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The Oshawa Times, 10 Dec 1960, p. 9

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g Festival Of Advent Music : Is Planned Sunday, Dee, 11, at 7PM p A t rr rere wr m-- chair of 8. George's Anglican SECOND SECTION OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1960 PAGE NINE chreh, under the direction of . L. TE ---- . - ---- . Ar F. A. Reesor, will present a fest val of Advent and Christmas 2 Wine highlight of the evening Orchestra : Mm M. WALTER 3 wilk he the Cantata "For ws # Child is horn', by the eighteenth T Pr t i hd century composer, J. 8 Bach arom 10 Present | Royal Bank President unknown work by this composer, this will probably be ome of its Fi P first performances in Oshawa ogr | : Featured in the canlals as so ine I am y 4 loists will he Mrs, ¥, Fox, Mr. Hushands whe are hored hy as a ive IOl 10 F. Curtis, and Mr, J. Francom, long-haired type of concerts may Several familiar carols will be he taken with complele salery included for congregational parti to the Christmas Pop Concert of MONTREAL (CP) cipation, while the choir will sing Oshawa Symphony Orchestra, in Melville Waller, ¢ some of the more unfamiliar se- Simcoe Street Upitid= Church, president of the Royal Bank of , lections for the Advent and Chris- Wednesday, Dec. 14, Francis J. Canada, died Friday aller # ; esl Trust Company, Sin tmas Season, The popular boy's Francis, the conductor, and he month long iliness. He was 65 Iie Assurance Company of Cane choir of Bt, George's Church will program commitiee, have selge- "sey Waller was admilted to ada and Westeonst Transmission sing "The Holy Boy", hy (he ted music with joyful and thrill hospital in October after sulfer: 4 Company, Limited . modern composer John Ireland. ing inspiration as a FORE Pre. 5 o"oh a or First was believed to Funeral services are to he held Among the several organ solos jude to the whole Christmas sea poo been a cerebral hemors. ye 1 at 2 pan. EST Monday at the planned for the evening will he son, All age groups should ERY hage, After treatment in the . " Dominion Douglas Chureh in subse the thrilling "Cortege et Litanie" the program and it Is hoped that| eur S700 orotoal Institute i whan Westmount. Burial will he by the modern French compo- the citizens will respond whole WhOTe TCs Said TROTE Dae I / ut Sle, Agathe, Que ser, Marcel Dupre', cartedly so that the Christmas y & (3 y q hid ert hy fhe orchestra EVidence of & stroke, he returned ; ; Besides his wile, survivors in. ) nee y stra e ho . Shame, ; u clude a daughter and four grand: fo J %, : ay become a tradifon In Om Mr. Waller was lo have heen % , "hildren j / ' evie W or | A rare performance of 8 mod honored hy the Bowmanville Ro- RE ------ iP 3 4 ; al ern work will he the presenta'ion| tary Clih on the day following § i bis ; » a a : : ini of the "Symphony Wn ¥, Major" me finess ii Ca. Regiment To SEEN HERE ARE some of | will take part in the festival | during this Sunday night's ser- | AL right is ¥, A, Reesor, the Of CP and T hy Harold Jo Aohnson, 4 con a condi i " oy Veriopated Lh , the meters Of the choir of St | of Avent wud Claas WWE | Coon "Tachiard Hars, Ca | 450 Aree owing and uh. he did 1 he Nourviogen = Hold Round George's Anglican Church who | being pregented in the ehureh | pgion "Arion "and Paul Rose Oshawa Times Photos . teffervescent in this composition! Institute : AR ---- { ommittee {which makes for very pleasant! Mr, Waller look over the top ' be ¢ 3 4 4 listening. The three movements Job in Canada's largest hank only Parties hd ' 4 "4 Work done dur p er wae COME 10 A Close all ton quickly. eight months age, after the snd oi . EL (suing year were elected aie WAY in which one distinguished dames Muir in Scotland (MADISON MELVILLE WALTER Ontario Jegiment pre Plannin ] 2 recent meeting of the Cancer music critic Wrok of Beethoven Hi Joined the hank in * 1012 general mang day pili » during eho -- . : 7 g& 2, 4 A p vighth Symphony, The orchestra when he was only 15 years old, vamed assistant ) With Oshawa LR (Fine Commune Te mine #0 prevent (he rings of Oubawe and wach |i grow 6 of (0g haning ho, We was Fhe mnmkat barrack root di / 7 i is composed of representatives Movement in this concert inte the fourth largest hank in Appointed Vice-president and ner will he held on Dec. 19, The 2 "= (rom each of th heks "5 The "associate conductor, Her: business volume in North Amer. €'ecied to the hoard of directors annual harvack room dinner ine roi abi aa \ Em calna : rom each e Rebekah and 0 Toentey will conduct the ica Lg APES: in 1065, He was a director on 8lcludes all ranks It is interesting to note that pealed * case, between Preload / "2 | Independent Order of Odd Fellow Pert 4. Gentry, ] "lca and the sixth largest in the F i" Fank : Oshawa has a direct connegtion Company of Canada and the City ? ¢ Lodges in Oshawa orchestra in the delightful mis world number of other companies ; he Men § Canteen Christmas with the Province of Saskatche- of Regina, in which he represent 3 : * [OFFICERS NAMED cal gem entitled "Au Moulin" W| "He had remained in the bank's, He said recently that his early fance will be held on Dee, 16, wan in that the Hon. Frank L.led the city, At the original hi % Officers elected wer vast GilleL, This descriptive music 18 copvice since then, except for a FAINIng stood him in good stead 1960, Dress for this 0eeasion will Bastedo, who this year was ap-| hearing he won a $1,300 000 judg ; / = chairman, Bro, Mervyn Beéhin reminiscent of the sounds, BUF: jo eo vone stint overseas in the IN Ms executive positions he business suits for men pointed lieutenant - governor of ment against the Preload Com b : 80 (chairman. Bro. James Freeman: BING and creaking of an 0M pi Word Wa Good banking depends upon a he horgeant Mess Christmas the Ad he father of kd. pany / p . vice chairman, Bro, Arthur iy Jae Joi Othe oo A native of Orono, Ont, he was mingling of technical knowledge paris will he held hi the Armor: ar as 0, 4 member J ] pr MOR FRY WY We Orenesira w 4 ov a ' p 3 A x " ab d ' ? of the Hrm of McGibbon and ACTIVE IN COMMUNITY 1 / i pall Vivi av io secretary erture "Czar and Zimmerman' epointed sidan Rainget wil fhe develuved iapachy The Bergeant's Mess, "at Bastedo and a member of the For several years Mr, Basiedo ; EE i Noid Th 166; Ireasurer, i Jt 19 1 1044 gig Bu be Inne, "only ome", will be held Jan. 2, 1061 Oshawa City Council was a director of the old Regina J ister Nelda 'thompson Haydn played hy the string see:!""% nH n 1€ Wh IeFe 1s No shoview MY Members of other military units The Hon. Mr Bastedo was Board of Trade, He has heen of a ; Li pr ve and Means chairman, a ~ and associations usually drop in horn at Bracebridge, Ont., where president of the Canadian Club of # 4 i | 7h : tiantine| Christmas carols, old, new and SMALL CROWD is > (no renew acquaintances during he received his public and high Regina, president of the Regina i y ! 1 ' Loi Ho Mo vesEa strange will he presented hy. the J the, "at home" committee: chairman, Sister Bt. George's An Ahout 150 persons are expected h school education, His father was Orchestral Society, president of / ! 4 " ) 4 0 og | Boys' Choir of editor and publisher of The Mus. the United Empire Loyalist Asso- | : [ ; Emily Booth committee, Slater glican Church under direction of to attend the Officer's Christmas koka Herald, a weekly news. ciation, Saskatchewan Branch i # Annie Bhorten, Llewella Pine ¥ Allan Reesor. Mr, Reesor will party at the Officers Mess, on aper published in Bracebridge, He is also a member of Knox |Elsie Keays, Dorothy Holdsworth Ahly Aa an organ solo and the Tr Tr m Dee, 17, is mother was the former Eliz Metropolitan United Chuveh » p A an Pearl Peacork J pi Mops will he invited to join an og a EE -- aheth Ann Oaten, of Cornwall, Emulation Lodge, AF and AM h, , wii Gther Members 416 on the | miliar carals, The concert ; . He was the second of a and of the Assinibais Club / ; ; : wn is resente okt Wednes 3 ' 1 Kagiand, Be boys and th re e! President of the Regina Fed AF The CP and T committe is, in di io he Dress HED ar 14th in enova on pi arg aly eg 6 p bo 4 veality, & humanitarian service dav evening BECEIFICE Top ie) Xxce en 0 sociation program which operates with Bimeoe Biyeet LRH 9 9 I i p WON SCHOLARSHIP from 1681 Io Jai, Mr. Basted 4 very little publicity. Its aim is After matriculation in Brace nomination for the Regi a foe b ho 4 tn relieve families when anyone A frosty night was blamed for(pet Tune and Air" hy Pureell a 13 0 bridge he took a hookkeeping and Clit mE oe ha Sliere Mam. of these dreaded diseases strikes Three arms a poor turn-out at the first of alA tribute was paid to composer | business course in Toronto fol-| leq 0 ABR) ine £6 ; i i : a home in the community series of three 1060-61 Pop Con-| Johann Strauss with the Playing) lowing which he went on to study C/\ y ness pres I" However, the work of this com |eerts which is being presented hy the hand of Czech Polka, One| JK # law at Osgoode Hall. In his first k mittee is not restricted to such Are Answere Friday in the O'Neill Collegiate) could almost hear the tapping of| 1 rama year at law school he topped a OF BEL STOCK cases, but careful consideration and Vocational Institute auditor: thousands of [eek the polka class of 51 and won a $100 scholar-| My, Bastedo is of British Em w J is given to any worthy case inl Phe - Oshawa Fire Department jum by the band of the Ontario] tune floated around the auditor ORONO (Staff) = The Durham 'ship pire Loyalist stock, His ghand J the district= regardless of (he answered three fire alarms and Regiment um Drama Workshop will enjoy the He was called to the Bar of On-| father, "Jacob Bastedo, #ban- sickness. or if a disaster may four routine ambulance ealls| The auditorium was less than] One of fhe outstanding med A ments @ the tario with honors May 21, 1908 doned'a valuable estdte in Schen pecur since Friday morning half filled, However, the seem: leys of the evening was | pi m a ship Hall when the and a month later was granted ootady, New York and seitled in Money, to carry on (his work| At 10 a.m. Friday the depart: ingly small audience had little or| hand's' rendition of a tribute to|C1ar ® on WD sift A his degree of hachelor of law at Cataraqui, Ont, which later be: is raised chiefly hy binges, held ment was called to 8 stove-bire no effect on the hand, Those who Rodgers and Hammerstein, In. presen oy ree, one-act play the University of Toronto, He came Kingston, The family later HON, FRANK L, BARTED®, lon Monday evenings and known|a 143 Eastmount avenue. When|let the cold interfere with any|cluded in the Broadway Hi t|his evening, ined the firm of Hodgins, moved to the Niagara y Biopd ' las "CP and T Bingo", |the truck was halfway to the(plans they may have had for at.|Tunes were songs from Okla:| The old stage, hullt with the eightington and Bastedo of Tag Jacob Bastedo's father, Captain . The CP and T. committe has! house, a radio call announced the| tending the eoncert missed a real homa and many other Broadway hall in 1608, was renovaléd- uring where he stayed until movil pavid Bastedo, fought against hospital beds, folding wheel fire was out. The (ruck returned treat | musical productions August, 1060, The old, "box set", "Bombastic Bombardon' hy was replaced with handsome new ing to Regina at the request of the Americans in the War of chairs and adjustable erutehes|io the fire hall Judging hy Friday night's per the late Norman MacKenzie, KC, 112.14 in which Capt, Bastedo eC or rogram available, without charge, to those! A shorted switch hox took the| formance, one ean readily see Siehert, was chosen for a hass hackdrop and wing curtains, ens of that eity lost twa brothers -- hoth killed in in need of such, regardless of {pucks to Bond and Mary street| why this hand is the proud pos: solo hy Bandsman A, Willshive |larging the stage and making it PROMINENT BARRISTER action race or ereed, in answer (0 a call hy the Oshawa sessor of scores of trophies, Mrs, Drygala, making her see: more suitable for dramatic and ) as The Ontario Genealogist and You do not have to he a Re: Gireet Railway, at 6.48 p.m FrryFrom the time the first note was|ond appearance of the evening, musical productions, The linoleum Me Hon Mi Bostedo was arian. ol ounded of the first har played sang a medley of three more covered stage floor was replaced " 0 Bar of Saskatche.| Family Historian of January, bekah or an Odd Fellow to avall| day, The fire was reported 'ot . A walled lo the oy Ja a had 1901, says: "The Bastedo family yourself of this privilege {serious 7 Shy the hand, one could hear a pin|voeal solos, "Love Serenade' hy [with hardwood, and the old dress. a continuous partnership in the| derived descent from a Spaniard -- . === 1A minor fire hy a hot air regis: drop on the floor Drigo, "Lewis Bridal Bong" hy/ing rooms were- knocked out to | ter in a kitchen, at 82 Chureh H. Roherton and 'Romance In enlarge the stage wings i seessors, | named Te La Rastida -- a family ir : re p " y | priginal lpm ad King's Coase of some importance, The chief! Recently, the 13 churches par- honorarium was granted to each : street, brought out the depart WARM APPLAUSE Vienna" hy De Jongh The hall interior was painted {ie as © ated ' "of the family. Mareus Te La Ras. licipating in the Oshawa and Dis: A presentation of beautiful roses re u S {street broug riya! Only when Lien, Francis J during the summer months, and gama, of the Saskatchewan (ida, was a memher of the Cham trict Sector Plan, held their final was made to the secretary, Mrs ment at p.m, ¢'riday Vere Francis, director of musie for| SPECIAL REQUESN the proscenium. arch was decors f [ f Cham: ig on sting' in Bt, George's William Knight. The treasurer, W, was minor damage the Band® of the Ontario Regi:| "Voiee of the Guns," Kenneth 00 y 20,( ber of Deputies for the Balearic Victory Meeting in 8t, G El { PY, Bar Association in 1628 and 1626 fn § Jor the Dalears members of his hand, or|Alford's tribute ta the men of the ated in white with gilt tracery lta ld sla : embrace , pe. Parish Hall, Eathusiastic reports R. Singleton, was also remember: ment, JRuby AH 4 Mr Rastedo_served as, preside Islands Having $ mhraced the FE: Were received from all churches. ed with a gift rame me : : guest vocalist Mrs, Blsie Dey|arvtillery regiments was played| Old fimers will vecall the glif of the Law Society of Sasketche.| formed faith, he was forced to ell | rove While His : : nals was Daved| ioving formal dances whieh were wan in 1041 and was a henhor!loave Spain and took refuge in|The chairman of each loeall 1 was the consensus of opifiion A gala took a how at the end of afhy the hand on special request, og", "hc sgeendian ora. Pers a a be Holland, whence ahout 1628 he! church committee presented alof those present t Sector . | musical selection, was there any|from the pop concert series last » | from 1043 to 106 when he be | present, that Sector he L S d I ic heyrd 1 haps with a trace of nostalgia came an ex-officio hencher and his descendants immigrated glowing acount of increased organized in Oshawa and Distriet t Tone ' ICence suspended ound, ather than music heard in| year : mare they will remember the old "rolls He is the author of several ar to America and Witimately sett]: | ehureh attendances, and Tevived again in 1061, It is expected that Charles Wilsher. of 334 Drew fhe huliding. Then, the applause ple " dhe, Cinsalen, Ne Tone er curtain", plastered with advers les » Cani 1 Bar Re- ed in Schenectady _ interest in church activities ather vhe p p ¢ ; f ) ha | 4 p) y Ne i n i h iy . H Hees lhe iadian Hat the ,, a EA y Prospective new members were oth F Shun hee ay ial Jo Joi Silverware, dishes and ather| Aree! pleaded guilty ul Oshawa The program opened with "Olwas the next offering hy the Hoing, wiien was replaced with British North American Act' and FAMILY OF FOUR located. New personnel were dis: divided into two [Ou 2s. First nd| Wedding gifts were lost when the Magistrate § Court, Friday, t0| Canada , followed hy the tradi: hand, It was followed hy the tH ow Woniens Ii tit al 'Dominion Companies and the Lieut Gov, Rastedo has (Wo povered to undertake important! sec ond year ch Ih of " 0 AN nine room frame home of a young|4VIving while his licence was tional Regimental Slow Maveh, band and audience participation a dh ea Saskatehewan Act sons, Edgar F., a Queen's Counsel| volunteer tasks: while others second 7 a urches will com [Tyrone couple was demolished hy | Suspended, falling to come to a "Men of Harlech", Lin Christmas Carols, "8ilent¥ Ah 0 " and a principle in the firm of Me:(qsterad" 10 dive leadership prise one group; while third and| ge Friday night [full stop at a stop sign and fall:| The Spirit of Pageantry, hy P.[Night', "Christians Awake" and out years Ago the stage ARGUED IMPORTANT CASES |Gibhon and Rastedo, who is serv. (oy uici pdios or anains Flghting a wind whipped blaze, In# to Teport the purchase of his| Fletcher, which is the G ran d|"Adeste Fideles" (0 Come Allland hall were used hy amateur The lieutenant - governor has ing as an Oshawa alderman and| Cir' ome oiod on the part neighbors and Tyrone firefighters| "87 to the Department of Trans: March, was the first selection by| ve Faithful). groups. and by professional thes. served as counsel in many im: Dr. Donald L.. a Kitchener child of Re ue {akon i Ro (allies Rey, Clinton D. Cro of St. were ahle to save only some of POU the band following the formal] The Light Cavalry Overture Plans, such as the Chatagua plays portant cases and law suits orig: specialist. Two daughters also aly Alin pabish George's Anglican Churel the furniture from the' first floor! Wilsher had heen stopped Dee. |gancert- opening. The hand then by Vone Buppe was the closing ers HEH Aral ' al 5 ou Pp WHS AN encouraging manifestation a wreh, was the furniture from the fi 8, hy Ontario Provincial Police! nlav ure fm : anger i Until recently Mrs, M, 8 Tam: inating in Saskatohewan, A num live in Ontarie -- Mrs, Harry | ONgregal This quested lof the building y aria Provincial Police played the overture fram Doninumber of (he concert, It was } , Tam ber of these went to the Supreme| Cavers and Miss Jean Ann Bas. |'0 Most congregations, Hs W-jrequesied to continue as" yo and Mrs. Dennis Ferguson COMtable R, V. Mallory, when Giovanni hy Mogan, followed hy the Regimental blyn and Mps, 0, W, Rolph were Court of Canada tedo, hoth of 8. Catharines crease in spiritual tone was Ove chairman of (he local arrange Just moved into the house last | Ne failed to stop where Bimeoe| b Hymn Tune "Jesus Lover of My active in the direction and presens In a case in 1048 he argued] Mr. Bastedo has eight grand. 9€nt all through the sector plam, o.. committee, A Meeting. will oe HE THiOh 02 A ala | Street south meets Highway 401, | FINE SOLOIST Soul". the Regimental Maveh, tation of amateur theatre produes before the judicial committee of] ,ugoon whom he probably de: "me be called in the s : . Goodme n home and was located. Magistrate F, § Ehbs fined the) .Qne of Oshawd's deading solo) john Peel, at which time the en:| tions, the Privy Council in London, Eng: = Financially, the sector plan also al 0 SPRING (0 appoint toe oH Ld i gliiy accused 850, or @ month in jail, | ists, Mrs, Elsie Diygala, accom: tive audience rose to its feel and! For the past five years the jand as counsel for the Interna: 5" hes as the eighth generation! sehieved success, with all church. @ director, and plan for another ig BU i h WAL on the driving while disqualified panied by pianist, Mrs, Dorothy remained for the sounding of the Orono A hletie Association has tional Harvester Company of Can:| of Canadians in the family, Four es tabulating an increase over sector in the fall of 1661 ry PAY vorks in the aftiee) ohapge, He fined him $10 or 10/ Roath, then took the spotlight for) National Anthem presented a play each year, Mrs, ada, Limited, on an income tax'of his grandehildren have had last year's, and the eurrent year's " ence Motors he on days, on each of the other|three solos, "Allelujagg by Mos piout, Col, J, R. Warnioa, com: |B. H, Samuel, president of the appeal and won his case, His 1asti poi (heir grandfathers as lieu. ©SHimated- returns fl ly Te alana " the fround | charg The last sentences ave zart, "Songs My Mother Taught! wanding officer of the Ontario{Durham Drama Workshop, has appearance in court was in an ap. om Danald's wile | Hoor A he H Fo he big] to run concurrently with the first Me™, hy Dvorak and "Love and] Regiment, without whose permis: |directed three of these, J enant-governars, Donald's wife is COMMITMENTS CELEBRATING [around & p.m, Fire trucks did not] ane, Ho gave Wilsher twa weeks Music" from "Tasea" hy Pue:| sion the hand cannot perform.| The trend to the revival of Jacal the former Sally HBreithaup, a Following is listed the pbasible {leave 'the scene until 1 a m, 10: 0 pay the fine einl % tonk chavge of the program interest in live theatre is evident daughter of the Hon. Lewis Brei annual financial receipts which| BIRTHDAYS day, K tame" bi ; Wilsher's licence had heen sus:| With the hand and soloist mu! The second in the series ofihy the successful three-day Orono esponse 0 thaup who retired 4s lieutenant: ©4¢h church expects to receive Chunks of Name blown frOm| panded when he had accumu: sician, Bandsman J, R, Eniwhis [ 1960-81 Band of the Ontario Regl:|Drama Festival during Septems governor of Ontario at the end through weekly commitments in Congratuations and best {the fire created hazard for nearby | fated 18 demerit points, the court! tle, Lieut. Francis took over thelment Fen Coneerts will he held/ber, and the three plays to be of 1987 1061, The percentage ncreases| wishes to the following resi [homes Won the. house waal TE told program again to play "Tram. in the OCVI auditorium, Feb, 3 presented this evening, | $ . -- " ROAR are also shown dents of Oshawa and distriet | an A ass urvey King Street United. $33.000, 8l Who are celebrating birth. [Stored in a neighboring gavage, | . R mn day this wi end per cent: Seugog United, $4380 ' I Pl . Candy Sale oH per een! Pickering United Those who celebrate today . $19.500, 15 'per cent; St. Paul are: Patty Jo McRae, #38 Xams 0 § Pleasing | Lortzing and 'Serenade hy W fourth year churches would meet in a senior section " United, Ajax, $22,900, 27 per cent;[ Horton Ave. Mrs, Albert B Harmony United Church, $10,388] Rose, 113 High 8, Bowman. Mare- than 30.000 citizens of 19 uccess 12 per cent; Westminster United,| Y'¢ Ursula With 1061 Oshawa have pertieinated in the $4388, 12 per cent; St. Matthew Rossland Rd, Ww Mrs. Gor da £ 'N 00 TR mas wrvay far Oshawa BY BARBARA GREEN \nglican $17.000. 21 percent: Si don L. Carne RR 1 Osh City, stated Dr. RI. Kimmerly The senior basketball team at Paul's on - the + Hill Dunbarton,. 2%81 &uy Tallon, 80 Cabot today as he summarized the work pg. FJ Dansy an Collegiate In. 80142, 18 per cent: Church of the \ Reg Malachawskl IR as et ou Vy! Li eli 8 hong pre only titute got off ta its usual tre. Holy Trinity, Ajax, $20,300, 10 per 3 set ! 156 Saal hates | eld in the City of Oshawa. The mendous start wit a\ . kM ueke | 5 | ; general survey chairman further oeyy . Thus it y The. Ss bi : fon! hg sd on Wi Sa. lack Mela ha 42 Green: Ww hn SNElA POLLOC K | expressed satisfaction as Yo the (ac 96 (a 30, High scorers were 0, 13 pox con Agi har wood Ave Rita Woks, 268 he \ \ the Fopart cards about to interest manifested hy the etl Garey Gunn. Myron Mech and " $31.000. 36 1 1 8 ~ Pine Ave Perry. Chumbley [Nt hy 4) owt Miss Nugent and sens of Oshawa " John Buzminsky a hh if per cen va 120 William St. E.; John (Mr. Mellveen of the OCCT staff \ tion Army, $18,000, 33 per cent Goulding, 488 Adelaide Ave, [are holding their breath, Will we A bre wn shows that aver. Hearvds of ravenous students It will he nated that the normal! Ww Susan MeDonald, 49% ie will we not have a basketball #000 indiviiuals have taken the thronged around the French Club Sin y Rt sam? . tohevenlin tests, while 10.0% em: candy sale this week, Minutes PAVED In sector is for churches n hk yA Ya ly 0 a he week; however, the boys 3 al 8% § 8 wer, p V playees of the General Motors after it had begun, the mob dis Antoni Gy 204 N N ANAL aot § or have taken chest x-rays provided persed with a lucky few cluteh Ave j NOH, TU fnrate - i ream tuetuent by mobile x-ray units. Another ing their precious fudge in their 'Hodse \ | [West Hill. It was a close & 4000 men and women of thelhot little hands. Needless to say Seclor churches usually hold the hose wha celebrate an Sup: |W Nl Wak a olose game smaller industries have also heen! it must have been a gooey mess, level "previously attained and . \ be oh Ai Am py ing we ha hi Was 60-30 in N AR Pomis i luena Vista arianne Ren Pe x-rayed However, 1 am sure the French Hen register a smaller increase Hy Rw ok ' . Dr. Kimmerly urged everyone Club profited from this ordeal With some calls yet to he made " d \ EN 1 p; 5 r mela it La Sire gon Yoligvoall, the to take their tests in the week re As evervihing else in oup sohoal'it 1s expected that the hove To % Aha A n vd b he ¥ Sant y bi 0 i Daee ma inin All ndividua) ATE our hand 1s of excellent quality. totals wi Cede | com ¥ s a \ Ny A hy Horan hd Red oy Hs hy urged to have tho tu HIN SKin The strains of beautiful, enchant. mitments hetore Ww : hp i oy green y R10 lourth test whether they are under orfing musie resounding through are held. One of the most gi ty 1 Pp Rivd § hs : Phe Sketohing Club is again over 40 years of age. There hasithe auditorium gently lulled the ing features of the campaign was ; : sibs nard at Wark Preparing for the heen a misunderstanding that Donevan student body to sleep the increase in missionary and ital 1 pa i {Christmas Capers \ From what 1 only those under 40 are ta receivelin assembly on Wednesday. As benevolent funds ocourring in Re en IR r there Will Be cuite a of st and: the ones aver : : it difficul R i wlavs each day will ear there w e quite a change the sin test and the ones averisome studledits find it difficult to every church N h . . ray a ing " ( double tickets to The [In the decorations in the audi ® to ive the x-rays sleep. during this period, we : \ Meat i Top torium this year All are to have skin tests and|should like to thank the conduc APPRECIATION VOICED fi ke The, hia 8 Next Tuesday all forms wish the ones who show a positive re-jior, A. F. Reesor, for this very) During the eveiing, expression VHB gh Hi yy tutrent ink a WhetGRt a Skit at O Nah : action will then have the chest|generous contribution to our rest. of appreciation were voiced to! 51 gk Tine: a BN \ ih : 4 ar x-rays that are available at the! 1 should like to retract last Rev. Josenh Abbott of Searbo I phi an: Dee. 31 must have them hand WILL RECEIVE UEEN SCOUT BADGES clinie eek's statement that the Christ. the TT 'd to Rev | ts on } 5 ed in for reviewing hy the com. TEN is the t \ is dance is Doe iw e vin A th oy bi have ag ti erviee in SE will be presented with their | honored. Seated, from left, are] Jim Allen, Richard Williams, , ; 2 \ ATs Wl 10. ed to leave skits George's Anglican Chweh tor | Queen Scout Badges hy Scouts | Bob | Hutehin Se 3) \ testing. Announcement i d Dec. 22. The following Fri Chureh, ( va, Wa0 agaiy \ N hh: hi Aa Tha RA A utehinsan, Scontmaster wand Davis \ x a ] : ics, wily A Xt Phone R HM © leachers to the Grade morrow seven members of the | master "Chuek" Collard, Seen | Collard and Evie Jones. Stand Howard Davis and Yom Britton ~Qshawa Times Phdle Wm sector far the first time to show the largest percentage in Second and third year » | te location of the clinie lay i halida pe local directa $ sate the i {day is & holiday, {ed as the loca r. A suitable 8 { Tth Qshawa Boy Scout Troop | here are the bays who will be ! ing, from left, are Bruce Gibbs,

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