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The Oshawa Times, 19 Dec 1960, p. 17

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P2--Asticles Wonted iM) --Room & Boord (88--Howses For Rent Ah § Fists (A48--Rooms Vor Row (M5--Reoh fotote For Sle A8--Atomeblios Wonted | THE OANA THES, Monter, Bucomber 19, 960 1) yA v0 or Rent 2 Radel 5 hd iu CASH [Spode to sre 0s bor st ont i a 8S g Eis. remete Rb SHU Mies © Bw oo Ci Wr AL URE ATER, re oes TE Tl To Be er ET vs re a EEE EE EIT Ar ft LER 8, WAI arom | 11 CAH fo rz ja 12 1 J i cheese A Zu daly BO fl 2 nek PH 7 KING BT, E YAREOE'S RD sees WoL, 2 ares, ashes Th a " i Zi oo vm EE RA 5-5743 Pi MN 4, son GREENBERG £ > gf P a ee aan 4 a Aime i * 3 isd » ores som [2 3 Ey " : 73 ro Sal A mE ay mest | od fois EE =r Blt fe ton at WILBAK MOTORS ES gud Ager Bidin dN sila inirtil 137 King W, RA : Tir mith PE, : % -n A uli 3 =A : 5 ug HOUSTON GARAGE. 5 di FEE TALE A seal Ao SeRvICE STATION If CPE IE a Jie CR EE pa i ; Mm ges pda Bigg of 1 aE FOERT, ~ Toes FE Joris Tred rm 108 seek e 7 hf 0. "is | Y Me 0 a, o. PE oH hermes row # ne fF Ww fad "Ni fr ---- el LLOYD REAL pS / 4 ua and Wore H. Fr xi A LIST WITH LLOYD Po A 1 Lo oll Ms Iki TR wo en lo Ak] THEN CALL YOUR MOVER Ye to Vo ns Tomson 1 WA opt ier a NORTHWEST AREA SPOT CASH 00 agin Wwe ooh ES Annes ex wisn AS--Real Entote for bole | DOWN $2,000 DOWN {ud Pa, ivi pre gn a ot £# i Tor ior Babies, ohn | Buys this 2 od et PAID Fi ome PINs. 1 by, Kone 8 ahers wb "oh FON, yh ad om OR Siopoing Corts dpe 18] Fahy LR TP 1 7. AR Th 3 Ad iit nome with poved drive a 3 crs. Tinde wo ne for toh ag A 4 {did Lids Frinyione. RA ne. Vi ped A 1 Es i, i" wee, 8, Posing of wey, completely decorated pi ag i 4 le rows § 3 17 ig hus vod iP gy Tid IAAL woh 3 thrghon. WIE mongege FORD MO SALES ny as ikl Toy ve [cen welch a i LW ol rd -, Woders bo carries for SBEON interest "Tele % 9 BAY care for Chilgn Fu, £5 i pn principnl and tues. For mare Ei Mr 5 5 MONTIEY = hike Privale Thos VIVE - room hows, raced pore, oi 0 cory Fl o wlormetion call Jim Crk: wre! 508), ROW WN ferme, wi KORO E ir ade ' Sree il ET py uA ula hort of i A babies seml, 20 Korey shonks ot RA B-5123 Tor gels. CR Tk Sh or lh bh ROE 2 Fd, Bed From WEBI] AY i fff ot ol Bh avy 7007 bongelon, oR hesief, TY Brig 8 Ts ott To dh MODERN bas 7a tA 94 dis iy o_o o Yor [a " a mn Win 6-ROOM HOUSE RA B52} o RA 85124 fr GIRL FRIDAY 144--Howses For Rent hr Lormeton Sia Farin rn 0. WONTRLY = Thee oom weer) Close to schools, shopping 191 (7 i M For professionel office ine i ied Tom Dilek, Hares and a Srnaaion CHE Pepto { i174 pe TAK er rh a pier, bus service. Many ex A Bented, apiapni, peved pind 4 Gas Besling, #vaieh A s. Lom & proficient in (08 henios, slant, pores 4 A ju wien Bots" wl Meri! roe. Completely landscaped. | flbmRen) Estate Wonted ond typing MS glace mirror, ib. BA Pyiiy wet : J / th Po ry " . r i be the calibre around which |i EaLEMRIE -- ws riom hove wih LTRACTIVE Die TEE Brin (THE x AE four oem wert, RA B-5245 He TH Bu. DOWN sid lr m. Ha office staff con be bl, ah, oI 1insse. BeRf ot, ne Bavdens. neswianey eany Jam BER SEE Hilly wnad. bhahen, Tub) - -- i |i 9 BEERS BA RER y ory open Rue. Teicphone OF SRE I0r WORF LT RAS SB BOrEhes. ib monly. BA BAUS PRIV TE [3 are Make " lication a) or a: pouty a nigh wim BeEen. SER FURNISHEN tee - enn spament A ALE 147 = Automebiles for Sole | sie with 1EErs nA chose 1h Boswil. Well Fis teh prope! app! Ie, SR ihre piece baths i Bid o. usaf As Lidl vy ir) Rag £1500 DOWN Lz vasm ian hardtop and | a to BOX 337, ive W hie | Pon Telenbone RA . RE, 1B Fie West Y J Ch bith in axel yA "% n Lele pin 3 om rr hres bedroom brick . { OSHAWA TIMES ui Slant] ¢ oA ied W0 WONTMLY. soe hovse. noith of THREE dW Tak ow. orgs lok. tensed fours RA. 8.484 oom | 408 | AFA EY Ae m---- wr tonvibie, all mods LR BRIE - po vapird iA win ol hein. Weleohone RA | Fone Avene piece tiled kath, sluminum (ih pt Tg shi herp lr Fann | 118 tor more Ininrmation ed aps I storms and screens. € WEFLEX pewly a comsising mf f Iorme [Rp ROOM futnished Spariment. eh d screens. Close to |Telekhone BA #708 10r fhrther po wo | fihon "nt mg 8 100r 100m abd IHIee room RPRITIBERE, Sux aon brick house, Mors. spd don) (iyi Reirdiih, ele phons RA services, RA 5-5126 iitahers ! Fo lot genes, ' Kv on Lug CEEENS peri Aecoraic HR walk Breis, | . we | WEE MONARCH tador hardtop, i rer sisi 08 ly Wines hl ie 4 wn, Ww Whitby Ehei hon ed, oe w 7 A frehe whirl LL. 4 CLEAN. Comitioble periment. Mere fo Gln | rly: SYEFY pi 7 [ole enlranee, bath whi wired, men's yous Youn svallomie 1h nelliiny Prats . i LRA A esis dl fl waver J Seve) Eason sirie ONLY 3 LEFT USTIN Ad, pew halle Servic, id Bim ry __dapuery | Apidy 7) Liberty Slyest £2 ipl d formar | arma o» A ' healer, ie [7g yor fors73 81d ir | A ot Wo TI Hay URN house or -- hres - oom fat. I , phone BA 3 0 rr Ee Tor winter months. Also! 44 A Apts. & Flots Wows: sorwet, went wt Gopive, eoninl NEW HOMES Lalit Phi Fie Le {Feat ea 18 lo i » Ju, is traller. Apply igus hot water with Twilkin ewphne ids NORTH EN 1958 PONTIAC s LL HA Be Bas, Tiohaw or Rent Telephone BA 3978 | HORT D she. Ein, Wheel si : rE - Eorn @ good income close 10 IX roam dl ST basin ong PRIVATE hice room speriment or MARERN Int - Fm I Sment, part | Feetwring: 3 bs dream 8 oo Wa bel n ) hi BOPPINE Bh iy ' ¥ Blreel, ness ARWBLIWE RAFI: | ¥ 4 dougie closets, | i home, Represent Avon cos im meiate iin Yensonahle ren) ni Lana pirgie "Caring space. (FIRERIOF, wiilahie Tor 'twa Gifs or diy Hi ' a fias io he seen 7 ¥ "iy madd Ay 14 IT metics. Friendly, pleasent [Apply 1246 Wecker Drive Telephone WA BHsds for more infurme: |Pubinese couple, Telephone BA 34973. | Foi With Richi i wilaied" hiply 68 Angin YE | hohe dryer ay end profitable work quickly (89% room bungalow for Tent, three Hon FURNISHED Tour roam -- spastiment| [1Windew glass) a " fi pide, Oshews rigermiory bind . 'mors a re ont, bl hoon bedenoms, sll conveniences, oil heated, | COST. Thies © room sel-contained Dear South GM. immediste possession wiltin valence box, Holly " ot ry puts § § in your packet fpspied tee Wie and school. Apply B19 | spartinept on street level. lave and re $68 mantuly. RA bbe wid. kitchen, loads of cup od 4 i! eu oy pir ome Bylvia Bireet | Irs rotor "a led. Central oration | UNVURNISWER thiee = tom wget | bogrds, di able stainless steel priced alsiogh 0 dln 08 tiki al pr Hire BRUNSWICK FIBRE GLASS ih ne VENUE FOR APPOINTMENT CALL |EiGRT room hick home, excellent con. | Abbtalners at heavy wining, TV Binet, bys Wim |. sink, ceramic tiled splash, ex sther Particulars a iio, Ease | Fu, Renn ya i we snd halt unin | CARRIER Tilbhang Bless | haust fan, dinetie ares, eer we i 7] Fila. Sis od torn ; FIBRE Fe BOAT ie LE 60627 ley Millen Realtors, BA 81670 (asly. Cail between 11 a5 ond § 0m TWO Tarnished rooms with Taree wad: §TE 16d bethigom with fit sa ¢ oF RP br Res is | i fe i HOUSE - [A Ten J sale, new, six | Telephone HA 4-760 Er kilchen, sink, = cupheards, Tanger, pee. colored bath, built-in Wi Vor. Brass screws, anchor fos Fn COLLECT geome, hope W 1688 wd wile Fume room apartment in privale gel [1] o washing mach ne: | vanity with large miner, oe os en i. ore, 0. A nals, Boats repair , painting x a so oe Rh wit U0 140 TP ust RR ap rh eT TE | wah Sod wi, He may (80 OLOMAMES midi rH i | and varmithing, Mater wor: |G IL A ] ] oak ane 0 ; A inn house with we bai ele WIE: neat one eA welcome, TES. aw, heater, § minnier tn Aauniaon. oak ana Ne 2050, IMheR fun a0 sonable offer re owe 43, dA SECRETARY hie for rooming house or subletting. Phone BA 8-070 parking, adults, $76 Available BA Oy ae air on ale ised Folkihins ne 4 ANNAN MARINE SALES [cally few, Ps [med] ™ Rasseusion RA $3141 Ay (THREE unfurnished clean roams. sult. |B 1560 | 4) ud $14 400. Nasr: | in INTIAL [™ 0 daar. Ward op vib 20 RAY SY RA B:-8863 reasonshic ha OG APHER |} me 1 voees evening shia for business couple, SRE NETS, | EONERN four Tom 8 ATI, Terr riced from radio wood ooh oh i STEN R : BOOM brick ray clone to south | close 10 bus a TN oanral Aprly ® Shopping Centre; relrigeratar, wove, Fiher pred VEY elephone PIANO Low down AiLis, see this [BA S808 lor further AHR: | teh : NT . a La lta ALUMINUM DOORS AAT : wl Motors, newly decorated Avall- (Warren Aves |bamban drapes, parking. Available. BA! well kept b-raem, 2-storn Wanted for executive official hie souary | ol Wi 4786 hier | Gravy A A 4 rom Apartment, | $4378 or RA Finbl brick home on Oshawa Blvd, He Rg 0 He WA ee a 1] oe la manufacturin . entrance, Parking, Lun Foun i Tiled hath, a AND WINDOWS TR I BS amuse ng [¥PROGREY " oi Ld Voom, 168 Verdun asd. A' 39008. || nt A aloud fn New coon Wego 8 gt 108 WEVRALEY. tuo dour, WAG 350 1 IRATE of 7 "¥] ne fe The Fy ih nd, secretarial duties give se i wii juliet: RRIVATE apartment, hres ooms. four Joseph Hosen, Healer, de madras. Ted foo Ea ord a hon, ony Sriveis Ale We Sell the Best ears 3 variety, 0 wien Yibin ror or Ioierm HP de Adis' A% aby iA hoi le am pr be finished Inte reems, i oul FE rT wT " nd Repair oe Rest 36V4 hour -- $-day week Btevenson Soul tal, oo located, available now large combination i din: "i "They iy Bet ri (A Placing Blam, roens, aie a a " tent vem) moe 1 oF vent. No i a IND floor -- four room apart | Telephone Wh Soa ing room, geod size kitchen |eondifion, fh ! Je, god rin formation ' RR A " Nau i I BA 50% ment, Hove and Jetriger alas het gt young ts a To shave Furnioh all an main Heer, Excellent Sw tok Furth Nl ion PER mE ---- yr FOR FAST EFFICIENT § le Wwaie pple Ine i WOTGIOPNRY droking rr 3 (lor furiher bavienions ig hn aa Sw La ed partment with here. Centrally' lo Income pessibilitien all heats VATA | fo Tosuranes, sve RW | Fine Bia) oh te rn ai [7% SERVICE 52 Ls? handwriting to-- hone, a oh garage: hike be (Twa poem well furnished sppiiment, lor fur hor nformation. ina Bt ope washroom in yy SEFVIER At YOUF home; wa Wi Ale na, fl hich HI Chi dad JIM ELLIOTT ox yn (Sa SAT A 1 al FLLIOTT | Noick To chepiToRs entiemen or ladies. Apply 253 AL nd $95 this » OSHAWA TIMES __ seve mos wr, i ap ie in fg fet we 900) LLOYD AYERS Wh, Bg RY = en Bo id mmm sib 1g CENTRAL "Twn © ropm apartment 4 ' oll [nln A | A is| REALTOR--RA 3.2254 vd Oo oo 0 0 Veray of 15 car whoo | sf Th hol Sl 5 eanonahie Fen 0 b : Ld oe ! : ' : We require a mature wo: I WONTLY = ene uh Bute | PAVE. son apes aid, gon 41 3 Bah bd an |p mer rks VEL v A wo ped for Eo ov ie $3 each, alse body solder All - persans EA elgi man for part, er full time ho and bus. Apply in Eng Resta aeation, Parking close lo bis, Abily SECANR black from OT Centre, JOHN A. J 1058 WESOTN, Vb, Tidia, iiy ei | bie amall tahini twa hile aha hike; and plastic solder qainst the estq ih b Bl BL 786 Simeon Stree Bouth far MRREY | four rooms an Phvate Jrathy parking ped, good condition, $435. Cush ar I hy Fd €, 80; and ron A oor Breet East itarmas 114 Blevanson Road Nor 0 Tash or lest Nv fart Ll 4 Ironing he NAR JOSEPH phone sales solicitation ull "Telihine WX bes wie § gm ui. | SHAW AUTO WRECKING he € FOVE room house, cup FRU WHEE Foon Apartment WHVAIE FULLY finished i roam ap 1065 OHEVROLET, tw Al i) GWT ofa CA Rin of fhe ily fo thaws on a commission basis fry fae. olf heated, heavy hy WIRE bath and entrance. Wears dify $08 (mont, upstairs, als two-room Apart malar, Teale " condition, NM bin condition 89 BLOOR EAST nthe County @ at LF Ihe pines ath, close. a "D A Naito of Bhopuing Centrw, Shree room ment, downstaiis, seinh private entrance LIMITED fel lephane Hi 4. #: | far YOURE. 8 rity for RA 5.2311 Salesman, deceased, hed pf If yeu are @ college graduate i Toa TE. Ti Tete. Tou. [RAYS aby "alectiic. Tangs, GARtAMANE | with rivers en rane ekeenIE rl! © REALTOR INSURANCE (JUS WAYKER cor in good condi, MUSKRAT fur cant Iengih, oie ; ono gaout oe h ~=have a background of sales [Ary Tubs. heaxy Wiring, clase 10 Shop hat water Ample parking. Telephone Albert Birest 100 or Dest alfer #014, 41 centre hack skins, worn fe eptember, 1960, are oy sperincs of have worked fie, Sars Available now. Telephone IRA & 0087 ST Se RR Se re Vi 167 SIMCOE § Colborne Sireet Went, shia Telephone HA Fd AleKROOM EQUIPMENT notified 1 gor in ie the ue or further infarmation | FULLY furnished apartment, in ii I a _ AR ad | 4. RENT or FOR SALE dersigned Personal Represen: as @ phone switchboard ep ATTRACTIVE bei Relies rinse five eam stave and IRI Yat, ore in AoW (10 lye apartment, fefrigetotor, hull: RA 5.6544 BUYING OR SELLING SEE avy Rane Nigvoig ry ih Bin tal beds wheal ¢h tative of the said deesas § nd brief lett d bungalow, (paved ries, Taree ga: plex. nice oration. L{] pRB, West [Tres Taundry facilities Parking. Tele bie pital beds, whee! chairs, an or befare the 23rd day erator, sand brief letter and age), Simeoe Btrest North: Avelishls| Whitby, MO 85 iline. BA 456d . TED CAMPIN invalid walkers, bedsides Recamber 1960, full pare summary of jobs held te; January 1 Telephone WA § 592 | TAINS iA four Toame pis PRICED TO SELL MOTORS i ih an he i fiche and fieutars of their claims. Ime hath heavy wiring, heated, privale en Nearl hunaal h nes, alsa ro away § diately after th d di BOX 436 OSHAWA TIMES APARTMENT {range reasonable rent Telephone OO! garly new gg ow with tle, ing ane she fi fhe Gl a er the sal ate - fas 3.4608 Tar mare Wiormanon attached garage ree large Ashburn. Phane Aid Rentals RA 5§-1644 the sald Persenal Represen Ww v - NEW STORE Large two-bedroom, electri MALL Lived: Yom a Fre hadroamy large meade kit id Ring " t= QAHAWA Reve ERR LT WH ol will daw bute He ou | -- quinpe se @ ent, ol hi i} chen, full basement, ai at 1] ) he sa eceqse av Male Help Wante FOR RENT call squioped ie of washer |e, S,, (sft, wisie, ti) E06n ful Caveat of heat, | tum fou of Wien Read fukin ta t cot 8 fw ALUMINUM DOORS | ard he" clime s gITRINVTOR ws wan my art and dryer tree, In new ape {1 348 Wivon Street far more WIFME | Full price $11,100. Call Bill A 3:4494 Res. 5:-0574 i 0. Telophane AND WI | whieh she shall then have Farting Taar Blade d waond oli Abou! 1,300 "use feet ment building, near hepaing | on Ratcliffe. RA & S544 EE fi ART E68 with he NPOWS elice 9 ant pply: 2 MN THREE © roam Uniarmished apartment, ' , uct a I GR RN RR CASH [ERS pH tet wit ve, | AFD gt coe, rv - - o A - fn basemen arm UB sary. Telephone HA § roam. Telephone RA 37 Full dawn FOR YOUR CAR or We Sell, Cash 860 ( ( : pir il S8wn PaYMeN! = ant FREE Chiat an 5 d ' MAUD ALICE ROBINSON, 39--Agents Wanted OFFICE SPACE BUCKINGHAM FURFISUED, hitman pds | Mmarigage 5a eam brick VAN HEUSEN per wee or FX 1 a ond Cony NaLOE Alice RoR| poh LEAL LiL LINE : [sunarate entrance, very central, suit] bungalow. Starms and chneders Yaad Fan, Blue yous CALL FOR QUICK SERVICE by he Saligita CRRISTMAS wi agents Sell Can APARTMENTS able far lady or couple. Telephone KA screens, many extras. A real inghouse Freezer nla » NN La a's best ersonalized FOR RENT \ [34128 bargain. Call naw, ask for MOTORS dawn Ra¥ments he aRgation pH] M ING F SWARTZ, i to thease 2 hed: om Apariment les {THREE mom hirnished apartment, Bill Swarbrick, RA 56544 or psi NATE Shahi" w veh ALEX VAIDA foe goleitar. Se: Rh nt Te Cane e. | tien | $1607 Apply 9B [fine ar Ns "silgn weiss Apy| 2 O42 149 KING ST. W. chi lia ek | 48) DREW ST. RA 3.985) By Gotan, a ao 8 St. North, Apt 15; gin Street East N ¥ Er ---- i ----------rrre | ------------ = Pleasant oer 3 Aver | cated in downtown area imeee St : p 25¢ XMAS TREE 25¢ " slop is will eee ANY Moderate rent. Leases naw RA 8-867¢ hut sell RAH ment Bg Bo In fact we might even give Any "i Nar | PHERTERVIERRA Wh Sol hm SEE HOME APPLIANCES NOTICE hy FRERITORS oh fon ios) available 448---Rooms Far Rent Ri ig 8 haved RARE, nes WS vay ane fer nathing with the MERCEDES "RENZ {hie Vey tan Srifie Savings wh in OSHAWA LTD. THERS i 41 Room & Board THE TIMES FURNISHED room, suitable far two [AU 337 Fronteage Avenue purchase at this charming @ DKW Hany nM bald 90 SIMCOE SOUTH ou py af MADELINE i so HE ap i ua? oF, WAR A CL Sob, SHRED | COC (a wb of he | SALES AID SERvice | msen sui FOR FRIGIDAIRE | JAARGAREL hNGALL, Wie i ele oe Skinner's, downiawn HA 8-093 Stave, refrigerator, Ww autlet Availahl ome 4 . h SALES y i aie Sines BUILDING denies WA Pw SH, 18 hofors. Phan a0 dant | Civ N10 heme has bean com: | 408 KING W., OSHAWA | ALUMINUM WINDOWS partes AND SERvice All persons havin Kai A pletely elle and dee: emmercial against the Est te 8 Made: ream far gentleman, in-nice home, cen (NEW thre em apartment, private 2 RA 5.7132 DOORS, AWNINGS H A gentle: Contatt T. L WILSON (ral, near hospital, North General Mo: (Bath, avaliable (mmediatel crated The full prige? Only LL RA 5.5332 line Margaret Randall, { ER rhing, very Pho RA 3.3474 tors and bus. Avil af | 3Figin how Goneral Motors, 384 M. HT fob 312.300 oe Move, infaria: Riseet Jovian priets Manu _-- gt th » Ct a ona va, in ine " = | CELY furnished three vom Apart SRL actured a (CUR LL nty al fa, ne [hE seg a hah pr, WARY Jog aA adie | CAR AUCTION | mote ie hinaron NANCY QPUER Fitw [Horses Wis 9nd oF \ REMAN 10 MAE MMMM ove. ark space. central fo QR | January 1, Teleihane WA § id very Saturday, 10:30 am. [Colonial Aluminum Sales GLECOFF abeut | th hn hv. ot $ 3 town he Agnes Street WHY NOT uy oi sell here RA 8-464 not Vy and A A ' v : hl cl SHAE TWO BEDROOM | SPREAD OUT (OSHAWA CAR AUCTION |. Alle hous KA S530 | SUPERMARKET | dersane ph Revere : auth, close tg Houdaille and Werner's " . 25 L alive af the sai Ca \ i Hr ie RA 7 APARTMENTS A I 0 3 Sun 4 fT SALE 174 RITSON RD. SOUTH | ® hetore, the 3 i don Fe, AR EH W | geassons ih ae abiend : ttm Bohn of | canyonn of omcevs an, | fie tat: ol tee i A wee ow hs aller Nara mE to share 4 fer 4 Exe aia x real beauty 'aul esl quali a T) 1 M i TE wl a Thi Fiche MO EAN light Nowekeening roa, brculians loca oy New buid hks lo i this oul pau 48---Auta hiles Wanted Res h fully §yatanieed RVING fon CHRISTMAS, med jal of a No hela date : W sl man, central Telephone ntheny Sibleck, RA § TTT 1a Wreckers wl ung windows on nD : von nex i we i) i i CER p= ws ad ar 8.436 hl CR ar hi THR RR AT hn' RY 14 Wl attri We suai of H Saobing room 4] "Hh KC | a or Jovy Toom. suit ladies of | LOYD REAL TY RA sil $ Lymer Alumi c Please reserve fo fo he sa ceased haying iE tc Ra Tf CR kit BR NP I CTC eo a et I LE Ha By { alate uty 4 i Hid fo Kart loss » h gl i Nn have notice. " Able AU phone Ra #120 District Real Estate Board ater Pave, tl -- hg 2 i ar bates my BY HRT newly decorated furnish. PA RA 8 2123 | A ------ Weight Desired wy at mb 848 EL fold vam vey a bE ied hi, "I SR ------ hikigih hy . it ftmen Wh 4 V TOWERS 1 pig on " gt 3 Dar Mat finch hace fat Parking tie Telwphons RA Gavawa s Finest w wi oy by ; ont a. | ha ou FERED two tomy. REVAL oW on Whsuppartin tower Deas Ree oe Sutarbal STEDS, J france: alsa furnished le house. 0 alvanize: X urke 0 {Ma Xo yeh He, WE Park Lane Apts, REAL ESTATE LIMITED Gina ev Am | Vad © TEE Re Ati, eal, i sutside Ww rad a ed | Sirost ay al y 40 all = ehanne! antenna Wi HAWA, AR / i 40 KING § a elaht desired 'e then all ar PEA a "» jm. ry So ER ET LARGE | BEDROOM 6G ST. E DIAL RA 8.4478 Total rice, insialeq on WHI $ick vo on rimet, two i he Wah in og 2 bhising Williat aod ary 4 LARGE 2 BEDROOM WHITEY = A Real Buy = S.room brick, 11a stray home ; ! th i ie hear ugh wa arin -- Ta Shane Ra Hes RACHRLDR 19, oom, alsely landscaped, pe easy 10 heat. Full price TV Enterprises Nowe | ; i (Continued on Page 10) ie Ro oom BB ug AN ne Jon go (ment, | soar NE "Ena ad | puseesping rom CONTACT $11,995 00 Pawn payment to be arranged 253 Drew St I Ri shopping. pat & |. Brookita i + ated a Valy ocanira EST | On Alia] Street Bast or tele: ATE SALE -- Z.room brick home, well decorated de RA + 1553 [fA 8. fg Mans RA 3100 00 od | Potvin AlT ar hE Nh w ea : DON HOWE nod location. An excellent buy at $10,000.00 ---- hawam ra \ bata Sam th fo WE Ravens TRAN camirAn 5 NCO = iT, Hs py Ls i #6 weekly REAL TATE N oe ME HOME - ood EE ities. Steam ant PLAN | Before vou lok elsewhere, fat us say thanks with a Mmes Gi ment. with sun roam, 1 wey Hmmished tom with all con 87 KING SV wom Separate entrances. Selling ae 13.50000 Mus i 3 aisnoes ApBlY 34 Raval wt be Ip CHE Wd wove Sel data aaa ea Ah Raval But dual RA 5. 7732 ven 10 be appreciated FOOD & FREEZER y ABSOLUTELY FREE 3 a ZTRIack am. manare for CENTRAL lncatian. Nousokeen! SIMCOE ST. NN. = Six-room plit loval with attached Yo ha ied th } wisn die Soak HR NE MO HSL Waithe. Te ARhaAN RA S300 for Wrihet ot | 48 Rooms _ For | Rent Weil landscaped patie ab rea: broadioom. Country nce | Now Wo tha beat Eat Pe | bibiy hha Ar ga ¥ one SANS hn A shake ot oo 8 FOR RENT -- Box, boat and var He ation comfortably far pith ¥ hed Too Waa he ally Priced at $18,000 00 | bi " S08 groceries wp | name od valve $1058 iy "ee . fal {an : eine ni Sahin trailers, chain saws, Te Reg Wy Thal ATTRA dna HARMONY HEIGHTS -- 512-r00m brick bungalow aluminum | ats NEMA! Sally mea dors fom $39.50 Wh aed] Stew cement mises fom: Saal at's yy a ETHAN rset paved drive Asking aniv $13,500.00 wim | a h 3 WINWE (yyy. from $17.00 RPh, Mat] PRN Sn taunt |ATRRGETICE my an (A dhe 400 dowd ond Bole' on SaaS NVA morigign. | ha Sak ane soronted W own fan 150.50 Ei No "a a WL Wis : [North 87% pm RA aden 4 SINGLE Fahad Boalt wom AFTER 3:30 CALL ae ar ha hg : : o XH PE RENTAL TRO bright single roar Mashed i ohm wilh small giichen. use Ma Drew, RA 8.7610 Joho Kamin RA 8.219 a Phen all naw for 4 hace and Soins [8 Wg age a ett 168, ice Dick Barriage, RA 5.6243 fave M A a MW Ne 1415 a de water. | 537 FRVINED | we am Dick Borage. & 24; Liavd Menall. RA 5.6983 | Ne ' Dundes E, MO 8.3224 Av A Sami (4a RRA | Everett Ellon, RA 3.9290 los Maga. RA 5.9191 RA 5.3709 ANYTIME

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