Unemployment Worries He said 40 per cent of the un- lon International questions ans ® LOBLAW QUALITY MEATS SPECIALS IMPORTED LAMB == ROAST «== CHOPS = STEW LAMB IN THE BASKET .2I SPECIAL! SHORT SHANK MEATY LAMB LEGS "+49: GARDEN FRESH FROM TEXAS | THICK WALLED | DELICIOUS STUFFED) Tender Leal Tea Bags alle OFF PKG, OF 67: S ill Mo P d oe 4 ti re Pronounce : 00! g rere PHOS By CANADIAN INSTITUTE Concern over unemployment ls SARDEN FRESH FROM BRADFORD MARSH | Ne, 1 GRADE | Chicken Noodle Soup 4 27 OF PUBLIC OPINION | nighest in Quebec where 64 per y KRAFT » When Parliament opens tomor- ¢ nt name It as most urgent, as CELERY HEARTS Ade 1 5 Mi 1 Whi § i d on i 39 [rows its concern the Jobless fompuret to 80 per sont i" One ae ort bts will mirror worry o er cent tario a per cent In the West, BUNDLES i racie p ala ressing LIM the nation, This Is a sharp in: palerviewers for the JSaliup PLAIN OR crease in the number whomame|Poll put a second ques » Chateau Cheese FIMENTO ter 35 unemployment a . the mast those Wha named the ost w urgent problem facing the eoun-| gent problem in a sample 4 OFF REGULAR PRICE try, as for some time the Gallup adulte saretully selected io rep REGULAR ) Poll has found a fairly steady resent the nation as a whole, Good Luck Margarine PACK ' 27: per cent who do so, While fears| wwHICH POLITICAL PARTY 0X0 CUBES PKG, OF 29 for the thousands out. of worklns "vor" PHINK CAN DO A vere $CUBES ¢ has risen sharply, apprehension BETTER JOB OF "HANDLING REGULAR b [over other problems such as THE PROBLEM YOU HAVE M PACK 2 B|threat of war, or the rising cost| jigs NRE JUST MENTIONED--THE CON of living have remained at the SRRVATIVES OR THE LIB INSTANT ERINO same level over the past Wo ppaygen months, Skim Milk Powder 370 ay to stint Uk 4! comouute er cent o ne 0 A {makes little difference whether| Liberals E D. Smith Apple Pie Filling 3% | responsibility for handling oe No difference {main problem is given to Con. her Savoy Gravy Browning 16000 or Liberals, Acton No opinion Among men an Monarch Shortening ..! 5% h 27 [the country, ¢ {women who name what they con: [sider the most urgent problem --| In Quebec province the ratio 82 about ene in five say they think favoring Liberals as best able to AN IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFT LOBLAWS GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE IN $5.00 & 910 NOW AT LOBLAWS | SPECIAL! LOBLAWS SMALL LINK PORK SAUSAGE SPECIAL! AVAILABLE IN MOST MARKETS SPECIAL! CHOPPED PORK CUTLETS 39: ® FRESH FROZEN FISH - PAN READY eo Rerowax Liquid Floor Wax cr 45¢ i " Pard Dog Food = ZL ASSORTED CHOCOLATES the Conservatives could do a het: handle the main problem is more ter job than Liberals, A rather than two to one, In Ontario and 2 27 larger proportion pick the Lib erals but a solid third of the| voters say "It makes no differ. ence," Conservatives Liberals No Difference Other ' No Opinion Some weeks ago when the pub: lie was asked to select one of the three parties represented In| the House, as better able to cope| with the country's main problem, | the West favors are split fairly evenly between the (wo Parties, Here's the story told in compara. tive columns, Quebec Ontario West 8% 20% on 19 $0 a § A 18 7 100% 100% 219 per cent picked Conservatives; 88 per cent named Liberals, 10 per cent the CCF, Remainder had no opinion or named splinter Parties, World Copyright Reserved CHOICE COD FILLETS 0 Webster Classical 1.48, 31° PKG, SPECIAL! "AVAILABLE IN MOST MARKETS" CROSSWORD 6, Lost, a8 (naut) 24, Doom [MYTH] LAH spital Buddha Tiveod (ARIKSASENOE HI-FI RECORDS RECORD NO. 4 N Al $ 4 OW ON AL 159 "GOLDEN FRIED---JUST HEAT AND SERVE" v -------- -- COOKED SOLE FILLETS 99° EERE ET , ACROSS 4 Unit of 18, The ACIEIERMEIAT ILE] FAWIT ts, KAMBLY RARADX TINIVER y ABO IL] freshness #, Troniea) 26, Metallln NEES Wigan ait ; 1 Me fp i i , ve , Greent Malt of TIRIEEID] = 6 12 ) : 1 ellow DeVerag hase i ani 1, Stoppers speed rabble [CIRITICTT IX IMIAL oT : --- i mT 1 a the 4 i ag 11, Guam writing: rock pL (ATTN gio . A Pa RIA Hoel Stow 13 Distan. 3 Partitio, ate ERNIE ARE b \ Tra : ? b i 18, Level 2 Always (var) IKSASTISEEANG _-- \ "a Ny = Bi \ 10, Band dune. Western -* " So - : ' N state Fostorday's Answer of 81, Do not 38, Ol iuple Tay 00 Nalwy bp Ved 2 (cont) eontest 83, Reho! | 8, Writing a4, Warthy ¥ RP a Exe, wen . . 7 ) wtilizer 40, ; -_c ee) v ox 4 d 85, neer's 43, Soak flax ; oe : / beast , ond &5, Railway 4 23, Bakimo knife 37, A resh (abbr) he) mad Newey by Time, 100 EXTRA Bi "LUCKY GREEN STAMPS" setting WIth his caupen or coupon received with sun Record No. | & Purchase of Regard Ne. 4 X DOWN WEBSTER ©*41%f* RECORD 1. Two of Ad Coupon Expires Nov, M, 190 hearts, §, 2 fahaved molding 8. Butts

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