q 'Quebec Weather By RICHARD DAIGHNALA | Canadian Press SaliWrker | QUEBEL (CP) Quechee' s dramatic poiticsl metpmor- Phosis will continue apace Ww oo Premier Joss hinage, Whose) reorganized |iberals (opoied } comseryative Usios Dationale! last Junk, bas described the situation in French Canada #5 {"# change of We/ Bo far the Union perty, without effective leader ship, has been pliacking the way the Liberals have heen effecting this change -- partieiarly with Nationale regard to education and the pew | hospital Insurance program, we VOAYIRE mew taxes apd construe tion, : The line of sition i hes token is that Mr, Lesage Is breaking with Quebec (raditions and what he is doing smacks of Anglo-Saxon thinking Free education and hospital in surance particularly have heen MIKOYAN AND CASTRO CLINCH A TRADE DEAL No Question Now, Americas Cuba are the with diplomats In metropolis "Almost ever pocket an Insurance com i the target of Union Notionsle at tacks sithough the perly denies it Is against either, Interprovineial co-operation on 8 national seale hes heen We itisted by the new Quebec gov erment in line with its thinking thet French Canada stands 10 gain by working with other proy Nees MET PREMIERS Mr. Lesage's initiative in call ing a conlerepce of provineial premiers st Quebec resylled ip g decision to hold periodic talks : . {Ihe next one is scheduled to be held at Charlotietown in August Cuba Is Communist [ioe cessign of upheavals in the wake . lg 8 o had of the' death in September, 1958 By JACK BEST i Whose growth of heard bi said he had of tie deg) Duploests AR Canadian Press Staff Writer not not heen maltres for 16 years, In his last two HAVANA (CP)~Cubi has taken & CZECH BACKGROUND cars he had kept the Jid tight on a crimson glow under the re-| Recently, In fact, there has --qoompbek's long confinement on demands for increased grants volutionary government of Prem: heen an outpouring of pro-Cana- oo pevs vesulted from the fact to wniversities, lahor petitions for ier Fidel Castro dign sentiment, apparently results bob pose Coeoh-horn, Bone quar Among Western ing from Prime Minister Diefen. [S0c 0 0 spect Chan authors : this sun hathed baker's statement that Canada tion waited until his "eredentials' SFEAM of Communist-sivie prop perched on the northwestern had no intention of doing what Loo "be tke d in Communist BBANGE over the controlled press hate on the ; verdant trop i ih the United States has done im Czechoslovakia hefore releasing and radio e n ere 5 Bo {1s SHEER nosing A rade emMDATEN AEBINSL S/S . Sasha : dont that the regime is either|( uh. The name Diefenhaker has : FIGHT ( ORRUPTION Communist or so close to it that|suddenly hecome a household Those who maintain He Cuban Supporters of the revolution the difference becomes academic, word, both in the press and on BOVErnment Is Communist use p which broviht Castro to power al The only question In theirlihe street imple yardstick performance, the heginning of 1959 with the minds Is whether Fidel himself 18] mue feeling for Canada, hov y point to go € 4 i, nt exhrh overthrow of Fulgenclo Batista a red or whether he is borne, did not prevent Cuba from ion of Just A out avery en say the regime's methods are aloft hy forces he cannot control! Pl I a { pERY a eltizen, Mise any size--with the not: necessary If it is to achieve is But again there are those who Srep ng Colomhek of Toronto able coeption of Canadian hanks ultimate purpose gay that from the practical stand: ood up in Havana prisons for and insurance companie . This they define as "justice" point, it really does not matter. 10 days without bringing a charge hody with 82 in for the people, elimination of cor hey argue that the important|;qqinet him hi has heen national: puption--which everyone agree thing is the 83-year-old former tambak zed," quipped one observer, infested the very fibre of govern lawyer presides over an admini.| SOMBER, ere is a that ¥ lavia, 'ment service--and liquidation of stration whose every move seems Pany executive, was picked up by with its hallway:house brand of| foreign economic domination, rooted In Marxism armed militiamen on susplelon of communism, was one stage! They pass off the thousands Castro has denied time and espionage while looking at a road closely interested in the Cuban whe have broken with the revoly again that he is a Communist or map at Matanzas, 60 miles east experiment but drew away he: (ion, bitterly disenchanted he that his government Is Commun- of here, Canadian authorities ave cause it found that Cuba's brand cause of the direction it has ist-controlled, However, there is convinced he was a hona fide was more like Moscow's and taken, as pantywalsts who really| almost universal concern in West: tourist, The Canadian Embassy Peking's, did not want a revolution hut enly ern circles here over the way wrangled with Cuban officials] Also cited are Cuba's growing|a change of government things have heen going. Cana- trying to obtain his release or at economic dependence on the Bo-| Concern over Cuba is felt most dians In Cuba say the revolution least some explanation for his viet ploe, its support of Soviet! acutely, perhaps, by other Latin: fs not just another agrarian ve: continued incareeration, foreign policy, and the huge im-| Americans. They are uneasy he- form movement; It 1s a Comun-| Winally, after two stiff grillings ports of arms and munitions from cause they suspect the Commun: ist takeover , the only ones he underwent Czechoslovakia, Then there ave|ists will use Cuba as a spring: RELATIONS GOOD during his detention--Golomhek the incessant dialribes against hoard i for revolutions in other Canada 1s one of the few coun- was released, He had a 10-day "imperialism" and the eonstant' countries of the hemisphere /4 cad _ - PY Political |Becession Dropped In Kennedy's La Changes By STERLING ety a That fs, tokeh pro VERE #08 PEORRRRY hey Brand Names from 49.95 WILSON FURNITURE 20 CHURCH §Y, Ld ') te ; PIED Leader Hosh Wilson dean ne Were read at Class CERTIFIED B-YEAR-OLD CANADIAN WHISKY Original + + because it was the first certified 8-year old Canadian whisky on the market, 0 ] Fine «» because it is aged for B years In small oak casks for that fine, full Aavour that only comes with age renlaeed times heavier, WASHINGTON (A U8. duction will net Ish more ERP Rt ners [oF siatulory FRIRer them 86 in" eouat that may be # harsh W000 enmeally reached last: By B year from mow poticy and of Wis PRItY'F E6C foros brief as the last recession, one Vive of i gods pei SHERRCE will be one that Kennedy 1698 ber. "the upturn storied eight P9909 cnet' s altitudes Be died don | However, a wawriy of gov HIGH UNEMPLOYMENT ling even higher party through Lhe Provincial wil be sighted by misyess, Over sion, ahd Joblessness 1s expected' lem, he settled the controversial pro 199Vs wltime Bigh across to the public Ws gokrn IABERALS CAUGHT ON p, al Ck a for Quebec on all [ronts, CRNEN. Largan . MF ZION -- The Ti ; Na Phe fabric of the Upion Na After the program the election wg he was under the thumb of | vice president, George Empring him temporarily but hecame gon Sharyn Jones tonig Talbot, a Chicoutimi law: Mary Jamieson, Gerald I has become ohvious 0 the peld on Sun The call to wor! new social wellagre measures, mas carols ung, The serip proach to federal-provincial rela Rev, 7. Fleetham gave the The party has no structure--in placed at the altar leaders, But in June, for the Kihleen McAvoy, attended Ach-| and piek a permanent leader The Active Berviee will Johnsen, 45, and Jean-Jacques Mrs. Glen Manderson's group in cabinet experience tion of candy to pack hags for Mir Ceell Jon attended see a whole series of new mes Inquiry | Beech's hride-to-he into education, This | ™ t unrest in Roman Catholic church! sont CARMEL PEL (CP) Canadian + « because it is made for Canadians and Lesage has categorically stated fore had worn out, It is soon to hy In economic planning, a pro way with the construction of a My, Lesage has said the days of YRistillere of Cartitind Aged Whiskies" print mill at Chandler appears enterprise his government does p LRDOr code, requests WO, poole diet John F, Kennedy $5500 000599 Lo $1 500 300 S08 e- DIVERSE Thon CEEHOnRrY BFeRts, eFicism lword for 3 decline as WHA 2RA spring omists believe, It U5. owipu Lon tRetics, RRA PIeswwIes (OF Ap mmedigie PIGREMm COB of the shortest on record. The DIMER IRR His successor, Paul -Bawve,lin the (#4 US, election Campi months later, Wn Apri, 1958. [eens it eovid 2. The Union Dptinsle picked ernment ond Industry experts, But the US. never regained the fins gears 44 lection in June. His grip on theithe whole of 99, US nations lem of federsl. aid 19 whivgh- In seventy, the business dip is mept's intention of DrIREIRE Young People Meanwhile, Mr, Lesage and his the imagination of VEE woung People met on Sunday Honale soon began 19 BRLENFE. | of officers took place and Bre AS some bigh perty brass, YVeE hom: secretary-iressurer Janet and may he through with poli Lynda Belty Gates and { yer, Meanwhile, the party's ehief Pascoe Union Nationale, watching Pre: shin was taken by the superin education reforms, administra: ture hy Linda Gra Hons, that it had Lo sit down 8nd address followed hy a auarietie any conventional sepse--and poli - A number of girls and the lead first time, it will hold & conven: levement Day Brooklin on Two leading personalities In meet on Wednesday night De Bertrand, 44. Both are lawyers charge of the program . (the Christmas time, An. exchang SCHOOL INQUIRY trousseay tea in Toronto on Bal ures. The government is launch f controver sial issue gireles, may lead to some im 2. vear.ol shelf y 0) A 102.year-old bell in the helfs | by Canadians == a whisky of truly oustanding quality Quebec's confessional system of he hell © seven gram aimed at indusirializing appointed to advise the govern: $15,000,000 power line from Que-| economic laissez faire are over / assured, {not intend to embark on socialist Shot DoREGs aha INCI ER op prery bas Sherited fo Teces- low the Desk Tate of SB PrOovction Fates DRtprel IRSONICES AEYRIOPIERI brie os most EXOROINELE ROW In duration; # may be the Gross Nations Product. or free education snd hospi@ Wr fronting the Rew REMMSTRLION 1657 downinin hegen in Seplem. by started action 0 modity the gov serious uemPloyment 5249 60 £66 190 Antonio Berretle 19 lead the predict privately thal recovery full employment plier thet reces- spite the Party was Uncertain and, though owipus and income showd Lop) / KDE wo e } sities. he was unable 19 ¢ Boh expected to exceed ohe oF shout radical changes Wn poticy Liberals, promising a new desl Hold Mee and were eleeled evening in the church hasement Mr, Barretie resigned, Prost ionows: president, Grant Jones; Prevost wes chosen 19 succeed Jones t, Mery Jean Jamis iy ies, Acting leader now AS: Tim soca CORVENET organizer has resigned The White Gift service w mier Lesage. forge ahead with (endent, Grant Carson, Christ tive changes and a new ap ham think things over of girls singing. White gifts were ley has wsually been set by We ers, Mrs. Cecil Disney and Miss! tion to hammer out principles Saturday the leadership race are Daniel 21, in the ehuren hasement, with from the Montreal aves and have! All are asked to bring a dona of gifts will take place The coming year Is likely urday in honor of Lawrence Ing a royal commission with its overtones of WORN OUT portant changes, But Premier|or (he Roman Catholic church education is here to stay, 3 anadon eniey 4 4 the Gaspe Peninsula gets under ment on industrial development, hee City, Construction of a news: | although he has assured private An economie council has been | policies, ORBER GF MERIT, AGED 18 YEARS + RESERVE, AGED 8 YEARNS » SOLEEN WEBRING, ABER § YEARS 3-Gear Action GHTERS Sc each 10 O'clock Special 8:PC, WRENCH SET Lt 10 O'clock Special K "Shopmate" POWER DRILL "Manning + Bowman" HAND MIXER || 1.00 STEAM and DRY IRON R ELECTRIC 7-PIECE 25¢ each 2 O'clock Special 20-PC, SET WEDGEWOOD DISHWARE Binoculars & Zs aly $1) 1 00g Just each | SHAVER 25-Jewel Man's "Calen "SHOCK-RESISTANT" WATCH WITH GIFT BOX CARRIES A 1 YEAR WRITTEN GUARANTEE PATE CHANGES EVERY DAY Tubular Steel Hammer Only $1 ea: 2 O'clock Special just In order to advertise the first Christmas with you, just look at these Pre-Christmas Specials, Many, many more ters vific bargains too num- erous to mention, CAMERA 8-DAY SPECIAL SALE ONLY! dar" "Waterproof" 00 each A wonderful Christmas Gift at a very, very, Jill 9 - 9 J Men's Cull Links 300. SET WITH GIFT BOX Only 25¢ ea th 7 O'clock Special [Tubular Steel Hacksa 2 o'cLocK 25%... SPECIAL 7 O'clock § cial 3-PC. PEN SET o'clock Special 90c each | | only 25: each \ 25¢ each RING THIS COUPON FOR YOUR "SPECIAL GIFT" .~ at 10 o'clock in the morning at 2 o'clock in the afternoon at 7 o'clock in the evening { | i" a i WEDNESDAY DOORS OPEN at 10 o'clock in the morning only at 2 o'clock in the afternoon only at 7 o'clock the 26 KING W. - CORNER Prince St.King W. STORES