Meets At Peterborough Miss Mary Langires wes host- the aflerdinner spensker, Miss ess #t the new Adam Scott Coll laine Collett, Foods Editor of : Heginte, Peterhorough, for the Chatelaine Institute, She deseriis regional meeting of the Peter- ed how the seal of approval is borough - Oskawa District Home, given the products which sre ad | |Economies Section of the OFA vertised in thelr magazine. Phe ' lon Saturday, November 26 discussed how recipes are tested Mrs, Margaret Arnott, District so that they would suit all groups president, presided at the morn of people throughout Canada ing session when reports of the including the technique of food OFA executive meetings were photography given by Miss Louise Poole, Whibty District High School, | Bd Webster, Falls Chureh igh School, Virginia, brought ' ' greetings and spoke of the work Beauty begins with being earried on in American Home Feonomics classes, She T discussed the fact that Home ll Economics is on 8 unit system, and subjects such as foods, clothing and family living are - taught as separaied units rather " than the integrated system, In - Relaxes 5 Senior Home Economics, she CRN yr mentioned that students could J select a major topic for which 4 : Vy \ Ey . (they eould be given a senior ere. TD { / and Supports dit on graduation, 4 Grow SCNES lon é . p discussion followed, led y A VICKI AND CAROL by Mrs, Ruth Conlin and Mrs ' a TEE A Your Whole Body Davehters of Mr, and Mrs, | daughters of Mrs, Myron Mel- |G, Galbraith, Cobourg, and by "1 Morley Johnson, Fern poe. | nichuk, Oshava, and Mr, and [Mrs Webster § ns t y vard, are Vic) a and Covol | Mrs, Arthur Johnson, Castle: | Highlights of the meeting was f : . Head-1o-heel comfort 1s what you get Ann. Vicki, fo y old, ard | ton p 2 from the comfort of this quality SWING /[ hee $ KING recliner, Beautiful selection of Care thm gre the grand % colowrs in combination fabric ond sup Photo by Ireland ef NEC 1 ; GROUPS, CLUBS gd RR CAE | YoReHast OF 69.95 "Tinsel Twirl" At Airport AUXILIARIES | rapa " 50.95 oF uss ASTRA GROUP YOU RECEIVE Cay Evening For Doubles Clubs| me Ai) midi o o| EEG | i] | T 9 / : i ® Ton & Beige # Groen & Green tr. and Mrs William Cameron,| United Church was heid in thei 3 mw a hi i } # Brown & Brown oRed & Red we Come Double Clih of North ! lit ilsdale 3 i | minst b ' Bd 5, Hurh MeLend aud torium of Hil dale Manor ; ; , rs et Sn. Xemth Covers grows) XT : . THIS DELUXE CHRISTMAS CAKE arousl dance Vinsel Twirl," i no Meyne, D, N, Flett ' the Oshawa Alrr tis nd Mrs, Wiliam Foreman, Mr, [had charge of the favo oni | : ; avi ' Eka is ohins ner or a short business] a / = : and Mrs, Alan Dickson f { 4 Wis m R Min son, Mr period Thier 8 f business) ! ' Packed in an attractive CHAFING DISH » mero, da i / 1 Mr, £ ¥ edele Manor was giv by 4 A year-round gift that's at home on the patio as well as the the golly eolored decorations J rt Andres King Li iy 4 . Manor was given by k ff table and it includes a deluxe three-pound Christmas fruit he W" ma { Ihe " 8 orovid rann, Mr, Wayne Vole, Mr The December meeting which | A coke. decorated with glazed pineepple, ig i sound an Aq Mrs Wilfrid Little. Mr, and| will be a Christmas party 5 £ meats, It's an $8.75 musie for fie round ARC SA " Mervin Perkin, Mr. and|be held at the home of Mrs, Rob % , i i dancing Pri Vere on hy Mrs, Horold Forsythe, Mr, and|ert Hess T i t J j i. LE BEAUTIFUL ad big , Wo (Mrs, Ray Crossman, Mr, and Refresh nts were served by, Ten O:8ix cleahs your skin A : % NEW. Es add ide Ww, BEER) Yates 7. Jeffery. Mr, and Mrs, L,| Mrs, Stanley Lambert, Mrs, Dov:| oj i : | kL dd + | FINI fra, ¢h ari wr awl PRC EMENt 4 o'hy Rundle and Mrs, Kenneth with healing medication J ; d | a m and Miss MATY a and Mrs, W, Murray, Mr, | Cowan Cleanses immaculately, imme nd Mrs. Erie Boot Mr. an n cep Mr and Mrs, Jack Hunt, presi, 100 Mrs. Erie Booth, Mo, and PMA CLUB | deeply. soothes with emol- dont greeted the i nm He Pon Add y HEWout: Mr. an The regular meeting of the| lients, The 10:0:6 formula whory were memb of ofl . Ww. Ips Oke Mr 4h Mrs | Pleasant Monday Afterncon Club! duplicates nature's normal Doubles Clubs in the ( Daniel oda g vas held recently with President]! skin balance~to reduce oils Been dancing were: A , Mr and Mrs. B. Warburton, Yrs tieorge V, Lee presiding iness or relieve dryness, Mrs, Cloyd Morey, Mr, ar s.\0r nnd Mre. 1. Buchanan, Mr | Seripture lesson was read by Protects for hours against Jack Piatti, Mr, and Mrs, Morris and Mrs, William Shenherd, Mr, | Mrs, Elwood Bradley; secretary blemish-causing bacteria ® Accented York, Mr. and M onald| and Mrs, William C'ark, Mr, and | report was read by Mrs, Phi'ip 104006 Lotion is the one / with Wragg, Mr, and A { Mrs, J. Anderson, Mr, and Mrs sell and treasurer's report by cosmetic that helps your skin d Color shmyr, Mr, and Mrs, Ear ) Anderson | Mrs William Reed, Roll call] 4 complete natural beauty fi olor Mr. and Mrs, James Ewart, ¥ Mr. and Mrs, Lawson Parks, (showed 26 members and IWo| Remember 10:06 twice and Mrs, Herbert Atkins, Mr. and|Mr, and Mrs, Robert Bent, Mr. |Euests present daily. : Mrs, Ted Martin, Mr. and Mrs, [and Mrs, Bruce Searle, Mr, and| Flectioos of officers and execu ' Charlie Snell, Mr, and M Farle Mrs. Arthur Winter, Mr, and Mrs, tive for 1061 was conducted by eammitien Neve r cherries end nut» * Lt hes Huntley, Mr, and Mrs, Jack Hunt \J. Coles, Mr, and Mrs. P, Law. Mrs, Norman Hodgson REP or a re Mr and Mrs. Joseph Pegg, Mr, rence, Mr, and Mrs, Charles) Members were reminded that / : MODERN (1-P0. DOUBLE and Mrs Arthur Berry, Mr, and| Dewhurst, Mr, and Mrs, W'am|ihere will be no meeting next| Mrs. Tom White, M, and Mrs, |l.ock, Mr, and Mrs Stanley Law: eek, December 5, owing to city Just as pictured, beautiful, decorative, / DRESSER BEDROOM GROUPING Bob Richardson, Mr. and Mrs g's f A Mrs. G Constante |1€! tions distinctive and at 50 low a price, Jolin Jeffrey | MF, ph rs, George Constable, | oq 0 Ohpist ot 4 Worth much more, "AVHILE THEY # Mr. "aod Nirs, Harvey Thomp.| MF. and Mrs, Laurie French, 'Mr.| The Chrisimas party vil LAST! CASH AND CARRY, A real beauty , + , stylish , , , handsome , , , beautle | ¢ / 'A pm fully finished in your ehoice of delightful new woods, . Mr, and Mrs, Waller Best ind Mrs, Jim Tavier, Mr, and| A . ; : 4 i) Mr oe Mrs Alert Mae.| Mrs, Leonsrd Rogers, Mr and| Reported sek was Miss Annie mM | TC 13 L | S Nor is this skimpy it's full size throughout with ' / L Mrs. IL, Mavhews, Mr, and Mrs |Stewart and Mrs. Margaret John-| Dhue roomy double dresser, large chest end full doubles | A y size bookcase bed , , , And that's not all , , , you . { A f r | ! Yo bo! Mrs Mis, BI} Barnaid, Benjamin Hitchens, Mr, and Mrs, flone, de , Mr. and Mrs Robert Stafford. | E'mer Parks Refreshments were served by | RUG : WA 3343 ef everything 10 go with it == @ complete group of Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Wells '| Mr, and Mrs Percy Boville, Mrs, Charles Arkle and Mrs, ONE fow money-saving price! and Mrs, Max Slessor, Mr ' and| Mr: and Mrs Wilfred Alexander, (Charles Goodman, J YOU GET , , , Full-size Bor Bed, Double Dresser, Mrs, K neth Guemman, Mr, aod Mr, and Mrs. Donald MeGlaghan, f= bid / . Chest, Innerspring Mattress, Sturdy Resilient Spring, rfl 4 Mr. and Mrs, Wired Nell, Mr TWO Boudoir Lamps with shades end TWO Pillows, Mrs, Ronald Arnold. [and Mrs, George Watson, Mr, and ! Mr, and Mrs, Chris, Tooley, Mr. | Mrs, lay Webster, Mr, and Mrs, | ' and Mrs. James Semple, Mr, and| M, Macleod, Mr, and Mrs, Wi): | qd ' Mrs, Jack Magee, Mr, and Mrs. (liam MeFoeters a, 4. " Bruce Affleck, Mr, and Mrs, Fred] Mr, and Mrs, Albert Evans Al ] da : B \ 8 ) SPECIAL VALUE! Milles, Mr, and Mrs, William|{Mr, and Mrs. Bil Szikgzav, M= ; Hamill, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth and Mrs, Mervin Cairns, Mr, and | v y we d Woosier, Mr, and Mrs, Jack Mrs, Jack Rodniskl, Mr, and] " Bw ? ; i Ovens, Mr, and Mrs, Lorae Good: Mrs, Marion Dawline, Mr, and| k 7 # # , Everyth ng you nee Mrs, Rohert Hogle, Mr, and Mrs, | { Ty in ON grouping man, n. Snow Mr, and Mrs. Albert Robson, N Evnwden, Mr, and Mrs, Grant| Mr, and Mrs, Joseph MacMillan, | . ------ -- Mr, and Mrs, Kenneth Farrow | SAFE STORAGE Mr, and Mrs. Alan Dickson, Mr.| When storing garden tools for| and Mrs, Clifford Bowes, Dr. and |the winter, the hoads of rakes Mrs, Gordon Adalr and hoes should he wrapped - -. Mr. and Mrs. Renald Ginger,|hung from the wall, Mr, and Mrs, Harvey Sanderson, Mr and Mrs, George Perkins y Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Siblock.|[§ Frills Cost You Bills Annette Mousseau, Mr, and Mrs. | +++ Cause You lis, Allan Hutcheson, Mr, and Mrs for . Gien MeGee. ~~ "" | Controlled, Careful will hold Mr, and Mrs, Fred Pearse, Mr Spendin and Mrs, Kelth Tagaert, Mr, and ; Mrs, Roy Hartley, Mr, and Mrs VOTE and ELE Bob Morrison, Mr, and Mrs, Gor | | or your choice don Law, Mr. and Mes: a for Alderman Scion, Mr, and Mrs ards, Mr, and Mrs, Reg. Jones, y of ards, Mr, and Mr ir ! Andrew, Henry [ ; iti AN i Sleeps Two . . . Seats Five Mr, and Mrs, H Tyrell and Mrs. W, Dixon GLECOFF Mrs, George MeKin Mp, and 4 ¥ " ; A try, Mr, and Mrs, Harold Perry, | I il 4 ra i Ain vie, | Monday, Deo, Bth, [| | BREE SHEE SNS COMPLETE 17-PC. DAVENO-BED GROUP £ 1%) " | - . - Mr, and Mrs, Stanley Gomme, } " Mr, and Mrs, Laurence Millson, LRVRY) 3% dhl v ---- 4 A whole reomful of furnishings at ONE SPECIAL VALUE PRICE! Built for double duty, this hand. NOT EXACTLY . i some living room group makes a bed for two in @ jiffy == converts back into a chesterfield in seconds, AS ILLUSTRATED aN Here's what you get , 2-pe, Frieze Bed-Daveno Suite, TWO matching step tables, matching coffee . table, alse TWO table lamps with shades and 8-pe, TV snack-server set, You have a choice of coms w Gift : . | ete range of celours and full innerspring construction, Certificates FUN GIVING i me = ol "" rd GIFTS | | + + +» that keep on giving all year round, : ) iy; Transistor RADIOS 4 J Coivelele SPs. Soup 2 TRANSISTOR, Earphone od 10.95 || 8 NN 95 aransitor, Errore. 94 95 I'S Hie © ' easton trove 20.05 | BY [RM rene mr g dry | FOAM FILLED OUSHIONS oor Hight Font Lowy 8% \ 5 CHOIOE OF DECORATOR STRIPES AND PLAINS » . . 4 Sl [| Attractive 5-tube MANTEL RADIO : Hs ONLY, Turquoise, pink or ivory ,..., 18.95 NOW 4% A GLAMOROUS 4-SEATER 5.PIECE GROUP Imagine! A glamor sofa that's a full eight feet lon let h hi hair, See and Hear These : It's all yours oy just as you see I by on ian ig ga] pk hig ug] YOUR CHOICE OF COLORS attention-getter for your living room and so-0-0-0 comfortable with full innerspring cons @ Royal Blue Choose from the + t i] h | FOAM fill bl T i . FE struction topped with luxury F «filled, n ble, do h ZB n Largest Selection in Town! RADIOS at LI I) | x ONE low bral See it Tonight SY ry ve 9 We : Olive Green Dresses = Separates « Sportswear : | NEVER A CHARGE FOR LAY-A-WAYS | U R AN S il 154-156 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH | 3 RA 5.6559 IN OSHAWA CREDIT JEWELLERS LTD. A OPEN FRIDAY UNTIL 9 P.M. 32 KING ST, WEST RA 3.7022 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE NO EXTRA CHARGES OF ANY KIND