tame Fok ivy Mud Wh, wh watery BERL or Aeniid snd Fa for the pple iT vE A Ra 1x, oR Ths buy, Fhenkihy the frakawa Frege wi Hovis for Bowie Low and Vitey- BA ARO -- Wy Baiavnnh wish 18 ssp ibin bed nwshs TORONIN 1 AM. TREKS By The Copsdion Frese Tym Bock Kas fous [hgish ai he A capts marked ind io, 8 Fasividend, wa TEE, ww REP TE INDUSTRIALS ad Stork Holes Wigh bow 1 a.m. EF ge hitb bs Wh J peak pth bon is Alls Gas Vs Wr Alix Gos Mm | Ld Ag Con wis Yad Alama Alamam Alm © pr dda] Arges Atlas Blast Bank Mont Hark Eom Waves Dom Tar Foom Feud Ems Lis ¥amm ay Hig Feias am es "wh Mee - Vi w "" Mes Lis he BEET E 5 wie © the Gekans (GERETH nr Arians PWYER Foon and Mary nex Hak) wr pind to annonces the perv of hess wom Won, i5 ome, wm Taesdey December 3, 1966, # Owhaws Gener # Hospital. A brother tor Denia WAWELY Bok and Ian SnBowasE the srivid of # Rengiiar, JW, wn Je ember 13, 1968, pi he fhaws GFR orn Hospilal AH Guy and Diane (pee Bysn) pie ba 9 sERownes the # nel of their AssEmier, Lavin Ain Wh Thursday, Ieckipher 15, 1964 8 Ober Generw Hospital. A wists bor Katherine ne upd y Hasse Thamks to Dr. Masiting. Dew P. wr " % sd bp Gratins detterson Aockey € PROUD porspts: The news of yor ey Sw Blessed Event can be spnounced 14 yor friends and iejatives In The Oh swe Times lor aol $180. Just lols hone RA 13401 DEATHS BURTON, Gewrge £ In Generel Hospital on Wednesday, De comber 14, 1966, George C. Buiton, he loved bushand of Florence (Hlietie and dapr father of Mis. Thox ek (Dorothy) of Toinis in Ws hb yeRs Reverend Warry Mellow of BSorthmin sey United Church conducted funeral services i Mcelniosh-Andersop Funeral Home on Friday, December 1h iam Interment Upion Cemetery ining Ges wi shave Mont Lace Mone A YGas Can Celan C Chem C Cunt W ledge rest Faw ERWARDS » Entered Hillsdale Manos, Oshags, mh December 15, 16060, Arthur ¢ beloved ~ husband of ie late Hamel and father of Mrs Saunders (Edith), of Oshaws and father | of Charles, Wiliam, Ross of Oshawe and Donald of Agincourt; in his #hdl yesr. Resting at the Armstrong Funersl Home, Oshawa, with memorial service n the chapel on Bat 3 17, st & p.m. Interment Oshawa Uplon | ho A Cemetery ¥ Ir # WARKIS, Violet olive At the fam inh b Trans Mi Hy pesidence, Kingston Ropd West % Whithy, on Thursday Yecember 19 1080, Violet Olive Carruthers, beloved wile of Frankiin George Harris, dear | mother of Gordon of Whithy, dear sister of Hilde of Toropie, in her Th yews Resting at ihe €. Town Funeral Chapel Whithy, for service 1B the chapel on Saturdsy, December 17 at 2 pm. Interment Uplon Cemelery, Oh awa. Minister Bev, A. F. Bamford (Friends are requested not to call at the funeral home until Friday after noon.) GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL Kindness beyond price vet within reach of all RA B-6226 390 KING STREET LOCKE'S FLORIST Funeral arrangements and floral requirements for all OCeasion OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRI 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE RA B-6555 into in CWN Gas Conduite Con Gay ( Gearge | | ! 7 Vino Bk Tor Eley Fin A wrdey, December Fi Dosen CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Page 0) (Continued from 50-Articles For Sale USED liber "al wes. Apply at Dove's Fina Station, 792 Simene Street South PIAND, 817, plain case, sxcellent tone and condition, BA 8-6379 for Further In | formation |LADY'E raccoon fur cost {wonl plaid overeat, $10; #; lof & drawers $10. Phone RA 5-083) v muskrat shortie, #80; weddi HA Ras cocktail gown and suit, cach all size 16, One coat, size 18, $18 RA BA607 . #75, ENCYCLOVAEDIAS, worth $388, 18) mh. En World Atlas, 1§ World's Great. est Literature, with bookcase, Like new RA 8-382 CTRIC sewing machine, portable, Lid excellent ofl; accordion, pract: cally new, 144 bass, beautiful tons. Both reasonable, BA B:2474 shi |PIANG, apartment size, excellent gon dition lovely walnut finish, price $380. Telephone RA 5:7001 for further inform: ation L = TRANSFORMER, new, 185 walt, for electric train; alse 8 mm Keystone | movie cameras two years old, RA 37726 $30; man's ent, $5; chest WEST 'Who LBL FT. TV antenna; single hed with maitress; vanity dresser With mirror Telephone RA B-6605 A USED parts and repairs #9) of wringer type washers, '4 hp $5 to 810, guaranteed Fecondith washers and stoves, Paddy's Ma Hampton, CO §-2241 VERAL winter coats #irls, kow | meters vet, | e 16, suit anable, Tele: | Tap-level talks aimed at keep ing Cape Breton's Caledonia mine and its BOO men working heyond Jan, 14 ended in Ottawa Ex FUGREN dear father, George 1] her 16, 1844 er remembered Vis family In loving memory sugden, EMORIAM husband, Thomas Balle away December 19 Appiness and yest, a ere 1s comfort in the thaught at ait remembered hy his wife Killen Bailey husband, Gordon Langmaid, | able for seheol who I ed away December 10, 1000 | phone RA 5-4459 Jk The sorrow the day would bring, dy cari chair, ivory donthareiie eat Fhone RA 53018 To part with an 1 loved so dear | VAPU UM shi Sometimes it's hard to usdersiand Rate alachmiehtss bruh In His wisdom, God has planned Li ud lod p | Rentals. Vacuum Cleaner Repair orem my Power io see NEMEX 2.0801 anytime ad af side by side; eh But to all there comes & moment sellent condition phone MO S:4158 alter aly Voll AVE me Years of happiness [ Then came sorrow and tear I will treasure through the years LOS Lady's gald Bulova watch, he Too dearly loved to ever be forgotten jween Hillsdale Manor, Rossland road family Biraet huses. Reward. Phone Mrs Clark, Hillsdale Manor wha ¢ male, green eollar, answers (0 name Buck'. Last seen Harmony Road BAILEY ~ In lovin fH id the gate our loved ones i And ¢ # loving Father knows best LaNaman =n loving memory of | ® my de knew when | woke that morn | OM tricycle, new, 84" front wheeli| The call was sudden, the shock severe hr hack repairs, hy some things have 10 he Heed vebullt machings sad to walk the road alone MEDIUM-SIZE oll #p eater When the wiys of lile divide But vou left me beautiful memories |B ==bost & Found hy his wife Stella, son Murray and and Naussau street via Simeoe and King! of a fled | BEAGLE dog, last, ahaut § months ald A 88004 | missed of |92--Legol CARD OF THANKS | NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS FRANK E deceased and sadly by TORONTO (CPA clergyman and the managing director of a business paper publishing firm came under fire from the chair man of the royal commission on publications Thursday for anti Americanism Family of the late Mrs Kenneth Herne wishes (0 thank ever for kind thoughts, fHowers and cards especiall Reverend } Holmes of Harmony United Chureh, Dr i, B Rundle Armatrang Funeral! Home, pallbearers wha offered cars, and everyone who assisted in any way, during the loss of aur dear mother | Your Kindness will aly emem: | hered and sincerely appreciated Won, Bertha and Vivian! HERNE In the estate of HALLITT, Retired All person having wgainst the Estate of Frank E Hallitt, late of the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontari Retired, deceased digd on or about the | 19th day of November, 1960 are herghy notified ta send in ta the undersigned Person al Representative of the said r before the 9th 1961, full their claims the claims Grattan Ottawa inadians should knees and neigh Commission chalrman O'Leary, president of the Journal, sald "( get down on thei thank God for ow bors," When bombs Canada, they will not ¢an bombs," he said Briefs presented to the three man eommission mgquiring into the health of Canadian periodi oals have repeatedly taken the line that easy entry American publications into Canada wa ruinous to the Canadian periodi eal publishing industry f Dece BRIEF DISTURRS Mr, O'Leary said NEIL KINVER turhed by the Age Publication HEZZEL WOOD Limited of Toronto brief pre Exeeutor sented hy L. R. Kingsland By his soligitor "I'm disturbed hy the anti McGIBBON & BASTERO, [Americanism with which it is Barristers & Solicitors shot through are we to have 20 Simcoe Street North, [ho interest in foreign affairs at OSHAWA, ONTARIO all? He said he could not believe a statement in the brief that the average Canadian knows more about the affairs of the US, than he does of those in Canada Rev, A. Gordon Baker, editor Withdrawn Driver Found From Schools Not Negligent i... win. TIMMINS (CP) = A woman lication of the Anglican Church MONTREAL (OP)--The Prot. driver involved in the first traffie|of Canada, oriticized advertising estant school hoard of Areater faiality here in mare than a year | Practices and sex Mmagasines Montreal will withdraw "shortly w deemed nat al {Thur He said many of "our national a grade 4 textbook used in sev. "WA3 G0EMEd 101 negligent Thurs publications lack the five of eral of its schools that includes day night hy a coroner's jury. [idealistic conviction and often the pledge of allegiance to the! Claudette Demers, 21: of Tim. sacrifice accuracy of fact for United States flag mins, was the driver of a car/#oed story" A spokesman for the hoard's/which fatally injured Urgel a curricalum division said: Thurs /Chaput, 63, of Timmins, Oct. 23 PRAISES PRESS day: "We are going to replace He was the fest traffic fatality Ph eary sid in the this particular veader with a Ca: here in 479 days ter of decency, responsibility nadian edition shortly This Five, persons at he scene testi Ludependent from & vernment or reader in question has been used p ) . inancial pressure, the press of ' {fled a second car ran over i 4 x in our school: for mare than 10] 5 A [Canada compares with the bes al Chaput after he was struck hy in the warld Ne Beck - deuBaak Miss Demers's car, Andre Re We soem to be gelling inte 1 Ml MISA GO B00 naud of i » \ is published in New York It id Mou] hoy eth the habit in Canada of blaming includes Biblical stories, lives of [5 wn a IE 10 TeMARithe Americans for everything, satiate and kings. an sxulanation|® the scene of an acoident, ha said i and kings, an oxplan ! he 2314 In an of the morse code and animal! Witnesses testified Chaput had charges that US. sex ma stories been drinking the wight of the were flooding the market One page shows the text of the & cident and was wearing dark The Americans don't pledge, Juastions on it and a clothing when he was Mt as "e thelr magazines on us ploture of the flag. lerossed a street. wha BRELLY The family sSregary (Pat) Skelly wish their gratitude thelr Yiends and neighbors for dots of Kindness their Tags. A special thanks ta Dy Smith, nurses of the Ard flay awa General Hospital, Father and Marrs Funeral Chapel kind and efficient servipes of the late In express relatives thely recent Mills and of Osh Malane far their good hegin to fall on deceased on Ameri day of particulars of Immediately after said date the Personal Repre sentative will distribute the ssets of the having regard if which he he January dece claims then have said Please Note Readings this ealumn DEATHS 1] Births Thanks 9 AM SAME DAY DIAL RA 3.3492 U.S. Book of nly 1 now hall in effect fer notice DATED Oshawa this 7th 1960 AM a Memeriams SAME DAY LAY day mber Cards of he was di a mat and Imposs Nobody {forces wa to buy these mage Wgh Low MH sm EW gn wn kh % is | Today's Stock Market Listings on Toronto Wat #eies id ad ws a i Comp pr Wear git ou 4 Wu ot eg Dynamin Rd ad Home 8 A Home MB 9% HEOIG Yd Long Faint issih wh ia I 1h TOP-LEVEL COAL TALKS today in an apparent stalemate Seen here are (left to right) Albert L. Walley, president of DOSCO Premier Robert LL Commission Chair Blasts Clergyman Why do Canadians buy thi "asked Mr. O'Leary presented hriefs Ernest Cole who pleaded Distrib Llpes treash Others who Thursday Included bourne of Relleville the case for Periodical tors Association of Canada; Be land Honderieh, vies president and editor in + chief of Toronto Star Limited on hehalf of The Star Weekly; George Cadogan owner of. the Durham, Ont Chrondele, and Charles de Ver teull, of Imperial Agencies of Foeronto, Canadian adverts Ing agent for Hritigh publica Hong METHOD ASTOUNDS Said Mr, de Verteuil Fhe method of distribution in North America astounds the British news agent, In the UK A News agent sends in his order according specific demand and has order forms for this pw pose, You cannot get that serv ice here, A man comes around mn a truck and throws a pile af stuff at you, which the distribu or has selected under an extra ordinary system known as seal ng "Can a British publisher com pete here? No, nol equitably, he cause the outlets in Canada ave very mueh in the hands of a few American companies Mr, Colebourne protested against special postal rates to publishers, He claimed the rates enable publishers to mail thelr wares directly to the consumes at a cost lower than the distr hatar can deliver it to the re taller UNFAIR ADVANTAGE Mr. Honderioh said We do not believe that Arher ican magazines should be per mitted to have an unfair advan tage over Canadian publications 1 the Canadian market. Appre priate government action could eliminate this advantage Mr, O'Leary sald on this point Lam greatly Paronto Star of na averjived to see coming owt In protection Hoanderieh a proteotion and peoteotion unfair competition He said The Star Weekly not believe the solution should be found in any action to the favor Mr there rephied difference hat was between M am does exclude [American publications, High Low Ib om. ECW gs LC I i a. "5 ms NES trian a Eolas Wigh Low Vi a.m. Cl gs He He He se ww wo FJ 4 ie bet Blank Bs wi n Romi Mant Redtad 2% + ow we ww ia vi Mainly Month Baw F ¥ ) di Con Lana Comiagas Con lilies £6 Arrow ¥ ¥ Ran PSE TS FIRE EE 3 ed Dewison Dickenson alain Faraday Fatima Gren Mines Gist YE GF Mining GoAdr wy Gr annie Gunhar Har-Min Headway : MH +» Hua Bay Int Nickel Cop # : I kerbs 4 h wh Accept OTTAWA (CP) The United Nations should drop the "foolish pretence that Formosa is China" and admit Communist China Lo membership, Senator William D Euler (L--Ontario) sald Thurs day "Ching should he brought in and representatives of the other countries should meet the repre sentatives of China prsonally , +, and so lay the foundation for a state of coexistence, the altern ative to which is a suleidal war," he told the upper house | Senator Euler, Canada's mini ter of tyade and commerce from 1086 to 1040, also called for greater trust of Soviet Premier Khrushehev, He had heard My Khrushehev speak at the UN in September and considered him though insulting to some extent Christmas Follows Troops 'To All Over The World | By M, MeINTYRE HOOD Special to The Oshawa Times LONDON = No matter in what part of the world they may he serving, the members of the Brit 4 ish armed forces and thelr fam Stansfield of Nova Scotia, and [Illes will be provided with all Bill Marsh, President of Dig. [that Is necessary for the obser: trict 96 United Mine Workers vance of the traditional Christ. CP Wirephoto Mas whieh they would have if they were at home. Responsible for the provision of all the ele ments that are included under the general term of "Christmas Cheer' is the Navy, Army and Ar Force Institute, better known to service men and women of the Commonwealth as the NAAFI This organization has heen mak ing a close study of the "stuff to give the troops" at Christmas time, Its Yuletide campaign has Tohnston | heen under way sine® away hack Honderich|in the summer agreed with testimony hy pres. " vious witnesses thal without 10 80 SOUNY IRS t magne, Canada Wk Ga NAA) SAEROOL sending ship pear 2h dation i wai different countries in whieh the : a8 AN Rpitish armed forces are serving extravagant statement but that, (mye goods sent ranged from with no national newspaper WMiOheistmas cards to Christmas Canada, lack of magaeines would tpaes. In fact, NAAFI reports that 'agravate the problem of pres(it {5 exactly a year since it re serving our national identity," He|oaived its first order for oards | sald he thought that in the last|for this Christmas, It came from 18 years "we have gone a longithe Hritish Guiana Volunteer way toward losing our identity," | Foree in Georgetown, In all, 650, | He sald Canadian magasines|000 Christmas cards have heen fo a Job no UB magazine conld|sent out ta the NAAFI outposts hope to do and sald "propaganda all over the world is engulfing this country" from| Here are some of the items on the US in magaeine, television/the Christmas shopping lst of and other forms NAAFL; { Groorge Mi Commissioner asked whether au sald 74,000 mince pies, more than 60,000 pounds of sausages and sausage meat, 120,000 pounds of tion of wasl-wear wonllens «| poultry and more than 24,000 'something the Canadian houses pounds of nuts, In addition, thous wife has been waiting for." says A0ds of ting of candies, chocolates Fred HB, Herschel assistant su And biscuits have heen sent out, | perintendant of West Coast Wool: GIFTS FOR CHILDREN len Mills in Vaneouver, I NAAFI 1s also Santa Claus to MERRY MENAGERIE WASH AND WEAR WINNIPEG (CP I'he erea atures Syndicate 12:16 "Sunken living room, I guessi™ Exchange Mak Yiston Hanswn Mari Murry New Hovey Noganis Nath i via ¥ Gaiden iad Brien Bales to : UN Should Bales Wigh bow EWge. Wes we a 5 BB # Ch Eon * " eit fal * ANOTHER TROUBLE SPOT Cross locates Addis Abbe, | broadcast from Ethiopia ane capital of Ethiopia (shaded por. | nounced that Crown Prince Lion of where fighting | ASR Wassan has heen proe " 0 here DERURE | claimed king of the African nae broke out today secording 10 & | tion in place of his father, British government spokesman, | Emperor Halle Selassie, | Following a coup yesterday, a | ~APWirephotoMap ' -' Mystery 'Santa' Still Sends Gifts PY LONDON, Ont, (CP)=For the! The letter was published in the {sixth Christmas in succession, 12: Exeter Times - Advocate and 11 J (o | {year-old Elizabeth Knox has re- brought a reply signed only ste ceived a present--§350 this year-- other Elizabeth," and a gift of from a Santa Claus she never money, sincere in his desire to Me! This year an envelope arrived The unknown hemefactress who containing $500 in cash and an- responded to Elizabeth's letter to other $0 for Elizabeth to Banta Claus five years ago Is presents for her family, The aes dead, bul the presents have con. ompanying letter was signed tinued, appavently through her "friend of 'another Elizabeth,' " estate, Thelr value value has MONEY FOR FLOWERS program. An 'eminent military |Feached $1,620 ' | Also enclosed was $10 (0 bu authori whom he did pot| "0 her Dear Banta letler, com:| flowers for Arthur RB, Ford, name--had said the Bomare was P0560 a8 a school exercise, Eliza: edition An-chigf of the London Free of Bo Use as & defensive Weapon beth wrote There ave children | press who first established cons even if equipped with a nuclege [#0 Need presents more than Tiiact hetween the two Elizaheths, warhead do, 1 hope you have plenty of and has passed the gifts on each Senator Euler made & plea fop|'0Vs for them |year since then, continued Canadian trade with Most of the money sent to "He onl hard lene wilh Sen. MEAN THIEF Jhsaveth, ht bo a 2 Javie rol ASO & Libera IN KINGSTON ator One year her parents, Rev, and and also from Ontario, He said Mrs, N. D. Knox, of nearby Lame Benator Croll advocates that Can-| LRA . . heth, forwarded the money sent adn "play the (ail to the United) KINGSTON (CF) -- Bak 1000, coheth for family presents States kite' in the matter off 9€rs hy Wednesday loo to an Anglican | colony in inte an empty manger at the ¥ eper colony Christmas Nativity scene at the Kingston traffic eircle, the exporting goods te Cuba India Mr, Knox, vector of Trinity Someone had stolen Chureh in Lambeth, figure of the Christ Child, map) 1 m quite avoid In the final analysis, the only way to foster peace was to trust the Russians Benator Euler called for scrap ping of Canada's Bomare missile War Anglican moved from Exeter three years ago, the children of the men of the armed services al overseas sta tons. A total of 260,000 toys and 42,000 hooks has heen sent to their stores and canteens in many parts of the world The shipments have also in. cluded plenty of heer for the services, There is a choice of In the sincere hope of rene elght different hrands = gl! in § dering @ helpful service te those whe-wish to pay tribe ute to a loved ene whe has passed beyond , , , the Qshs awa Times will publish a special page of Memerial Tributes en Christmas Eve, The classified staff are at your service te assist you with the warding, Telephone RA 3-3492, And sent out in millions are those things which help to make Christmas parties go with a swing balloons, Christmas erackers | and other decorations, To make | sure there is no lack of romance in the service men's Christmas, 100 crates of mistletoe have heen dispatehed Finishing off this recital of the (AFFL Yuletide Campalgn, an official sald Whether he is simmering un der an Oriental sun, or shiverin in Aretlo darkness, the British service man likes to keep up as many of the traditions of Christ. mas as possible, Our Job 1s to help them and thelr families to have the sort of Christmas they would have enjoyed at home," say "To be a sparkling conversationalist one should have pernodical Hashes of silence.' Fone Old CANADIAN RYE WHISKY ALSO DISTILLERS ANG EMPING OF HARCLAY'S © RYES SQUIRE, ROYAL CANADIAN LONDON DRY GINS RARE Character that only experience can produce