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The Oshawa Times, 10 Dec 1960, p. 14

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THE OSHAWA TimES, Serardey, December 10, 1960 E55] THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS a .----- I Accountants ---- " (13Gordening & Supplies 17 --Money to Loon 22-TY - Radio Repairs _ 32--=TY - Radio Repairs __ 23--Women's Column (25--Pets & Livestock 23--beis ond Livestock. _ corm, , wien, sed CLASSIFIED AD RATES (ELT money i lose 05 rs mort ENS, © i PERIOR : ¥ BOVIS, IAN SE af EX Ady A AY AAR Ere PLETE | CE a Ee ie Tnriayad Aeamvaiants. BA VE 28 words gr less / Simane Strpet Bovth; Ajay WH oy Sua gage ov fo a] Vind ] Com Charge 14--Household oid Repeins Crmanion, Vrsoer Drynme nt ed reve, $1 9%, Tein Televi 3 gy Al Fo . § COMSECLIT IVE JAR LEEUWER. Bovik snd awl] IRR TiORS a R-- Fer vinow "ur pd Weshers - Oryens and p44 2--iharket Basher EC RERRER orsoriod Adie [74 suman , mans, On fg Kornecyts 7 wd wR ra aa Xr A womny oreiiabia for lope on paeni bss sug Ad dog dg » rh * " Pr Li --, LE om Ed pp UR A A A "UR i Ea Ea Wh 7 dogs he I : % ner WAS ses Ch, Se LL pd wii " Further perricnions FOR sugerion whey series north om No, (5) yy SERA [a ln ee Cnargs rote wii wpe work on wor! 49 BURK STREET ) rs "ht ort Fv" Ontarie, BAI' Abve ates aoely by 15 syiginat ' '1 tie; fa op F/gs 8 Fost Service ~ Sencible Pores yg By A " P00 = i Si Le" Hers 151 SGIRESLAVIE ISerTions. | -- pod sd | ESL J Sapnaiy ant iaariions sylaind ge erioy a $i A 3 me x DIRT NE ar 6 FEW SN y 4 2 oy i PA [me . Co] ' 4 RSNE SN OG J NOX: 3 Bride Idea onden doesn Safi Hp. YR J) if : somgiate hos aering | sider, serviens for small Business. #4 Bond | Prifessionni and Besiness etings Hn freee Want, Boom 1. (Afian BA 5599 8 57.80 par morn tor § hows dots, § ERROTERITELIS 34d Hd Cor oe 19--~Personal vidanae, BA Vis i Foc gadinanst how $100 per Bocoered ithe new, Get the best ov BATH Han arianetl] mort o m_ Vghmoisring, " FAL TTRARS ind ki 3 amy ny (He BAL Fach inifial igter, shbreviation, og or» free rd Randy wr oy ir s (4) AVE : our ris as opping - i " 4 a Ef A, Bug AAR | - ~ a" word, Bow hrgs ional SE. Primbinter, » Pieeneed wits . ayy gi 1 oy be HYGIENE woplies rier Este) 4 Pe CE Ff) 12 2 go EE | | roblems Throu ur rn a Vale fore giabiaation. Oca hows: Daly § 25 [Seager wih pies fat - $ sore ¥ rd (maliag post pid in pion senied a got. eames BI. pi i g. adiander, B. Comm. CFA {#5 Sonwday 8-92 WET) dei "reo , 1 wind, 5 WW sampies, Ma ies ct REGAHMT ORG hy poy move? 4 Hd Peri % Ah, Bo Haber Yes Box 91, ¥. WOVEINS and Compny, Cerfl] pi | pie Accountants 71K) ie Je Oars Yas n on . rid {Hameln meslipucl dy 1 wet Kast, Owhaws, Oniane 4 hihi tt 4 ady for companion Fv v RETAE Whom itied otverwise hen in . Bond Bin ol 14 ar oy women, ve in. Tataohons | +7 writing, nor 160 mors han . 1 BA gy w : -- BR incorrect waarhion of sry Gdveir § w . 4 ---- ---- " " j , 4 # STORM wTndnw Gehed Wd DHE WP ' 2--~Barristers ticamert, 'mar beyond the price [STORM wiidore eke / ot i} charged for a single insertion of \ I g GREER ond Kelp: Swmsters, isi he aaverisement wn wien srior EYOUR local oii y slesner. Chim ELECTROL YSIS : 4 Dsl BA VER ghanen, | occurs. And ole reserve he right Eaeys bail snd possi BP gas linings wn A : } ! ye furnaces vacuumed. Free ast 2 Fi Gress, BA, RA 53005; oo 19 slassity adventiong ecsording to | salen Removal of superfiuous holy | 4 ts faesrficotio males. BA 32097 i 4 4 : i 7 i 4 1 3 : h : : ones V. Kelly, oh BCL. RA swarll ws own class ' H wilinigPal igi Ad J nw -- 9 3 3 a Soda in the com of dnpiey adwertioe- EEIRET clase CATDERISr, nphowits BALIN TOWER, Bh snd Thomas W.| 17 7 cots A a " ' net est, Axl | Tepes for move 'ase am | Casrunless Televhone Ho Fibth, | Oshows ao 20th and 2194 ue -------- nib ndena] : : the wend ener : hone Genoshe Were on | GIFTS FOR HER GOOD EATING, | GIFTS FOR THE FAMILY CHRISTMAS FOWL GIFTS MEN rn Sh M Morigage loans #vailabie met as a a ROHS papered, $8 and up, 1ahor J ry ' go 4 bid by. Pring pr repeirs. Estimates' these dates 161 aposints LGR & Lik Lil m THOMAS MW. BENDLE, barrister, wo a feproduse oi averting matter [07 Walking and renee Eetmaies Ages dtodd oe a * olor and BAS pulls, King]; it A w lok & - Biseet East, Phone BA b1160, marcia iae in any form 110% Prices. BA 4729 ! 20--Cartege Always something new of R (PORTRAITS deufin or pointed, Murals R Best selection, style and CREIGHTON, FRASER, DRYNAN ond advertisement are comtained | FURNITURE repnired and re-wphol i Piesiit's 4572 women a [4a hse For pintormption, «sll HA TURKEYS 4 d WIEH Barristers, Steers, Wael therem dared. Bes ou materiale tor re FOR Pickup ond dciivery service. Vel con't be wing when they R Freshly kifled, young fender quality for that Man you ily Pubic Bonk of Commerce ids, Firing Sgr Phan WERE Mien ares 3 opened o budaet Why don't ESTAURANT ond testy, delivered wen admire § Simene Brent North, BA 5-3458; 1 . ¢ , 3 a ¥ fi pi Avastin, Ww 0 foun 5 My and win, Oshaws ys' o1Erng to Parties, ready, Year round supply Devan oS) Wetirtoon WIA Wort | TY meBusiness Opportupities fhe lat Wo charkn Fone estimates | Whithy, Wess a wir: ty a Live es HORWICH had.) Xam round wy. PEOPLE'S Kauer ironed A obs bad ihe, sated. Pons 3 104 NESBITT'S Home Delivery and Pick-we | CREDIT JEWELLERS | 2nd bonauets CLOTHING STORE MANNING F. SWART, Barrister HATER yy Bg 18 i --e C RELIABLE Lhe: MA Jelivaky SoFV LADIES WEAR Orden Courtice Turkey Ronch | . Bolicitor, Notary, Money to loan. Ass oH fli sive. Vasant danusry % FURNACE SAL ES ex, have Viihowh 84094 ony time, L i RA 5.0532 5 RA B.4066 $1.00 RA 5.5992 | 36 SIMCOE 57 MN RA 3.3613 cinta, Prise V. Mackey, BA, Wepry!l 33 King 5 DONATI "WEAKE nonnk Wergater (FEE DOE IMEEM ee. H. M. Mackie Co, | #1 We make them dor vin helore| FOR HER GIFT " eHURC | i : nd ' Im THE CANADIAN CORPS Twe locations XMAS PARTIES | FROM $8.95 ETH EWAN ay | 20, toheyilia, i " Cleanawt Service A Sat 1 | A Aah ; 5 20 Simcoe Street South i . rams | ELEGANCE LADIES WEAR] " £OR "RENT Watches, ing, Bivareere QUALITY Hordense: BA Bhp RA BODL [ils ta Box 928, Ohaws Times r ~ i ! "wu A small depofit will hold until Catering " harduen Fin } chine AND PROCESSING PLANT 7 King 8. £ RA 5:2433 poop hristmaos ar ie onde Wid i . -- I ------ Rae a bo Wy as SEGERS BA ay am A ond ST. ERA BIN Na plormati 117 Bloor 51, ERA 3:4722 -- Oifice HA S354; Negdones 44 2 | Yo Your Present Income | RUG and UPHOLSTERY . Cont " dds ll TT Mrs Els sie Oley, RA Li 2931 BE HAPPIER EE ; BOLAHOOD'S 4 § King Street Fa A 54717 Hussel| | fovea Srna aut] CoPol Investmen RA 5.7488 (L SCHAPELH.IIMA J ci bre of SLEIGHRIDING & [OME ECONOMICS FooD| YOUR CHISTMAS | = rok YOUR } we South HA S008, Hes | with o n rue looks er and 1 COMPLETE | PI A A ith ¢ A clon rug locks beter and | COMPLETE BOOKKEEPING POWELL 5 DANCE PARTIES | AND FREEZER PLAN TURKEYS fund 686 OSLER STRER . DAye *1 y " : | __gation Dial RA 85-3709. | Grade 'A' Premium, Butter 61 KING EAST RA 3.2711 86 OSLER STREET, 514 SIMCOE 51. NORTH Little Buckaroo Ranch Doll 6 Ibs, 10 25 1b, Weighty | =ermrmmmremmrmemsr mmm HUMPHEEYS, Boychyn and Hilhiman Barristers 8 Ha » A Hur . RERAIRS OR- REMODELLING A! . . VERE B mi gia 4 gars 4a) LAUNDERETTE | feemee on soo FOR CHRISTMAS | THE ACRES | 'i cdkirms on GLECOFF'S CHRISTMAS Retaince, aol Wa oom AND SERVICE 21.~Personal Service y - 141s King & Qostairg) OPENS A TURKEY AND FOWL | MEN'S SWEATERS, SHAGS and Botgiir B64 King birest East | TOREPH F WAWGAW, G0 harrister |i bl hate Sanat Serv on $1 SAM ROTICH £7. SALMERE, BA, barrisisr ie | Add $4000 to $8000 or. Tor more aration WW Wirphy snd MacDonald, Bar| 4 dod ' / ' fs " ' th RA 82604 . . ; GREER, M hing Bs CLEANER Sante Suggest All Year Round With ORDER . NOW SPORTSHAVEN fone a ¥ is 'ests anger Everything for every spent f ort ¥ y sone Sires i i CHIMMNEYS ' Pgor © Warten, 96 KING KOIN REC ROOMS? | OSHAWA, ONT RA BA A inn RA 5:2737 FOR A PRACTICAL SHOP /t . SAVE FREE IAB» K Street East Phones: Off it LA A ' . in | WAI | I f D Miva w hair. stvied: a! FROM waney town "7 | Fouturivg [CALL AIX THATS ALL! CLISTOMERS WOODLYN RESTAURANT | mopeL SHOE > TORE SUPERMARKET BONUS Residence, dinl WA 34098 BELF smplosment an a full Hime or He CHARGE ACCOUNT CHURCHES, BANOUETS BULKIES, BAN-LONS, tn $30.00 caiesory. Wale for free de Chiisti ul Velephone: Business BA $201. Rew a lb oid Infnirine, Hox 34 RA 5. 5954 wions, Va ' his ta Pinise Buy with contidence of HALL, 30 Rick 3 i / 30 Richmond 51. W.| Oshawa Shopping Centre and SPECIAL PRICES, BEST atiettar Money to town, Offies, 14441 CELE SEED ae WEE with the parts § wr painied, murals 4 pg 4 pra us FORTRAN ¥ ? luggoge, comeros fensy Litz Poult Yam MEN 5 WEAR Tle 1) Simene Mypwl visters, Solicitors snd N #e h a small ; vite @ sel anes ser | RESERVE NOW " YiolaY Philca-Bendix Equipped | . A [ TURME . For information with no ablis HeGInhaN nd WAS TEDO Bas / FOR JAN. AND FEB At lowest, - market prices, the year round ¥. Basten Rus ALL? DECORATING A HALL | y | FRA IRS OF RA 5-9953 LOOK YOUR BEST |= -- GIFT Money ta loss 174 RITION ROAD SOUTH JOUN 4. CAMERON, harrier, allel Double-Load | RA 8.5103 FRED'S FINA SERVICE | BEAUTY LOUNGE Chieti 1, K, Ishii 32 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH 05h with your purchase of a suit Na A d ' (Corner of Athol Street) - | SSO eel for Dad, you will receive o Far HA Lume HA and private Double-Protit Washers ING 5T. E., OSHAWA 1180 SIMCOE STREET NORTH B1 SIMCOE N., RA 5.7878 DINNERS, LUNCHES Top Cool or Car Coot abso ; -- A RA 8.4951 : with A TAY REDAIRANE Sea A 34% ara For & complete line of BANOUETS FOR CHRISTMAS TURKEYS Wray FREE Your Credit is mortgages arranged 3---Nuriing Services ' GUNNA, torr Avda Automatic Sook. Cycle | coNSTRUCTION LIMITED |, | trucks, Reo SEWING MACHINES Reserve now fori Christmas | -- LET US HELP you DUNN'S uname, Core tor elderly peopie, WN AT | | FLOOR CARE Parties, Christmas Dinner and a " " BETTER on Yin, mo men) Plus Coin Operated [15=instruction PAI IAL EQUIPMENT New Year's Dinngr WITH YOUR "PLANS ORDER MEN'S AND BOYS WEAR We specialize in houses EARLY "Where Smart Men Shop" hls vites HA B20 | oc A 5 [HARVEY DANCE ACANEMY=Rilon 13 A lf Tet | 1 , r ' b--Ontometrists | Fay Hoyal Avademy," Ballet, igh \ ' { Visit Your sm "Thun $ om . 1 i FOR THIS x 36 KING EAST Tony Construction HOLIDAY In Downtown Oshawe Har ister now, 424 King West. RA by MRS. ANI ¥ Dr. of Optom | Y [pod advisor on oll atfair ife, | SINGER SEWING gm. Phone Colfax 3-242 RICHARD WLACK, Di. of Optom, KOIN LAUNDRY a . f 1 a } "3 | Mg h Ah -- tho CENTER Proprietor; Mr. Royal Ishii lenses evenings hy appointment KA 3.4181 ~y olf n HA i 1 1 £0 THOR. Ko prtomeiriat Pivase 20 Co lege Street ITTULIAN Mas Mer h, dance educator. | Red re Y4D Bin I ners from $59.50 TRY OUR "BE OUR GUEST" YOUNG JURKEY ya od nina x dancing f h ap, baton, ae | eading $1.00 4 im 4 ' 4 " p PA Toronto Ontario : 4 hi vy " ; ho '4 a Fram | coe S rh | ination floor . polisher BAR B QUED CHICKEN Everything in turiire and atts Suronyy TOYLAND amine ned gi iii . ro | Telephone WA 5.45158 [Saturday. Masonic Temple. KA 3.7258. |. we! wax applier and Rug Shams Chicken -plate, halt chicken appliances He wilt he'd any "Buy The Bet 7 =Survevors LEARN HAIR D RESSING (22-=TV . Radio Repairs flow as $39.95 with french fries, fish and Hem Hit fstmos, Easy It's Your Best Buy" Oshowa's finest, See our 4 1. HORTON and jaune ins, 4 LAUNDERAMA Wome: won reatest din oy ABA wp er] SINGER SE WING $hith gb is, hot dogs, M COLLIS TOWNLINE Complete Selection of Toys gocering, Jon ends Seal West | SELF.SERVICE COIN prortunity, beter pay, plea: lala moved, repaired Free eatimal CENTES MODERN GRILL FURNITURE CO TURKEY RANCH I, COLLIS & SONS hithy, MO B3081, Awx 78 , ant work atalogue free Mywinie In H ; a § 2A 5.5448 ) " 5.3 DONEVAN AND FLEISCHMAN | OPERATED STORE FEATURING Write: Marvel Hairdressing Jose 4 ne KA ' J 16 Ontario $t RA 5.5443 ? WE DELIVER---RA 5.3887 = 78 KING W RA 5.0332 RA 5.4233 50.54 King W--RA Soll | radio, « radio repairs - rr-- (corner Chureh st) tario Land Sur BYOT, 0h "me al hing ~ Lif whool Branche Hamilton make i neon 'ran 147 Pig Waar Sree ve fa 20-1b, WASH {ERS Ottawa Canada National Hott Avenus 1 i Fred | A Chr Istmas Surprise LITZ See our complete display of; es H FLIM and Trollope, Ontarie Land] The newest and only washer ystem SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT MONDAY TUESDAYS Qshawa Shopping Centre w= FLOOR LAMPS CHRISTMAS TREES SUDDARD' S Surveyors, 216 Adelaide Avenue Bast | of 1c kind in Conade and | AND WEDNESDAYS ¢ Phone HA Hkh | " ; , | IT w= DAY OR MIGHT! / Compare Litz quality TABLE LAMPS - -- ---- A ---------- with Kelvinator 10:lbh. wash 1 ER \ 7 5 5 (a rons, SPrice 1 8--Building Trades | i i A complete new . type LEARN TO DRIVE] TV. and RADIO A PEI da IE NTS y and prices - CEILING Bix TURES Rs Ai a" ras. apr he nd pruned FOR at | kind I the ¥ D Wg School " Ines eau 0 bid) AA RELLDOZING and excavating. Di I , u are able to make a | Td od hi iy Pp 1d) mmis ; n ' CAl L RA 8 2286 2 A ! ING E ny [] 77 LITZ DEL ICATESSEN OSHAWA FIXTURE CHRINTMAR frees, Fooloh pine, oF, Vo RA B:1111 & LAMP SUPBLY [Ba stvinr "id "red Brown HA TRI-ANG MO R810 Free estimates 1 n 4 n| ey " - n 8.8063. We deliver Rha. he exsmiliation af ayer, pntect | [FRIVAT teaeher, student eounsellor,| No appeinimen ( . id : SALES, LTD Fortnrmanss oy mervaw omy 4 | RL ins LB RI t ree | FRESMLY KILLED TOYS Open - daily from 10 a.m 10 pm. 5 al Holiday 3 machines and vacuum $y thers, 26 Hilleourt Dyive, Whithy small investment from Fully trained instructors All ALL ivpes bullding repairs, iv ng $2,000 down, and are cap Standard, Automatic cars Of HAW A OR 1 2 R fhe. 'Ve To TR a WA bo rh a | i of ee, fur el RA 8.0091 | ELECTRONICS ol vo RIYA VISIT ALBANY | teen SANA = cs TREES |ERECTRIC TRAINS REL again nso he, sae] practically your entire invest | p lle RESTAURANT CHRISTMAS SPECIALS! | Frofessionally pruned Scotch SCALEXTRIC AMSON Hl FASHIONS For European cooking, Take IN CHILDREN'S SHOES, Pine and Spruge, RACE CAR SETS Blassifled Ad. "Act now ment. This may be your |Jém=insurance OSHAWA HOME PLUMBING and heating pipe ne pportunity jot in the | A | a . - > e . pheibiy ALS 001 Hines, fixhives, new and used ohan | around flaor of an exceptional |AVISTATE Auta Inurance, Save up| I [ IF Q BEAUTY SALON L960 FOOTWEAR FOR Jn ph BE rom il : gL V. OWI Ri 109 BYRON STREET SOUTH 454 SIMCOE SOUTH LADIES AND MEN LOCATION, Ae PRESTON Toys ing from septic tank 10 sewer § i sialty, Installations at reasonable vat yb Pan erVIee § all Intarmation and atim hes [ree 2 " il an entirel Ww Sons RA 6741 . RA RBIRO WHITBY w= MO 8.3621 RA 5.3433 WESTERN SHOE STORE grATIon, AL PRESTON ype of plumbing. al LLL ( - 4 | | ley | laundry fi 17----Maney to Loan OSHAWA T.V NEW BEL AIR was 84 KING ST. W. RA 5.4200 | RA 8:6366 ~-- Free Delivery BICYCI ES ALL iuraning, and ueattng suviion | For details, l MONEY fo Joan, $3000 an fei mort wis ' SEWING MACHINE CHILDREN" ¥ : LEE 3 | wie, Private. Telephone HA 3030 61 GIbf ! EWIN NEN CLOTHES | BEFORE YOU CHOOSE CHRISTMAS SKATES | ol fad plambing, heating and on hii Bhp IAN, 955 Siincos Street Bouth Launderamn vite we TWAVE ollents' monies availabe 9 i NTO \ "i loans on frst and segond mortg i Regular $79.50 HUF | SEF OUR LARGE SELECTION RATERBRAARING apsctahuty, Hod to 8 Te wy ; A 2 o pM a ' real i ie. Lag yan | TV 1 OWERS Spec la, $49 50 Al OVELY GIFT of TREES 497 SI COE ST. 5 : street Ba ] . NEW BEL AIR ZIG-ZAG y T0 "GIFT SLIPPERS" Chaves Scotch Pine, Spruce RA 5 3979 1855 Rawmanville | HU 5.939) DEPT. 6M ATLLDOAING and srcavaiing Pilar i \ x SEWING MACHINE and F MO 6801s Free sstimales. aviar] ( oR in Montreal. 4450 Cole t . COON ortRaNe a 40-11 elf ting ar ot 1 KIDDY CITY 77 PARK RD 8 Na paint (PORTABLE) DANCEY'S SHOES "USANTA'S SHOWCASE = PHONE RA 8-6469 SANTA'S SHOWCASE HEE ee Brothers, 36 Hilleourt Drive, Wiliby | 8 Rel Mente HOB RYAN boi oy A Hot dip galvanized ¥ I {44 ' \ ¥ ( Bl i 8 \aring Regular $138 00 42 SIMCOE N RA B.266) IN DOWNTOWN OSHAWA OPEN TILL 12 PM GERALD" FULTON 7, EY kin Bim Be srt] al wera | a ey : aN WELL DRILLING yi - Drum Lac WR CARY PU Da hiner + rewaeeaseesspsueen| | USE OUR CHRISTMAS TREES ARTIST : "TV Enterprises FABRIC TOWN | GIFTS FOR Tht FAMILY LAY.-AWAY PLAN |. . NURIERY GROWN SUPPLIES workmanship. Under econ REFAIRS Fur conte and jackets, | FOR GIFT SLIPPERS I sam Reasonable rates. Honest A 5-4067 [rv msnuk so apoeiait, Mi : | : aive snow soars ano | - BURNS SHOES | KINGSWAY MOTEL | Fasels Paint Sets Oil Colon GRAVEL, LOAM Maint ities va Mi RA Bod RADESS Wrven baie far sui, ack Ho A CITIES PT RA 8-895] DRESSMAKER : oy board Finance enbxpert Workmanship FOR THE LITTLE | Seelances. We'll 3nd | Capons and Turkeys VAN, DELLE 34 KING ST. WEST Coramie Wied batiweom wih 22 ROWE 87 wor |e Eloy axpart Tachnic ions A REGISTERED AND APPLIANCES ROSSLAND ROAD WEST (NURSERY GROWN COME ade ton Joa oF toning <Miorations reasannbie 253 D St SHOPPING CE tract, RA. a : anf shee H TAY HOLIDAY CASH | RA 3.3553 A, Save or a Warm Reneption. FHORR AND INTHE UN Drive Into location ates -- -- [dens "WA Ba, | i HEL PHONE FOR A LOAN | DID YOU SEE OUR MOEN EOE SR GIFT SLIPPERS DOWNTOWN OSHAWA 695 na ST, EAST Sets, Gif Wall Plant cL ne BROWN Nib hr fd Fs HE BE NEW ALL GALVANIZED | PETS FOR SALE . . RA 5.4611 RA 8-518] pili wi gl 8 ED um DAVIDSON'S rere | EDGAR'S PAINT & SAND PRESEMANING and altering for wor : ' A vv for» 8 tlm Show pubnet hoses) | 31 Simeon North w= RA 8.3312 . CHRISTMA TREES ud Prompt Delivery Phone RA 8.6668 T (@®) WwW E R N) a Christmas Fowl Sie Suntan, foiné Flaws & WALL PAPER be wah... AND FURPIER 2914 SIMCOE ST. §. Br Tou es Te rae BUCKAROO tem Hill Christmas Bread and Delivered HWY. 2 BOWMANVILLE RA 3-735] - BUILDERS Alterations, remodeling OSHAWA wehlave Some Day Service ON YOUR CHRISTMAS LISY STARR FURNITURE - FRANK HOAG w--l000 Evenings ii ; wih fou Wig lege | PHONE RA 8 6706 MONEY TO LOAN =e tvee Cehuiest | SHETLAND PONY 10) Nnanheg adates | Dial ta 34by __ (DROLECCIONALLY 1 © gol rang We sa t 2 000.00 to §! ( y . X 5.134 4 i y w Sh fit clans tradesman Phone 13--Gardening ry "Supplies $2 ' 6.00 te 330,000.00 fon TRY US : Jl hp <1 / NYLONS-GLOVES Che GS oi Na Year's PRUNED SEE SANTA! RAB.1177 COMPLE IE -- or aangag, Ne, TRIO. GOOD EATING "Supersilk" or "Kayser" Rrashly. Wied, drassed and Scotch Pine: Also . w-- GARDEN SERV ICE impr ved property resi an TEL EVISION ROR TAME + Attractively Gift Boxed Seitvered. ipecio price on Spruce and Ba! sam. White Rose TED VEENHOF Gardens ploughed, disced urban and ccm, bol Sum hy FOR TOP QUALITY Chane Then A WE LYMER Color ed, Witte, S "Vi Well Digging i JI, © mer sortagey 171 BOND ST. EAST APPLES WARD'S AT MAPLE GROVE Gold, Silver, Blue Service Station Summerland Securities Lim 31 Simeon St. SRA 5.1151 MA 3.5049 or Pink Table and Comer of Simeee ond Cleanouts & Deepening removed ed. 112 Sim Street 7 Loo : ---- A \ LLL ae + Compresor Walk RA 8.1798 North. Cahowa Taare Th RA 8.6781 FOR CHRISTMAS GIVING apartment size Wentworth pve------ | S3500. = thal and hall bu FRIDAY, DEC 9 RA 8-3864 AURORA SAND & 40" TOWERS $45 pt eso Bry : WAIL. : A ie EE neg he lo GRAVEL MONEY 10 10' ROOF ANTENNAS $30 TRY LIS Before you look elsewhere, let us say thanks with a Xmas Sift 1015 KING ST. EASY Gifts for the children i GIVE YOUR BATHROOM | Brick Sord Conred Stans | be YAR AT RA § 1764 SPORTS GOODS ON °° A NEW LOOK Road Gravel, Pit Run 20' ROOF ANTENNAS $22 PALLOCK : Genuine ceramic wall tile in VALLEY FARM RD LOAN : ABSOLUTELY FREE [maaan DISPLAY FOR THE FAMILY Walled by an expert 9c wg Pha Nabil Completaly Instalted ORCHARDS Ww 39 SM <r | CHRISTMAS de . Be it. Copper tile for kitchen ong Mobile 8.38 Mane ith purchase of $39.50 ar more, one aluminum lawn chair or _ TRANSPORTATION oy HOBBIES » dash $195 sq. 0 Coll after TEmple © es for all types of mart With 2:¥Year Warrant One Mile North Whithy we door grill value $9.95 -- With purchase of $100.00 or more o Pp 3 8; for fist and second ° 2 Bela: A ne QE \ and Meone Highway 12 Bast Side name-brand toble radio value $19.95 EMERG VIE ON AMMERST TILE SERVICE mortgages on all types of real | EN & | Ol I'S i Selt-storing doors from $39.50 The Sate Way ta Celebrate CONNIE. & CLIFF'S OWEN BROTHERS CO LTD estate including vacant lands 4 he Maoliday Sec RL TREE EXPERTS = | ih 'wm morgage io CITY TV PARTY irs. widen hae Jee ROE WT HOBBY 3--Buiding M Moti | We tposialiie. in Wee Brn mortgages ond "agreements | RA 5.7844 || for Your Chvistmar an ' ' Mercury Taxi a op : best Vion. wee hal: a ing, tres planting, tree ie for sale purchased App p IF ds 1 New ars R at ¥ is, craft supplies, Th re Lorre gt Mi moving ty work M. Swarts, 28)3 King Street : ¢ THE MOULIN pilin : | DIAL ALUMA SEAL CQ. RA 5 0365 RA 5.4771 He railvave toys. Lay-wway 45 KING § RA 8.3431 Baas Lid. $81 | Bost Oshawa. Telephone RA 802 SIMCOE ST § J ( Wa dial fu | PHONE RA 35207 sud hy Tarvies Cathy, 33.00 RA 8-436 ANYTIME Oshawa's Most Modem 16 Bond St W, v

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