CANADIAN POPULATION 1960 was 17850000, or 70500 22 THE OMAWA VIMES, Wednesday, November », 1960 C . C if Canada's. popu ation a duly 1 imore than # year earlier, He Capital [Surprise Gifts : ee | Vanishes (For Outdoorsman , u, ue uss In Jungle |. tome i uit, "ition Directed fo Men , , But -- sporisman will find it "open sea- cases. Slalking his game in #1 | LULUABOURG (AP The son" for surprises when he un- weathers, a leather jackel--lined Bs 4 . Ying gives th 8 jungle is creeping in on this city | Wraps. your Christmas gift this in wool shear! ne gives he 7 lyear hunter warmth Deep pockets once whosen to be the Congo's!V Al ease and #t play, men and help hold compass, eigareties, Capa Of the European population of|lcather 2o together, Ruggedness, lighter and exira shells 3000, 'ess than 20 remain durability ae quality are She PRESENT FOR PAR Most seem to have given up the"? na . f wo 4 y da i 4 When he gets out on the link ! struggle to keep the city going ava able tor every holiday D0: wot tee off in good style, with MH "The only reason I'm stitl here! ® # leather golf hag, a »' of mit is that everyihing | own is here, Yor the outdoor man, le al 5 tens small leather bags that " p, Ley and | can get none of it out'"|# consiant companion UILET slip over his woods for protection] 7 / one Belgian said and golfer alike protect heir soning scratch, sear and splint Yes, ladies, we are really ready ot Black's Luluabourg, 500 miles east of ering and a perforated leather) ' el vou play Santa' Our Leopoldville, was to become the (glove to protect his left hand Men's wear to help you play Ld wet ot we nama soversmen| Cycling Tour [fem sean vin oe. iv. docked with 5 wordertul i lunder » preindependence plan.| he howler will be more com and unique array of gifts of all kinds The pian haz heen forgotien to-| [fort able--and freer of fool trouh geiber with a hundred other de- A d Ww Id les with his own shoes. To make Ea : fe' Ani Bir {velopment projects roun or cerigin thal his sports footwear for the "men in your Ii Unemployed Congolese stand at LONDON (CP)--A Vancouver Bowling shoes, golf shoes or ice experienced sales stoff will be glad to : , skates--fit perfectly. borrow al Piles of garbage on the side i any "0 pair of leather shoes from his! assist you os gift advisers with ideas thot "3 spill over into the street " pedalied off to Copenhagen afte elonet and aks them along when ME STAY, OTHERS LEAVE African ye and ils Sve oi ending "early, 5 year touring" 60 Shopoin $0 day te 8 lle kt ok, ei UTTER BAGS i" |] nel i i i. mn . Not all immigrants are able | (left), seftle happily. They are | $i. Catharines, Ont, Some im them are the Duich youths at A of rich white settles Muryl Anderson, 24, siaried out A prizewinner for the cams a Come in and make your selection early! to make a new life for them making a six-month visit to | migrants have found their ex right: Jan Salomons, Maarden White wp-owners have fled from Vancouver, travelled eno fan a Christmas is a flexible elves In Canada. Most, like | their native Holland but plan | pectations unfilled and are re Verwdkl and Willem van der and thick layers of dust Canada, and by the time she left leather gadget hag ith zin f Cobweb 4 . H ; H Daniel Muste and his family | to return to their pew home in | turning to Europe. Among |! Velden (CP Photo) . ' OARS ched Britain she estimated she had al- pered side pockets and - self fe way until Christmas. We'll be look- ---- EE EE --_-- are visible through unwashed ready pedalled shout 8,000 miles. leather handle, Tuck in a few ay-away 4 store windows 4 i : A national conferences, It now ha Pi k ' D 'I am not in a hurry, | want to Y's of ay film « a d ing forward to serving you, been decided to reinforce these Unk LEM GOODS ee things and meet people, / ry lon } N. z. Di lomatie 1p forts hy eeping trade and dip IC er 8 ay | Some hops are [iled ith There's no point in dashing nr Sincerely, lomatic mi ns constantly i ' ashing machines, ac- everywhere, 1 am not after any en ur ou'll BLACK'S MEN'S WEAR LTD, ! i i N vatching New sland interests Th ht 0 covdion coleulating machines, record e un i Imesm 0] . al Brussels, headquarters of the oug ver avered with dust and as use she earned her keep in Britain 4 " na xn y er V 1Ce X an 5 Common Market, Geneva, head . 3 ful as 8 mink coat ip the desert, hy taking on temporar office 'M ) ors 4 PS -- We think you'll be thrilled ton with the uniaue quarters of the Free Trade Asso. TRURO, N8, (CP) ~The day imple necessities like tooth: jobs, She hopes to do the same "Men. Beaulifi , ' sold oift boxes we hove this season, They're something sireet corners are sure to please' A small deposit will hold your items on cation, and Bonn, hecause of of the blueberry picker--at least paste and cigarets are almost thing in other counirie " ; A Wes ? ' d hi ANON eounle WELLINGTON (CP New opposition | National part as West Germany s dominating n- on flat land---may be about over, Wiehisinabl Mier seeing Scandinavia she [ino nop iene bi arta i a ) Zealand will soon undertake the bitterly denounced the situation fluence in shaping European eco Ths is the opinion of Gordon B Ihe provincia government's plans to work her way across mbol hide hold venin J biggest expansion of Hs diplo- as harmful to Ne Zealand's nomic trends 4 avowed allegiance Js 10 ex-pre- Vurope into the Middle East and =" h cowhide h an ) 4 Kinsman assistant director of iS I 1 4 of fun at home or away ; matic service in its history prestige and an insult to the In recent year New Zealand mier Patrice Lumumba Ne then to India. Her final destina -- ] il ' A burst of new nominations is countries concerned as been engaged in modest ex Rost igh and biology service joeal mmy commander takes tion before returning to Canada - at the ova needed for two reasons---hecause Whichever party winst he elec. pansion of diplomatic representa Scotia Agriculture order sporadically from pro- js Russia ' he ed top jobs in the service tion RE nts to these posts tion in Asia pon ini here as College here Western ora leade Col, Joseph Miss i dereon arvies a few Don t Neglect Slipping have been vacant for an un- are hound to be made promptly the near north, Even this has Next summer. Mr. Kinsman Mobuty in Leopoldville, Yet $0 clothes, camping equipment and FALSE TEETH MEN'S WEAR LTD, precedented period of three thereafter trained the country's resources says, three blueberry picking lated is the city from the ag bicycle repair kit in a pack years, and because of alarm at| In addition, three new diplo- of trained diplomats. It is likely machines will be tried on the national capital that there is no Ln (alse teeth drop. sitp or wobhle "The House of Style for Men and Boys new trade groupings in Furope matic missions are to be opened that substantial recruiting out level plains of Nova Scotia ible conflict MODERN CHEMISTRY Pont ig ih, oi Saiigh ol mewnel The two senior New Zealand in Bonn, Geneva and Brussels, side the public service will he To be introduced hy the Nova The local lelegraph and tele WARSAW (AP) Poland will by surh handicaps FARTERIH. an appointments now vacant re|This is a major step for New needed to staff the new offices Beotia Blucherry Growers' Asso. phone offices are open for busi-l invest the « quivalent rol alkaline (non weld) powder 10 sprin 74 Simcoe North RA 3-361) high commissioner to Britain and! Zealand, which has been con in Europe ciation, the machines have been ness. But few telegrams reach! more than $ in kis 5 dias bot tes, heehs on y " foeth ambassador to the United States, servative in extending its diplo developed by Robert Rhoads, an thelr destination and Jong dis-{its chemical industry next year. ir { security and adden eomfom I'hey are often treated as po- matic service Al present, there AMENDED EDITION agricultural engineer at the Uni. tance calls are mostly inaudible [The move is intended to modern: N° gummy pasty taste of feels litical positions and awarded tolls only one Embassy in alll 0000 EM (AP The He. versity of Maine The, local postmaster called thelize the industry and boost pro- ge Gort "PARTRETH olay 9 any cabinet ministers or other senior|continemal Europe--in Pari brew University is preparing a Three self-propelled muchines United Nations recen! ly and duction. CONCERN OVER TRADE new edition of the Hebrew bible mounted side by side will pick pleaded for loan of a truck to w-- has a majority of only one in The reason is voncern at the A spokesman said the traditional a six foot wide swath of blueher- take a weeklong accumulation of | ME EE or ay {RA AMAR U0 Ug gat Grif 0 U8 darlin and for much of its effects of the growth of the Furo. Masoretic standard text will he ries. The machines will he used mail (o the airport. 'I just don't| ob 86 0 Ladd SLL EOL TE OEE EET CEE 1 PUR COT Oar 5 A Parl ment nln Bu that it did/pesn Common Market, Its ex. @M¢ nded, but the work will take first in Maine, where the season now where my truck has gone not dave risk a by-election, So it|¢lusive marketing arrangements several decades is about two weeks earlier he lamented declined to appoint men to these|create a threat fo existing New two diplomatic posts from Par. Zeulad meat and 4 ry Produce x tn hy op, : . » y , yn " lament and apparently found no!»ales | opi ould also 3 4 [> - 3 h fi 4 wd : of" eriously disturb the present Ly Lo Bade . h wv on one suitable outside polities THREE WAY DIPLOMAT [har Ne y wiviiee Ww Beuain, by J TWO MODERN STORES IN OSHAWA The jobs have heen filled for marke politician The present Labor government) most of the time hy career dip Much more erious would he fomat hut with onl acting rank. the results if Britain ere to link , 9 In addition, the permanent del. up with the Common Market y egate to the United Nations, either alone o th the even normally filled hy the ambassa: nation European Free Trade A » qa to the United State has been sociation Ney Zealand value filled during this period by Foss highly its rights of unrestricted Shanahan, a senior career diplo- access to the British market for RETAILERS TO THRIFTY CANADIANS mat, in addition to his duties as its farm produce, In many ways { high commissioner to Canada these are more important than The situation has become a the measure of tariff protection ) B d Chri t Cc d W| major talking point in the cam. enjoyed under imperial prefers K i oe ris mas ar 3 % patgn for Saturday general elec. ence 4 tion. The Labor government Strong representation have 2 LT RE # ys FOR THE MRS. maiptains that New Zealand ine been made on the threat to New ¥ terests have not suffered, but the Zealand interests at recent inters A most appreciated and practicol Christmas Gift , ., . A modern gas range with work-saving features. VARS 0 he Cooking Is More Fun With Natural Gas You'll enter a New World of Cooking Magic when you Cook the Modern * Way ~ with GAS, ng 23 <6 Ss . eh PS AR -- 7-PIECE INDOOR LIGHT SET 1.69 Colored bulbs with tri g plug and'extra add-on § wconnector I5-LIGHT SET - FOR OUTDOORS Your family will praise your delicious meals -- and you'll find that cooking just maturally comes easier when you do it the way master chefs do -- with the magic of dependable "Flame" cooking. "LOVELY ASSORTMENT Avoid the Last Minute Rush! Buy Now While Selections are Complete, BEAUTIFUL CARDS printed in glowing colors on excellent quality paper, Velvety flocking Reg. 149,50 J8 Glitter or trimmed with SPECIAL ry foil. Boxed 51 cards 3 N \ . ime tor outdoor « is Complete with envel ) i 149 50 opes ating or a cheery ir we L] ft se 5 8d f Zeller's Thrift Price . , , 0! am Th Food tastes so geod -- and it's so quick to prepare Natural Gas is so cléan to use -- and more economical too, Have One Installed Now In Time For The Most Delicious Christmas Dinner Ever! ENJOY IT NOW , .., EASY TERMS Complete with Lnulti-colar light Zeller's 3 vast F2 lenses Bi hrift Price Vy AANA GIFT WRAPPING dds or wa } DELUXE CUTTER BOX ROLL -- Assorted Sit * aim 2nd 4h os A Christmas designs. 480 inches 08° let you shoot thre uw he, use same film indoors and out. | 20 inches wide CONTINUOUS ROLL FOIL WRAP 08° 135 inches ' ASSORTED COLORED 29° Use Our LAYAWAY PLAN § REDI-MADE BOWS Only $5.00 Down Will Hold This 'Til Christmas ASSORTED CHRISTMAS WRAPPING -- 10° GIFT WRAP Two sheets to a fold, 20" x 30 ASSORTED RAYON AND ¢ and TINSEL RIBBONS 'i 10 25° OB 200 PIECES ASSORTED 2 ¢ SEALS AND TAGS 5 a] verything ) Photographic" Four economical rolls Gift See Your Gas Appli -- 15¢ on 9B¢ | won evened come GAS a3 Appliance Dealer wm or SCOTCH TAPE Jesigns. Thiift-priced! > DRYERS 8 KING ST § LETVE] TH ES A des § 3 oh 15 INTE i) {fg | 4 Ko? You get so much N BOWMANVILLE AND WHITBY PLAZA DOWNTOWN SHOPPING CENTRE sa! Dries clothes A SIMCOE ST, §. Z E L L E R' S 226 STEVENSON RD. §. : for only 2¢ o normal load, See Phi RA 3.2294 LIMITED Ph RA 3.2209 § them tedey! 48 SIMCOE SOUTH RA 3.3468 7 a aa at 2 U7 SE RIN eC atau