IATA AAR Sore Won. P30 om. tw 6 pm U8, Business hgh Ld YOK 4/AP Rion | Ey " . m employment cast & darkening ' TL 4 rorment, cot. doing | | | | Printed Cotton 4 ono this week " "18 / : th ¢ i | Indications were thal the : ; ; i T bl | th ] jem will get re before i eote : Hoy ih : / a ec [+] $ 3 i754 # A of | ne ator department reported ih Big End-of-line _clearaway! * | unemployment has increased Wn) more than hall of the nation's a . ee, iy : | 150 MAF Industrial centres wh ; : Reg, 2.98 and 3.95 lk esl HRETRPIY HEN i / 4 5 / : stantial in BI areas, compared} § , : Come ond by for Christmas giving end Christmastime i w 'A Hoenthet aia The § ? eniertoining! Several pretty designs, aif printed on "Wake ariment labels the mimber of ¥ pov k / 11 fi: ah red cotton. Cole mefifs in yellow, idle substantiol when It excends| 5 : : , oss' quality pre-leundsé yhow, i | é 4 / oqua, cacoa-brown or pink; medern novelty periemmn In red, six peveent of the local labor . '1 / force i k p 4 wg ty rquoiss, yellow er pinkiguent French scene bordering | Unempoyment in Movember | oo" J ? ' : V 4 solid-colour centres in green, red, pink or yellow was estimated at 4.000000, La - jo iv hor department officials said) m ; 5 2 x 527, Reg, 2.98, fl the total to exceed) : ys Ap gid Jonuaky, 10 : JATON Severity oy 2.19 BENEFITS CUT RE 2 hia d - ly rrr PEr ES Four steel Companies reduced § | v 7 ; a Di eC on d . ment hen - efits to laid-off workers hecause : - ! : 52 x70, Reg, 3.95, 3 of # heavy drain on funds a EATON Opportunity Dey Special, sach v ' President-elect John Kennedy § | 7 "i appointed a "task foree" to de a i vise means of helping depressed y 1 BYERS, CAMERA FOLLOWS TROOPS ON TO NORMANDY BEACHES SAN ok sconomine. id. 8 Col gressionsl commitiee the eoun itry 15 In a recession hut it is 3 hd ton early to tell how severe i eagoing Cameraman | declined to term the situation & recession but sald conditions are sluggish, . HE The new president of the Na tional Association of Manulae turers, John W. MgGovern, for- : Imer president of U.S, Rubber : Co,, predicted that 1961 will he a PORONTO (CPGih Milne, an ness in Toronto when he Joined than 16 years, He began plans. good year for business, He said Worle horn landiubber who!the navy 8s & photographie of: for it before the war ended. This he expected the economy to he at lo sen with a camera, has ficer during the war year the RCN marked its 50th| gin pulling out of its slump after covded Wis impressions of the Gib remembers vividly many #aniversary and he was asked to the first quarter yal Canadian Navy in the Bec:of the scenes in his hook produce the hook as a record ofl Chairman Koger Blough of U8 i World W na book WE As a lieutenant aboard the the savy as he saw It in Wis view: gree! Corp, said prospects of an u converied cruiser Prince David naer increased operating rate for the { Ollet ie nan] Plates 1% whose landing erafi helped in the He and his collaborators have! steel industry are improving, He titled H M.C.8. after the letters jiberation of Greece, he was. one donsted royalties from the hook) sald steel Inventor les of - eusio } es of wartime navallof the first allied officers in ™ Cane mers are as low now as they e ships could not bel Athens, He took part in the vie y th I orl. anadian Naval were at the end of the 1968 steel plified. From is title-page!tory parade, sometimes dashing] ocr oent Ful sirike oo quad of grimaced, out of the ling of march to! Working with him in putting However gf opt dived net elding blue-jackets (oi photograph the procession p othe N ank| BEAIN this week to an estimates ' "newly dibearted| pe I ' the book together were Frank g's" oor cont of eapacity™from hook 18 full of shots SHOT THE ACROFPOLIS Lowe, war correspondent now 48.9 last week nd the men who Newly - liberated Greeks asked associate editor of Weekend mag New passenger car sales in m him for all sorts of favors but azine; and three former naval November sotilled a9. 400, equal ; y 9 ' / 3 J] J 4: 3 4] nove i 6 i and president of| he Bot the big one from them. Helioutenants: Max Newton, Pro-|io0k Fave ations are that De ' t tographie firm of PETEUAded them to turn the flood #66, Expectations are that De y Toront PhoLORFapH duction editor of Weekend; Beott| cember sales will push the year's oh a wert Milne and Company is first taste of famed Acropolis ko he ecould| Young, Toronto Globe and Mail total to hetween 6,100,000 and " / 4 The 4 ' p . . . . as a small hoy I Photograph I by night, The photo sports columnist; and Joseph!" RRR. this week totaled] Irish Linen Luncheon Set Linen Damask Tablecloths W¢ ¢ Hat darkroom Sehull, author of the official RCN | un estimated 136.000, u pf i , up from| portrait photographer father, Before the invasion of Nor: histor | oek's 108 . , te ( 16s (3 Milne, He was mandy, the navy assigned Milne Hslory " - . last week's 135400 | Special Purchase ! End-of line ! Reg. 8.95 news photographer and build: to photograph officers and men | Nie antran (rics far te dirs table sms. te make 1 fine Salk fhr- waar up -his own commercial busi- aboard Canadian landing craft Gift-y looking, lovely little sets in colours te match flowers and Christmas greenery end good things , . . te buy for @ Yule bride! Grape (whose chances of survival were | leaf-and-fruit damask d d ple tin horde [not considered great. Then, due candles! Made of linen from Northern Ireland, packed in transs elev! dom det gn anc pain sevin border A F Cloth about 60 x 90", Reg 8,95 to some mix-ups, he was ordered | " " oth abou x : Reg §.¥4, 5 95 rusiee QI) [#5 naval photographer to duty on | parent wrap inside an attractive box, Cloth about 36" x 36 EATON Opportunity Day Special, sach ne lone of the landing eraft hound with 4 napkins. In natural, sage green, pink, aqua yellow 1 44 Matching Napkins about 20 x 20", Reg. 75, hh y tases B On Novel open ad to photograph my: A HOME LIKE THIS | EATON Opportunity Day Special, 5-pce, set EATON Opportunity Day Special, each ,. . .. self," he recalls EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT, 236 PHONE RA 5.7373 ights--unused for years--on the . Gil's first worry was to make CAN BE YOURS | sure his film got back safely to | 4 iin pg vey Stirs Storm | England if anything happened to| I yi by WINNIPEG (CP An at.|him. He assigned a stoker to this| ig cdi mpt ta han the novel Barom [task and then began filming the ;; 4 ffi " at 4 et eam Manitoba high invasion fleet ie ¥ | ioe . / " | ki chools has heen termed every:| Dysembarking troops were hil : | i ; i oy / po f ! neg from dangerous to irres.|and the upper works of the eraft p on I 3 ~ y/ bf : 7 J f mEihle y provineial educa. were splattered with German i 7 ¢ | 4 gh" Folly A i | Cy % : A / { Hits fire but the panoramic shots of fhe criticism followed a deels-|the invasion Gib took from a n Thursday hy the Manitoba Eun mount on the upper deck| 4 : 1 J u " wal Trustees Association tojwere the first published in North | : A d k the department of education) America #7 it 4 y take the hook out of the eursl "Years later," he says, "1 ; 7 y | LS culum learned from the eaptain of the lany delegates at the trust-| landing 'eraft that that gun mount convention admitted they|was riddled with fire " ted for the bhandthe-hook reso . i an without having read the] FULFILS DREAM SEE THEM AT : ; ook by Canadian author Hugh! Many of his photos are of ships / {acLennan ' {in the angry North Atlantie or| d I A ww Walter 1 Swayse, an Eng:|Maving in fo invasion heaches, | . : / \ prafessor at United College, but his favorite shot has an al: ' almest peaceful quality, It shows) i he was dismayed that l\ Py ipasedly responsible' organ: Men on landing eraft waiting un.| tion eould condemn a bookder - lowering clouds and hel OPPOSITE DONEVAN HIGH SCHOOL i]! " nen many delegates didn't even hroting cliffs of the Italian is \ now its title and of Ponza. That was where| | Fr | hi more immoral than|Crews trained for the August, ® Many, Many Extras ® v.: f thing In Mr MacLennan's| [044 invasion of southemn| i \ J. --- eg. - he said rae SALESMAN : : ; Gib's book - | ON SITE ALL WEEKEND 4 AID BOOK PROFANE | Sib's beak la a dream of more A soft, fleecy weave with many uses , , , elogate ald the han was oid Wha LL BLE DEER CHECK Information by Phoning = children's sleepwear, erib sheets, pyjamas! hratane wnd vOIEa HALIFAX (CP) = Provinoial| | = i Handsome colours of brown, wine, blue or Here ave the Somenta iro) conservation officials are asking LLOYD REALTY A, J BOLAKOOD 2 : green, all with white. "Sanforized" and A hunters to turn in the jawbonest 107 SIMCOE N, 169 SIMCOE §, : ' : \ hand-washable, End-of:line clearance Hon : a A. 1. Wheeler af the Un : ie Het Jog Saud. We Mel RA 8-5123 RA 5-6544 ! 4 | 4 EATON Opportunity Day Manitoba English de | fa ban this hook is|health and productivity of the| Special, yard PALANAN IAN i preposterods, but dans province's deer i poms Mdiculous to thout a book where pas d vice are treated with : " ad intedligenee, consid ES \ \ hat kind of literature Is wm newstands," A N. Halstead of the pA iy a allege English depart } = b ih \ hip is a very ding to he exerelsed WA o | \ A 'natural' for little girls' party dresses, crisp opie Who dont kinw what } \ curtains, pretty aprons! Hand-washable, with suhil Stack, president of the 0 nn SCOTCH WHISRY : : \ a permanent finish; choose it in white, light fanitoba Teachers' Soelety: *l a very hesitant about the, au Inner Band _blug, lime green, emerald, yellow, mauve, p ""N fl nw : rity of the Trustees Alecia i coral, aqua, royal, navy, peach pink or black an dixouny had Yummy Control , , . aiurnex EATON Opportunity Day 1 . deh most obviously had mot il " Wy 'oy [7 Special yard i vires tannsannns WOULDN'T BAN IT {i d ; i. M. . Soeurfield prinaioal of : Ohurehill High School; "We have v he hook in our library, We So : : : 36" CHRISTMAS PRINTS , not push it too mueh but it is g ' \ To aie you light, conloriabls ad introduction to modern : . ) ne ature and there is certainly i Two-way stretch elastic inner control under sportswear; twee Reg. 1.19 casoil to ban it : Both Winnipeg daily papers x bands firm and flatten tummy. way stretch panty girdles at gattiod sdorial _ safe Surtbons Famous for aver a . ; ! 2 Nylon re iu fone igh t tached to seamless 'Helanco' - Gay, colourful Christmas designs . , , These he Tribune Hi lve La a steund Ne y : : ¥ po saan undercums. 2 Np stretchy nylon stockings Red or for pretty tablecloths and matching napkins, vall ol art NE soaring sales iB } { sheer embroidered upper cups black striped with white in girdle. aprons. Hand-washable, patterns printed on The caption: Barometer Rising WoNd . .. new avaliable : © White only. B cup, sizes 34 and One size fit 24 to 30 waists grounds of green, red and black. Clearing The Free Press ay a bund for all Canada to enjoy. oF \o 40 only; C cup, sizes 34, 36, 38 e 32 h and-of-line ib ya olassreom Ww COPY ) \ cB . \ 1 only novel concealed in a text y i : wid WhisReTing X : : EATON © i : EATON Opportunity Day EATON Opportunity Day 79 : aphantly to a neighbor that he 2, hs ¥ pportun ty Day Special otich Special, yard a . assesses another Macken 100% SKOTH WHISKY DISTILED. NAIRED or Special, each , Wn novel mi-- AND BOTTLED I SCONAND BY EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT, 233 ANCIENT LETTER 08 ON DISTILENEL SAOW, XONAS ' 5.99 2.49 PHONE 8A 28 LAON, France (AP) ; » er written hy Pope Alexander 11 in 1178 was found being used EATON'S UPPER LEVEL. DEPT. 600 as ! Sov JHONE RA 5.7373 covering for an anc ent regis 1] AGENTS IN CANADA: CANADIAN BY UM. MONTREAL " a the mayor's office. The FE a a & EATON'S Telephone Order Service Opens at 8.45 a.m. || hitahe 1,