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The Oshawa Times, 25 Nov 1960, p. 1

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1X Persons -LSCaDe rom Ushadawd Apdriinerlit daze THOUGHT FOR TODAY WEATHER REPORT You can always explain poker id, sunny weather Is expect ed to continue through the losses by saying you were sitting weekend, Winds light, up with a slick friend, VOL, 89--NO, 274 Wat, hs OSHAWA, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1960 Sl oltiend, Siow, hak iL EIGHTEEN PAGES EXPORT GREDIT PLAN | T0 STIMULATE TRADE Candidates For grr | Nine Banks To Form Civic Election | Financing Company OTTAWA (CP) A major new! The program will operale this Elections in three of the four bers, compared to the present 12.) ? d § Joint program hy the government Way categories for Mayor, Alder The nine: Harold Armstrong, ¥ 5 A and chartered banks to provide The new company to be set up men, Board of Fducation and R, Britten, Mortimer Brown,| £ 7 ¢ Ln ¢ hy the banks will provide eredit Public Utilities Commission ~ George Drynan, George Fletcher, | £% a a |eredit for Canadian exports of\ gh, "co ite Ove yours, get- were assured today as a total of Mrs, Clayton Lee, 8B, G, Baywell,| & 4 1 / 7 y ; Sha Soni wo Nady i the ting its funds hy borrowing on 4 7 4 A hs Ya / 4 ms today hy Trade inis d / o Sandiduies qualiiied hy noon Mavgarel Shaw and William A / / A ter Hees fhe market, Its sesurity ih be . orks ve, y | § 3 4 ie promissory notes of the ime Only 10 of the 17 Beparate! Others qualified; Victor Ayling, | : port buyers, insured hy the ex- School Board nominees have qual-| A, WwW, Banfield, W. H, Dell, 3 petition in world markets hy for port eredits insurance corporas |ified; 13 are needed to assure an Leonard Glover, John M, Greer, i ? : / § | elEn Juppliers, the plan will see|jjon election for the 12-man hoard James Markland, Donald ¥, Hob. ; i ' | (establishment of a new financing) | Both Mayor Lyman Gifford and inson, and Fred 7, Whalley | £ 7h 4 " company hy Canada's nine char-|CABINET HAS BAY Ald, Christine Thomas have qual-| yo. bent trustees who have y i tered hanks, hacked hy govern Where financing of capital ex. ified for the mayoralty not vet qualified: A, B, O'Neill ' ; ment cash and eredit ports for longer than five years Eight incumbent aldermen have apo oiey goarkes and C€, W Min. g 7 | Officials said it could ulti-|1s needed, the new company will qualified; Gordon Attersley, Cecil 4 | {mately provide as much as $700, act as agent for the export ered. 1 etl 4. | i f n Bint, John Brady, Walter Braneh ix K 7 000,000 in medium. and longterm is insurance corporation whic Rev, Felix Kwiatkowski and J, 4 the Finley Dafoe Norman Down, r "gioedan. hoth Se parate Behool | credit for exporters, Of this, In effect, will he providing the Hayward Murdoch and Alberti goc.q members, were not noms! $200,000,000 would be available funds itself, Cabinet approval will Walker arad oat Aight / 3 from federal funds with the rest be required for such deals, being raised hy the new com Mr, Hees said Canadian ex- Others definitely in the alder "govon' of last year's board of ; , manic race are: John Cameron, ys" jave qualified: ¥, J. Baron, 4 a | Pany. porting firms 'mow can seek v | JERRY PROCHAZKA SHOWS HIS ESCAPE ROUTE Fdward Cline, John Dyer, George vec sw w= Clarke, Louis Hughes, | ' : Mr, Hees, In his announcement, (orders for capital equipment, . . A. Edmondson, W, R, Elliott, |v peice Kent, J. A, Lawrence. i ; ' described. the plan as establish. confident that these new arrange * Cephas Gay, A H Glecott, Mps Michael Rudka and James B, #7 vl v 4 3 i [Ing "new and fully adequate ex-|ments remove financing impedi- . Arthur Reardon, William Ridgely Toppings # 4 port financing facilities' and said ments that may have deterred ouse ire Paul Ristow, John Wacko and "pi cl™ soon have qualified: yA J 2 =» Canadian exporters of capital them in the past from seeking or Frnest Whiting Liovd A, P, Bolahood, David Cook MH a 7 3 goods "will thus be enabled to obtaining orders abroad," . Present aldermen not yet quali and Dalmar Page ? 3 g didi meet eredit competition from for "The remaining challenge to 1 8 ree [Bed include Sydhey Hobkine E. "three nominated incumbents 7 / y eign suppliers," Canadian exporters of capital ¥, Bastedo and Ernest Ma who have not vet qualified are: 3 ' iy Goyernment sources sald. no equipment is (0 be competitive Aimed at meeting credit com h ARUNDEL, Que, (CP)~Three Nine members of the 1000-60 gai Meagher, J, J, Kelly and : i ; new legislation will be required, and to find cred y Os awa Blaze elderly people died toilay in a Board ol Education have qual) J, H, Gibbens : y / g In effect, the scheme Will put the buyers," its warthy fire that swept through a farm. fled to stand for re-election 181 Pree members of the present i | [present powers of the govern.| Officials said the ' J - o | Li ; ] 4 4 the . new company house nedr this community 65 new board will have only 10 mem four-man PUC hoard have quali: br i ila ment's export credits insurance Will be set up hy the Bom in corporation to new uses, |the near future, possibly before A family of five and a bachelor, When asked how the fire start:| miles northwest of Montreal aa ' A n A d ' fled: Henry Baldwin, Wiliam (ailor narrowly missed death ed, Mr, Prochaska said, "I was| Provincial police identitied the Boddy and Roy Fleming, The| BRCHBIS oP BANISHED The new credit facilities wine, end of the year, Thursday evening, when fire| ia | 4 a 4 sitting watching television and| victims as Mr, and Mrs, Dawson 0 emaen fourth member, Edwin ¥, Arm. pt not cover exports of cons p would have a capital of hroke out at 10 p.m., In their t¥inking pop before 1 went out f [Kerr, toth 80, and Mr Kerr's 1C fArong had not quadified at noon, Arcfibishiop 'Francols Poller, | Dy a news ageney at the airport | goods, It fs nor ( so MET some 450,000,000, "and officials third floor apartment on Simeoe drinking pop before T went out for i . : A 4 , a Al meeting the| sister-in-law, who was believed fo Two nominees, both outsiders,| 56, a French national and the | here, Father Frederick Wass of |complaints of capital goods man. "84 It can be expected that the or leompany would be able to bor. street hort, Oshawa ny walk, I'm not sure, he in her 70s . have qualified fo assure a six: highest Roman Catholic official | the Miami diocese (left) inters |ufacturers that (hey have lost Rudi V.ozak, his wile and three! The worst of the fire was con | 1 rotect Iman racer Leonard Arp and F,| in Haiti, who was expelled to. | preis the questions for him many export sales because they "9 WP to 10 times the amount shildren, Raven 3 fons 4 6, ad fined to the Prochazka living M 0, Popham | day, is shown being questioned ~AP Wirephoto [ean't meet the financing tertne of its capital, These funds would pr Jerry Prochaezka, |p . p------ a } d A / i oer (He buildin Yt 8 Sted room COURT DIDN T offered hy other countries, he made available for export 4, Hed Lie | 8 ! Constable Neil Attersley, who M n ter The United States pr wides| Hi o up to five yours, Street No saw flame a street. ode ovides| Kor longer-term loans Mr, Prochazka, who has a tal jaw Hi hie Hom fhe srbet, ran TAKE IT EASY 0 S hd hd long term eredit terms under its port. credits Insurance Jd lor shop on the second floor of Ye of Mr, Prochazka, "1 heard him| LONDON (AP) == Anthony INVERNESS, Scotland (AP 1 era 0 1 1 l O SXBOR- mpnrt hanks 44 officials tion has authority to lend up to building, returning home from Ws ve)ing 'Get me out', hut was| Watts was 90 miles from [A police chief whose beat is the pid at it the Suropea armen] $200,000.08 by Hels " putchas. : 8 have gover g the romissory evening walk, noticed smoke forced back by the smoke," | home on a wet and windy is y salle p pouring from his living room 8 | " (Reoftish highlands called today ment supported finanoing facili: notes which cover the export 8 of one type or another, sale, Four units, of the Oshawa Fire] night when his 24-year-old (ror a special act of Parliament . * Window on the uit oHoor my Pepartment, blocked traffie and| automoblle eo 4 gh ed and 11s protect the Loch Ness monster we ES ------------ » we } Rh . 2 3 -- # tered 0a ha lag 5 | y ute : dir be. PeTOUted buses at the main cors| SPI abit 5 . against human villainy Ouslill | men men friend's safety and their he ners in their attempt to put out Angrily he grabbed a "At the moment we don't know | RECORD DELIBERATION longings," sald Mr. Prochazka, / Albi y the flames hammer from the tool Kit | opaiher the monster can he prop "they have no insurance" and broke the car into bits I raced up the stairs and| "1 must commend the fire de. "Tie 'of battered hody orly helped under the law OTTAWA (CP) = For nearly municipal sewage projects and government's contributions to ur screamed at Mr, Kozak to call partment on thelr masterful . Ken ' Johnstone, chief constable sity idence: ban slum-clearance projects, . the Fire De yartment and then(job," said Murray P, Johnston work he scribbled a farewell of the shire (county) of Inver.iwo days the Liberals sal for university rosidonces a : ehrance pre) 4 RE he t-lowner of the building, 'they note; "Take It easy--hut take |. trangely quiet in the Commons J, R. Garland (L--Nipissing),| 3, Establishment of a munici forced mysell to go into the apar ' hatte win opposition housing eritie, pal loan fund to supplement--hut it Wi N were quick and helpful in botl Everybody accepts that somes, lis ap FC n A ment to rescue what 1 could of eq a I Nn hoth Police found the wreckage Nine range. Hives In the: loeh keeping their powder dry and said the government showed lit not replace--existing methods of ow belonging : " eh pitting aut the tire and cleaning the next morning alongside but nobody knows whether it's an watching passively while two 1g concern earlier this yoar financing, to meet the long-term ™ udi OK Sal a were J p! 8 4 ah y \ " y a y YA Bik " " " e 0 a sleeping, and were awakened hy The Johnston clothing store and the highw ay, They traced the animal or a fish or something dozen Conservative hackbench- when depressed conditions hor rowing requireme nts of mu n ne £ t | hanging on the door. He the Vogue Beauty Salon suffered] V0! through the licence | or miotely outside our experi: ers rose to praise the govern-iwere developing, He sald reces. nic ipalities with a backlog of ih fd a J 4 fire in his considerable smoke and water plates nee ment's new Housing Act amend: glon started last March and the|capital projects elle f VAS § | | 1 J 8 t f 7 : : 7 Wal Johnstone, county police chief ments government did not antielpate it) wor ean vane ment Mr, Kozak, an employee at the the 1080 Litter Act and fined [for 10 years, sald that without Thursday they opened fire a did not recognize it when it . : doh? 0 Jd et and fi 4 > y 3 nme, ' Mrs, Kozak grabbed Ronald Johnston s elothing stove, and hi now legislation his men might They ripped into the government did eo the plan to make federal loans York lawyers were found guilty (hear character witnesses and Karen in the family spent the night at the not he able to stop adventurers with charges that it had delayed '"The government must take for sewage projects will diserim.| Thursday night of stealing $060,- other evidence before passing other, took hold of Gunther's Central Hotel, - irying to kill .or cateh thelthe measures too long to be of full responsibility for this i. inate against those municiaplities 000 in money and securities from (sentence, in dangerous experi-'any major help in cutting winter less delay and for the fact that! which have neglected other proj-|Brilund Mines Limited in 107, Mr Prochazka had forced h ment unemployment = that the delay the proposed legislation Will noteots to put emphasis on sewage| An assize court jury returned PATE BACK TO 1057 way into the smoke-filled apart 0,0 There have heen reports that/had caused 150,000 men to join have its full impact when Un:|disnosal and treatment, the guilty verdict after boing out] The trial arose oui of charges ment, but was almost overcome 2 hand of young men from Eng. the jobless ranks this year, employment 1s most acute," hel "po a Horner (PC--Jasper.|f0F more than two days and two dating back to the transfer of hy the dense smoke land intend to drop home-made| But when it came time to vote said Edson) and Harold Danforth Dghts--one of the longest delih bonral of Bellund Mines Limited 1 staggered into the Kozak depth charges into the loch withion second reading of the legisla Now Mr, Walker was trying to (PC-~Kent, Ont.) both said the erdtions In Ontario history, nares tN Ano ve kitchen and opened the window the alm of forcing the monster|tion--or approval in principle of stimulate housing demand by housing legislation will provid Mr. Justice G. A. Gale clianged| Welt Were gecised of stealing go. i legisly Provide aihe jury Tuesday after the ag.|eurities, money or property vals with the Little rength 1 had left ( y 9 y ( gl lowering down payments, d 4 , | There is a metal roof about three : the Sern. Where J ean be the CCK ig BARR f a shot in the arm for home 0on-\gay rial of Hen Smith, 46-year-|ued at §060,000 from Brilund, de foul, froin the widow, sid i IC 1S 0 NADY such nonsense Wil helernment proposals, The govern. Wale PAY TWICE struction in small towns, Whichlaid on, owner of the Prince|ffauding the company, and con: Prochazka, "1 could reach it but { 004 hel Jy aoa Wi ns 0 big AT a roll-eall Mr, Garland said the result of they suggested : had been nes George Hotel in Toronto; D,[Spiving to ste] and defraud, couldn't crawl on to it because nt Tg TRL a Lg Da 1 the higher mortgages and 35. glected in the past, Charles Stuart, 4, of North Ray;| The charges were originally I was so digay, I hammered o 1 : Insane enti al a) ! : (year repayment period will bel Mr, Danforth said that for too| Stanley I, Schonbrun, 88, a New|brought in connection with an the metal and kept sereamis PORT au PRINCE, Haiti (AP) striking students accused by the game Thy) Relen ie Inve Ia Fhe bitterness of debate In the {hat "the little man' who buys|long, under the Liberals, the re-| York lawyer; Saul R. Rauch, 45, Investigation of Brilund by the for help, Some people at & party | ons nt oii Ung the monster few hours prior to the vote, a $15,000 house will end up Ja | quired down payment for ana member of the New York state Onatrio Securities Commi. 'on; in the next apartment heard me ou of the question which sends the bill to commits fine §37 784 for it--including $22. NHA house was too large and|bar; and his brother Harold, 42 |Brilund Mines was suspended may have set the tone fori goq in interest at the curvent/ that many people bought a ecar(a manufacturers' agent, Harold|from trading on the. Toiuulo Stock Exchange Nov, 30, 1957, ' sald TORONTO (CP) A million) The convicted men were re [ aire Toronto hotel owner, a North manded for sentence to Dee, 1, fhe Liberal critic added that Bay lumber dealer and two New|Mi Justice Gale said he would wa hrought Into ce 0 | in apart: damage 4 ' place and to call the fire depa court Thursday for violating in on arm and hand, and we ran down stair creature Roman Catholie Archhishop government of heing involved in Francols Poirier, long an oppon: Communist plotting, To deal with! ent of President Francois Duval: the strike the government de tee | the new session, The "little man" {pate of 6% per cent instead of a house, Rauch waa acquitted, the roof and pulled me from the [BF Was secretly hustled out of clared martial law last Tuesday inflow Haiti Thursday night. with ne! Thursday it closed all schools for Schools Break [was conjured up by both sides,| ynterest rates now were at a and they argued who had done peeond level, one which could be baggage and no money except a Christmas vacations 4 month horrowed dollar head of time the most for him in terms of justified in times of inflation . The highest church official o Fhe stocky Gfi.year-old arch S k B | housing hut not during recefision as at South Ririca this Negro Catholic republic was Dishon said on arviving in Miami mo e y aw HIT POLICIES present Mr, Garland added: : "This is the wrong approach, coused of giving $7.000 to aid Thursday that the charges ) ) ' Liberal speakers accused the lvl OTTAWA (C] Forty-one of \ M the wrong policy, if we admit : against him were entirel ep S rien S : false He is going back to his Otawa's publie schools are fovernment of falling to heed a as we do on this side of the current "pecession" and of an native Hrittany in Franoe hetehing smoke from their chim \ § 3 y re JOHANNESBURG (AP) South (Vatlean sources said Haitian heys and breaking the capital's/unjustified tight-money, high-in House- that NG oN SNe a fo Africa is undemaking a massive est ota authorities involved in the expul: #ir pollution bylaw terest policy, The Liberals made a8 the prime minister said the campaign to win friend I sion of the archbishop "very| The city, in a letter to the|unemployment a sounding hoard, | tho "asd Tahal we now are ex. and repair its international reput likely" incurred excommunica. Property committee, rapped thei At issue were Works Minister |noviancing serious economic dif: ation, damaged by bloody racial tion denying them the ohureh School hoard Thursday night for Walker's proposed amendments fioilties.' disorders and political unre t ance sacrament mitting "too much smoke from to raise house mortgages and! chop proposals submitted hy year. Police and presidential guards the school thus lower down payments--and me. Garland 3 One hundred af the eo arvested the avchhishon at hi Fhe committee referred the to provide Central Movigage and! | An increase to 78 per cent leading citizens hav en $210,000 office and escorted him to the Matter ta the hoard lieltor. [Housing Corporation 10ans {OF fram 50 per cent in the federal i] | In the ca \ i ted Airport where they bought him a het \ Se Halls : he $200,000 {ticket for Miami, He was put on hm egg gfe SLATE NEWS FLASHES | Heavy Floods Tid pio : ty K : loaned him hy a priest Routh African Foundation, whit $150,000 HELPED STRIKERS Crash Brings Death Toll Plague Oregon \ \ | vas founds d t Dev A communique hroadeast MLN OR neludes Eng) Kaa $125,000 by: Defente Minister Adtcle Ta TORONTO (CP lohn M. Donald, 41, today became the PORTLAND, Ore, (AP)\---Flood| ki we oph said the ban Mth tratfie fatality in metrapolitan Toronto. Police said the waters coursed from ankle to waist depth through scoves of nent ¢ 0 Ar he was drivin raed ira pol 156 th p ¢ { ok a dro pole ' \0 ¢ $100,000 tudent western Oregon communities to Si Bash LE « not Kennedy Maintains Slim Lead flay. Heit Lule put ete cutive $75,000 notion : WW WASHINGTON (AP Democrat John Kennedy water We 1 oe WM 6.000 al ' popular margin in the Nov, R election remained at 213.502 today US 101 along the coast. US $50,000 D oh " \ \ Hino republican lead considered carrving a ballot 1 across the Cascade range and] § CITY EMERGENCY ose him. he said he iow whol oontraversy to court, Latest totals were Kennedy $4,010.99 and (many secondary toutes were| § $25 000 tay ah 0 RHIC DE WHEW WAG Viee President Richard Nixon 33,806,468 with mare than 800 [blocked hy vampaging streams| ® ' hey are and where they are hid of 166 084 voting unit till to report and landslides touched off hy al PHONE NUMBERS ng en OFF TO GREY CUP GAME Your Greater Oshawa = Haiti University students went PM Tries To Stall Rail Strike today. Tt was, however, slacken WLICE RA 5.113 wm strike Monday demanding 11 POLICE | ' ¥ fema ng off in some areas The Ottawa Rough Rider | a chartered plane for Vancow | merchants to raise $6400 for the MIN y » of Josenh Roney, § 0 \ \ { \ FIRE DEPT. RA 5.6374 | COMMUNITY CHEST release of J Roney ml \WA (CR) = Prime Minister Diefenbaker announced Most Fosidents Sat it aut 48 he, matorettes. and oheorionders | Yor #0 SaindAY's Grey. Cun | tim Hi nr \ \ \ OR & new pound of \ virtledd into stores and | foothall game. The 42 8 tributed bh 3 9 SPIT ) s ; ? her y h A yh & iS, vl hy the Ottaw th HOSPITAL RA 3.2211 Needs Your Support ested in Septem on cha \ evel talks ta be held here Saturday in an effort to avert | home No casualties were re ranging in age from 18 to TL Ty wa foothall : were in high spirits when they 2 \ . 32 bh of distributing Communigh, acts, the "catastrophic results" of a country-wide railway strike \ N Igit Ottawa Thurs night o Pb, 3 ported | Awa dhursday night on | canvassed Ottaws 3 { PW od awa eitizens and «CP Wirgphote ereamin and erawled out on

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