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The Oshawa Times, 15 Dec 1960, p. 19

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Poles Hungry For Fashions eves snd prostitutes dothes are Ing WK pegs ow with litle atiempt to Catal ection on Misha east Hit fashionable had Aste in clothes a chance 6 sy Avrsses, Mowaes, Sars sod eoats. To # pont, the ALGRETIRENT sian el fei BOTHER [i371 able ten SOLED BY WANDS SOWIE SIITIIEY ATRSSRS RTE on Slsplay un the sdlon. mos of them edly soled By handing Most of The winter Avesses show are markedly ind guished in styling But & woman sesvehe SNONER, hE caR Hien HIRES some weliAatioved tems (6 ay The clothes can searesly descrited as hav gang in terrae of Polish salaries, A decent comis between LAW and Aotys 'n # country where average monthly pay of an dustrial worker is ony dotyx. Much of the hwying credit The salon puis shows every week, display Yule Trees By M. McINTYRE HOOD Special to The Oshawa Times ie hegasng of Decemines Consimas Dey, (nrestry mmission keepers, equipped with walkie falls machines wd sworn In as special constables 4 gfley years oF with powers of arvest, will pe duwrtage. They keep comung hack wine A8Y WB (ges the Cheistings tree planta: fel the New Forest ares lo pro tions from thieves They are usually aceompanied by # AE, i SRE LRSES CRTY Shot fon geekection se this js #2 sate forest searing to J, E. Leshe, he Mistrial CORBI SFIONEY. Ne PE gle think they are entitled (mo slp themesives un a CROSIMas free. But i is pot the caswal ef whe takes ome (Ee Whe the greatest protien COME FROM LONDON Christmas free sales ae @ erative us 4 said Me Leslie. Peopl from London for a GREE profit Fowr or Pye of them WOng # tk anf they may like 9 trees in 2 pight--0 bring them dome $0. Bome years EH # gang ct down TH frees Bn one part of the fovest wt we caught mem." | The Forestry Commission is iHasel in the Christmas (ree We fie yesy i eapects tn oul and sell ahowt 1050 trees fom the New Forest, These will peo duce shout $109 Wn aa FEyEnNE oy He one Wl Cutting of the trees Was Maen ed early na December, #6 now in full swing. And the i» keepers were on patrel as he CHInE Was GWRE WN, KECPIRE IR § bonis Wilh THREW NEROAGRGTIETS WY fieid Leiepnime NORWAY SPRUCE The Christmas tress which ae sold by the comm an pre main ly eight fest tall tops of Norway Spruce. WINER are UBReG 8 1s time of the year, The lower po NS Mee 4 as pi pops aA fencing oases Some of Be large Wess ME sid intacs to faciowies and ove authorities who may wan # Cheistimas tree #0 fest igh. They pay shout $9 for these on fhe site and have 6 collect them KEPT SECREN .VARCOUYVER (CP When u Buda Brown was named 19, the British Columbia canes as minister withow portiche, he i Ad reporiers he'd known showt the appointment for severed days before i was announced Being a woman, | think #8 preity wondertul kesping # se added eres like that," PARISIAN GIANY Fremee's longest dwelling, am aperiment in a Paris suburb, ex tends 1897 fest ! {ate, a federal byelection victory ! slonal {to Joan Johnson Abiscott, 27 {1960 and the Imperial Order THE OSHAWA TINGS, Thorsdey, Decsmber 15, 1968 19) HBR TTA HC IR Af Britain's first nuclesr-power- | ed submarine Dreadnought Is launched Bt Barrow 4n-Furness, SR SHG "BRITISH ATOM SUB of the navy's ships, including » guided - missile vessel, have been built in the last 16 years, Lancashire, in a steady buildup of the Royal Navy's strength during 1960, About 80 per cent The Dread ht is expected to £0 into service in 1962, ~CP Photo from UKIO By EDNA BLAKELY Canadian Press Bialf Writer Women extended their repre- sentation in public life in Canada| during 1960 with the appointment of two grandmothers lo the Sen-| in Ontario and the appearance of the first woman member in the Nova Scotia legislature Mrs, Joanna Quart, 62, of Sil lery, Que., and Mrs. Olive Iry- ine, 64, of Winnipeg, joined five other women in the Senate, Mrs, Quart is president of the Women's Progressive Conservative Associ- ation of Canada and Mrs, Irvine is a former school teacher Judy LaMarsh, 35 - year - old lawyer, became the 11th woman to he elected to the Commons She won Niagara Falls for the Liberals and joined three Pro- MPs--Immigration Minister Ellen Fairclough, Jean Casselman and Margaret Aitken, Gladys Porter, 65, mayor of the| Annapolis Valley town of Kent ville, broke the male monopoly in| the Nova Scotia legislature when she won Kings North for the Pro. gressive Conservatives, CHARLOTTE BACK And at the municipal level, Charlotte Whitton returned as mayor of Ottawa after an ab: sence of four years Politics wasn't the only field in which the ladies made their mark, Mary Louise Lynch, Saint John, N.B,, lawyer, h the gressive Conservative women K Grandmothers In The Senate met 8 CBC executive on a flight from Frobisher Bay and a few months later was in Montreal learning to he a program pro ducer for a late-evening radio broadcast in the Eskimo lan. guage, Singer Joan Stuart, 22, of Tor. onto, became engaged to enter. tainer Bammy Davis Jr., in Jan. uary despite objections from her parents, But the engagement was called off in April and the Negro singer later married actress Mai rite, Former Hastings MP Dies, Aged 80 BELLEVILLE (CP) -- William L. Tummon, Conservative mem. her of the Commons for Hast. ings South from 1925 to 1935, died Wednesday in hospital, He was 0 He was a pst secretary of the Hog Producers' association of Ontario and also past president of the Belleville Preshytery of the United Church, His wife, the former Ethel .Fin- lay, survives with three sons and two daughters, Funeral will be Friday in Foxboro, six miles north of here NEWS IN BRIEF first of her sex to serve on the National Parole Board, Berag- nere Gaudet was certified as Montreal's first female notary, The continuing campaign. for equal rights with men got a hoost in Halifax when women got their first chance in 20 years to serve on juries, There had heen no legal barrier hut it was the prae- tice to amit their names from the Jury lists, Alderman Abbie Lane spearheaded the demand for the change, Women were prominent in the affairs of immigration, and not simply because the federal de. pariment is headed hy a woman minister, The most celebrated immigrant was an internationally famous heauty, Gina Lollobrigida, whe chose Toronto as her home in or der to establish citizenship for her stateless husband, Dr, Milko Seofie, and their son, The 2,000,000th immigrant since the end of the Second World War was a young lady, 16-year-old Annette Toft of Denmark, who arrived in December and went to live in Calgary, FIGHT TO STAY Two other women fought to re main in Canada, Ireni Rebrin, 88. year-old lecturer in Russian at the University of British Colum. bia, appealed to the Supreme Court of Canada against a de portation order, In Ottawa, Mrs, Louis Yuet Sun, 28, of Hong Kong, fought to stay in Canada with her WILL STRENGTHEN UN NEW YORK (AP)--Dean Rusk and Adlai Stevenson conferred Wednesday and said the new ad: ministration of President - eleet dohn Kennedy wil work to strengthen the United Nations in hope of ending the cold war, DELIVERS OWN BABY OSAWATOMIE, Kan, (AP)=A 28-year-old housewife delivered her own baby in the family mo. tor car Tuesday night, then calmly wrapped the infant in her coat and drove home, The mother, Mrs, Christopher Culp and her eighth child, a seven pound, nine-ounce girl, are pes ported in good condition > SEES POSSIBILITIES OTTAWA (CP) -- A Canadian trade commissioner in Paris sald Wednesday he is 'very optimise tie" over Canada's export prose pects in France, Andrew Knie wasser told a press conference there are "excellent possibils ities" for sales of Canadian lum. her, plywood and paper products, There were also chanel for sales of medium-priced Tia dian dresses as style-consclous French women liked to buy, something different, DIES UNDER COAL NEW YORK (AP)--As his fel. low workers dug frantically te save him, a § - year - old coal son, born here while visiting her father Canadians had reason to he proud of the sports accomplish ments of two young women, Anne/ Heggtveit of Ottawa established herself as the world's hest woman | skier when she won a gold medal| at the Winter Olympies in Squaw Valley, Calif | Toronto figure skater Barbara Wagner of Toronto teamed up with Bob Paul to win Canada's only other Olympic gold medal, capturing the pairs champion: ship, They later turned profes. ® Less - weleame publicity came year-old Torahto model, who was dubbed "Shady Lady" by Tor. onto newspapers after she posed as a professional divorce oco-re spondent on a CRC TV show Later she said her story was a hoax TWO ANNIVERSARIES The Canadian Girl Guides marked their golden jubilee in Daughters of the Empire cele tender died under a 250-ton aval anche of coal at a brewery, Far. rell J. Blaney had slipped and fallen into a coal hopper ONE STATE MISSING WASHINGTON (AP)---The cer. tification of Ilineis' presidential vote Wednesday brought Presi. dent . elect Kennedy's' national majority over Vice - President Nixon to 113,563 votes, Only Rhode Island remains to report je official vote in the Nov. @ elec. tion GIRL UNHURT CHENOA, II, (AP) -- Thirty cars of a freight train passed over 15-year-old Margaret Cleary at a orossing Wednesday, The girl flattened herself between the rails and was unhurt, She had tried crawling under a stopped train DURANTE MARRIES NEW YORK (AM -- Jimmy Durante, completely solemn for one of the few times in his pubs brated its 60th birthday And in Montreal, Rev, Mother St, An. toine de Padoue, 91-year-old Car of contemplative lic life, was married at a little church around the comer from Broadway Wednesday to Marg. ife in the clois- years. The groom, 67, has been ter of Carmel d'Hochelaga ja windower since 1044. It was the melite nun, Sompleted 70 years aret Little, his girl friend for 168 Eskimo stewardess Ann Padlo{firet marriage for the bride, 40.

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