CAPSULE NEWS Attempt To Help Congo ie ARV E) preside of the Union States 14 The Fast Wg moves to wive the dey when the Eleciorm College (Conan crisis owiside the United members mest 19 east [Nations took pace here Sunday voles, Tie Wi] Ceciors whe Eon in sil AMricam meetings stiended prise the edliege will meet iby most of the rival factions in thelr stale capitals lo cast thelr lie former Begion wohomy, b voles Finding CORIETERCE IRV IRE fmt ne ty | SV ESTHER, 9 : y oh ' 16g Churies thames, | § [lowes atier i oe i wes convicted of murder Saw! | cial ot recometliation Aay Wight in the Sept. 3 sex say! Bs early hie ERS ing of ii-yeseid Domed Oitiey| Nis" enn "Wie PE Vernon BL, and samlenced LEADERS ARRESTED Jonged March 4, The KATMANDU, Nepal (Rewiers) newspoper carrier hoy was fimnd Al of Bepal's top political lead suflocated in a hobo ymgie lors Sundey were reporied wader 4 . [swans ins romndup oxterod by 4 rd a SW b if a alk bi METI 3 adil King, Mahendra alter / his oe three prisoners dail escaped Jost po Radio Nepal said the latest) Nonday trom the FroksRivieres D. BR Regmi, former minister" ' be Dimnali. i 2%, of VAssomption, Que, nd ond leader of the Nepalt National 50" poberge 4, of Montres,| oh ne were seized by police alter a ser] CHAEGE VOTES TODAY BRAZLVHLE SLATED TO BANG ¥ & at to be SEES f= THE WEATHER says temperatures wil drop sharply in Quebec tonight fh. lowing the passage of a weak pressure system, In Ontarie, WEATHER FORECAST Cloudy Today With Some Snow CP) Official fore Kapuskasing ao am White River A flat ridge 3 y Woosones demi time of the year shies will be » Wend of sn "CP Wireohoth shine . anc clowd over most arens with & few snowhurries, Temperatnres will remain well below normal in Ontario for this | OFFICE i 9-12 NIGHTLY Wednesday, Friday & Soturdey Afternoon Johnny McMann Featuring: Kmes Music = Des, 19-24 HOTEL LANCASTER NORAD COMMANDERS HOLD CONFERENCE AT COLORADO SPRINGS Vice mation Alrgiam, woe euien] W nd hed 7 i : BOTON (AP @ FA ot 5, Real Dodier) Lieut Gen 8 F. Clark American Mr Defence Com i Buter (left), BORAD comman | uty commander-in-cidef The LT Abi TION AF il Rising is still t larg Roherge and! (eentre) chief of the Canadian | mand Hesdquariers, Colorado | derfnchief end RCAF Alr meeting look plac last week 3 hn Ken ed) w ye @ arge er ge A hy vere awaiting frigl on » ith hm are harnng the expected Ietehre ete wl i Prk 4 . Army's genersl staff, conte Springs " bik § | Marshall C Roy Slemon, dep irephatolone slep becoming TIIMETY eharges an uhier wa with senior oINeErs » JBYFBRL ; CITY AND DISTRICT PHATE ESCAVED EDMONTON (CP) The pio of an RCAF T-43 jet trainer, who balled out over northwest Sask pichewasn Sunday was found TORONTO FOUR GRASS FIRES levard north, Oshawe, hgs oh oi] hd 47 J fond: TORONTO The Oshawa Fi Department wdmitied to the practice of| reported four grass fires on the the profession of engineering hy | weekend. The Nirefighters also at e Association of Professional) tended 8 chimney five al 1050 Engineers of Ontario and now Is] Simeoe street south, Seturday, accorded the right to use the fnie| the crash, The RCAF ssid Fit, Bynopsis; i£, BH Thomson of Saskatoon pressure wi at 4.30 p.m. Damage was mini P, Eng" after his name in) A car fire at 11.05 p.m, Suns on with any neering! {complained only of a sore hack weather Lafter hailing out at 5,300 feet fol- the next day or ) lowing engine trouhie tures will remain well helow was also qu carried out, Mr, Liepins | control, The engineeving trainee with Gen:| amhulam eral Motors of Canada ! mal lor this time of the year CELEBRATE 50TH Lake Erie, Niagarn, 1a | PORT BOWAN (CP)--Mi i on CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SUBJECT I the Umiverse, Including ahd taro, Halihnrton {Mrs, Chester J, Thompson Bun-isor, Hamilion day celebrated Man, Evolved hy Aomic Foree?" uhject of the Le inh alby Cols ' ie CINBET to General 4 op #t North ih Ui Wi HO Tras 4 of high th Ontena § VT emperi nate f A pattern ove " twin nay | neti / ( ork é Tn ang a le and Ties Winds westeriy 1a Georgian Bay re Most elon toda) ang enld, Wind f lame M their th wed: able elondines ding anniversary oon Phey have flmries today lived in this Noviolk County vil-|tinuing eold age for the last 40 years, They, Lake Huron were married in Fort William London STATION DESTROYED TORONTO (CP ire early Sunday & tiny Canadian Nations! Rallways station in the east end, The ome-storey frame! Partly structure at Danforth Read and flurries 18t, Clair Avenue, at the junction fining cold of the CNR's main line to Mont-| northwest 15 real and is line Hay Forecast was destroyed. No one was hurt Law tonight nasa CHARGED WITH ASSAULT Thomas TORONTO (CH) Police Con-| London stable John Routh was pinched | Kitchener in the mouth hy 8 mean Batwday | Wingham as he read charges to him of in| Hamilion decent assault on g female, The| St. Catharines smack split the eonsiabie"s lip Toronlo and knocked out & lower den-| Peterborough ture, Karl Rafuse, 28, was| Trenton charged with assaulting & police offiger | | STREETS CLOSED | following street closed road to Bi son road the wi Ww I Gye Sie from Gink Blevenson south {R; Rossland road om Greta north; "Stevenson from King st to Creighton avenue ever possinle @ streets open to local traffic ADMITTED TO PRACTICE G, E. Liepins, of 271 Oshawa Cut Cable Alarm Sends Montreal Police Out " gums | ) "tom Crers ol be " vith snowtiurrie south, from Crerai Sermon at all Christin 8¢ ui An ' mm Sunday Seriptural selections included Jesus' striking response to) is disciples' eall for help during tempest al sea FIRM INCORPORATED Phe current issue of The On ario Gazette carries the informa. tion that letters patent of incor: have heen granted to Tree Experts Com: of Oshawa ARESpeare Avenue on 1) { street Vimmins-Kap Bay, Sadhu a few an Tue Aa) Wind south (Pl swept orth cloudy and #00 eres-| the ina eon | ' west fo Hn closed sles When will he Temperatures and high Tuesday 18 yi ta North thie |W on St Owen Bros pany Limited Wm 28 28 i] UJ PROVINCIAL RO} MONTREAL EP) » Palle squad cars and ol at patrolmen | moved quietly through north-end| lowing the deliberate cuttimk of eredes Prairies in the north and list g # main burglar alarm cable | The cable, carrying more than 200 wires and connected to police! headquarters and the Dominion| Electric Protection Com pany rovided protection for about 200 ki trust companies, fur de pots and other businesses In 27-square mile ares Police fears that the bank was the work of an organized gang were incredsed when 200 sub seribers found thelr telephones dead and several pay phones had their receivers ripped out Insp. Leo Tremblay; eoordin ating police operations early today "we're working the assumption that the men sald on did this id th) were after the big Wybrand Dekker, #7 Doves h dale ve, Whithy, equipment operator attached to the Toronto The area cut off extended from| District of the Ontario Depart streets throughout the night fol-| Mount Royal te suburban Rivi-| ment of Highways, was a fina from Ville Bt, Michel in the east to town of Mount Royal in the west FPOSTPOLICE While a Bell Telephone crew {worked to vepalr the clreuits, {Dominion Electrie provided po lice with a list of 21 key busi {nesses in the area, {posted at each one Phone calls went out' to some funeral for Alan Rose, 26, victim | (lennon of the 180 other Dominion Elee-|of & Timmins mine collapse whe [suddenly trie clients whose premises could| | | not. he guarded individually | Many rushed to guar {thelr stores Owners A number of constables sched stayed on to guard premises and |make periodic checks COMING EVENTS SUNNYSIDE Neighborhood Park have weekly Bingo's every ienday, m. In the Cl House Attractive Prizes each game KINSMEN BINGO VJESDAY, DEC FREE ADMI EXTRA Bl Nos hé TEAM 3 JUBILEE PAVILION BINGO I. GERTRUDE'S AUDITORIUM 690 KING EAST Al FAREWELL EVERY MONDAY NIGHT G PRIZES 20th ES and 53 Jackpot On HANDICRAFTS FROM INDIA Attractive and useful gifts fe th hristmas ases, 1c holders, tems phants large ass tables, lam; sea YS, ash 1g balls Also buffala horns, t tment of coffee silks, jewellery i LLL Over 600 tems on display, reasonably priced, For appointment call RA 5.2987 Evenings Only WOODVIEW PARK BINGO TONITE 8 PM JACKPOT NOS. 55.59 JACKPOTS PAY DOUBLE IF WON IN 52 OR LESS REGULAR GAMES PAY DOUBLE IF WON IN 17 OR LESS $2,350.00 TOTAL PRIZES $100.00 DOOR PRIZES Rosew rds : tea | A Bell the break #:00 p.m eribers were reporied their dead SAW IT CUT | | aw two youths lead-coated cable SWInEINE an ax at the ihout 10 blows When they tried to phone lice thelr line was dead he cable was cut at the few points in the it was accessible came down from a. transmis sion pole to enter an under ground conduit po one city ol ir Aldeh Advertising Taxation Criticized BATON ROUGE \ La. (AP)--A 0 1§X advertising In newspa + have heen eritieizing the Louisiana legislature, was in {troduced in the House Saturday | The bill, whieh would make ad |vertising subject to the state's two cent sales tax, was of fered Representative Elmer Tapper, who sail: "I just don't they exempt." ers, whi per hy ning be Newspaper editorials have {been critical of the activities of {the legislature, now in its third {straight special session singe | Nav 4 in an attempt to find a Way to preserve segregation in public schools The "representatives also are irritated at recent newspaper predictions that Governor James Davis' administration would Sponsor an inerease in the sales tax. Representatives sald then that the proposal existed "'oaly in the imagination of the press.' But a bill calling for a sales tax morease to three ceals on the dollar was introduced Satur day at the start of the new ape cial session, RED BARN EXTRA BUSES The sales tax hil other proposals for were ass ang and seven ax inoreases House cammitiee for gned to the ) * \ means hearing today | | | "It took | Ielephone official sald | Mrs vas first noticed at|to public services when a number of sub-| phones! ied he However, one couple reported a secing the cable belng broken at! 7:00 pom, They told police they! af th wihere| | ninth annual recently department the roaden hy the Simple Service | mn vineial ducted pro- eon: | ini For Alan Rose | Police were| TORONTO (CP) A simple survived 68 hours' entomhment | 23 days Wn hefore Thursday Bt. Aidan's hospital was held Sat Ang and dying iftean day at wholuled to go off duty at midnight| Church attended chosen hy preference About twenty perso the private. funeral Shirley Rose in v The brief service eondur Canon Herbert Snell St. Aldan's, Among A. Perry Consolidated Mr, Ri of | VAS red the man tor of mourners ger ol old Mine British immigrant time, vas | Hollinger where f \ week @ \ ashe the and hack to Following eremation vill to Manche vietim's home Lo Shir her son Mark, 2 England soon LOOKING FOR SANTA PHILADELPHIA Kathy Montanaro some fon the he sent ter yi Vill fly AR A venture Vear » old asn't taking any chances of m ng Santa Claus d hedroom the briek She popped oul her second floor Saturday, pushed ing from flue mw peered down the chimney ") Claus ward caver heating | and " longer used looking Santa she related after "1 think | saw the top of his hat, So 1 went down after him.' It took a squad of firemen a halthour to get her oul Was for (newspapers) should! four Toronto, py the champion of each of the 18 distriet roadeos, held earlier In the year, may compete in the provincial finals For his fine performance Dek ker was presented with a bronze medal, and trophy and other prizes at a bhanguet honoring the 10 finalists, The highways department roadeo is the lar gest held by a single organiza: tion for its own drivers. All in all 697 drivers compeled, an increase over last year Department of Highways Photo OBITUARIES WILLIAM F, MeCLENNEN In poor health for vear and a half William F 160 Winona drive Sunday, Der 18 his 55th year of the late ennen and Flo Mayee the deceased was horn at Col horne, Onl, Jan, 80, 1006, and had lived in Oshawa for H0 years Mr, MeClennen was paymas ter at® Fittings Limited, He an adherent of the United Chureh| and was a former member of the| Oshawa Kiwanis Club and one of the original members of the Osh-| Chamber Com Mi died He Vas In A Mel son Frederick nee | Vas Junio of He wimer 1 urvived bh Fdythe married at his wife, the Rombough, whom Rellevilie in 1026; | Mrs, N. Kennedy R Vipeent y I hie ers Mh Mrs Mrs, J Miss Donald Barbara 5 Marlyn Nola and Esser MacDonald (Mar Linda MeClennen all of Osh wd Wa \ Aly 4 son ) Surviving A. Cox, of grandehildren The funeral service will bhe| held at the Melntosh-Anderson | Funeral Home at 2 pm day, Dec. 21, Interment will he n Oshawa Union Cemetery Rev. Dr, George Telford, minis ter Si Andpew's United Chuveh, will eonduet the are a sister Kingsville and of se viee WILLIAM AMBERSON GERRY William Amberson Gerry died | at Sunnybrook Hospital, Toronto early Sunday, Dee. 18, in his 74th year, after a three-week illness He w horn in Orono and vorked a time at General | Motors In Oshawa before mow. ing to Trenton to work for the Fuller Brush Company, He re tired in 1950 and moved to Orono He was marvied for the second time in 1950 to the former Mary Handoook, He was a member of the Orano United Church, He was | 1 as for lent, experienced in planning metal products, ing procedures, squipment limited scope, opportunity for [. Foe SENIOR TOOL ENGINEER We require immediately a senior tonal engineer or squive Preference will be given applicants con versant with pressed metal operations, die design and weld Position is naw available in the Mechanical Department of the leading manufacturer of heating and air conditioning Permanent position interested in forward planning, Salary and tooling advanced sheet diversified projects, wn advancement tor a candidate ange and fringe } hi will any ¢ Hid be treated in ahvigt Plant In located in west suburban Toronto, Replies will ¥ Lia lected Sid and interviewed at our sxpenss SEND RESUME OSHAWA TIMES TO ROX 340 | ally previously a member of S8t. An the past|drew's United Church, Oshawa Bavents Bea last July 1 Is survived by his wife, Mary KE. Gerry, of Orono; a son I4.Cal, Lyle Gerry, of Regina haskatchewan; a daughter, Mrs Murray Copeland (Marjorie) Calgary, Alberta and a sis ter, Mrs, Moyer, (Ida), of Lew Iston, Montana the body is resting at the Fu neral Home, Orono, where service He of {will he conducted in the Chapel hy Rev. Rasil © Union Chureh, on Tuesday, Dec 20, at 2 p.m, Interment will he In Mount Lawn Cemetery, Osh wil Long, of Orono FUNERAL OF ARTHUR €, EDWARDS I'he memorial serviee for Arthur CC, Edwards, who died at Hillsdale Manor on Thursday Dee, 15, In his 88rd vear, was held at the Armstrong Funeral Home at 2 p.m. Saturday 17 Rev. M. A. Bury, minister of King Street United Chureh, eon ducted the services, Interment was in Oshawa Union Cemetery. | I'he pallbearers were Gordon Leslie, Joseph Wannop, Everett | Wednes:| | dwards, David Edwards, James | destroyed 23 cars of a #6 Saunders and Ray Greentree FOG CHOKES ENGLAND LONDON (AP)--A choking fog gripped Britain and - parts of] wrthemn Europe Sunday night disrupting alr travel and turning highways Into nightmare strips A grey blankel covered practic all of England and Wales On London alrport operations were reduced to almost nil Dee. | {the sleeping village of Pramallof BLAMES REDS WASHINGTON (AP) United States Saturday the Soviet Union "and ners" for the fratricidal war in Laos, It condemned as illegal | Russian delivery of arms to Lao tian rebel forces, The UB, also |demanded anew the prompt re lease of two UK, alvmen held in {the Boviet Union on esplonage |charges since their HB - 47 air erafl was shot down over the blamed its part: | MAY HEAD FORCE UNITED NATIONS, N.Y, (CP) {Maj, Gen, Bean MacEoln, ehlef {of staff of (he Irish defence | forces, arrived in New York Sun |day amid reports he might be [eome commander of the United Nations force in The Congo PLAN PROTESTS DUBLIN (Reuters) Leading Irish Republican organizations plan protests against partition [during the coming visit to the {Irish Republic of Princess Mar {garel and her hushand, Antony Armstrong . Jones, It was dis |elosed Sunday night, They are [scheduled to fly into Shannon {Alrport Dee, 81 and go to the ecastle-home of the countess of Rosse, mother of Armstrong Jones BLAST HURTS 17 RENTON, Ark, (AP) A de ratled freight car exploded near the village of Traskwood Satur day injuring 17 persons and forging temporary evacuation of the town, The blast and a fire ear Missouri Pacific Rallvoad train Of those hurt, only one remained in hospital, Cause was not deter mined SLIDE KILLS NINF PINEROLO, Haly (Reuters) landslide timndered down A on | al dawn Sunday, killing at least| nine persons, The vietims were two entire families of five men and four women SENSATIONAL M SLICED SKINLESS WIENERS TENDER CLUB STEAKS RIB LAMB CHOPS TROUD! Tuesday and Wednesday Only! Breakiast BACON EAT FEATURES! Ib 39 29 an The CENTRES DO BIG NIGHT TRADE According to Advertising Age, shopping centers do ahout 60 per cent of their husiness at night, Experts say that it is just a matter of time until the bigger centers will he open six nights a week periiaps even seven | FINANCE COMPANY sec SEABOARD LOANS $50 to $5,000 UP TO 60 MONTHS IN SOME CASES SIMCOE SOUTH PHONE RA 8.6283 Open Daily to § P.M. oo Sat, Till Noon The busiest shopping center in town is the Oshawa Times Classified Section where you ean find just about anything you desire, To shop and save always be sure to get the Want 'Ad reading habit oH, ) J fv with 9 POULTRY FARM and Processing Plant 117 BLOOR EAST AA 3.4722 CHRISTMAS Fresh Killed TURKEY TOM TURKEYS Ib, HEN TURKEYS Ib, CAPONS Ib, ROASTING CHICKENS Ib, 55° GEESE Ib. 6O* Fresh Turkeys Killed All This Week For Christmas ® NEW YORK---DRESSED WEIGHT o STUFFED TURKEYS STUFFED CAPONS 1b, 79° PRE-DRESSED DUCKS Ib, 59° PHEASANTS First time available in Canada. Raised on Litz's own farm. Enjoy a special 1 44 treat this Christmas, (LICENCED TO SELL PHEASANTS) Ib, 79 Oven Ready, . Tres N NN in sooking stubbed turkeys and chickens ot an additional charge 1.50. Mickow wmoked turkey and harhecuad turkey available it ordered in time. Special discount tor fastory banguets and howling hall A