BPR og = She Oshawa Times Armories r------ CRIAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1960 PAGE ELEVEN Aboot 19 Officers, NCOs and men of the Osiario Regiment (ant down to thelr (raditions Barrack Boom Diener wt the Armiories of the Omtario Regi ment Monday might Following long estatiished cue tom the officers of the regiment personaly served the turkey dinner to the NCOs and men The dinner was othicially art: ed #ier the head table guests marched in to the strane "De you Ben John Feel". the regi mental march pot. The Ontare Regiment Band Was under the direction of the Bandmanier, 14, F. J Francis Prior to the dinner fhe dl the regimental ba played a selection of miliary members, The emteriginment for the ey: ening was provided hy Jack Horne and Bill Blight of General Mikors, who gave a 45 « mine demmnstration of the marvels of science. They demonsiepted how synthetic rubber 16 made, solar energy Is utilized and many other Interesting lacels of mod En experimental science Hend table guests were, The Commanding Officer, IA Col J.B Warniea, €. 1.; Major W C, Paver, €C, D.; Maw D. B Harnden, Major W. Clarke, Capt J Larmond, Capt, KB. A Capt. M. A, Bernagul A.W. Abrams, ( D Gulsole; REM, W. b WZ A W 0. and Cpt, W. A VISITING HOURS |§ /¥ « © FRE 3 A he annual er i ne ry } Banta Clay wha held cou SEEN WERE WITH wh, Wt heir anual (nero fine program of enter: | Santa Cla ho heid court | ARE EXTENDED | 17.01. 7. 5 WARNICA. | Armories Monday night, AL this | Col, Warnica, and Regimental | ed hy the hand of the Ontarie eated hm 4 ' commanding officer of the | dinner the officers of the vegl- | Sergeant Major William Milne, | Regiment undér the direction of 4 and the distribu The Oshawa General Hosp 0 Regi { . y ersonall ve d 1 Oshawa Times Ph tal has announced that visi tm io Chen , 9, li mem eo aly sefve Ginter in About 20 officers and men of | 14, F, J. Francis, the regiments 4 on ( stmas Day | CATVIng a Christmas turkey the N 4 J E : " . ' ing hours on Christmas Day | the traditional "Barrack Room | 10 Fight are; Major W. C. Payn the regiment attended the ain Al handmaster, will he extended. The period | 91 CHILDREN | ' during which patients may he Pinner", held at the Oshawa ' ter, Captain John Larmond, [4+ ' ner, Predinner music was play ~Oshawa Times Photo : Winter Worle ia adi" -- am to B pm. The visiing hours on New Year's Day Spm tol pm--will reman Cheer Group Oshawa Man Elected Rotary Club Is Host Program Is |" C00 sft. | Makes Yule At Christmas Party (Cd Out | 2m0ais Happier Royal Bank President " o hava Park old member estly requested Christmas in Oshawa will he a executive "whe Says fie finds Ninety-one children and 75 par- were piled, was the centre of alllamazed and bewildered the gath f ht Parks Board of Manag a mich happier time for many the banking husiness 'faseinat medal as the top eonomics shir ents were guests of the Rolary eve ering with sleight of hand (ricks emt A Holy December meet Oshawa families as the result of Wg" has hecome head of Cane dent in his class, Earlier this Club of Oshawa at their annual! Banta Claus was welcomed (0 On one occasion he seemed (0 ley : i tree areas in the win the work of the Oshawa Christ- ada's largest counting house, the year he was appointed to the unk Christmas Party in the Piccadilly a cacophony of noise provided hy produce a live rabbit from thin poids) LH ram ing hol heen i or £ mas Cheer Committee, a Com: 12000-employee Royal Bank of versity's hoard of trustees, Room. of Hotel: Genosha. Mandayiwhistes and. -naise-makers.. He ah eompieied. | le to h fact that munity Chest organization Canada / He Joined the hank in Toronto night, The party was one of the took his place, heside the tree, in! One of the highlights of the eve a tig iy or materia Each year, and this year | The election of W. Earle Me the same year he left university most successful ever held hy the a cutter which a generation ago ning was the draw for 4 golden | He at [ne exception the committee Langhlin as president and chief ; Pi and had served as general mane club as a common sight at this time cocker spaniel puppy, donated fol Te # ed hay the last of the raise sends oul cheques (0 old age executive officer announced hy § ager since Feb, 8 this year, | : 4 op | LEMPOrATY help engaged in thi pensioners and food baskels and p 4 i 1 4 Arranged by the erinple wit, of the year on rural sideroads, the club hy Douglas Hurl, owner [ the hank in a statement Monday i" in ad BL Sriphied en Banta had a Jolly word for each of the Wauhena Kennels. The work had heen laid oft on Pe » 10 in families on welfare, \piohi made fin the third Nan i J : 1 Pom oe Joined the hank th of his small guests as they re: draw resulted in the puppy heipg|'® DECAUSE of The [reeze-yp f mothers allowance and limited s veal , alah the party featured a turkey oeived hell prese ie, wan hy seven id, old David [841d the last hall of the steady ervice theame. The commitiee, which LR Ww M. Walton died / { A% Mbiatant rane, A of the Tae dinner, served by the hotel siatl,| Saunders whe immediately clasp summer help would he laid off 1s headed this year hy Alex B50." Bight months a1 M : i ' gale main hraneh, After ol Fromm Sani foram, 4 vt CAROL MUNG od (he tiny dog to hin Menst and|® the end of Tas week Toward (he close of Monday floss, works through the Oshawa) wrt vevlaced Tong {ime re ie | k Tord tn Vancouver as an | or r ha Ne Pl p 4 y p Bile . pidge ag Bl Prior to the dinner the O'Neill cored veluctant to lot po The hoard was informed (herve might's counell me eting, the last| Public Welfare Department which dent James Muir. nha dod came to Montreal in 1040 A ¢ Widre Collegiate and Vocational - Inst) would he approximately $10,000 over which Mayor Lyman A, #618 as a co-ordinating unit with ve Mcl a ! was named Montreal main FESTIVE DECORATIONS tute orchesten, under the direc: SPECIAL GUESTS belt In the hoard budget due 10] Gifford will preside, Ald Ernesi|the many private organizations) Mr. McLaughlin, horn in Oshe branch manager In 1040, & post The tables were tastefully dec. Hon of ¥, 0, Francis, played caval A weloome (0 the guests was the discount on equipment purl Marks vose (n give "ex tempmre'| ANd ellizens wha donate gifts or awa, was formerly general man: Mr, McLaughlin filled from 1081 arated with seasonal centrepieces, Selections, Later C.° Lancaster, extended by John W. Lowry, pres: chased during the year and alsn| congratulations to. the mayer for] adopt' families Ager, He Joined the hank 24 years . 0 1064 The walls of the dining room| vice-president of the service club, ident of the club, who extended | because fll for levellin had what he called, "three years off Many churches in Oshawa ago, serving in Toronto, London, A son of the late Mr, and Mrs, were fetsooned with colored hal. !® In the singing of carols with the season's greetings. Special been secured from the hoard of leader hip during your stay in!have White Gift Sundays and Ont, Guelph and Montreal Frank MeLaughlin, Mp. Me loons and the gaily lighted Christ guests included His Warship) Works whe nits employees were the Mayor's chal urn the gifts over ta the eom:| The operation he takes over A Laughlin veceived his education mas tree, around which the gift lack Bateman, of Toronto! Mayer Lyman A, Gifford, Miss COE sidewalk constraetbon inl fyvon have heen a real leader, [Millee, Bimeoe Hall's work hand has an authoriged capital stock al Mary Blreet Public Bechool Gertrude Tucker, Reg, N super: the vicinity of certain park A avks d 3 mn hand with the committee and Ah X [sad Ald. Mark and. you have [pravide the facilities for packing © $100,000.00, There are some find hire a Collegiaie Ingtl | visor of public health nursing for Mr. Bathe reported that the | impressed with your devotion (on v [the hoxes which will he deliver: 1000 branches in Canada, The Grierson street, Oshawa, is a . the Oshawa Board of Health and| cement floor In the new head! duty eqar Much Mail Miss Gloria Akawenzie, of Peter: quarters bullding had heen fin There has heen a gond record ed this week hy members of the west Indies, and South and Cen WW, EARLE MeLAUGHLIN | sister, havough, district nurse for the On| ished with a product which pre of achievement under your lead Oshawa Lions and Kinsmen | pz) America, Other outlets are rr ---- EE i lario Society for Crippled Chil! vents all from the trucks and ¢ hip and your door has always Clim, ; in London, Paris and New York, "1astie curler, hut golf is his I nther el als from f gl he . 4 the present high level of main redveation dren ther ehemioa ran SPINE heen open (n the eitizens of Osh unemployment the demands on NEAPOLE APPOINTED i i on Took Goods From Mayor Giffod expessed his through the porous cement AWA For his serviee to the Bt. Joh f : : § we this year have] The | ! fohn pleasue al the privilege of againl The hoard authorized the sign nave heen a good may. ie fommitice | " [ Fhe bank also announced (hela mn ar § 4 " g ulance Assoeiatio e attending (he party, He thanked ing of a lease with the Oshawa! or you have | Ad Marks, heen the highest AY d dhe ae: appointment of €, B, Neapole, i, lo , ssoclation h was| hree Stores the lub for what It is doing for| Columbus Club for the use of 4 id hd {pression hut, owing. ta the Ben: of Pembroke as successor to My. [Made a Knight of Grace, the pproximately 100,000 f | # M Gifford thanked Ald APS mately pieces of mall was short approximately (ho hildren of the community. |lands in the H p Mayor ) erosity of many eitigens, it 18 MoLaughlin, Mr. Neapole se i | Broup's highest order Julie Lawrnuk, of M0 D ciwlstmas mail will nat rea hi 100,000 pleces this year ta Ho ARAL BE ne qhrmany reek Marks for his remarks hoped (hat ence again no needy ae aSatE dona Aple servel 2EiCRh Wa i a Pew their destinations hy Christmas | 0 Av Dov, 17 Jat pews. did sing tha he f uh and libs Yh ey Jo ha fliamonds KE, G I have (ried to do what family will he forgotten al 4 A Beneral manager for HAS TWO CHILDREN dy " at Jeman out of euse day this year', warned Post: money orders fad hoon laud Ke It across Canada are doing Men / ¥ lied on farmed ou, tht best for the people OF Christmas Ars In M0 he marvied the former once ah hy Magistrate remarkable work, Communities, (the hoard that the lease wil Hashawa and 1 have no apologies My, MeLaughlin is stocky and|Ethel Wattle, Their son Bill, i, |¥ 8, Hhbs, Monday, when she ple aded guilty to theft of mem master Norman Moran on Mons a1 the Ost Wa post office hi i J day your 014 had passed over the "Said. looked 10 service clubs Provide that buildings erected only" ole aid the mayo hroad-faced with thinning grey|is a business administration - chandise from (hiee Oshawa Ll] Phis prediction, based 'in a h i lo give leadership in this type of the lands will conform = with hate, He sports a must arsily local statistical comparison he |Pountar, When (uestioned out work and those who recelved as: hoard requirements, The ands a 1 Were Caiing Jack Au rrest out Wears Rony 2 Watache fie Sot alt lianas Valversity, in stares, The (otal value of the tween (his year and last year's was quick to paint out that Aha stance owed them a debt off Auestion are south and west hy the same policies speech is easy and readily in: Mary, 10, is a Grade § student salen gods was $19, postal revenue sales, and com last Christmas - twa new uh! Aratitude o Harmony singin I love the people, Oshawa Hid U d B d clined ta humor herve [, Mrs, Lawrnuk told the magls: parative mall volume, will mean! posi offices had heen opened, Murray Macleod was chairman - The hoard authorized the pur and the work. You must love the 1 n er e AL one time he was an enthu-' When Mr, McLaughlin g ju. Tale she stole a pair of pants lot Of the committee which arranged chase of a tractor with a front work 1 wish vou well and 1 am A . VULBNENIR BTAQU heoause her little hoy needed ol y nN yearsold Oshawa youth them. She explained that her aw striet fol ) | y " ana an ain 6 olk aul thet more than the 8 needed to equal the. party Playing loading roles and loader and a hammer knife al your service hiding under a hed. was taken J CHIE! thas 1 i § In ecarryn \e ns we . § NE LL ap Yoletide greelings those lssued last year Gi : hi Fi BARS $2 1A 3 i iL a cost of approximately inte custody hy Oshawa police ENQUIRING REPORTER Rushang drank nd never gives ' ne f A cin ! late Monday night and charge 4 ney Up to Dee, 17 last the INCORRECT ADDRESSES . 4 | B06, The superintendent wa | ¥ \ LAR \arged Ip tn Dex } Year W master of ceremonies and Clarke f with the theft of a late madel Magistrate Ebhs said: "If 0 r . revenue from postage stamp Mr Moran went on te sivess Hubbell 80 authorized ta have repair | fing ! sn' ' sales totalled $30,110.34 This the importance of addre Ing mall made to a mower and io oe "re 1 Y onor pia helongia Ly Mrs. Marg rel [ean 1 hia Hine " year $4 have arto ar I 5 differe: Gordon Bryant, of 487 Ortona eop e nmove light n n year with $41,138.46 in stamp correctly In. this Christma new reels at an approximate revenue, there 1s still $1041.18] period alone, 1 estimate that we wast A of §as avenue, was arrested after the - NT. All Walting to he affixed to have 85,000 letters and cards D b t 4 ( Flstmay mailing piece Mp. mailed in time, whieh will nol e en ure a Abovavel was also given to the ampions oar he wi Ariving pollided With B A . C PRIEST SUSPENDED f 1 Y 1r rashes HAVANA (AP) Claus are some of dren who } Weir Pare ha } gl party aniel pupp were guest } lo the children hy irs. Bah Branch at the plano digappolntment for many Osh bind thal these had: sold a I'eleph y U0, for tl ) elephong for the plas A Roman Cathe Moran sald reach their destination," he sald . We simply have not the time to Ing of three poles wl ial { 1 FEWER PIECES waste on improperly addressed S u y pales am 4 HY i Doteetive Jahn "Red" Mag lie elreles said Monday Rev Gor In comparing the letter mail § ire at the rear of Radio Park Dermald sald the aceused van lo . Paring th nat mall, When you realise that in { n ) § man Lenees, frequent speaker at volume, to Bee. 17 with the normal times we would handle Aceounts totalling 1,704.5 A Blacey avenue apartment and) By PETER 00] | 2 GO hid under the hed. He was ar y PTH | appen, it will happen whether PrO-Castra rallies, has heen suse L207, whieh was last year's! sav 20.000 : \ were passed for piven . \ 0 nd Bi BB Rag x aay, 20.000 lottery 4 day, Jn then By Township { od for payment A doe Ready: shiaianan rested hy Police Constable Sian In view of the Focen! air yal are there or not,' pended. indefinitely hy ehureh aus 200.000 lems, then | } the provinelal and dominion eam. 'oF, HodEson le Rsasies n New York, Would Hi ( Vera Mathm, waitress, 1017) tharities In Havana, He cannot . can see what we're up agaist RROUGHAM M t St A wlitive sports eommittes of (he The Noy ton ews Wi Mol Ul fro IP She \6 halve " Jung aly o \y Sl : 'No, 1 think it was a preside at mass, receive Conteh Ay Moran wa pleased with \ i \ A meeting of us ay way o Oshawa City « aunell presented ih fron o the SWHEES home aif iid A 8 meas hs Fahshoria ireak Aeeident A PRISON 18 ad | Blans OF give communion, ¢ oy ommi ee i i : ' the Plokering Township Council WOR Lyman A. Giffard about 11 pom', Monday Han his was the question put! sale in one place as in anather | veparted He LHEISURAS help this Year was hold hore Monday. evening Hang ih if to olght peaple in Oshawa re ind LSLVer up al the N gh 1 aving that ¥ males are warkin ! tonday nigh cently hy an Oshawa Times re " \ : SH Fallowing are some of the items F R il une meeting I'he 50 £ ALL Study He tr hen i sh, ees" dhe" th £ TOM RALLWAY vk, Wott Pa p]d "ie v Gi 1 u Y ol | pannel! A Myoaralt Oshawa youth HHS Worshin's vietory in the al lamen | The answers were as follows an 1 S or in & With inside arin Preference Was IVER 10 Aree I'he recent Judgement fram the was ordered to stay away fram! MAYORS' elass in the International Mes, R, Clark, housewife, 81 played adults nthe male divs (20a Department of Municipal railway tracks by the Oshawa Plowing Mateh in Elgin County Rowe Streef Accidents can hap 1) enture on, 50 the namber of student Atfirs CONN Appeal shows the Magistrate court, Monday last Octoher t- - ance pen anywhere, hut 1 suppose it . employes 1h OABRDIARY Tons hn equalised asemvent vol William Jezeson. 16. of § the mayor reiterated his re. | might frighten some people. The ee Y ecelve A 1036 amendment fa the On. than in preceding year Reeve ub Rn iw. pp Mtevenson road south, was given [ITEMERE promise to pelax and By THE CANADIAN PRESS |[MUmber of ear accidents in pro tare Municipal Aet ent short the Arte} ale DR ta the ® Suspended sentence after hy Sten tn. the grass grow," and Monday, Dee, 19 1960 partion ta the number of air last session of the 195860 Osh Nati Cassy Rrli AUABHIR it spent the weekend in jail. He hag last night added, "to plow that! Labor Minister Stare deseribed Plane acoidents is probably muehi Gifts of all (ypes and sizes: Many of the women have heen awa City Council Manday night CELEBRATING R, James was appoint Ata the pleaded guilty ta wilful damage STAIER and narvow furrow." | the government's winter works S'ealer Nave been pouring in for the displaying their talents Wm knits an _ARpAINed 10 he 10 pranerty of the CPR. Ma 1o Miss Caval Peters, who program a part of the most! Ralph Jewell, proprietor Jew. Friendship Troe at the King and! ing aad sewing with the dress. WIONENE home (hind plage in the comprehensive soheme of its] o's Mow's Stave, 16 King St. B.: | Simeae streets branch of the Wa of dolls for needy ehildven, Counell found out--same mem i hors only last night that in B T D DOR Vke bi frie \naprva trate KF. 8 Ebbs had remanded i the perind between an election IR H AYS i sik 4) Ay hii Wi the accused In custody far the NOTA American Roller Skating type ever undertaken hy a fod: "Not at all, 1 think there are tar Canadian Bank of Commerce for driers have been making clothes and Inauguration of & new oun aaraimiations and bo & & en i Hite R \ he he ering weekend Lhampionships, went a silver! eral government mare accidents with automobiles distribution, on Christmas Eve oF Kiddies oil, only Bylaws pertativing to the| LonErAtUIal hs and | AA Rehan Hh S., 0) oa 4 vol OUNOY terms of his parole were haw awarded to her hy Awd! Lionel: Chevrier (L--Maniveal than with planes by the Salvation Army Lustomers entering the bank ba TL AAR pals i BR ¥h Jo the tollewing hin Rog TLR a Nove go tn ohureh every Sunday On] MBert Wakes Laurier) said the plan did noth Mrs, Edna Milner, seevetary Every vear the bank has a have ree pived the tree well, We have done several legal] (EAS TD Ag hr [part the Sutin Huniap Cov ygrve a 10 pow, surien. Revort, Sho PARTOSsed her appreciation ing specifically ta help distressed Part Perry: "1 believe Gt would | 18v8e Ohvistmas tree. but this| Nearly all the "regulars" have things In the past f HI6L Whe are celeb ane to M0 vears for seaat. 0 the parle officer regularly, || he oIY'S recagnition and he: | area . bather me bat 1 don't think i(/Year some of the girls employed been dropping a gilt, large and then," mumbled ene aldo Ron Mason. 460 Rasm Alike WG Bolas wate assed AN SAY away: fram (he hays! ME Able to ropresent wy ham Prime Minister Diefonbaker| would stop'me. Peaple who say it{m the hank decided the t(reelsmall, under the tree However. the lame-duek " A a oa, | in BR hs hd an #ol in trouble With ah Oshawa said the Iuterpravineial - Farm! wouldn't hather them aven't veal-/Should be put to same worth.! (Gifts will be received until ell : 5 : da' Porahc auth ond of the towhshin. Na Iosegon had hoon eharged with Go il h Ney Branch presented Union Council should give the iste." while purpose | Wedhiesday afternoon, Then the Gave the RB R Mol Wil ' BR RIAEOWAY AVeRWD AOHAR Was taken on a request TW Juveniles far stringing a wire With AR Mn al A ack Hunter goverment a detalled Pepa! an WB, Mann, assistant Posts After considering what could/tiee will be tumned-over to the Composite Sohoal debont ire 8 A NN Las (hy tawnship barbers for an eaely Acrass the CRI tracks at Stew | cand " nha OF WIRING the) 18 Tear that . western feed grain waster, 98 Buck ngham Ave. (he dane this year, the staff con. Salvation Army 0 give its mems S00 10 the finance commited . p thie Duncan. [olosing' al BIR ORSAR . Midd. ARIA nals) Watian Doubles Lawn Bowling! prices ave detg rlorating No, 1 don't believe it would stan li: Wied the Salvation Army, of. [bers Hime to distribute the press study 14 Cy Dan Petey The township sarbage area has And holding up the Montreal (rain aie ii Edmonton (his! Members of Parliament found me, I've never had the aceasion wering ta ealleet gifts far Qsh-[o0ts In tinge far Christmas \ ho LArSimas eheer in a states ia iso alvplanes hut 1 think they WA's needy if the Salavtion! Voted ta ask the pravinela \ A shirley hoen considerably enlarged at Whithy, Noy | A \ Hunton hanked y voment hy the p y nis the oi WW © REE MINSer that aoa just as safe as out highways. JATmMY would take care of the dis government ta pa le : 8 x palise nl ma 5 \ t » ha LU | As § \ n 0 § 0a ve " B. hak 3 ta legalize Sunday av { h , : i \ Wa AR honor to We consideraton has heen given Miss Diane Mallay. sales olork. |\ribution Community Chest | certs and plavs in Oshawa ¥ Richardson veportedt that the hring home the rophy 0 the 10 hoosting their annual $3,000 Declared Jan. 8. 1081 as | \ } hy Jaycees Hold VOR tl had a of tlorable Oshawa Lawn Bowling Club indemnity a Hibbert Si Yos 1 would hel Officials of the Oshawa Citade AUgUTAtIon DAY. Coremanies wi ASAI ! \ A 1} ' amber of Christo 1) nm Mex Oakley and Dean Mg The Seat gave first reading Apprehensive.' When Miss Mal agreed so a sign telling the Puy Total Is $194, 129 nal rm ePalve ih eke \ . ei ales ko ' wal Laughlin were ta have heen han: to a Nil to veliove the ( AAT GR ny was asked why, she answer POSE af the ree was put up in Set aver eight planning heard! four k . Yule Dinner Shopping Contre red publicly bat failed to make of responsiblity in passing di. #0 "Pm just afvaid that's all." [the hank. Since then at least 130 The aifice of the Greater Oshs matters wae] rid, ou Santa Claus wa ata! 40 HRPEATANOS varee Bills this session a Howry Woad, General Matars | Drosont welnding dolls, toys wa, Community Chest reports Relerred Wine other Moms a g rae Me Junior Chamber of Cam SEIBI0Rs as the Havoot . waa Mr. Oakley was named Can The government's hill estab. employee, 8 Albert St No, [of all deseriptions and clothes $14 120.90 has now heen Tes correspondence ta the incoming TTR \ merce held their annual Cheists tor. He levied stiff fines an ap f08 3 ouistanding athlete in 1960 lish a productivity council was WOWIIR'E he apprehensive, You West of them new--have heen ceived. The list of contributions conned! : intl \ was dinner meeting at Hotel Javeees wha did not fallow the! is pertarmances Wm Olymple given approval in principle in the are just as dikely to get killed placed an and under the thee. nat previously acknowledged fale Gave trophies to | shaw coived § hotweos , Genosha Monday evening PROPER JAYO0e ARNOT Wola walking races Nea or the ahlections © af walking dawn the street The hank stall did not stop atilows POPSORS. (neladis \ 3 ; "the Fallewin ay dhuios PRlaNinD he Ta , ly \ the Narth' Seaatar Jy Connally | On Art Dayle, Community Chest, sutting up the (ree. Raffles have Mrs. Leonard Richer 8 10.00 SH --_-- ha ¥ y Phang online husineg W disoussedd. cees crawdesd , . Mien HE : Champion tania), ale It puts ton hroad! 1040 Mahawk Sit Absolutely not. been hold among the emplovees' Leon B Wallis 2000 a Wis yean { LCarisim, { hai , As PIONY ARE BIERL ime RN SUe0ession ¢ AMUE POWers no a4 body) Dg fly tonight, lamarraw ar any: (10 raise funds © purchase gifts - -- wot, as Ties Chauman Bil (40 sang | hrs § Sarg {Canadian champion aot reshonsible to Parliament, [thwe. If an acoident is going to for the Friendshin Tree 5 Total To Date $18,120.00 --