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The Oshawa Times, 23 Nov 1960, p. 7

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ed Holds Meet |Ro_a]lection baie AR uxilisry Ing wes! BROUGHAM ~~ Clifford W.!lor for Ward 3, has not spest » held at the Beout Hall with 19 [sycox, Councillor for Ward 8 in full term on Councll, having heen , Pickering Township eR an appointed to seplace Marty Ash. p re ton, 9 'resigned early year of ing which opened by Tepesting ciection to his office on Election lo become Bylaw Enforcement the Guide Prom Day. 1 Offiesr of the Township of Pick The secretary's minutes were scribed as the urban ering, he states that he has es and approved. A report from township st the moment, atte Josed his months su sounell avd # the the iid read the Group Committee announced s buili-up community all the will stand for reelection for that sll pest commitments were| that go with it Is grow. Ward, | Mr. Boyes Is iiteresicd I complete} , leaving us to start a ma » ad , Layeox served on the 1986- a2 iculture and livestock A eard of thanks wes read|1960 Council for the first time. | Township, aod Is president of the from Mrs, Beity Collins and took sn sctive interest in!Ayreshire Breeder's Asen., of og her appreciation of the yiiver| 18 Ward and in the whole tows-| Canada, Me has worked in the Rg gh TR LS hg Ry A Cards have been sent to ¥, yeox man of who fave been fll, Al box tops| "ead rumors Lied sre to be handed into the con. |" (het vener, Mrs, Jack Cook, There dion Day this Friday ween URKETON are three guide uniforms for sale,|® #74 7 o'clock p.m.) B The trepsurer reported a new ELECTION BOOST I uniform was purchased for 8 At a Councll meeting on Mon! BURKETON ~ Mrs, A. Hughes leader, the allotment of $10 to. day night, Councillor Clifford Lay- was takve to Oshawa General | ench of the four leaders was paid, cox commended the Kiwanis Club Hospital on Wednesday where | also the groceries for eam leav- in West Rouge in their setive she underwent surgery. ing 8 marginal balance and eol campaign to get voters to the| Mrs, E. M. Adams underwent at the home of Mrs, Lloyd Hunter 7¢tions in the Township promote ing. #5 baking, handiwork, ete, to sell, | 1 oh, | few yesrs, | Glad to report that Mrs, Group 1 will provide the lunch Mr, Laycox said that the Ki McLaughlin is doing nicely in MEET "BLINKIE" THE TOAD lection amounted to $319 Polls on election day, He recom. surgery in Memorial Hospital, the origin of any person who ge The next meeting will be held mended that other service organi- Bowmanville on Thursday morn- wished it, and esch member is to bring the election with a view to dis Mr. John Archer underwent Laurier) sald the adjective de. plant 0 w nelling the spathy that is preva. surgery in Memorial Hospital, scirbed nationality rather tha some product of her Salent sf fo and has been for the pes'! Bowmanville on Thursday, racial origin, " 4%, Hnspiston The nominating committee eon-! ,onis goal was 80 per cent of Oshawa General Hospital, |{Freneh - speaking Canadians 48. Clow ~ os - . THE OSHAWA TIMES, Weinesiey, November 23, 1960 7 Rwdliary (J, qycox Seeks [cneda -- isting of Mrs John Jefford, Mrs, ; nin their ) Iden feared assimilation a sid.| 49 by Mr Earl Burke, principal of | other teachers at the school -- ( ron Public School Is located | Walter Sonley, and Mrs, Pas the people at. the Pell FA ined BB ag Wo Lard 2d 24 ered census resulis Jd. son 50, Islands the New Kedron Public Senor; Mrs, Harold Werry and Mrs, | just south of the Kedron United we will bring in 3 new slate of por the past 10 days or iWo|and Mrs, Bruce Ashion and 18m-| determining thelr sumbers, how oft Florida polats out ""Blinkie" the toad ow' Roberts pi ; ade 1 han officers eo meeting was clos.' ove nosters have been issued ii 3 , DOWN know in hibernation) to the | Boy Robertson, The new Ked- | Chureh, od by the Benediction and Group] aks ITS Se ents woe irae Bazaar wos # tol {many C of French ori. 1,00) ; S-- RC I {3 served Junch, On Friday even poon prepared for every house! many thanks end sppreeiation is £in had adopted English as their | instructor ing, Nov, 25, at the Presbyterian lon | | 1 : "hit 4 in the ares, A telephone service! oxionded to all who hel in|mother tongue and how ms 2, Escape Fails Yield Chureh at 730 pm. 8 Gold yu pe supplied, as well as baby | every dl ped {had ny - become members of Protes- (fang) * W \ {Cord ceremony In honor of Guide| gitorg for December 3, ber from here sitended| tant churches, 3, Bwiss canton 111 ote On Nola Hunter vill take place, un-| "ne Laycox continued that the 2 iid at Trinity United | - Batis Ri ] { Ww der the lendership of Commission kiwanis Club did not support any! cp, l C 4 Bowmanville on Sun-| 10 t 0 ay er Jonn Godley, Mr, W. Perry. one individual, but that thelr Hog y Y | ; minister, and the Guide Mothers' heme was, "Get out and vole." 4 *| Mr, Russell Spinks, Oshawa, 9. eqar erl 1 | y BOWMANVILLE (Staff) «Auxiliary. Visitors sre welcome, | oo INCILLOR T0 RUN was Sunday guest of Mr, and hk Con Nudes, y Waverly | The hand _ young Counell-| Mrs, Thomas Hodge and Mrs. BROUGHAM ~-- Nemioation, Mrs, McPherson first served on Magistrate R. B, Baxter to at-| PONTYPOOL [lor who represents Ward 4 on the Argue 1 1 hos db tor oil 056 ms Ce or tar 3 trafic © " 4 { present counell, for his first term! My, and Mrs. Haro Larmer Dey on Friday, Nov, 25, 1060, will oun I In 195 as a Counc " d traffic elinic when he was {of office, will seek re-election or spent the weekend with Mr, and reves) the candidates who again In 16 i and os Depu y- convicted on a charge of falllog| PONTYPOOL -- Mike Nimigon,| Dec. 3 (Mrs. Kenneth Lormer, P 4 will run for Reeve, Deputy-Reeve in 1059, She was defeated to yield the right of way Camp Borden and Morris of Pe.| Ross Deakin states that heiporougn > and the five CoCuneillors who sit by Mr, Hawthorne in the contes Police said he drove from the terborough were visitors with|feels much more qualified tol Mr. snd. Mrs. Russell Fowler on the Council of the Township of Jiputy-Keeve at 1ast Year's puteh Church parking lot on Seu-|parents on Wednesday afterncon,| stand as a candidate for his ward were Sunday guests of Mr, and Pickering. Voters go to fhe Polls election, gog street, into oncoming traffic.] Mr. and Mrs, Keith Bradley ince he has filed the ofties for Mrs, Evans, Pontypool, ( ber vole a hers y : M a p £ a -- on De u- wi 3 in ne i; tho igh Mrs, McPherson wi Mulder was fined $10 and $2 visited with friends at Little Brit.|0ne year, J io an a8 ius chair diy yf no i AED v ou in born in the Snited Blain, she ho costs on conviction of the charge, lain on Thursday afternoon mittee d k . BR t favor of . two-year term for 1018, and wy oe been ex lus on additional $10 and $2] Jim Wills is home from the | ar eting C AO ns oh the Municipal Couns | I it rostnd Ly municipal |Sits when convicted for driving/hospital after a serious eve in. NORTHERN WARD ell?" ; ay yo od 18 a etps without a driver's permit, {fury but the stitches have not| Wards 1 and 2 In Pickorios | h So ht Voters will also have an 0ppor-|farm on the Valley Road Farm, |= ---- been removed as of writing, Township were fepresenie 3 ange ug y ' Mr. and Mrs, Charles Wisk, term by Councillors Harvey tunity to vote on a bylaw, "Are you in favor of the establishment| In her campaign this yoar, Mrs, Pleads Guilty Newcastle, and Mr, and Mrs, Spang and Edgar Lames, Jenhee of & Township of Pickering Public| McPherson states that she feels Bruce Fisk visited friends at| "00" nee 3 | CHATHAM (CP) = An amend. nent to the Ontario Farm Prod f she must run for this office be Library' Baneroft on Sunday, | b |uets Marketing Act was urged Rumors are afloat in the Town. ¢ use she feels the Township { | Arnold MeNell, Toronto, opintlpg STE Have bovh few. if any, Tuesday night following charges ship that some of the present|Must have some one Who has the | econ ence [Sunday with his verents, Mr.|ihose wards in opposition to the of discrimination by canning Councillors, who are all seeking t/me, ab.lity and willingness to) land Mrs, Charles MeNefl | present Councillors, Tt will be|companies against growers, reelection, will have their offices Yeprescat the taxpayers of Pick-| BOWMANVILLE (Staff) --| myo Canadian Legion, Branch| known on Nomination Day, Fri-| The charges were made by Carl Nicholson, chairman of the Ontario Vegetable Growers' Marketing Board, tested. They lofer that the/ering Township, Mrs, McPherson Donald Mayers, 36, a waiter In 8400" Milire » .|day, Nov, 28, whether or nct an son ve oo wh be contested, as contends that with the Township Newcastle hotel, pleaded not 302. Mon ik. fhe Ladios Avil Go8 appear, J 4 well as Councillors for Wards 3, 4/Paying 23 per cent of the assess: gul ty to a second offence of un-|gnqe Bethany; Girl Guides| Both of these Councillors have aod § ment of the County of Ontario, lawfully having liquor in a place ang Brownies from Millhrook led! served a number of years, Mr,| The annual meeting of Kent . a matter of some $18,000, that other than his residence, [to the Remembrance Day Ber. James is Chairman of Property County vegetable growers was WILL VOTE consistent representation should| The case was adjourned till yice here on Sunday afternoon,|and Public Relations Committee, |told by farmer John var Rany One of the rumors which be- be made at County sessions, sod January 8, 1061, when the offi. Some unknown culprit hroke| Fie has carried on an active cam-|that growers have become afraid eame a reality this week was an/an active part taken by the rep:| cer who Investigated the case will ! "Spr ro © paign to restore abandoned ceme-to speak out at public meetings announcement by Mrs, Jean Me-|resentatives, | be able to appear in court, open the cash box in the tele-| io jeg jn the Township, for fear they will loose canning Pherson that she would run for] Mrs, McPherson relates that| OPP alleged that Mayers had | Phone booth on Tuseday night and Mr. Spang is chairman of the contracts for thelr erop. Deputy-Reeve along with Deputy-| is vital : |escaped with whatever cash was| Welfare a Control Commit-| | y interested In the! an open ease of bee ind the' Pog, Every year, more and more ' open Sp ul Beer Belling. the tee, and has helped In the solu-| 000" are afraid to express whole Township, not only in her front seat of his automobile |» ton in th bl hich i | iy] n the many problems Which | i ....coives " he sald In urging a own Ward, and feels that she can when stopped on a highway north..." he welcomed hy the peo have arisen In those spheres. [grievence setup that would match qualifications with the east of Bowmanville, on Oct, 19, pie of the district as 8 number of | HARRY BOYES 'make erring processors fall in Make Request present Deputy-Reeve, | 1960, wells were getting very low. Although Harry Boyes, Council line." For Dismissal BOWMANVILLE (Staff The defence attorney for Nikolal Dobuszuk asked Magistrate R, B, Baxter to dismiss a charge against his client, as it was a minor charge of falling to signal for a left turn Attorney noted that although it was a minor charge in traffle | court, this particular incldent | might have serious aspects in a | future civil case The magistrate sald that he has vet to withdraw a case un. less the police officer who lald the charge requests it to be withdrawn | He pointed out that a police officer is a trained officer who is doing his duty, and that if a magistrate will dismiss a case | without hearing it, the police; might wonder why they should hother making arrests The case was adjourned till | Dee, 13, Reeve incumbent Ross thane, The heavy rains of the last few I-YearOld Draws Fine BOWMANVILLE (Staff) = John Tendam, 17, of Toronto street, Neweas was told hy Magistrate B. Baxter, in Mag istrate"s court Tuesday, that he §§ didn't have tho mental matority §¥ necessary for the serious business | of driving a car, i Fendam was assessed $53 and k had his driver's licence suspend: || § ed for one month 4 OPP Constah'e Bruce Tilson | told the court he had received telephone complaints that a d ark green Autom hile was driving § around town W ithout lights I The constable sa d, he fageed the car down outside of his home Neweastle " endam was alleged to have been driving around town trying to stir up trouble with four other youths You are cordially invited to attend the GRAND OPENING of BILL DROZWIK'S WHITE ROSE SERVICE inion Royal Tires and Road Service ® OPENING SPECIAL eo THURSDAY, NOV, 24th, FRIDAY, NOV, 25th and SATURDAY, NOV, 26th 1 FREE CHASSIS LUBRICATION COUPON (which can be redeemed at any time) With the purchase of $3.00 worth of Gasoline, Also a ticket will be given te ssch purchaser for @ Free Drow on en ELECTRIC FRYPAN, COME ONE! COME ALLY ¥ eo GIFTS FOR EVERYONE! o |i - BILL DROZWIK HAROLD FOSTER | SCHOOL EQUIPMENT Resides foothalls and basket. ! 1 § 1 S 1 e 0Seé RT ES Sas f Corner of Olive Ave. and Wilson Rd. South RA 3-4812 in Greece Includes discuses and faveling, ---- Remanded Out 0f Custody | BOWMANVILLE (Staff =! Bruce Burgess, of RR 3, Row. manville, was remanded out of custody indefinitely in Magis trate's court Tuesday Magistrate R, B Raxter told fim if he got in trouble again, he would go to reformatory, On a previous appearance In court. Burgess had heen found guilty on a charge of unlawful ossession of goods alleged to ave been stolen from the Work. oys' home's summer camp, In north-west Bowman Darlington Municipal ELECTION Meeting of the Electors of the said Township of Darlinglon will fake place in the Municipal Building, Hampton FRIDAY, NOV. 25 1960, ot the hour of 12 o'clock noon, for the pu of nominating condi. dates for the offices of Reeve, Deputy-Reeve and three Councillors for the said Township of Darlington for the year 1961, Also nomination of twe members to South Darlington Ares School Board will take place of the some time, At 3:30 p.m, meeting will be turned over to the Ares School Board for their reports, THE POLLS SHALL BE OPEN frm 10:00 a.m fo 7:00 MONDAY, DEC. 5 1960, if polls shall be demanded, ot the places hereinafter nomed ond with the following named persons as Deputy Returning Officers and Poll Clerks:- POLLING SUB DIVISION No, 1 ~~ Composed of Lots 1 to 7 inclusive in the Broken Front, First ond Second Concessions, and Lots 1 te 12 inclusive in the Third and Fourth Concessions, et PROVIDENCE SCHOOL, Mrs. Aileen Turner, Deputy Returning Officer Mrs, Bessie Shackleton, Poll Clerk, POLLING SUB DIVISION No. 2 -- Composed of Lots 1 to 12 inclusive in the Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, Ninth end Tenth Concessions et TY- RONE COMMUNITY HALL. Percy Werry, Deputy Returning Officer Mrs, Walter Murphy, Poll Clerk. POLLING SUB-DIVISION No, 3 -- Composed of Lots 12 to 24 inclusive in e Broken Front Concession: Lots 15 to 24 inclusive in the First end Second Concessions: Lots 13 to 24 inclusive in the Third Concession: ot MAPLE GROVE SCHOOL. Mrs. Ed. Leslie, Deputy Returning Officer Mrs. Muriel Mann, Poll Clerk. Leslie Collacutt, Deputy Returning Officer Mrs. Doreen Doyle, Poll Clerk, POLLING SUB-DIVISION No, 4 --Composed of Lots 13 to 24 inclusive in the Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Concessions et DARLINGTON COMMU- NITY HALL, Sidney Kersey, Deputy Returning Officer Mrs, Wilfred Smale, Poll Clerk, POLLING SUB-DIVISION No. 5 « Composed of Lots 13 to 24 inclusive in the Seventh, Eighth, Ninth, and Tenth Concessions ot ENNISKILLEN COMMUNITY HALL. Adam Sharp, Deputy Returning Officer Mrs, John Siemon, Poll Clerk, POLLNG SUB-DIVISION No. 6A ~ Composed of Lots 25 to 30 inclusive in the Broken Front, First, Second and Third Concessions, at COURTICE NORTH SCHOOL. Wilfred Brown, Deputy Returning Officer Mrs. Ellen Ormiston, Poll Clerk. Gerald Peterson, Deputy Returning Officer Mrs, Lorraine Dalby, Poll Clerk. POLLING SUB-DIVISION No. 6B -- Composed of Lots 31 to 35 inclusive in the Broken Front, First, Second and Third Concessions at COURTICE WEST SCHOOL. : Mrs, Cecil Adams, Deputy Returning Officer Mrs. Olive Reynolds, Poll Clerk. Mrs, Robt, Fowler, Deputy Returning Officer Mrs, May Robinsons, Poll Clerk. POLLING SUB-DIVISION No, 6c -- Composed of Lots 25 to 35 inclusive In the Fourth and Fi oncessions at MITCHELL'S CORNERS SCHOOL. Frank Pascoe, Deputy Returning Officer ) Mrs. A. D, McMaster, Poll Clerk, POLLING SUB-DIVISION No, 7 -- Composed of Lots 25 to 35 inclusive In the Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, Ninth end Tenth Concessions at BRADLEY'S SCHOOL. Mrs. Lyde Cryderman, Deputy Returning Officer Mrs, W, Bowman, Poll Clerk. : And ot this said nominating meeting, W, EK, Rundle, Clerk, shall be Returning Officer. G. B. RICKARD, Reeve W. E. RUNDLE, Clerk BAAS ahah a hid

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