Decomber 19, 1960 17 o-- THS "yr rhe THE ON iAWA Times, Tussdey, | Today's Stock Market Listings on Toronto Exchange be gh tow WM po. Liv gs a Red wh Het at x ow ii pm FW ge FORONIN 1 ABW. WIE ES Low 0 p.m. EW ge Br The Comation Frese BYERS " ad Boers wish ; wx # ' - Harnert, 6 Bunda Fim impr Wy oh tae Reta e Ire ' Brmerty ofl Bloeh a) Camp Chilo Camp Bh. Boles Wigh Low La BE - ad Ewan hid Hock pags IEA Baise 4 w wy a 4 wn a ¥ Ww tard oki ed » Bosyes L ti dosed By Cokotrm » vi wily Blan Er ahing [Earn tpl Wh RIAE VIARBE itm oh. 8 ad giis, ww Eaves anis.) INDUSTRIALS we Wigh Low Wi a.m OF ge 59 Ww v ' - ES 3 ¥ # » Hash # ap 4 » on ha wi w Ree ® Wd wn Commie (nue West wi By Rey 4 slnipitiin TBE FTV oA her Jom. Timotk We Tuesdey Fiaaemiiii 1M, 18h wt johannes Geheri b heither Ion Ermss, Bendre & and Beige Many thames am hades ddd = pi w We A w TXT > rein » 2 Zz w 'a ad i # 4 4 a Wve Imex £3 gtd ansmpines the gest Shane 7 Be, 4 Fiesamhey 18. 1995 #0 Qebraws Loney Hospi yw, 1 RUE or. Belden seed. nt »- ® - Ss SEES tn Eorasine = £39 blame Ais oe Argus 4 LLL A br yo dn nee Wancy Field), Whithy io saber the lnth Devil Bast Begg. wm Satyr er wi he Af A4 ome Peis Dy hima Farin Gr Plains Home 4 HEME Aline Blasi Bene 'Amt Bank Bs Beil Phone BA fH Ay Piknring -- 2 Pad H £2 ON DAMES ai» POL WARE # name 0r yor oA shaowid be 8 reel penser gil others will want 15 know hn ik TRIN yer EBA ae whee ahd wes the Wb fehaws Times. H SEW o on $ SE Wasamas Yi Hark Yoie Loan Ye Beas iw Young HG +80 Corb Vikon Con 1 Seles to 1 am GOLF PRIZES UP DUNEDIN, Fla, (AP Phe United Biptes Prolessional Golf ers Association Monday released # summer lonwrnament schedule Winih iL $4050.00 to the which owing will play th Fin tour. ending with the Masters tournament , in early April, cpr ries ghoul $600 000 In prizes. The for 1961 likély will he larger than the listed prizes and prob | ably will exceed the 1960 figure of $1,500 000 Federal Aid \For Columbia An » on Arte Wik crv A ¥, wn 7h ilnias Coli pr Husky wih Husky wis » Hodes Cor 918 Can OH id py op fan Tire € Vickers Lal Coll Con Gas Lory 0 Dist Besg 0D Bridge BD Dairies 0 Fadry be Far nh i - F Play bh Pri | -------------------------- "Tax Tinkering' | g By FORBES RHUDE "I ing Canadien Press Businass Editor iwi, "mbeted Ww wh Pie Canadien Tox Jowrnal ex- malted $4.40 090 009 this year, PrESERsS KORCETR WHS Whisk 1 says terme "the rather Smpg 1605 "Physical volume he off pied IB many TeceR PHC sicily. Doller value he wiierances Wn the elficacy oF HIRKErING With the tax BYMEm #5, "Housel will be Wp, & CHEE Tor ON present EORTC! Alot 1h 009 arts are woes, expecied this year; ioe The Jowrne inicaiion Wl Ihe YERE--~WHE ERSIeT Canadian Tox Foundation, aids: gn tn 115.00 or 12009, "Perhaps some changes can be buyers can he ound introduced to effect minor shifts, "industriel wil » in the tax Durden (6 eReoNrRge shout the seme Wb , oF 8 a5 Industry or region or tn stim lower. A five to 19 ont Me Wale consumer spending, wit i crease can he " these sre merely (rimming and' tutionsl Tilding, Welnding gov sHIpPIng dd Foner: ul "Fhe indispuiaiie and or, commercial ilding ently usp spre fact et ture is fairly optimistic. Look us B TEsull of the adoption of a ® IONE 10 [ive-per-cent IRerenss, wew philosophy of government in "ih mich of the the last decade, we now have Nee buildings ain pssumed & burden of patie ex-| 2 S----_-- penditure which requires main , Srest-West Me Avniepase taining taxes at # high level, This! iy iy B hae the L Prove Ges Beet Expl Boy while Bape Berry Frae Bpoopes Triad OH Up ls Wespace Welwirne 8 Bi Mig : ' A Aevelopment In the Vorge con he deseribed gs the sroivg of © welfare state and most of ws TERched in 1046, or 54 years have not omy condoned it but] ter the e approved i, We have also nese; the Wilion in proved Canada's stand in the the third in 1956, the fowrth in cold wer 1954, "Phis is the plain fact of 15 day's taxes and perhaps Bl lon last we must simply aeeept Mt 4 hing the over-all condition with whieh we must live tor the fore seeahie future ; in business BROWN, Wiliam Jomes suddenly a a y Wis residence, § Blass Avenue, Wild Baridny, December A y J. Brown, aged 71 yesss, ving Bushend of Ellen Rowney snd des father of Mes 6G. KB. Dryden of (shawn, Mrs, 1. DD. Wells, John George, nd Thomas Clayton of Yoronts. Fu war hed ot Kane Funeral Wiligwdnie, this atternmom | ~Erreist. dani es a ne # prize Ions Rr. prize mo pro 1€y . (2 win monwealth Mining and Metaliye: geal Congress, which made # monthiong tow of € mining developments In f have been putdished. The . 184 page hardcover publication 1s illustrated with scores of pies tures of delegoies and the places visited ENGEL . vin Oshasws December 18 Baxter, widow Alfred Fdge Martin Hesting Home, Oshaws ee In the chapel on wher 2 2 2 pm ton Cemeler piared int ntarin, wh rest wid on Monde icant Mary the Isle William nither of Mrs. Roy 5 her THth yess tong Funersl memorisl serv Wednesday, De interment Nestle 4 Mery Mari Mi. Wright Mui M Bat Exp New Alger New Hoses N Kelore Committee Queries Farm Machine Prices OTTAWA (CP faces a hard task Wn y WF f f, Pp { ond l (7 wo the Gr | Wooll, Gundy and Co, 144 | has lesued Ws annual hopkiet entitled "Canadian "ny erent and Municipal Financial Sia Ls tisties." The MM-page publics | Hie contains » summary of the financial statistics of Canada, the 10 provinces and 17 larger Auto Firm "Turned Down pong Muontres! Would Sell trade publication, predicts a $4, T ¢ OTTAWA (CP) A letter re ' | 0 anada Jecting the federsl offer of finan | Canadians DETROIT (AR) Presir + einl- help for Columbia River de: George Romney of Ameriesn velopment has heen received) Motors Monday offered to sell his from Premier Bennett of British . [eampany's new Canadian plant to Columbia, Finance Minister ift For Canadians | G | J] Minister Fulton sls) Christmas Fleming said Monday Speaking al the annual meeting ; {of compay executives and ox I is a power source for a mull iiold the Commons good progress ecutives from plants supplying tude of attachments tor Joh was made in treaty-drafting Lalks| [parts to American Motors, used to he done hy hand in Washimglon last week and that tractors have power steering and! it is hoped to finish the job "very power brakes, They are becom: early in the new year RAFAH CAMP (CP Cana |dian troops with the United Na tions Emergency Force along Egypt's Gaza Btrip will celebrate! ing, like the automobile, subject The treaty would he ratified hy to almost annual model changes. Parliament and Congress to The Bureau of Statistics is not cover operative hydro and : " satisfied with its present index flood-conteol developments on the Christmas thid Joab by recogni to invest In American Motors which seeks to measure price|nternational river over a period hs I -- yA ho Rive an i ro {operations in Canada we'll let changes nol caused hy this kind|of some 6) years five, ine the { nam wity| hem do it, And If they want to of mechanical innovation Mr. Fleming had sent a letter) Men Wilh the Fee tertaln Y Wilihuy control of the operation we'll : to Mr. Bennet! seiting out the de-| receive eifts from thelr friends|io mem do that, toe." The Index Is based I8TREIY ON | (oils of the federal loan offer--|And relatives, Bul they have gompey sald the United States farming conditions. in 168, Forigion ooo a00 tn pay half the eost|Pledged $6000 for eonstrietion of automotive Industry 1s in the {Instance, It assumes (hal expend:| oe' fee sorage dams in the|® hadly-needed maternity hospl-|l early stages of moving out of the alu (ures on farm machinery, as a sess 300 000) Canadian program tal to care for the 45,000 Palestin {eountry, He sald what he felt is (proportion of total farm eosls,|yniotoct" would he charged lan Arsh refugees at the Kha® most wrong shout this meve Yunis refugee camp Is an apparent policy on the pa Besides financing the hospital, | of other companies to completely the Canadians plan to bring seme awn their foreign aperat iin with PY Greyhnd a Gens Tr MeCLENNEN swe on Sunday, DNecembe Willism F. MeClennen, belo band of Edyihe Rombough father of Barbara (Mrs. 5, Kennedy), Marylyn (Mrs. B Vincent). Nols (Mrs A Essery) and Margo (Mrs. J. Mag Dunald) Donsld snd Tipds in his 56th #ar. Resting tl the Melintosh Ander son Funeral Home, 158 King Sires East, nr service the Chapel oo» ednesday, December 81, ot 8 pm Interment $inion Com elery Budaenly fish , 8, 1950 od bus nd deur | | In | i reflect technological im an added commod farmer Js buying One official says tractor omize the technological tion. Today's tractor has greater effective pulling Crease provements iy thai the A Communs ss I ament. At 8 pre de Meeting 1asl session members had some on the way A lot of thelr enired on tractors I6 4 Canadian Press from Ottawa, hased on the DBE report on farm im: and equipment prices, | 1954 and 1060 amount spent al on traclors rose from S10, ther In reported were: To $208 on field eultiva $0 from $580 on elf - propelled combines from 8715 on swathers averages were nol included DES report bul were eom-| hy CP, hy dividing num {units Into wholesale-price MeFARLANE, Ads Heaps wile of the late Arthur prussedt away 8 tre home Ww Bdge Park Fras December mother of Mrs. Ruby Wester of Ottawa, Mis. Hildegarde Fraser, Scarbors, and Fverelt Heaps McFarlane of 51. Cath nes: wisn sur ¥ # deter, Mrs Viekers of Saskatchewan and five andsans. Funeral servies n Toronta, December Interment Osha Union Cemetery beloved McFarlane, of her daugh Avenue, Besrborn, 16, 1960, loving inquiry clding how mueh farm machin £r prices have risen In years With post-war improvement farm equipment design, official say, much of the extra money heing paid hy farmers 1s he matched hy greater efficien and versatility in the machine i! ter COMMEents epi revoli Vasily POwEr Ie recer nm e risen Ig {ice tha Bom ney said the company has re viewed its plans under which # will open a Canadian assembly plant next month "I will tell the Canadian people then thal as soon as they want REID. Alexander (Beobly bff i Osh Monds unio fist budden Hospital, on 18640 Alex Heid, in his beloved hushand of Patricia Gre and dear father of Melody, Bar Robert and Danny, loving son of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Reid Sr. The pte Mr Reid is resting at Mcintosh Anderson Funeral Hop erviee the chapel Thursday, I 2 pm Interment Union ( wa General evel 19th ne neve Patterson December example is the op of tractor (ransmiss which give a wider pangs speeds, make driving easier, and have automatic or semi-automatic devices for adjusting the speed) according to the load, Another | the growing use of predubricaled hearings In farm machine |The require no further allen tion during the life of the equip ment, saving valuable time olthei wise spent in servicing and main tenance, In almost all elasse |power and capacity has heen in creased The Dominion Bureau of Sia tistics says there have heen pure Price increases alle) technological factors have heen discounted. Ig price index fo farm machinery mn whieh NI tries to eliminate the Impact quality ehanges, shows Vip cent rise Wn the decade 1849-50 The rise in Eastern Canady | heen slightly higher than West, But the index now | Ing revised because the burea 15 not gatisfidd with its aceurac Wi ment ion co hara rom Larger 78! he BANDISON, Ross Edgar = Suddenly " #t his residence, RR 4, Port Perry, on Monday, December 18, 1060, Ross Sand ison. dearly loved hushand of Fy Whilter, dear father of Lois and Anne, dear son of Mrs Sandisop. In his 40th year. Resting at the chapel of MeDermott - Panabaker, Port Perry, fol #8 pm Interme Utes GERROW FUNERAL |! 4 gob CHAPEL v Kindness beyond price vet within reach of all RA B-6226 190 KING STREET WEST LOCKE'S FLORIST Funeral puted # | lory gave an incomplete pleture aay and 5.5 per cent in Eastern| gral offer regrettably," was un. these and. other In-\Canada, Statisticians think (hel coeniable B.C. was prepared ia present proportions are higher, io guarantee Canada the exeei| mpaeially In the East tion of is provincial responsibil No eaway e hureau now 1s formulating | ities for the purposes of signing new indexes for machinery and|a treaty with the U.S. it would {other farm cosis hased on condi: demand that Canada, for its part, z (CP) Transport Christian Arab families In the! American Motors (Canads) Lime Minister Baleer and Works Min [led no wis a wholly-owned | {Hong found In a 1968 farm suv | guarantee fulfilment of its fe vey |eral obligations under the treaty. Wall id in the Com a i851 alker si g Co "We'd like to help them all, |sidiary of the US, parent frm, londay the government Sod | urned For Christians and Moslems alike. | Ref Hospital has drawn up no new plans fo i BY" OTTAWA (Cp The fivst 11 cents a pack and heer about 18 r " . a ton many, ARN NG a Richelle River walerway De hore an NET E I ] shovelful of sand has heen turned [cents a hottle linking the Bi, Lawrence and ARRANGING SINNERS | By THE CANADIAN PRESS and NECHuse LIBS officials say that the CPiare 18.0 per cent in Western Can The Bennett letter said the feds # on Wednesday, Kendal Cemetery, | direct Christmas eheer to refugee] The preside | he children, {would Tike fo another Capt, B. V. Porvior of Halifax | small-car line in the U.K, but em the Protestant e haplaln, and ployees would have in help by Capt, J. G. H. Ledue of I'Abord a/irying to lower production costs, plouffe, Que, the Roman Cathe-| The assembly plant Is being lie padre are vaising $1000 to hullt at Bramplon, Ont, a few distribute food parcels to needy miles northwest of Poronta, i OTTAWA I] #5 Mons the u 4 J a ok ' PHILIP'S FAUX-PAS TROPHY Prince Philip smiles mock-up of "Foot in Mouth presented to him Dee, 16 hy a student of the National College of Food Technology in Wey | bridge Eng after the Duke hi arrangements and all OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 4 HOUR PHONE SEF RA B.655F D0 id the eollegs I'he mogek-up of Prince Philip's every Hime apen he "puts foot in ul opened ne ing memoi Ing that his inouth fHaral " Gireat Hudson Resolutions were put on the Commons order paper hy Lucien Cardin (LL Richelieu-Vercheres and Yvon Dupuis (L--8t, Jean quirements for as | Lakes system with the The servicemen also are ar British Mortgage and Tr River : ranging Christmas dinners for themselves, Officers and BON) company, year ended Oot, h 1060, $204,185; 10 mos, ny commissioned officers will follow | Oct, #1; 1050, $180,671, he complex price question | to go hefore the Commons culture eommitte comprised mostly of farmer-MPs thi hie nis ICH the old army tradition of serving al the dinners to the men CARD OF THANKS (COULTER | wish to take this op LURIEY 10 thank the nurses and ward Ales in 3A Room Hospita 108 In Oshaws Gen those who sent and flowers, the Reverend and Dr. St nd friend Kindn Ire oil favely My fo ap wards Moffat the Polat DOBBY extend fis anpitaligation ne especially of Holy Trin a Dy. Vi the nurses ied Argh al thank lan he Rev. WG. ty Church, Spe pond and Dy, Di and staff on IB DOROTHY DORKING Please Note Deadlines now this ealumn In wettest tor | | earrespondent daily | started members | | three weeks ago. As gallery pre-| legislative eouncll--provinelal up | ident Quebec Legislature Moves To Pure French lator ny lelsm Al sent oards | he # thin talked [nothing to remedy Iherville-Napierville) government to make public en plans Ring mal Bank Assets 'Set Record | concrete esl 18) MONTREAL (CP tray TRE The Royal Press Staff Writer [the government's decision ta fol ni # f : Bank of Canada Monday reported CPi Quehee legis-|low & Press Gallery recommend A pa ¢ pla eiting rid of Angll ation that the (tle total assets of §4,200,22,200--a Canadian record and up mors vocabulary and alll he dropped and replaced simpl J determination of {hy ""monsieur miste leg: |than $167,000.00 compared with {the previous yea man to do some:|islature me mh ers documents situation everyone| The new rule applies to all Ie Net profit for the year but did{lature members ineludin Nov. 80 totalled $19.508, 702 | premier crease of $9,564,562 ith 1856, Earnings legislature] Mr el Montreal sald reports of the gallery's lin.|Were $3.04 compared j/the previous yea Deveolr, gulstie sessions are fo mallec for to all 98 members of the assem The hank sald the rose $106,518 817 and the 3M member also a Canadian record--and per house personal savings rose $72,000,000 By RICHARD DAIGNAULY One other Canudian QUERE( ire honorable in thet of paper ahout thout Var fl pub FITY the an new ended an in compared per share with #288 or yeai the a the Le sessions Press Gallery| bly Pierre Laporte Laporte, also a law for Newspaper linguistie of the total deposit to $3.684, 104,258 O I8te of ma mig he drew Immediate sup 074,48) wring he e Jan. 1 estimates and sport ments \ | I'he « 8 res and "TAWA ( © Digfenh i heer ht like a ministers sald there have heen no new engineering studies 1087, m publ ere timate confidential should nol MPs To Get No Pay Raise | Op) aker Monday for MPs who raise pay and hased asking the/lor # malermly cost esti tinlan refugees the largest and that any ade hy the ie works de on old 8, they said, departmental he made dian servicemen he entirely financed soldiers of the ent in the gency Foroe Part of the raised hy ranks. The raised hy a one-cenl money Prime Min ad no Christ hospital hahy elinie being given hy Cana dian soldiers in Egypt to Pales: anonymous letter sent The hospital and elini Christmas plans ever undertaken by Cana: der, had dragooned his soldiers OVErseas cost an estimated $6000 and willl tions hy Canadian eonting United Nations one of welfare will the 800 mer is being contributions from all remainder inerease the price of a package of eigar:| ets and of a pint of heer the increase, cigarels cos about) will he mn With 1] \ | Farmers Union | Army headquarters here made no hones about its anger over an to some newspapers complain: H, T, Voshery of Canadian eomman: Canadian {ing that Col OMiawa, the into the plan over thelr ohjee | An army spokesman sald Col Fashery called a meeting of all ranks (o hear the suggestion to {hulld: a hospital and elinie, He sald more than 500 attended and that only two ohjected io the Iplan, All the rest were in faver [The army spokesman sald Col, Foshery's action In raising eig- {aret and heer prices to help pay [for the project were perfecily le gal. A commander ha dauthority to do this te support a eharitahle calse | The spokesman sald copies of {the unsigned letter sent to Cana: Donohue Brothers Lid, 9 mos, ended Rept. 80; 1960, 8, $1.96 a share; 1060, $677,116, $1.18, Dover Industries Lid, year ended Sepl. 80; 1060, $881,440; 1060, $205 502 Imperial - Flo - Glage P, ie i, For men of the reconnaissance squadron of the Fort Gary Horse it will he business ss usual Christmas Day. They will patrol the lonely Tsraell-Fgyptian hor der, almost in sight of Hethle hem, as UN forces have done dsince the 1066 Suez War But, even al squadron outposts, chaplains will hold special serv fees and cooks will dish up a Christmas dinner WO? T. 1, Kelly of Pieton, Ont catering supervisor, 1s helping dozens of cooks under him to plan a Canadian Christmas din ner from the UN rations alloted him Thirty Christmas trees, flown in from Norway, will help recall a wintery Canada for the men serving In this desert area. Al: ready In service eonlers are ra: tions of heer donated hy Cana dian hreweries year ended Aug, 81: 1060 Hi) $1.76 a share; 1066, $301.8 A.M TORONTO (CP) -- Industrials Monday scored thelr 12th een: secutive sueeess In a fairly se. [tive stock market that saw meds esl inerepses on a hroad front, On index, Industrials were 0 at A11.44, golds up OF at helo and Western olls up 43 at 70,88, Base melals eased 18 al 158.98 Volume was 1,726,000 compared with shares traded Friday Minnesota and Ontarip Pa gained 1% at 80% and Abitibi, Consolidated Paper and Great DEATHS 1] Births, hanks 9 AM SAME DAY DIAL RA 3.3492 Likes My improved %. ellen | WILL SEND TRANKS | feelce lod eels with a hath CHATHAM (CP) City Couneill" Foard of Canada jumped 5% at Monday decided to send letters 187, and Loblaw Grooeterias Ine, of thanks to the Russian and| gained 1% at Swedish hockey associations for) In golds, Melntyre + Poreupine consideration accorded the Chat: gained 3 at 27% while Hollinger ham Maroons on thelr recent] pased 4 at 10% tour, Alderman D'Arey Mp | Labrador dropped % at 17, Fal Keough who travelled with the conhridge gained % at 38% in hookey team said: "My only! hase metals hope 1s that we can treat them| Denison, the only major change half as well as we were treated among senior uraniums, was when they next visit us." 140 cents at $9.30 hus gr . f 4 [por Premier position gave the ing and so many legislature were praject that the uage-reform meetin have to he held in a la {ture room, Instead of a salon Mr, Laporte, son of a Montreal! # total of $153 physieian, took an interest in pro. [1s quick assets were equal to Talbot, moting French culture soon after 3.4 per cent of the bank's total hie he graduated fram calle at/publie lahilities of the! l amption, Que took part! Loans, which had nthelln the campaign to provide marked inerease in 1088, contin lang: French for Frenoh-speak- ued thelr elimh, the hank sald willing Canadians in Western Can: They stood al $1,014.914,740, ex Isla: ada, He also edited journal eluding mortgage loans which small! L'Action Nationale several|totalled $288,810 802 yours | Holdings of government of Can But has ada and provinelal govemment heen a has securities showed an Increase of worked Le about $49,100,000 to $836, 842 656 Deval nol mt ---- | He told the Commons that » Formed In West i Rowe bbe He, Ried: consideration has heen given to {graphed, They were mailed from boosting the annual indemnity ofl SASKATOON (CP) A Na Egypt $0,000 for members of Parlia. tonal Farmers' Union was The Canadian soldiers also will mont {ereated during the weekend at alcontribute a good deal of labor And isher| Meeting here of the Interpravin:| in their aff<duty hours ta eon: oC) Port Arthur), he said|ei8l Farm Unfon Counell struction of the hospital and (hal sine indemnities have not! Farm unions in British Colum. |¢linie, The job will he handled hy heen considered, they can't he bia, Alberta, Saskatohewan|@ local contractor Hnked to reports that if and when Manitoba and Ontario proposed, The hospital will provide 18 there 1s a pay increase for mem. (the national organization at an. Maternity beds and a elinie oar of Parliament it likely willl nual meetings held during the pable & handling 300 mothers nvalving a dally attendance! last six weeks and their children a day. There il in the Commons |" Alfred P. Gleave of Saskatoon (ave some 950,000 refugees Hving president of the Saskatchewan i CAMPS in the Gaza Strip armers' Union, was ohosen| Col. Foshery tald the meeting president of the national hody. of all ranks: 'We want to do Executive members include] 0Mething tangible for these peo: Mel Tehett, president of the Op. Pe and we want it to he a per- AM SAME Memoriams, DAY Cards of 14 I Antonio Jean ind Op Leader enterprise their member \s He shown a interested all Mii in veply to Douglas F for Foreign Car Price Hike Just Rumor OTTAWA (CP) Dire praphe eles of hig price Inergases on ears imparted fram Rurope have heen ie and ni so far, Revenue Minister sil Monday chiefly My newspanpey nearly 18 covering most of Lapon man. He yea roy provineial this Paliticians are moditying thelr 1 in the legislative as sembly he government has brought down a hill earrecting the French appealation of all government departments to - 'ministere" from the traditional| "department," which was incor rent to deseribe the English 'de-| ities for | Dief Supports | Botiion ar division of a dear! No=Divorce Plan | No Move Against I ie ET@NCh Canada REDE i, a fended the right of the Commons OTTAWA (CP) Commerce he described as a "great French to divest itself or responsibility] Minister Hees told u delegation ( nadian," had told pensus-tak-| for granting divorces representing nine French-Cana./ers in 1851 ta acoept the "Cana:| Ouboaltion L074 03 dian associations Monday there! dian nas legitimate if A . cod M Dlefenhak doesn't exist any plot oonspiraey person wished to use this arigm, hon Vid a Bh aid iy ol bh 3 RL or insidious movement against! The government was only try N 5 udy e Ro ' on elhe Ve \ me: { A Ra [ed the French-Canadian element (ning to make the CENSUS even Cruglty to Animals has es tablished that hulls definitely see red when they see red | Canada m tect p [stitutional position Rn sous that in the pa It 1s asking British cattle resulting Nii th FOVEr y y from passage Friday of a hill}, The WE hana had des ded wiel ta the word "Canadian" it men to repaint all their red cattle pens Green is hest, tarie Farmers' Union Imanent memarial or our service A over here b Si The Canadians decided to pro- : {had to be closed because of an ospl1 a AI cuthreak of infant tetanus Col, Fosbhery announced Dep. 6 hosted alrance Pla n A MOOR sammanding the RCAF's 118 Air Ehing ceremony here a Transport Unit at nearby RI Dr, Alphonse Courturier, Ques| sich "said the 100 men in his that would assign responsibility wily to facilitate the work of Health| for divorces to the Senate this Wkers who. in Tar had session ihe vord . \ wd no less than 4 : . My Diefenbaker on census farms oy federal provinelal De Fisher, head of the UN Says the society, and grey is [ermmment had not fered the P ¥ the '( lan' refuge ¥ ¥ (48 { aul Gouin, president | anadian' ap A ; . refugee organization Wm Gaza, Na [constitutional aspect sinoe Frisl caunoll of French Life in he accepted when The Quebec plan becomes of. oiled the aifer with enthus th iy day He added: "1 that ica, vead the brief, which pro on it, he said put ' fenerally speaki iwtitutiona tel a decision to add the ward - represented of th anadian" as a possible ethni | Aria French - Cana A Nine or Painted ath al group and to have the Canadian KAREL CALLED UR hring long-term henefils ote in oil 0 cattle word ahead of French-Language| NEW YORK (AP\-New York A Canadian contingent has ie ol Bl tionnaire Society of Acad: Rangers of the National Hockey heen serving in Egvpt since the Pe n Ale 2 RSM WRLTY Gouin said anadian Women; and and returned wingman Ron Hut: unit helps patrol the desert Is Hapliste Societies of chinsan to Vancouver of the rasll - Egyptian border i scout eal and Quebee City Western League cars het he | roti voeahulary period Racey leading Nowlan A Christmas Tribute To Your Loved Ones In the sincere hope of ren: dering a helpful service to thase who wish to pay teib- He spoke in the Commons on the impact ta date of the Deo | nerease in the hasis on whioh| British and other European ve holes are assessed duty and tax he Dec. | change reduced a Hiseoun 0 M0 per cont from Hatter complaints hy the auto we, unions and areas such as Windsor that the old rate was elting ea slip into the country cheaply Pearson ~ in the : govern aly oon delegation presented a! Mr. Hees protesting a proposed questionnaire to deter mine the ethnic origin of Cana. 0000 dians during census taking next '0 June 73.000 to print Ww ute to a loved one who has the Cih- awa Times will publish a h passed beyond Rritis) | times Warts enter duty free tax applying hn the cauntry oars fram Eurape us AT%-per-cent wit Tae sald the gov oon wither more of the Amer Al oars Wi that special page of Memorial Tributes on Christmas Eve, Non Hs? tax society Are red found that irritating goings pens. Hult when Hh ve A Ww nsisls ML dhity Ay Monday wiat ont 1 Wg the oy authorities are {thal such & course Jurisdiction of Parl Nowles akl at = a The classified staff are at the French firm, Ren Ault, said there would be no re tall price inerease and Chrysler sald the same about ts French made Simoea, -as did Ford British oa Volkswagen prices were up $50 0 $0 depend ong on model i pind ¥ oclation Wf the placed th others on ai service Ament your with the wording. Telephone RA 3.3492 2 the to assist you que To InA¢ fritis Frith AFRICAN EXPORT | in _ihs | yn asked to x f Gambia m W y. point of vig Aly for round n Mr. Hees said th minister Louis St of Peak of ceptable A anadian ra from painted ved \ A in AVE |the refugees when they heard the old hospital, in had condition, day heeame the final provinee! chev for a new one, and Wing Within the orbit of the national ade Ken Tramley, of Toronto Minister Monteith for the federal] A government were the ohief sign [nation on a Ppraportionate L Wan 3,000,000 p } ards of oo 0 peapls need for medical facilities of all types and the hospital would N] girs BL Societies in Quebec and ward Boh Kabel from Spring does the "housekeeping" for the { ria; the Federation of field of the American League 3000-man UN force there but ong | § peotars 0 5 wen campaign {vide funds for a new hospital for OTTAWA (CP)-Quehee Man: his men would supply t he hee health minister, and unit would mateh the soldiers' fective Jan, | and will cover wp. /fc He sail theve is & pressin derations of St. Jean League Monday called up for Sues orisis Wm 1956 I not only i lead A green i" rn former Laurent Pr St oan cent of whom | Mon ® otal exports