mL BOWLING NEWS TRE CATHIE LEAGLY LANDER STARK LEALLE 3 EF WEDS ERhAY TH LAMIES LEAF CLABSH 4 | CANADIAN TIRE'S © CR LOW PRICE B Nol a relread , . . FIREMENS THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thurdey, December 1, 1960 2) ass wa, & Yackania Hi, 4. Lise vi er Watintie Us Kem atau and 4 * Wh ys 54 oa B otian, : Le dow wd EB. Balian Ws Wan y ; el Johnson, §. Garret ®, & Rowies, MW. Mes le 207, Dell Mavstis 6, Wiskey, ¥ i ast sion, 4. Garret monn, £ Bowkes, WM. Mac icky Groith and Byivie Loge donndos § LHVs §, sone |, Loggers 4, fats 1, Quasioon Marks in qqars $i ad ine re He 2, Fu Voters 5 Top Bo Hate 0, Smobiks 8 esting Mains 19 snd Sens BB wi BERLIN (AY TRACK ACE HWURY Olympic ¢ champion Armin Beary of y '} } ahs ExBam ur A Boris car YESTERDAYS STARS MIKED LEAE bh 728 (986, 25, BY ¥ Knight but a BRAND NEW budget-priced tire TRAVEL COMPARE YOU Sale Price ade 5 withewt 600/16 670 8 | 710/18 ! 760/15 750/14 i" R y SAVINGS in AE Allowanis SNCW TRAVEL IB1G HUSKY TRACTION TREAD Let Qver" Mileage ui $1.0: ne 12 OR to 14 Fuk FAST G- "N THE CANADIAN PRESS J of Boston Bruins and» ¥ as the Brus n Bucyh ored ¢ IGA FANCY "~|TOMATO JUICE 9 DOLE CRUSHED, SLICED OR TIDBITS PINEAPPLE CHOICE PEAS 8 (2¢ OFF LABEL DEAL) HEINZ PAGHETTI FOOD PRICES EFFECTIVE DEC. 1, 2, 3. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO Limiy QUANTITIES -- MOR-POWER HI-CAPACITY ieir-aver" 0/14 he 80 588 will be paid fy fire From ¥ mileat ney INSTALL 3 ox ATION 400 TURELESS ¥ 22 TO 3 LB, CO SUPER-LASTIC WINTER EXPRESS Loaded with PULL-AWAY POWER-=Quiet on the GO! Youll need sure-grippi deap wew, Mush and mud WINTER EXPRESS on your 1 wway pews whe & bigge Matural Rubber Blend Tr STOP on greasy reads DISCOUNT SAVING - safely on vy SUPER-LASTIC "HIWAY-BYWAY" with NATURAL RUBBER TREAD Engineered for Canadian roads, tomporaturos and driving conditions HIWAY BYWAY afely, securely, silently ser Tread gives gre positive STOP. Only HIWAY BYWAY gives y am safety of NATURAL RUBBER a less than 31 than veu'd sxpest te pay fer ua lit te WINTER EXPRESS Price atte allowance hae . for Leh -Ovee" Mileage | §50-590/15 11,951 13,95 | 600/16 | 650/16 | 14,95 10 16,95 | 470/18 70/18 15.98 17.958 | 14 OK o 1# OK 750/14 17,951 19.98 | 760/15 200.820/15 800/14 16.95 ro 18.98 | 250/14 | : 18,95 + 20,98 | 200/14 ' -- i From $1 to 33 will be paid for the TUBRELESS Only 57 antra. WHITEWALLS 53 ante "HIWAY-BYWAY' Mrs, Reg Discaunt Prise Prise After Allawnnes List Price Refare Yradesdn | Far "Left-Over" Milsage 25.00 16.98 | 13,950 15.98 075 | 18.23 | 15.98% 17.9 36.70 0.98 17.9510 199 29.15% 19.95 | 1698510 18.98 33.20 10.95 10 20.958 29.18 16.08 1p 10 oR 36.20 21.98 0 22.08 38.9% 28 OF 10 27 aR 33.20 19,95 10 21 98 36.20 22.95 10 24.958 38.9% 24.95 v 26.95 Leh -Over" Mileage an your ald Vrs Hiway-Byway) Note: Add S04 for installation ROAD web HAZARD INSURANCE US 5.YEAR GUARANTEE DRY CHARGE... the BIG Instant Energy EXTRA FROM NOW ON IT'S GOING TO GET COLDER | Will you resent battery stand up te the hard-slarting, sub-sere winter athe ' or wirging pewer stall the mest pawerful hallery ta delive I yearn a ahah Yer NE ar the cdr you are naw dri VOLT DRY CHARGE fin J most poapuling san 4h menth Insurance-Guaranies Rep. lim $28,10 1493, trade-in WET TYRE Svall. With ne trade-in NEW SUPER-DUTY 13:Velt Dry Charge Reg. List $36.10 with ftrade:in | "Power-Sealed" SUPER-SERVICE 30-Meanth Insurance-Guaranies Freshest pawer mensy san buy Pawer-senled @.valt or 19-ve «VOLT DRY CHARGE Fils mest papular cars a ane capacity. Reg. list 1095, 9.95 WET TYPE with ald battery Brand New "KEYSTONE" THE BUDGET-PRICED BATTERY DRY CHARGE WET TYRE W-Monihs 13:-Manths Factory fresh wet type fits most popular sary. & volt 643, trade-in 743 ORY CHARGE with trade in Insurance Guarantes and savings = ever built MORPOWER A x APACITY ARMOR GLASS." 11's Dry Charge! IV's POWER ew hom, Inslant-action pewer to come. Performance with aur sed 10 buy another battery 12:VOLT DRY CHARGE = Far most popular late mee del cars, AB:-Month Insum anca-Guarantes, Reg, Ls $24.59 1693 ede in hvelt We ALA LJ 18.95 | WEY TYPE trade-in Dry Charge SERVE SMOKED BONELESS DINNER HAMS Ih, 1] i AVERAGE MAPLE LEAF REG, OR READY TO TABLERITE WIENERS oo: re SIDE BACO RINDLESS SAUSAGE ALL TABLERITE FOR SLICED 4 LD, 1:48, PKG ROYAL GUEST 38¢ PURE PORK new sar equipment quality types 13VOLY DRY CHARGE Fits mest popular late model Sars Splates. Reg Hat $30.9 13-92 trade-in WET TYPE with ald battery 1 2. 95 nurance-Guaranies welt Wet type, Fil many papular late models, 1 45 with tradein BRY CHARGE with tradein Rudaet terms available USE YOUR 11,45 CREDIT aL CANADIAN TIRE Fred A. Smith Co, Ltd 115 SIMCOE ST. § OPEN T0 9 P.M. DIAL RA 8.6372 FRIDAY NIGHT MACHINE SHOP | GARAGE AND | { on - \ | EASY BUDGEY TERMS NO DOWN ["YIENT FANCY PINEAPPLE AB-0s, § Time DOLE JUICE APPLESAUCE 8 = * GREEN GIANT NIBLETS CORN BEANS .,, PORK 8 = * Sweet Mixed = Sweet Relish ~~ Bread & Butter = Sweet Wafer 1608, § IGA PICKLES is IGA DOG HOUSE DOG FOOD 1 Tim ROBIN HOOD ~~ Banana, White or Ches, CAKE MIXES Wea 3 Phas Hi Cadbury Choe, Sandwich == Ches Fingers or Regal Assorted fon, § BISCUITS Le FROZEN TURKEY: CHICKEN OR BEE MORTON PIES 4: 5] IGA REGULAR MARGARINE , sk CHEEZ SPRED 14:08, § Tins 15:08, § 1-08, PKGS, 16.0%, 2 i 51 JARS POTATOES THE VEGETABLE POWERHOUSE CANADA NO, | GRADE 50.LB. BAG J CUCUMBERS "'"" 3 = 25° GREEN ONIONS ".vcs'3 = 25° EMPEROR GRAPES 2 .. 25° CRANBERRIES «oo 25° NOW ON SALE! VOLUME 13 CHILDREN'S GOLDEN BOOK ERCYCLOPEDIA NO. | GRADE A GOLD MINE OF VITAMIN C OZ. 600 FLORIDA ORANGES 3 "=" $1 DYL'S LGA. 166 ADRLAIDE ST. OSHAWA LANSDOWNE IG. LANSDOWNE SHOPPING CENTRE COLLEGE HILL I.G.A, cumr st.--osHawa BILSKY LG.A. STORE 120 wilson 5.-0snawA BECKSTEAD 1.G.A. courrice. ony SOUTH END ILG.A. sock sv. s.--wHiTeY HOPE LG.A, STORE ror penny