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The Oshawa Times, 16 Dec 1960, p. 9

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, December 16,1960 § (GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES | CENTRE STREET WA ibe contacied concerning replace: (East Grong) ment p Group Leader, Mes, Wilh u Election of officers took place ; ; ry g 4 - " . Miller, presided at the December! Henporary president, Mes, D. A ; . : 7 FYE i it 44 menting of the east group WA of [K. Allen; president, Mrs. Richard Centre Street United Chureh, held! Copithorne; vice-president, Mrs A yo Zt Vo i i . at the home of Mrs, Eldon South. Wesley Dempsey; secreatry, Wrs, ---- TE . : K ¢ bE -- bE --_ well, Members of the exeewtie lan Chalmers; treasurer, Mrs, 4 i y { ( . led the devotional period. ANer| Harry Preity; Cent-a-Meal treas- 7h Christmas hymns and Scripiure,! urer Mrs, 1, N. Daniel: ten-cent- : : - Mrs, Percy Fletcher and Mrs. gon fund, Mrs. BR. D. Luke; press 4 : vi 14 5 os 5, Ul Archie Britten sang a duet "Sar renorter" Mrs, Willism Legge; " light," Mrs, Deap Peel read sl iclephone, Mrs, John Mclean and oem Christmas Eve in Bethe | sir Russell Cummings; visita- 4 FOR em" and Ars, Fletcher andlsoy oo sick Mrs, Ross Bell and ( Mrs, Miller read Christmas SOF sips Jan Chalmers; pianist, Mrs, fes ent cig members werel te 1 be pt nck super "| The Perfect Gift For Mom dosent to her the annual reports) o's onoroh December 20 at 6.20 id bagaa fe teas Randuens oF p.m, An invitation was extended p 7 : Sage Salts Fe he agri woilio members of the Margaret : 8, kar Gomes Hamilton Group and Calvin Eve- % over Mrs, Chevles Edwards'| : A team in the copper contest and|Png Group to sttend, There wil be an exchange of gifts, value January 4 was the date set for $1 00 i the losing team to hold its party for the winners 1TH PARENTS COMMITTE da | The execuiive members for last The December meeting of the {year were all returned to office| ye Parents' committee, Girl ' A | i i i ; as ASOT : . i 5 d enter friend for the year 1961, Everyone wa | Guide Association. was: Yoid: af will emuse and entertain your friends reminded of fhe RY gl cite the home of Mrs, Stephen Wollon i each in a box December 21 an ie CASE in the form of a pot uek supper sister banquet on December 28 to | "x , i 1 be held in the church hall with 13 members and friends i presem . HARMONY WA Pollowing the supper gilts were 1 dil a . : HOUSEROLD HINT (handy scoop fo removing hot A metal dust pen makes plpiates from the oven. mr ---- five The December meeting of Hay- | exchanged, brief busineess mony Woman's Association was meeting was conducted by the held recently in the church hall Tl . h : 2 DF ck supper ie nominating committee n bg form of a pot luck supi Ih ought in the slate of officers for N INTRIGUING MINCE PIE | The {ables were decorated Wit / . Ps dl a Canes se ctrs of corte 100 4 RSS | 2 STORES TO SERVE YOU BETTER 4 1 } } . mas ornaments, After supper the i Were "Ae MM 7 y 8 4 Festive Christmas Pie Filled GROUPS, CLUBS |r etree mci Vac ami Msn Brenda. Vogt, a wt eo | powNTOWN OSHAWA OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE president, Mrs, Charles Stainton, The president, Mrs, Pred Farm. caplain of the 11th Guide Com-| ¥ wh, oy, With Mincemeat in Cake B AUXILIARIES w | alin, Grit ae | OSHAWA PAIR EXCHANGE VOW it ince eat mn a e atter hrances weve discussed and can- w Jig' werk onprened i Mis | r KTV NR dies and oranges are to. he Wolton for her hospitality by : Christmas and feasting go #-| Combine in a saucepan the ST, STEPHEN'S M( purchased for candy "bags to he Mrs, E. A, Lloyd Married recently in Christ | . Er ----_ gether in almost every country mincemeat, orange rind andl The regular meeting of St 1c 0" 0 07 he Christmas eon a a is abi) Memorial Church were Mr, and where the holiday is celebrated, | juice; bring to the boil then re- Stephen's United Church Mis Cod" pooner information on the FEDERATION FRANC AISES \ Joseph Albert Githert, The Scandinavians start elaborate duce heat and simmer one min- sion Circle was held at the home "Gold Bond" points project wa The Federation des Femmes, bride, the fromer Miss Mary [/ preparations weeks in advance, | ute, Cool of Miss Sylvia Rundle on Mon deen hy Mrs Norman Gemmell | Cénadiennes Francaises held its| Elizabeth Winsley, is the a A great amount of cooking of spel Preheat oven to 330 deg, ¥. day evening, December 12 with Xd members were asked to zet December meeting on Tuesday,! daughter of Mr, and Mrs, H, ell meats, baking of breads, | (moderate) the president, Miss Dorothy noints for books redeemed hy Mrs. Lucien Chamberland presid-| 8 Winsley and the bridegroom fancy cakes, cookies and other| "yo ol Ge fogether wice PYESIIng Hein ed, The Reverend Norbert Gignael is the son of Mr. and Mrs, native foods is accomplished in|, ea ne Mi oi AA Christmas . carols were sung| phe meeting closed with the opened the meeting with the Joseph Gilbert, all of Oshawa u e - oom that time, as homes must be com-| ou, powder salt and 'hutmeg, and seripture readings of the Wo, League Prayer, The secretary's Photo hy Peter Ellins # pletely stocked for three weeks) ooo ™ coortoning: gradually] Christmas story were read by| and" number of poems and a|report was given by Mrs, Yvan .. : of hospitality and leisure, Manyiyiong in sugar, Add egg and Mrs, Diane Hoskin and Miss 000 of Christmas, Mrs, J, C, Gilbert Twenty-six meetings were held Divider and Bookcase Fnglish people still celebs ate with beat it in well, Combine milk and Sylvia Rundle, closing with pray Smales played two piano solos Mr Aleide Lecler was ap: with an average attendance of roast goose, mincemeant andi og. Tagg dry ingredients toler by Mrs, David Duchemin. The pointed treasurer to replace Mrs.|16, The treasurer, Mrs. Clair flaming plum pudding, In addi | creamed mixture, part at a time, minutes and roll call was given] gARMONY H and § ASSN, Gerrard Rencout after her Tesig-| Henry gave the treasurer's re 95 singing of two Christmas hymns iti Svesy locality boasts wa alternating with milk; Turn into hy Miss Carol Alexander, Rel whe Harmony Homie and School nation port and Mrs, William Spencer Rinna! lood. BE A ron Cur hrepare. pie shell and spread ports fog the treasures Mrs Association held its ~December| Mrs, Leo Bourdoyes gave the| gave a report of the sewing re anadi ins oib titute i ast| evenly. Carefully orem Buti airing i di AN | meeting In the school auditorium report of the baking Bile i be Samimilies dni boats sent to mis key and h | Mincemeat mixture over batler Bap i Janie onday, December 12 or 7 and thanked all the sionaries § am Spence! turkey and cranherry sauce mince Hy reheated Vn 45 to 50. The election of officers for 196] om M Wav, Dest Whey 12 with Eomher Ay Bu yLeg ay oat Sionari . Mh William Spencer the goose served in England nutes, Serve warm with 'a| was conducted hy Mys, Dayid('0E TTESEER a verylt f ho x pray an use it for all three ~-- and If you're still delight in the traditional | oro i I jy Duchemin, Past president, Miss sell presiding. There was a very to make "a Suceess The election of officers is as really Inge s you could probably think up @ Christmas. eake. and plum pud { lemon, brown sugar or brandy puehen na verdant' Miss hort business meeting with a Father Gignac gave a financial tollows: President. Mrs. Will few more uses for this practical homemaker unit ding with hard sauce, Recipes for| BAH Sylvia Rundle iy vice | presi kating carnival to be held early report for the year 1960 and|'*"W resident, Mrs. Wiliam Just oa letured with sliding glass doors, genuine g $ y N 3 E fop, des 0 Be, these dishes abound so today we Bont: Mrs. Diane Hoskin eore-| IN January being discussed, Mr, thanked all the members for the|Bpencer; vice president, Mrs ig bh op, bg ui iy of oe hii are going to give you a recipe tary. Mrs Marilyn Jackson | Rupert Harrison gave his report, (large donation to the parish, the Rueben Northey; secretary, Mrs, and stands three feet high, Choice of finishes, for an interesting ite diferent THE STARS SAY treasurer Miss Dorothy Fish | Mrs. George Jonah introduced Proconds of the ditteron Projects {Glal Henry Bong leader, Mrs festive dessert, Christmas Ple 1s " y ianist, Miss Carol Alexander;| Mrs, L. ¥. Richardson from Whit.| Donations were made to help/ Henry MeGhee; pianist, rs the name of the dish, but it Is By ESTRELLITA Dina secretary, Miss Kay! hy, who spoke to us on the spiri-{to pay for bus tickets for five Otto Bharrard; press, Miss C, 1, oN Hak 2 somewhat of a misnomer since it! 7 Wallace; Community Friendship, tual education of children, She school children from a poor fam- Sickle missionary representa M, 7 w is as much a cake as a pie FOR TOMORROW vern written! Miss Pauline Zviansky; citizen|was thanked by Mrs, Stewart ily, Also donation was made for| tive, Mrs, Reuben Northey; so NIGHT TILL 154-156 SIMCOE SV. §, MN SsHAVA 1TH A HOLIDAY THEME ne w Oe of all Ship, Miss Darlene Hoskin; stew-| Mackie, Christmas treats for the French|cial, Mrs, Alvin Blair, Mrs, A CHRISTMAS " PIE w i od for the shell na hy PH late thor on ardship secretary, Miss Carol] Judy Kashul played two violn|school children R., Alloway closed the meeting whith yA filled with a cake Je d gl iy lh Alexander; supply secretary, Mrs. | solos, accompanied hy her teach! The meeting was closed with with prayer A Ake ; **8 David Duchemin; press, Mrs, er, Mrs. John Dickson wavers, 'The conveners of the - - -- crowned with tangy, For those w less interest. i . ' | prayers, ; ii all sou] Be Jo Hose oto eld teas oan a Marilyn Jackson; scrap hook Refreshments were served by evening were Mrs, Richard La fi fi iH AANA the pie bakes, some of the mince: made by those who are ex: Miss Kay Wallace, the mothers of (he pupils in croix, Mme, Lucien Chamberland A ANN i al meat sauce runs fhrough the bat: tremely systematic and methodi ha decided fo ave Bible Grade b and Mrs, Howard Gimblet, , For an add ecorative| study at ea vel : : . J kl ifted loing|"" 1060, beginning with the life of PAUL'S GUILD CALVARY BAPTIST WMS touch, sprinkle some sited loing f The WMS of Calvary Baptist sugar around the edge of the ple FOR THE BIRTHDAY Peter, The January meeting will The regular meeting of Sit oh 8 of , ny 2) a deck it with a sprig of holly, Your horoscope, generally he held at the home of Miss Pau- Paul's _ Presbyterian Church | Church met recently, Mrs, fenry speaking, indicates that it would] line Zviansky on January 9. Wor-| Ladies' Guild was held recently in McGhee led a song service of CHRISTMAS PIE be wise for you to be conserva. ship service hy Miss Sylviaithe lower hall of the church, Christmas earols, i Yield--6 to 8 servings tive in financial affairs for the Rundle and study book by Mrs.| The various reports were given. Mrs, A, R. Alloway presided Pie Paste balance of 1060, Rarly: March Marilyn Jackson and Miss Kay Mrs, Richard Capithorne brought for the election of officers, A Jn 7 J] 1 cup mincemeat ..\promises some gain but in the! Wallace, \ up the matter of tableclohts and| The secretary, Mrs, Otto Shar: PI remit he | 2 teaspoons grated orange ¥ind|\oo iis vou should try to build At the conclusion of the meet. | asked if the various groups could 'rard, gave a report of the year, |Z § if ' d % cup orange Jules {up your assets slowly and review ing there was an exehange of ~~ A ARE M-------- ha a da ET -- 1 4 4 1 up once-sifted all-purpose | matters with an eye to finding Christmas gifts, followed hy re PAL 1 HH CI ARAN WAAAY WN AS Pr; Ad mistakes and avoiding miscaleu-| freshments served by the hostess &, ANNAN NNN NN NN NNN NNN HN ) _. - - -- j¢ . lations which could prove costly - " - @ : tT " 0 1% ¢ nce-sifted pastry flour k / #, 2 : Hh on baking powder Inter, be interesting from a social 0 TWO STORES IN OSHAWA pr Y / i A Y teaspoon salt | Your next really good period giandpoint hut, where romance | 8% ) | 7 8 -- a > Ys teaspoon grated nutmeg |along monetary lines won't come! = > PP" 13 saep 0 raed To) until the late spring of 1961, 18 concerned, only the month of St 7] 1% cup lightly-packed brown 5) when you ¢an start making plaps November appears Interesting in |Q¥, prs J] sugar for expansion, your chart, Be careful in deal. &¥ LAL ¢ 4 a | 1 egg Where job matters are con: ings with both business and per- : y 1-3 cup milk leerned, do not expect @ny UN: sonal associates during Septem = RETAILERS TO THRIFTY CANARIANS ¢ d v 4 / a teaspoon vanilla usual changes hut, if you have C1) v ul ¥ Line a pie plate (8% inches, top| put forth your best efforts in the "er And October w ; / 4 inside measure) with rolled out interim, you should make good A child born on this day could % p ty ; ple paste; trim and crimp edge. progress excel as a scientist, inventor or'S b: J M S Chill, : -| Next July and August should statistician, 4 b. / J FOR CHRIST A ! * UNTIL 9 P.M. fi Completely Automatic Variable Temperature Control PLAY IT SAFE WITH . . BROADLOOM Dries all fabrics safely quickly and economi~ cally y h J . ' 7 320d y ' & " 4 5 Buying broadloom is an exciting time for most . Cf Sy -- 4 4 people ond it is an experience you can enjoy, : . a " i | JR k especially if you entrust the problems to us, We pride ourselves in our ability to discuss and BE J 4 » { | ] ii 4 : PER advise on your specific requirements in an intellis 1] lt! ' {gi ® WEEK gent and informative manner, This is no more then you should expect, Our statf totals over 100 years experience in buying, selling and instella- 3 L pr % b L h : oy iL ] w AN \ a A ON YOUR GAS BILL You can receive the benefit of this vast bev tnt mione BRI® © 1095 AUTOMATIC SSF OURCHRISTMAS GIFT TO YOU! You are being continually informed to deal only [iH FRYMASTER TOASTERS at Stores thet are to be trusted and will give de: 1] ; : 9.99 Value . \ 4 @ " . Tr om vn sonra RR @ At A special pice vse S18 1 FREE WP We 'FREE!! ourtintegrity, Y] 00 % 88 i : ge : ) ; Our business is based on quality merchandise ex. : . 3 3-PIECE i \ , al 3-PIECE portly handled by skilled mechanics and every job RBI BI 2 414.QT. SIZE -- 1150-walt POP-UP TOASTER=Adiust | SET oF 3 wii ? Ca TR -SET OF is fully guaranteed to be to your entire sativface \ Cooker-Fryer that has a able to 'all shades of : a : dozen different uses! Auto. toast"! Beautifully designed \ 3 tion. 0 F matic signal light, "Fire- chrome body; with crumb + n BEAUTIFUL y 4 4 BEAUTIFUL JIFFY-CUT i ' wi ' . ao King" id 6-fr, cord, CSA tray for easy cleaning, % 1 CORNIN 4 : UN en you go te buy carpet "BUY CARPET" b approvec C.5.A -approved N G CORNING By ANNE ADAMS v "DON'T BUY PRICE", it is so easy to be deceived. One gay helper for yourself, J ---- two for gift-giving! Each. apron STOOL x 0 WARE \ 3 WARE patures a different detail rach | . ) J i & ; \ . ONE YARD 3.inch fabric Quick / : 4 ' | (5 WITH THE PURCHASE WITH, THE PURCHASE | : ; - pe i 8 OF A THOR A 3 F A THOR pnd now for Christmas, ' T - | F. hic y "Printed Pattern 4677: Misses'| NO DOWN PAYMEN «1 HASSOCK pb BAS TRYIN ih comiilll A TR Medium Size only. Each apron! UP TO 3 YEARS TO PAY 3 .inch fabric . . Broadioom installations are clossitied as "Home Improves takes 1 yard 3i-inch fabric, Jiffy | v ments" and can be financed on a Home Improvement - cut in one piece i Loan repayable over @ J-year period, NO DOWN PAY. Ny i ® Fi) a*h Send FORTY CENTS (40¢) in MENT is required y as little as $10.00 monthly Jena FORTY CNIS (to) in Ti Ton SBI a : . Helge SEE THE THOR GAS DRYER TODAY AT CONSUMERS GAS SHOWROOM wor this patere. Prose ori | IE FAN 1G IS a | | nan ante gna" 'n @(% | 48 SIMCOE SOUTH OSHAWA RA 3-3468 SVL A ADDRESS, 3 ! ' x 4 white and calor aturdy brass STYLE NU} A tipped wooden leg Zeller alue vio. : » ? Send order to ANNE ADAMS, | . % care of The Oshawa Times, Pat} K8 * > tern Dept;, Oshawa, Ontario ¥ Is 4 MO 8 3 2 SEND NOW! Big, beautiful, COMPANY LIMITED | ZELLER'S LIMITED - COLOR-IFIC Fall and Winter 80 SIMCOE NORTH RA 8.6218 . DOWNTOWN: 21 SIMCOE ST: §. -- Ph: RA 3.2294 4% ® (WHITBY) Pattern Catalog has over 100 Fy " : " SHOPPING CENTRE: 226 STEVENSON RD. §. -- Ph: RA 32209 styles to sew school, career aalf-sizes. Only 35cl : ART AJ R 1 00 000 000 A A {RR HK

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