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The Oshawa Times, 20 Dec 1960, p. 12

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$2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tussdey, December 19, 1968 CLOSE RACE | Russios Pear B'Nai B'Rith Bantams ltaly's Giant Tied With Local 2784 In Davis Cup (han Mapns produced (heir (bana Mans, md (lied in mos : SYDNEY, Awsitatia (AP) ON: oi eile 4 py P) An odd taken ce In Aetence, Pokosin, Roowik, 1ioyd i OH BREE L45I sini bast capiihy wh Aetence Wike Frobaiby the Wagest PERSON (foe Oia Jar taken ace Ih bere; forwerte, (reenwond, 1ends Siecin, Hal's gant of the WHER tthe Whithy Community Chka, mine nelminder with he why the ODshaws Merchants air A . Hobbs Salter courts, end p AVR, (IDIING the Lindeny Re Welome, herrowsy Esseped werions runaway Vendors th the AW | oe oe an ier Fesdervets Ht Gorey, Tle, Wad hot Athi gents, TA flare the Series WEY In the second period Wer Hockey Lengue thE EER 5 OH Local 7704, Irom TWrRers mh 7 Rd: Hi, ie the man the Auetrations a a a. I 4 pig y PF long, posting an wahenen Tess Plaske md Graper ps Crna of the ieason # Bard riong het fom the sik hasn't been wh the Hieneive of lve wins anh & BR OF 16S. LOCA, 205 woul, Pollard fear most in the Davis hal | Regents regisiered first, ust Am Horlom, grared Wis herd work of their gomihongry lor lly ne ond 4 ea tava LIE 2 onion A iis ienge round Haring here Ronn Lescomas plier the opening wiistie 11 #pweRicd wt Eo that the wer wards, rather the salwert net: bing with Whe WRith, WH, Somhes Citlen forwards, Hon Pay Harry Wel, standing unmolested WH im pol Wak Wn the lace minding of gotie Boss Wawe, | G00." con sieeted 16 one 105 sen. Abbott, Griften, Sone | WE now whit Pieirengell con in front of the Osawa wet, thy: Net Mondwy wight, Bowing] Overshadowed hy the BIER. This some aler bast BEV S ome, Refkovie, Assen, Wir 40 DH Side is swags & mys ped I # tray passout from Fred nr, Dec. 1h, the Toromie Mace:| searing machine of Recwrmie sp weekly (ive games were weed Bolder Brownwell and ey, ied Roy Emerson, vet Dent , Fil Thing the Mars ere, Bawe has once again prover] off in the Children's Ahrens, WB Andrews Ld (FRR merher of the Australien ' . . 5 the OHA Lakeshore Iniermed that # Aclence MWRYE I Rith grated Eo eRATING, | BAL WRITH =~ CAN, TR), (Enis squsd, "When Sirois i on Ev Edwards evened the cont | i oy Aas # i ' BR sereened backhender. tesi FE TREE, INVEGE the Whithy Com: Tikes & foo olience The ne ianiing Canadien Tine 49 | : Water collected tw WE Game, he 16 & Berserk my han four mimes Yorer GenrgelMIHY MERE (0F & Bae with BERGER INCKEOPING WRIA Wok Local 7704 and Tacit 15 hated) 5 pace WSs WRI (n 4 tank Wesilall then scored the Plosssg [19 (shawn Cub. Game Gime. 16 een Drtbiant 59 far this FERED | 1 4 G4 sand ol. Both Loew TTI A0 shwiont victory over Canadien. 1 was Siivle whe crushed Ld there essing Pm Fred Dart, former | He Wes allowed 16 gamle in ©80 ond 1 5m Bh have V2 DORE Tire He men collected mae as America's Barry Mackey 1 the Tiny, ness the end othe fire Lome Warthors ond Felermoro| (Ames Dovel posing a HArk| with 1 5ei B/Rith season s Jog | slot {itt and fini mateh which sews Y, Rew # # Hog 2705 Ronis meminet average lsy wns and one 1986 Chuck Edie and Pll Sloman aly ito the challenge round for : A , Was Ihe best man for thet J 4 Qeried 20 Rewiek 8 GEITY pocinis with Bill Jewell ramming IE Shout registered Inst Bun. Tn the other action were the other Eom - Geers ithe first time Oshawa Majors Merchants [4 4 | Trim Lindsay /Can Thank | By GERRY BAIR Paya Tie FEE gee Wi 4 th Their Goalie | West ino ; p- Winnipeg Maroons are seen | an alveraft Monday that will wearing their Hudson's Bay | take them on & hockey tour of blanket coats, as they boarded ' Crechoslovakia as amateur sen "YSPORTS MENU By Geo, H. Campbell SPORTS EDITOR Er "Everything From Soup To Nuts' In within the TIS THE SEASON terrible jolly, that is! disasters thal have the past few days, feels a Hitle subdued in the of Christmas spirit, But forgetting the front page minutes and turning ta the "8Bports section" things a little heetic Mr, Haller focthall Bam Eleheverry La he truck face of all the matter for we ane 8 lew find dda' that he enntract he gets prope; But Bam not only throw in ha $e! may. find out Mmagiciar hat gat 0 i there, also Can gamimissioner natifie | can not NFL elub Canadian "reg and that he y ign a until n't a agent with } N any other hig Cilants om I'l release from "owners -f good pass he knows how et one up ton he points out, that his own ecoantract Naw if Halter and the Canadian pro Vir, Elcheverry they that there the If that they al heen broken courts rabhit In hold have up forces to go to the | than ang whi! mare happens the ho Hoek he fact mn al (ne thal top performers sitting the brilliant t al their performer League ay n all thelr } Jatlona alten In view of the e about four to a variety af injurie Lhe ane ned nh in recent the certainly indicative af po that, Tal mast hi hurtling that aeagnized before uw Lh Maplen pet Hah nabod ngt Hig ta cateh the hut fire Raps not ti NHI [IF ippear ready to prove else In the nhitled ta secand place, And comes Blanley Cup than 1] Ir thm Ho Know Lh make It more Le thought ma ( I htere far wnadien ikl { fare tn the first ta he nast that 1] BT Nave 1 @pendahle Ihok 121) ai iim Nig a lat more af Toronto Leafs in And aut Pest three weeks than in the past three years yh nasn't anybody painted that In Mast cans the player are missing fram ifs! Hine=up at ant, dug reall fd that pre mjurie tao mueh 3° tl hould thing heen mi Deca If al . hut want [ Now and first nt tan wgument ou'll not Lart an mover au Know th argue the pe trang! eertainly not in ever RRIGHT BITN QHA ent | med 11} il I I ¥} 0X ox Oshaw ntly REL nig this ell fanl Inter Lindsay 1 do Major the walloped Cures leading Lakeshore nt Wi y 80 into TARLUTS | Wi rarity will not nay the local pit 1 ( over purrent hut Hitt we thir every thi vk Ia ET In spite time for tl tertainment mild ert Ud ted ny (ne § of hein parently had up We 1004 sparts uppart, for group wha 1 handig Ive ather We carrying on, having a good h CMs and providing inters for OT SOME FOLKS cham af our ealumn last week that the if the 10 the NOOUTIve Rut ( the same dea ta hloek the he gi haek ta its awn ¢ that the "fans" ar the "man an the street" WINNIPEG MAROONS are off week About as bad If they do ling en had in which we Cat ame end Hamilton Wis litle shart elect Vie Copps ap taken aout an injung wnetal transfer hi of. Tiger Xerutive f # antraller He ha fi for whe 101 of the sale F IMOVe and -one that the wasn't faiy KEY reasons 08 move 1s Wf the eluh KeCutive he publi heated tn mvakia far a We suspect they'll take ligking the Chatham Maveans took if Trail Smoke Eaters get the treatment the World Tournament do vou know what. ? great attraction of having a Canadian team visit 0 Christmas holiday ow of nine HIM es Just i] and in The "avers will be mare than eut in hall and fram here in, will be just ART NEHF, pitoher with 20's (he alse with Boston and Cubs) of yesterday He wan<she deciding game af the World Series 1-0 against Yankees in 1921 Cliff Pennington Continues Pace OTTAWA (CP)-Clilf Penning: total is made ton of first-place Hull Ottawa Ca 8 assists nadiens has a comfortable lead! Tom MeCarthy of fourth place nthe Eastern Professional] Sudbury Wolves scared twice and Hookey League scaring race, hutipicked up four 2 his 1l-paint lead of a week agoeipoints on' 23 goals the has dwindled to eight oague--and 18 assists League statistios released Mon Pennington didn't soore and day show Peaninglon's 3 paint pioked up three assists for his ame LTE Canada fama anathey NY Rraves entry ih] Cilants Reds age of 64 in the lave plavye tied anoen Al the WP of 18 goals and assists fw ops in | Hh | per Tel [1 T------ 7 WINNIPEG MAROONS LEAVE FOR HOCKEY TOUR lor representatives of Canada CP Wirephoto Newsmen Must Curl To Travel | \ynysrriar Leacur Rjax Basketballers | EDMONTON (CF special ent with a trip to Beotland and international curing eham the prize has heen annual Newsmen's sehediled here Jan. 18 $ f [th plonship as added to the Bonspiel and 14 An en pected for inaugurated (wn Empln 5 of radio and 1ejevision wha declare/ In ad will go to Beptland if of 126 eurlers is ex the hon kn lour-event ear [iF piel mn Saskatoon ne Hew ance piper VOI the yin added thi in he ent ent ave lal ¢ Hink he neers em Organized Many pros hie Winners vateh Canadian Beottish curlers Bete Cup repre IT] As po g0 aversea la American and ecampete for the 'Mahovlich Finally Can Show Gain MONTHEAI Mantreal (88 4) Canadien While harpshool manapalize (he nthe Ni League paint Frank Mahovlich heen able to do ghoul closing the gap Hl Latistie re TI Manireal HEE the seared four eek and now has 40 4h assists seared in game Ne hy Mon How ie Honal cantinge In three po Hoek race lasl amething hye cased Bernie ian coring at lang ha LL i Ciealfvion Ih last Hoomer ganl point 1H alan on goals and Gearon ha FEN eanseculive hart of the treal Hie record ning Maurice Richard 1 seasons ago Deki of Mantreal Peked up four points on ane goal and three assists and regained oeand place ahead of teammats Ioan Reliveau production tar the week anly ane assist Moore int Cienffrion 14-80 count RIG FRANK Mahovlieh 1 paints, 4 al Maple 12 dame along Maore Whose Wi has 25 goals and 81 a i points, three hehin ind Beliveau ha far 44 point FOURTH I fourth place with til setting a oi coring pace for Taranto Leats, He has seared 260 1 getting three last week with twa Closest in anrlsooping are Monre with and Geolfrion with 24 Reliveau In assists 0 I'he nr | f HERIELE h loads with leaders \ mM 40 AEE [1] 0 4d 11 40 M36 20 MN Pon 1A Gieolivion, Mi Manne Heliveau Mahavlieh Richard Ullman, Det Hawe, Del Rathgals Hull, Ohi Delveechin Olmstead Kelly, Tor Halfour, Chi Ronin, Mil Nay, Chi Mit) fi 11 19 12 10 0 1 1h i] \ il NY 1A Pet Tor a 19 1] total. He ASSESS With A point loads the league in AE] Ruddy Boone of Kingston Fron tenaes seared twice. Boone is still A third spat with 20 goals and 19 assi Terry Gray of Hall OHawa, sINIh a4 week ago, now 15 In fourth spot with 8% paints Three plavers, Fred Hilts Sault Rte. Marie Thunderbirds {Stan Maxwell. of Kingston and Sam Hettia of Sudbury nex in line h 3 points anieee Edklie Johnston of the Cana diens registered his seventh shut oul of the seasen tn tie the oague recard sel last year hy Charlie Hodge. Johasion allowed only ane goal in his ether game 10 560 his average drop ta 2.10 goals st 0 Are Ww A game Sudbury is still the most penal aed team with 488 minuies. Roh Wilson, of the § i Burrows "heen advised 1a give he psy Weck in the Oshaws end Majors really euxeried great pressure Wn the middie period scoring five gents. Gary anon and Gary Copeland each tallied 4 pair, with Art Renpick notehing the other, [irng # backhand shot ina the short side. Both Lawson s Gols were spectacular endAo-end rushes with nary Aine play F being able to ey # slick on Wim Both clubs battled defensively through a scoreless third period with the Regents sticking strictly (9 thelr enecks, hit being unable 0 REQUITE RRY GEOFIRE Ihren! s The game was clean, consider ing the continued hard checking especially hy the Majors. Georg: Westiall handed onl the stifles! Wit in the first peried, eatehing Kelly with his head down, and sending him heavily to the ies Al Garrard, Ed Romanuk and Art Benniek were most efficient {in the hody checking department Garrard and Kelly ne We tangled in the Lindsay end, near the com pletion of the third and final frame MAJOR HIGHLIGHTS Ed Bomanuk falled to maintain hi goal or heller-a-game pace AOL searing in 1ast night's (il Bon Barviage, lormer Barrie Fly hy Aay 110 over Baker Yending wis the first by apy league Dacksiop this winter In the individual scoring race Merchants are sti runping ronehshod, They have placed Bix pavers wn the top ten, Jackie i Ese seeond IANDSAY gol fence, Low Henpesey Hen A Burne, Williams; for wards, Dart, Nell, Rowden Jewell, Horton, Pearson, Kelly | Melill, Bushey, Spratt SHAW A goal, Cirka; Ae the pack for most of the season fence, Ashion, Edwards Tureskl is sil clinging onto top spot by # ahd Barriage {ww ards Cope: commanding margin over (erm and, Westiah, Myles, Tran, Law: mate Syd Arold. 1eflwinger son, Romanuk, Garrard, Beanick, Sneddon has (riggered V1 goals! Maclean wna 16 pesists for B35 points. His 17 tallies are tops in the league Arnold Aefending BOOTING ww champ, has 26 poinis made wp 400 °F 14 gonls ppd 12 pesists. Mer Kemp; Ae Resey Ist Period Nel Rowden) 2, Oshawa: Edwards I Lindsay Nar Sneddon whe has heen leading Kiwenis eked oul. p 32 win We Duitute, Hondaille Fndustries whipped Pobice Association 51 and Local 187 handed winless) Civitan # 31 sethaek The Bantam league Are pot schediled on thelr wenat Monday wight newt week with the holiday on Bowing Day. ThE youngsters will next see oficial league pe: tion on Wednesday, Dec. WH and will- swing hack ie the ws Monday night stand alter the New def ear TOCA 1817 = CIVITAN Billy Elliott, Toest 18175 (op sharnshonter, rifled home # "hit trick" to single handedly heat Davey MeCann recorded the shit mit Which ow BN BRith into ge for bret pace with Local CANADIAN TIRE -- godt, Hill wee, Davies, Clarke, Werry aheock, Hanowski, Wrage Pearse; (orwards, Hanewich, Bal ter, Maynard, Judge, 11ovd, Glen dinning, Mothersitl, Selleck, Ben wrreill, and 1evine WAL B'RITH---goml, MeCann ence, Waldie, Hornshy, Luke Mok, Zaporzan; forwards, Bol oman, Waters, Edie, Kehoe, Ham om, Sholdra, Peylon, Spiers Ross, Masterson, Kelly and Woods From the beginning | said iBircln was # player to waleh," skid Mackay, / Because he Is #0 Wig (9x (ook seven inches) seemingly awkward, ever \regards Wim ps # tennis freak (He can murder you when he's thing them," 80 He Gets A Job-- 'But Who Wants It? WASHINGTON (AP) BH Me Peak was promoted (0 head copeh of Washington Redskins of hants' eaplain, Jack Armstrong (Resnick, Maclean) 14.40 has moved in third place with 25 Penaliivs Westfall 4.35, Ed- ints and Tony's Al Myles ship wards B55, Spratt 9.17, Tureski Ped back to fourth with 28 points 19.06 George Bamolonkn of Merchants made the biggest wmp this sq Week garnering 5 points last Sunday and 1s in a 10th place the with Vinemple Paul Tran and Tony's Gerald Robinson, George 12.55 Westtall of Merchanis has 2% 14.0 Credit Union's 1ueky Wills has 19 points, Keith West from Fony 15 making his first ap JERVENEE In the seleel eircle with i paints The league is now idle over the Christmas and New Year hol days and will return to aetion Civitan 4-1. Brien Talkaehill gor RErea Lwin RESISIS Mike Durborowski netied (he fone gon for the cellardwellers CIVITAN gol defence, Brack Townsend, Hartshorn; f(orwards Pubrowsky, Bradley, kley 0, Cockertom, 1, Cockerion, Dick Hayward, McCullough, Morrison Kroontise, Potter and Wallan eon | TOCAL 1817 goml, Frotter;| defence, Taylor, Sulton, Stewart | Wroks Valkaehitf forwards, | Elliott, Garrison, Telesnicki, Mes hnik, Mack, Gillette, Romanski Cole, Bwert, Davies, and F hamyp: | #: 0 hawa: Westial Blevenson;| nd Period Sills, Peel.| 1 awsm Copeland IL Hamanuk Oshawa: Renniek (Barrage I, Oshawa: Lawson # Oshawa: Copeland (Garrard) Penalties H.8 4 Oshawa Oshawa LR /] LR Kelly Nell Spratt 16% rd Period NO BCORING 4.42 WEST, KIWANIS ~~ DUPLATE The final Huture saw West mount Kiwanis squesk oul # thrilling 32 win over Duplate Limite Barry Syinyk, John Neate and Jimmie Clapp scored WK gonls Garry West and Terry MeQuade replied for Puplate ESTMOUNT KIWANIS goal Smith; defence, Clapp, Neate, Ti ing, Brown: forwards, Bvinvk Kaplan, Reed, Howden, Clarke Wright, Holmes and O'Brien DUPLATE goal, Nott; de fence, McQuade, Burk, West, Thompking Murdock Sutton forwards, Referees Pon Wilson and Dawe, Bremner, Farry, Thomp- Carl Kemp; scorer, Jim Shaw, the National Foothall League Monday and given the job shaping the last-place club into a championship contender MePeak, for the last two years an assistant conch, got the off) cial nod only # day after Mike Nigon was fired as top man and the Redsking ended § sepson which saw them win # single game while losing nine and tying two son, Reid, Murdock, Gilvies and mw HOUDANAE POLICE Ross Taylor potted two goals to) park Houdaille Industries to an! Leasy 65:1 triumph over Police As { snciation, Other snipers in 8 win ning cause were Boh Haves, Boh Penalties Hams 10.44 McGill 7.08, Wil: on Sunday, January § in the Bow:| manville Arena, On that date Fony's Refreshments will host Aerehants at 10 a.m. and Credil {Union take on Baker Vending {starting at 11.80 a.m Back In Firs Friday evening al AJax, in an Oshawa Industrial Baskethall League doubleheader, the A)ax team moved hack into undisputed possession of first place hy hand may compete In theling the winless Nu-Way Rugs a WOH SCORERS double deleat, eking oul a ~ 8:57 victory in a real squeaker in the first game and then coming hack to completely outelass the vis tars hy B6-36 in the nightcap FIRST GAME Alax broke out in front in the, apening Langa of Lis contest | FURBIng in 18 paints to the losers 12, Bd. Biheau, Gary Newitl and| Gary Hill combined for 14 points hetween them to lead the front runners while Jim MeColl and Pon Stuart kept Nu-Way in the Ami Nu-Way Rugs hroke the second quarter to Alax 18:10 to go into a4 slim twa point lead at the end of the fipst hall, Nu-Way's hig Jerr Rurrow led their attack with conch Fred Upshaw helping also while playing coach ekson kept the vision reach Me Hhely third through in autsears HOArey oni lof vithin winle Rugmen hoosted lead on mints in the stanza outnetting Ajax 15:11 Stuart and Upshaw eon Hnued to pace Nu-Way while Dickson kept his team within striking distance at 45:40 Ajax walled until their favorite quarter ta win this game run ming up a 18:12 seore to eke oul elose fought vietory Newiit Hog Page and Jim Barry led the winners from thelr OLD COUNTRY | SOCCER SCORFS | 1% # | very LONDON (Reuters) Result | af Mandav night's soeecer games English Lean Thivd Division Iranmere Rovers 2 Heentford 8 Fanthall League Cup Fourth Round Roaplay Plymouth Argyle 6 Aston Villa 0 Galt Terriers | Lose Another GALT (CP) Galt: Terriers ol the Ontarvin Hoekey Assoelation aniap series lost another player Manday Forward Lloyd Mereer, 28, has Up senipr specialists wha dis covered a heart disarder in re cont tests. He loins forwards Joe Hogan and Larry Musselman and Boat Hurley an the sidelines Mercer, who missed mare than v week of play earlier, with heart trouble, has heen advised to sit out until February when he will entor a Tarante hospital far further examination. The 148 pound forward had one goal and sx assists in five league games, | Hurley will underga a physieal oheekup later this week HOCKEY SCORES hoekey hy AND STANDINGS | Ry THE CANADIAN PRESS Western League Vietaria 4 Winnipeg | Saskatehewan Senior Saskatoon 3 Yorkton 8 Nova Seatia Senator Amherst 4 Windsor | Saskatchewan Junio Regina 4 Saskatoon 2 Flin Flan § Moose Jaw 2 Melville 4 Prince Alhey Ontavia Junior B Dresden & Wallaceburg 4 |While for Nu-Way Jerry Burrows {son and Gary Calford and Eddie O'Connor Iohnny Barron tallied Police's goal HOUDAILLE goal, Moore; | defence, Stauffer, Kennan, Oke, | White, Bauman; forwards, Col: ford, Foster, Hayes, Clarke, Cher:| nick, Btackey, O'Connor, Loge: man Muljourn, Bealtergond {ingam and Taylor 4 POLICE ABBO( goal, Chap man; defence, Bmith, Cameron Zarowny, Baron; forwards, Wil-| son, Anderson, Martin, Zimmer: man, Densham, Dawson, Zufelt, | Richmond, Waldinspreger, Bu wala and Crimmings | LOCAL 2784 = LOCAL 205 A desperate move paid off for Local 206 as they hattled Local 2764 to a 8:8 draw, With less than ) # minute remaining in the tilt and | tralian championships in an ef-[ Local 206 leading 8-2, (they yanked | fort ta repair the damage done their goalie and Al Griffen illed| to U.B prestige hy eritleism| the trigger in a fierce Banging to levelled at the American Davis! notch (he equalizer, Griffen also Cup team seared the fire 1205" goal, Bil Don Lawrence, a Melbourne! Dionne was the ather marksman. | writer. reported that Kramer had| Bleven Baller, Boh Peterhiki| told him, in a telephone conver: and Billy Pokosta registered 2764 sation from Los Angeles, thal kel goals U.S, Netters | Must Honor Pro Contracts MELBOURNE (AP) -- Tennis promoter Jack Kramer Sunday was reported to have refused to allow Barry Mackay and Earl Buchholz to postpone thelr pro fessional debuts for a planned fi nal goodwill gesture to Austral:| Ian tennis Mackay, from Daylon, Ohio and Buehholg, from 8, Louis, had planned to play in the Aus t Place come fram hehind win while Bur rows, McCall and Upshaw hosp: ofl the losers' points falling on haskel short of thelr goal he First place ere paced to this squeaker hy log Dickson, Gary Newitt and Kd. Ribeau who contributed 14 HH, and 16 points respectively Alax squad topped all seorers on the games play netting 18 points followed hy dim MeColl and Fred Upshaw with 14 amd 14 apiece AJAX Bibeau, 10; Daze, 8 Dickson, 18; Hill, 7; Boyd; New i, Hp Watehorn, 6; Barry, § Total 68. Fouls § out of 26 VU-WAY Upshaw, 14 Knowler; Burrows, 18; Al Lock ard important Notice! The Oshawa Branch of the ONT. BARBERS' ASSOCIATION w= Extend SEASON'S GREETINGS To All Their Patrons and Friends | | CHRISTMAS HOURS ; OPEN WEDNESDAY, DEC, 21st & 28th CLOSED DECEMBER 26th & 27th Lawrence Clark, Pres, | tersley, Wright, Stuart, 8; An "goal, Metealfe;l derson, 21 Metall. 14; Gelleten Lemon, Total 57. Fouls Bout-of 18 Officials Tim Nelson and Bill Dell SECOND GAME he teams resumed the second game and Ajax were really Heed up for this one as they dominated the scoring from the opening whistle taking a very one-sided B6:86 vietory fram Nu-Way Rug Ajax jumped inte a command ing lead in the first period out netting Nu-Way 81 to elght, Kd Bihean, Gary Newitt and Joe Dickson kept up their fine shoot ing to lead their squad while Hm MeCall netehed his team's total he vietarious expects the US aces (o have| LOCAT, 2764 played al least 14 pro matches even hefore the Australian ama teur championships open Mackay and Buchholz were members of the UB Davis Cup team eliminated hy Haly in an nteyr-gone upset In Bydney, meanwhile, Italy's Davis Cup players, Nicola Piet rangell and Orlando, Sivola, sald Sunday night reports of Ameri: oan mishehavior in the intergone finals were "grossly exagger ated! "The Americans hehaved per: fectly toward us," Pletrangell SAT. Sivala agreed | Italian eopeh Jaroslay Dorobpy sald he fell the American team reaped had publicity from (he tantrums thrown hy youngsters Chuck MeKinley and Dennis Ral: ston in earlier Sydney and Mel: hourne tournaments play In six of A Alax team did a remarkable Joh on defence In the second quarter as they held the losers to 4 mere four points while hooping 18 mare for them elves to take a hig 40:12 lead al the end of the first half, Diek Hill shot the vie tors into. their lead while Nu-Way Just eouldn't puf 'the hall through the hoop After the halftime intermission Ajax continued ta score at will firing home 22 more noints to the losers' 15, Newitt, Biheau and Hill seared with some fine shots for the winners while Jerry Bur rows, Fred Upshaw and Don Stuart hit for Nu-Way Ajax poured it on again in the final stanza outseoring Nu-Way 4 to nine to finish the rout, Boh Raye, Hill apd Dixon took care if winners' pelnts while Buy rows and MeColl added Nu-Way's HIGH SCORERS I'he home town Ajax team was ed to this hig one-sided win hy it . id. Riheaw, Joe Dickson, Gary Pl d w h Pp Newitt, Gary Hill and Boh Boyd aye 1 ain with 18, 16, 18, 1d and 10 points) ROSTON (AP) Quarterback while for Nw-Way Russ, Jerey | Ruteh Songin of Boston Patriots Hurpows and Jim MeColl weve plaved most of the American tops with 14 and 11 Foathall League season with a AJAX Riheau painful neek injury Dipkson, 16; Hill, 1; Bayd, 10; The Patriots sald Monday Son Wateharn, 8: Newitt, 18; Bary, (gin had heen playing sine Oct Total ME. Fouls 1hout-af26 [168 with a pinehed neek nerve NU-WAY RUGS Upshaw, 41 similar to the ailment whieh Lookard, 3; Knowler, Burrows, plagued baseball great Ted Wil 1 Weight, Attepsley. Stuart, 4; Hams in 1938 ¥ Anderson, MeCall, 11: Gellette,] Sengin, 37, and formerly with] § 2: Lemon. Total, 3 Fouls 4 out Hamilion Tiger-Cats of the Rig Four, completed 187 of 392 passes for 2506 yards and 22 toueh dawns XMAS Looking for a clean way out ? GIVE 4 BOOK OF . , | CAR WASH TICKETS AUTO MAGIC WASH LTD, | Zion Pee Wees 'Tie Port Perry Zion Pee Wees and Port Pepry played to a 8:4 tie game on Bal urday morning, at Port Peppy Arena, in a hard-fought game Bearers for Zion were Hiveoek, from Howes; Oyler, fram Howes and then Hireook again, from Howes, the top point-getter of the game Far Part Perry, Marks seared on a pass from Raines; then [Raines notehed a goal nassial | ed and finally, Conk got a goal frdm Marks' pass, for what proved the tying goal Boston Quarterback 19 Dawe ARECIAL RIBTILLER AGE AREER ¥ Otfiplals Nelson Rill Dell and Tim < FTEIRTIFITR SIRTRIRIRRD ) LH, SHI 101, RA 3.0002 WATERLOR ONTARIR i ve 00 sill leads in penalties with M minutes 114 BOND STREET WEST Lakeshore Intermediate Oshawa 7 Lindsay 1 WO. CANADIAN WHISKY A RARE OLD DELICATE CANARIAN WHISKY AY MATURED IN GAR GASKS BAND ROTTLEDR UNRER THE SURERVISION OF Trl CANARMN GOVERNMENT BEAGRANM #» SONS LIMITEW AMADA PIETERS Shek We RRR agram's

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