B THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mendey, Bu49, Wie CREAMY SBALMON CHRISTMAS Pretty Addition For A Buffet Olive-Wreathed Cream Mold Entertainment 7d) fod the with BB Bl: 3 HIN fore ove Yuletide the easum tie raetive Rrra dishes 1s favored | notes se alike lo sample ghd savin BE Men. as the hostess | enen aul alk Nave the Buss! fhe freed rom | 41] ile tn alan a happy time slong whether they drop in Al for & quick visit, or stay to he evening, Molded salpds colorful and practical additic the holiday spread, practical be gause the little bit of etfort regu ed In the thelr preparation ca he readily ai 1 fare the guesi With urkey over the | Ha he huffel as 8 pend Are ni ns (0 pimento and flaked posed of long he he surfeit of hristma TABLE BETTING H Liean Wwe nna ef f Hing i W (keep 1h § piquant in favor, and ever sol ididrent) With festive in appearance the dell ound, ding ale green mold studded as It | son, nothing wi quite weleame al your Him mering cream salmon egetable and cl Cream om an Salmon Christmas from neal cu hig Ve from foil, bu with bits of red pimenio nd lace paper .doili a 80 ovel green pepper and pinky Hakés of them. Nice to dye an old table salmon The erowning holiday! sinth Ci toueh is a wreath of sliced stull:| [0 &d olives INGREDIENTS, METHOD cups pink salmon (11h can) envelopes unflavored gelatine waler CRN BAPATAEUS 401. PRE. cream theps. lemon Julee thsps. minced onion % cup mayonnaise Reilmon.~ SHOV place mals Wwistmas 1800 to cover able WW p ] complele fe anda | hlessedly disposable nd assemble putting into the washing machine Hneee| deen) 1% eups BOUL HOUSEHOLD HINT the cheese Rub dirt spots on shirts and collars before exceptional WHERE SMART WOMEN list... ameo WN stockings with 'the face powder finish These flattering, filmy m #ih sheers' are a wonderful we Ty 4 salve that problem gift 400 needle, 15 denier in a rich range L) $1.58 poi bs YWhother \V Girl net cow SV Grann/e V' Young Jo v me nls | (QF he EOARY ATAONE CANADA RA 3.0 RA SAMY 150 STORES FROM COAST TO 29 SIMCOE STRERY SOUTH OIHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Geen Tvery Night wai § - AVR atwrday ¥ aw KEEP IN TRIM taurent, have 8 meg thet vil fore ay 4 7 wens band vil \ Eat To Beat Fatioue During | Wearying Shopping Days § 4 i By 1A JEA 77 9 any Wridsy i shared {estimme, | tH move mle J Heardiess of ff SLE BALES ENOPPEIR, # Wel RING | makers, BL nig Dusy the midday men 6 i's hits Cream Whips Best ' / E i dl sina wna ¢ Hess of he en dar i ERE w the ribs, Wie CLNIEL Gram, 4 esl, Wil ENT cma ies By BED i 1's ks KAln W J Wak. | Bd ii wh - Aon EERE Ihiows _ ior & DElpteen mem Ps BEA ~ a § = KHHN'S edical Mirror / 8%... JM WHAT [HICTORS SAT ABCHN h, out of Q As some people sge they E° seem 19 bscome more and more Oy pewrstic ond hard 16 got slong with, Do they sctuelly hove olf the Wis they complain shout? pp £ Q A competes slechrologint has been giving me treatments supsrfivows hair but the cost is high, | heave been con: sidering purchasing & home elec. 5% machine Would this bs § - MM g / tor AD tne odviseble?"' A, Remove) ; fe By ESTREL) E STARS SAY Woh ely + on oy "a hi In a Chilled Bow] | TH an FOR TOMORROW Planet; ationship careful in fi tion Depart: pis 0 Insti ming ime when ie, group act that! holibie whipped. Add wi ar the eid of the higp period and adagition During the with comin hegt Hgh dinning flave 14 Leaspoon .venmiia J ig poded for # Cream I he ane Lo future whippping I htl hipped cream hee ome over-heaten, IL may he recovered hy adding a Hille Vipped cream and heating hight 0 obtain the desired Po hold whipped cream o prevent breaking dows fore serving, it may he stabilized For each cup of hipping cream uhfia don't « allow Y% teaspoon ored gel poan cold atin and 1 tabi botien Valer of oa when further expa " miere 4 cup vell and the gelatin cold wonderful alve over hot wales Add ater and di n a «double bolle InCHc ater hipping eteam onl in the refrigerator IF You are engaged i hiend elentific Hine A child bho be endowed w until the Whip the add the gelatin mixture he to }§ emaining eream mi and combing heatin intl obtained Ch the desired intend nil needed VOR THE BIRTHDAY early Ja August y Rood Ninancia ale 1g this month eouid { tart in 1961 ion of your 155mg) wg ir ¥ Q. Is treguent nosshised » sign of high bleed pressure? 4 am " fm y fm - our @ Severs) months age my eyes yw became quite bloodshot, | ween an syewash but this didn't help ;. What de you suggest? A Redne Science Torani wparated possible.| reative orl AAD am g8 King 5 yd 1-467) - RA Oshawa TR , SAVE $20 ON THE 8-PCE, SUITE! SAVE MUON MORE ON THE 7.PGE. SUITE! FREE STORESIDE PARKING a Your Chivtmas Shopping Convemnse 2 TABLE WITH 6 OHAIRS ANID , AN TELE EsA ERE WITH 4 OHAIRS 79% §-Piece Suite FARSI STEIICCLLLLLLE ELE EER A GIANT "Family Size" TABL 36" x 48" E-X-T-E-N.D-§ TO FULL 60" Arongetone or Chrome with ts Walnut inlay top lesign and hrass accents takes very little care The dualtone and is practically mar proof. The chairs six of them--two ual With contomeedacks and polyfoam eushions--affer you comfort not pee and the same qualities and luxurious patterns nplece suite arg avallab® in the five-piece suite. Your Christmas wish ing nee #, EF Gold inlay-top ern suite in stains 110 & sulle at thi ', VARARAARAAAARARAD a be # 'Pas RB rnow CLBiln, Gukad A Th& risen ne, he 0 VOR BRYELin Bad-nlternom ped 3 4 you reseh the sage of sot. fine ft. Or neve hot (an snd &. I your day 16 1008 BRE Whew WE What tn enema lo wn dies of Wigh prides weed oF, YU oily tring. eons retiring have & ne. MH eB Wow JG ERG ME. Peis # fase of wot witk 0 wow deep id WEE RARE 4 : PA Vie seeres A ating | yay fi HIRI renin 8 16 Biakpie IRE Wan Ky portion oF your fog for Re se Fish ow toe pans of fue Bay, wien fuel is. Use of sluminm fof in cook sing weed. Your eveming meting lish will esl eg wel oe" Ganned pecoriing 0 end hess wha Ae yous need ia oR Naud Via # % WTR Wiis Auk w rrr ether Bowing 1 a VE BR ERETRY Di owt wal on wi esl exhpanied, A & ge Juice, wih & rev a oil Eve FL i eel Llp Bp THE PERFECT | GIFT 2 f with FOR THE HO Yh V UES EVEMISS SALES re ® FIRE SCREENS +o AMNDIRONS * WOOD OR COAL GRATES ® STANDING FIRE SETS Flush & Face Mount Screens Custom Made, LES EVENISS SALES "uc &7 47 4&7 SANNA ENN a | | THE PERFECT YA A o\¥! 0 Oshawa LR OPEN EVERY EVENING UNTIL ® HHH RH HER HH HR ERR HK