HOME OF THE WEEK 44 i or ) 1 FASIWAY M wens ne Tay i # f ATTIC AV ARTHENY prevent bleeding' theosgh. Re- b; yrs QUESTION: We have a bung move the paw over the 8 & 1 k Ee ; A slow and wold like io Oinish the press wad apPY 4 pecs nok lad A fash wile so we'd have 8 Wing room, sealing preperation available ot yew | edeoom, wichen, bath snd dost most point deslers, oF apply "een ee % pack wach would (hie cost of shells or plain Bi cost? What type of flees cover- paint to prevent future Weeding § 4 should be pit down over the throngs. Then touch wp with wes 3 % p plein wide hosed flow we Row ality melehing hose paint lash or ¥ bave® Would the present heating Easiest method ie Cte ab ) : of be sutficient to et the addition postpone the knotireatment wti pars (1 » Pops "am, fhe Haase ¥ ism 4 Aye (fh ome. Aes Are there BY PRION TERRIBLE the home Bihern p 9 | ' igo Jaciats, Pe gi Hass, hem a an the subject? / Erawehwk #2, 3 : a (| ANSWER: Costs for hiding wah si WATER GA 2h BL Es i on Ag Go if im on pore _-- wiects vary from locaity QUESTIO We have p gos | pr = A Ma ds oo oe oh Ay every on vi locaty, with ditlerences Ws Jabor wRler heater, Could this have any) BIH ee! ay AIR i Ba Br 1 A fom oi pm (nets , type of materials chosen ect wn or eo Watar? Fhe ove [iss iow) Has Wi Fhieinste, who ook he WORE E4ch thelr consis, sie | sags [er WRler TURE WREm 157) 2 ber y A | etn estimates from severe at the beginning We - have orl ST Vis FR | reputable building contractions for ri 4 Geile & while before i be- 15, ianned Tending end ex Comes Dieasont enough to Grink. With bendicen; Vern Bock (5599) a ' ' [the en this should ai ANSWER: The heater may be oh. Some Disenniss ed Ld ma EH 4/1 fo [ |ilemes such as heatig, pombing, overheating the water so hat 1 "Ye youd te lo thask : J oor coverings, as well as the backs wp io the Weler, man ore EEPETS , 4 d structurel changes, Certainly 5 U1 #0, closer contrdl on the walter » EAGUE his Us. anes Gummew BI; Ww heating expert should be consul heater, or # check value is ad ; sip 4 ; Remove ice ond Show the Easy Cl led as to the adequacy of the visabie Gas walter heaters have vs . hha ! iil rerney 44, f | prenent system for this grestly thermostats and the temperature a" Reknpet hel Toasts WI. hie Le can he lowered 19 prevent OVer- Paving snd with 8 24 wi ag 3 ' = 5 tb, 36¢ 50 », 1.35 The (oilowing bookicts are avail: heating CNR Wivern: Trig TY lok gover Ih ih xt" Momdey be ii 1 ® ; ol powibion. Kueh 5 go bi file ot any y JDardwere, ia ve fl other eae ight ben wh 8 44 wily mira y hié rs, hook slores we proximity | wie eaners and Evans / 25 Ih 99¢ . $ 100 | r ig subsite frp the pubbishers | water pipes, so thet when Gravel woved In Where Biihing with [3 ed taka wy ome of these Reon : R ; hb. 9 lot 76 cen) How to Remodel the cold water stands still 1" globes) Aees B15, Tog - Room g AE ¢ | Bae and Attics" pubbish- picks up heat from the nearby 632, Trio TY 58, Evins Bend and TRE CATH AG walter pipe. Insult Ay? i 421, Ah ving 441, ON ALA Fopuiar Mes hanics Press, hot walter pipe. Insulation on the Hop id Ahmore Yay yy "nhams lke Jonge 4 wie Onterio 8 Chicago, 11 hot waler pipe would OVEICOME Glass 3-15, Beastly Wawage 1-1 ist phase, pont sheed of : ie and "How 16 Finish Attics' this = Viih Cleats, A JE iioles Houston and Powers. Marie Melyhehu ! 4 : ' & " ® had » wep i # 7) his we : land Basements hy Fawesit| CLEANING ROUSE SIDING TF Bo 8 We od 1k Wrhel's $24 Jos the men. Marie Melon y BEDROOM Publications, Greenwich, Conn QUESTION: Our house has & Jock Bent 766 1287), W. Wilcheon Th chuk gt 8 295 lor Bigh ladies Bogs V4 a Haht - colored wood siding which [#9 B. Biot 72 (i), 4 Wowlsn of the week snd Ken Henning rolled & [CHLORDANE ALLERGY kg nas DIETER WHILE (61 355), ©. Hutcheon $92 (256), 15% for the meh has become dingy looking, 8-157 Kach 59, Toward Norton #7 (6), Next week is bur spousl torkey rol { QUESTION; The chemical used) 0 08") paint still looks tight 1. Bight Bs (271), B. Zakarow 5 Turkeys will he awerded for igh 1s 16 CELINA STREEY RA 32002 1 i {4+ ER RE RS Sitmat atten tS cad tons | REE ~ enon RR > 2 by an exierminglor last month | i § n (1) ang A. Hamlyn 553 Mies Magis and tiple. and WER men's for termites Wn our house was and smooth. on # BO pesing Bowling & good single were EB. sipkie snd tiple, al withodt handicss 40s anywhere. Can the Siding Be! johonsen 28, 6, Oliver 273, 4. Huhand | Also we have 2 chickens 10 be BEpwn chlordane, to whieh my ABUgH cleaned safely" We, 1. Beading 275, B. Bolehmiok- 255, for pl the close of the Went 1g #) ters and | are allergic, We have ANSWER: The siding can he K Brown 22, FP. Bhody 25% snd B. those presept. . Everyone in out and developed & tickling asation in od Yosmpnickl 451 how! for your Chnstas jowi rubbed with sosp and Warm. Ope Tellow lel inte the Lemon Team stendings--Matiey 18. Hons our throsls causing us Lo eouin!o oo" oo household detergent league snd this was RB. Clark 86 snd ton 12 Powers 12, Bollk §, Eker 7, HOME DESIGN NO, 489 | Great deat A We whution, (allowed by ample Fine." a er a Eker 2th, 4 THANK ' E enol £ 3 FRIES WY A "10, FORBIDDEN FOOD every day 14 Io EROUER, li Ing with clear water, iar at th LADIES MAJOR 4 Wrubel #5444, B. Pedngmit 28, TAIPEI Formosa (AP)--Win Big enough for friendly geth- | sleeping ares contain @ mes DAVE ODER TERIHErs in the Walk) oon, oof the wall, working wp Colas B, Woolly Giles 230, 3. Mariel 243, Falher Beripult A A prmose | A Ink ber had t ath for the heating system. | cover sect { arlon # "Srouds 1 Haydep Mac- 212, H. Moore 234, HK. MeKenns 240 Gi. Wg an eye is a eod on in some erings and planned for family | Yet bedroom ho separy ' th 8 these since the chemical was W748 and in a smal s ton, BY Donan 7, Horwich Jewellers 7, Gilerds 1, 0'Maliey 2, ¥. Flypn 201, Teress 4 / i | resis ws that you want § 8 "Years and another full hath easny ae: pi Ee a Ad A a time. (Hherwise, airly waley " 4 ' hn Cleaners 5, Young Powers W122, K. Henning 455, M fospl you i wi hat ¥ ; Ly comiort, this home ha Years cessthle from other areas of the (Wsed, Can you "suggest a way 7) running down over avy, soiled ; uy Tugs 4 and Fash Melynenuk 2105s, Wed Powers ie-a2 > 4) The item hus heen barred feom| Wad" features; For example | house. Standard Builders' blue. [eliminate the odor before the paid Cc iim oave streaks very!" V) - A Kennelly 811-918, W. Konler 424 wha ; ® For your support He " ad " . 4 oh '" 4 f Fe al N dad 2, p, g. y andryk Uy A ge H 2 li i Foipls taken were Slioud Nuwe ; sale in Formosa it contains a two way fireplace | prints costing $9.75 a set are |Wealher parts difficult to remove iB Bh Loker, H Aa on Leagues--M. LaPierre 1-40-69 4 0 and confidence at which highlights hoth the Pam- | obtainable in Canada for this | ANSWER: 1 strongly recom Young Moderns 1; Machonsids 3 Fi . J the polls in the | ily Room and the spacious liv Design No, 49. Now available mend consulting your doctor for DARK STAIN ON HARDWOOD shine village | snd Woodlyn 2 liars 4 : ingdining area. The Family | ot this Newspaper Office (op |PPotection against the allergic) QUESTION: While washing * | yr recent civic else. ghiers i ym i 0 serves Marion Dingman 778 4 ? 7 ; Room 18 directly accessible | from address helow) a new and |condition your daughters and you windows in a bedroom, 1 spilled a ail kh were Mario Diswman 771 01 ton. from the froni entry hall and | enlarged 1960 Book of House |Gispiay solution of water, ammonia @nd |; live Frise 780 1210-28222) and 1 i 7 y adjoins the kitchen for conven. | Designs entitled "A new Selec To eliminate the odor from he vinegar on the hardwood floor Belt 104 (278-250) 7/4 fp" , ® Please be essured lence. The rear location of the | tion of Low Cost Homes for |#PH-Aermite chemical I SUBREH leaving an ugly, dark stain, Re In oy #0 fans were Kdna Hudson 7 that | will continue | 1 u ) 4 h . ™ abl lei { zd BG | 204 425-2 his Calling 684 ( | social centre Is & preferred one | Canadians" price $1.00. Con- (Consulting a reputable odor new: waxing and cleaning did nothing | oe ooh Eri iiilon 601 (264.226. 201) to work for the best Douglas he Gower as It assures privacy while slid- | tains 114 designs including 1 |Wralizing service (classified 1€1e- to remove the stain, What do you Merle Wich 600 (Goh 21 000) Than q A || i) interests of all citi ! : | ectory IHS chson B75 (2BL-5), Onda Gunn #7 1) ing glass doors to terrace ex- | storey, 1% storey, 2 storey, | Phone director HiRes! Bi aan am, Toe di \ REALTOR » nd this for added pleas. La 1 y Yu ANSWER: Remove the finish in 1 04824), Pekiy Branton W7 (246 a | zens of our fine pan ares r added pleas and spilt level homes, plus REMOVING MIBROR BACKING 216-2 Janel Peel 657 (254-240), Del Need ure, Note also the modern kits much usefnl information on | QUESTION: The hacking (sil 3 the stained ares down Lo Berg Siblock #7 (252-207), Belin Makarehuk A city a § i ve 4 v ory11 iH) J ly WePare : PHONE RA 8. 4651 | en wit! ' Iullt-in oven and | bailding terms and require |oerag) of an old mirror has d. Then apply # J Fepard i h62 (276014), Ey Comphell 652 (247 (3 y ih; Con Lite b46 (256-208), Torrsine roby | rage shaped work centre | ments. Order your eopy today. |\peaun to deteriorate, 1s ther 6 wood hieach, avallahl h wl] and sunny eating space. Base: | Also included in this Design hiv aplman B40) (266-201), Julie Beeler B33 { pletely remove and paint stores, according 10|1271206), Fairley Bouckley 630 (24% Hayward Mur v. 1 wa) 0 Eom y NROvE | p 3 B { he L Wn, y 236.204 : / ment stairs are near side en- | Book fs full information on how | M07 4 } H area hecomes Yb) Alle FARROK BEL diel. Anne (rance The three hedroom ' to order the blueprints Al { ahel directions y thout damage to; Jarvis 611 (214-210), Isabelle King 611 [the ane a Tike o nag ihe | Mghter than surrounding floor, 3(2.20 7" Maure Shovien 608 Fak), the glass' if A touch up with matching stain then! Dua Mills '605 (226-208), Jayee Porter | frame and glass to another use | 601 (304) spd Helen Pinch 600 (225 9 refinish treated spot to match d i ) ------ ---- The Buliding Editor ANSWER: First take off the tooo noop surface 800 wingles were Millie Bilida 209, coating protecting the slivering LORNE GOODMAN | Oshawa Times with prepared paint remover | Tigers in East Bengal and { Oshawa, Ontario following label directions, Then! Tigers in the l I £7 r PLUMBING & HEATING : cover the exposed silvering with| Assam districts of Pakistan may FOR BEAUTIFUL | We wre Experts In ob Enclosed please find W100 for which send me Book of a layer of salt, moistened with a| reach eight feet in length, weigh PORTRAITS . li: Plumbing problems | House Designs entitled "A New Selection of Low Cost mixture of ene part water and|ing 350 pounds RA 5-1044 | Homes For Canadians," (Please make remittance payable three paris Eder vinegar Mis . for l THANKS . 4 ic 0 oduces chlor: | | | te The Oshawa Times.) enemical efled produces enlo IA di / 1) | ; ; ine, which softens the silyering | After several hours, the sliver { 1p Name y ing con usually be wiped off} HEE Siith oan Na Ii . FOR Addres, : isk 13 bo, oo A ! wd SOILED SUEDE BAG | 40 King E. RA 5-018) i ELECTING el QUESTION: I have a 11ght| | Pr = a) colored suede bag 1 use for eve | ------ ---- --- p | ping wear and Wu has hecome , ME nh gue ave omen Meet [iii x" = 55 i sme OSHAWA ANBWER: Suede is somelimes| 3 : & : IS YOUR RA 8.8163 RA 5.8163 very difficult to clean and 1 fi \ ' L ALDERMAN t nnis i en strongly recommend having oo / professional cleaner to do the job, | [| 1 » Buede cleaning preparations are Rugs and [By MRS, RUSSELL GRIFFIN ed thanks to Mrs Carnahan and | now. avaliable wt some house | \ , FOR 1961-62 | ENNISKILLEN The Wom: [the meeting closed with theme | wares and handbag dealers; fol-| oF 2 in (en's Association mel in the song and prayer. Group Three|low label directions carefully Or| Carpets basement Nov, 8 Vice-president [served lunch hrush with special suede wire fs 3 Mrs, L, Wearn opened the meel-| Mrs, Wearn presented the fol. [boush, available at most house | Eat PWEGAEL J GOOD ORDER? ing with the motte and ¢ % | ereed, lowing slate of officers for 1061: [ware and variety dealers IT'S RUGS CALL Mrs, H. McGill opened the wor-| President, Mrs. J. Blemon; 1st . 3 ship with the reading of Acts|vice president, Mrs. H Aion KNOTS SHOW IN SIDING Statistics Show 50% 15:47 tollowed by & hymn dnd yiee-president, Mrs L. Stain QUESTION: The wood siding | . * NU.-WAY She then spoke on "Our Com. |fon; secretary, Mrs, A. Sharp; | us your ald house 1s painted | are NOT = If You Fall inte this Group Wallste-Wall Broadioom {mission" whieh was this month's assistant secreatary, Mrs # Wght gray, Dark spots are be-| Garpens Stale Runners, ots [Subtitle from the Devotional Sharp; treasurer, Mrs, WM. |EInning lo develop aver what 1) STOP WASTING MONEY NOW I i" Mary St RA 8-468) [the me fol the year "The Spirit Honbsi assistant treasurer, Mrs think are knots in the wood How | CALL RA 5.5132 TODAY | iE ANY is the Candle of the Toms; pianists, Mrs, H, Me.|P8n these spots be eliminated? Lord", Mrs. McGill closed the Gill, Mrs, E. Wright; Christian] ANSWER: The knots were For FREE ESTIMATES ON REPAIRS and NEW FIXTURES ational with a hymn and | Fellowship, cards, visiting, Mrs probably nol properly sealed Le Flooring ayer. Minutes of the last(l, Lamb, Mrs. H, Werry and{fore (he siding was painted, to GUSCOTT PLUMBING iid i: } TH ANKS meeting were read and ap Mrs E. Page; Christian slew . proved. Roll call was answered ardshipship, Mrs. M Blaintan; : . 207 SIMCOE §T, § OSHAWA (with "Something 1 would like United Nations, Mrs, W Ashton; -- for Christmas' Mrs, R. Stenger, Mrs. R. Virtue ; gt 3 FOR ROSS E. MILLS Phe community ¥ 4 He, X M A S " ; i canvass * for Temperance, Mrs, L. Ashton; Ae \Te the Blind amounted to $44.80. It (Christian Education Mrs L ' 4 Ee 80 SIMCOE §T WN vas decided to give $10 to the Wearn; dinner commitiee. Mrs. : | ; " : RA 8.6218 March of Dimes and there will| FP. Heckett, Mrs. G. Yeo Mrs Looking for [] clean way out P { 3 avi § "uring Oe Saeciolty" he a CANVASS for this fund inlA. Brust Church Kitchen iy bes MY DEAR FRIENDS January. Treasurer's report was mittee, Mrs, BR, MeGill, Mrs. R. GIVE A BOOK OF i CT {given by Ms, M. Hobbs. Mrs, L.| Ashton Parsonage board, Mrs, | Ashton gay very good report [H, MeGill, Mrs, 0. €. Ashton ; and ELECTORS : - : of the WA Preshyterial Rally in|Mrs. BE. Trewin; Auditors for CAR WASH TICKETS : % i i | Mrs, Wearn introduc ed (1001, Mrs. K MeGill, Mrs, W £ y | ¥ a . TO THE " fest of the _Mfternont Mus. | Griffin; Group Leaders Hast + i OF OSHAWA! i j . Carnaghan, of Blackstoek, who Group, Mrs, E, Trewin, Mrs K. 0 + i if ns showed: some delightful pletures | MeGill; Nonth Group, Mrs 5 '] AUT MAGIC WASH LTD, B MeLaughlin Heating taken on her United Churgh our MeLavkhity Mrs. R.-gharp; Cen. 3 of Bermuda, Trinidad and other tral and South "Groups, Mrs. L 116 BOND STREET WESY RA 5.0322 «3 | wish to Thank Islands. Mrs. H. MoGll express: Lamb and Mrs, J. Griffin : J « FUEL OIL +» STOVE ONL To gi * Prompt Delivery | . 8 a / You Most Mm oF SW. wu) di THE HOME WORKSHOP rrr -- rs | i Sincerely for the JOHN M. GREER EDUCATION ho ---- (Barrister) v EAN ur a rar ms, 28 3 ; ; Grand Support | PURNAGE S18 ke is | 0 =. SHADOWAOX CUPBOARD : £ To Move be : you have giben JOH MN M. GREER + INSTALLATIONS a doc : + Jove give GOODMAN HEATING SERVICE : INE 264 il Ag 730 a Wa ible | i I 1 \ Pay Rent To Yourself a CAA. vat Monta IT'S DIXON'S resi : pe! Candidate for Aldormn | in the December Sth, Far the BEST in FURL ane Heating A Jauipmen -- ' wr 0! ir -- 3 : Being placed 14th out of a field of 23 candidates Th k »w LL, MOTORS | Ad \ p » i #) to me, is very gratifying indeed, : an ou 313 Albert St, RA 3-448) | res SPAT (RANI D0 wo - To All my friends and loyal workers and sup: : A shadow cupboard, over { porters | wish to say | still believe in my platform, The tables in the above sketoh A chest or a | ives the effect : A that of the need to lower the mill rate, operating RE . = { i show the construction and pro: [of an importdnt plece of fural y . Building portions of same very early ex. tre, Patiern 364, Which has an \ efficiency, controlled spending and a vehement amples to be seen in the actual-size guide for the scalloped w { = 3 desire to pratect the ratepayers and property awn: Supplies American Wing of the Metropoll-| front and shows a simple assem, g A ; ers of this fine city of Oshawa, tan Museum. In early times! bly method, will be mailed for 50 8 i -------- when a man built his own house|oents. This pattern is in packet Having just warmed up in this fight, rest assured well as his furniture trestieiNo. 69, price $1.75, Address or | NARLEIGN: SUPPLIES Ha wo were popular With" mod: [ders 0 The Home Warkshop | LIST COo.0pP TODAY e til naver foto ight of my Htine goal of being > (OSHAWA) LTD jem Dower tals the canstruction Dept, The Pines, Oshawa You can own your own home on easy like-rent of service to the Citizens of Oshawa in all walks hp ¢ af these tables is quite simple.| A coping saw available for 30! : obi of life, Especially when paying your taxes , , . OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Their good lines anil utility make cents or so at your nearest hast: monthly payments You may even be able to pay them favorites with home eralts ware store will be needed to sawl| less than you now pay. Rent money is spent money! | Remember ANDREW HENRY GLECOFF bidhion RA 5.3012 men. Diveetions for the three out the ourved portions. A brace See us today for a heme of your awn | stves which we have found to be screwdriver will take care of the i > a the most popular for today's rest. Everything is somplete on : Your 1962 Candidate to the Oshawa City Wa [homes are on pattern 30. The the pattern, including the free : Council, PON Caine an OR Larios of the pattern is 80. The hand painting directions, Price of - You Can Depend on A Realter ih COMMISSION Early, American Reproductions pattern 388 s 30 oenls, Address : : Please accept My sincere Thanks and | EF. ARMSTRONG acket of patterns for making anders to TH Home Worksh ROSS E. MILLS five other authentic ~ museum Dept The TH 0 TA - he ) OSHAWA and DISTRICT i Appreciation, \ I veces will be matled for $1.75 ia 1 I ; LL meat ST'N Adidteas' opders In The Home| Bermia's population of 43,000 ( REAL ESTATE BOARD | A, H. Glecoff E. F. ARMSTRONG ; . I KA san | Workshop Dept, The Times, Osh: (people imports about Shot Hm awa 'worth of goods annually,