; 2Z THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Wovember 30, 1960 Britain's Christmas France Exports te Family Celebration |More To Canada By M. Melniyre Hood vance, as it is possible to do in come home for the day given # Canadian russ Hall Wikker load. But Canada also sells eon. Special to the Oshawa Times (this country. Pandemonium place of honor. In every home, ports to Canada have been climb products, of bh and synthetic! LONDON Here in this green! reigns as hour aller hour sees from the humblest to the rich ing stesdily since the end of the rubber A route and pleasant land that is Brifhin, trains leaving every few min. e it an occasion for (8mily\Secoond World War but ally | : Christmas Is very much a home ues for al parts of the country. joy and merry - making, 8 08% ine balance of a et 70 p Sanatian whet oles in festival, It is a time for family CHRISTMAS AT HOME shen the members of the (amily) mained in Canada's favor ¥ranes vary according 0 A | reunions, when the sons and Christmas at home is the are diawn closer together as the] [ast year France sold $56,000, os rance's me aryest iy daughters who are working in greatest day of the year for|git from one to the other areloo0 worth of Zoods in Canada, Jie Sid or 2% (Jormatty towns and cities away from their (anilies in England, It is not as taker from the Christmas (reel while Canadian exports found #8 than other west European coun homes, travel by train, bus and much so in Scotland bul in the and handed around market in France to the value of (ries: in fact she is herself 8 airplane so 8s to be by théir last two years | have noticed SEASON OF JOVIALITY $44,000000, This was the first wheat oe. home firesides when the Christ. thal the observance of Christmas! There are, of course, many at-{time in severs! years that the A mas festival Is observed shecoming much more pre-|iractions of the Christmas sea-\halance was favorable Wo Mr, Treuil os that France When Christmas week comes, valent there then it used to he.lson, wil occasions for joviglity,| France way, io esta ish more Shiu ¢ transportation companies Siores and places of business in li is the season of the pantomime,| This yesr France will again ies mn Lana a, nt Here g 0 put all the rolling stock the Scottish cities now close for|ine time when young snd old|find herself facing an annual (E000 by -- nes pr nuvi ' at their command into service to| Christmas but remain open for(ficck to the theatres to see the deflett, in her Sanadign trade, pn cocuse "she Is fully conselous pi the hundreds of thousands the New Year holiday, which islold fairy tales and nursery|ssh aymaon reull, commer: that this is #8 eountr th Ld 4 ! tally gi ofithe val . | a , lor and financial at this 18 untry with 8 of pissengers, practically ail of ihe reverse of what it was in|rhymes acted out for their enter|¢i8l counsellor | great future," m om eward bound The my hayhond day in Scotland aisnent It is a season of parties jake ot the French Embassy in Monetary reforms adopted by nes av the railway stations on This year, with Christmas Day 8 the homes of friends, parties) the French government in 1958 ' Many new styles in ching and crystal, mets! end glow each one a treasured piece p 19 0 da wiore Christmas (alling on a Sunday, the churches for children, and parties for Mr, Treuil said that although og made WH much easier for of skilled OrtitrY .,.overinrrnnnsnennss ond up a {Fre "anads ve! een to be believed. (will be filled with families al- those in hospitals and old rench exports to Canada havelp cnchmen to invest capital in are packed tight tending the services before sitting people's homes {been increasing regularly, the Canada 2 for the a tat: - Zveatast i But these things are forgotten) Prime goal of equilibrium in the / walling for theiridown to thal greatest of alll Bul these things are forgotten| i oar po oO "0 een the two French investors were partie mpossible to keep meals, the lish Christmas on the day of Christmas, for on countries has not vet heen ularly interested in Quebec hut queues for the dinner. All of the traditions that thal day, everyone wants to bel oo picod by no means uninterested in the leaving every few have come down through the at home, to be within the fam-| ge estimated that Canadian|f®® of Canada One major eal in the trains centuries go into the preparation! ily circle, no matter how far sales tn France will show a eon. reneh Industrial concern, Les ind most of them and enjoyment of that dinner, some may have to travel 10|sidershle inerense this year Ciments Lafarae, had established ed weeks in ad- with the absent ones who have échieve that reaching $70,000,000. French im- Weelt , British Enlumpia ir | ports here would Prob ably r. Treull said the European . Common Market--put into effect mount $60,000 Iy amount to 000000, only a Jan. 1, 1959 by West Germany, POLITICAL DICTIONARY Mail Big LAUNCHING PAD? FRpons sams Ea, "i, Fo Nevertheless, French imports well launched on to the ses of Newly Arrived , + + Just in time for Christmas the Most Begutiful CRYSTAL CHANDELIERS % and many others 1 choose from Almost all the legal and ad- | translater, looks over | page manus have been elimbing fast since success ministrative terms now in use o * in canada. appenr msec | 26 oor he uv 3 sears 4 14 @t@nIG@ ran 10NICQ [ikem dir toss vive was "ie Setesed an siamo ve Cart French-¥ f ough not yet acopted as ofr) $19,000,000, Mr, Treull said Ca-|tween th Common Market and arbonneau's rench-English ) nadian exports to France "have the Commonwealth countries, in cial art are shown more stability," citing the cluding Canada, would be "de- dictionary. Mr. Carbonneau, 71, | for varius gover : retired federal government | lation service I Photo omn am small variation between $48,000, sirable," - / : ace V5 a e 000 in 1952 and $44,000,000 last re------ Si 11 1t R ] | By BERNARD DUFRESNE year. | or tho feck 7 1 1 Canadian Press Staff Writer By STEWART MacLEOD are capable of causing 7.500! @ figures for the first five| N T t 11mp Cc Y u ELISABETHVILLE (CP)=Ca+ canadian Press Staff Writer |times 8p damage of pink Hiro- months of this year he regarded| ew oma 0 . fr n Arm nalmen attached LONDON (CP . J as "very revealing" At May 31| | ; d : , LONDON ¥ Just how shima bomb. Canadian exports to France since! 4 In ard Makin in te United al vi ah aul SAY strong Is Britain's position in the| About 150 hombers are poised the heginning of the year stood | Type Hailed ( y e is plea ant, thous h ol Anglo-American alliance? with a total of more than 200) at $31,515,000 and French exports Lory capital of he opin both expert and pub- nuclear weapons, More than halllto Canada at $18,285,000 SUMMERLAND, B.C, (CP)--A TORONTO (CP)--8ylvia Hahn The hand method ma the 8 proves, same lic, differ sharply, Britain is an of these planes are always on Cars take first place among tomato with & smooth, thick wall fs an expert at making Christ- best prints, she A i et above sea level In the gqual partner in the alliance, say stand-by duty, ready to roar off 8t| French exports to Canada hy land 8 mes ty comparatively mas cards but this doesn't lessen to the linoleum wh a he kest Africa some, Britain is merely an Amer-'a moment's notice wide margin, representing at| seedless centre has been devel. her pleasure on receiving home: roll first te eir | complaint has «an launching pad, say others. gome British defence sources| $19,000,000 last year a third of oped here made cards trom amateus onsislency o 4 : piy=noW Solver Another argument is that Brit- say that even allowing for alr. thelr total value The unnamed species which CUSHIONS Putt; Foam Rubber CORDUROY VELVETY SILK 2,98 3.50 3.95 A520 200 0 AA 00S BR AN RRA Af. . - L They may not he technicallyiplate glass i P { } gettin Hr Ularh JOrOugh gin has tremendous Influence inlcraft knocked down hy enemy| It Is & long way down, on the took ight years to develop will correct, hut I always save them 1 ght amount Can nd CHAN Washington, And the cynical re- rockets, the RAF's first wave of| financial scale, to the next com. probably be grown commercially she says. At one time the To equire more { ne due to irregular ply is that Washington calls the retaliation eould cripple virtually| modities on the list wine and|/in the Okanagan Valley next onto artist sold her cards but patter: UN f rom headquarters al june and Britain plays it flaw-|every city in a country the size spirits, of which the total exports year * i now she makes only enough for ! } ' HAV Hk 1,450 miles north. seciy on second fiddle if Russia, These sources are ee Canada amounted to $5,500. Lyle Denby, officer in charge A, : ; I 15 KING ST, EAST RA 5-2686 . INTERIOR DECORATOR her family's use g the back of ' of here, Bince such factors as influence, normally noted for overstating a|000, | of vegetables at the provinelal Sitting amid the clutter of the handle an ivory lett ne one d2day period, the de-|\pespect and mutual admiration case | Other commodities France ex. government's research station rub slowly in a circular mot ' ent received only two mall| vary, any documented reply must! These figures and estimates in- ports to Canada include chem. here, said the new fruit is re Athens Room now being assem. l 1 ' Mu. More pres can be applied deliveries, compared with an av- cast on relative military contri-|volve only Britain's existing|ical and iron products, textiles, sistant to vertiellium wilt, an i DRAPES, BROADLOOM & FURNITURE ' WW bled at the Royal Ontario seum, Miss Hahn told how she Where more color is wanted five a week in Leopold-| putions, And because the alli-|stockpiles. Within a few years/books and glassware old enemy of Okanagan to. makes her cards, She has been! The cards can be hung at the v ie signalmen here got! ;nce's military might is based on those stockpiles will be much! Minerals are the biggest class matoes, It grows on asmall low an artist with the museum since fold over fine string to d They around the difficulty by renting a retaliatory destructive pow er, greater |of Canadian exports to France, in- bush, lending itself to close ® phd. ihe Joho debe e JS 0 dite LL she graduated from art school, [should be left for several hours, post office box and hy using reg- Britain's contribution must bel The next heavy weapon to|cluding non-ferrous metals such planting | Simplicity is the rule for the |ular mail services, Now, by us: measured in terms of its inde: come into use will he the Blue - S---- ------ beg If a linole ut is he ing civilian facilities, they get pendent lear deterrent Steel stand-off bomb, which Il ' ne ve, she ser "at ve Calls Rejected i fon home nour diya |" ahs espit, oman seamen onan eras JESU BB BB SS DUBS SB BIBI BDI) a ing used, she suggests that one ' Li color, or two at the most, should \s far as entertainment Is con-| gist, there is no doubt that Britain|1,000 miles from its target, Then fle. 77 be used cerned, the Canadians have little still is a formidable world power, |in 1965, the RAF is scheduled to WE'RE OPEN i One of the easiest and most ef T S t Cl {to do apart from an evening at (ts position in the alliance 1s get the American Skyholt mis. A fective ways to make cards is 0 an a aus {the movies, Arrangements have unquestionably strong, + sile, also to he eo air. suggeation thai o. made to take weekend trips, If the West Is ever the victim craft at even greater distances Wednesday All Day leaves. Place the leaves attraes CHTAreD: Be. enable oh ation a to Northern Rh desia of aggression, the RAF has the Small atomic weapons are Friday Till 9 P.M, tively on a folded sheet of pa Clana] he. 8 i hey 0 a os 4 CLOSED CLUBS responsibility for nearly 80 per|going to he fixed to the Royal s d Till P.M per and spray. That's all, The shaas on heir teeD lone during There are many facilities for cent of the initial retaliatory Navy's NA-39 low-level strike atur ay 6 P.M, \ paint dries almost immediately, |, Shea Eason on the Wire| Coident Belgians, such as a golf attack, The fact that the Unied plane that ean hedge-hop under | A stencil of any object can belie hoon turned down by (helt UD: ding academy, archery Sates defence chiefs have de: radar screens deep Into enemy substituted for leave Post Office Desai en range, swimming pools and thel!clded on his tactical manoeuvre territory, For the hest effect, fasten the = pi wen like, but UN troops are not wel- speaks for itself on the import All these weapons are, and will | stencil or leaves to the card with The suggestion was m ide byecome in them {ance of Britain's position he, under the complete control of | a fine pin. Prop the ecard per the Union ol Po t Offiee Worle; The signalmen dress in civilian) Once the initial blow has been| Britain : & "™ pendicularly so that any hig paint| 18 iden wis at, a Banta Claus elothes--tie and coat--for dinner struck---and providing it doesn't| There are others, such as the blobs will fall, Spray directly in Facon ng he Sx id that onl almost every night, Food in hotel end the fighting the United existing 60 Thor rocket sites in ( front of the card from a distance Ji in 7 cing dialled! dining rooms and restaurants is States will unquestionably as.|Britain, which are under joint of one foot. If paint is squirted ny ehild, this. recording good and varied sume the heaviest share of at-| American-British control, It has from an angle it Is apt to seep ou automatically be played," game say they have been in. tack, Its H-bomb arsenal dwarfs heen estimated that the weapons | J behind the card and smear the 0 Sat the child could listem. |yjied to European homes for| Britain's, But until American in-|over which Britain has some back ih Uhion also uggested algunner hut Belgians now are tercontinental missiles are ready|control have a total power of LINOLEUM CUTS A ldrar of Drlstmas Mili cool toward UN troops, mainly to take over the role of hombers,|20,000 Hiroshima blasts, [ Cuts made from battleship lin: gone way i as a result of an antl-UN eam. Britain can still provide the| British defence officials usually | oleum are more complicated but (oianhone when oy ight palgn in the press here quickest retaliation refuse to comment on relative | ph } e¢ Tight num Ihe Canadians say they have! Even if Britain's nuclear ar strength in the Anglo-American | probably more satisfying, Pre ber was called pared linoleum can be bought in py, se sounded like ood ideas Met no hostility on the part of the! senal is small compared with alliance, but they clearly resent art shops, Other linoleum should!(o (he post office workers. who Congolese and get along well that of the U8, it still represents any suggestions--and there have #) ESSE S F 1k be sanded carefully [handle "Britain's. telephone ser. With them, This appears to puz. A staggering destructive power L:en some recently in London ay FoOIKS , «+ « The pattern which is etehed|yice and they felt they would he #e the Belgians Scleptific experts have estimated |that Britain is not shouldering its into the linoleum will print in ve-/ welcome additions to the various 'They can't understaid how that independent British H-bombs fair share, ---- If You Want To See A Fine Variety verse on the card. It Is well to|special services already heing/We can be friendly with the na check the printing on the linol| given by telephone tive sald Cpl, Danny MacDon x i eh eum block with a mirror \ The Post OOffite Department, ald, 38, of Fdmonton, a cypher Fm LT ANE AR LN CHRISTMAS GIFTS FOR DAD To get the most from the paper however, twaed both of them clerk in the detachment, "We 4 y " . | Visit Mill k & Buildi H [1 | wor! uliging supplies you buy, measure to see how|down, Its view is that other treat them as equals and gel { KARN'S Th S i Git chil-Talong fine," a 0 0 al pecial ift ! many cards can be cut with as| means of entertainment for little waste as possible, Buy en-|dren are readily available, and! MacDonald has been nick ) velopes '4.inch larger than the 'liere is no indication of any named the "welfare officer' hy : 2 HAND TOOL THE FINEST VARIETY FOR card size public demand for such a service, [his fellow.signalmen hecause he THE MAN OF THE HOUSE! "Construction paper which Those who suggested the ideas alwa handing out gum and Re i" comes in good colors as well as feel that this is a highly unimag. candy to youngsters who hang : | PLANES: Complete line of planes by such quality 8 15 > makers as STANLEY, ""TALCO", starting as low as ] white is good for single fold inative attitude on the part of the around the UN offices and the cards," Miss Hahn says, i department ignalmen's quarters . : y a DISSTON HAND SAWS: Fam. DISSTON HACK SAWS: The ; ous Rip Saws and Crossscut "glyqys handy" Saws starting es 2.66 Ph Mw Wo 10.86 Hack Sew is LL DISSTON KEYHOLE SAws; '"AMMERS: A wide range 12" Keyhole 1.76 ning " low 1.20 Saw irae LL Tiiaenen BRACES: Racket brace, herunning head, bit nd o. ith 10% ios N iy 2 Yas 1.29 PLUS A HOST OF OTHER TOOLS FOR DAD INCLUDING EVANS TAPES, SQUARES, ETC, SKIL POWER SAWS XMAS 1 sudh 367 cu 647 Rew. $126 SPACIAL ........ sags [ XMAS Mdl, ut 712" Reg. y Yue i SPECIAL | Mai. 825 Cut 814 Reg, $180. SPECIAL . 0". 137.95 SPECIAL THIS OFFER GOOD TILL CHRISTMAS ONLY SKIL POWER TOOLS Beaver Power Tools SKIRTS = Always we ' election : . Sneptock Tools, Snap-in, it's Tools by Beaver means quality tools built vella, solid colors an es | ta 5 j on... snap out, it's otf! Tak to do @ precision job , , . properly dh of Ld 3 J a] poy Ahn ds Ruriget ov I ay the- complete range of quality Beaver REVERSIBLE WITH MATCHING TUNIC TOPS } i 2 ? ah ie 4 oe Power Tools including: bg Bah, RviRsivb wi . f J p-- 3: " 3 |! " DRY I SWEATERS = Gift-lovely for a liftle Miss PS ' " IL Wo BRILL (Model JO) tor ® RADIAL SAWS ! ip Bu 18.95 DRILL PRESSES range sizes and calor LJ - oF tha itl on vous ; SKIL SNAR/LOCK 116 : BLOUSES = Ideal for the o tvs | * By NARA 10.85 ® BAND SAWS cal Hb M on ® with spray paint and autumn LONDON A Talore or funy, Sam fram teddien to em 3 $KIL SNAP/LOCK ORBITAL SAND. TILTING ARBOR SAWS Siem BOYS \ a ey Lock CMEULAR FLYING ARBOR SAND Rag gf og vs : oy AY 19.95 STAND COMBINATION Christmas, fully lined and navy. Sams 3 to 2 fA YOU'LL SEE THE COMPLETE RANGE | © JOINTER PLANERS SHIRTS we Whir 3. boy dieses ub he + i : cologne end matching bath powder . OF SKIL TOOLS AT MILLWORK See Them This Week At Millwork a handsome shirf styled we have white or figured ITY 2 gift boxed 3.50 the set SWEATERS -- We'vg 0 large select r Aphrodisia Woodhue Tigress Flambeaw J = BUDGET TERMS . . . FREE ESTIMATES . . . FREE PARKING "Oshawa's Complete Supply House" MILLWORK & BUILDING SUPPLIES LIMITED 1279 SIMCOE NORTH RA 8.6291 EE . 9 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH RA 5.1221 DRUGS 287 KING ST. E RA 3.4621 RJR LNs WAAL RNR » Open Friday Eening Till 9 PM »