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The Oshawa Times, 15 Dec 1960, p. 2

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A 2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thurndey, December 15, 1960 4 |Commons Diet Mum On Cuban | Mission | OTTAWA (CP) -- Prime Min. parties heaped criticism Wednes- ker deel the day on the government's pro- foter Diefoiialsts dastived A ayposed National Productivity whether he shares the view of|Council, contending it will have "2 [Trade Minister Hees concerning|littie--if any--impact as an im- the Cuban trade mission to Can.|mediate unemployment remedy, ada, The council legislation, fourth Opposition Critical Of Productivity Plan OTTAWA (CP) ~ Opposition|point, "that this bill is not de- The bill signed to create job or immedi ately alleviate unemployment for the 429,000 (unemployed in mid-| November) or any part thereof) and that there hes been misrep-| resentation to the public at large about the scope of this measure and its goal?" ing that Canada couldn't do busi. ness with better businessmen anywhere, Lionel Chevrier (L--Montreal Laurier) asked whether Mr, Die- fenbaker shared this view. Mr, Keer was quoted 8s say-|plece of a group billed as anti- unemployment Theasures, en- countered hard Commons knocks us ONE LL part of the during the detafled study preced-|, open' aid Mr, Starr, who ing final approval. Discussion, .." the' third cabinet minister continues today, to take charge of the legislation, | "A farce," said J. W. Pickers- Others were Tradé Minister Hees A red hand was added to the star and crescent flag of the Algerian held aloft by strators in Algiers today as yy " MOSLEMS DEMONSTRATE, IN ALGIERS they swarmed out of the native Casbah quarter in renewed rioting, French forces resorted to guns, tear gas and concus- sion grenades to turn back the stration, rebels Moslem demon- nationalist Algiers) screaming nationalist demon- ~(AP Wirephoto via radio from Mr, Diefenbaker sald Mr, Hees had made a statement several days ego snd that since Mr, gill (L--Bonavista - Twillingate), "a faith-healing operation." "These segments are like one Pat A od 4 Jafut adel then. he o. those jigsaw puzzles with some al rv. Hee of the pleces missing and the ma Sheviler_sild a. Hets prime minister tells us they are going to be missing until he sees ago. . fit to bring them down," ASKS REACTION Portions would be brought Opposition Lender Pearson down periodically, "making 8 asked what steps the govern- headline this week and another ment was taking to prevent oot. headline next week," legging of American - prow . 4 oes from Comada to Cuba, |SVCS NOTABLE RESULTS Mr, Diefenbaker said the same, Through co-operation 'with the procedure was being used as in(councl, retorted Labor Minister st, The government could|Starr, it ig his opinion that "no. idl gan - eran of goods|table" results could flow in the from the US, \ next six months, Acting Trade Minister, Chureh-| The council was part and par- il said in reply to George Mc-icel of a program "to take care Iraith (L--Ottawa Vest) that nolof the federal share of responsi. export permits have been issued bility' in the field of unemploy- since Oct, 1, 1960, for sale of Ca- iment, he told Judy LaMarsh, nadian strategic materials to|freshman Liberal MP for Ni. Cuba, |agara Falls who ccoly took a Mr, Churchill said 21 applica-|leading role in the debate, tions have been received since| 'I take it," she g:id at one Oct, 1 for export permits for the = -------- sale of goods to Cuba, Of these,| DUQUETTE SENTENCED Elliot Lake Yuletide ad been approved, one re-| 8, one withdra n and two ST. THOMAS (CP) -- Claude were still under study, | Duquette, of Tillsonburg was sen- | tenced Wednesday to six months Brings More Firings ELLIOT LAKE mas in Elliot Lake more dismissal notices, more va-|it is, cant homes and far fewer of the (CP)==Christ- will mean|boom-and bust history, short as|lars service: | . | mortgage 3P11S Levies vil Parliament | Elliot Lake has had a truc/ments invested millions of dol- in publie It is only seven years since] At the height of the boom, presents found beneath other Ca-| Toronto prospector Franc Joubin| Elliot Lake workers were draw- nadian Christmas trees, discovered uranium ore -- the|ing some of the highest mining Once 4 hoo town of split-| largest known deposit in Western salaries in Canada and uranium (] level homes and modern shop. ping areas, Elliot Lake now faces the prospect of becoming the most elaborate ghost town In history, The work force has dropped from a peak of 10,500 to the pres. ent 3600, It will decline by another 700 when the Algom Quirke Mine closes Dec, 31 Even employees of the weekly Elliot Lake Standard, which sur- vived the gradual decline of the community until now, have been given notice, POPULATION HALVED More than half the population has left, From a high of 25,000 residents, it has dwindled to 10,000, Several businessmen here predict a further heavy slump in January and February, Ralph Sneyd, town trustee and manager of a brokerage firm, sald 270 houses and 38 epart- ments are empty, with more becoming vacant every day, A survey by The Siandard showed Christmas buying here is {movie houses were opened and countries--at Elliot Lake, about/was being mined and processed 90 miles from both Sudbury and|/by a host of major companies, Sault Ste. Marie in' Northern| The bust began in November, Ontarlo, 1959, when the Atomic Energy . - Commission in the United States WAS LARGE PRODUCER which had kept the mines go- Production started about aling hy placing orders for deliv- year later and since then Elllot|eries from 1957 through to 1962 Adjournment Dates Given | OTTAWA (CP) -- Parliament will adjourn from Dec, 1 to Jan, 16. Prime Minister Diefenbaker announced Wednesday in the Commons, Mr, Diefenbaker noted that a Liberal party rally will be held a smile he wanted to assure the fullest attendance at It, | He said that in "ordinary cir- Lake has produced about two- _decided not to exercise options thirds of Canadian uranium and|for Canadian uranium ore be- supply. The Canadian government per:| Nearly 2,000 homes and 500 suaded the AEC to stretch out| apartments were built, six pri-| deliveries until 1966, but the vol-| mary schools and one high schoollume of ore to be delivered re-| went up, three hotels and two! mains unchanged, By 1066, there Is unlikely to be the federal and Ontario govern- work for 1,000 miners. Ambrose Smalls Case Now Closed TORONTO (CP)~--A file of yel-/most baffling cases of the cen- lowed papers was discarded tury, Wednesday, and that finally) Ambrose Small, Toronto the- down 50 to 60 per cent, with most of the luxury items being closed Toronto police books on|atre magnate, vanished 41 years missing millionaire Ambrose|ago this month, on Dee, 2, 1910 left on the store shelves here. 'Small, one of North America's|the day that he received a $1, HOUSE BRIEFS Bridge Revenue {000,000 cheque for some of his properties, Since then, the search has touched many countries of this continent, continental Europe and the British Isles, spurred by a whopping $50,000 reward, Scores of claiments have sent in tips that kept Toronto detec- tives scurrying around for years look over bodies, none of Now Increased which had the twisted toes that HAS NO SUCCESS OTTAWA (CP)--The Commons opposition sought without suc. cess Wednesday to learn when the government plans to recop. vene last October's federal-pro- vinclal fiscal conference, REVENUES INCREASE Revenues from the Montreal didcques Cartier Bridge, subject of criminal prosecutions and a Commons committee study, haveltional {raining programs, increased since automatic toll collecting machines were in. stalled last year, Transport Min. ister Balcer sald. Commons In.iine layoff of 104 Trans-Canada vestigation of the bridge reven. ues indicated that a substantial Air Lines pilots will be staggered increase developed after ma-|from February to August, He chines replaced men as toll col.{sald In a Commons reply that lectors last September, MOVES LENDERS' BILL Senator David Croll (L -- On-'layoffs with conversion to jets. ere a distinguishing mark of Mr, Small tario) reintroduced a private bill °° 0" " in the Senate which would re. NOTHING NEW ADDED quire money lenders to disclose] But nothing really new has in writing to customers the total| gone into the file since the day cost of loans in a !1mp sum and|Mr. Small deposited the $1,000, in terms of Interest, The bill re.|?00 in his bank, lunched, visited celved first reading, nis office in the Old Grand Opera House, bought some news- APPROVES BILL {papers and then dropped out of The Senate gave final approval | sight, to a government bill to increase! If he ls alive today, he is 94. federal ald for provincial voca. One of the few still living who {worked on the investigation in. . moma |itially 1s 93 « year - old Samuel STAGGER LAYOFFS | Dickson, chief constable here in Transport Minister Balcer said|1919, | Mr, Small's wife died In 1935, {leaving an estate of $2,000,000 which. went mostly to charity, Another person close to Small ~hls long-time secretary, John every major airline has been Doughty dled n 5a. Doaghty disappeared about the same time faced with the same problem of | ag Small, along with $105,000 in bonds from his employer's safety Egg Market Plan Given Approval TORONTO (CP) -- About 250 répresentatives of Ontario's egg industry Wedhesday approved in principle a plan to organize the Jarieting of eggs in the prov. e, A general meeting voted in favor of a report by the Egg Marketing Committee, set up eight months ago at the request of the Ontario Poultry Produce. ers' Association to study the sibility of a provincial mar. eting plan for eggs. The committee report now will nearly a quarter of the world) yond 1962, | cumstances" Parliament would] have reconvened earlier than Jan, 16 after the Christmas re- cess, | Liberal Leader Pearson sald that if the government had im.| portant legislation the rally would not stand In its way, Mr, Diefenbaker sald he under. stood the rally would deal with unemployment and the govern. ment would be glad to have ideas from it, "You need them," Mervyn Hardie (L--Maskenzie River), Jobless Clinic Plan Of UAW TORONTO (CP)~The Toronto regional office of the United! Automobile Workers of America| (CLC) has instructed its 10 area locals to open unemployment | committees, | The plan involves setting up| clinfes in the area to deal with| legal, welfare and other prob- lems concerning the unemployed, Dennis McDermott, Toronto area director of the UAW, sald that "we think our plan, which gives the unemployed the advan. tages of maintaining thelr affilia- tions with the trade union movement, is far better than having them rushing around the| country in ineffective demonstra-| tions," | The UAW has not recognized | a cavalcade of unemployed from| lier this week, and who are ex-| pected to come to Toronto today, | Did You Know . .. In the main Dining Room of | the GENOSHA HOTEL you can nave a Full.course Dinner for | ONLY 95¢. = ldeposit box. CANADIAN WELDING here Jan, 9 to 1 and added with| FA shouted | Windsor who visited Ottawa ear.| . definite and three months inde- terminate In reformatory for theft, He pleaded guilty fo steal ing 14 bales of tobacco worth $450, For escaping custody he drew a consecutive term of three months, and Prime Minister Diefenbaker. Senator Urges Trade Treaty OTTAWA (CP)--Senator Wis- hart Robertson sald Wednesday there is not the slightest doubt that Russia believes it can dom- inate Cuba by economic means, Speaking in the Senate throne speech debate, the Nova Scotia Liberal sald that the situation in Cuba is similar to the disappear-| ance of Czechoslovakia behi.d| the Iron Curtain, | Senator Robertson said Canada should take the earliest possible] opportunity to urge the United | States to take the lgad in organ-| izing the 20-member countries of | the Organization for Economie] Co = operation and Development| into one huge trading nation, He sald the formation in Paris) Wednesday of the new OECD fig merely an organizational meet-| ing and has nothing to do with i any trade agreement, | The time was ripe for the for-| mation of the 20 nations. into al trading bloe with a population of 500,000,000, Such action would eliminate trade rivalries which| "will smash us to pieces" unless they are solved, "Our onl yhope is economic co-operation," he sald, provides for a 25 member council including rep-| It should be able to do so, saidImajority Aefested two smend. Mr, Starr, and these would be ments. One moved by Armold welcomed, Peters (CCF -- Timiskaming), Mr. Pickerszill said the British|supported also by the Liberals; council was esta' 'ished in 1948 to} would have added marketing sur. : eys to council ers, deal with a post-war problem | sley W. Carter cluding labor shortage, Canada'®®% --Birin , Burgeo), sui current problem was unemploy- alco by the CCF, called for coun ment, \ |efl-sponsored meetings of indus The. Progressive Conservative|try, labor and consumers, resentatives of . labor, | civil service technics advisers and five members of th, al public -- to Include versity membership, Its aim as set « . Tuesday by Mr, Diefenbaker, elaborating on remarks at an October unem. Jloyment fonteretice spawning the conception Jae on the British Productivity Council, would be more efficient use of men, materials and machines, Industrial research, exchange of technical information, read. justments in the working force caused by automation and other subjects would come within the council's range--for specific in- dustries and areas or generally, Mr. Pickersgill attacked the) bill as containing "every kind of| vagueness ,, , except an appeal to motherhood," ASSURE MARKETS CCF Leader Argue asked where the markets will be if ef- ficiency is improved, and com. nlained the bill Is "exceedingly limited in scope." The council would lack even the power of in-| quiry, Could it even make rec- ommendations to he govern ment? ORGANIST 9-12 NIGHTLY Wednesday, Fridoy & Soturday Afternoon Johnny McMann Featuring: Irish Music == Dec, 12-17 Xmas Music = Dec, 19-24 HOTEL LANCASTER SWIFT'S PREMIUM NO,F RINDLESS Breakfast Bacon lb. 69¢ BOILING OR SOUP MEAT ~~ RIB BONE IN Plate Brisket 1b. 25¢ FRESH, SHANKLESS Shoulder Pork 1b. 37¢c Ih. 23¢ Ih. 35¢ FRESHLY CHOPPED . Kidney Suef Beef Tongues SWEET PICKLED ~~ CRYOVAC ~~ Vi's Cottage Rolls Ih. 59¢ BR An SNA ININGH SP BND INP X00 SIN :TOYLAND SPECTACULAR! AT YOUP. B. F. GOODRICH STORE NOD BAT MASTERSON HOLSTER SET With Cane and Vest, Reg. $4.95, SPECIAL a TREE LIGHTS wiring w= SPECIAL OUTDOOR = 15-light set, SPECIAL ELECTRONIC 'v4 FALCON self ~ 10-PIN BOWLING SET Complete with 2 bowling | 1.98 balls, SPECIAL INDOOR == 7 «light multiple 4.49 Plane that flies it- special. .. 2.99 RRROORTENS -----, LRRQDNEDER SELL lb TRAIN SET Remote control, Battery operated. 00 gauge, Station type battery box, Reversing locomotive, SPECIAL .. 0.88 JERE R08MN OFFICIAL WINCHESTER SADDLE GUN. by MATTEL y sect... 6.49 to provide the agency with any Anformation it required, Any person or group shipping eggs from Ontario for export or Inter-provincial trade would also [be required to provide the agency with information, | A licence and levy fee would be deducted from sale of each dozen s by the grading sta tion and forwarded to the agency. The licence fee would be used for operating costs, the levy for stabilizing the market when a' rsurplus occurs, k All eggs not sold by the sub | be prepared in a final draft bamagents would be offered to the fore veing voted upon by Ontario egg producers. Under the plan, the egg mar keting agency would consult with the trade and set a minimum price each week for eggs. This price would be fob, to the retafl outlets IAS SEVERAL IDEAS An objective of the plan was to provide more- competition at the retail level and less at the grower level, as well as~trying to prevent wide fluctuations in egy prices, The plan would enable the egg marking agenoay 'o nproint grady stations gas sub-agents, The stations would be required agency who would either have them processed or try to sell {them elsewhere, | BRANTFORD (CP)---A special {Investigating committee of the | Bruce County Federation of Agri. {culture in a report released Wed. {nesday was sharply critical of a proposed" provinelal egg market ing scheme, | In presenting the report Ford Papple, a leading poultryman in the Branftord area, said he didn't see how the small producer could be protected by the pro- | posed plan, | ms to me from past bi "yg wal, we have] [to take lower prices to get rid, 'GASES LIMITED , =--=Announce-- Effective MONDAY, DEC. 19 We will be located in our New Building at . 325 BLOOR ST. WEST PHONE RA 5-3471 Mailing Address: P.O. BOX 131, OSHAWA ® Linde Gases & Supplies ® Alrcg flectrodes SORRY A great game ! od R SPECIAL Reduced 25% MONOPOLY GAME in 20] WILD BILL HICKOK and WYATT EARP HOLSTER SETS TEAR DOLLS They drink and wet ! \ spEciAL ...... 9.29 Ay Darthoards Complete with darts, 8 SPECIAL .. LRQODODERN PRD IIDPDY TOY TEDDY BEARS - AND ny DRESS-ME DOLLS @ A eady-to-build, § All plastic, 160 - 1.49 VISIT THE WONDERLAND OF TOYS!! WED. TILL 9 PM, THURS. TILL YY 88 KING WEST SAT Yh | : i ASIII IAAI PI HG ' A e EASY BUDG e NO OUTSIDE FINANCING TERMS BUY . NOW PAY IN JANUARY | :

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