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The Oshawa Times, 30 Nov 1960, p. 1

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THOUGHT FOR TODAY A fool some party, and his money are Price Mot Over Fhe Oshawa Times OSHAWA, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 30 1960 WEATHER REPORT Cloudy wih occasional snows flurries today and Thursday, a little colder Thursday, Authorized os 4 Second Class Mall Post Otiowe FORTY PAGES Office Department, VOL. 89~NO, 278 ya 10 Cents Per Copy spss sig an Bumpy Ride (Given Help « » 10 Business almost BUS Fight To Save Lives Of Crash Survivors LAMONT, Alta travelling death toll in the day of a school bus and a freight with year after 13 to and two hoys between the ages of right 15 and 18---died in the wreckage Highway the diesel-hauled freight drag. parallel ol a mile Motorists alter the vere no land ehstructions prevented view track to the vest TRAIN MOVING FANT I'he thound freight ng at about 5 miles an uck the right he vehicle's real and vith I'he Tues (8 collision vhich ry n OTTAWA (CP plan to help providing bank final action today the track The govern vho used the found as ged the bus a quarter mall busi federally rossi ments by guaranteed train rose to 17 early toda the death in hospital of a 17 old girl Bernadette man died Fifteen Another pital In a Young Archer 17 of the crash ter Six of these injuries and from hospital today or Seven remained In serious condi tion there which bu accident or the hos and for i Twenty-five students ness driver Frank Budney, hurt, John Winnick, 16 only one who did not require pital treatment, He ¢ {bruised knees. Thre ins died loans was the a cle of the Hayduck of brain injuries killed outright previously in | Chip H ready for in east or of were died caped with Commons following 0 of his cou bumpy ride through committed travel hour bu VAS Wi plage he measure Minister Fleming promise tens of jobs for Canadian ally cleared clause study Just before Tuesday night This followed a hate marked hy constant screeching ling that included a series Stefura, a teacher at|of voles opposition amend vas driving her/ments and appeals from rulings saw / made hy Deputy Speaker Morley of the ital, said njured het sald the 15 students were Later they said al were "holding thelr severe Injuries statement 81} Doctors at frst administrator Memorial Ho the 25 student were 'definitely which Finance ald holds thousands of workers--Iin hy-clause adjournment of the section into and Wi nj ( side les ol erties | to moderate least six own" despite ay " of flipped the fron peeled aw Held alon rear wheel I'he hent Hospital authorities declined to give breakdown of injuries BODIES MANGLED The hodie I couldn't recognize anyone The hus was carrying 41 stu-(1 knew them all," sald re Mrs, Lo dents to Lamont High School{worker Mike Konsoreti the school from Chipman, 10 miles southeast' n.aver service for the dead car behind the bus ) of here. It was struck broadside'; oc bodied Friday pight in the the bus stop at the crossing--not Jacques Flynn as It erossed the Canadian Na- chisman Community Hall, Most marked by a warning light or| The House was ready to give tional Railways tracks Wwithinl nm ve" povied Saturday from Kates--and she heard the trainithe measure third and (inal read sight of the school Chipman's theee churches, whistle as it approached ing before adjournment, but Many of the victims--14 gle "Romp and' CNR 0 f11clals Some residents of this town of Frank Howard (CCK -- Skeann) rs launched dn Inquiry ino the 000, #6 miles northeast of Edmons insisted that final 'approval he . accident, the worst road tragedy ton, believed the hus driver was Withheld until today, As It was Churchill in Alberta history, A coroner's blinded by the rising sun, Hos. past the 10 pm, adjournment Birthday Jury was named bul no date sei pital authorities did not permit hour, unanimous consent would for an inquest an interview with him, They also!/have been required (o continue The temperature was several declined to give his condition sifting degrees below zero and the sk Keith Tompkins 12 CAN BORROW Sour hen Bidner jock i Joungest tudent ig the ia Under the loans bill, busi up a short snow-covered grade to Winnick they could no 4 | busi. [the tracks, He had just turned member the vehicle stopping yee Wii an Sutiinated gros £250,000 will he able to borrow LONDON Reuters) Sir Win ston Churchill today celebrated his 86th birthday undaunted by a pack injury that has kept him inj bed for 15 days Latest reports Tuesday night on the condition of the elder| statesman sald he was "still pro-| School Teacher iil S35.000 for Sxpaislon ahd Crash Witness LAMONT, Alta, (CP School he was|leacher Lois Stefura was driving seeking his doctors' permission her ear behind the Lamont High wi on his bed where he has ¢ hool bus Tuesday it turned heen confined since breaking aloff a highway and headed for a bone in his back Nov, 15 in allevel crossing fall in his Hyde Park Gate resi:| "I thought he dence the train will hit Churchill's confinement, how: said, "But I saw ever ha changed little the I thought everything vearly celebration which by tra. right exclusively a] It affair A Canadian Nat his customary freight smashed into the was able to dip Into anikilling 16 students and injuring and mail--|giher persons, including the bus affection: driver Queen Fliza:| whan | looked again the Rreetings of, pulling out on to the tracks Eisen ris. "Stefura said in an interview The train horn was blowing loudly 1 thought evervone must it of the hus w leading diesel of clothing it cal stop main body a around the It left a and ried to a suffered only minor released Thursday a vould be day-long de Ww k hodies Was mangled hool hodies as a PANE yi Sa Vere so long on who ald she the and re y al sald government would he $300,000 000 ... Chest Total " At A Glance "hr: an $210,000 il $200,000 $175,000 A $150,000 $125,000 $100,000 $75,000 $50,000 $25,000 and took them pital girl and also said Many of the dead and were Mrs, Stefura Mrs. Stefura about 60 mile noticed the tra sald it passed jineer hegan b distance William T. Worbet the school ald that Railway cached the wre ¢ vehicle just @ mass = bus as pupils said she an hour If doesn't the bus he stopped and was all stop n behind her and the the whistle hie her win rom the some erossing principal of when he there was wasnt dition 1s almost . family Over n-hed he avalanche neluding ate mes heth and his old hower GETS HUGE CAKE Centrepiece the today is a 100-pound cake with a THOUGHT ALL DEAD ruit base liberally flavored The next natant overviiing half bottle of rare old jo neq 1g fy up. Books and brand) « bodies. 1 thought everyone must Crowned by a _ horn of plenty, be dead. Then I saw a boy the cake virtually is Churchill's move. ile In a panorama of eing In her car were hier awn three arating. the dead iy 48 children on their way to sald Mike Konsoreti, another res . in this town 43 miles northeast of cuer The bodies were pressed Freak Blizzard | . Hits Buffalo monton together and some were jammed | She picked up an Injured boy between twisted pieces of metal RUFFALO, N.Y AP) A freak hlizzard, hurried by gale BLOCK RAILWAY STRIKE My feet, virtually halted traffic) in and around Buffalo today | Snowplows that rushed out| Tuesday night to cope with the ere first snowstorm Ww hampered hy stalled automohiles OTTAWA (CP) trucks and buses that zig-zagged! riskly Tues tl I ana I ved brisk v Tue ay The state Thruway's Niagara JUR & Ration = Wide section, which rims the west side With time Wf limited to one i ala mited to the Saturday 3: " section of the Thru Work stoppage. Labor Minister Je Hi : 1 i kaw alia and Star intoduc ed in the Commons Ratu nae open but vehicles] tel, seven-clause act to shun ata fa ope oe. in thee ratlway crisis ahead to May NOV pa Minister Diefenbaker A nal breakfast J \ no sound ol umanity at a 'UNREAL' Mike Kretzel something un was hap vasn't time much except in cables unfailing ol the ° the mend CRASH SEEMED Rescue It was a and but from workey varm President IY bus if unbelievable sald real pening there 0 80 Unk doing The olf anyvihi something to help taken to hos in ears rs made elevator by of celebration Near lndured pital, six block and trucks. Re stretehers from doors and residents "We had a lot of difficulty Ae away rich with cue a rain blankets donated sep COMMUNITY CHEST Needs Your Support school ason s en 1 "hy reed rallways to reinstate every ol ployee laid off since Nov Parliament Opposition parties have night to to "facilitate" con railway the bill in Parliament, but they reason of a curtailment or dis may blast the government for continuance of any the opera stalling the strike of some 111,000] tions of the company in antieipa non-opeating rail workers with: tion of a strike by the employees out settling the wage dispute fol the company The Liberals have contended the government should enforce a) SEE LOOPHOLE solution on the basis of a 14-cent Union sources said the word was cut{1d. Prime hourly increase rded hy ajlhe of the clause gives the rail the will "pre: conciliation "board, a plan the Ways a loophole to rehire laid would cost them! oft employees for a few days and sald vent" the ike railways government brought the $31.000.000 a vea thea let them go in, They in dicated they, would tr ap he islation he Parliament the wm {Wess than tour alter last CCF 1 position MPs | liteh emergency negotiations be. far an amendme tween railway and union leaders ways ng the collapsed without an agreement wage hill til May 15 in the multbmillion-dollar wage! Mp. Diefenbaker the, The bi dispute position throughout the last graphed The legislation Al act to pro- stages of the dispute that post the fol a deration a of before far the running out deadline of was wa The was at a snail's storm. Visibility ength of a car's hood | in Amherst, north of reported 18 inche of} Vand sald deifts] be depths aw Say at the end of a fare posed two contract th ge Argue has 1s idy toe ia n 0 for an nt Press clearly All employees un Leads call nterim they fool hours CITY EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS POLICE RA 5.1133 FIRE DEPT, RA 3.63 HOSPITAL RA 3 | n wils | ole the he 13] s0 11 hurviedly mimeo in time for the night of the Commons, orders leaders to rescind the notice unton has INe has taken sitting union strike Chiet Hal vide for the continuation of the ponement of the strike was operation of the railways re: most reasonable course to jeeived first reading automatic: low | fall with debate On se A fight w Vv erup Ww foo [5 approval in principle Commons oll to today, man Frank 0 postpone the spoke atl uatil » { H he A ond read promis a9 held of the ove EL but aot Te- RIGHTIST REVOLTS SHAKE ARGENTINA Mercy Kill ill such loans guaranteed by the from his | Your Greater Oshawa we. | was hit on the head and Deadline fon time 14% sitting time in whieh ® bill] party lin the proposed act ordering the'becomes law, With the workirallway service" Plan Costs ° 'Man's Life Wash, (AP) cern for a wounded moose brough' death to a man in the, wilds of Alaska recently and his vife froze her feel while remain ing by his side for four days I'he story Mrs. Jan Fairbanks pital hed She and her an experienced hallistics expert A hunting trip Livengood, some vest of Fairbanks 200d luck and eir truck ind rédo, a former eolonel who was an aide to Gen, Humberio Sosa Molina, Peron's minister of war, the communique said The army chief said the Rosa rio revolt was carried out by "a totalitarian, subversive organiza. tion called 'Peronismo'.' VIENTIANE, Laos (Reuters) Thousands of pro-Western rebel forces today tried to march on this administrative cap it alof Laos and overthrow neniralist Premier Prince Souvanna Phouma, The premier disclosed at & press conference that Gen, Phoumi Nosavan's rebel forces, armed with tanks, launched a two - prong offensive from the south Tuesday, Fierce fighting, he sald, is going on al Ban Sol, 1856 miles southeast of the capital, Capt, Kong Le, who seized Vientiane four months ago and placed Souvanna In power, told reporters. two companies of his troops had driven back the rebels and seized 12 gunboats in a sixes hour battle BUENOS AIRES (AP). -- A rightist revolt broke out in north ern Argentina today shortly after a similar uprising was reporied crushed by the government 200 miles from Buenos Aires Reports from Sala in the north sald a group of armed civilians EWS occupied oil installations in two fo ' : | [towns of Salta province was told Tuesday by | i | These accounts said the civil Bannister Moore of lans also took over the state ofl Alaska, from a hos monopoly in the two towns, Tar tagal and Vespucio, Salta is a sugar. and oil-producing province adjoining the Bolivian and Chil ean borders Earlier in the day, civilian fol lowers of ousted dictator Juan D Peron tried to seize the military barracks in Rosario, 200 miles northwest of the capital, but were routed by troops after four hours of fighting, the government an {nounced Unofficial reports sald 10 per sons were killed and 50 wounded al Rosario, These advices sald about 25 civilians were arrested There were no estimates of casualties In the outbreak to the north, In Buenos Alres al least 10 terrorist hombs rocked the city The government sald the upris ing in the north was similar to the one put down at Rosario, This Indicated that Peronistas also Freighter wate involved tere." "| Battered railway tracks and telephone | TRAVERSE CITY, Mich, (APY lines, first reports from Salta' A Liberian freighter was helps i Adios inh jenny grounded on a Lake Miche hi ; : e army declared the uprising igan island today, battered by Sonevs aod businessmen from| pg Rosario had heen crushed, [gale wind and Wgh waves which " A of kept const gu p voi ison, pointing fo *kevFe BARRACKS ATTACKED TE yn py ie g Canadian! (le Carlos Severaro Tor " bind manufacturers in world markets, Frail ios Sev ommandorin] The _ Francisco Morazan ran | commander-n:| agro 3 y 8 oid he Sommisioncrs lo BIvelohief, sald In a communique that | roid ult thy Mote 4 fimuth Hdl ly Jk Stance' lo 40 well-armed men attacked the Tuesday night, At that time the launching new foreign sales cam {11th Ifantry regiment barracks captain, Eduardo Trizivas, told py ! ! [at Rosario the coast guard there were 15 His stalements wore included Earlier reports pul the number men and a woman aboard Later, in 8 toxt of hia opaeeh Inc te of attackers at about 150 and sald he told a reporter on ship-to-shore the press before delivery they struck at 1am telephone there were only 14 pers Among the slain was Julio Bar sons aboard. DEMAND MAY DROP " iis SPOKANE Con 57 and hushand, Ray woodsman left Sept, 28 on 5 miles from 1256 miles north They had returning to trailer when SLrangers wert R J ory * hn aif A TI a. VAR A §0 on we WAS nis stale found Next Monday signals the start of nealy two weeks of individual conferences--more than BOO ave seheduled--helween the commis OTTAWA (CP) Trade Min: ister Hees called today for an all-out sales drive by Canada's foreign task force of trade com missioners, "We must [na huve the greatest |selling effort this 'country has ever seen," he fold 111 trade commissioners, assembled from 140 countries in an unprecedented |2%-week export promotion eon Early Arms Talk Or Subject Dead OTTAWA (CP) External Af-|tioned Russian rockets and Amers falrs Minister Green says that if{lean nuclear submarines are {the current United Nations Gen: continuing without letup while eral Assembly makes no pro. disarmament negotiations are gress in the disarmament fleld (deadlocked, Every day which the subject will be "dead for passed made an agreement more months ditficult to achieve, ---- are bullds WINDSOR EXPLOSION 'Going To Die Shopper's Idea The injured building. More than 80 persons ared before Were injured, Most of the 10 dead were buried under tons of rub ble In a basement toyland when a toyland that be upper storeys collapsed came a tomb for 10 persons; yo inquiry into the disaster hen an explosion hit a busy de: oo io Paesday in city council last month chambers with 63 witnesses testi I'm going to die,' 1 told my: fying, The jury is specifically in. so 1 stayed where I was Hyestigating the death of Anne run, | remember the loud Marie Prodeus, 28-year-old sales the end of the world for gjp Mauy witnesses were experts hleeding in felds of natural gas and con I'he witness speaking was Mrs. struction but most were the in Yvonne Groulx, a shopper in the jured, some using canes or helped Metropolitan Stove Oct, 23 when 10 the witness box the explosion helleved caused by Several witnesses were unable natural gas ripped apart the io attend because of injuries i . Their statements were read, Corner Dr, C, V. Mills heard the two men responsible for the installation of a natural gas heater in the store say they re lied on their sense of smell to detect the presence of gas, Charlies Ingram, owner of Jes sup Plumbing Limited, sald he and plumber Howard Schram regional PONE & gas line minutes before ther the explosion normal - The coupling hissed for three Commons four minutes," Mr, Ingram the bill can be considered said, "1 checked it by smell and It must also go before the Sen. Was salistied there was no gas at the union, 1 put my head right down to it and could smell no To some extent, the Progres. 8as, 1 have ne idea what caused sive Conservative government the explosion . was following in the steps of its) Mr, Schram said he earlier Liberal predecessor which broke smelled coal gas in the tiny base nine-day railway Ke in 1950 ment boiler room where they vith ency legislation that were working, But he did not de ramped submit seer natural gas AH | wn osmell gas a mile away I didn't smell any at the the present tila the process of coupling he said lective bargaining Tailed to | Both men were hurt in the agreement and: adds blast, Two officers assisted Mr,| a. JDETAM to the box he public interest > that further efforts Patrick MeGuire, Windsor's {building commissioner ach agreement be resumed at! sald the favorable time without installation was being made with seek WINDSOR (CP goes experts appe. Tuesday ind the off went tracking| hit broadside by a speeding 25 injured (CP Wirephoto) stayed al side for four days than a week alter he was rescued down, Artificial kidney equip: #1 will be watching with inter from Manchester, England, afte: | WILL CONFER strong foreign demand that has up Land trade department officials, across most of Canada Tuesday, (or said Tuesday In an interview, Hon in the UN to establish a night Kirkland Lake in Northern On. MAY BE LAST they ran into some who reported wounding a moose plur ge | DIDN'T FIND MOOSE | All-Out Demand until a snowplow accel ry Jn For Sales Boost after being trapped 60 hours in a Timmins gold mine, "held his ment at 'Toronto General Hos est during the months ahead the pital was used again today to re. increase In sales which takes the mine rescue Doctors say his right foot, The minister's speech opened Made this possible may not hold broken | the conference which, in the next UP carrying helowsze 3 y " . to the Prai: By anro tombe Ratu In the meantime, no resumption Committee of non-nuclear nations ¥ J COR SNOW 10 of the stalled disarmament ne. 10 get disarmament talks back tarlo was expected to move into ke lemmings hurrying and eastern Quebec today, then head Seurrying to self-destruction? It was possible that the Can. (TY Norway-Sweden resolution 'A storm coming up,' CRASH SURVIVOR ' Just We never found; the moose Report Miner Tur tk ight," a hospital |?' own during the night, 5) ference. move the poison building up in oi 26 our " place in each of your areas Mr, Hees referred to the cur crushed hy gravel and 1 N 0 1 . Untario Russia would a special| Mr, Green sald three countries Northern Onis ' ¢ ( ntario and causing gotiations would be possible on the rails toward Newfoundland lemming is a small are. dda Mrs Moore sald Nay couldn't stand the thought of | Keith Tompkins, 12, one of | freight train at Lamont, 45 vounded animal in a blizzard three hrothers injured Tuesday | miles northeast of Edmonton, | when a loaded school bus Sixteen students were killed and The piled up waist deep and hecame soaked, Ray struggled until he collapsed, | 'Holding Own' TORONTO (CP) Alan Rose, shill in eritical econdigon more report said today M he Tol f M pia . life r, Hees, In the role of a Jose, if 4 Jhting Jor alle tough = talking sales manager, agpingl a severe KICney Rreak-li.iq™y on the line for them his blood Sue 4 > Such sales increases will have a . He is allowed few visitors apart qivect hearing on your advance rent expansion of Canada's ex wile who was flown ment in the future." ports--up 7.6 per cont so far this | year--hut dropped a hint that the timbers when a tunnel collapsed [three days, will see a round of vill have to be amputated, They | private conferences hetween the waiting until his strength repatriated trade commissioners Hard Hit B Wi t ), mn er UN session on disarmament next ~Chile, Malaya and Pakistan Cold spring for the purpose of manu- have agreed to co-sponsor the old and wet weather moved facturing propaganda. the minis: Canada-Norway - Sweden resolu rain and mild snowtlurries id British Columbia urries nC vpne mad nuclear race "Russia is opposed to the resolu. A snowstorm centred over Mr, Green said ton and the United States may "Are the people of the world be, too, Britain is in favor of it, Driving rain hit the Ottawa and tie rodent which, it is sald, com. Would be the last hope for dis Montreal aveas Tuesday and mits suicide en masse by stream. #'mament progress at the UN SNOW was forecast for today. The ing into the ocean.) this session, expected to con. a coroners jury describe partment store {tinue after Christmas, | Mv, Green had planned to de- A matter of deep concern to vote the major part of a Come Mr, Green is that nuclear mili. mons speech Tuesday to disarm facy developments he men: ament Maritimes could expect skies and seasonal temperature New Brunswick experienced snow and lee-covered highways Tues day clea an es, WITHOUT LETUP el didn't hang § am Saturday hours of stoppage set standard we only ate and then get rayal assent be tore becoming law sy emel od re © parties to 10 an outside arb IN PUBLIC INTERE iw says that at preamble of h duee quires to a» BLAST INQUEST OFFICIALS Winds j H. Silk, Ontario Deputy Assists | at inquest into dlsast hie aA A 3 4 | 8 quest into dlsaster which we righ either ha pera} from his office and presiding Octs. | ant Allorney General as hear claimed 10 lives and injured terruption of ¢ hat Mr. Sch am did not hold a! aber Metropolitan Store | ing opened in Windsor. More | more than 100 Hicence to work with natural gas! Misaster inquest, chats with E, | than 130 witnesses will be heard | (APF Wigsphote 4 Di SOY CV Laroney N A Mole Mills (eft) we ju out ce to and of at without W

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