THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, Decamber 5, 1960 § HITBY and DISTRICT Hillcrests Roll Over | inwwom cee cor. Baldwin host a house last of handentfe. The weapons were Whitby Bureau Office: 111 Dundas $i, West Lomi and decided Sunday 10/8 ood condition. "I'm sure gad J clean oul five unused garages ri WE'VE gol these and nol someone ana ips ert ww om Junior Canucks 7-2 Fons ime he found an dlivegresn wooden " By CLIFF GORDON ging 1o hird right to the end of wos! making rome good saves, eh containing: two sawed off 1 In #4 red! rough and fhe period but Watts got his first bai appeared weak om one He h Agune, a subh-machine gun. a $ A ies played herve om Saturday 01 4 pair of & pass ss the local all hal fanned on another 2s he 9 calibre semi-automatic rifle ot a5 ' e Whithy Hil rhek- Selence was slow In clearing the made a wild swing at the puck on amamisition for each weapon p ae Tetley # 4 ed up thelr third straight win of ck and the shot never left the & long shot and (ailed to slap i three Hallowe'en masks, four ILO T, 7A r= ' Gy» 4 fn enon us they whipped (he 1%, Tie wis i heciis period with cicar, Tie imide the save ol (he Davy cold-weather masks, eight Une: Viiervorough Jr. Canucks 72 IZ 'minor penalties, one major, last second with litle help. ny I was 4 parade of penalties atl00e Misconduct and one game Fie HWilleresis will he AME Mal ------ we ities 3s 4 LAs) of 18 mimites In Misconduct handed ol is wouk av tay have thits SHIRT LAUNDERERS penalties were handed oni, in The HWillerests were able. to KBmes, taght in Peterborough cluding 24 minors, 10 mans, capilalize on penalties nn this Friday m Cobourg and balurday AINT od MOTH AND BURN fore misconduct and a game mis periog too ar Shearer scored lop Deck here seainst Kingston Pron a wv [3] 4 : WALLPAPER STORE HOLES RE E conduct, The misconducts went Lo Whitby al the 12.38 mark on a "#0 LT Geoff Micholls, Paul Zakas and three-way passing play thal sew Int Period . 107 BYRON 57. 5., WHITBY WHITBY RA 5.3555 Bryan Waters of the losers. Len Burke. feed a pass to Kadwell,) I Wiithy Roberts 05 Bone of the Hillerests also, wno shot, and had Shearer bang 2. Whithy Luke MO 8.5231 There's no 4 it (Hobheris, Badwell) 145 picked wp the game miscondic nos went by him Subrtitute for aking when he should ha Just 20 seconds later Holly 3 Velerborough: Watt You : het enn Mackey made W 41 for the Hill {Fand 16.4 Experience! 1] t There were no repeal scorers crests on a nest effort, Watts got Penalties Watts 1.11; shear-| CLL, Paint Dealer ihe Whithy team with Ken his second goal tor the losers at #r 142; Bobbie, misconduct and Painting & Decorating " Gord Luke, Pele Shen he 16.49 mark to complete the Bame misconduct, 1448; Walls Contractors Wolly Mackey, Harvey Burke, scoring for the period $42; Watson, 702; Roberts, 7.22 Gyptex, Paperhanging Eimer Tran and Tod Naplorkow a Naud, 8.55; Milburn, 9.26; Tripp Full 'W Wi pach aoring. ance. Ronis IIAARENTS NET 3 10.26; Dalliday, 10.4; Westfall oll Murals had three assists, Gar Phe Jocals did all the scoring 11.5; Peterborough, too many ! WHITBY AUTO TRIM Walls scored hoth the losers'! 10 1he third period as they fired men on the ice, 15.04; Zakas, ma é asls The Hillerests f oy ome three unanswered goals in jor, Westial'. minor, 19.42 THEHOME GF GOOD CAR KEEPING seep. thelr win stri '4 ¢ final tive mimes of play ind Period git as they will play 1 There was another big parade to 4 Whithy: Shearer, Kadwell ' ' Canucks in Peterbor og i the penalty hox as well as the (Burke 12.38 I night the Hillcrest vit) Aressing room as some of the fell 5 Waithy: Mackey 12.54 AERIALS ravel to Cobourg lo test the lows who picked up majors in the! 6 Peterborough: Walls Rockets and play hi here on linal five minutes of play were Walson 16,19 iurday night again ¢ Ki ! to the showers, Burke, Tran Penalties Switzer 2.49, Wal 0 ¥romienas A Naplorkowski scored a goullgoy 16,52; Patterson, 18.56; G eacin tor the winner in this Nichols, minor and major; Tran MANY PENALTIES Ani minor and major, 19.31 Fie ame wot off on | LEON FE CHIPS This was the rd Period ' irday nigh mgaest parade of penalties we 7. Whithy: Burks CEN) i ive seen for some fine (Bhearer, Westfall) 15.15 from the | Fhe game war not actually as 8 Whithy: Tran ' je i penal diy iv the amount of penaltie Roberts, Middleton 16.36 ' hn ti y I ne game Imisconduct would indicate. They were hitting] 9, Whithy: Naplorkowski 19.400 Ee ---- WY - 2 THEATRE GUILD FLOAT DEPICTS OLD CHRISTMAS SCENE mdea oil helore the game was hard and often The game penalties -- Kadwell 1.54; Na.| Moved -- Repaired wo mines old misconduct to Bobbie wes Well pierkowski, 484: Walls. 10,15 Installed. | Bath teams were playing short deserved ay was the misconduct, Nichols, 10.51, Watson, major major major an a oa | WHITBY SPORTS vHity team on a solo effort, aller the penalty to Bobbie ap: GG. . Nichols major and miscon SALES & SERVICE | LIke nw i A i he big blond centre was right on game we have seen him play this misconduct, Middleton, major MO 8.4009 -- WHITBY . . . r fo spol well laid over year. He set up two goals and! 18.21: Patterson major for high MO 8-2081 0 played an all round steady game. sticking 18.57 Napiorkowski Il S 1 The lead appeared as if I wa Godridge played well in |19.43 inded when caplain Ken Rob Butch Kadwell who got a and misconduct: Kadwell, minor | MN D E p E MN D f a] T pened the scoring for the full and regular shift on the ice 4nd 19.43: Burke LA) minutes later ax peared to us to, play the best duct 16.12: Zaks major and (WHITBY) LTD, 307 DUNDAS 57. Ww, { | vanta's official visit to the They were followed hy the By GERRY BLAIR ' : ' town of Whithy on Saturday was wWhithy Bra Band who played narked by a huge Gala Varade hristmas songs. Also providing POCKET Hirough the main sree music for marching in the parade 0 . " . 9 i xt I Large crowds of parents and Colm LL dona Pipe and : heir children patient] alled OB nom Band, the Oshawa Marine OHA Lakeshore Ir I nig tat LJ (he rowe of (he parade Tor Nal god ong the Ontario Regiment the Whithy Communit "hi nat | Port Hops 1S 0 ana a SKATE Arent moment when bate Cais coger Bugle and Drum Band Redmen comn i B30 pm } alors claimed (reels In hy many service club and re a close 544 verdict previously favored Torrone rode cheery along the he 4 7 " tall merchants' floats added color, op 0 0 Gast York arena Sunday afternoor KW YORK (CPF, R Me the one nation that can claim your enormous domestic mar bia I i p ER de was Bnd true Christmas spirit to the bal ha'} ; ign, president of the Canadian above all others to be its closest ket ; y smite pai 8 p The Whithy Fire Depart Port He d a ethack at the hands o : wids. decorated sleigh ana rei VAT He Hitacet oe on 1] ] of i 1 CU cheduled to commence al 9.00] ; ile ip nufacturers' A ition, fo relative, neighbor, friend ands oper poLICIES Lardy Whit Commu Ment also took its place in the' he Trento \ lye Prenton on opening night urged the United States to ally To lessen Canadian concern m. from (he thy Com ment , ' iw | : = : 4 " ith Avena bul dd nol hegin 10 gals when the fire truck hie a week ago du indicating & possible strong al Canada le ; ike a por J McLagan, president of Canada he suggested the following poli THE PERFECT GIFT FOR ANY SKATER y Mi olnti y sted J roll until #40 hot elub, in compariso I'renton's fine performance ition and gh : 8 " hig Steamship Lines Lid, Montreal, cies for U8, parent companies Wei Many (amilie nivered fof Horse provided a lurge part 22a nat the Males ve. lust Monday mihi j riner Ini 0 nd a ly he 145 said all Canadians ask is "a fair) They should (reat Canadian eighs only 3 ox, more than an hour in the frosty In the parade, On view were foun csislen pro ' "rade deal, something we have! sunsidiaries not just as branch morning; they did nol compigi Saddle horses with their western : q the 4.1 oulcom never yet had from you," plants, but should allow them Sharpens up to 40 blades { ent! ted for the hig dressed riders and also a fom alu tn hy Mike Cirk ddressing the intermational ) 1 hut patiently wal a horse team In full harness pulling dir vit anomie: allaits committees: aa) We hope very much the maximum autonomy and Keope, | How (0 pass heir way WARO ( . 0 lated to see wetio A mL a. 1 viy-elected president and his and (hey should he encouraged to Organized and presented by Lhe # WHE Osha Y eason hag been refused permissle A y IM p administration will nol be solthink and act Canadian Retail Merchants section of the Bringing up the rear of he Hex fons ociation of infact ® § | with them hen # special Onlaric f iisy in the next few months that! They should not have fo eon Whithy Chamber of Commerce parade was (he most important 0 Pla 10 also wiated they can't find time to do some fine their operations to the Ca 5 y tion committee decided against it aller so I'he nation justly renowned a was headed by one of and spectacular Santa Clan ASSOC iation comm) \ Nh northern fence-mendin nadian marke alone hut Ud lly ly majoretie groups float. Many children ran along, continued protests hy the Orono Orphans of the pf most generous in the world Ld be nape: o ie bul should REFILLS tor Bs twirled their batons and side the merry old gentleman 10 Gh the Orphans took it upon themselve haves with singular selfish- END ROADBLOCKS | d an Adis promotion of Canadian (rade rom ind Now Hole oling him to present uw stumbling block for Tommy 1s not ( esn and thoughtlessness toward It would make all the differ Sunsidiaries should use a Send cheque or money order tos } clear, Oshawa and Orono are grouped in two entire ence in the world to the Cana-lpany™ Canadian materials and| | iawet to thule pik. Rao {an economy and have little if] oom aonenis as can be econom|- | Garden Club graciously consented 0 remain mi different OHA classifications ome pring lay ots Losses Close pi dolrimental #ffeo on Vours CUMmMments 4s" ean" be econom Whithy at the ommnAY Yona, Is most unfortunate that a player o " i . fir VOU Were fo re move the Toad: [of 2 atified; idl, ln. the dus i F t Whee he vecived ail dhe chi will be unable to play in hig own city hecause of Sunday Graphic |plocks which prevent trade be. processing of the product in 3792A BATHURST ST. TORONTO 1 eature dren's Hise and gave them sony wo club tween us from being less of a founded protests by the Orono club. The tw 1] g | who danced along the role, \ Canada to the p 8 advanced Christmas treat LONDO Reuter The Sun: one-way sireel ada to the fullest possible ex . . . oN ' \ Jind lent Carol Singing Once more the special Christ entitled to forbid the Maj to use Tommy, Lindsa diy Graphic, 49-5ear-old British Since. out en . 4 hv: he spending with you the | mas season feature in Whithy, the and Foronto failed to submit an reRsnn \ \ newspaper owned by Canadiun| exceeds your spending with us hy Club will be held Santa Claus Parade, drew to a hould not play publisher Roy Thomson, an something like $500,000,000 each Whithy Garden " at 0.00 p.m Close with many happy children nounced officially Sunday It Is bi-lyear this is surely anything but wil four carol Angin nd DUTRE home oa hel BA pOWN ANI COUNTRY Kingston Frontenaes 176 forced to oe doun et TL EL, BY RE bof necial talent, cluding a plano 6018 ol ther menting th ; grr eedd halted a losing streak Sunday afternoon Iffioultie oi " McLagan comments were nlo by Mis Glave nth, | kings would he full on De at the Montreal Farum, wi Although circulation rose stead. | oalned n 3 tent made avail. 1 f ( f aAhie n 4 faughter ot iy A Ore will eember 2 Montreal Royal 1.1 Om Saturday evening. Long John this vear compared with 1050 er ' a 4 { i waes for 1060 already are ap. Gelivery show movies of a recent trip to Henderson saved the Frontenacs from an even greater ( rea © Ar 4 prodehing £500,000, 1 added in McLagan said Canadian views) i ag | | I] m BOWLING NEWS defeat, by kicking out 36 Kitchener shots as the Beave + rant-page announcement mo many issues of major im. The floral display Classe | I Christmas Con won a close 4-3 decision from the Frontenacs, Again Phe Sunday Graphic, light: portance to ns are given scant the club's A Vint me MAJOR LEAGUY in Sunday's victory, Henderson was magnificent, allow hearted tabloid-size family pie: consideration and nowhere is this : y Be y h I are > OR COMAZ. d ov} Yoicuday - wioht moed a Ing the Royals only one goal right on Forum jee, John tire newspaper, will close down!more evident than in trade rela IF M ¢ LU LRA] \ proline lan 11} tion You vers f the vent WEE W mh Vi in ine tie rom local fai hen permi un decoration, Christma Ate | Couple of shut-ou hen. Hamby 'n A HAUS xing iB bi Understood to have vecently restricted entry of only those raw DiAee- suitable finin 00 Tire led by Capt, Myele Reeson } serformed with the Whithy Dunle in the direct echoed a etvenlation of around | tal to y Christmas arrangement (LLL ERE] inked Hillerest Dairy and Rud | Bult) I materia ensentia OH your own hig f w buffet mantel Christ: (a) i hut Wilson result! e olf-eolor seas "i HE year he wel 0.000, The Sunday Graphic was | indusirie Our manufactured a fi 0 an wike's 0 M om | hi arrangement ort We Aly Market: Point J nit normal form, displuved ma Lime in the foinded hy the late Si Kdward goods ave, for the most part, rig ma ¥ emi ra ¥ ( \ wer Wi Hulton i : er Rity h song or story and a door decord:|in the other two. maich vhen i Dunlops first Allan: Cup drive. On Saturda Jui hm Ms as Ti day idly exluded nol only by tariffs 4 Herald. MW took its present ttle! and quotas but also by other I / restrictions na ineony 4 m Mercantile Dept. store and] peppered John from all angles in the apening minute Thomson, who ons and inconvenience Rasueit Tewelry nicked Burtin ; which have the effect of virtually Russ:an Rockets BI oi | of the game, but were robbed on four or five occasion tewspapers in Britain, Can-{danying us reasonable accom fo 3 Ke o Poin N whi 3 we "e ada and th United tale a ' . Top shooter this week was Myre Kitchener have five playes h A! ein tired Che Sunday Graphic last Aimed At China? [Reeson with # niee B66 (47. 208 eason with the New York Rangers, with whom i hon he took Sane. An AVAILABLE ARROAD ' ' Tack Ro close hehind with] n tfilinted. Last week the | ) } Aunt Norah NDON (Reuter Russia isInoq (8 Pty Mi C MeM | avers are atiiliater A bik Ie lrontena Kemsley group of newspapes Red Skellon's recent one-man i i he yg rtiansl BIICHAR TRG iat SI eh Goel experienced a disastrous road trip, being trounced, twa \ fotal of 42 British papers pantomime saluting the United | ( would prefer wilding \ ol herring 200, 255 tendon 1 ™ i clos A 8 hase for 1000. mile missiles whose Rob Murphy ny (M1 954 uecessive nights, 6-1 in Sudbu on Wedne have -hipen naed down or Nations will be made available something merged since 19 , ur > target area appears to he Com: Denny Rrown 77 "0 1" and 11-4 at the Seo on Th lav eve % f ol tn five Iron Curtain eountries useful onl hoth games but from all repo Y i Gi ..but I fn | fellow cammates) he wiledn't he held The Christmas meeting of én the eclged the last place tion for noviee onl f harmaoy thnk two the Beaver featur ostar-studded lineuy | controls ahout munist China, a London newspa: Dave Revnolds 764 (200 Chuck! ied ne veporied Sunda (FL WLR Mapty Jordan MN) he Sunday Times sto ded 111 Al MoHaflie 72 (966 Soorn that Japanese intelligence author: fim Cassels Mm (0 Dick] 1 the outeame. The Frantena ie findin f ities had 'aerial photographic) Adams 707 (270); Rarl Jordap| just a trifle rugged the past two weeks in {) N always \ J evidence of this project' on the (706, Jim Patterson 708 (271) and wide-open Eastern Pro circuit, They have dropped appreciates fishing oa ; ¥ Hi Kamchatka Peninsula Doug Rowden 708 (318), Good| « { | but what? f hre { hom | \ " It diff sharply from the singles were rolled hy Al Hep:| their last three hau iY night me i nd ir Mary known pattern of other Soviet huen 206, John Brueohle Hd the past two weeks have won only twice, but both have would like Pete can missile bases In Siberia In lis Fox 270, John Watts 270 been on the road, Tt appears that Kingston just doesn't 20 i iting, range and command of Poop Mewett 267. Manny Swartz! mething always use for her house something A have the material to cope with splendid hockey club Chinese targets," the Tokyo-dates | Jim Kirkwhite 257 and Geo | like" Hull-Ottawa, Sault Ste, Marie, Sudbury and | | story said Ollitfee 25 but lined story sa itfoe 250 | Kitchener. Montreal al pre points hack FOR what! 0 wear ent | IX nl Kingston is not considered as much of a problem as {he ve» Dut what? BROCK wire | in |B WINTER STORAGE Phone MO B.J4IR fifth place in th itional Hookev Lea anuhttn! that pl y will be fnvtheami Now Pla in Evening Shows at 6:55 and 8:10 time. Althouzh th : ors me 3 E Si A Includes checking plugs, Take the guess out of gift-giving with y g Last Complete Show ot 8:25 er dwellers in the NHL. their farm eluh the Kitchen Wil points, condensor coil, THIS IS REAL . . . THIS IS RAW! alsrion Beavers are blessed With an array of fie b sathutetor, draining ol Royal Bank Money Orders | top from the big time out of lower unit and re- Whithy Hillevests made it three straight with a decision over the Peterboro Canucks on Saturdas --- tilling, Here's a wonderful idea for Christmas giving -- particularly if you the Whithy Community arena Feel \ have friends or relatives who "have everything", or live far away 10 majors were asse ed in the ppnall filled ght. these sate two tlvbs ter. Sly : Send a gift of cash so they ean choose what they really want Drop bare, This Saturday night, the Hillivest POWER LAWNMOWERS into your nearest 'Royal' branch, ask for whatever number of Money ton Frontenic Juniors. Cate tim: Orders you require, and mail them off with your greeting. We supply City Hall recorded their second shutout in a Tey Christman card and envelope, all ready for mailing, free with five games in United Union hoel Is \ n Tost running before you pick up the Spring. every Money Order you Iw ' vy. You o di be NN CAN Use Royal Bank Money Pm : aah A hipped he Orders to send gifts of cash ta friends or relatives in Canada, the 00 BRUTAL TO LIVE) : py rn : 5 50 | US, Great Britain or The Wen Indies and Royal Bank Drafts - | 028 def : © to send money elsewhere in the world PARTS EXTRA THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA | : This gay gresting sar and anvalons are p 1 Too ANY 14 \ TER a LINCRY AES BIVOR on WILSON'S Cycle and Lawnmower Shop | The bank with 1,000 front doors aad ean win tect R We 130.000 Italian motorists tested the and Josenh Neutra iid Sunday [pew S1amile superhighway he that architects are heme 1 | 106 COLBORNE ST. E. WHITBY tween Bologna and Flarence Sun crease the diver lay. Poli ad there wer lanmnit tT de hy pout Oshawa Branch: §. F. Donnelly, Manager many collisions that ne ope ouiug and hy designing wn PHONE MO 8.3746 Wine them DD Motorists Were pated ath te ¥ kL) Wrigh ! Pitals m three cities the early 1820 \