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The Oshawa Times, 25 Nov 1960, p. 6

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dhe Oshavon Times Published by Canadian Newspapers Limited, 86 King 5, E., Oshawa, Ont, Poge 6 Fridoy, Movember 25, 1960 -- Benchers Lack Support In Criticism Of Judge The Benchers of the Law Society of Upper Canada, that most exclusive of closed shops, may not care about public opinion, even though the legal profes. son at the moment could use some good public relations, Certainly they did noth. ing to swing public opinion to their side when they undertook to criticize Mr, Justice Wilson for verbally spanking ciown counsel in the recent "shady lady" divorce hearing Mr, Justice Wilson had criticized the Queen's Proctor, Elliott Pepper for pro- ducing a crown witness who had not before been interviewed by the Attorney. General's Department and who had only second-hand information, His Lordship remarked, "This is no way to prepare a trial" He later told Mr, Pepper that his court examination was going beyond the hearing's scope, Mr, Pepper is young and inexpers ienced, and Attorney-General Roberts could be criticized for putting him in charge of the crown's case, What the Benchers objected to was publie chastisement administered by the judge, In a written statement they said; "It is not part of the function of a judge the to upbraid publicly counsel who respects fully end in good faith is presenting a case to the court , , , We deeply regret that on this occasion the learned justice departed from a salutary practice which has been followed almost uniformly by our judges and senior members of our profession" = the practice being cone structive but private criticism, What the Benchers seem to forget that the law is not the private property of lawyers, and the conduct of trials not a routine ritual, A counsel who does not prepare his case properly, who does not examine properly, who goes beyond the seeking of truth, deserves to be slaps ped down by the judge hearing the case, Justice Wilson deserves commen» dation rather If judges followed his example, the effect undoubtedly than criticism, more on the profession would be salutary, The trates how deeply mired members of reaction of the Benchers illus. some professions have become in the attitude that they are beyond public criticism, The best thing that can be said about the that they avoided the splitting of an infinitive, jenchers' statement is Fog And Pollution fog that blanketed this dis. triet during a couple of recent mornings Dense brought traffic to a crawl but more im- portant, served as a reminder that con. trol programs for air pollution are a necessity in industrial areas, Polluted air, under the conditions that produce fog, can be deadly, Fog can be romantic, it can be harm. less, it can be beneficial, Lettuce grow ers in the hot Salinas Valley near San Francisco depend on it to the evaporation of irrigation water in their fields, It can also cost lives and money, Sailors hate it and the tricks it does with sounds, It can slow inside work as well as outside traffic =~ people tend to become less efficient in a dense grey world, and the Bank of England has gone so far as to halt complex work and put its clerks on routine chores until a bad fog lifts, It is at its deadliest as smog, when it mixes with polluted air, When an in- dustrial city is surrounded by higher ground, and vehicle exhausts and chim. slow neys pour gases into the air and a situs ation of temperature inversion exists when temperature layers pin the foul air at low level = then deadly smog is created, In the winter of 1930, smog killed some 70 Belgians in a factory town, In 1948, twenty people died in Donora, Pa, and of the town's 13,500 population became ill, In Cine cinnati the smog got so bad in 1949 that it peeled paint off houses, A few years ago smog ate holes in nylon stockings in Toronto, Los Angeles smog is notorious, and London is even worse, In December, 1953, smog killed 6000 Londoners, a toll only a little under that the Nazi bombers took in the worst month of the Battle of Britain, Smog can be licked, Pittsburgh used to most and blouses be a filthy city, but wise action by lead. ing citizens changed the situation by means of a strict control program, The toll of such smog attacks as those in London and Donora can be accurately calculated, but effect on human health of daily doses of polluted air is only beginning to be estimated, How many affections of the lung, nose throat and eyes are started by polluted air can only be guessed at until research now under way produces firm evidence, But what is known is that clean air is a necessity for good health, the More Oil Than Needed In the last four years demand for oil has increased three million barrels a day, but the supply available at the wells has increased six million barrels a day, And that is why Venezuela and the oil-producing countries of the Middle East have been discussing joint action to protect their oil income, why some producers in Canada want to push pipe. lines farther into Eastern Canada, and why President-elect Kennedy will face vociferous demands from U.S, producers for further restrictions on the import of low-priced foreign oil into the United States, Discoveries in the French Sahara and Libya account for much of the world oil glut, Production has expanded in the Soviet Union, Canada and the United States, and continued to be heavy in The Oshawa Times TL WILSON, Publisher and General Manager € GWYN KINSEY Editer The Oshawa Times combining The Oshawa Times (established 1871) and the Whitby Gazette and Chionicle (established 1863), Ww published daily {Sundays end statutory holidays excepted) Members of Canadian Daily Nev napers Publisher Aneciation. The Canadian Press, Audit Bureau of Circulation and tha Ontaria Pray a Dailies Asso cation, The Canadian Prema Myely entitled 1 the we tor re ation of © ews despatched nthe paper ered ono The Associated Preys a Reuters, and abso the | news published therein All rights of special «© Atehes are als reserved niversity Avenue, Othices: Thomson Building, 42% 1, Montrea! PQ Toronta, Ontariay 840 Cotheant § SUBSCRIPTION RATES od by carmen In Oshawa Whithy, Alex ehwahere Average Daily Net Paid os of April 30, 1960 16,999 Venezuela and the oil-rich lands of the Middle East, Reserves increased more than a billion in the United States last year, Canada has great une tapped reserves, Yet less than 10 years barrels ago there was talk of an oil famine, and experiments were in the U.S, to find substitutes for petroleum, being conducted Russian price-cutting has complicated the situation, The Soviet action forced western international oil companies to reduce the prices they pay, and this greatly alarmed the Middle East coun tries and Venezuela == countries whose economies float on oil, Their discussions will continue, with some representatives favoring a Venezuelan proposal for an ine ternational cartel to control oil produces tion and others not wanting to go that far, The effect of the glut on Canada has been to slow up exploration of some promising Arctic areas, but exploration has not been stopped, The Canadian problem is the distance of the new fields from present markets, But the demand for oil increases each year and the time will come when supply and demand are in better balance, The oil companies spending money now on exploration are looking forward to that time, It will probably mark the beginning of another surge in the development of Canada's north, now beginning to stir from its ancient frozen slumber, Bible Thought To him that knoweth to do good and doeth it not, to him it is sin--James 4:17, Kindness is the warmth that pervades the soul. To help the weak, lift up the fallen, strengthen the weary, bind up the He able creature, wounded spirit has great reward, who withholds kindness is a miser OTTAWA REPORT " comp knowledge of the administrative Ministry Choices Cause Arguments By PATRICK NICHOLSON The Federal ministry was brought up to an all-time record size by last week's appointments of Parliamentary secretaries There are now 24 cabinet min isters, and 16 Parliamentary sec retaries; In each case, this is four more than held these re. spective offices in the previous Liberal administration at the time of its electoral defeat in 1957. Some surprise has heen ex. pressed at the reappointment of the same individuals to the posts of Parliamentary secretaries, As such appointments are made for INSIDE YOU a period of 12 months, there had grown up the erroneous idea that an MP would serve for that period, and then be demoted to enable one of his colleagues to take his shoes, Thus, with 16 such posts provided by legisla. tion, and with a parliament last. ing for four years and a frae- tion, rotation would provide for 64 hack-bench MPs to enjoy the preferment and experience of serving as Parliamentary secre- tary to a cabinet minister, This would provide a scheme of "po litieal scholarships," to enable promising MPs to gain a broader Doctor Answers Readers' Queries FERN, MD What's the symptom Mrs, T. R Mrs, R.: Fever Is a symptom, It may stem from an infected kidney, pneumonia or just a plain cold, Drugs can cure the infection and pneumonia, They only re. lieve cold symptoms until it goes away, Some symptoms shouldn't be controlled, Without a cough, every cold would turn into pneu- monia, Dear Doctor: What is chemical balance in the human body? Mrs, H, W, Dear Mrs, Wi The body Is a chemical bank, When input equals oulgo your balance doesn't change A positive balance means a growing reserve, A sinking balance is called "nega tive," In the red or in the blue, you can still be in the pink until your balance grows too high or too low, EXAMINATION NEEDED Dear Doctor: My husband has heen coughing up blue phlegm for years, Should he have a chest X-ray? By BURTON NH, DEAR DOCTOR: difference between a and a disease? Dear Mrs, E, §, Dear Mrs, 8: Yes, if you want to find out what's wrong, a coms plete medical examination, tool PATCHES AROUND EYE Dear Doctor: Yellowish blisters like patches are developing around my eye. What can 1 do tv make them disappear? Mrs, A, §, Dear Mrs, 8: Fatly deposits fu the skin look yellowish, Most PARAGRAPHICAL WISDOM The present whereabouts isn't known of the man who for Christe mas gave his wile a deed to a cemetery lot It was undoubtedly due to their youth and inexperience that a record number of sabies flocked to the world in 1959 and took up their abode, "The earth's surface is getting dangerously thin in many places," says a geologist, That's frightening, The earth may fall to pieces before man gels around to blowing it up When a bride of a week hands ed her husband a dish towel and told him to wipe the dishes, he broke all the dishes and then tried to choke her with the towel, It may take her all of three weeks to get this guy under cons tral pastern hunter is shot # in a tree by another hunter who thought he was a hear sitting In a tree Press res port. If you resemble a bear, don't sit In a tree, side of government Against this proposal stands the more compelling argument that it tekes a Parliamentary secretary six months to learn the Job; so ministers would be en- "during frequent changes which would deprive them of the full benefit of a tance, In the de. bates on the bill establishing these posts, Prime Minister Dief- enhaker made it quite clear that his intention was not to rotate his supporters in these jobs, And by the reappointment of last year's incumbents, he has made it clear that he regards these junior members of his ministry as working officials, not as polith cal trainees These 40 positions in the ad. ministration, either as cabinet minister or as Parliamentary secretary provide recognition for one in every five supporters of the government in the House of Commons That represents also the pros portion of satisfaction which these appointments receive i among Conservative MPs, ! WHAT BASIS FOR CHOICE? Some critics of course are dis. { appointed by their own omission from these lists of preferment, § Many feel that the basis of re. patches contain cholesterol -- a special fat, TOO MUCH FAT? You may have so much fat in the bloodstream that some has to settie out, The eyelids are a favorite spot for mew settlers, Perhaps you eat too many fats, or perhaps you inherited the ten- dency to have lots of fat in the bloodstream, Try eating less fat, Ask your doctor about removing these yellowish patches with *trichlors acetle acid." He may even sug- Rest surgery, QUESTION OF THE WEEK i What brings on a dark. brown taste which and Koes" Coffee? A.: Probably the white coat covering taste buds on the tongue, Sucking hard candy brings out saliva to rinse away both coat and taste, Dr, Fern's mailbox Is wide ope. for letters from readers, While he cannot undertake to answer individual letters, he will use readers' questions in his column whenever possible and when they are of general Inter ost, Address your letters to Dr, Fern In care of this newspaper, comes glonal representation is inappro. priate; more consider that the conch has not dressed his best procurable team, Ontario, as our most populous province, of course has the greats est representation in this minis. try perhaps too great with seven cabinet ministers and seven secretaries, Quebec has six ministers and only four secretars ies, Manitoba and Saskatchewan each have two ministers and one secretary, while in contrast B.C, has two ministers and no secre. tary The personalities selected are in some cases balls of fire; there Is widespread agreement that others are either burned out, or not yet kindled, or even frankly non-combustible, One recent ap- pointment as a parliamentary secretary has notably attracted derisive eriticlsm, a poll of opin. fon among representatives of the three parties drawing two vers dicts of "nincompoop'" and one of "ecomplete idiot," The wealth of unused talent at the disposal of the prime minis. ter was the subject of comment two years ago in this column, when I suggested that, if the en. tire cabinet were to fly to Van. couver to watch the Grey Cup game, and be crashed in the Rockies, an admirable - cabinet could yet be constructed from other MPs left in Ottawa, Since that date, no less than 10 of this column's suggestions have re. celved promotion to cabinet or secretarial rank, REPORT FROM U.K. Actor Devises Way To Keep B eriol London (Fng.) ; ng. Correspondent For The Oshaws Times LONDON -- Jack Hawking, one of Britain's highest-paid actors, bas found 8 way of ese come (ax payments on sh stantial, subject to surtax, in- come, His scheme was challenged in the courts by the Income fax suthorities, and Mr, Justice Danckwerts, in giving Judgment in bis favor, has given court ap- proval to 8 plan which might well be followed by a great many other people in the high income brackets, Mr, Hawking' vietory might have far-reaching resulls for others who wish to reduce their tax burdens, The scheme was really quite simple, Mr, Hawking formed a Productions, Limited, Only two shares were issued, one to his wife and the other to his account ant, Mr, Hawkins was a director but eo a shareholder. Later, his father - in - law, Horace Beadle, settled £100 on three Hawking children, The £100 was used by Mrs, Hawkins and the accountant, @s trustees for the children, to buy the remaining 98 shares, PLAN IN OPERATION Then the plan went into opera. tion, When Mr, Hawkins made the film, "Fortune is 8 Woman"', this family company agreed to em. ploy him, He worked as an em. ployee of the company, which was paid £25,000 for hs services in the film, The company paid Mr, Hawkins £900 at £50 a week for 12 weeks, and £25 a week expenses, An interim dividend was later paid by the company to the three children, less tax, The money went towards the children's edu. cation, Mr, Hawkins claimed repay. ment of some of their tax, claim. BY-GONE DAYS 15 YEARS AGO A Boy Beout leadership course was held In Oshawa with Assist ant Provinelal - Commissioner Frank C, Irwin in charge, Rose Excelsior Mill, of Picker- ing, bought a three-acre site in the south end of Oshawa to erect a building and move its plant there, W. E, Clarke, Oshawa, was ap: pointed manager of the Montreal office for the Pedlar People Ltd, The bronze memorial plague placed at the Court House, Whit. by, bearing the names of 347 Ontario County soldiers who gave their lives in the Great War, was unveiled by E, T, Ma lone, Toronto, Provision for the plaque had heen made by the late Col, J, E, Farewell, R. M, Miller and*M, Miller re- turned from a hunting trip at Dieux Rivieres with a 800-pound moose, St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Young People were or- ganized into junior and senior so. cleties, Mrs, W, H, Tait was In charge of the juniors and W, J, Davidson was president of the senior soclety, Edward Power resigned office as postmaster at Cedardale, The Gay Company tendered for the contract for the North Simcoe Street School at $70,800, The Oshawa Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals was organized, J, C, Fowlds was president; J, H, Thompson, sec: retary, and H, C, Lander, treas urer, Riverdale Symphony Orchestra, under the direction of Austin Glionni, presented a program to a large audience in Oshawa High School, under the auspices of YMCA Ladies' Auxiliary, An Inoculation clinic was held in King Street Schoo! to help check a scarlet fever epidemic, In the presence of City and Bell Telephone officials, Oshawa's telephone service was cut over to the new exchange, Red Cross Society supplied milk to public schools in the city, Bani Ing that ss the money was their own income, and not his, they were entitled to reliel, The in come tax commissioners ruled in fn. bis favor, The Inland Revenue Department sppenled against thelr decision, snd when the ease came up in the High Court, the Judgment wes sgain given in his favor, IMPORTANT JUDGMENT Ghving his important judgment, Mr, Justice Danckwerts said; Efforts To Speed Pace "Mr. Hawkine was faced with the prospect of losing most of his bard esrned earnings to the In land Revenue unless he did some- thing about it, Bul that does not mean that what was Aone % as in lawiu "Taxation becomes erippling. People will resort io methods to reduce it, It has hecome the coms mon practice for people such as setors and actresses to make eon. tracts with the very natural ob. ject of trying to minimize their Hability for surtex." To make Mr. Hawking vietory all the sweeter, the judge order. ed that the Inland Revenue De pariment must pay his costs, An income tax expert, Bs 8 re sult of this decision, says there is nothing now to stop others from forming a company. having their incomes pnid to the eompany, drawing a limited salary and let ting the company pay dividends to their children ss shareholders, _-- -------- Of Canadian Commons OTTAWA (CP)~The Canadian House of Commons will experi ment this session with some rule changes that bring i closer to the image of Westminster on which it was remodefled, Many of its rules and proced- ures are broadly similar to Brit. ain's, But the big, green-car- peted Commons here still differs widely in some respects from the more intimate House in London Renged on henches that" will not accommodate all its 630 members, the United Kingdom Commons hears shorter, sharper speeches that normally run 16 to 20 minutes, M Oftawa, each of the 266 MPs can count on a seat and desk and invariably speaks right up to his time limit----heing shortened this session to 30 min. utes from 40, Without a time limit, the Brit- ish Commons seems able to con. trol the length of speeches through the weight of opinion of fellow-members and a tendency of the Speaker not to 'recog nize' windbags, The work of both Houses of Commons is basleally the same passing the laws hy which the people are governed and approv ing the raising of money in volved in governing, THRONE SPEECH FIRST Both begin their task with a speech from the throne, prepared by the esbinet and read to as semhled MPs--in Britain by the sovereign and in Canada by the governor-general, The speech, containing broad outlines of government policy and the legislative program, is the springhoard for a wide-rang- ing debate that often relates to anything but the topies men. tioned, In Canada, thi debate is being cut to eight days from 10 on a trial basis, In Britain, it is about six days The formality of reading the speech, moving and seconding the traditional reply and enter- ing the debate are squeezed into one day in Britain but are spread over three In Canada, The throne speech and budget debates are highlights of (he parliamentary session, The Ca. nadian Commons will experiment this session with a two-day reduc. tion! n the budget debate hut the six days permitted still will be two more than normally allowed at Westminster, Apart from these, a variety of debates arise from legislative bills introduced by the govern. ment or by private members, Fach House has different debat- ing rules and stages through which legislation passes THREE VOTE STAGES All bills go through threes mas Jor stages -- first, second and thid reading But Canadian MPs must obtain permission to introduce a private bill through a formal motion and the govern. ment must obtain approval by presenting a debatable resolution on government measures involv. ing spending money, In Britain, however, the reso lution stage is dispensed with on most government bills except major finance bills and "10-min wte ryle bills," The latter are legislative measures introduced under a special procedure that allows two 10-minute speeches one opposing, the other favoring -on introduction of the bill, Britain's Commons alse has cut the time devoted to consider ation of a bill one clause at a time in committee of the whole House, following this procedure only on major legidation. AN bills get clauseby-clause treat ment in the Canadian House, In place of this stage, bills in Britain go to standing commits tees of 20 to 50 MPs for detailed examination, The committee re. ports on the bill to the Come mons, proposing amendments, adoption In its original form er rejection altogether. LIMIT PRIVATE BILLS The Canadian Commons fre. quently sends bills to standing or epecial committees, This some. times tends to produce repetition of debate--first in the committee and then In commitiee of the House Opportunities to debate private members' motions and legisla. tion are limited In both Britain and Canada, slthough the re strictions are less severe in Lop. on, British MP's consider private mombers' business on 20 Fri. days during the session--10 for legislative bills and 10 for mo. tions calling for action in spe cific fields, Four additional days were allotted last session and likely will continue to he pro- vided by the government In Canada, private members' business takes precedence on two Mondays and six Thursdays plus an hour on Friday afternoon, An experimental change this session will allow the government to postpone the private members' days to get its legislation hefore the House early in the session, The two Commons differ widely on the dally question period at the start of the sitting and on detalled consideration of the gov. ermment's spending program, Question period is usually the liveliest and most Interesting part of the Canadian parliament. ary session, MPs fire verbal questions at cabinet ministers on matters affecting the government and receive verbal replies, Before the Second World War, this lasted about 20 minutes daily but now often extends to an hour or more, Written questions placed on the order paper sup plement this procedure and are dealt with on Wednesdays, Britain's question period is Um. ited to an hour, Questions must be submitted in advance and in writing, Oral questions are al lowed only to elicit more Inform. ation, Canadian MPs spend fully one third of their House time consid. ering government spending. Thelr British counterparts do not debate the entire program item by item as is the practice in the Canadian Commons, t------ Reader's Digest reports om Surprising facts about your marriage In "love and affection" as important as you think? De by oy help or hinder the success of a marriage? When does the "second honeymoon" occur ? What new factor saves many marriages? Don't miss this report on a 6-year survey which explodes many popular beliefs about marriage, You'll find it in December Reader's Digest --now on sale! MORE CANADIANS BUY BURNETT'S THAN ANY OTHER DRY GIN , ALLTTTTRY LLL] RONTREAL avian Liwirry BURNETT'S WHITE SATIN GIN PORT ha Abs BURNETT'S Celebrated LONDON DRY GIN 219089000900 009 0800880

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