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The Oshawa Times, 15 Dec 1960, p. 32

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; ) : : 'fn Wis riding whe $2 THE OSMAWA TIMES, Thondey, December 15, 1960 | ; Hospital Promitim [ere + reamed aot ws (could not oain renews of Bis mms __| Today's Stock Market Listings on Toronto Exchange |Review Promised Tor vcs I TORONTO (CP) Premiums ' 4 FAREWELL ~ A and Rose (nee) YORONIH 35 AM, BEOCKS : Nes wnder the Ontario hospital insur. 16 Appicabie to ii oer Shower Owens) are Rappy 6 ARBOR fhe hl By The Consdion Frese Wigh Low Il a.m. EW ge Beles Wigh Low 18 a.m PA Sales Wigh Low 1 a. wo ince plan wil be reviewed by PCE REPIIS ol # som on Monday, Dresher i omnis Bias ; Pee. is ¥ Fin 56 wt 8 4 Libis 4 i : : Mr. seid the act wi ot 85. Anduew's Hospuai, Widiand, On ais Suey Esenengs iat t a : Eo i" B A » 4 a fhe ¢ legidinture escly In 1H . 4 the ae a" fo wens unless imorkes oo 1 6 1 Tr Con PL 1609 Si Wh 1% : wo Heslth MWimister Dymond said ng pre yw. $ ; : nl fx wAsyidend, wx--Ex aah HH pA Trans we Ph : ' "i 3 vn Wednesdny en officials 1e3t a nurse BART -- Boh and Marion Hart an rigs, aw Kawa ants.) ] E % Vi 3 ' w & b Ms si dd fluence on B Po Ravina the birth of # Aesgiter, Barbara | Se 13 Pe 4 Un Gas we Hie td : $6 54 i { He made the statement in ye |THCTH REGGE WHF haw, § Mos 12 wis, 98 December §, INDUSTRIALS ] ; 75 y : Un Sle 5 § " ; tos : % dy tn & asestion from Ross Heot He indicated the act would 186, in Victoria Hosp, bondon, On : 5 + % Welk GW Pn Wh -- b . 9 2 A : $ 4 ge amended tars, A mister for Kathy and Tommy. | Wes 4 y pS) » 6 : 1 Whicher (L--Bruce) whe had ! Block Seles Wigh Low 11 a.m. CN gs West C Brew 70 S304 "Wh : 4 5 _ asked whether the Ontario gov GHENA ~~ Me. and Mrs Bilton - or 1 : y 4 . ONeill wish 6 senenes the bith ME A mE Nh BW WH oH ® r " Watton A 98. 4% BA z 8. CInment Wes considering re! Cuban's # son, James HiNon, " Sunday, De | Mis Gags PY 2h + " y West 4 wis ofS 8) 1% " y % ri yo d+ agi ducing the premiums iB view of} $ 1686. ot the Oshawa GERer sits dos or 5 $66 io 5 1 i Word 7 A Fo 3 3 Chuehee's ans 7) provide Bs hos! ' Witie brother foxy Pains 1 $7 - a 3 : Cork 4 Wa Bas wi 718 70 Wo ' Psy Sh. 3 " ) : wn : : pital Insurance scheme withent| aris i Alta Bat Gos 725 Sisk | 14% A : oft . Li 4 } ; direct cost 19 the taxpayers | ROBINSON ~~ My. and Mrs. Gesrge Ag Cen oe $5 | 5h + % 8% 19% A 0 ee hh 4 : : 4 any @ir i" APRYETE ne ; Rotnnson (Ree Rocheiess) wish th an Alg Cen wis 295 Wo wh i i S Beat emit 4 ' is 1 / LJ oo 2 Dr. Dymond said recent news! KITCHENER (CPi--~A Cubes he served of . or on Alimint 1% % % i" i 10% ~ Adis ps - # % 15% 15% + ! 0 ye" . reports indicated the Quebec puto degler's request for spare on. on Mondey yi g . pont ~ 3 3 i% y 2 : > : 5 oe r. at the Oshaws Gesersl Hospital ¥ ¥ 30% + Hus Erie 2% Lon ina h i 4 A ' ¥ Y Won ands phan will not be free He seid if parts has heen filed and for Many thanks to Dy, Doherty Arius 50 pr 1 : ) 5 imp Fie 5 3 2 i i : Wormetah A appears Quebes will ha ve 19 levy gotten" by a ear firm here Ai esi A 25 i y Ws iy 4 iW dd 2 Vv i" 2 4 N oJ |] A RICE ~~ Stirling snd Manon (pee | rd Bier 4 # " i % - on : ) 8 ed AI 3 Bo new taxes tailing 825006 M6 15 A epokesman for Orr Auto Ream) sre prowd 16 snnowice he #01 Bone Vest 16 b 6% 6 : 5 $4 3 Acre Gas 3 "4 : N Rank : 2% g cover the plan's cost mobiles 144, sald he received B sival of # baby sister lor Sharon and Benk NS 4 A 4 4 4 " Am ledue 1 " % 8 h 5 Bs 5 [ J i Tm Netter from a Cuban auto REERCY Michael on Monday, December 12, 194 Bath y y 3 » iy 7 7, 9 " 5 5 26 Oshawa Generss Hospi), Thasks 19] pees" * : 2 "r 1 » : ; Pater 8 A "on 4 os ho : 4 ; VN rsking whether the firm would be Dr. Onan Beay Lime 5 4 9 2 5 Cob 4 4 Was 72 28 y 5 5 ef urt weresiad in supplying spare hy 5 # i H 2 by ~ ¢ A 2 : p 0; # '" % 4 i L + 4 : ; . i SULLY ~ Jim snd Auns (nee Mun Bell Phone paris roe) are RapDy 16 ennounce the Wirth . i s i 1 5% 3 # 4 ' 2 n ; . ; of their som, William demes, § bs, 9] ; ; 85 ! oo 1500 152. 161 i , i 4 ii I don't know how they got our ors., on Mamday, December 12, 190, at | ; | % ME snd PR 11 i i : v § " 5 : eh 1 "4 25% 20 ! ause mame but 1 think the Cuban BCE / ) Wh We 1) y . 7 ' [ 6 16 dealers are writing Canadian the Owmaws General Hospital, Thanks 4 5 " 4 Hg (8 k A Dm br, Ross ' 4 * i mi Ww br. How | Me 4 gencies with the same request, the sookesman said Bursa s 1 aojsom A 2 : 4" y y Fr mm te! herit. 138 3 TORONTO (CP) -- An ant Con Com 2 y 5 Mo y 12 y i Dy Ramis A % 4 Faradu 1965 12 7 3 3% 65 aupted clause in the Ontario In p 2 § DEATHS CCC Some | he Wh 1 J AA Gr Plame ' ' : Forte, 3 i surance Aet is kit] arly In We don to want to get in on Foils A 725 j 5 & y ; Home OF A 145 3 5 F rancoens 4 i 25 18 i chances for vomance betwee volved," he said ! ; $ Pow Corp 5 5 ° 4 Home OF B y i Frobisher 116 2 h TE 4 Tomanse y gen! nf " N nlered 4 63% 6 + Premium wu HE OG 7 Galtwin u Territory # 4} Burses an Sri E BRENS | WE igiiini gps Psi Bg yi ER oi ; 0% / Pres Fleet Nat Pete sis Geen Mines 1 9 9 Thom I A Gordon Innes (L--Oxford) told] SHOW LITTLE INTEREST Tuesdsy, Des 0 1. allie Mi an x ' i 2 4 Hoe 7 Mr Why Nosthia oe' 3 99 ' Gadi ay oh i 1 ¢ ] oir 5 4 iid a the legislature Wednesday LONDON, Ont. (CP) Tom pidge if rsh iB AB gg 47 hd Can Clan 9 $24 4 ry 4 55 2 114 11h 0 2 Gunnar "9 7 7 : Fo a 5 we op | Speaking in the throne debate,| Hockin, president of the Univer- Toronte) snd desr mother of Curt W "0 " § 4 ave 0 4 i 4 % 19% Kenn ] ; Mr, Innes asked Attorney-Gen- sity of, Western Opiario Students' (Mrs. Clarence Silk Jeter ibis B 4 Beven os nn 7 1 Pe ia 1 im 4 int ' BH wh ' yantiizes Cia BE " (eral Roberts to amend the stal-| Council, said Wednesday there is kenneth, J. Comper), both "wi] C3 Fiotvr Jo 4" 8 hi | LEE prove Gee ith J nn ion » , ute which prevents an inswrance | ittle interest ot the universiy in Funeral Home 78 Ring-| Husky 2 4 i $5 { 4 5 ; $ 4 p 6 Ih 4 " b ; 2 wi eat from getticg a licence ia proposed march on Ottawa by ut West Pickering. Funersi "wl 43 Ota wi hl "2 exacn Com 4 5% § , G0 go i 4 4 ok Hes 4 148 f he marries a doctor, dentist, Canadian university members Lo at 2 pm. Interment Erskine Cemetery. | orby vi wh ; , M5 Wn A y 1 1 Serr Ad 5 82} ; to If 10 wrse or medical or dental tech urge nuclear disarmament. He - niciar said Western is not. involved in FEOWARDS Entered into est in i y " oy he case p TT] Hillsdale W Oshawa, on Thursday eg CPOE EEE thought to incre civeulation Mr. Innes cited the ease of an the plans pened mane of te Jie Apts CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING fs speed Speaker 8 D efend [fhe 33. sted the federal gov MERRY MENAGERIE ---------- Sa un tern (E dith) of faba wh And fathes | od rode ernment make funds aval (able aries, William, Ross o | it $45 th g Donald of Agmeowrt; in his 83rd | Coniinued from Page 31 television, perfect condition, $4 wough the Canada Council Can Bgl ug ve ook Funeral ngs, WH 24125 earned societies apd universities LN TM Oshawa, With memorial seryies a "y MAE THISTLE baby bugky for » 1 for assistznee to existing eul - \J! (NR chapel on Saturday, December blue steel body in wood condition Tele tural ipurs : old » iv a } } y terment Oshawa Union i i oF THe! oF ALN ural journals and establishments - 3, aig pm, Interment Oshawa Union | 50. Articles for Sole 50---Articles For Sole phone RA 3205 for more ior mation WER Journa's and establish 3 emetery -- of others SS " CCM trieyrle, new, 24 front wheel . On op Bait ay a i 0 HARRIS: Viele Oye -- At the fam. |B, F. GOODRICH Stores ~ tires, bal: [USED parte and repairs for 80 kiddy car; chair, ivory leatherette spn FORONTO I Witnesses than negative action by govern. guic = Salmond, president. of Ny residence, Kingston Road West, |teries Kelvinator refrigerators, tele. makes of wringer type washers, Y% hp and hack ind RA 53016 appearing before the royal com- ment; we need positive action by Monetary Times Publications Wh by, on Th ha y Decen he A LA vison. Thofty Budget Plan, RA 5-4543 Motors $8 lo S10, Kinfaneeq ap VACUUM cleaner repairs. ai P mission on publications Wednes- Canadian business 8 aeliber Limited said as publishers of wile of aoarruthers, beloved mANKRUPT stock of children's shoes, | Market, Hampton CO 3324) parts, attachments, brushes, guaran day pleaded that nothing he done ate policy of advertising in Ca: hysiness and technical magazines vile A IB Oe ¥ "selling at only $1.99 Name brands teed rebuilt machines. Estimates free. oo the flow of Unite States iz eriodicals J 4 4 mother of Gordon of Whithy, dest Year, | Bava Walcot Midtown Furniture] LIONEL electric train. with 133 seces:| Rentals, Vacuum Cleaner Repair very. 10 S10p the f $ ited States nadian periodicals We cannot see that the Cana dig fi w Pd Yow Funeral | Brock Gireet North, Whitby. MO s and mounting hoard, alse two. ice. BA B05] anytime magazines into Canada He asked thet any "economic dian business press has been Chapel Whithy, for service In 8-498) Ph pe. Tecordel JXell EI UMAIZE olf space heater. Ex-| Most of them, however, have disabilities now suffered by Ca- unduly affected hy foreign condition 5 Jihons Bl i ] cha el on Saturday December 17 a "| cuoonr your new stero hifi 3 4 eellems condition, Telephone MO B4153 yroed that the government make nadian periodicals with respect! competition, Any action! amen on, Semeter large selection of Electroho I8r | MAN'S COM bieyele for sale, just Wie |ATIEE BX the Canadian publisher better to their American contemporar- age ' | iI anadiar he / against U.K, publications ( ter Rev, A. F. Bamford liane and RCA at Parkway Television. new Ides) oft. Apply 102 "Church BARGAINS on new. Inglis Appliances 4 A o 4 ¢ I vl ik o od F af a } hy ih ' on n Lan are requested nat io call Bt1gis Simene North Street hi dpi pb two units $385.2 ve. | €QUipped to handle the top-heavy les wuld he remove ada might reflect against Cans funeral home until day alter} { > p REE 1 a frigerators $186 50; Inglis dryers only! competition F Jarvis. chs p Ca. dian husiness publications that noon.) (USED parts nd repairs for all makes TYPEWRITERS, adding machines, | 5166 50. ranges $156.5 agd up, full Alan Jarvis, chairman of Ca ville mdr to LE. mitch A PODRATS Suddenly at Toronto on of wringer type washers, 's hp motors| cash registers, office chairs, Oreproof| sutomatic: enffee tables N88.50. WH The commission, under chair- nadian Art Magazine and former 1® HAs 10 VB, IRGUSIEY Sundsy, December 11, 1960, Visvaidis|hy Jo WW gubrenteed rhcondiiones nies. fling, cabinet Bill Hamilton, 2.6410 Ajax Bargain Centre, Harwood man Grattan O'Leary, is inquir-/direcior of the National Gallery ond stoves, Paddy's Market! Ashburn " . : dddidid ds Avenue, on No, 2 Highway ing into the health of Canada's! said 'Competition is the essence Podrats In his 42nd year, beloved hus washer. he | band of Marga Gludin, loving father of ENCYCLOPAEDIA Britannica. new | BABY carriage for sale pink and | periodicals, Its recommendations of a free society and not ormer Welfare | | | Raymond, Wayne, Neil, Resting at Ger | GOING out of business! Clearout sale |e with Atlas, world languige |white, in good condition. Telephone MO) row Funeral Chapel, 390 King Street 2 rugs 8 % $45; kitchen ks and hookease. cost $500, Will sell | 8-6224 will go to the federal govern only legitimate but highly desir West for service in the chapel on Fri: | chairs--must be sold by Saturd ele | fi he A 580 ment able d hairs he sold by Saturday, 1 for 8300. Telephone KA 53016 Goon i stoves and oi icia ai e day, December 16, at 2 pm. Interment phone KA 8.6053 used refrigerators . Union Cemeler {Phone RA 8 GO-KARY, E65 with 4% HP, automatic furniture ali fully guaranteed, wa Witnesses have agreed that He said cultural, non profit Distributed by King Features Syndiests, Kindness beyond price yet within reach of oll, Funeral arrangements and floral requirements for all changed, Largest selection in town, next to Barons' Drayton's Cycle, 204 Bond Street East All aluminum products rayne i FUR coat, Mouton, dark brown, % Doors, windows, shower doors AWNINGS, plain colors or gay stripes. | length, size 14 ta 16, in good condition, | Prompt service, Free estimates, Order |Heasonable, Telephone HA #6070, , |now for early delivery, Chair and table | FoR RENT Television sets sun On ntract, ne wo dow p f] ih i ne contract, nothing down, rentals Cleve Fox, 412 Simeoe North, |jamps, dehumidifiers, record players occasions OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE nwnings, TV towers, paving 24 - HOUR PA SERVICE For free estimates call SIDEBOARD with dining room suite, [#te. Meagher's, 5 King Street West extension table, all in good condition, | RA 8.6555 . . Aluma Seal Co. [reatonable, MA 3848 BRUNSWICK FIBRE GLASS LOCKE'S FLORIET | RA 5.9365 ANYTIME ORDERS hum lof sign ashes, Word BOATS Funeral arrangements and - Phone RA 35-4980 FIBRE GLASS BOAT floral Jequirements 'for aif | ALUMINUM DOOQRS [EM girl's matched sei firs sistas,' COVERING KITS OSHAWA SHOPPING AND WINDOWS! [lash or aby ats Kilmaurs Ave CENTRE aan VID duh: Javea 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE Special Reduced Price #5200 for further information age y BEF | / HANNAN MARINE SALES . | or \ 1 Cash SEALSKIN coat, black, fits size 16 to 18 RA 8.6555 or We Sell TE na Attra 20 RAY ST RA B-8B53 and Carry for mare information | IN MEMORIAM CALL FOR QUICK SERVICE DONINIY poohances (8 divert ALUMINUM DOORS Market Hampton, A complete line of ALEX VAJDA appliances at hard to beat prices, CO) AND WINDOWS fax 3-224) nails. Boats repaired, painting and varnishing. Motor stow TV TOWERS 40 fi. self-supporting | cluteh, internal expansion brakes, new 7% and parts, vent parts for divers. |] 8 competition is a threat to|magazines should he exempt! LONDON, Ont, (CP)~--Russell| Genera: Hospital on Wednesday, De or ane year, $87.05. Trin Tele 4.2224 PRE-CHRIBTMAS Bale, toys, camping | daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Blair, IREFRIGERATOR 1057 Norge sulo- per week for a family of four, |§ p # Electrohome Hi-Fi vecord players tional matter, months definite and six. months! NOWers December 16 at 2 p.m. Interment Mount | FREE Christmas turkey, $14.95 per WINE and cider harrels, solid oak to impede the free flow ofl Prof, J, L, Wild, head of the welfare officer was found guilty - No down payment, For further informa: | Telephone RA 86937 or call at 62 Divi p { A 95 | FREEZER, Westinghouse, large up . u > ¥ GERROW FUNERAL [ion RA 39541 No obligation ion Street es oid full price NEEDS POSITIVE ACTION London asked whether Canadian part of the money she received to bed with said Visions, Must clear now at the lowest| oi," Cryige.a-Nay tank one year | 92224 THREE ROOMS of furniture, only $200, | STOCK taking sale = three-piece color. D0 FRUERER S8 VOL TOE 01 Keyboard | 4 A y Wot led bath sets, $70; fet - systems, $80; 0 the makers of Mason and AINA 02 2 2 0 22 2 2 2 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 190 KING STREET WEST nd bh tables, boudoir and table Inks and cabinets; Sunbeam Mix. | EAE EG (EEE EE : 19 2 5 VES ¢ J ik PM avition. Toronto Pt dipped galvanized th all |fiicks on rear wheels, two motor mounts | WH 20010 Alex Bargain Contre, Har Canadian efforts, hut few have from federal sales tax, have G. Moulton, convicted last week | a Ea RA 478) equipment. hunting supplies, electrical! Wednesday Dr. Claude Bissell, [and use government-owned mail: woman of more than $300, was and sister of Wren Lyle, and Jerald: imatie, with 180 Ih. freezer, 'two year | Schneider's Food Plan, plus your West: |oyciey ™ yadios, harhecues and iswn | Toronto, speaking in his capacity SIX : al Home in Oshawa, with {formation down payment, no obligation, Dini BA | Store $6 Bund Street West indefinite in Ontario reformatory nn |ivkhinune frvaser and Snider's foo Dian. | Renan a aver eit. Like new |3 Cnurcn We 3 7ope Te 4nd Fle " {journalism department at the by a jury of forcing Mrs, Pa [ right, only four years prices ever, Parkway Television, 918 | yivvahiy, Best offer, RA 0.0091, | APARTMENT aire jlanoe. Ted. $705 planes hy lamps ws, ele. 825 down delivers! | master; piping and fittings (all kinds) 19 LIGHT INDOOR 99 W AITCHISON In loving memory of Norman George Altohison, who [assed We Sell the Best LIRR 481 DREW 51, RA 3.9831 | ALUMINUM WINDOWS easured a love sincere Only & Memory, hut, ah. so fear | 2 \ 6 Replacir Jlass, Screens, k er eine mhbered hy Mother Dad ALUMINUM D DOORS AWNING o/ gw ' and son nw ~ | rect Tag! prices anu 4 STORM WINDOWS Ee Rises. Man | FOR FAST EFFICIENT ATTOHINON n loving memory of | actured cally ree esti CER) $13 50 [wate | SERVICE | | | ind Repair the Rest nents Boat on Watson, pe channel hero, "inssled end wyaran | with sprockets, $170, Pickering, TEmple [whol Avence on ho. 3 HIEhyay come up with concrete solutions, [second-class mailing privileges of defrauding a London Township| wife of Charles Erie Taylor FREE Christmas bonus, savings $14.95 appliances by Sunbeam, The finest in president of the University of | Ing systems to send out promo sentenced Wednesday to nine Bui ars "with | Buarantes, Coll RA #1916 for more in: |inghouse Frecter into your home No Budget terms Dominion Tire! as chairman of the Canada Coun " ice in the chapel Frida B-5047 cil urged that "nothing be done WANTS INROAD IN US The former London Township -- hse freezer ant Snider's food plan. grinder, fruit aidiger. ste Like flew, (3 Church. RA 37634 Yeas | University of Western Ontario in tricia Green to give him hack| "For the last time, no! You can't take your balloon CHAPEL LARGE selection of reconditioned ele | gg Any new § HF Buccaneer outboard $285 or best offer. Pickering, TEmple| The *solution required "more'publishers gave sufficietiin welfare payments, issn bak now vedured to 8505 for limited time RA 8 6226 fut Anciudet eventeriely shreme step | shower cabinets, $35; stainless steel gig' gory (erms, Barons' Home Fur 'Guaranfeed best value Barons' | Free g.ft with every purchase, Chinn's [FREE with this ad, rubber heels or| S ] T EACH LIGHT BURNS $2.79 LOCKE'S FLORIST ™ Ja Furnishings, 424 Simeoe Street | Hillside and Park Road, KA 3-708 lifts with every pair of half soles ve INDEPENDENTLY V A LUE South paired men's or ladies, time limited, | SKATES, new and used, sold and ex: Shoe Service, 426 Simcoe Sireet South The lowest priced pack H of gay, colorful lighting In town, Buy and save at Western, = = LIGHT OUTDOOR SET "isi e 4 Colonial Aluminum Sales in remembered by Dorothy and 1 ited inche A B-4614 lig Tagaed away Decmbes 16, 11 JIM ELLIOTT HR = to wo maw wl. RA 37679 RA 3-2866 bi te Iie (Windy J Alichison who Variety of 15" car wheels SVL re Foun EE done. fram hut le aving mew EE HOME APPLIANCES bd each, also body solder [rosy Lady's gold Bulova watoh, be [ I RAL fAR : tween Hillsdale * Manor, Rossland roa 1 mories that MI always linger : QSHA OF LID and plastic solder and AR A HH Simons i" Kine ROR this. erth We stay, 90 SIMCOE SOUTH _ | Street buses. Heward, Phone Mrs SHAW AUTO WRECKING |tlark, RA 8-316 FOR FRIGIDAIRE : ™ VIE MOMBEY B 89 BLOOR FA SMALL hrindel colored dercier, mon GAMBELL = In loving memory of a SALES AND SERVICE EAST | a female, found, Telephone RA father and grandiat who pas RA 5.2311 70 ay Dboomber 15, 1950 Jomestic and nercic \ ¢ LA loved him, 50' we hi c . were | MATTRESS, spring filled, youth's, lost ly remembered by Stan, Barb RA 5.5337 5 vioinity of Adelaide East near Park and ghildven SALE {Lane Apartments. Tele; hone RA 8.4268 A 4 {for further particulars HERD ~ In loving memory of a hus HANDY ORDER FORM | luminum Products of the | hand and father, Alexander St.George } est quality at the best |52-~Legal | N wok him Jon | 3 Ca AOW ( ™ ar bi' SUPERMARKET | *'* © | NOC: Jo Tiveth still - Lymer Aluminum Co CREDITOR Allway remembered hy his wile RITSO WD. SOU 2 INE Annie, © daughter Noah, and son 174 RITSON RI QUTH RA 8.5385 IN THE ESTATE OF MARY ieorye CARLOAD OF TURKEYS AR a PMAED CLARA JOHNSTON RIVING FOR CHRISTMAS CKROOM EQUIPMENT CARD OF THANKS FOR RENT or FOR SALE All persons having claims "| DEC, 14 Hospital beds, wheel chair against the Estate of Mary ¥ invalid walker bedside Clara Johnston, late of the RICHARDS -- The family of the late] Please reser Y made utches and City of Oshawa, in the County John hards wishes to thank rela Christma ¢ f | | | f Ontario. de | } tives, iviends and neighbors for heir ball Turkey anes, 9 away bed . hi RCogued, Wht beautiful flocal tributes and Kind ex. | Ph Aid Rent died on or about the 17th pressions of sympathy' in their recent ah : one Aid Renta! day of May, 960 are hereby sal bereavement, Special thanks to | notified to n nt the Rev. Stanley Armstrong and Towns Fu Will pick yor BRUNSWICK FIBRE GLASS Otitiec 0 send in } \é neval Chapel for their Kind and efficient | NA TS a services BOAT Plegse After urs RA 5.5378 30 20 20 3 2 0 0 0 0 2 3h Now's your chance to own the best in dependable outdoor lighting at tremendous savings, Ww : G SR AS AUTOMATIC oF] " D Window 3 oF i sion 4, Op vey SLICE * 2 TOASTER 98 Enjoy extra big savings and con: Xirolled kitchen ® convenience. w Complete with chromed beauty ®iid & cord, REG, $14.98 ' ; REG, $13.98 95 REG. $11.95 w TTT TT LT TM 00 0 : HEADQUARTERS FOR The Most Welcome Gifts come from VISIT OUR me estern | & TIRE & AUTO SUPPLY CO, TO-DAY : ASSOCIATE STORE . Bowmanville Oshawa Whith WE CARRY A WIDE 85 KING ST. W, 145 KING W, 125 BROC SELECTION OF DAISY MA 3-3134 RA 8-1607 RIFLES, GUNS AND Al Boyd doin Kent HOLSTER SETS, ETC, WSE'S'TER N'S © CE HRIST MAS SALE HANDY HANNAH % 4 I» N esses so BSS SES SS SEES iF00D | ! 3 MIXER 3 tow you can wr save money, Sale priced to w work and time J SANTA HEADS AND XMAS LANTERNS 3.59 EACH save you dollars, * at Western's sa BULB EXTRA ww i}) . 3 undersigned on or before the 1 < ; ne. Bull "4 v aR Gl.AsS 15th day of December, 1960 eserve one Bu iL BOAT COVERING, KITS | WILLIS = We wish to extend thanks| Grade A Turkey for Thad "EH tou full particulars of their - to our friends and neighbors for the Years Jere anchar - fa! claims, after which date the flaral tributes, use of oars and the Kind . ats repaired, paint Estate will be distributed hav sympathy offered ta us in the loss of Weight de { in and vamishing Motor 8 our dear mother and grandmother, Mrs , Eg od y ing regard oiiy to the claim Elsabeth Willis Will pick dp on py of which the undersigned Robert, George. Larvaine and Debbie y HANNAN MARINE SALES hall then have notice Willis Name Ray St A 8 4 ih 4 y -- RA 8-8833 DATED at Oshawa this 29th WILLIS = We wish to extend our day of November, 1960 sincere thanks lo the Wirses and aides | 3 4 on 2C at the Oshawa General Hospital| PHR € for thelr kind care during the illness of | ! HUMPHREY BOYCHYN our, dear mother and grandmother, Mrs. | ! & HILLMAN Blisabeth Will's. And a very soegial 613 K Y thank you 10 Drs, Hobbs and Jaciw ¢ i look elsewhere, let us s a h a Xmas Gift 633 King Str Robert, Gearge, Lorraine and Debbie Oshawa, ( ~ ~ ABSOLUTELY FREE joleve Please Note With purghase of $319 50 nore, ane @ n lgwn chair ¢ WP Pent Deadlines now In effect tow ar a ue 39.9 With § this column: me-brand able adit value $ iy DEATHS wo a hitging door tee 3 USE THE 11 AM SAME DAY Rihtonng windows y : Births, Memoriams. Cards of TV towens ' o : OSHAWA TIMES "9 swe on | DIAL ALUMA SEAL CO. RA 59365 | CLASSIFIED DIAL RA 3.3492 ANYTIME COLUMNS PHP PPPPEEHEEEEEPEEEE 0 £5 HEE HEE E EEE af Save dollars on this top quality h S32 yi Side noi ps ii a Ee EE EE EE ee TE eu HE

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