'Thank Offering Meeting Held ORONO ~ The Theuk offering Grand assisted by Fister Emmi cipal Council, Thursday, st the| London huresu of The New York (Meeting of the Woman's Mission Lunn, Viee Grand ary Society of Orono United | vo There was & good attendance law providing for the levy andito the pilots of the {Chureh was held on Tuesday, 18) and voll call of officers showed ithe Church. It was sleo the Ob-ljuct one officer being absent servance of the seventy fifth {anniversary of the society | Mrs, Staples played quiel music | The eharter was reverently f \draped by the officers for the INE and equipping of the Courtice! War Past | A 1¢ lon the organ while ninety ladies President of the Rebekah Assem.| Passed by Council late Blister Mae Thomas (assembled, The meeting was "of ply of Ontario {ducted by Mrs, W. Armstrong in the absence of the President, Mrs | Minutes proved, As were resd and count apr were received |e Bylaw Passes HAMPTON (Bath clog of the In & brief " Darlington Munl-l Drew Middleton, chief of (he Hall, Hampton ownsnilp fine tribute ighter Come ection of # special vate 10 de- mand of the RAF whe played fray the costs of Derlington's such an herole role in the Battle hare of the construction, furnish-'of Britain in the Second World #& by- Times, has paid a The tribute is contained in Mid- |dleton's new hook, "The SKY In reference Lo rezoning bylaws, (SUSPENDED: THE STORY OF Deputy-reeve A, L. Blanchard's! THE BATTLE OF BRITAIN" that a bylaw for the estab. (Longman, Green and Co, 144.) lishment of an adjustment com This is also the story of the Milibrook High sehools, was! thousands, most of them in thelr teens, drummed and marched through sll those years of con Het i All of this Is told In a new Civil War hook, "WITH SHER. MAN TO THE SEA: A DRUM. MER'S STORY OF THE CIVNL, WAR" (Longmans, Green and Co, 14d.) as related Corydon Edward Foote to Olive Deane Hormel $0 it was with Cord Foote, To his mother's anguish and his "The Sky Suspended' Tells 'Of Britoin's Finest Hour forth with thelr regiment by wagor rein, ral) and river steamer into the h ar of the re country, Mier the first fume monthe, Ley Arummed the regiment into such battles as nary Ridge and Lookout Mountain, serving as water ear: riers and stretcher hearers dur ing the actus! fighting. Then fin ally they foraged and fought with General Sherman on his marek from Atlanta fo the sea, | Prummend land passed for payment | The Worship service was Suen Sister Emma Lunn {by Mrs. Billings who read theiq.. vigiins Report stated she \pture passage and by Mrs. Buoy sent out several sympathy on who led in prayer and Get Well cards, also flowers The address and welcome pre-and a plant Cord Foote lived to be 95, but ride, he enlisted with the «10th! r thing matiered to him much ichigan Infaniry the day after except the Civil War, Not long his 13th birthday. He put awayliclore his death he was still able his bird's eggs and baby vabbitslto pour out his reminiscences and went to war, looking|into the willing ears of Olive scarcely 11 years old, with a too| Deane Hormel, This Is a unique large uniform and his drum al-|record here they ave soldier most scraping the ground camaraderie at ite best, hes Cord and his mentor, 8 Mexi-|break, horseplay and heroism, Tt ean War veteran called Old La-lis a hook to be read and remem ecey who was drum major, faredbered, nittee to take force, in Jan. 1961, pilots and aly erews of the Luft was passed by the Council (walle, brave and steadfast men, Councilor H. C. Muir, moved|ierribly mishandled and serving for the approval of a new winter|@n odious tyranny, This Is also vork program amounting to $6000,|the story of ordinary Je and ar y ' f It was seconded by Councillor) women of the United Kingdom, pared hy Mrs, C, Wood was reid giter Laverne Barrabell Sidney. Cormish 4 Sina The story of 1940 can't he eon ny Mrs Armstrong Creetings une Arnish pod earned 4d od all guest fre m|hanked all the Benévolemt com A submitted price of $208 for 8|! ned to the battle in the air, The Were exe ) Se Bue HO mittee for helping well while f 4 ss | British national effort included h . Hee for helpin : ew booster fuel pump apd $155" Mationat efor X Kirby hatiate, Nedeastle andl erving lunch after a funersl re lor on air Bliss for the PoMiIAF resistance to the bomb: Our OWE Miss 3 | > p _ Long also extended OI iid mi garage, will be investi-|'"g of London and he provineis) if g aif of the Board of| Pieter Irene Murray as con gated by the Roads Committee jetties as we M pi hy ngs on Dehal i heartily wel. venor for the Bazar Dec, 9rd It was then brought to the at|PAities over southeast Engla the Church and _heariily w {asked that a Christmas Tree be tention of the Councll, by J, A,| The aBitle of Britain "was comed all present |donated, Sistér Olive Millson of Hoskin officer. that|€rim conflict, as the author de Mrs, Merkley of Bowmanville! fered to supply the tree vel bylaw has been ar. vibes i "a naked trial of rendere a two beautiful solos] A reply was received from control dogs running) Strength hetween two great Eur "Fear Not Thee, O Israel" andigister Edna Jex, District Deputy free in Darlington Township |"VeAn powers For a while, the |"Besutiful Upon the Mountain", | president, Port Hope, stating that| sould this privilege be misused] ttire of the world was In | Mrs, Staples prepared and pre-Ishe will be pleased to come 10li could prove serious, During|"Harge of a few hundred, high- o p Satur ee, ; y ir TL n, and like the sented "A story of the Years Orono on Saturday, D rd December through ti April, nol piri ed yo ung men an ke ¢ ; back to 1886 and on 10]2:30 p.m, and offically open the gos pinning the streets ean Battle of Waterloo, the Baitle of 1960 which was very Interesting. | Bazaar gis Huan oo i" hens ea. "Britain was a very close thing i' ¥ » | ip for Wh o ala a Mrs, Schauffler introduced the! A co that i dranitle, re y J me i entio auring ose suest speaker, Mrs, Gray, wile of ter fmm amousit| © the or of Kew Beach United|arrange the banquet {or aiid! hot summer Church, Toronto, She said they| ordinate Lodge o poet 7 fa "y end. he: would be unable tel?" » YEATES pA I on Beita ave g congregation of 2000 there OCCARION Hed y ' io i ing about ft ol hy that Mrs. Gray usually took|ation of the ( Master of the" BRINE about | Y the de tha Swening. service Gray| Grand Lodge 410 H.C. Muir moved|goat of hope, Ho e the hat i Senn humble but at home,| A mation w Sluation such as mich hung in the Bie friends in beautifull usual Christmas party arvangements willl a1ance and how the battle went among riend # i p n a i the forn Bowmanville Coun presented here in a detalled church here, af "id he was albec U answer to the prob and ehensive way, that simple message ial, and Bis seconded by Deputy: shows sive research and a have I A tad Io FEAL Blanchard and car: bright literary style, Mr, Middle he 3 ot of thank Lodge ton was reporting the event for| I hfe Mrs. T Ag biyn thank Degree {the Associated Press at the time ines be Ir ere of the conflict ed Mrs Gray Sncardly for such Writes Middleton An Impressive message PERSONALS q ved of ceurate informa Ong ingiru Ly A 1 behalf of New Jeprive of aceurate soft and Mr, Hohmann | Allin gp _henalt O Mrs, O thanked the tion about the British forces and of ampli; |Costle Au Xi Hiary than I Me part of the |their location, the Germans also TH Oromo Auxiliary for the invitation with visiting suffered from another handicap to attend such a worthwhile meel-| 0 wre John ( UXBRIDGE The Brooklin Intrinsic n all authoritarian Mr, and Mi Junior Farmers and Brooklin states. This Is the tendency to lle spent last Friday in Junior Institute will hold their an.|!0 order lo curry a favor with Mrs, Ken, Gamshy spent 18st, 0 Christmas Party in the the man on the next higher rung week end in Toronto with Mr {Township Hall, Brooklin, on Sat.|©f the ladder and Mrs, Harold Snell, Danny, aay De "a at 4 %0 > m "1 "Goering was told on most oe and Bobb Mr, R, Oxford, well known folk|CASIons what he wanted to hear, Ernest Windover dance instructor from Greenwood, | 11€ told colleagues in other serv. vas beautifully decorated with daughter will lead the group in both square|1C8 What he wanted them to hich was heautifully W. L. King Mr, King and round dane hear, They all told Hitler what for the eccasion | Mrs. G. M. Ligton, Orono," Tne members of the Uxbridge. |they thought he wanted to hear HOLD WEDDING Chalrman Area Training Comp, perry and Beaverton A {and what would shed the beh number from here attended On Friday, November 18, the mittee : guest speaker at for rmers' Associations have est light upon thel Bogie ol 5, Haydon and Enniskillen bazaars, Rev, Basil Long officiated at the Maple Grove Guides and Brown invited to attend this meet {In such an atmosphere, oblective in giving nilpa You have to drive it to believe it! THE COMPACT CAR pet eontirol no rengea to at iating and lea i ie Hi ny Mi ¥ could do reason yened bh nied to nmittee, con Sis a Hoskin in muction under this Lunn wa pointed out hy appa neland anima { Sub % of ae Tange alone of rand Britain would have he On Chr Coming ' of Hiss) elo rs { I hat should a ni 1B hn with a led that Ah itle was, how he held In a be Knox he mad na i Was Ad f a dinn on Tue Ma Fmma Lun | n hi reeve Rigter in tomy {ey tn inte of Arrangements which there ried Liter enjoyed closed alter Pract cup of tea SOME BEDTIME MUSIC FOR LEO ihrato effec the Vi ce A friendly can be achies wa finger construction of a | model Is on the This first clavichord works clavichord Hohmann who | north of Sebastian on the Ritson road 4 by WITH THE Plan Christmas Party Dec. 3 moving lives on A he f the YoiR Cowan Veek her with one The the apent the first Rexdale daughter, Mr onnell Bruce Mercer Toronto a tenor keyboard of four action different piano, the spadel contact with the string 4s the key Is held down the ure piteh can be raised Kedron Church, plays some clavi octaves 0 in Mr whose Bre aimost one | He makes his ly and rebuilding | spare time he bedtime music on the Yay chord for his Hohmann | work snd hobb and the same tuning ol from chord wa I rema Leo is man §0N0 iment played He ons long few By in o from read A very lovely message Drummond Mrs. Armstrong A social half hour was enjoyed cup of tea, sandwiches and anniversary eake, in and!the Sunday School auditorium ted make a WHE pres ument ng bo plancs In hi the BURKETON BURKETON The IWA will meel on Wedne ning, Dec, 14, al 8 pm [chureh hall, This will be a Christ TV Films In Palace | First Time |*mwciws,,, oF We i Minden Mrs cookie Avs her and in Burketon |, day eve: t A I community Was 2 n f het Our church was 4 on Sunday the 400th of the Beottish Reformation by the HK tended celebrate gue ion cameras ABR WAL ords Caughill vere Wednesday Strutt, Ennis and] hosts on marks oon he Lmas Ba or a caf expecting g vear the Christmas Vere ped to various cen Sireet post IT'S BIGGER WHERE IT COUNTS... BIG CAR POWER ~ Choose either of two great engines , , . the new, more powerful O.H.V, 6 or the economy winner V-8, Both these fine engines CONETAE & OR ve are.Joaded with power, BIG CAR COMFORT = Enjoy lim ousine luxury that the so-called "standard" cars can't offer, You get vor really generous legroom, hatroom and " hiproom, plus chair-high seating, It's Fv a revelation ! RDOOR WAGON & Hod ge Thoma broadeast 1s It means! members of harehl 108 oth dai er hanguet reasoning is impossible. By the fairly well at- wedding in Orono United Curchiien Moth tau hee | " nm g ) [tessoning Bui gpa i morning tolof Jennifer Mary Barratt, sd Hiroe An Invitation Is exterdedt o alll 410 at the top had pervaded all Anniversary daughter of Mp, and Mrs A |present and past members of thel,. ri00s Only a few stubborn a Barratt of Orono, to Leonard| {Brooklin Junior Farmers to at i: cenerals clung to the truth (Mrs, W. G. Breck, Kingston, visit Leroy Sutteliffe, second son of {tend and to bring along their And how mie h did their cautious By M_ McINTYRE HOOD ed their mother, Mrs, E. M Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Larmer Mr. and Mrs. Russel Sutcliffe of Plan Three {friend or friends to enjoy the fun a wala yg 4 oT ¥ 5 Adams, 4 patient in Memorlal| Peterborough, Mr, Allen Larmer | a shi y objections weigh against the con Special to The Oshawa Times IH pital, B Jatien lle oront re. Sunda ts of Leskard ' q and fellowship of the evening fident dreams of the Nazis? Not 6 + first time! Hospital, Bowmanville onto, were Sunday 5 1 a 7 y | , wo For the first time A ey oor attended th Mr. and 3 Harold Larmor l Given n martiag by Jat 1a One-F ct Plavs : |an ounce, Lies blinded the Ger. and recording equipment will he|Silver Cross Chapter Bazaar and PLAYS HOST Leanin pk of white lace and ! y dors ON Reconp ane dimost ie frieh ol fod used inside Buckingham Palace|afternoon tea in Oshawa last Wed-| The Flying Dutchman Restau fy t Her vell was held in] BOWMANVILLE (8taff) Lid i Easex = Two, feos joss British." WUC dave Tnte when " Ques n records, in a nesda o. Rul Headed thatch 4 H Migy the ¢ . sh place by a rhind stone Hien and The Durham Drama Wo kshop b the cholr of 11th century Waltham! This is a brilliant portrayal of y p ris p pe al snded the # happy event on the evening arried a Cases i pres gE § f i ois the a n thelReri! Win a with go hi Monday Noy 21 Messrs A i sarsied 8 a press pi aet Ws ME riday OR Abbey in Essex are being sold a nation fighting for its Net Commonwealth, British Broad [ter and brother-in-law, Mr. and Reid, R. Young and H Abbott, "Fi p eg 2y Sutcliffe wasis, at the Bowmanville Town Half ald the Abbey's restoration deserves a wide sale. casting Corporation officials have Mrs, K. Brown representing the G. R. Kirk Co a ; A she wore a dress and Saturday Dee 10 al the fund. The vicar, Rev, R[ There has probably been no t siting the Palace to se / i OrOBee Tacoma, Washington, were|"idesmald, a The hest|( om | arting s| Darby, Introduces the carols, and group in history to match the been visiting the Palace to se. Mrs. Florence at a banauet to some 40 0f salmon pink nylon, 'The hestiOrano Town Hall, starting at 8.15/hay also written a message for|drummers of the U.S, Civil War, lect a suitable room In which Mre, J, Sinclair A ET a man was Mr, Gary Thompson ip.m, The productions are "The|the back of the record cover. A|The drum was still a comman. the broadcast will be filmed and|guests of Mrs, E it ini of Lurketon n CIN: re Ronnie Sutcliffe and Mr iTungerer hy Willlam Saroyan, picture of the abbey and i's|der's means of communicating recorded ey Killen iM if hi pag { i har. 1«@ urie Thompson ac ted ashe Valiant", by Halworthy Hall|cholr appears on the front cover, |orders during battle, and it was nm wil the first time TV Mr. and Mrs, Bert Ketchipaw ely n e ib ! » Asher and Robert Middlema and! Playing the organ accompani- the drum that kept up tempo cameras have filmed theland family, Picton are spending n the Bur on area rom Ihe reception was held IN Suppressed Desire, by Susan ment {s F. Jackson, who played|and spirits during long marches, Quem in de he, Palace je few dave with Mr. and Mi a point Pra { 10808 Olin ono Oddfe h ows Rall The | Glaste 11 lat the abbey for over 50 years Loyal and intrepid lads by the Auge she w en G, Rablin rees 4 couple reside In one of Dr -- -------------- Prince Andrew last | Mr. and Mrs, George Carter tres in the United States this sea Soutie wil Hy Ants on Main Queen's traditional and family, Bowmanville, Mr [SOD Orono greeting was recorded on sound! and Mrs, Robert Carter and fam | only, On the previous two Christ. \jjy Windsor, Mr, and Mrs, Ken-| ESKIMO NAME [REBEKAH LODGE mases, she was televised direct! ory Capquill and John, Toronto,| Pangnirtung, a on Baffin| The regular meeting of Heather from Sandringham Castle 0M gneni the weekend with Mrs, A.|Island, was named from an Esk. Rebekah Lodge was held Tuesday Christmas Day Carter and Fred imo word meaning "place of the in the 1,0.0.F, Hall with Sister RECORDED IN ADVANCE Mr, and Mrs caribou." Maude Cooper presiding as Noble There are several reasons why| this year the TV tol HITT HIE be filmed in advance : {HHA that some 25 the| HHI wie me nem oe The secret of my dry martinis ? Hh their families Instead of working at Sandringham And It also| mean that the hroadeast will bel avaliable he al ill other Common wealth countries to be shown at R WAGON 6 hour on Christmas telerecording will take place about the middle of De cember and the recording will flown around the world ready for sho December 25th Producer Anthony Craxton who a ttended Grodonstoun School at the same time as Prince Philip, will have charge of the broadcast. He has for some time handled all broad casts on TV by the Royal family Mr. Craxton expects the Queen to speak from five to eight min utes this vear CHILDREN TO SING Immediately hefore the Queen speech on television, a program of carols will be televised, The choir chosen for this part of the program is the Orpington Junior Singers, a Kent choir internation ally known of many trips and broadeasts abroad an appropriate Day. The BIG CAR SAFETY = Relax with new, fade-free, bonded brakes; wide, all round vision; solid construction and finger-tip steering .,.you're in coms. mand of the road, BIG CAR "FEEL"=You be the judge, Test-drive the '61 Lark before you de. cide on ANY car, You, too, will likely exclaims "7 wouldn't have believed it!" IT'S COMPACT WHERE IT'S SENSIBLE COMPACT FOR ECONOMY ~~ You'll like the Lark's saving ways--even if {ou can afford a car with useless aver. i \ ang and the extra gas to drive it HILO | § NNN ; ! ; around, Accompanied Arrangements whic A COMPACT FOR DRIVING EASE nie bid i CAN g i Al ) i \ You'll find the "61 Lark easier to park auunan. his Made for the Shee LAR 3 ANN and: manoeuvre--as you'd expect-- but its masterful "Big Car Feel" will during last few vears. The really amaze you, You have to Drive sholr will also sing the National Anthem hefore the Queen speaks H \ Rn OT OTE NO Unen hens it to Believe it! he ving or DOOR SEDAN & OR va Cr DOOR SEDAN & HARDTOP Wa because the 1 \ ARR BRN LIAN h 0 \ RACE RELATIONS A LONDON (CP) The Nuffield Foundation and the Ford Foun dation have presented grants totalling £85,000 to the [Institute of Race Relations, The money will be used for studies of race relations In the Caribbean and Latin America SALLY'S SALLIES Seagram's VY. 0. CANADIAN WHISKY A RARE OLD DELICATE CANADIAN WHISKY SPECIALLY MATURED IN OAK CABKS The car of the year-and of the years to come STUDEBAKER TARK You have to drive it to believe it! 12000 MILES OR 12 MONTHS WARRANTY WHICHEVER COMES FIRST RAY GIBBS SALES and SERVICE 181 KING STREET EAST, BOWMANYILLE GRANAMS GARAGE RR. 1, BOWMANVILLE KNIGHTON MOTOR SALES HIGHWAY 132, RR, 2 BLACKWATER SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD. 234 RITSON RD. SOUTH OSHAWA DIBTILLED, AGED AND BOTTLED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF THE CANADIAN GOVERNMENT JOSEPH BE SEAGHRAM &~ BONS, LIMITER WATERLOO | ONTARIO CANADA grams Sure ARAM TRR RRR Sve S$ Extra Dry Vermouth! |F Gove } and te ------ Haw Bottled in Italy NAYDON i the OSA I's Martinl and Rossi, In the rest of the world i's simply Martin: wherever you go It's the same superb vermouth, tan to you when he ots hema"