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The Oshawa Times, 20 Dec 1960, p. 13

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By Jack Sords! HAVE A ho & A iW VE Vhs WIE iA I $F i AIT WR TE HEI WIE , Co AME PRY w as AM REST bok" STAI Wwe, PD 8 5 PIT OLD COUNTRY NEWS English Soccer Pros Have Given Ultimatus. Bs M, MeINTYRE HOOD special London, Vagland The Oshawa Times AND } ) Iran nagimum ef mim wage for fu ears of Bhd are HANGERS TOO GOOD { { Ri Age no fixed minin fixed maxim WILL HALT 4 defanted nn of 854.00 g week \r § friend gami SCHEDULES at Throx Park, Glasgow, The A The proposed strike 1s - sched: senal defence was overw helmed led o Mant an January WW, on/by a devastating display of al-| which date 46 English league tacking football during the first | matches are due lo he pla) 30 for Ran The Profressionsl Footballers' | ger ) half. Arsena Association has wilter showing, and Herd funds to provide typical its members, It elalm 12 grounds with a tola of 250.000 Nnemners matehes OSHAWA BOWLING 4 FAW LEAGEY { da I i fea plans 10 made & Hike BORIS cared one of Het hot from long avallahle on y 2 bigger and hetie LANDER STANK "CLANK LEAGLY i HE © ob id A FEAL Wednenl pail i Hawks Fagin MOTOR CIEL MAK LE a \ LT TORN ANH COUNTRY LEAGLY Stampers Tie S In North Plant USNS IN wilh CABRIWWVE Ld wii iE WB AR g5 oie # 30 Blaming ol sen on vik Ladate Lo "larie TRAY EH we FOR getting We nN soower Ad ih {rik Erie opport PERIOD THIRD svoy KIRBY PERIOD fa dai kim ioher, Lege Fangstalf ! acksom SECOND PERIOD 1. Lintner) KINLOCHS HOLD LEAD nl pres hed "1 Aca rh 14 eount as non the gloss wore FIRKT PERIOD 3.00) fia 6.00 Howe CLR 5 Lrsotirion \K-W Dutchmen cugogs Game | Me Aethwie 13.45 Kimioel'n: Fi rine he ribianhs Kino # Bryan, 15.56 am frvine Mehrthnr) Kinloot's; Worsley (Bution, Brown) SECOND PERIOD Eimloak's: ¥iehett Ywiniang Willer nw 2.2 13.96 15.2 Wordey Irvine Wowiley 1%.54 p 19.15 #: Fitehett ow sley) Mticials aod Hilehinson 1945 Baker, Copeland LTF AP 1 -MMI2 F221 "ame 14126 6 ine 4 am 2 FOP TEN SCORING (Kin 24 Warriner 2%; D. McPhee 2) (Kin) 18; Locke (Dunn) Kiny 15; Woods (Dunn) Kin) 14: Whiteley (Kin (Kin) 12; Leger (Dunn (Kin) 10 Binenhi Benung C1, "inn Stamp Pl Acadians 2B Plater I 6 Jeff (Be Srown tion ryan Irvine Worsley NHL BIG SEVEN Manirenl"s Henri Riehard le hid to join his team intes Bernie Geoffrion, Dickie we and Jean Beliveau as the leaize coring lenders in week nd National Hockey League ac om he diminutiy me goal and assisted on another Canadiens p cated Boston 42 in Boston Sunday, He #5 points, for fifth place lon remains first with 4 hile Moore and Beliveau follow In second and third place respectively centre scored Bruins now ha Geoth points G APH 5 46 Montreal Montreal Montreal Toronto Montreal Detroft Detroit vinore jeliveau Mahovliel Hichare Ullman nw a Plan Return To | Sr. ORFU Loop | LOBDON, Ost, (CP) Kiet ener Waterion Duwichmen gre FEperiad Lo FEtrn Baxi SeRSON Benior Ontario Rughy Fouthalt Union, and twe more Michigan lesms may Jin the ERENE MEMDETE Were told anual meting here to fhe By JACK BULIIVAN Canadian Press Mall Wriker I's a shame 16.5 ol the festive season fox Teall Eaters, ut team officials shold include 4 batch of beilerdban-nverage nckey Payers on thelr Christ mas shopping hist, Otherwise, hey'll take # heating in the 1961) world amatenr championships Wn wilueriand Warnings 10 this effect have come wrong and clear in the past week from fellows whe hold know. They were inler- ested spectators when Chatham Maroons toured Russia in No vember and early December and managed only one victory wd a tie In sevVER RAINES That record should make the Smoke Eaters shudder, A he: N thelr Dutehies, who withdrew this venr because of Dnanciat ditliculties, mre expected to re turn with the backing of Mont real Aloueties of the Big Four Gorden Gilbride, re elected president, said another entry being sought from Baginaw, and @ third may emer from Flint i plans are carried owt, we hold have a fivedesm league in 1961," Gilbride said Barna Golden Bears, Port Hu ron Detroit Raiders and London Lords, 1960 ehampons, will again compete in the league next YRAL wil, J Gilbride sald the next few wee and Flint interests name of the league hanged to the Foothall League y § HOLD MEETINGS e will meet In s with Baginaw He said the with likely be International ¥ head coach and general of the Alouet tes Ciehener Vast Thurs aay i tatement on Al rar of the Dutehies avallable in the next He offered to supply the neement ORVU Were Bunda arnia Cole stives sald Are Confident GREFN BAY, Wis, (AP) Packers i settled down today week of walting--and brag hefore its play for the League title There i& no doubt in the minds of most of the rabid fans of his ports-minded community of #0 000 that Green Bay Packers will heat Philadelphia Eagles, arn champs, for the title Monday AL least 11,000 cheering fans greeted their heroes when they came home hy chartered ab plane Sunday night after winning the western crown hy heating las Angeles 35-21 Baturday They made it plain to coach Vinee Lombardi and his players that they think they will take it Green Bay its first 16 aeKIng woma he few n io a Ing champls Focthall Arr pure MEmners told 5 represent ef with K on either m Hamilton or anu Ralph leny east elected next and returned ps uffus wos re ieee » pm George hmidt was seeretary-Areasurer REMEMBER WHEN? , , , By THEAANADIAN PRESS Hundreds hockey fan jammed Montreal's central sta om years aen tonight to wel Maurice (Rocket) Richard! all and give from Chicago where he had national pro foothall title in his 400th goal two nights! years When Richard appeared Lombardi hoisted on (ime shoulders! crowd that and carried through the weather to He was the first player players 0 score HN goals in the "All lvietor y ue f 0 come nme cored cheering degres and the the 15 him fold hraved greet wefore he wa f far station mare " want Is we one ean get it we Ll {NHI I hope Green Bay Fans y western division ! National "~ Warning Signals Up or Trail Smokies mest 4 hand-picked Russian dll- for Canadien teams, but sar team In the Merch 212 dear oid Bays wre gone, 1 uni mment at Lausanne wid ar Log be thet teams woud go 19 Creche, owes and Americans inexpensive Hight searing The Smoke Esters won't) The picture changed when the sand 5 chance of winning wiess Soviet Union allowed is they improve a great desl," was | past the rom Curtsin In (the brusque comment. of Dr, Tht yesr, at Sukhoi, they D. Keeley, business manag 1h East York an the Maroms whe returned miermedisle cub, 72, and the home last weekend, Two days/oieries in Conada were fearful. later Ken MeMillan, president of, Since then the Crechs and the Owtario Hockey Association, Swedes, and even the United said at beast two Russian teams|Siates, have flexed their muscles were Sirong. enough to win the and given Conada heatings, or Allan Cup | pretty Jovd eaves The Russians won ¢ I hockey MARODONS BEAT THEM ttle and In 199% eerie Me- You can see the fix the Smoke Farlands lost 53 to Crechosie Eaters are in. Maroons neededlyakia and backed into the title only five games to beat them 0 by a superior goal average, the best-of-seven Allan Cup fil is year, # hunch of Ameriesn sl last spring, added BYE college players best Canada 21 rength before their overseas) Russia 32 and won the tour and still Look a good licking [ie hockey title for the U.S, i the Bmaoke Eaters lose, you! Phe Canadians knocked over the cin bet the Candian Amateur| Russians 85 In # Bothing game Hockey Assoclation will get it Whe US. had siresdy won the the neck from some quarters a) gold medal oieh, generally, Canadian fans are becoming a little hardened Saadians look ihe lott in 565 ID WONa competition, |e. ie CAHA should be booted heen a CAHA rule the gu of hockey, a familiar theme lo send only he! afer past losses, hest Lo these Llournaments, mean ni the Allan Cup champs, hut i allowed Chatham to make the cholee between the Russian tour Switzerland. The obvious . pn ion is why, to which CAHA| NIXON DISMISSED ident Jack Roxhurgh of Bim WASHINGTON (AP) -- Mike Ont., explains Nixon Sunday was officially dis. "It simply matter of missed from his job as head The irip would mean the coach of Washington Redsking thelr Ay he voy from after Washington lost its last of the National Foothall could not get leave of ahsence | BAME for that period, We couldn't force League season 36-28 to Philadel. them to go and we gave them|phia Eagles, The defeat was the the privilege of either making the Redskins' ninth against one vier three-week trip to Russia or tory and two ties Switzerland. They chose Russia oi . "The only thing we could do KETCH SETS RECORD was send our next best team and| SYDNEY, Australia (AP)---~The that wag Trail." Australian ketch Winston Church: ill arrived Sunday seiling a ree, NOW lord of 71% hours for the annual championships |540 . nautical mile Melbourne fun and games! Sydney yacht race has few vears and quest Pres Of Was A monty player NO BREEZE These world ago were years ------------ DINETTE SUITE SANTA PRI ite top exten mfartable 4-39 CED pper with Flosr Lamps, from Walnut, Bra Table Lamps, Caran A from 1, Br ! ¢ Gla Shade Boudeirs, trom 2.95 4.95 9 Flaor-ta:Cailing : Modern Tree Lamps Desk Lamps, from KENWOOD BLANKETS Whether the 25th turns out te Christmas or a green sure to be a warm with- a "Kenwood", Avail in solid pastel shades with satin border, be g white ne it's one able wide Sine 73" x 08" svve: Size 60" x BA", 15.95 13,95 BRINTON SAR-U-KAN CARPETS A lifetime quality 66" x 9, Reg. $158 129.95 88" x 106", Reg. $246, 209.50 88" x 12°, Reg. $282 249.50 88 x 1¥, Reg PORTABLE RECORD PLAYER Tap item on every teen-age gift list is @ Record Player, Here's the fa plays all speeds all sizes of records. Avail luggage style case equipped with tone control SANTA 2493 gift ef enduring ablg In we ROUND, SQUARE, OBLONG Capture twice the beauty of @ NYLON AND VISCOSE BLANKETS A cold weather special that will be appreciated pal after the spirit of Christmas is gone Available in your favorite color attractive satin binding 84", approx, 72" 3.99 reom with your favorite styled mirror, Here's a gift that re with Size flects good taste, 1297 30 SANTA PRICED For Giving or Getting OLOTHES HAMPER elect f lable in Green or rite top 8%, 14% MODERN 2-PCE, SOFA BED SUITE hair th matching 100% NYLON FABRIC Foam Rubber Cushion $159 SANTA PRICED CHENILLE BEDSPREADS jiving or getting this item outstanding Closely chenille fringed Available eral at color SINGLE ANS DOUBLE 7.95) value with in se SANTA PRICED AXMINSTER OARPETS Good quality Axminster in pop ular room size rugs, Oriental, floral and tane-on-tone pattern available 6" x 76" savers 39098 49.95 6 x ¥ x 106" iin 7450 87.50 x12... PRICED AUTOMATIC CLOCK RADIO A trim, smartly with clear face On-off automatic tion, & curity circuit far reliability and longer His 3298 styled cabinet clock opera easy-to-read tube sealed SEIEIILE ALL TRANSISTOR POCKET RADIO The youngsters will have a lot of fun listening to their favorite tunes over the local stations with this popular budget priced radio. Small enough to fit inte a shirt pocket, Complete with carrying case and earphone SANTA | 395 READY-MADE DRAPERIES Brighten your rooms far Christ mas. Give them the "custom look'* gt a fraction of the cost Each pair fully lined with pinch pleated 'headings ready to hang the day you buy them Single Width 16,95 pair Double Width .,,, 33,95 pair Triple Width 50.95 pair \ IVING ROOM , , DEN , , . OFFICE SMOKERS 4%, 159 COMFORTABLE RELAXER CHAIR wa! Practical chair offers you miort. Covered vinyla cambined SANTA PRICED MODERN 3-PCE, BEDROOM SUITE DOUBLE DRESSER CHEST OF DRAWERS FULL SIZE BOOKCASE BED $129 SANTA PRICED SANTA WASHABLE PRICED ACRILAN ars 12 GORGEOUS COLORS for 3.PCE, MATCHED LAMP GROUP 2 TABLE LAMPS MATCHING TRILIGHT ov 20.95 PRICE A bright way to please someone at Christmas, Very smart look ing with walnut and ceramic base, fibreglas shades ildn't gsk softer larful, x 38" aa" LL LL nn You any ar more un Mx Sine Sine Size x Size » PRICED "WHITE CONSOLE SEWING MACHINE Here's the ideal way ta be sure of 'a "White" Christmas. Give her a brand new White"! for. ward and reverse stitch console model sewing machine at a $60 saving, It has a stitch length adjustment, numbered tension dial, automatic bobbin winder, hinged foot, 6995 PRACTICAL TV SWIVEL CHAIR Comfortable, practical and goed looking. This ghair is certain to get a lot of use. But don't war. ry about it because it is covered in washable vinyl. And it will stand up to hard wear, Avail: able in a choice of colors SANTA 0.95 Regular 129.95 HANDSOME CEDAR CHESTS There a PRI FR a drawer hinged lid both There reqular sty tive Hinishe 0.95 CED om METAL, FOLDING BRIDGE SETS ite which will nas itis a plain ered in 10-95 Cor SANTA PRICED ALUMINUM SUMMER CHAIRS A summer chair far year round use. Green and white saran webbed fabric with sturdy pol ished aluminum and pad metal arm Folds easily $ 1 95 frame rests RESTFUL PLATFORM ROCKER Always a best seller at Christs mas and it's easy ta see why, The deep spring seat and back cradle the body for maximum comfort and they come in so many pretty colors and fabrics SANTA 30° 5 PRICED ARBORITE TOP OCCASIONAL TABLES Buy them separately or in @ matched set of three, The tops of the tables are heat and stain resistant=---genuine arborite in a wood grain effect OUR CHOICE STEP OR 8° 5 PRICED COLORFUL HOSTESS SETS A very handy item to have around the house any day of the week, Four individual tables with fibreglas trays on separate wrought iron ar brass fold-up stands, Take up very little space when not in use Set of Four Tables 10.39" COLORFUL HASSOCKS 524% GOSSIP BENCHES BRONZE TONE 12.9% WALNUT 22.9% WALNUY 19.9% The last item listed has o con amie table top SANTA PRICED HOOVER VACUUM OLEANER Nothing wil at | "clea up The * tellation' is wxury ai a moder it features a double omplete ed when up time tote hase and @ tachmen 57.95 SANTA PRICED COFFEE ELECTRIC FLOOR POLISHER youngsters won't have time to think about the back breaking effort you put into ning the tl be prepar her handy, If 0, now is the ne. A practical 20.88 Happy clea buy SANTA' PRICED COME IN AND BROWSE AROUND ~ OPEN TONIGHT TILL 9 P.M,

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