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The Oshawa Times, 29 Nov 1960, p. 13

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ented To Rout - {blwitl Apts, Flats [84--Howses, Apts, Flats Ab--Wouses, Apts., Flats Ada--Rooms For Rent 45--Reol Estate for Sole A5--Real Estate for Sale | THE omaw TIES, Tuosbey, Meribr 0, U8 3 -- . PI OUSES, vy vy id -- 83--Yianter. Y0 po For Rent For Rent Bor Rant LARGE (mises roms oom AN LOVELR can wpm howe 988) Jews MODERN § ROOM 18 5--Reo! Estate For Sole 47 Automobiles Foy Sele PETER : -- fo Pa A wad Woud West ov v wptate y oo blake Wowse for rent, PERSIST heniae, Fo iAER) private home. 74 Owhaws Five bs . gin ol " Hw virier aterves, WAREROERE os broaimmtaty FIVR 100m bride Boe on or Available 107 WHEE manne, Aes South, Rh 5095 Ranch-style house i" DOWN, ib manihiy wil let vou iia BUICK fout doef port, ry # se, MN "aw 4' 7 "A Fossils ff for fuvther 5 5 furnished loot satan taier, AON i F FOR wy B Rew home wn Whithy with one owerad, deep tread white w 7 Le ------T RAVEN, awe, tor TW ih Wing Sirens East, (hams MITRACTIVE farwished rooms, wall IN IM ir 5 Veyess term. G Wo down veyment, Wiley Motors, RA Poh of, shopoing pi Planating, WH 29778. 4# ; 3 sha h " 91 Park Ross c « " #7 png y Broker . ol ---------- 56 ,, Fiots | ¥wner . room spertment : 5 - ' Ry C --_-- $4 Houses, Apts, ' «vo ap mod : room Wowee lor vent, wiliatie WETRY = (hres bedroom bungsiow i gm. Rh AAS HRISTMAS bet sorvics: Horth IE oe writin HW FORTE Eee poate For Rent i" " ¥ poomere OF Boweders, oeaiet GEOR Drive oF PRONE ds for for HERRING rooms, peroes from Worth] ba > pe y 4b ' ! (pane, Lranermission, 14 M0 miles, priveis, hes & @iotriet, giose 16 Rospial, Apory 4 » dant tov Gon y s work Growded for specs? We wil tier Jner lesy » Ap ter Telephone WO 85064 : ppd fay details pant, ideal (or ds ' dood | y gas he gw. Wa sgents plesss, Apoiy after. Telepnon p 4 8 fon irborrnatin . wh sor enis 4 wring. help you to get this 7 room Teleohone BA 56271 4h sie Drive, Whithy, TE 94768 = ; { *, JERE PRIK FIVE rooms , pri nom Rouse, locsiad WH RRET cox som Rowse for rent, oi Rest Teleshone RA # wi for further de brick home in the north-west ! pds 194 LOSMORILE hardtop wit ating, vie AGW SIT, 43 Wa trance, Wh ' y , owe Blog from Shopping Centre 7, Wi EORYERIERERS, CRIES I6aRtion, Lafle | district. A forae: rooms th alin, twe lone, white walls, ehiome nad dois wie WA schodie. BA BIR IF ooustie Dinenmber 15, Aply Wo Jack KOOGWERS wnd dean comioriatiel 0! whos ns wie ! TE SALE BUNGALOW sale * Wing, WH Lek Sake" ae oF finance udvoom nga | 7 PEE_ON RA $M + son Avenue (ov ferther details rams, Wage hed 4 weskly L-peg, and A-pee, bothrooms PRIVATE SALE oF Dovedaie Dir foithy WH RBA R5512 Ai Ay # o 4 " o ger ' p . » Wi Broadview Avenue sh $60 | WWTINCTIVE speriment. Twn led room med amet, | etree hase, 98 Cotborne East, A 3-403 Why not inspect this bergein 6 ROOM BRICK BUNGALOW ' Brma VIEL oh VOLBEWAGEN panel truck in firs FERNISHEN 1» on BORE ARENE v3 Lasin M7 CETARg HitaTie 42) we, right, clean wt FREER, ud, ont, SUS SeTREns, SINGLE nv Aouhin room, sentiemenl t1odey. Coll in better district of Whith clase shape, Jess than 15000 miles, cater pameiien 4 th thn aughonrds, 00ded, (en arms and INGA F. / : wnmed dwelling, go Reaptnce " 0 WERvy duty shove, hei Roepiat, RA Newt schools, Get sresecent Ww Whithy | only, eonlidng privieges i desired. Ap RA 5.6544 or RA 5.4362 Close to schools and shop Tork an wg Toh ed wating, HA B8874 view, sendeck, caiport, Wh 14) Thier, tum Sanches rob, Tele Nh vir. 103 Lin. Situs Ging, GAreaE, Guminum |amecer wiry property. me port! 00 PLYWOUTR sedon, In sxeeiions Lad § ¢ Ea rows riew . i a " -- WICK furnished soon, new hoe, kiteh JOM A J bibl 4 4 a PAs Mahila Realtor, 28 condition, aply 20.008 miles, one owner 4 nied |CERTRAIAY (onated WR ing HOKTH Oshawn ~~ Foweinom pert p silage, for Gentiemen, Prone BA v storms and screens, Extra ' a % or SO Baiks car, vi fown oF oder model ear dotanes of Aownionn. TRICE THOM PY sntarmaned, wpwates, wove FURNISHED three Hom " grond sid Ah after § pm large rec room, Suitable for [FPRes Bb AIR 4 down. Take over 18 payments. BA tained wrest flowy wows Ta ahare path, We ReRvy WWE. spwriment, (rete Wath and eRrane . OLAHOO ¢ : or FLT own oayoni." SHEA oRm Ary faciitien with dryer. Tatapnone RA G00 Fee, LT ane GROUSE Contes, paring, of WS BSCRLY formished room with all eon renting. Potie, Perticlly dec is PIAA rg Bb gprii of Wi LLL wher 6pm 4 145-177 J - - i re. Ine Aviniatie pow, Telephone BA eniences Appts 2 Figs Wiest. Tele oroted. Carries for $97.50 swnrs oid. 27 fving room, Lil base 1050 BUICK four door, mechanics ily ddl TT five - 100 eta Lowy hmeeienving Loom hy 4 8 29 SVN phone RA 5005 LIMITED ,. P. VT. Forced sale. MO B ment, fuliy Aeeorated, immedigte pos Sound. radio, heater, Wieell anal signals, | coma anans, BRIA a, ip treet East, Telephone Wh 59150 PASEMINT apartment with levis Wed | CENTRAL, location, comionaily fir | REALTOR INSURANCE 5152 wssion priced lor quick sais, Wr kau lat otter, Telephone BA §5734 ¥ or wtih § pom, Telephone WH ps ih 4 TPO, CATIARREON KHERER, WORE TOON | sighad Single BRATOOM IF EWA, FR comm ome remem a A. we 100, BA BAO Brethowr Resi Bote) Go" BEDGE seden, oe call RA FSR HACTIE FOOL 4 ohG whiter WA 37900 Fig ia bi run' oh pos piace hath, sEparple entrances, TY opectamie person, Apiy 71 Ontene fad IMA poy whee, pavking. SHREIIAIE. poesession p ™ Whi, OB Paons R115 alter $ outlet, heavy dily RA B5455 Soret : WOWERN (hes bedroom brick Wns: | uss ENVOY, 5000 miles, periret on newly Aacoraied brick Rowse, wh p hl Gis THREE large rooms, relngerstor, one ria spacious ed SLAG room, ow, Wie Emditioned mi Resling. 00K dion, telephone RA BO8IS alter § pm, OO Rawly Asa miend sum doors and windows 7 wom FOUR om Rowse, Vere Ih, BV Ll ouivaie ath, central, PRAIRIE, | ss Aern furniture WW clean home ' and tie floors, pewly decorated, ee 2 4 wtrigaraioy. Bruen | Bosd South, Apoty tedey alier # ninly, svaliamie mmemataly, home mediately, newly Aeeornt: facilities W desired. One min. | mat mack garage, paved Arvewsy, IW CHEVROLET, new Hires, battery, p p 4 j r r 3 3 winleriied, clean interior, Reliable & ne. WA I RA decarnicd these soon soars BA BOVYI od. bes ab dove. RA 39788 wie (6 shopping contre. Wh Fernhill SALESMAN AT NEW INFORMATION CEN TRE RA 377% wr $205 oF offer Green WO on od ant. rivets ERIERNCR n antine TWO i FOO RPRILIRERS, TEV. cep u pC bedroom house for rept, lo. Biv, RA 5735 FAS EMENT apartment, five , room EW, Padroom house, 56 D9 ole Nek water, Twn children wetaome. modern wr aetment iviing, with wethe, THRE eC nm Oe ene RA WOTREREEPING Team Felvidiretir free - bedroom brick omgalow, two IH CHEVROLET Impsls convertible, Spurimanis Ww another BUNARE, Ie S17 Oswawn Bowieysrd South, BA BEE pips "sik Windows or Wh $975 59068 for further particulars, Save, Ase two - 100 RPRFLIERt Eom wethroome, th meters, large Kikahen, now to end Sree, exselent sondiion, " " f 4 ERIN WO si mn uh ¥ s L4 koe 484 four oom, WVRMIOIS. HA| oul, tom hone yenionces, SELF ONTAINER (thrssrocan MMV cosy ups y fumished, five - room Tetely furmisned, all y wirapAod bp Bundy a a vA » : ida South and, Rapsonatie wiiahie tem ment $55 monthly, Includes heat, BEM Loot oigel soe, refrigerator and TAININE. Available pow s FROM 2 30 TO 5 P M. rove Co, Lid, HA 39810 of RA 59162 TWO room furnioned wpariment, mod | cots" Aply 146 Wilson Wand snd water, enidren welcome. CAI BAIL Cl "oi. "private entrance, Clove to Hest grove 0, 14 hd 107 OLESMOBILE (wo lone, one ow oo pa § floor, sit Dasmens wi x io 6 or BE mere Breet Bowth, BEN or « Riteon, Telephone BA IR oT fate -- 2 Completed Models --Both 6 Room Evenings Ey er war, exselle ne condision, radio, foi pr # tion, WEY teem pte i id 3 4 -- " i ACRES resi god pasture and, lots or, Po akes, wi wRahET, AHIR REO (nent, Ground fir, Mendy ie $e : ATE 45--Reol Estote for So With Attached Garage--Also 3 other homes in I ater. ard ehade on paved Fond. Very ressonshie, hrm atic ne oo. how Ing #1 saniness comple, A (ROOM house with (we bathe, close co MONTHLY, three - room, se-eon: Siete DOWN, thse vere oid, three bed ( f Tindall B ate, deniers. Phone BA 5017 | to § pm 7 w downtown and General Motors mi By wiB ily | advanced stages Inly $4500, tern { ® 4 MAHA HA 8-400 ihe for roomie hans or sv ietiing EES Re air | (a, home Tek it : $4 Fond Sivest West, BA 50909 156 CHEVROLET station wagim o% Ae fo IRE Row 7 "eludes Hove # "len " riers | aad S0i6 ' 9 J GROUND fort: id p Emmedinte possession. RA BH4E day pl Bou BA E3208 for further IioF 90, Inqutrier eyhone KA bl HOUSE for sale for 'the price of rent. "slient condition, rads, white walls, No Weg BH sy pr a oar mre | Schofield Insurance Associates Ltd, | hE (ot, Sr] fh, omen Wl re 8 TWO furnished Tome, "privaie Ph | arated, targe 106, pr 4 » ore 6 pm. 5 private home, nesr South General! TES CHIR arking, suit mile OF Ry Bul, ay sided) 1h VOLKAWAGEN, perfect "andiiion, tors, parking, newly Aecoriied | Ry He: minds from ov oF pi is ig ! anraniree. van all | 6 SIMCOE N, RA 3-2265 12 PRINCE 57, Bhi low mileage, only $695 Ro down pay. #400 vailaiie now, One eid welcome. BA LC Ch eiiatie now, RA vant. HA S031, W, T. Lamson, Bem == n . GOOD income duplex home, somal, ent, Hilitop Miers, BAG #3 re tL EEE > : - 2 mk fot Arpge - 7 r LARGE furnished voum, suitable for Ennte i4a Be a 1954 CHEYROLEY deluxe In good rune id hb ¥ THT TARA Foe Lt: meat ni, sie eh $466 DOWN-1 NHA, MORTGAGE [ise eget vormes Wh sls 7s colle tnt los foi of, parking, or garage facilities. Te Wie 17199 HIRE on wart ' i: Jaws Shos : HA 82503 for further orme DOUG 51 AS S iL. $12, 685 TO TAL P RICE A yo ina 0 i 4 ad SO we « door, Al £166 or RA 37504 ote 4 ' A L t 0 immapniat # J ¥ I madern two « bedroom Apart | CC A - | Within the next two weeks (if the proposed chenges } ; ; or raot 28 Jack: | po i 1a He i ie Jnl thom, Hunt blue {CLEAR furnished apartment, stove Ff 5 new apartment building, re | 5 WwW / Tey " itehen f i { and stove, paved parking are passed) we will have new = brick bungo Sawmanvi Ontarie peck hth / J) 0 9" # vi i 1 REA W H tw win oi) Gladstone Avenue, RA « minutes' walk to Genersl Motors . ry #din, two tone; reasonable. Telephones #f yy 4 4 f onthly 56 Malags HRosd, RA REAL | OR ws on Richmond 5t. East (behir ' y wore) and 3 I" ony e u \ o A Sie # went ooh re he74 ' 1055 OLDSMOBILE "88" hydromatic, 1 alter y it term THREE To0ms and sunroom, privels | Wilson Rd, North which we ore ta f ¢ ord i ce a Ren LEAVING for Enaland December 70 | complete in every way fe b ove figure, We of heating adel ¥ wn § bi ed Very centr modern, parking Wo hedroom Svariement in new "| 41 contemplation of this change for further a > fust sell my 1960 Pontiae 1aurentiam . Why Aecarn he 4 f $0, WA BIH ex TRITVEETRLO 0 | RA #1479 #l, 4, Bo nnn, Faved PRIKInG, near bus, hap | keepin yo $ SECOND bine and veirigeraior, fur od ng Centre, GM 337 Frontenac Avenue ay Joon tv 8 a é 9 jahed, BA 83945 or RA 29958 (FIVE room house tor rept, Apply § A choice 7 Si A A fndel T5487 hardtop, automatic, six eyle der, Contact Ben Gledhill at Dunlop esmen ey.' a 44 f "nithy. Telephone MO 3361, 8 am. to Deposit will be refunded if legislation not pessed, Take ) BA 3.2512 or MOhawk |" ams. and Wath, private er | Bireet, Oshawa of extras, Bar-B-Que, po portunity of getting into this choice convenicnt location while 76h 10/8 FORD deluxe, winterized, exes) APARTMENT, oe f Se ' wise two rooms and hath, pric STORE or business office, also ox paved driv 4 they last AEA AT A TR dad Pr Hit SPREE, Haw / a / entrances aundry facts In room house, downtown location, bth cereens cor fecor i Th dbdoki 4 4 opie, avallabie mr i op irtment howse, IA 53938 or b4 Wayne heated, HA 55980 evenings. BA A646 O00 Haran Lloyd Metcalf Real Estate Limited MODERN | 1056 PONTIAC hardtop, radio, oritingl shane MOhawk BUG fo oF Ph or further particulars hd | 40 KING ST. DIAL RA B.4678 " ack (nish, one owner only, will aps sELF-contained three room apartment, NEW modern two - bedroom spariment : i ' 4 AFTER af 4 6 ROOM HOI JSE ange finance, Telephone RA § 5468 THREE unlurnishes commits Bathroom; one oF WG. 'n pew apartment hullding, refrigers size family 4 . - a 05 CHEVROLET sedan, fair shape, 0 per mon ; Widren welcome. Occupancy NOVEmber ior and stove, paved PRrking, five min brick. Full $ Lloyd Metcalf, RA 56983 vé tt, RA.3-9290 ( to shopping 0 ar best offer, Also 670 - 15 snow i kid water 6 147 Rosehill Biva es wilk to General Mators, 399 with reo dow y Joe Maga RA 5-919] Merion Drew RA 5:7610 plaza, bu h bis, Many ex ver. BA 58086 Telephon ' monthly, 28 ' 74 y - 41 ¢ ' ) ENT SPECIAL sell-contained three m | monthly. 358 Malaga Road, BA 6 ment. Call Sal allo Dick Barriage RA 5-6243 tras, Completely landscaped, | CHEVROLET in Good minnie com A . VAC IEW three. - room | 4 tment, §o0f on, relrigerator APARTMENT, four rooms, self con ! Blely Rattan. must aol Sori aT: Te at) Avail } wd stave In ision 0 ained and bathroom, unfurnished, $75 $500 d q WE ¥ Fr |e opt i offer, Telephone KA $550 / i 9 nont ily, Adults, one ehild welcome, RA . } : 5 YA RED AR " : ny ol pi mont i well RA B-5245 1066 CHEYROLET Fel Air, two doop FIVE FOr kh J h BAD 64 | ow IA rdiap, VR, stiek shift, must he elean, thehed he oh I CHILOREN. welcome, five ranm ho ONF self contained three-room ant wWngalo A 4 d n Al condition. RA 5.0232, ask for Ron, heatin f " b i-detached, North Oshawa, Vien ent, one four-room Apartment, heated oppreciatéd / | 45 p y ! : emi-detached, North Owhawe. Vi ho 208 Tout Toni Buitivinsy "inal | apreciated, oi § boon exc EL , ENT BUY [IW 1057 Bedford rucks, chew, Cop € [ Ey n 2 ' 4 1 n al Hinrd's, 92 Wolle Bireed RA 5.5207 | reliable tenants. MA 5.2428 srnished. MArket 33035 Pot" Paterson 4588 oh x 700i brigk CBR Ay Bands FORTY doliars month three rooms, FURNISHED (wo rooms, alse single B-445] Os} awa Shopping Ce ntre RAB p modern throughout, 1158 VOLKSWAGEN, very good condis ) entrance newly decorated, No 8 1 private ground floor, refrigerator; een 4 4 NE MONTH dro and ; i #10 wopping district, One ehiid tral, parking, reasonable, 9 Centre . wed drive, garage, $3,000 ton, must sell. family ton large, Tele . 9 {posses phone MO 4087 | ome, Phone MO 63696 treet Mary Clarke ' 1-368 d pen mortgage for bal hone Of, 83 L FREE RE NT A BUNGALOW five ros oll hest, BOOM modern brick bungalow on Ossie Martin 4 A FAMIL Y J OME ( BUYING OR SELLING SEE |FAREMENT " $75 monthly, available December Cadillac Avenue South, renting for $60 ally Wallace 7 A nice 7 room home---Rowe 5t, near Ritson Rin GERALD BARROW, Broker 4 hue Yo small ehildren, BA 34971 aiier monthly. Available immediately, Con Pat Patter 3} quiet st 1 W Ww Ww to sch "? ed right at 4 " nn' d tworbed |nished, eps anc tego. | 19M ot § Macko Realtor, BA 5-466] 9 J Bier street and convenier Hate Tig RA 5-3852 TED CAMPIN rites A DHT0 10 [ a a atl For Buy n gi SH rs, 9500 ond (id 4 20 ay = sp forbs $600 DOWN MOTORS B.B676 three . ream aparime bien, A oly 103 Blows Breet Est, $768 MONTHLY $78 Six room frome home Ellion Ave needs some repairs FOR SAI 607 KING ST, == OSHAWA Could be good buy for handy man - br low howrds and sink, hi fi ALL clean home in Ala i | Uiira made bachelor epamt LI 0OYD REAI TY 4 y y ey mar ranch style bungalow (Just East of Wilsen Read) " |Apply 82 Royal Street gas furnes orm f i Jitra modern b glo ) \ » " ] § ) [4] DELUXE UREA TRI Semen robs smc Aix, Wiitehall, 226 ment, new building, fully . BUNGAI ow attached garage, In one RA 3.4494 Res, 5:5574 [elie ath," washer, dry J elk tartner inform afion equipped, Downtown location LIST WITH LLOYD Fla paar pi nice' iireet and location londscaped Tot best districts of Wh toy, wk iA 3006, Apt. 7, 04" King Wes in FOUR oom house, three-piece bath, | eco "ic" nol John Bolahood THEN CALL YOUR MOVER living reem, kitchen " [vii A Lore newly decorated, laundry tubs, oil heat 00d JUR MO in splendid condition, Terms can be arranged CAR AUCTION PAR | MENTS ; od, aly cond tioned, close to SGM, Tels ot RA 5-6544 or RA 5.8333 frooms, one and half [Rowina NVI LE Lod hide aftm thane KA B-9486 anytime ' MONT Y PAYMI NY > Open Evenings and All Day Saturday hat m, o br many extras Every Saturday, 10:30 a.m, cilities, rent 860, Ph 5217, 4 oom hrick house, all conve or INI 65.00 $65.0 ) 8B A NEW BUILDING [85% iter, iowmanvii ues, 0 ner month. 268 Albert Street 0 38.500 Asking price: fer thi AFTER HOURS PLEASE CALI Buy or welt bre: 7 [POV > roam Apartment, twa hed. | WA B02 after 6A 39210 J INLY ! 8 raom home in east end of Bill Norris RA 5-6588 d Corson RA 3-2537 SHAWA CAR AUCTION West central with or withe |vooms, ri Entrance ate IMMEDIATE possession, spacious $98 MONTHLY $98 A iy HEY | 25 GRENFELL ST, {hath arhIng HA 81788 w \ room apartment, § city, A bath m with Dick Young RA 3-7183 Wes Elliott RA B-056 ar ance and hath, garage, heavy | BOO square feet, 2 bedroom, vanity, oil heated, Low taxe Charlie Rankine CO 3.2397 d hs FURNISHED apartment three ' PV outlet, reasonable rent sliding closets, colored bath of $135 Le Jom " " a o RA 8-5179 LLOYD REALTY (heated, elon, "TV antenna " dara, | Oliver 6840 and colored ceramic tiled payment Bal nee ih fi WANT TO TRADE OSHAWA LT [ern WA B48 Favond, M0 5 a HONTAINED Snasiman, pry walls and floer, fully decorat paid, Phone Bill Millar at WILL ACCEPT CASH whAY ? GROUND (nar four-roam Apart of [ly priv #50 monthly, Apply #71 Bim ed, Your own heat thermos RA B-5123 BOAT MOTOR--CAR FOR Vouk CAR RA 8-5123 frivale hath, 'entrance, parking, laun: fr SESH SS fo, stove and fridge, bam. YOU NAME THE DOWN . dry mom, 168 Verdun Road "HA 13006, [CENTRAL = three « room apartment boo drapes throughout, free ne OR WHAT HAVE YOU an aule { Pesidential stood rive " 40 washer and dryer, immediate PAYMENT TO RESP INSIBLE REAL ESTATE BROKER AS FULL DOWN PAYMENT VAN HEUSEN (1 tneitlan Anny 331° Arthur Breet: poveuigh, King iy Gifions g brick th 3 | brick | | MOTORS | 0 oni " heating, heavy area, Murry for this one, Co Six room brie ome with wedroom brie wngalow, W HITBY CLASSIFIED te inte imum taars and win | John Bolahood af RA 5-6844 natural fireplace and dining 31 BOND ST, EAST RA 8-516] all aversized rooms, 4-pee 149 KING ST. W dows, gree, large yard, plus thie) or RA 5-8333 anytime, room, Rossland Rood and bath with ceramic tile, Alum -- : z Central RA 89201 a an Simcoe Street 'area, Act fast, Inum storms end screens and " i conn, Be LIAL or MABE |44a~--=Rooms For Rent call Gerry Osborne at RA 8 DOWN $300 DOWN doors, Carries $68.00 month ' Are You WO one bedroom apirtments, APR |LIvE poultry, also feathers wanted iY, ® aom self-containe 1" y " L] 6 rooms with oli heating, located just west Simcoe Street ly, interest and principal, Im nit, heated olose to schools } partment on street level Stove and re: TWO spacious rooms, furnished close 912 \ \ 3, } jus f pa rking, OF 5-901, Brookiin' | packer pata, frices paid, Jake Fie iar supplied, Central looation. to South General Motors and Shopping North. A nice quiet street and the house is situated on a large mediate possession, Call Mr In Need of a Ground floor Apartment Shitalners. HA ada me Ty Bag, TuPle preterred, Poly BROOKSIDE ACRES lot, The price is small so call without de Bolahood at RA 5-6544 or QUALITY CAR in " FOR RENT Furnished room with TWO ream apartment, furnished, $60' 4 Three bedrooms, three bath RA 5-8333 anytime To Carry You through lave, (ridge, PLING pics" nirance, In respectable home nthly or unfurnished, $4 rive | FURNISHED housekeeping room on sentral, Telephone Call MO #4287 wath LAIR FAR HD haby wel: ground floor, close tA south GM close rooms and er fifteen hun DOWN $300 DOWN JOHN th Wint i . ne inter in 6 rooms close to downtown, The price of this house is $5,500 of your nolonger-used - . | r a space. A family r of weod |BIX om st y and half brick home, | FURNISHED room, two beds, may he space m A furniture, oAmeras ONE MON Tt {'S bt MLV nerey I rer iy fag shared with friend, cooking privileges, panelling, Opening on ground A good start for a family locking for a house with small upkeep COMFORT? come, Apply 7380 Bimeos South to bus B41 Bimeoe Routh, RA 5.6068 dred square feet of floor and ponvert them Inte ian Dehuvs Tiras FREE RY ession Telephone RA 52007 frig. King and Park Road area, RA level, fireplace, wall to all RA 80462 today! . RENT NEW five = room hungaiow, huiitin fa, | ©0990 afternoons broadloom Wn Ji ing § wal HIBBERT STREET LIMITED Then See ¢, concrete driveway IV aerial, [TWO furnished housekeeping vooms, y Large fOUEbedroom]l Only 2e1-bedroom su [nfeely landscaped, close' to Shopping bedroom and Kitchen with refrigerator, dining room ond hallway 6 rooms with garage A well dept home selling for a Jou down REALTORS INSURANCE WILL 1S MOTORS hathronms, could he suhe 18. | pa ao 56 p double attache ra rie e p 2 OF aving Oshawe #06 Oshawa Times, Whithy a modern potlessly Centre, downtown, available, HA S-0515. | parking space, Apply 156 Agnes Street uble attack jarage, Pri payment and a small price iG vner 1s leaving ( ] Member' of Oshawa and ; HOUNE for rent or sale, new, six [SINGLE room for one gentleman, close] €d right and financed ta suit Nog An amare apartment building. Contolly AUAY.Ge hertht" 21 hl Shiv Cutie miata tea] vour budget, Cal isn Cots | INCOME HOME BROCK ST. EAST | .0iric Reo! Estate Board | * usin Soles and Service Ake ate ia p ave i ondview Avenue, Toronto closet ks at RA 8.5123 4 ily equinned," Drapes, TV) located, Balconies, paved | bhi kh - ak shanks at 'RA 8 IN rooms close fo north General Motors plant, A house vou can |47=--=Automobiles for Sale TAUNTON RD. EAST | ' visher, dryer, parking A \ | | IMMEDIATE possession, ground floor, FURNISHED two rooms with kitehon | t vanthly, Contact| Parking uromati iNGry three room apartment, ample parking, [ette, suitable for young couple or givls, LLOYD REALTY LTD live in free and have loads of income from roomers, 11 health 1A STUDEBAKER Champion, 4.door RA 5-033] Daly, MO BA4775. A. J, Sohats facilities reasonable RA 6.1860, or 762 King East, [willing to share. RA 5.6448 after 4 REALTORS forces the present owner to sell, This is a sacrifice sale tent condition, No dawn payment 4 | RA |Hiltop Motars, RA 8-6861 '60 PREFECT. Low mileage | | RUN at door, near North General Mo: [ONE large unfurnished room, reason R R19 E19 f AVARTMENT, aden, on main floor, MO 8.4770 | tors, threw-rabm fat, unfurnished nico able rent. 26 Prince Street A B8-3123 8.9124 RANCH BUNGALOW < [RUFER adifiod a Chevrolet Vi en Completely winterized two Aron - A THN. Aen ! reorated ull MR YA INICE furnished room, new hame, kit RA 8.5128 L SDO DR - | 5-68 WH i i mn Jon: stroker kt: RA Only $1,295 telovinion outipt, : 17 or , bad North hen privileges, for gentleman, Phone f JLRALEE. Mulls preferred, RA NEAR Newcastle, six « room house, [RA 5.7854 after § pm 101 SIMCOE ST, N ANS WNE UVE [ALLSTATE Auto Insurance, Save up tn 3 i INEA wo | / A '59 AUSTIN A-40 Statiol [NE | \ haus : : | ation TI gr 1 COLD WAVE All alnveniences, gargs wi lo he $60 | ONT Tarke furnished roam With Private | Custom huilt finished with the finest of materials and workman [80 por cent, Hix months to pay. For Wagon Lawner Ex personal serviee at your home eall RA bathroom centrally located, woman whip, A better than average home, An inspection will certain! | | ' ates, almost anv ar 4 4 15-2002 ellen hi n aad Tv vig Ba AR RL TF LARGE §ix «room bungalow, ofl heat. (only 163 Warren Avenue RA #1766 RISTOW & Ol SEN convince you that this is the house you are looking for, Immediate | cellent shape $1,245 N 0 4061 From $6.95 RE ed, four-piece hath, close to all sohools | oe Fronted "Rousekeeping. room, Tt ISPORTEMEN with oash, cheek th eOsh FOR Wi To Som ar | riched), Includ iy ha Aaphalt driveway, RA B330F | SRK "verrigorator and oui hoamis, Ap possession awa Times Classified Ads daily for bar '59 AUSTIN A958, 6-cyl, ) 0 ronm Ana r oh | and arrange an inspection of our model homes with 18 LJ bedroom BpRriment "hn south Gener) aowr A Miho J . 5 . . . gains, Place your used sports gear for radio, he clock m pom, round floor | 11a and se | DIV MT Ritwan Koad South REALTORS LIST WITH US FOR FAST ACTION 16 today. Thane NA 30408 for afas sedia, heater; Sloth: og f Nel contained, Phone Leading Hair i sath' Hove h Rid hi BY ov butler | AROUND floor private entrance, two action ad arp '" MG MO 8.5124 A OPOINtME annrate entrance and driveway HA |[0Unished roams, 'heated, clase to North APPLE AFTER 6 P.M, CALL 1065 FORD custom fordor automatic 5 AEFTIC tanks cleaned the sanitary| (Coiffures by K HH guava, Aand P. Anply 8 Orehard LE HILL Sac Gald RA S000 Nike Dubvk RA 8.5400 [MAMAN Fain canuReS rate 58 PONTIAC Strata Chief, W new tanks installed, Walter Ward ; ! iw Threa bedroom brick bunga am Goldstein bd tke Lubyk LJ whitewalls, mechanically perfeet, Hill l-owner, Like new. A i Chestnut West, Phone MO 52568 | LL NALA Wehr Re droem hy STOUNICE room for mirls, twe single beds, low in this desire location John Penicka RA 8.5161 tan Motors, RA #6891 luxury car only $1,895 FY PEWRITE i st arrived. New! FOR RENT J t | Abad a Ae Mahe enoking facilities, private en close to all hools, Large ---- ENJOY a new TV set vou ean buy and sea, 549, Midtown Used Furniture] cabin trailers, ¢ trance, near hospital, RA 8:1014 or 61 with the eash you get from your '58 HILLMAN, Radio, heats North y 4 AIX «room house for vent in down | Hilloraft Street family kitchen, finished rec | i orth, MO B49 I skill' sows. coment TI Lr trary, Fi . . reation room, Storm | \ longer needed household items. er, 2-tone, 1=owner FOR RENT December 1. Twa hed: | nt » Telephone RA #-h2% ONE furnished bedroom, in clean, quiet f an [them with an Oshawa Times Want A St 1,225 dd ATiment. in apartment buliding. | yy pra | 1 space. Telaphone dit} nome, wood looality, central ta down:| screens throughout. Listed at ' ' " ' ' [CAI RA £8984 today to plage your ad sharp ovr $1, Adults sreferred. MO 8:3501 Whithy | ete IX paom ranch style bungalow, close town, garage avallable. gentleman pre $13,700 \ with a substantial pr 1005 OLDSMORILE, aut py § Ll ' ' to sehools, shopping and South GM, ferred. RA 88706 for further informa 2 2D J Bd Autamatie, twa Yaur choice of 'S4, 'SS, '56 FOR NALS Wiack loam, manure for WILDE R TA i da th bk iE an i vent. | tion down payment. ° NHA 43 PARK RC SOUTH {doar hardto;, radio, new tires, One ' POR J | J awner singe new, In good condition, RA| 9nd '57 DODGES and PLY. "1 nn, Call MO BA814, Whithy berviee | ply 1040 Weokar Drive FURNISHED housekeeping room, oen mortgage for nce with | * - 2H MOUTHS, Excellent selectior BABY budgies for sale, talking Any 1418 Dund wo 8 CENTRAL, large two bedroom anartc (ral, use of phone, full "cooking factli| payment of nly $50.00 per ADELAIDE AVE. EAST A m--1 to choose i pd iii sin iho | 08, avallable now, near hospital, Teles onth Ta insp ce < i arde y throu ai phone RA §-5507 for further partieulars A RA AVE Sl i $1,200 down, 5 room brick, 1Va storey home, modern kitchen, ANDY NAGY'S 5 or eve TO RUIOK Super. converter 50 PLANT YOUR I, central to. downtown," ANA |OCEAN comfortable single Team: Al8a| nos RA 3412 hardwood and tile floors, oil heating, garage, T.V.: antenna BODY SHOP 57 MERCEDES BENZ, 1» ember ) geo tudor hardian, Wl nosent Trade JN L {double , Win beds, suitable ve ing tian blinds, $11,000 full price. Call Keith Peters 3 : oF owner, Low mileage. Cdn wie finance Phone MO 88740 | \BRly 40 Charles Street nod Lontionten: very central, 114 Klin guage enetian bln $ Wii pete J Sith Teter MERCEDES dENZ Sharp, Only ,, $1,645 RUI RS NC MW FURNISHED modern apartment, range | Bast, RA 3.9787 TAKE ADVANTAGE RA 5.8761 or RA 5.4162 evenings DKW anton repairs to all makes of sewing] a / | refrigerator, mrivate entra CVI pw partly furnished housekeeping OF FALL PRICES SALES y SF 'S54 JAGUAR, Radio, Many nd Rerning vicome, near South General Motors 14 NORTH LOCATION ACES. AD SERVICE V 0, 1 "By nok root Narth We Telephone RA 89601 for particulars i ho of Jrasling machine, » u bi Just think. 86 of chaico : om A ND BRVICE a JAGUAR, Radia. Many have a \arge vari ty FIVE room apaviment, newly, decor sR, Tee A farm land ven room frame Cosy 5 room, 3 bedroom bungalow, enclosed breezeway, attached | |] ' first class condition A i ireen Wie (OF DUtE bulbs, Nursery Jato, contrally located, TV. erin, ta WISHED rans, $5 pet Weel a house, partially .modernized garage, storms and screcns, many other extras, overlooking ~ RA 3.7132 = bargain at . $1,245 ¥ hhh any hy ' 15 Dundas Street Sie Age, vofrigerator and stave lmmediate x 5 \ beautiful po price $12,200 5, Call Sid Martyr n di " stock Landscaping on. RA 80589 FURNISHED "twa rooms, also single,| 1ar@e Lishaped bank barn ul pond, Full price $12,200 with term bh ariyn POR WENT x6 wo hedroam BEVE"WYCK CRTOWN district, twa and halt wnfar ARvale Joint loon, reftgsrater, ten miles from Oshawa All RA 3.9010 MERRY MENAGERIE new Building, refeigsrator \ shod roams, all eonvenien adults | JAAN this may be had for $17,000 Mot, individual thermos| GARDENS I. Call hi fon |! am. and 3 pam with convenient term This $1,000 DOWN ry, adults prefer b} \ he ol pane HOUSEKEEPING room, nleely furnish likely is the for if 5 ~ 2 h, arm \ | Ww ; i i. for gentleman only, ApPIY M3 Sim. y ve form you have Centrally located, 7 room, 4 bedrogm brick home, full pasement 3 © 1000 HIGHWAY 12 atm hunialon far ron thioe oe "Street North or RA 34306 been looking for sa call Ray oil heating, garage, storms and screens, T.V. antenna. 'Asking Watt Disney Praduett . hedrooms, all ponvenience oll heated ar) a lose! Mteratic on y 5 | : 3 World Rights Reserv Md Alterations un 3 niles worth of Whil Aoated NEAT hus and school Apply #1311 076 at RA 8.5107 to inspect $10,900, Call Keith Peters RA 5-876] or RA 5.4162 evenings i bi MO sli 2 Sylvia Stree ENTRAL location large warm com PHONE OL 5.3 ; % a ow a : UPPER dune gy wiy | fortanly furnished room, in clean, quiet NORTH-WEST AREA FOR RENT ' P Residence MO 8-4 . decorated i R ith flak Ww \ n a Y Mame, hoard If desired. Gentleman pres Owner leaving ty, f TROUT POND A ; te . Mid ih gar: | Me J : re er leaving ei ive re ; oe, tmimed'ate apeupancy' Telpphane 107704 Abstalner, Telephone RA 5-387 bungalow n Lowell a 25 acres, about 15 acres high and dry land, beautiful spring fed - " RA S508 for further details LIGHT housekeeping roam, nieely fur ¢ oh » 200 snockl : i br 1a BE AVE R FWO gontlemen willing to sh ) inished, quiet, for refined gentleman, re Large modern kitchen . | trout pond, 2,200 speckled trout plant d, located just ¢ Ne 2 A per] . IN omme man a0 Mare house |igoraior, dishes and linen supplied breakfast nook. three highway north of Whitby, Full price $10,000 with terms. Call os We ) da | s far's fe al BARGAINS omy bus service. Telenhone RA. § 3413 NO ae ah, Noth, Big Moremi] bedrooms, Colored fixture Sid Martyn RA 3.9810 oF | / oJ " far more information bathroom. Forced air oil heat Four 60 foot lots for sale, $2,600 per lot, with $1,000 down LOCATED at 303 Ritson Road South alle | ot STANDARD MARI - {twa hedroams and kitchen, well furnish: [ {09 asphalt drive and fenced payment. Call Keith Peters RA 5.8781 or RA 5.4612 evening STANDARD HARDBOA OFFICF SPACE od. for light housekeeping, suitable for| yard. To i t call Roy Flin 10 ica | esol 'or A ok x 8 sheet \ - wa hays | toff ar RA 4165 or RA § acre building lot, wonderful site for pond with spring gree ). sheets of mote FOR SINGLE furnished heated roam: alsa] 3454 evenin mostly workable garden soil, near city limits, Call Keith Peters POPLAR PLYW a" [furmished roam with small kitchen, use | RA 5.8761 or RA 5.4162 evenings OPLAR WOOD UNI LAY elon! pO pe y ™ - \ UND REN of telephone, contral, 180 Rruoe | SWITZER DRIVE \ \ N wy f : A eet 8] 1¢ | FRONT bedroom, furnished. private acre building lot near Taunton in select area, good high garden |hame, quiet, good location, central, Five room bungalow with at land. Asking $1,500 with $1,000 down. Call Sid Martyn RA Passenger elevator service parking space. Available now. RA tached garage 'only six year 3-9810 New building. Centrally lox \ a TEN walk f Wh G \ a args living J th | OME BU GALO N \ 5 wa Tm sou onera replace nin v two cated In downtown areu Motors plant, furnished room, in quiet } " = hh hy NC . N . \ iW A vlan on hools Aode > home, all conveniences parking space Jou Ap . \ ) Moderate rent, Leases now Tele hone RA 3.2408 | d is kin nly § \ Street KEWINA machines for venti alse Roar 3 bedroom brick bungalow, extra large modern kitchen and living N | 211 y | room, J room self cont ed basement apartment with private heet 1.4 available LARGE room with two single beds, | 3 wn | m. stove cab ahle far twa gentlemen or twa AT t For FOR RENT | BEAVER LUMBER | THE TIMES [HIN h® Soa or genome ire Sul | SUS, AUMEGH With 1730) down. TU Ie den wi | ¢ 8.5107 or co. LT D pa i OF ven BUILDING [MMOH iW Sat em or ie a 5103 LOOK $11,600 FULL PRICE ; Wi In BY aes LY RriNate home, very central 4 Ls ) ¢ SA Pra all new 3 5: a 3 bed: " t tick | de AF) 11.29 Distributed by Kir Features 8 Nn Contact T. L. WILSON ONE Anite mam, good hed, 3 weekly basement with extra $1,160 ¢ bala ¢ } : : near 3 | convenient An: down a Li en GVA Way ily : ad "J can't understand why they ever married--they're MO 8-5818 | Phone RA 3.3474 [u% Slab fr geniaman. RA vet Re bi i eo a WA exact oppositeal® 0, modem kitchen, central locat Luxury Apartments

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