yany on whitey. (#1 CLASSIFIED fri rs vi Would Boost Livestock ADVERTISING 50 Articles for Sele eat PHREF wed, sue Hoo hes SM: oF Sm airs somiviion. Telephone Xi (mk Breet, WAVE TR AETRAGAR GRIER | Ay wont (Masi), wie 1, BB ed. Apo vastment § Cour ois 3 imma winter soot ign, io Trteghome ve? ade WARY Wasim swesies, maw #wlinna & yet pA ly Yale FOUR hummer heavy Auly Phone BA 49 WIGH Fidelity swstom mill reams pay | oF and radia with heactifnl menses 0) praduction faetifice as vey 0 Phone WA £5 7H vetoes | pho Shane hp B00, wawGh ) Hoon most all wie, Bi and Wp. mer band 7pm wd Goodrich Stores, RA S-4idd 5. Man's fall sont he WR " onetiem condition, RA & wet West, BA S001) SELLING furniture? Wel ny Wigerstory, 's, washers ga forced warm sir furnace, 4.000 0) OFFICE, oT "hd Th TERRA E # pr wo Whe floor fuinse ment! We buy, and sell, nev weed, |¥ Anything tn trade. Bll és ian, gy sb Bramehin 88 hot wales hepler Sad |BOMINIEN Appliances (a division 4 BA 4 Hewtiy Brow pore wid al TELEVISION, General Electric, 117 in Market VV owlputi with automatic contrnls, 80466 v If » 5 space heater with bower Ap43 Vi @ gallon werything for ¥ 1 condition, #55; alse bahy Ih, Telephone RA B15 aller 5 p.m. fax 39041 BAKGAING on new Ings Apsiiances, NEW wn jos 85.25; te on terms 85 down, $1 weekly, Sper To a fe dryers only, cial susp shotgun shells 81.90 per 51--Swap & Barter washer Aryer igeratars Wile 80; $168.50; ranges {By i and up pf 1) tales 08.50 Sutomatic; colle Avenue, on No. § Highway sen paris and repairs A all makes spn of wringer type washers, ! #5 to Wis, guaranteed washers and Hover Hampton, C0 33041 J ¥ A # pmoothiop matiress, valued My #, with he Ritehgas 02 ny mem site ov, " simindlo [dud WNINGSE, Pisin colors oF NAY wiripe | om servies, Free estimates, Order or early felivery Chalr apd table rents ve Fox, 413 taken for storm sashes, wood free estimates, terms ORDER ar aluminum Phone BA § TAPE recorder, bulfel, office desk and chair, filing cabinet, plywood box for Von pickup, vaeunm | cleaner, wood Witchen table, small fre proot safe. OL 84713 cy lephone HA will sell for #55 IRONER, General Elsetrie, Just like y BARREL plece, In ehalr henterfieid, one chair maroon $50. Telephone RA 54818 | § MUSKEAY conl, brown, size 10-18, ros. | {hae in good condition GIRKON guitar, brand new, refriger ator and stove, In very good condition isn wedding wa, sles 18. Apply #11 mene Mirest MOVING next 1 following Items must he sold: Novge electric range, very good condition; Westinghouse re frigerstar; vangetis with aveni dresser wi Li mirrer; washing machine, RA El ALUMINUM WINDOWS DOORS, AWNINGS Direst fastory prices. Manus factured locally, Free esti: mates. Ne obligation Colonial Aluminum Sales RA B.-4414 After hours RA 8.8378 All gluminum products w= Doors, windows, shower doors, awnings, TV towers, paving One contract, nething down, For free estimates call + Aluma Seal Co. RA 5.9365 ANYTIME ALUMINUM DOORS AND WINDOWS! Special Reduced Price or We Sell, Cash and Carry CALL FOR QUICK SERVICE ALEX VAJDA 48) DREW ST, RA 3.988) Variety of 15" car wheels $3 each, also body salder and plastic solder SHAW AUTO WRECKING 89 BLOOR EASY RA 5-231 | FRIDAY NIGHT SPECIAL 79 P.M. ONLY Discontinued, Ready-te-Hang DRAPERIES Plain printed patterns in For tisans, Fibreglas, Antique Satins and Amel, Full-length, regular widths: Lined and un lined drapes in the asserts ment $9.98 PAIR WARD'S DRY GOODS LTD Open till 9 p.m. Tonight for your shopping sonvenience. FOOD AND FREEZER PLAN Why pay high retail prices for food? Buy with discount Approximate cost family of three $13.80 par week. In. gludes food and freezer. Ne i For appoint: 0 PHONE RA 5-3709 ALUMINUM DOORS AND WINDCWS We Sell the Best a Rt oe FOR FAST EFFICIENT SERVICE JIM ELLIOTT RA 3-2866 Dds iid LOWEST prices {of haruam WHE, ; A for 8 y Remaapy, wl bie wil, wor: | night Aww, tug Fabia, ng iiting, ote. or AH phi% A "YEE 19% of Ene of Rirnont "Kh pritiamen, worth S00; frei 08 prices were unev ne Britiamcs, worth th oh; uA Hu pes said thet the hago now beng ...A ond "Soy prices 9 com 754 WAIN TY Tes waain, wnfier tabie, oth | 995. WIL self tor $330. RA §-95%6 "pent may eight higher ih Pou Ving Lave; oh whi ond Ld |e ty me Puig two tone din he increased to $00 000 y od Matthews said the con CAitie receipts, estimated wl 125 to 4550, golds 24 st 9145 n 3400 were some 40 head Tewer Base metals shipped 21 at 157,54, 1% pounds, poultry! [hen last week and shoul 7 western ofis 13 head more then the seme week Volume was n There were no EXPE gq ared f F/ SR the United Slates, ompared with 1.446000 Wednes- Slaughter eattles Cholee steers hited to the fact thet the New Wellary pier id , Bacto wove, ginns oven devs, hes oiler. Tele § o HU morn Key sions, cont 2h wii Canada is od Lionel die Lake Aywond, extens, 855. BA 37706 ly Ronstone i Alter! tae HRA wll nt 9; ¥ Pestle Im piles ham | 10 wakes Bawaall soot sondliion Telephone BA # WONERN Black Frersion lamb oat, nied sll cash regisier with de chs, mediums suet, Bie 18 16 18, pRIEe | isihatie RAMing machine Both 10 service station. Goond condision hal BA ¥ TU04 wlier 8 GUNS, ammunition apd a ne Wop BRAND new § HP Vorb dt TT 5, Rew and used, termes 18 pr £80 maior ve n. Dominion Tiee Bore, 8 Bond warranty Crwisenliny Lank he Best ofler. BA Boro) HA : CHESTERFIELD wills Re 7d iA BRO8IWIH sacrifice lor caEh fi wh | Telephone BA § " Pies Br Phone BA 81181. heulars Hampton. A complete Hine of CRFPIREE, appliances wt hard 10 best prices, COB, F, GOODRICH Blorss Jungle chrbines, WA Wil snot Woot, Bo410 Aly Bargain Contre, Warwoold Tg es rn SORONT Mila ean he paid steel sinks and cabinets; vanil a wh heh you Est Wy thrgigh kn Oph hp motors | Fie Ad Ast today (H] HA 55462 Koad and Hillside reconditioned | for » iriendly Ad Wriler sale, sub short sid aeiiver.| 3 2-~hegel 21.2% our hard aud salt wad, APP Ti non be peaponaibie (or any denis BUR AT @ dweight; |FIAND, medium ie, Ai anable, sit: Patrieia RB. HIll able for student. Also five pecs offer Is good "ntll December § oy (80 Hei fable fi Horan oat Far osnes, LAE for further particulars Paddy's Market | oon for Simeoe North gr antique hed, | B50 Telephone | CONT set, 4K, sown, for alien; Wallet AINA 8 TRA arRwenA Tram nee; (4 18 es : Ed Ma Laie: lesiheratia gushes -- Rr rr Fetavhme BA SU RG (CP) ~Prices were ne hediniim sie wan tamad wane " ing promotions) methods for tark pe - = Boosting the sale of fish, mem "Ae here of lake FErie Fisheries gif Arg i onal] were told here Thursdey hundredweight bi leat prices were id pz Matthews of Toronto pve market, \per Bund Te fore resist IW ww Wr weghine (. sumption of meat, per capita diesel Genin on povt- TL pounds and fish only ponds, Bas fornpae with i 1ady"s fur sot nd chairs, Tele |50---Articles for Sale : (EAP Viaak in os oer mg Wo ¥ 7 os hil We Sb Fy poy oy es En ay gitles to nw; [rare new Aig Bas hil medium 1921.50; HOVCLE, man's, in sxcelient condi- 18.50; Bultetie lox id chmpletely ree 19.50 ws Us Horm windows, inde fod year 14 " ¥, FRAN rales hone EA" ran or aver porianiers bales ta. 264; |Hewinrs. nner hn soley, nan Rall price silver grey onkwond, Resrly new. WW for further par: Helene RA'S To hone BA § 50-1450; USER furnliure " #xanom Wise | is and eutter Brora evening, Hi god heavy bologna WE pay highest prices "In the city fox End medium light wed furniture. Pretly's Used ¥ la we Replacement eattles Fada Jy & Bare, BA 38271, 444 Bimeos vi ers 48 35.50 tires, hat teres, eivinator refrigeratoris, (ele 204 alive VISOR. Thiifty Budget Pian RA 54643. 1H Hogs; odd loads at 28.75; wihandadbon 8. "116.50; Nights 20,50 place halh sels pressure systems, Shise imp pumps; st selling used I8wn mowers; outhosrd motors; pip awa Times and fitings of sll Kin " H( iad Fork A IW Sheep and lambs; weight lambs 21, igontracied In my Rae hy my wie Fort Perry, Onthrio tehen on or siter this date, November #5 Telephone RA 1660, without my written consent | Glenn M. Hill lambs 18:19 #7" tl OS Most canapians think that Labatt's is just about the best beer you ean get anywhere, But it's also nice to know that independent brewing experts rate it as highly as we de In a brewing contest held recently in London, England, among 120 competitors from all aver the Commonwealth, the Brewers' Guardian Challenge Cup was awarded to Labatt's as hrewers of the beer judged to be finest in all classes competing, . , the best beer in the Commonwealth, This is the latest of 28 occasions on which Labatt's quality has brought top honours to Canada in International Competition, including the Prix d'Excellence won at the World Bear Contest in Belgium in 1058, So any time you call for one of the great Labatt brews Labatt's TPA, Labatt's Pilsener Lager Beer, or Labatt's "50* Ale--remember you're drinking the Commonwealth's beat beer, a " S REVIIAS Present [ine higher than close; good 20-92 commen 1826; boners 12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Vridey, Movember 35, 1960 15 | NET EARNINGS ST. THOMAS (CP)--The Fish generally unchenged on slangh 5. 2 wr racking wie, Ai In very eries Councll of Canada Is study er calle this week st the On RA BAW Public Stockysrds Replacement enitle traded se "i $1.95 2 share; it prices Fed b some to 81 per $1.75 ie ves! higher on an Tout, seal ERR A400 with sales to 25 snd odd) good 228.50; common 15 good helfers W2 with a 28% $75, Way Biseet, Ry seamditimad. Appl | 3 ie w choice at 21 5022.50; medium ada Melting each gained | st 47 common 12:17; choice 2U4.5025.50 with odd tows Players lost % 515,50, odd { i cows 15 tops tn 16; 8 ome year oid, | THO occasions! Lables, with glass Vogt lew good conditioned cows sell- wo insiies, good medium. ™ common 12,50-13 0; cows 917; bulls 1650-17) ent {with an odd top 10 17.50; common bulls 12-16 Cholee ves medium Grade A closed al 28.25 heavy sows stags 15 on a } dre ssed-weight hasis Good handy: odd fancy lots bucks discounted 1 per good heavy common and med. lum down to WW; feeders 15-17; heep 3-10 secording to quality sande was the best base mein) volume. Home B wes down W| winner, sis wp % 8 1%, Bud cents st 97.50 ¥ son Bay declined Y ot 4 Canadian god kilo bers closed i | q | 1 6 By THE CANADIAN PRESS | O06 led & bed doy on low'st $555 to $52 mn ounce, Canadian Utilities 144, 9 mos, ended Sept, W: 1990, $1,018504, $146 a share; 190, $1075408, It's Time Now To Decorate COLORED CHRISTMAS TREES and BRANCHES J Store Decoration ! hh le GREEN Christmas Trees + + » ARE NOW READY | fr A. W. RUNDLE Garden Centre 1015 KING EAST r-- RA 5-1764 Travelling Overseas WHY NOT FLY 4 Oniario Siest Products 144., your ended Sept, 0: 1960, $501. 1996, $451.095, TORONTO (CP) ~ Industrials broke wn sevenday losing streak on the stock market Thursdey amid the . lightest trading Wn * seven months i gained "The modern way to travel is by air, On wmdex, ndustrigle 7 at 192 1.000 shares dey, The light volume was attri n For information regarding any form of travel . , . DIAL RA 3-944] We have 8 divest Toronts telephone ine tor prompt Airline Reservetions MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE 22 SIMCOE 57, SOUTH, OSHAWA DIAL RA 39440 Owned ond operated by Thomas Meadow snd Co, Consde 04, York exchange was closed lor the U.S, Thanksgiving Day, John Wood Industries A led in dustrial winners, ahead 1% 8 Canada Packers A and Can and . Dominion Blores and Fa. each atl 61% and 17% Mines were quiet, Hollinger led wp % st 21%. Nor sede dee de deed sede de de dee sede de de desde dee de ede ede sede dee dee de ded ded eo de ded ede ded dee deeded Vi] (02) a SPACE ! ~SPUNKI EW'SI CHEVY Xx © corvair ee he he he she oe she ee she oe she oe she oe oe she oe she she she se ee se de she ke she oe she oe ke ole oe ke ole ke oe oe oe ode ee oe de de de de ede de Throw away your ideas about small cars! Corvair has ouidated them with an entirely new concept for '61. For a start there's new spaciousness In the up-iront trunk «++ there's more liveliness fo Gorvair's Turbo-Alr Six... and there's savings, 100, Big savings that begin with lower prices on sedans and coupes and follow through with gas-miserly thrift and the economy of an engine that never needs anti-freexe, never has cooling problems. GENERAL MOTORS VALUES Sorvaly 700 4-Doer Sedan, Gouldn't be batter for a budget=ane walt'll you see the new space! Seats alx p Tl ably Including the folks In the middie because of Gervair's prastioally fat floor, Gorvalr 700 Olub Goups, Brive I and feel the sportscar nimblensss--the read-huggaing trastion= of Gorvair's spunky rear-engine design, Lakewood S00 4-Daor Siatlon Wagen, Brand new far '&1 and the mast useable wagon for its size you've aver seen, Loads of room beth fare and aft plus urn-encardime handing, Avaliable In both Lakewood Station Wagens and the sarge: king Greenbrier Sports Wagens. All told there are nine Chevy Gorvairs for '811 A Corvair for practically every. body---and every model just as thoroughly thrifty as Chevrolet can make It! But thrifty savings Is only one of the Corvair benefits--there's the new spunk of the 148-cubio-inch air cooled six oylinder engine--the proven-by-a-year-on-the- road performance of Corvair's rear-engine design--and the extra space that's built into the '@1 models. Whitewall tives optional at extra cosh, ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LTD. 140 BOND ST, WEST, OSHAWA, ONT, HARRY DONALD LIMITED WHITBY, ONT,