The Osharn Times SHAWA, ONTARIO, MONDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1960 PAGE ELEVEN Polishing 0f Rocks Displayed The meeting of the Oshawa Rock and Mineral Club was held recenty, with the president, Damage in this accident was J, H, Kauffman, presiding, estimated at $1,000, with $700. It was announced that the ex damage being done to the Wood ecutive is in the process, of es ear, tablishing Lapidary courses at the Cars driven by Henry A, White- CRA, The classes will consist of ly, 46, of 116 Connaught street approximately eight weeks of and Edward Dolak, 35, of 275 learning the art of cutting and Malaga road, collided near the polishing gems and semi-precious intersection of Park road and stones Bond street at 5:56 pm, Batur.| A display was placed in the day Central Collegiate Institute on No- The second person injured dur-| Damage in this accident was vember 25, and members were Ing the weekend was Murielicstimated at $900, Damage to asked to contribute a few choice Cowie, 48, of 146 Lasalle sireel each car totalled approximately specimens for the display, who received Miser injuries whan 49, The program for the evénin she was struck by a car al the, a combined a demonstration a corner of Bimeoe and Athol KING WEST COLLISION lecture on the art of Lapidary. streets at 3:02 pm, Saturday, The fifth weekend traffic mis |C, J, Lariviere hegan the demon. Mies Cowie was struck hy alhap occured at 9:55 pw, Batur-| sirafion with a rough slab of car driven by Lindsay G. Green, doy night on King street west a! Dodalite and as he worked the 22, of 18 Nassau street, as she Beaton's Dairy, Cars driven by stone through each phase of cut was crossing Simcoe street Gustav Belde, 21, of M Admiral (ing grinding snd polishing, The driver was apparently Toad, Ajax, and Stuart Sleeman, 5 H, Kauffman explained each attempting a left turn onto Athol 51, of 311 Elmgrove avenue co):| process to the members, street from Bimeoe street, when|lided on King street Each member of the audience Miss Cowle was hit, She was Apparently the Bleeman vehicle was given a plece of Amazonite, hounced against another car in| Was struck as it puled onto King| mounted on a dopstick, and two the area, but her injuries were street from the dairy parking lot | sheets of sandpaper to work with, She was taken to Damage was estimated at $475 while the demonstration was in this mishap. | progress, ambulance An estimated $300 damage re" When the meeting adjourned, sulted from a three-car collision the brilliant Blue Sodalite; ready BRUISED BACK on Bond street, at the Oshawa for setting, was won by Mrs, The other person injured in a Creek, at 5:06 pm, Baturday. A, R, Hall as 8 door prize, aceident was Harry Wood, 47, of No one was injured, The next meeting will be held 183 Roxborough street, Mr, Wood, One car was driven by Ruth at 8 p.m., Dee, 15, at the CRA suffered a bruised back when Boddy, of 71 Oshawa boulevard m-------- his ear was involved in a colli- north, A second car was driven slon with a car driven by Bernard by Ralph B. Adams, of 375 Buena Sharpe, 20, of 11 Brock street Vista avenue, The driver of the east, at the intersection of Bim. third vehicle, a delivery van, was coe and William streets early Douglas J, Carter, 404 Stevenson Bunday morning road north | REPORTER'S NOTEBOOK | Speeches Better Left Unspoken frequently de. and an eye turned on the copy of velop ulcers and become pre. the speech, the reporter realizes maturgly grey with a hollow fosling in the pt of Pressure of deadlines may con-| hs stomach that the words filter tribute to these conditions, but the ing through the PA system have real cause lies in years of ex. nothing to do with the manu. sire to hot alr seript, SECOND 'SECTION $3365 DAMAGE Three People Suffer Minor Crash Injuries section of William and Division streets at 1:30 a.m, Saturday, Drivers of the cars were Mrs, Armstrong's hushand, Harold B, Armstrong, 53, and Jozsef Rovid, 29, of 110 Athol street east, The cars collided in the intersection Damage In this aceldent was es. timated at $600 STRUCK BY AUTO Damage (olalled approximately $3,365 and three persons received iminor injuries in six weekend | aeeidents reported to the Oshawa Police Department, None of the three Injured persons were ad mitted to the hospital, but two of the three were treated and re lensed 4 | Margaret k ! | MED AT ST. MATTHEW'S ANGLICAN CHURCH "i su parish. Back row, left to right: | Taylor, Mrs. A. G. Culley, W. | Tamara Biddle, Bishop Hunt, [a sprained right ankle when the Lorne Culley; David Paul; | Closs, Devon Biddle and Harry | Rev. R, E, Sharp, rector, Shar lear in which she was a passenger Brian Allard, Catherine Wright, | Garniss, Front row Lynda | on Culley and Vieki Culley became involved in a collision Mrs, W. A, Budshury, Mrs, E Thackeray, Christine Lakas, Oshawa Times Photo! with another car al the inter Ris Armstrong, 49, treet, received 15 CANDIDATES CONFIR | Rev, H. P, Hunt, suffragan Bishop of Toronto. Shown above with Bishop Hunt are the newly admitted members of the Confirmation services were held Sunday at Bt. Matthew's Anglican church when 15 candi. dates were confirmed hy Rt MENTAL HEALTH Oshawa Pastor Visits London By M. MeINTYRE HOOD Special London, England Correspondent question hour which is always an interesting feature there, He was greatly interested in seeing Need For Action Is Stressed By Speaker | J a gen nk, Fre Sis, Macon Cou Speaking on the definition of Michael, exceutive secretary of Lloyd and Opposition Leader ental health, Dr, Protten said; the department of public affairs Hugh Gaitshell in action, as well I believe we know very little of the Seventh-Day Adventist as such well-known members of about prevention or about main. Church, of Oshawa, has spe & parliament as Dame Irene Ward sure Hime and Jolt tetosset Wo taining or Improving ainental busy four days in Britain since Dr. Edith Summerskill, Tom Dri health in communities, There 1 hie arrived by plane from Can: berg and Mrs, Barbara Castle day, This branch of the CMHA am sure (hal your program a great argument about the def ain He is on his way to Brus peppered pointed questions was formed a litle over a year Will meet success, will mature inition for mental health, CMHA seis Paris and Geneva, but after dt the government front bench ago. The purpose of the workshop| And bear fruit, The experts know might sponsor a contest, with a nding the weekend at Cardiff From the House of Common was 10 disciss some areas if pe lous Hittle sald that with 810,000 prize for the definition of i; waiee visiting some relatives, went into the House of Lords to] y d ural, psychological, sociological oo 0 ares : house ' psychiatry has all the ANSWEFS | factors. values of normalities esting & ieriences mn London. a hill relating (hello human ills, What really hurts statistics, age and religion, What te I ; hu ny gues Wis in rather lis that we do know so much how, when, where is normal? DA 4 007 o Bim Om mon- and it wa {about life, people, values, con: Medically, we are more of Wealth Correspondents Associa- science, virtues, sins, conselous| factors in mental lines." tion, where he enjoyed exhilarat- which society Hing conversation with journalists or considers old DISEASE PREVENTION from India, Pakistan, and other Pratten "Doctors do not separate the Commonwealth countries Rt | presence, of health from those pre Hon Pim an Sandys secretary 1 J T entive measures that reduce the state for commonwealth rela. Active energetic group. Th & "I believe in action, to do Hkelihood of the development of tions, was scheduled as the guest financial "bite campaign en sumething but what? "Thought disease and liness, I believe most speaker, but he did not make a went over the top has established Pel ob action, 1 do hope your parents would settle for the ab- speech, He took the rather hold a Soul for al i anche You executive, committees and alll sense of illness, Medically, health and risky course of inviting ques- from Canade either have very persuasive ean your members will seriously plan|is a product of disease prevention tions, and his contribution took My, Michael is spending a few VASSers, or, your success was due ja product of disease prevention tions, ane his conttibution, ook J q p J 3 1 Brussels, then going on I » sincere interest of people inlto execute a course of responsible, ie } |days in | 2 th iy hi ne is pithy the|steady progressive action in some| The Mental Health Workshop) eistve answers to pentiratinglso Paris for a brief visit there iy 4 Wb Gregory's Audi: questions from the lare 9 9 3 f s held at St COTTespon-| He then goes on to Geneva, where c esearch. education. vol. Area of mental health effort, suit-|was held a ; re ' Catia ihe help the mentally|@ble for this community, 1t is|torium and included speeches by; dents of various commonwealth| jie js (o lecture at a Public Af in {hoped that rash radicals do not|Mrs, Z, T, Balmers, M.A Psych: countries, Unfortunately, as this fairs Seminar being sponsored by not serious Oshawa General Hospital in an 'n four-pronged al four programs in one education, industry, use of lei About 75 people attended ¢ known such ga 1960 Mental Health Workshop (ack sponsored by the Oshawa-Ontario County Branch of the Canadian Mental Health Association in St Gregory's Auditorium on Satay "w wha we for a brief spell In commitiee on to the patent laws a somnolent mood rather dreary OFF TO CONTINENT Before Mr Michael left for Brussels by air, we had lunch at the Presscala Club on Fleet street, situated, by a comcidence on Hood Court, I find this very delightful and convenient club at which to entertain visitor na community and lo endeavor find solutions The luncheon speaker workshop which lasted from 9:30 am. to 5:30 p.m, Saturday, Dec 3, was Dr. J. 8, Pratten who Is the consultant psychiatrist at the|And unconscious, Peterborough Civie Hospital neglects, forgets, Dr. Pratten had this to say; fashioned," said Dr "You here in Oshawa mre an omion NEEDED IS CERTIFIED Burgeons sure Dr ceived Royal College Coggins re the of fon certification ol Canada as an anaesthetist of Mr, and My gin Mary Herber! Dr, Coggins from OCVI in 1049 University of To ronto in medicine in 1955. He is a member of the staff of To roto Kast General Hospital in Anaesthes CELEBRATING Cog a treet graduated and from the Newspapermen a BY line By OVERSEAS STUDY rush you Into a great many ac-|ologist; Dr. A, L. Jones, Director|was strictly an off-the-record etree of thre IMPRESSIVE AGENDA most impressed day, | was to plan have helped others--bul never, have I RESIDENTS CONCERNED [tivities "On reading your agenda (o- study, make reports, do surveys| Psychiatric Hospital; Mrs, P, A. not he reported I{to establish needs, find out what|Townshend-Carter, and have|you can and should do here, Don't| the worked at three, two-day work:|be led into schemes, assured to/CMHA; Mr, Jack Lutes, Social shops and have assisted at sev. change the mental health of Osh. Group Worker, Get together, talk and|of Day Center at the Toronto| funetion, what he had to say car Reventh-Day Adventist Church for of | | representatives of the of IN THE COMMONS from several After lunch, Mr, Michael and [countries dash to the Housel It was good to meet President York County Branch Toronto Psychi-/made a quick this | tal, of Commons - (ate Hosp! a er able to secure seats in the gal-/talk over people and evenis in | stank dinners for three senior lery, and listened through the the Motor City, NCO's two weeks ago, Mr. Hou ston went to a certain restaur- wa," stated Dr Pratten, Dog At Solina Attacked By Fox SOLINA (Staff) -- A fox, be- lieved rabid, was shot last week by & Solina area farmer, Stan ley Millson, after it attacked a four-month-old Scoteh Collie pup on the front porch of the Millson home, Mrs, Millson said Sunday that the fox came to the front porch and attacked the puppy, almost tearing a hind leg from the little dog as it stood on the verandah of her home She sald her hushand had destroy the dog and three cats after a veterinarian advised him to do so lo TORE PUP'S LEG According to Mrs, Millson, she and her hushand were in the house when they heard the pup making noises "as If a higger dog was heating him up'. Mr Millson went to the door and spotted the fox tearing at the pup's leg He ran to the back shed where he got a rifle and shot the fox as It stood in his garage AIR CADET NEWS Liaison Officer To Check Cadets By WINGLESS WILLIE With the examinations com pleted, attendance had the ex pected rise last Tuesday evening with 43 cadets on parade During the parade our CO FL. Gilbank inspected the squadron to check the appear ance of each cadet on parade The appearance of the squadron in general was quite good but a few cadets could have a better press in the pants and tunics Next week we have a treat The first period will be a CO's parade and two wonderful per lods of drill, Actually in the opinion of many the cadets could use the squadron drill T0 CHECK CADETS Along with the CO parade will be F.L G laison officer from RCAF Sta tion Downsview. The purpose of F.L Scott's visit will be to assess the squadron and make a roms plete report of everything in gen eral. This inspection goes with out saying 1s quite important and we are expecting each cadet to look his best The parade next week will not be held at the Rotary Hall hut at the Oshawa Arm and it will begin at the 1913 hours or 7.15 the our on Seott rie shal ant to have some supper one evening when WO2 Gallagher happened along, With a great sense of charity Mr, Houston bought a steak dinner for the WO not knowing that Gallagher was to meet Bohaker and Seeley in five minutes, When Bohaker| and Seeley arrived you could just | about see Mr, Houston's wallet| Retailers Asked To Prevent Fires - Managers of Oshawa retail, Only non-flammable or at least stores are asked to keep their slow-burning materials should be squirm but being a man of heart|g ioniichments fire-safe during used in store decorations he ordered two more steaks the holiday shopping season, The decorations away from electric Our CO has been busy seek: following fire-safety precautions|light bulbs, ing lumber and, as a result, we are offered by the National Employ only qualified electri may build two floor hockey nets, Board of Fire Underwriters clans to install new wiring or ex (With the nets we will enjoy the ge gure that all emergency tensions game better because there will yi are kept free from obstrue:| If Christmas lights are install be no arguing whether the other| (jong ed, check the fuse box to be sure team did or did not score Empty packing cases. cartons|each circult has the proper size NCO's should hegin to think and waste materials should be/ fuse ahout forming, " xchange trip| disposed of promptly as goods! Some time in advance of the 4 ' n 3 [committee and also one for our| are vacked, 3, ) shopping se lina area are now becoming CON: oy vistmas dance which is not Te unpacked . an Aaa heavy Christie ahoy P hg, seg cerned about foxes in the area, Make it a rule to clear back son, call @¢ meeting of employ particularly if there are rabid| far Away rooms and cellars of such ma- #0 you can explain to them that foxes in the area, She sald her| A belated happy birthday goes terials every day panic caused by outbreak of fire hushand is keeping a rifle in his|out to Sargent Wayne Wittmar | Allow smoking only in special.| In ['l retail establishment, oan kill garage and another in the house/Who was 17 last Friday and aly designed areas and injure as many people as in case another fox should ap. happy birthday goes out to F.8 . Bd : ark the fire itself, If fire should pear [Ron "Smith whose birthday is| Give instructions to all clerks pioak out in one section of the The fox her husband killed has today and other employees on how to) jane glerks should urge custom. been sent for laboratory examin: Don't forget the parade next handle fire extinguishers an 4 ery to remain calm and file out ation to determine whether it|week and show up at the armor ot het Ire ome pecncy equipmen side quickly but. in an orderly was rabid les not the Rotary Hall iB your pace of business, fashion, UPL Joe quit et, Sue alae, oth gules i 2 Pictures Of Juveniles [fut ne Nature Shown Charged In | fall, but children on their way fire extinguishers may be used Ry SHEILA POLLOCK Break-In to school have not seen the ani to control small fires, a small The OCCI assembly program I'wo Toronto Juveniles mals fire can quickly hecome a large this week was highlighted by the! heen arrested and charged in To. partment from the closest fire fire, Call the fire immediately A fire reporting plan should be showing of slides entitled 'Let's | Make Friends with Nature", The pletures were taken by Mr. and pana in connection with a break. Pox. As a double check this Mrs. Laird and showed different in at the Ruddy Electric Ltd,, 96 clerk should be instructed to re aspects of nature in Northern On. Richinond street west, Oshawa| Port the five to the nearest police worked out, Have clerks work in {teams of three in a fire emer tario as well as around Oshawa. Police noticed the Ruddy proper Tan or to any passing police oar which is attached to the house, Mrs, Millson explained that since they have a late model car, her hushand is unable to close the garage doors when the car is in Since shooting the fox, Mr, Millson has seen another in his barnyard, Another has been seen in the area hy a neighbor, Mrs Millson sald RESIDENTS CONCERNED She sald residents in the So. employees (gency. One clerk, male if pos: [aible, can man the extinguisher, have the second should call the fire de chureh western European old where 1 had heen Oshawa friend in London and to Keep department 1 0 | [ From the day he starts eut as a| Speakers are not really a tribe cub, until the day he retires, dies of fiends, They are otherwise nice lor goes mad, barely a week goes| people transfigured, Psychologists by when he is not called upon to| Who study the metamo a man getting behind BIRTHDAYS Congratulations and wishes to the following resi dents of Oshawa and district [1sten helplessly to an after dinner speaker Pidveryone is exposed to these the man who grasps the miero- microphone megalomaniaes at/phone, He has in his clutch not some time or another but few|just the mouthpiece, but the en. really have to listen to what the/tire audience, and he hecomes speaker has to say. The unfor-|[just a little power-crazy [tunate reporter must not only| He commits the most atrocious hang on every word, but after. sins agajnst the English language wards, when everyone else has/the eardrums of his audience, forgotten all but the tough turkey and the digestive tract of his best who are celebrating their birthdays today Olga Burke, 316 Leslie street; Lynn Peers, 403 Pine avenue; Jeannette Schneider, Taunton; Ron Thompson, 154 Nassau street and Mrs, Elsie Essex, 3568 Division street The first five inform The Oshawa Times dinner, he must transcribe of their birthdays each day [speech into & readable story will receive double tickets to | the Regent Theatre, good for [INTRODUCTION a four-week period, The cur. | The reporter often reaches the rent attraction is "Key Wit- |boiling point hefore the Guest neg 'The Day They | Speaker opens his mouth, This ef. Robbed Bank of Eng. [fect is achieved by the gentleman land chosen to introduce the speaker, Limping from cliche to cliche along the speaker's biography, he tries diligently and at great length to explain why the inventor of the left-handed milking ma: chine has heen chosen to address ithe annual meeting of the truck. greasers' union The greatest single fault of most| after<dinner speakers is that they try to replace quality with quan tity, They know that anything they have to say can he said in| [three minutes, but appear to feel that they would he cheating their were shown an hosts if they speak for less than! interesting film titled "'Rendez. half-an-hour ing to secure up to the minute vous on the Reef" at their ve. This type of speech {s generally] Information may call RA persons to But heaven help anyone who misquotes him, 'TIMES TO PROVIDE ELECTION SERVICE In order to keep residents of Oshawa informed of the progress of the counting of the hallot in the eivie election, a telephone service will he provided by The Oshawa Times after 7.46 p.m, today Members of the editorial staff will be on duty at city hall and will secure running totals from the business ma- chines in City Clerk Bar rand's office and telephone them periodically to The Times business office Residents of the city wish. Reports on birthdays will received only between the of 8 am. and 10 am RA 3-3474 hie hour Phone Film Shown To Members Of Fish Club The members wheel of a car might find a parallel in the chronicler | Dr, Douglas George Mills, son of Dr, and Mrs, A Mills of Oshawa, has received his certification as a physician and surgeon by the Royal Col. loge of Burgeons of Canada and is leaving for England shortly, Dr, Mills graduated from OCVI in 1040; from the medical school, University of Toronto in 1065 and has spent the past five years in post graduate study in surgery, He has been resident surgeon at Wellesley Hospital, Toronto, during 1050-60, ChestX-Ray Is Stressed Keith Clarke, president of the Ontario County Cancer Boclety, In a recent statement urged all citizens to avail themselves of the chest X.ray program pres. ently being conducted by the On. tario County Health and Tuber culosis Association It Is a very wise prepaution for anyone over the age of 40 to have a chest Xray each year stated Clarke "Both TH and Cancer of the lungs can be present in a person who seems quite healthy, If al. lowed to go untreated hoth diss eases can he very serious. The alm Is to detect the disease in cent meeting. It was filmed by al padded with a series of anecdotes,| 33474 during the evening, A man and his wife on a coral reef, These Jokes fall under two gen) full report of the election will off the Bahama Islands, partly|eral headings; if there are ladies| he carried in Tuesday's issue, in color and partly black andlor clergy in the audience, they : white, with sound are too old or childish to print It showed the coral formations! there ave no ladies or clergy and great variety of marine life. [In the audience they still cannot These people hecame so familiar be printed o the fish that they came and Another type who haunts the took food from their hands, al. fork-and-knife cireuit is the spe: lowing themselves to be stroked clalist, This man is more and petted, Even small sharks precited by the audience, bel | became friendly and a comical! cause he is usually a super-truck-| The office of the Greater Osh. {lobster and a moray eel taking greaser, addressing a group/awa Community Chest announcs [food from the hand. Mr, Peart)well versed in truok-greasing. [ed this morning that $101,416.40 was thanked on hehall of the so-|This is of little assistance to the has been contributed to date, The Arian Parkin, A small{reporter, who is not list of contributions, not pre: auction of fish, donated hy J.) Assuming that the reporter viously acknowledged, follows: Keip, was enjoyed hy all. As understands all the words used A pd P Sore (harth Oshawa) January begins a new year itihy the specialist, he has con. Ramen Dene was announced the election of of- siderable difficulty writing a story] Bill Bradley fieers would take place at thelabout high-carbon steel grease! clety hy £2 Gearing Morrissey Robert J =2=2 Oh yes, next week the NCO's will pick the Cadet of the Month s0 all Junior cadets are reminded to look extra sharp on parade if they have any hopes of winning this award As stated earlier F.L G. Scott 15 our new liaison officer and Tuesday evening the squadron honored our old liaison officer, Fl Tricker, by presenting him with a desk .Set The set was presented by the WO, Larry Gallagher to F.O Fricker while the squadron look ed on, Hest wishes go with F.0 Fricker fram the squadron and everyone feels a deep sense of regret to see him leave On Sunday the cadets met at the hall at 10 am, and travelled held Friday good turn-out with cess of boys girls h Wr ater 25 In girls senior volleyball the 'Y had been entered around 9.25 The Gi The teams are for the forthcoming tournament Good luck girls! The M is second third place ad pr Ixed get-acquainted There quite Here's your chance they need you! 10 girls and Practising Badmi Red volleyball Ruddy warehouse championship was captured by ently had been gained by unlocks the Red team Grade # 10 Blue team is now in first place Yellow and Green teams are tied place and Is In school diligently non me Ww an Club eting as 1 ex Next week only couples will he hy cars to the outskirts of Brook. allowed to play on the they games lin where some war first this Prior cadets participated to the war received a games lecture on esting topics Thanks ge out to a cortain Se Cadet for deliv well expressed "Ve our country hank-you's are in courts attempt at anything like oy f you Fees haven't the School has a supply each a The club will start mock warfare and other Inter schedule next Friday The boys of the school certain. 2dmitted to the break-in at the ally lost no time in getting start. uddy Electric warehouse and : ering this column ed at basketball after the exams, Other break-ins in the Toronto to The Times, This is just one The senior, junior and bantam area. According to Metro detec example of how the Sea Cadets teams have heen hard at work tives, the pair and tojeven come early in the morning two ! some are F.0 Houston who bought three'for practice! SO ene badminton) week are This was our cents to help pay for the birds are welcome to join the club. Police at 4.10 am racquet its regular are a8 getic 15 the they next meeting, Roy Wilson, Norm {plugs and low-viscosity axle Usherwood and Mr. J. H. Dvas grease, in such a way as to make! would form the nominating com It intevesting to the general pub. mittee lic The the month was. The VIP (Very Influential Poli Dwar here were nolticlan) speaker has his own spe entries in this class. Jim Pater. cial method of shattering report on took first in Open Livebearers {ers with a pair of Tuxedo Swords Somewhere between the apple Wilson was second with|ple and the coffee, this magnan James Green Swords and Don Townsend imous soul slips the reporter a 450 third with Green Swords, Jim neatly typed copy of his speech Paterson also took. first in Open The newsman smiles, and enjoys galayers with his pair of Cory: the coffee, He has the evening, Catfish which recently|if not the world, by the tail Roy Wilson was see Then the great man speaks Black Tetras and With an ear tuned to the speaker, No One Injured 4-Ruto Crash BOWMANVILLE (Staff No one was injured in a four car collision at Preston read and Highway 2 Saturday evening Ontario Provincial Police ye ported the drivers af the vehicles were Dan Kub, RR 3, Bowman. ville; Robert Archer, RR 3, Rowmanville: Reginald Tavler RR 3 Colborne and Shirley Pi. per, RR Bowmanville Police reported considerable damage done tp all the cars pom, Saturday Constable Douglas Cox, while on patrol in the area, noticed al pane of glass had heen hroken in| a window in the south side of the Entry appar. Oshawa Bowler Has Perfect 3-Pin Game fish of Clehlid ng the window after the glass had! been smashed | Dave Detective Bruce McGregor, ins An Oshawa howler Tn a. iad Orr. Tule a" ee which was broken when the !Ve-PIn game, while participating Ruddy warehouse was entered the "Bowler's Sweepstakes | do about two weeks ago. The only Which is currently being held at! spawned apparent theft was of a transistor in St. Catha. 0d with radio, Exit was made through third Brian double doors at the west end of Rarh the building, which were still open The when police arrived fin Melro Toronto detectives from No. 20 division, notitied Oshaw: Sunday, tha two Juveniles, who had been re ported missing earlier, had been ested in Toronto, hy pair ave alleged to have the Dorado Lanes rines The tournament runs over sev eral weeks with bowlers from all parts of Southern Ontario compet ing for a $2000 prize which will be awarded to the howler with the highest total points for 10 games Mr. Gregory is in first place now with a 10-game total of 2659 He won several prises for his per fect game, which was the second perfect game rolled in St. Cath monthly draw steel aquarium was won hy Williamson, of Oshawa "prizes were won hy Randy) Parkin, Duncan Syer, Larry Rog ers and Ernie Whiteside Bud Peart Hamilton showed the film judged the fish show and commented on it. He went on to give a short talk on | the family of fish called Dwarf arines Within a week Cichlids ending with a question Mr. Gregory, who has been and answer session bowling for 28 years, has never Announcement bowled a perfect game "before there would he Saturday. The tournament is be. the ing sponsored by the bowling that lanes of St. Catharines (sible tor a stan who that it request as po: as made fish Ww no eting admitted entering Ruddy property and taking ansistor radios and $6 from (the premises the how next me and a 3 as many attend membel : Ardyth Epps Doris Gaskin Stanley Parks Ruth Silver Cora Bolhuis Tames Thompson Anonymous /. RB. Ridgeley Construction N. R Ridgeley Pasquale Zeppler Glen Rlale Reverend P, Cottey Holy Cross Churoh Dr, Donevan Collegiate Teachers and staft The Bank of Nova Scotia Emi John Lamoureux Mrs. Luella Andrews Mes. M. H. Cardy J. Ogden I. Stoekton Hrooks KE. Patterson Mr, L. Ferguson Oshawa Separate Mrs, Joan Mary Prior Anne Kennelly Mary Fitegerald A, Olesky Patricia LeSage Phyllis Krats Mrs. Maria Wimpenny M. 'Lyons Maria Gorman KE. Rawden Yvonne Tucker Genevieve M Robt, J. Ireland Mrs. Pauline Ireland Mra. L. Finley Miss Helen MoAvay Miss Joan Brady Mrs. Helen Murray Patricia MoAlpine Feliotan Sisters L. Salvas I. Murphy Clare White Total 10 date SD 0 £5 et 4 a zz 322 22 3.00 25.00 3 ! 2.00 1.00 15.00 308,00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 600 6.00/ 12.00 1.00 Wm \V \ School Roard Rooth 4.00 3.00 2.00 8.00 1 2.00 10.00] A.00 2222 Dayle 23 22222 05 20 45 20 fo 45205 4 == ASAD 2 zz 2.00 2.00 $101,416.40} its early stage when treatment Is most effective, On this date Dee, § more than #000 persons in Oshawa have at. tended the elinies which are loo cated In 30 different areas throughout the city, If you have heen unable to get out to the olinies designated for your neigh. borhood he sure to go to one elsewhere, The locations are hes ing announced daily, There is definitely no danger in having a chest Xray an nually, Legion Will Elect Officers On Thursday Elections for nine executive offices of Branch 43, Canadian Legion, BESL, will be held at the regular meeting Thursday night. Twelve Legion members have allowed their names to stand for election to one of the executive offices. At the nomination meeting, Thursday, Nov, 24, eight Branch officers were elected by acolam: ation Those elected hy acclamation include: Don Iverson, president; Harry Brown, first vice - press dent; Morris Proctor, second vice: president; C, Smith, treasurer; Jack Jarvis, Sgt. at Arms: Ben Jacklin, service officer; Rev, A Woolcock, rector of St, Mark's Anglican Church, padre and Ven, Archdeacon H. D. Cleverdon, hon orary padre, The 12 candidates who will seek nine executive positions include: W. Beaton, W. Langton, W. Hun. gerford, C. Oke, L. White, A, Walker, W. Devenish, A. Cocker, N Hircock, H. E. Bathe, A. Elliott and J. Drygala An advance poll will be open (for members on the night shift anytime the Legion office is open Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday.