2 THE GSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, December 5, 1760 a Liberals Said Dulen, New Party Problems Riding Back' |pe.dm Presented At Seminar 6 . NE since the CC¥ and Canadian La- Nationalization should be used '¥ A tod especially unemphs _-- So By GERRY MeNEIL nee . ; ( al eh A ier ment, OTTAWA (CPA top Cana canadian Press Staff Writer bor Congress said at a Winnipeg to stimulate the economy where OTTAWA (CP Liberal an economic emergency was Jan rallway union leader sald yoNTREAL (CP Eastern convention in August, 195, they it wasn't functioning properly or Leader Pearson says the Liberalifacing the country and 1 do way the government's law ban- co. 4a followers of the New! planned to form a new political pulling its weight P, - Fars a tJ 28 * » 4 f 1 o a Pp a afl { Lend Brson Kay J be po Reni Mend ning a national rafl strike until Party were told during the week- party CCF National Viee . President party is riding hack to powe vot think it helps to play it own. mid May is a "denial of freedom do Pg Bi fin gp gg A psx National Vies . Pre hen Canada How ean a government deal with! without recourse to justice" for oo ey '" Hn realistic TURNOUT SURPRIZES ay wis 58 we party has hers dence from all these problems effectively | Bt some 111.000 rail worker: fonal committee with FeBIeUE Ti men aid they were sur- been building a strong grass here is evden I , Ara' workers, proposals next summer when the Po # y roots foundation for three years, a Youn: [does not admit they exist" fos h r quarters, he told a Young Lib- does nol Y | The stop - the - strike order, pariy's constitution is set down, Prized at the number of Persons pi' voor (he party had made leral dinner here Saturday night,| We accused the government A passed by Parliament Friday iy 1 A 950 members of the that attended this seminar, A several phone sis Bi, ("that ® strong, progressive and '7ning warnings voiced by hel nishy Suet" hours before the rail party attended a weekend sem. larger turnout is expected at a = PHFAgInG : resurgent Liberalism Js on the Liberals three years ago thatlyoumen were to walk off their pat Fang n which 43 top-rank- seminar next weekend in Cal| The main one was the election way back to office . and to|ferious unemployment Was jobs seross Canadas, was con nay Da . ade union and uni E8LY {of Walter Pitman as member of V " threatening and that cloudy eco ' ing CCF, trade unio CLC President Claude Jodoin Parliament [or Peterborough power, demned in a prepared statement yoooity sneakers outlined courses Clb siden " The dinner was one of 14 held PoIme weather lay ahend lissued today by Willem J. idly, should take as a left- said it was important that dele- The party had doubled its votes lacross the country to drum up Jf the Liberals were in office gmith, national president of the NY rar ant : gates go to the founding copven-|in the Niagara Falls byelection | support for the national Liberal they would fight the economics o00-member Canadian Brother-| yon point made was that the tion next July in Ottawa well.|and had won six new seats In on betd here Jan. 8.11, (roubles by removing obstacles 101 hood of Railway, Transport apd purty should carefully consider Prepared the British Columbia provineis! ior J nelp phy travel expenses trade, "pot building them up." General Workers (CLC), par ves, then draw up flex. "This seminar has conributed election ne Young Liberals attending the and py vianning Ely snidh 0 "Under this legislation there is ible poli os to achieve them, The toward that end," the 18hori guy pay MEASURE rally, Prices ranged from $3 a|Pronems "Here LOY Bett to] Opportunity, not even & fight- party should avoid getting leader said. desl with. Federal legislation affecting plate in Sherbrooke, Que,, to $10/ S58. JHE WOME oy or ago.| 0% chance, for the worker to se-|hogged down by doctrinaire f- Tn economic. inter, (he railway dispute was referred a plate in Toronto deal with them three years 880." | oure 5 measure of justice," said' itides party policy in Jeonom . Mak to at the close of the seminar It was announced here that 3 Mr, Bmith The gathering was the largest national, cultural and social 8g. Cop Leader Hazen Argue 5 peopl ded the 14 d The brotherhood, one of Can the budding movement has had fairs, Most of the meetings Bun-| and Mr, Jodoin said the legisle- |p Pr event was dese ribed 5 Canada {ada's largest national pnions : - day on party structure and of-| yo, polled Priday fo avert a prs, ¢ i 80 . A I rath ol ole Re a Caiudian political his ' oM a (represents about 25000 'of the {ganization were closed to the rip, coneduled for Saturday 111,000 railway workers involved | press, as o y . tory M t St in the wage dispute over a pay 63 Years For Strong cautions against inflexi- was contrary to the bill of rights Part of Mr, Pearson's address boost of 14 cents an hour recom | bility and clinging to old war- Natning has hoeh settled--the was filmed and shown by video mended by a federal coneilia k Th ft cries were issued by three speak. ©Vil day has merely heen posi- tape at each of the out-of-town tion board un e ers Saturday, |poned," Mr, Argue said, "After dinners » Mr, Smith said the govern Premier T. C. Douglas of Sas May 15, the tuptey wil face "| Never before in Canadian his Frien ment's edict is far worse than F d Di d katchewan noted that the prob- Pri A din Bd ie = Fro "iltory has @ party lost so much compulsory arbitration ree ' 1e lems of the 1960s were a good me] ne iii freight ground in such a short time a "In effect, the rail worker was LOGANSPORT, Ind AP deal different from those of the Foie Ark p have the federal Conservatives, TORONTO (CP Canadian (ried, found innocent and sen GH got Ts. vio for #7 19705 when the CCF was horn # Mr, Pearson declared United States relations must be tenced to five months," he said Anni hat et trom varios Harry Weisglass, assistant re. Mr. Jodoin said that the non- 4 : regarded as one of the "urgent. "Not only is this legislation a YE#'S WE a in Varios search director in Canada of the operating railway workers had But--as the prime minister soi fue re "or "our (ime Adlai denial of freedom without re. indiana me nial hospi as ant United Steelworkers of Americal received the "short end of the (aptly put it recently--'You BIn'tig.oncon said Saturday night, course to Justice, it is destrentive PTIRONS a the igh never on Yee), sald the New Party al- stick" through the legislation, oy + yo yet id that for the nevtralist policies in Canada of long established collective declared insane, died Sunday ready had been labelled social. of r CArson sau a or 1d ' ullivan return to the Lo fut the Liberal party should would be the worst answer (o bargaining procedures, The pro Sian eA several st. but he hoes it would be uture e ADETa Ji y Shou ganspo F J i expect only one thing: "An op these problems cess of conciliation has been portunity to serve our country ; neither socialist nor free enter- p h Neutralism is a luxury which robbed of all meaning and months ago because of Jl) health prise reac er ' sntenced in 1897 to one to 14 neither the United States nor value Sentenced in 18 y Cd ; ; J It could only be really new by " ' cit once again in the responsibility von other world leader, like! The right fo strike gave the YEArs in prison for stealing an ridding itself of doctrinairism, Defies Flock ORKERS QUEEN CROW NED of office; and that is coming canada" can indulge in at pres- workers a force in negotiation orth of ig B fom fore. But. By doctrinairism, 1 mean » W coming sooner than we dared oni "Mr. Stevenson added and eonciliation that compelled OVD paper m ea was de. Pind adherence to slogans of old sponsored annually by the In. think about a couple of years , vam, ville in_prton, vas : 0 » Mrs. 8 we Aas m tent Claude Jodoin after bein h bi former governor of Minols the railways and the conciliators ; » HOVE ro principles and policies without 0 I t at on ; s Solange Turgeon, 22- | dent Que Jou , ho, Bal i" ternational Ladies Garment ago, provided we work hard and twice Democratic standard. to face up to the realities of the élared insane by the GOVETNOY'S| orard to changing needs, new n n e I 1 year-old dressmaker, receives | elected Queen of the Bal des | Workers' Union (CLC) The Conservative vision had pesrer in U8, presidential elec. situation and to establish a basis Atiy hve i on, y six decades of problems and different circum: wpw RLEANS (AP congratulations from CLC presi-| Midinettes, Montreal affair (CP Wirephoto) heen "dimmed by the hard real- (ions he was speaking "only for for settlement imrmont Sul an ple aded his Pances," Methods hy 3% Ans AD defied -- -- SE " ity of government inadequacy 10 myself, a private citizen," to a "Railway management can sit continement, WME " : iu nis ) 8, # y ; vi i y re rt here peon ren Urs meet the problems that face us wupper at the Primrose Club, a back now confident that a strike ©75C BX fore the circuit cou ECONOMIST WARNS screathing, cursing women fo : : : : in 1958 and was ordered re Feo ist J. C send his daughter to an inte- Toronto Jewish organizatio iI not he permitted and there. JV 3708 CH A ot ig TPR td Leonom J. Weldon, pro a iter 1 Revi 1 n Mr bid Jit piv 8 ked for e no concessions to the work. 1¢a5¢ d, } eedom actually Came fessor at MeGill University in grated school was Jeered by a : A wher forms of neutralism, say- ers need be made and the '# , gid ! Vived in "oom Montreal, warned against re small erowd Sunday as Je fon 4 4 y id man lived in a N Hed services a | ain ne ing: "We are entitled to make it conelliation process becomes e ( Fah x time' but sud garding nationnlization as an wo churches ' ote > p ok vss" he sald ing house economic cure-all, "I'll challenge that louse , | plain that neutralism is one thing meaningle he said denly returned to the hospital be -- that rat," a man screamed out- LJ il 0 | when It means rejection of com ause he couldn't get along with EN -- : ! | A ) cause he could get al y ' side 8t, Mark's Methodist Church peting' militarisms, but quite an his landlads Welfare officers ' 2 ' Si Rev, Lio . VY Ra n \ . » cholce Is be F Mandiady 5 : | V was wv, Lloyd Foreman held Proposed B Liberals 1 S Y other where the holce 1s be alse Alarm found a new home, and Sullivan) Boy 8 Iagic le communion Sunday gro tween ways of living Instead of once again was living outside ' Earlier, four women walked ways of dying confinemet From Santa Ss Plane ; : ho 3 : : : BOF KYINE: iced the Hook ) : oF out of services conducted by By DON BEENEY Ihe statute ould he rewrit- in establishing a national mini In Future oJ harply ¢ ielzed 4 ool Sulliva had ' been in failing TRAFALGAR. Ont. (CP) A Foreman at the Church of the Canadian Press Staff Writer [ten to Indicate municipal proce. mum wage BHCIONEF oF - sot ame or health, however, since his B€C| yy 00 vonrold boy riding in a Redeemer, a half-dozen blocks ' nN lear!s Vv § f p arg tin fas J 4 in aap A rk' g TORONTO (CP) -- A Liberal| dure clearly. He suid they should) It advocated also a portable TORONTO (CP) -- Dr, 0, M, Tecout ArguInEI YO en, ond release from the mental Wj ioonier with Santa Claus saw from St. Mark's, party study committee Saturday) Uplate ST: a o al Jounel a pension scheme on a national Solandt, CNR vice-president, said Wa a on correspondent Jan . fhitition Poetors there Said they his father's car swerve into a 'If it wasn't for him, we urged the revision of all Ontariol Fepresentative group of ratepay-|hasis x bi , a as m corr nt Jar md advised him to tu h be 3 p ye " one urged 4 Fovision y Mo ta 0 or8. oF Hi department itself may| » Saturday night he envisages Ca-'M Minifie an offer to appear on a televis ditch below Saturday after it had|would have won our fight," one mu > fo Hy th p fo t " gb! 1 quest an investigation of the lo The committee op welfare and nadian railways in the near fu n she n California because struck and killed an elderly said outside, anization o 1e department of| I Ad K ocial services reed ture ting Is p ion show | Jia oy woman eal ad tratio smmended the ture conslstin on of main he p wxeltemed I > municipal affairs for improve cal administration | establishment of a medical sery. Ines and a few major branches REALLY FISHY TORONTO (CP)--A 76-year-old the : trip and exciteme nt would) "gy avne Plowman was riding to ment of municipal administration! guouLD BE FIXED ices commission to cover medicyl supplemented by trucking woman and her erippled daugh- Kill him a shopping plaza with Santall CELEBRATE AQross the province "If such investigation reveals €are and diagnostic services Addressing the annual dinner ter-inlaw died in a fire Sunday {Claus in the helicopter when he The nine-member committee | wrongdoing, then the penalties for if the Toronto Railway Club, Dr night while four of five fire Shooting Along suddenly eried: "look, ulck, CHRISTMAS daddy's car is in the ditch," one of 12 meeting for a one day such should be readily under ENDORSES MEDICAL PLAN Solandt sald abandonment of un WOODLAND Calif. (AP trucks of a station 70 yards away brain storming" session on gone and the responsibility] We endorse a universal, com. nrofitable rall services that cold The % oh bo vi arta the Were atleding a false alarm . . Victor Plowman escaped In. IN A party pollcy--sald that because ™ ier omont should be dl. Prehensive medical insurance be more efficiently provided by i fi 4 gh Hons of John Mrs, Lizz Steele and her daugh- Irish Frontier jury, but Mrs, Ann Varley, 82, of recent municipal maladminis: io fixed on the de partment of| Pan similar to P.K.1, whichlother carriers would strengthen a k A iy M om b / y ) ter-in-law, Mrs, Florence Steele,| . T (Reuters Shoot. Was killed as she crossed the NEW HOME tration in Belleville, Arnprior, (inst affairs and the attor would provide for payment of railways as thelr' com i ane 2 Jo) i ol al 46, were dragged from the three BELFAS ta Sut and police Toad to put Christmas cards in| Eastview and Toronto's York nes general the committee medical fees of general practi potitors and lower Canada' ddd A bp. prin Dal torey building in west-central \P8 hetween GFEOHA! A . ' the mail-box, Township, the statutes should be 0 toners and specialists, x - ray, transportation bill ; not given to manufacturing Toronto by firemen but were flared up early Sunday along the brought "up-to-date by "Mere showld he power 10 the laboratory and other diagnostic Aapor i oh i terminal tall tales, said this Is what river at hospital, The Northern Ireland border with the Vernon Singer, Liberal mem: oociimiont of municipal affairs SeTVIces, preventative and re. \would be scattered along the happened sing through |Younger woman was a cripple Irish Republic Ey ber of the legislature for Toronto ¢ Forder the removal of every Mabilitative care," the committee ngilway arteries k tr gt Phat feted gh with only one leg, months o he a was not Jone Lh M y a So. official either elected or ap. "14 Decentralization of Industry Ya, ot a eur The fire started when grease no CAsumLCS y nan, sal LY it I i S8, I \a "TI sther any e gunmen were tent to deal Wit} pointed with an appeal from This plan embraces the prin. which is accompanying indus Rn fire. The heat from |from an electric deep fryer| whether any of the g y are not competent to deal Withiyye™ qonartment"s order to thelelple of free choice of doctor," [trial growth, has lead to In| (he blaze caused the bowl to leaught fire in a restaurant| Mt ------ these ovcurrence courts + The committee also proposed alcreased production without a | kitehen on the ground floor of the reak, spilling water that The commitiee charged that national contributory pens io njcommensurnte increase In trans break, oh fire I | building the Ontario Municipal Board had Plan of $100 a month to all per. portation demand, Dr | 1H ! Solandt Firemen, cynical at first, District Fire Chief L, C, Booth | WHERE SMART WOMEN SHOP ritis raw er hecome the "catch-all" for all sons 65 years old or more sald investigated and agreed. ald the women might have been AS difficult municipal problems and,| Paul Hellyer, Liberal member! The CNR, he sald, 1s trying to saved if it were not for the false A ounted For in Jact the sole arbiter of mu-of the Commons for Toronto Ket a larger share of the travel alarm, L {tn 'auFant GLES nicipal life I'rinity, described the meeting as Market over heavily-travelled in P S 11 DO 18 Fir auren SHIN cc © | "We believe that the board an effort to get Ideas FCIAAR fa ter « city routes, especially for aper - eller fled with occupants of the sec CMHC Accepted) MARSEILLE (AP) rhe [should be organized so that its|"grass roots' to strengthen thelovernight and. shorter day M . ond floor apartment after the British trawler Girl Pat, re. [duties and responsibilities be|planks of the Liberal platform, travel, Urban and suburban com Killed Premier blaze broke out, There were FIRST GRADE ported missing In the Mediter. again confined to financial mat Spenkin t a noon banquet, muter rail services would have MMAN (Reute Salal about 25 customers in 'the res. CASH & CARRY ranean for woveral days, turned (ters and as a fact-findinit hody Mr, Hellyer said the Progressive 10 be subsidized "and probably |g oy pl raeutors) Baldi taurank oc per squar up Sunday in an out-ofthe way to advise the government," the Conservative government under mn by local transport authori Tainet ha ou fe 4 rin hp pe here District Fire Chief L, C, Booth 6.5 (2 colors) corner of Marseille harbor [committee said Prime Minister Diefenbaker had ties ie QF, Cont " ( op po od | FM more vital minutes were where the skipper sald he tied he nearly 70 "rank and file" | created something new for the Ritu AY 20} wi His ary rt '| wasted because nobody at the| it up last Wednesday liberals, representing riding| economic books: Mass unemploy the Aug, 20 homb attack on theiseene told firemen there were ' y x Vv if 4 2 Jordanian foreign ministry here pe n 3 { French Capt, Henrl Valliere |study groups across Ontario, pro- ment with an increased cost of " ; J "¢ipeople trapped in the building, INQUIRE ABOUT TERMS yeported he heard on the radio [duced resolutions on subjects living 5 y Three Children that killed Premier Hazza Ma Firemen sald they belleved the AND DELIVERY { ) If and 11 other persons 0 y | onlls only Sunday morning that the [from agriculture to welfare andl Among the resolutions were a Jail : women did not realize the bulld vessel had been reported lost social services, none of which 18|protest in principle against ps Burned To Death The Jordanian prosecutor-gen:| ing was on fire until they ulld.| McCULLOUGH for three days and that naval binding provincial sales tax and a rec.) MONTREAL (CP)--Three chil eral demanded the death penalty overcome by smoke, The televis:| for 11 of the 16 persons on trial|| " y p and "alr force craft had been TO GO TO LEADERS ommendation that residential dren were killed today when fire i) complicity i the hombing, lon set which they had been LUMBER property owners be entitled to al destroyed thelr home afloche! Fay : NE watching was still operaitng| ome In Lafleche| Fourani told the court Syrialwhen firemen broke into the deduction from taxable income a few miles south of Montre | I A i J al, {promised him £10,000 If the exp, + Ny equal oo their municipal prop Police identified the dead as bi was successful ToOM: i 3,000 1279. SIMEO 57. N rly taxes { ia doi | persons jammed | Walter Gordon, chairman of the HA axes up fo a maximum of Lucie, 1%, Diane, 2, and Lise, 4,| Into the area fo watch a $15 4 RA 8-4688 tory, he and others on hoard policy commiftee for the na bud daughters of Mr, and Mrs Vade.| ™ 700 fire that tied up traffic od hun WY hewspapus Cond rilly fo bie held at Otiawg 8 boncoeur, who evcaped win Swagtikas Drawn |iwo nous. r| £0 FH Jan, m-- Valliere's report ralsed the KL y labor committee urged the Pope Cautions Four other children were akon) 0 M t 1 Cars | . question of how the craft could legiablishment of a minimum to Montreal Children's Hospital n ontrea | . enter the harbor without the [wage of $1.25 an hour for male Journalists Denise, 17, Michel, 10, and Mowe MONTREAL (CP) -- Swastikas knowledge of port authorities, {and female employees in On. VATICAN CF cole, 6, were reported suffering were daubed on six or seven cars I UBERCULIN Authority also wondered over (tario, with a maximum work|s ATICAN CITY (Reuter erious burns while Pauline, 7,14 nopth-end Rosemount late Sat the origin of a distress signal [week of 40 hours, eight statutory| ope John Sunday issued an had light burns | "and non - Catholic malist in Mediterranean waters was [tempt should he made to obtain|20¢ hon atholie Journalists and uselessly polemic 'o . " . Lt ight, police reported to picked up Saturday by the [holidays a year and two-weeks'| urgent and necessary' eall that Seven other children--the Vade- w ny Ji ke ! oy the dan cor , ali; i ep \ vo! Journalists write clean, unhack: honcoeurs have 14 ¢ " aay Apokesman Sak m tanker Minerve, It was the [holiday with pay after one year's ' oncoeurs have 14 children--es ) AOR n PICK COTTON BOWL QUEEN "unaccounted for" at that time, 'the co-operation of all provinces Should avoid phrases which are DALLAS : More Comfort Wearing zB ; . atl 9 9 y no Here 1a a pleasant way to ov | ' Addressing delegates to a cop.Eration troubles will relgn as , we y ay to ome : y na plate discomfort, FASTEETH, | } ference of the Italian Press Cath.|ueen of the 1061. Cotton Bowl yn™improved powder, Fluther J searching for it He explained that, anchored in the midst of huge cement blocks eutside a cement fac I'hey are to be submitted for consideration to Ontarle Libera leader John Wintermeyer and cause of the alert and search [service ed pro Roman Catholl caped injury fle, wit, wig hg was 098 for the Girl Pat. No other ship | The committee sald an ¢ rope sald Roma atholie S C d TUESDAY, DECMBER 6th re-anid NOW {"hermetic, turgid and out of AP)"The daughter . : N " " proportion or bitter. aggressive Of the Little Rock superintendent FALSE TEETH Cc » he od | proportion or bitter, aggressive fp Lh ACER LEE RIRCTAR inter Skin Test linic olie Union at Vatican Palace, he football game, The queen, Miss upper and \nwer pintes holds them called on Journalists to use Gall Blossom, is a Junior at the| firmer so that they feel more coms 799 DOUGLAS STREET ¢al | A dua bo ' fortable, No gumm Christian. sensibility" In decid. University of Arkansas, Whose, tanta of feeling. It al Aine {hon ' H ing whether or not to present !eam will play Duke in the game acid), Doss not sour. Cheoks "plate . u $ S res y erian ure "the contours of a scabrous and Jan, 2, She Is the daughter of odor (denture breath), Get FAS. dan Soutaure Ol Mr. and Mis. Vireil Blossorn VEETH today at any drug counter, ROSSLAND ROAD WEST He sald "defects and dangers" in Journalism already denounced ST GREGORY'S AUDITORIUM by the Catholic Church have | . {"continued to exist in all their! : | SIMCOE STREET NORTH | gravity," pal Dead Woman ERE | X Ray Clinic for the I Suicide BE | St. Philip's Separate School ps TORONTO (CP) -- Homigide| | AA R OXFORD AT EMERALD STREET perfect gift GEE | S| HARMONY PUBLIC SCHOOL {| ov win her bedroom, was suicide yo py WN NN 3 131 HARMONY ROAD SOUTH Detectives were called in hy YL RRRRN ' N CHR coroner Dr, G, Howard Ellis, £r \ : IST MEMORIAL CHURCH who had sald he was not satisfied 4 . N > X y al 1 [<) O as to the cause of death, She had : HILLCROFT AT MARY STREET been shot in the head and tol | \ I) stockings i shot 18 © head and a piste > 8 : Clinic Hours: 2 to 5 p.m, = 7t10 p.m, ings "We've Gone About as Far as We Can Go" Ir Back ACHES NER MM The Rout ls Up to You ! with the face powder finish We know how to cure TB the death rate has been reduced a WN Poth sce 1900 These flattering, filmy micromesh YA IDNEY \ NW We have the Hospitals, the Doctors, and the Drugs to con "sheers are a wonderful way to solve | h " An "HousecLEANING' RE nn. we Tuberculous Cones hore wm and shot [11 Yoh grablan ik... 400 neudle Behe Da you utter from Mackaohe, Qotting \ \ } N moie of you will be infected by these cases . . . as others 13 genie in a rich range £ A Up Nights, Prequent aor Burning, ftehing TN have on § N p > ning of history - Pamages, Birons Cloudy Urine, pressure NANA \ ave been since the beginning of history of fashion colours, = aver the bladdgr, and Rheumatic Pains \ NN | We know how to find these cases with a test, We know that $ 55 pair CHURCH STILL CROWDED dle 10 KidherTand Mader irritations 3 . to eliminate TB we must test everyone to find the early case Seal " RE 1) pone \ \ | that has no symptoms, EVERYONE there's the rub! People leaving St. Marks , Rev. Foreman has met pres. | siely to help you In 3 wave 1: Helps RN . EVERYONE means YOU and YOU! 150 STORES FROM COAST TO COAST IN CANADA Methodist church, New Or | sure for his daughter attending { nate Hy, Spam JHitling, hon \ That's why we say, 'We've gone about as far as we can go" {| leans, after service hy the | integrated William Frantz eles fies Rhoumatie Paina and u od aohy RV \ . + +» NOW it's up to you 29 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH RA 5.6221 " : ETHAN Ane . pita \ pre one fac Aw Aue 10 00 Heving ar RN Rev. Lloyd Foreman are hand mentary schoo! where one fac oalming Irritated Rind ei Bh \ ) \ OSHAWA CAN BE TB FREE OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE RA 5.4361 od segregation literature by | tion in integration dispute seeks | reduce frequent or smarting Dassaw \ man in foreground. The church | total white boveott day and night, Ost OYSTEX from your Open until 9 P.M, -- Wed, Thum, Fri, was packed Sunday though Y(AP. Wirephoto) | drugeist today. Fesl better fash, | BE TESTED -- BUY CHRISTMAS SEALS Open until § P.M. -- Mon., Tués. Set. J \