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The Oshawa Times, 15 Dec 1960, p. 17

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' | were Wayne Robert Ferguson, 15, every mie dong the bank earth wm the cave and "i us Margaret's Hair aw wis sort of canis as ont 7 'Patrol Urged Kenneth Bamsey, 15, and Wis cid whe spends the men pik he hair a the Se Llommended wn Increase police BEht in the cave, Which they bad is que Rorine 1s lees al then B yeas, vowed Be Wowk of Polite suprise feo the Siber The nce waves loliowed fol ire when # cave chlapees on seid he AA nt entirely egree snd Beoneth Watson of Blegers neaisn 59 addy By BooRume thE faseen of tor welding cre supper. The hate syle had the elliect of ' one of the youths Aether efies pe tis cold not be pre lopeed. Const. Dervysivre oe ok ThE OANA TIMES, Thoredey, December i', 1966 17 River ge eames Baisey, 16 Miso Wied vemied by pUting & POCEmaEn Was WERE 15 Wen Bf Lond Reginald Edd, 16 Al were "You can't 1Ey 9B the pohice CMSARE 1B RRRERTWE ; trom Wagers Falls, Opi Aepariment 6 look sfier every ; . 8 G wu Semond tars put ow A | NIAGARA FALLS, 6 cp 5 12, sexiness ty wR ents, aad E18 Wy I - 4 CARA FAL Ont, (EF) brother Larry wer Lg ROWE 6 WE eR ©" (API, Re Borys A coroner's jury Wednesday rec colety. The Boye had spent the ges In p type of activity whieh are Rdg he 4 ai I bss 4 AP i pH 4s pos wa Awad tv I op on a E : sag 4 » 4 4 patel a the. Niagara Riyer Sug owl two weeks previensy ors f iLeorge where (hice youths were Coroner Dr. Nicholas Pobren Constables Wikiom Perbysiire REET SWITERGER WHE Be OIE Ciied guests when she wTivES curve Peck 19 the nepe of fhe Sona OB two legs, He Was 1WET Sedoeiday mah 16 FeprEsERt the RECK Ahern Boy, 14 with the Wwry's recommendation. Parks police (94 the jury they { The ' relurned g verdict of The river bank is patrolled periihad exemined the cove op Bot Be Wed Wb he carried om Bln King Besdown asd Dose REI fhe priacesy head ap FOURTH SET OF TWINS | now win boys. The babies Mrs, Marie Cornthwrite, of | Mrs, Cornthwaite had her fourth set of twins Wednesday She had twin girls in Jan tal sing 195 y ~ i YB fo the hospite 2, and | 1952, and Jair, 1956, hoy and Has eight children to prove i. | girl twins in Jan., 1968, and INTERPRETING THE NEWS Wary Approach | On Cuban Trade! By HAROLD MORRISON. cially in view of Cuban efforts (o Canadian Press Stall Writer get her needed imports from Can United BSiates diplomats are Ada m@ving cautiousl in their at A temps to enlist Canadian sym- spokesman said the Herter letier pathy for the American econ-|expressed inability to gel Cana omic squeeze on the regime ofldian co-operation on the embargo Cuba's Fidel Castro [hut the state department sald The kid-gloves approach ap | this Was an exaggerated interpre pears to reflect a fear that Can-| tation of the contents ada if provoked, might take some American diplomals appear an sort of retaliatory action against xious to hrush over the Herter American firms there letter altogether | Budi has made four tnps | commerce department American bus | nessmen are; One diplomal sald Herier was worried thal Canadians ma orried only about big hootleg grah the hig market in Cuba ging. Only if thal occurred, he while the American embargo) apparently told Mueller, would he against exports to Cuba con. want to call the matier to the al tinues tention of Canadians in the The U8. commerce depart: Meantime he apparently eau ment despite Canadian de. Honed Mueller shout the exis nials--is worried that some Ca | te nee of anti-American sentiment nadian exporters may "hootleg lin Canada and expressed concern embargoed American goods tol ahout raising foo mue h fuss about the Caribbean country, thus de-|( anadian sales to Cuba feating the purposes of the em-| hargo while American exporiers| lose thelr market Jobless March And the state department 18 concerned that in promoting an economic squeeze against Castro 0 L | t ft may have widened cleav yages n egis a ure between the U.S. and her and Canadian friends TORONTO (CP) Unem ans ployed workers will march on HAS WRITTEN HERTER Queen's Park today to demand Commerce Secretary Frederick jobs, higher welfare payments Mueller has written State Beere-\for the unemployed and a mor tary Christian Herter EXPressing| atrium on debts of the jobless concern over the embargo, espe Groups from Toronto, Hamil " ton, Windsor, Welland and Pet OFFICIALS INVESTIGATED |erborough may he joined hy rep MANILA (Reuters) The sosentatives from London and g [ Philippine Presidential, plies a Aembers Yof the Windsor Un nounced more than i BOV employed Organization took part ernment officials have been In in a motor cavalcade to Ottawa vistigated since 1067 for alleged! 7 esday where a 100-man dele corrupt practices, About 13,000| gation met five federal cabinet administrative cases have been | ministers and conferred with decided, resulting in the convie-|the Liberals and the COF-New Hon of 9,000 officials [Party caucus | pounds, 13 ounces | Jo Toronto Jazz voealist ~ Saccidental death on Inquest! adically, he said, nd seh pg 'Wsey, the fay helene » a aihdistissnid fads # Prk sali ¥ abicie A -- ic born Wednesday pounds, 4 ounces {« (CP Wirepholo) Jazz Vocalist Back To Work LONDON (CP)--Lady Listowel Blevie Wise who gave up sing-| NE two years ago when she mar ried the Governor General of | Ghana, will be back hefore the foatlights Sunday The 27-year-old blonde mother | of one, living in London again now that her 64-year-old hus | hand, Lord Listowel, is 8 mem-| her of the British parliamentary | delegation to NATO, will return] to the stage of the Royal Court Pheatre Sunday night and sing everal songs from The Pyjama Game Bhe 1s taking part in a8 one: night show, Songs in the The: atre, with eight other perform ers I am loving getting hack fo it 2 all again," said the pretty lady, 'But 1 am not doing much at the moment the toughest thing ahout a comehack is letting peo-| ple know you're available for work.' GAVE IT UP When Miss Wise married Lord Listowel she was quoted widely In British newspapers as saying, "I want to be a good housewife I am giving up Jazz singing for aver. | ever | But she said that after they were married "we both decided that 1 should go back to acting and singing when It became pos sible," "Of course F couldn't do any thing living in the governor-gen eral's palace in Ghana, Couldn't even do any recordings." Lord Listowel returned to Lon don several months ago to re sume his seat In the House of Lords and become Labor peers' representative In the shadow | cabinet, along with the NATO as signment | Rifle Carried Man Is Fined MONT LAURIER, Que, (CP)| George Taylor Fulford, 41, of Brockville was fined $78 and costs Wednesday for possession | of a rifle in restricted hunting territory He pleaded guilty to the charge. He and Arthur Fell, also of Brockville, had heen ar raigned Oct, 1 on. the rifle charge, and charges of shooting a moose out of season, All| charges against Fell were with 1 drawn Wednesday, 'along with one against Fulfo'd The men wers accused of hunt ing moose in Mont Tremblant | Park near La Macaza, Que, 110 miles north of Montreal Hunting is legal in the park] except on the territory of private clubs whieh hold special leases andl during proper seasons Both men pleaded on arraign: | ment that they had been forced to shoot the moose because it charged their car, Two game wardens who made the arrest testified thd moose's body was 4 > ~ Lo] 1 LETTERS TREASURED Mrs. Alan Rose, 3. reads | Jured i} a mine cave-in at Tim of many letters of courage and | Wins, (hat. Doolors who gave admiration for her husband | UP. Bow {or his. life last week whe is in "extremely critical end savy an artificial Kidney Ww be od tomorrow to drain Sondtition in hospital today, a Mf piso fram his svsiem most 8 month afer being ia | ~(CP Wirephoto) 200 feet fram the car US. Expands 'Bomarc Plans | WASHINGTON (CR) The United States Alr Force has de oiled to expand its- Bomare-B anth-aireraft missile program at (Nigara Falls, N.Y., to provide {increased defence protection along the Canada - US. border area, Originally planned as a 28 missile site, the hase will be ex panded to take a total of 48 nu clear tipped missiles, the de partment said Wednesday Missiles for Niagara Falls ave to he delivered next summer The two squadrons in Canada, at North Bay and Mont Laurier, Que, are to gel missiles in 1962 ANNIVERSARY OUTPUY MEXICO CITY (AP) Special 10-peso coms featuring partraits of ex-president Francisco Ma dere and Father Miguel Hidalge jon one side and the Mexican state seal on the other boing minted. They are Wh anniversary oelebratl the revolution LIKE NEW Q fo. protects te softness new hs ¢ ce the affective capacity tub wringer add a red ribbon and it's ready for Christmas, ® ROTARY TIMER ® Multi-Heat Temperature Control Enjoy (zs Liberal Ie LRLLEY .® Big Capacity Drying Drum ® Giant Size Lint Filter Here's all you need to do a coms plete wash indoars where It is comfortable and warm, The Au tomatic Dryer will dry your clothes faster use less electricty and leave your clothes softer and fluffier than many more expensive models, It has a giant lint filter and ean be vented in any direc tion up, down, front, back or either side without special adap ters. A perfect match for a good washer ONE LOW PRICE BUYS THE PAIR! A good looking Washer at a real low price, and built to do a lage family wash in a hurry, It has a 10.1b metal agitator Lovell safety chrome drainboards and pump, Simply

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