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The Oshawa Times, 19 Dec 1960, p. 7

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¢ ' £ were three | of venders need perhaps bring interes in 8 wh. in charge of the citinendiy chate: md Children £ Reading "the and the frrneess rt AF aren had not interest. man, Wes. 1. A. Cameron, whe served i of reading wae Aided ints three Vrs, Norman Roe, progesm will have Be gaest spesker, ot add "Theme Of Talk ZIP, Visa ASTIN, #- ChArmen, (hamked the speaker, Jom Powell of the Oshows Por Aitary discrimination and Aree Class room aliendance prize wae lice Force whe is connected with A / A HAS M { tomatism, Wes. Mackie remark: won by Wiss Croseen's and Mr, the Juvenile Cont : f » Meeting oA LRETE AEE any reasons why & William Armstrong s romm The members closed the meet: brow child is # poor reader; Peingl The January mesting will he ing by singing Christies Carols aden The [ecember meeting of Yin emotionally upset was one Afi] -- iii 8 cont Massey Home and Senor culey, Mrs, Mackie sugested nd : So Po ' Aonocintion was Reld In IRE books from the wary wowid [7 { [ y s ; i y schol recently with the pres A dem, Wen. €. FE. Towing, pre Jo Aldwinekle, Women's Editor Dial BA 3-474 Sa. The mimics. were. read bie, mies wert ne! SOCIAL NOTICE 7% = w hy #4 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mendey, December 19, 1960 J snd ihe (repswrer's report was ~ given ry Mis. Jack Dwell, in the AT HOME | . ' ahwence of the (regsurer Mr. and Mrs. Fred A Coch (Children in Many Lands Set Out 2 ©, Mean ci oe i dermis ! Y dren's reading chairman ire. home to their friends and peigh: | . Aimed un Helen Macks. "* the bare on Wednesd y Papi 4 | reading department of the Bogrd | rim ta Snack For Santa, Christmas Fve of Education whe explained the to 830 pm. on the occasion of method of leaching reading in the, thelr golden wedding snl schools, Mrs. Mackie said there versary Children all over the world this| tide long before Father Christ {Christmas time will leave a heri-| mas did = Lwarming assoriment of Ireals » i 03 lov the legendary bringer of Gifts DANII LEGENY ion is it Santa Clans or Sinterkiaas 4 ay a lor dulenisse or. dutomien orl 18 well that this lovatile patron F : [J & Nes Father Christmas they eagerly mele int another form when he Y ait? erty CFOS Es (he sea Io Denmark awa? Does he visit them early) i 3 i ' : | Bearing a pack led lo the brim in December or as late as Epon. pi f ' Lany Eve in January? No matter, |" gifts, the Danish Jule-misse | Whatever his name, whenever he # small gnome, 1s well-tewarded ( | J comes, children believe Wn hisl WIN & gERerons portion or risen LUXURIOUS DRESS KID Before you buy any more gifts for a men, in black, brown A " on se 4.08 think about the sort of thing he would 010) really like, the sort of thing he may not splurge for himself, and then think of an extra lnmp hitter melting an it. Risengrod is the {favorite holiday dessert of Dan {their hearts, Naturally, Ws appet ite (or thal of the animals which 4 any } the gress! #4 many himi of Whe gres ish ehildren--and I is pvery oo EORER 4 ' child's fondest hope thal Jule It's no surprise to discover Wall pisse loves i as much as he [this Yuletide men leans heavily | does / ike} we to desserts, For what eowid| Nel far away in Bweden, # the store most likely to have such things, Sania possibly erave more than a knock on the door just after CR a Hat Tf Yous can be sure that for quality and new: af child's favorite foods" Wonderfol co ciied arrival of Jultomien, The 9 ness, Dover's are tops, Such as our sport in heheld are the traditions he: children hold their breath and , shirts from 4.95 to 14.95 to suit @ young hind these sweets and the legends their eyes glisten There he man or any age man Sweaters in the kindness and genernsity with al | £704 or ree pudding hate Is C [ - 4 of the gift hearers who enloy stands, with long flowing while them heard, dressed in his familiar ery wal | HAND SEWN KIB wilt elect ' wi k ved hlonse and trousers. 1f Jul pire Bl 4 ' 5 ' Chrétme 4 f wewest knits from of DUTCH TREAT omien has a few exira minutes i ; 4 of nits from B.95 and o €Oursp As the capricious fancy of ape "his gifts are distributed, hi gift of Gloves from y ¢ 4 ; vests in plaids or solids at 10.95 : gl? , CATHOLIC NUPTIALS oon tl ev, 1, ms e's ed tee XL at son's earliest snare . 4 A which the Swedish family enjoys sweet, nor is I even FoF BRMA| Lon candies and nls aller thelr all types nf fabric $ ¢ " A Den ' | of Veronica Mary Nolan and | chard Nolan of Dublin Ji himself Mig Ka of hey W. traditional Chrismas dinner 1 tenth vs j Jover's is a pleasant place to finish up Arthur Roland Tandy, both of | land, and the bridegroom 1s the carols left on Bi. Nichmas VEL" Tullomton wasn't always. this J jh : Ohawa, were married recently | son of Mr Arthur Tandy of Lov in Holland is for the faithful horse rangenial Counterpart of Banta being shown now N your gift st drop in and see us at Bl, Gregory's Roman Ca- | entry, Engla and the Vale (of this generous sani eh in hy-gone days, the Tomten was tholie Church. The hride is the | Mrs Tandy master and horse pay (hier secret an unpredictable little gnome wh daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Hi Photo hy Ireland [visit to Duleh homes on the night guarded the farm. i you wanted of December fifth, 8. Nieholas| your animals tn be productive and NYLON EHAMOISETTE in ' (or nterkians Ly hi rolled your farm huildings safe, you al White or Black and goon inds the iny woo shoes laden! avs $i Christmas Program Presented [[ ii inser oes sien) wavs er yim n big bri of» 1.06. 2.08 | of ' ud ridge, The Tomien hears a strong . haps a limp , Rif ine resemblance fn the ancient Ko i 4 gond saint must pause Mer | weg) ip my of A By Pupils At H&S Meeting Eh wl med genes be. en, Pose, 20 SUH EL a V0 with pM Bog Bg EL fo the mare jovial Norweg tt \ for the man who f J I n The regular meeting of the Dr. ley's talk was focused around the toys Eng a ian Christmas men 1.00 ¢. F. Cannon Home and School! "true meaning of Christmas : . , : Associalion was held in the|Many stories have heen written Though Sinterklany simhalizes| TOKENS OF LOVE where. Christ school with Mrs. George Pelers|through the ages concerning | ol Christman put, the Teas yi ev hare | His a of an early Ch Wir mas 15 : . mS. presiding Christmas, its meaning and il: hr A ¢ Ll htldren believe. in German 3 istmas Santa Claus 18 a dir-jehiidren ; Mrs. Roy Haher read (he min | ahservance, the mos popular he ect descendant of him. No one|Christkind, the Chrisl Child him FRENCH ( Sher) mg Charles Dickens' 'A Christ } niet, a Baik Sorden Bheviogs Carol" At the close of the knows whose home Banta visits sel hrings gifts. In Ialy Refana ONVARIO eral announcements were read |story Il was said (hat Serooge first on Christmas Eve, hut i's] # feminine Banta Clade Ar ' A J : Ta grendont Mr. Meters nm how ta Koen Chiamas sal Josey that hed 8 honk CL oh SEY Lt ML « | ANGOR SMARTEST w hi F well ll id which reflects w Ia n A ; : y ee (he. revent TH ir As we 0 about these days child who lives there WAY (0 the Manger. leaving pre / thea eat MEN'S SHOPS \ p pe ] than 4 . " sents and accepting the Sheaves " y 4 rm GI knit of fin vay. The Attendance hanier wa Je shank of shending Father tian OLDER THAN CHRISTMAS of grain (hal children have lef ad ARIA | waim Gloves knit af fine y psig Br herefore.. when Sanita slides for thelr camels : lars of White, Fink ee ; kindergarten flay réhur in the Lae We iui fn a down the chimney of North Am | Remembering (he eonkies or i r Blu. Sizes §-M-l Kerry Pod Miss Valerie] meaning of Christmas, Christ: €riean homes, i's only natural pies or puddings thal all of us ; Hawke wha Is replaning Mrs. | mas is something to be kepl not that many wil offer» platelut of once, wn lovingly ho oil on 3 79 AIR | OSHAWA Mar p of Christmas| mother & hesl Ehrls Jy Christmas Eve, could we ever | 4 pare Inwood a thet intrp- apent, The Deatl of pace ung | Even Santa, pressed for time as dismiss the Importance of this] fo ihe an th good-will toward men. To really| he is, eould scarcely vesist such) small token of faith? How lucky a as tempting morsels as eh ewylii is that Banta Clans--sneeessor » 4 rf ringerie or spiey Lehkuchen. (in the generous patron of young| fraud Hengatherger and Master cradled in & manger, which Like Santa himself, these enolkies, people, Baint Nicholas, should he : a John Berry plaved "Good K i n g| changed the history of the With their strange-smn nt oi among the first to enjoy the gen "Grenfell Cloth' SKI MITTS! Wenceslas!' and "First Noel", Alworld. We should rememeher MAR NAMES came from the Old grasity of children solo was played hy Miss Boggon| that Christmas is not just a holi World. Indeed, some say that all The anginal, and still the hest for all-around sports wear « « "0 Come All Ve Faithful! day but & "Holy Day" Yuletide conkies derive from the showerpraofed with strang cowhide palm and elastic waistband The school choir consisting of In closing Mr. Linley quoted|confections served to Roman Sen vv + Golars Red, Brawn, Navy, Green 7" Vg and under the direction|a portion from "A Christmas|#tors during the ancien! festival CHILDREN'S SIZES ,.....,. pr 2.29 of Miss Marelene Spencer and|Carol", "It was always said of| of Baturn i LADIES' SIZES |, arses pre 300 Mr. William Richardson, sang|him (Berooge) that he knew| When all the slockings are "God Bave the Queen'. ""Welhow fo keep Christmas well, if bulging, Banta iz off to fulfill the Three Kings" and "Deck the any man alive possessed the wishes of children in olher count | BULKY MITTS! appreciates fine things STRETEH NYLON KNITS | 08 SHOPPING onl Hine ' 'e 1} | h | 1 CENTRE a CREDIT JEWELLERS LTD. Halls', The audience joined in| knowledge May that he truly ries. He may ride south tn Brazil ; : the singing of White Christ-| said of us, and all of us! And 80, lan homes, Or if his route is The big patterned hand-knit type of mitts ladies want. for mas' The Prophecy was! as Tiny Tim ohserved, God bless! across the Atlantie, he'll change warmth and style 5 pattems to choose fram on grounds narrated hy the choir and they us every one!" his name to Father Christmas "VENETIAN BLIND of White, Black, Reyal, Navy, Red or Grey closed with the singing of "Thel On hehalf of the Home and when his reindeer sel hooves to AY Sizes 5:-M-L en ' fon of Manion kad A |Behool Association Mr, Walter English rooftops DRAP , Mrs. Peters thanked the stu-|Ham thanked Mr. Linley ar Christmas is in fa an ' W i i i ' dents for a delightful program The January Home and School Bd rbd ng lish (4/94 TRS Joe our fine offering of Children's Gloves and Mitts Mr. Korry then introduced the meeting will he held Tuesday, (peat. Al leasi one member of the or dress and play ! Reverend William G. Linley, ree:| January 4, 1081 at A pm family (the youngest perhaps?) 'RUGS SPR . tor of Bl. Peter's Anglican has saved a sizable piece of minee ' Ally Church and religions instructor | sie fram dinner. As Father Christ abr' caiman sein rv) PERSONALS pie from diner, Ae Father Chetty | ¥ pie, twa old and happy (Christ mas traditions combine, For the | . Mrs. 8 1 Lockhart, Grengrove mince ple is a recent version of [tion trip to Bolivia which graced the English Yule o ? i po q MEF A en to , Mon to Friday! : Mrs, ED. Cornish and Miss gisied in serving. From the staff " d A P ' ay day # Mary Cornish, Reg N., Carnegie | of the Prudential Life Insuranee : X STAINLESS STEEL TA avenue, entertained at a Cheist-| Miss MeCrimmon re . - NF mas tea In honor of several Osh-| ceived a pair of bedroom lamps A} - p [awa C(ieneral Hospital overseas : ! & MATCHIN nurses, Among those present| The Tuesday Afternoon group » Ah ORO b were the Misses Carmen Hunt, | of the WA of St. Andrew's Unit thy Hughes, British Guiana: Miss Germond presided, A Christmas Fmgra Cralg and Mi Hlame donation wa pollpcted for the social hour was enjoyed and we will assist i ; ou in selecting the per he ( a td dy y The Reading Group of the tea was served fect presents for. her. p er poke | meeting at the home of Ms. | North Bay were weekend gues H.W. Sheridan, King roel or at the home of Mr, Ives' SiS\eh \ Mott Wanted Gift Scarves Mrs, H, G. Willes presided, An Mrs. n ; exchange of small gifts was di MeCallum, Rossland road west Swealers rected hy Miss Flossie Covt. qeas birthdays, parties, wed Make duh Nice {ale Cayt assisted the hostess with going of guests, and your own You san five her @ | refreshments HOI § plans are always of 1 sweater and he wire She loves thes Prior to her marriage recent fun arm glawing \ Mp phone ar visit the social depart add so much to hay v to Mr. Farl Atkinson, Miss ment with your item of news far with new fashion anatuida Bu tertained at prenuptial parties cater Choose choice af prin {Miss Diane Deboski was hostess Phone RA 3:40 fram Claes oa and solich Albert Crowells entertained at a SPECIFIC CHICKS miscellaneous shower held at the Brailers are young chickens Wileax, street, Miss Hea. and averaging 1'a to 2% pounds Cl trice Cotton and Mrs. Wiloax as: specifically raised for eating Paris stored. the fashion Thoughthul sxtres. Dainty | LEE GE > at 4 adorned with lace, smbraid TWO PIECE od appropriate and ws phages BEB gs - v collect the hats they lave te we By ANNE ADAMS x : . Suit" yourself smartly in a 4 JAN A Y ; slender twoeplece dress that trav GRAND FOR GIVING , , + ' els under a coat, now -- hy itself, X . . y BLOUSES in warm climes. Looks trim and \ GLOVES terrific in winter cotton, silk \ She'll shaw and wear yaw 16 takes 414 yards 35meh : heather and wool fabrics, i partect collection == avery Send FIFTY CENTS (3c) i, alt colon stvle, every fabri, | avenue, left yesterday for a vaea:| the medieval Christmas Pile Simeone 51. 5, at Athol---=Free Delivery--RA 5:1151 Campany oA ; . + LJ ' Gloria Heaven, Lurline Brown,|ed Church held its Christmas } ©) mh Linda Butler and Mrs. Rose! party at the home of Mrs. Arthur § \ \ | IMbORTED QO : 4 SA VE 325 00 | Cooke from Jamaitea: Miss Dora, Pym. Group leader Mrs Arthur IL Jie) HINA 3 ' y ww ' % . 2 : - | EE REG.564.95 VALUE Clarke, Barbados West Indies welfare. Mrs Thomas Mitchell : \ ee ATR 1 4 | Also 8 briny fo Mra Harry acted as Banta Claus and pre For a gift that's practical, feminine and £3 buh f Smith, Alexandra street, Oshawa. (sented a gift to each ane present fashionahle visit the EVELYN SHOP ie } A vey A wo x A Women's Art Assoclation and] ' A ) ve Lyceum Club held its Christmas| Mr. and Mrs Ray Ives of dls WY NTS NY d A WEEK R. 8 MeCallum and Mr {| Mrs, Avern Taylor and Miss Flos: gia" daniversaries, coming and Why sues when terest in this column, Write, tele | 4 she'll ba plessed! fashion extras thet Clara Helen MeCprimmon was en which there is no charge. Tele dems alive with at a miscellaneous shower Mrs Bulkies home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed 1 usually under four months eld | 0 Rid and Mrs. Edward usually w HEADWEAR HANKIES winter whalher makes hankies in fine fahuies wear Boxes 100 and 150 OF ' print, sheer jersey You, we have the gloves she Ath with pride and pleasure Printed Pattern 4671: Misses A aves warm gloves. in when you aive her a blouse Siges 10, 12, 4, 16 18 M0, Sige] X from aur Cheistmen . 3 " * alns (stamps cannot be accept { Hn i 4 7 wshion. U : 'No Extra Charges of Any Kind' jainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS ; , 8 AY: ed) for this pattern. Please print o it Sa : ¥ TYLE NUMBER ol "FUR SALON" : A Nn CREDIT 5a Send order to ANNE ADAMS, S ] 3 \ care of The Oshawa Times, Pat | : # : Dept Osha MAN | Ne OWT Bla petit, X34 3Mco ST. SOUTH RA 32722 JEWELLERS LTD. OPEN TONIGHT UNTIL 9 O'CLOCK SHOP > COLOR Fi Fall and Winter \ y¥ tine wn pe caer S * SIMCOE §T. SOUTH RA S120) | 32 KING ST. WEST RA 3.7022

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