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The Oshawa Times, 20 Dec 1960, p. 10

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$0 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, Decomber 18, 1909 En CHIISTYMAR WITH THE RCAF ALL OVER THE WORLD PERE NOEL VISITS BABE IN FRANCE % Holds Meeting FRENCHMAN'S BAY The of Fairport United ( hurech| held its Christmas meeting in the! ehureh hall Dee, 8. A tasty pot | luck dinner, presided over hy the hostesses, Mrs, ¥, Beott and Mrs G, Warren, was served hefore the regular meeting, Santa Claus paid # visit bringing a gift for every | tome, The regular meeting follow: | ed which included the installation {of officers for the coming year. |The following officers were in stalled hy Dv, W, McKay: presi dent, Mrs, J. Rawhon secretary, Mrs. J. Patterson; | treasurer, Mrs. R. Balsdon responding secretary, Mrs O'Brien; cards and flowers, Mrs IP, Beott; press seervelary, Mrs 5, Warren, Al the close of the Imeeting, guests and members were served coffee and birthday cake to honor the hirthdays of Mrs, J, Henderson and Mrs. G Warren An enjoyable time was Saturday evening hy the mem hers of the Frenchman's Bay Bowling League at a soeipl eve ning held at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Bruce Wiseman Little Kathie Balsdon, daughter of My. and Mrs, Floyd Balsdon, is oor Wm held reenrding | eonfined to the Alax Hospital | Christine Hevda, young daughter | of Mr, and Mrs, John Herda is {also a patient at the Ajax Hospi Ital Happy tended to Mps, Gordon wha eelebrated her birthday on Dee. 15 and to Bohby Powell who was 12 years old on Dee, 4 My, and Mys, George of Midland were weekend visitors lat the home of Mr, and Mrs [ack Buck Mp. and Mrs. Harvey Fertile and family attended a family re union last Bunday at the home of Mrs. Fertile's sister, Mrs. Dan |Bmith at Part Hope { Little Corine Amting daughter of My, and Mes, Ted IAmting 1s eanfined (0 the Sick {Children's Hospital where she has undergone eye | Mr Mys returned New Yark e Birthday congratulations extended ta Mi Jd wha celebrated her hirthday on Dee, 10 and Wendy Gildner who was elght years old on Dee, 8 Fam Clark is now home the hospital and is staying Mr. and Mrs, Bid Fenton Mrs, R al the Ajax underwent Warren Young Wrgery and William Fertile Cy Henderson from with Holohan is "a patient Hospital where she urgery last week Friday evening, a ChFist mas party was held for ahout 40 (#8 Senlor Falrport member al the Suilay Sohal elass of Chureh (9) sunday evening awards this nN ented ta class whieh is Yaught hy Miss lessie Henderson. Those who ve peived gold pins with gold wreaths and ecertifieats wepe Havald Prentice, Douglas Dorsett Rillie Wiseman, Margaret Hen depsan, Heyan skiteh, Tony Salt sheila Complon and Marioris [Ledge were boo Wg TY AIRMEN ON STANDHY HAVE HASTY CHRISTMAS DINNER A party for the junior class will he held this Friday Last Sunday, Mi Harry Cook, Mrs, J Henderson and Miss Jessie Henderson, to gether with Mrs. Cook's Sunday School olass and the Sea Rangers attended services at Old Trinity Chureh tn Trinity Square, Taranta And had dinner later at the Swiss tat the Canadian relatives have Mrs. Dale's Diary |b i Heavy Tome Now home far too eald. Used ta plenty By CAROL KENNEDY of central heating, they have erassed swards with De, Dale, a Canadian Press Stall Weiter LONDON (CP resh-air Hend, and the atmos | phere in irginia Lislge ha MOOR al teatime 18h housewives rowan decidedly ehilly he RBC ha Oh lel and settle down hy the Mrs. Dale's Diary \ get the \ akaters amd Tshermen members of the cast Warmed 10 he cautious of the ioe the Canadian ® the Bay south of Commerce treet. While the ice is approxi nately four mehes thick the wrth end, the tug and barge are MAb oneia al Them tar hey Keeping the ioe hroken fram Me The 1Sminute pra Dy loling the activities of a hy Vhow han h ght \ langest-running tary of British radio Rinee 1 began in 18 4 has became tion. It entrenched many listeners believe ot and Myps FATMARE he dally episod in pduced hy 3 aothing Al h URE RAT! able ta ai ATRRSRIN, Are the Rn t very mithian oF i aparitie in 1- detailed trivially Warld radia for! filtered the sudsiest| vaguely all M Pal¢ ram, oh f 3 whay their chapes WHO double as drap events reach Dale-lamd o) through the rose-calared \aracters have hy raveliod ard wa studied Teg wenovalent, made Canadian acta Slasses of and her easy Rover com have oN Canad Daly neing eatied aw a ha ey refer 1 the gap the shopping centre hai A AR 1h shiek lof Hi N yee y | Sa it looked like a miner rave Only ane member of the cast AStitU- IER. When a \ Rilis Powell, has been with the that fram. the SeRY NE abe M . hogan. She mont has heen Regotiated hy the 10 belinta Virginia Leda Ape 4" 15, Hale and has helpediGuban Tourist Institite and So adruedife program. write afl M Dale's cousins, all the A ROR are than S00 6pk vied" Tntowrist for exchange of ia the Dy ati MARAT \ Mm Canada LYP0S of Rr these duraile stereo iiourists at hargain rates. The atkiress a § Pr. Dale RRC knows YROS of British suburbia first Russians are expected here 0a \ : ! WT W Dee. 3 Cuban tourists seript te Russia next summer, the gov d's AMEN Without theldistwibed hy aayihing slightest hint of aught provorng The ehiel sti ferament said, dactars wile warkd diy exis serial in the his-| beyond TOURIST EXCHANGE HAVANA (AR) fhe Castre FOVErament Teports an agree FParkwod January an wing of 50 Commonwealth hlew in the ters 0 vil ¢ © \ &¢ om Victoria, BO, sa eaviivment SAYS, birthday wishes are ex y. Nickley F) United | Workday Christmas Many RCAF Stations | For many of the members of Emerganey the Royel Canadian Ai fowek, the BCAF bas # TRARY PRET RtionEl these Rimi Iments whe are off-site or their lamilies and Iriends Sto! led a wing-swept we, Banta's (raditionsl home will be thousands of radar » wore and plecralt control IRARIIRE Ihe eyes that guprd the [es eins is sh of! WIE 5% part of DEW, Pine Tree|ls mide to have ss many is pos RCAF maintains ie share of qe gos" Son with 2,00 nd Mid-Capada radar system, There is no break In the schedule herve; twenty four hours EVETY ARY of the year, the #reens ate and pwerall are Maced! peross the huge tables in the Mera l centres 'In Europe, the RCAF maintains RIIREr comtinuas alert with is f Force sing mst be pelrolied, the mati Christmas Bay wilh Bk be much mish giTive with the Epp EE fo aileremt. from any other Ay of the men stationed in Egypt, sod the yenr, As & modern Bighting the sireraft Erest must he serviced, Farther sowh LEATHERS 1B ThE LEMIAER comtinemt, & Wisy Rnd the world, Because of BCAF contingsnt IY (hase 10 TELE (oF Chilstimes day in the he weaning their Bring doth working on Congs. UN personnes will have 16 wg snd the shrmen will Rt-tperationsl Auties will he cel- he LEansporied in and out of the he TERRE tn duty wiler they FRINGE ERIE the lestive season with coumiry and the WEREMLY necded haveesten oul. a the wrea hoard Transport posts Wi # Circle gEpund the North 0mm and spires aft FHCAF wilh be on duty over the Christmas will be celebrated In "IF: Christmas Holidays, Every effor) PERCE BUFRE (he yenrs ahend Aetence sible home twelve operationgd NATO sanad-| rons in France and in Germany The stand-by Jet crews may he Hetening ta Christmas musie and inking of their familie tin AEoNRA, the Chr ey turkey dinner he waiting tor the call on the scramble line, telling them io man heir jets and intercept a unknown sireralt, The Crew, at least eight men to every one ready to fly, will have the RIEralt ready tn go, the dire Hons to pass oul rom the oper #lions rooms and the hot me il prepared for them when they re Wren from their missions In other paris of the globe, the RCAF will he working a FUPport of the United ns bres But they 1 ¢ i TV 4 THIS WEEK (Except Sat) Until 9 will miso) gus it grind HSHAL W langunis Nations graphy," " a of Men's and Boys' Wear {{undamest ity the same [Rep nese, to ove, Kile WH ler pee the seme rs LA Bt dllevemt peoples de (scribed them with ferent; | wownts Img kemiy- Rispises tne babel by givmg creh word CETIRIN POIINET, WER rep FEREMs (he same conception wm wd the id REAR traditions such" Eee #6 the MDerEs serving the airmen Bo Mrs domes, in London, Syd thelr Christmas nner wilh sti Pe oF New York, whe wants to he carries owt. The dilerence bo) Lo WEF Rew pendriend in Fos that gt most of the RCAF stations ii g rt yy mr #eross Canada and #hwond the he Emly oiticers will he wearing thelr fy Jog yo 1571 14605. V7 1A) That means: "Yesterday | wis but 19dey (he sum is Forces, The Garg COMING ANd Ering Wik Bot be aie ing clothing and the wrmen wil ahh y FRImRE Dr. Binem says the 199 most Christine Day is one of re |COTRIBOR Words 5 ay laninege Jiang and festivity throughout| Provide hall the text In an pver- mast of the world, it vighanes FEE VEAET, REWspRper oF hook in the must be maintained in order thatl TE, With the right 100 wordy THREE, el continue 19 Td Fo be sure, not everyone of the commonest words, 1! vighanee throvghowt the world The doctor has compiied word with their families, : { COPENHAGEN ow! Use 1547 1818 400% It doesn't pound very romani ean s I love you n IAREHREE (Reuters) any it is an example of the Ianguage of pumhers' devised Ww # M-vear-old Danish count Dr. Lipsehitz Binem helieves Wis system, invented as ean herald a new Ag easy communication hetween people mY Lands He now 15 looking for enthusi asts throughout the world wh will help Wim Lo spread the new which he called "logon re Adaetor whi # hanhy oa, liste in English, French and Spanish. A Russian list soon will (be ready. Further progress, he well and Wise English, which was weed for drawing wp 'the onging {Hist of basic terms For enses, possessives and special mgns--single digs he one commen symbdl for Wind the man nmher hat says the word "day" or any other he has [ound they sre seldom ord--end its equivalent in all needed Wn practice the proviem of hasie communes tion, he explains The Chinese, wha speak seh diverse longues that people from In NATO -- Dief tand each other, have a com OVTAWA (CF Prime Min man wiikken language whieh all ister Diefenhaker suggested Mon Chinese can understand once day there could he more unity the doctor's system is hased) He was replying in the on numbers from one upwards. mons tn Lionel Chevrier Fundamental words and dess Montreal Laurier), whe the same the world over," Wm to comment on the | sows, depends on (esmwork byl helpers In Individual couptries! who know thelr own language! singer or plural, Dr, Binem has anguages, and you have solved More Unity Needed different regions cannot under they have learned 10 wrike it," in NATO says. "Because people are plhance's action Balurday Com (hy asked Atlantic are ) n - = X ¥ * [oe] LL ¥ You Still Have Time To "Buy It"... Buf Hurry! ALL-WEATHER COATS NYLON ¢ 'weather har"! processed to shed rain or snow, Exceptionally warm CELACLOUR lining is lightweight De tachable hood hes Orlen pile lining. Mint USE YOUR CREDIT! OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT NO DOWN PAYMENT ! als are ; i ) / i ) i } ) 4 4 7 [3 1 i ! SAVE ON LAUNDRY eaulifl shee Manday fram a teip old White tnly. French or angi are nN fumbl legye Alse All sorts of styl lars A in all size SHAGGY KNIT Sweater and Shetland wool New D-necl Fram SHAWL COLLAR sive all wool From V-NECK siyl ade by Lambs wool and Olan 4 ain, fancy or stripes hroadeloth Generously omiartable Alig no E36 1a tyledl 3.95 FAMOUS B.V.D, "NO:IRON" DRESS SHIRTS An h ERYLINE SHIRTS 0.95 SEVERAL STYLES OF MEN'S SWEATERS fabric 6.95 ALSO Sleeveless sweaters, cardigans, and other styles at madest prices MEN'S PYJAMAS In popular 12 the {16 46 w 1.99 green, charcoal grey, 19 0s ' ALL WOOL J 3 PANTS! LOOMED IN ENGLAND made trousers with pockets, pleat Calars inelude Olive Medium Grey, Park or Chareegl Blue Grey, Medium or Dark Brawn ov 14,98 GIVE HIM TIES All types of colors, patterns, styles, 1.00 To 1.50 SPORT SHIRT! All types of colorful checks, plaids and faney designs in all the washable righ: lok most wanted shades. Included are \, ing silky brocades, Sizes such famous brands as B.V.D., Brill 5 M | and Saxon 0.08 AND 12.95 POPULAR Leather Gloves Include warmly lined er unlined, er knitted backs with leather palms 1.8910 3.95 colorful nylen ality Canadian Grey \" a Plains and patterns, Als o 'Steetehin" Bosks, 1.00" 1,08 Always a Popular Gift! MEN'S GOWNS Woenderful selection , + + £ ® plain weal flannels, eelar ful ombre checks are neat BILLS! lath shirt uft Sizes SM, and Extra Large 3.95 10 7.95 v Maohais SCARVES A sensible handsome gift at a low price! We have the most papular and desirable pats terns and ealartul eheeks, Made from 100% wool especially ° imparted fram the ald eauntry, 3.95 708 ov Puretex stripes In muted adian-macle § add Nl ft at ati ut 2 & No Sponsor For Divorce Bill OFEAWA (EF) ~ h Commmns Wl to relieve # of rhs sHaiiy We prscing Mvorese Wills this ses FoR wie Introduced in the Ben we Monday pate it bad ne sonar mn Lhe Upper Howse The messie, passed without Ania last week Wn the Come HORS, Wie swlmniied by Boesker Mark Prom When to to " nd, Te, dactored he: wid eon instruct Benpie clerks to the Wi on the order p 4 der ie # the first prt of the Senate wiier Ws Christmas re a The measure would make the Wh Bente the sole body to desl w divorce Wis fay his Sesion, --_-- yon are hallway there, Basil Pi oductivi agioh momeses wih who 1. { Pill Moves OVFAWA (CP) ~ The govern: mept's Will establishing » produe: Biy council was gen spproval in principle in the Benate Mon: any mat over the hlections of mm Oflpwa Liberal who sald it ks ton hrosd policy - making wees In a hoy nk responsimie to Parliament Benatar John Comlly (Hor Oplaria) was the only member of the upner house 19 Oppose seers md reading of the measure, wl thaweh It was alse eriticized hy Senate Opposition Leader W, Ross Macdonald 11, Ontario) and Senator Norman Robertson (he=Nova Beotin) ------ shelving Canada's suggestion of a NATO hepds - of - government meeting in OHpwh Mr. Dielenhaker said that dur ing the last several months, there has not heen much evidence in NATO of "that degree of nity whieh one would hope for" He added that External Alfgirs Min ister Green will meke & full re port on the meeting todpy or daly Tv rater 4 yd sted tt ¥ - 4) at DUN N'S om i mm to SMART D:NECK FOR BOYS "" SHAGGY-KNIT" colors are all the ave at present! choose laden green grey with gold W#H~ Swealers bs % 4 of Lambs weol and Sizes #10 18 These ehest Orlon sweaters, Can 3. kin blue A WEATHER COA Wind and water repellent able hood is quilt lined areen, charcoal, navy Zipper GIFT BOXES ARE PROVIDED FREE! Quilt lined Sizes 6 10 18 , BOYS' 34 LENGTH NYLON NEW CAPE SHOULDER STYLE! Zippered Mint detach front SPORT SHIR GIVE HIM A CERTIFICATE FRON DUNN'S Kean's doek 10 Moore's dock, aver 3 LEE EE EEE Quality Canadian makes faney designs wrinkle: shed KOWAL MEN'S and BOYS' guaranteed ealortast , 4 nd on cheeks feated,/ All sizes 1.98... 295 BOYS COLORFUL WASH AN' WEAR new inelude DAN Ry WEAR 36 KING ST. EAST "Where Smart Men Shop" Raa

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