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The Oshawa Times, 20 Dec 1960, p. 1

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The Wigger & person's mouth, the more often he puts bis took init, The Oshawa Time Weather will remain cold, with sunshine and occasional cond, Chance of snowflurries, VOL. 85--NO OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1960 aise' LJ Cigoe Ma iad ogee, Aas TWENTY TWO PAGES PC DILLABOUGH (INSET) AND CAPTURE BCENE Seared Hulk Searched As Death Toll Climbs I can't describe it apy other Naval authorities said they had counted on having the Constslla use as an atlack Only a ship NEW YORK (AP) Navy offi cials today placed at 46 the death toll in 8 Dery disaster ahoard the tion ready for giant aircraft carrier Constella- carrier hy mid-1961 tion, in harbor here of her general size can handle Police had said the count might| adequate numbers of heavy jet reach 5 bul the navy discounted! planes the pavy uses for its strik this. The police had listed 10 ing arm workmen missing in addition to! gp... the known #6 dead commander However, the navy anthoritie Yard in which the said 10 of those who perished had! Los herthed estimated that not yet heen identified and they fire hack completion of apparently Wer heing erron ship by aheout » year, He std a8 Issing. b of the Mated the damage at 875,000,000 carrier's fire-hlackened pas ways was all hut ended The fire, which raged out : control for most of Monday and cost: About $250,000,000 into the night crippled the FIND NOTHING SUSPICIOUS living hell," said one trip deep than a all np Way worker Fi FESCUE into the Another described the plates so damned hot stand still even for a minute without it burning inte the soles of your feet," An army of firemen and civil PRE jan workers, some of whom had Ie just escaped the blaze, fought the esti- [aferno with doggedness and dar ng. There were dozens of stories of dual and re sourceluiness on the Door as ou can't Admiral Pyne of the Brooklyn Navy Constellation Schuyler sel launched heroism com total Constellation, scheduled for of missioping in March, Its he Indiv Oct. B as Was Said TORONTO (CP) Teachers', salaries in Ontario have sar i competitive levels with business L} OSHAWA RESTAURANT NIGHT MANAGER SHOT Constable Takes | Gun From Man A Toronte man has heen charg: the floor and ripped the (ele ed with attempled murder after phone from the well while Mazar OFTAWA (CP)--Finance Min ister Fleming, whe Bkes rowing a skiff, speaks in the Commons tonight ta chart the financial course of Canada's ship of state By now, the -year-oid minis ter is experienced in hoth kinds of navigation. This will he his ith budget speech ip 3% years in ofhce This one, generally termed a hahy budget, will he a supple ment to his budget last March 31 when he charted the govern ment's fiscal course for the 1960 61 fiscal year Apart from tonight's perform ance, this is almost a routine day for the short, stocky minister, He had scheduled the normal round of office work this morning, But officials said he hoped to get home for supper earlier Ran usual to give him time for a last minute run-through of his speech He will change into a dark blue double-breasted suit, his usual budget speech uniform; and after a supper. with his family return to the Commaons about 15 urge their school boards to join one of the Joven trustee associa tions Foi to affiliate alse with 1] mtario Behonl Trustees Council, ! The school hoard should he en- couraged to eall upon its asso ciation and the OSTC for Assisi. | ance at an early stage in salary | negotiations in order to void ex-| cessive friction or unwarranted | ey increases, the report said mong other educational » ommendations were; That the province increase ils | {nomic hss, | Baby Budget ' Speech Today minutes before the schediled start of Wis speech at § p.m in his budget speech last March 31, he forecast ap six-per cent rise in Canada's gross na tional product, and on that basis estimated a $12000 000 hudget surplus for the hHseal year end: ng next March 81 Since then, however, conditions have changed. The econmmy has slowed down, though there are conflicting views on the extent of the slowdown. Mr. Fleming has disagreed with economists whe see @ serious recession shaping up Whether or not he will he mak ing any tax change, it's cert@n the new budget will revise the March 31 fore 5 of the govern ment's financial picture for the fiscal year. Revenues haven't risen as fast as he predicted then and expenditures have risen faster than forecast If no changes were made to night, a budget deficit would he virtually, inevitable, The las three years all have produced) deficits, totalling some $1061, 000,000 Teachers' Pay More Red Too High [Aid For The tractor part of a irae: lor-typiler dangles precariously from a bridge above the C maugh far, ier Cub: near Blalrsv MOSCOW (AP)--Ernesto (Che)| Pa., tmlay a Guevara, Cuba's ultra-left eco left Moscow today with Soviet promises of greatly increased economic ald and (rade Westen diplomats said the promises fo Guevara represenl the deepest Soviet penetration te date in Latin America, In return he signed a declaration of com er jackknifing on ice Route 22 and evashing 'Russians SRY £ Vietor Mazar, 43, shoot of 6% he early morning avenue Mazar is reported in of was Nive Allen, talking to Sergeant Van Mazar was then Laken outside, #000 he said, "Four shots were fired condition st the Oshawa General in the back lane, Two of them Hospital, today He was Shot nic Mazar, One Wit & car parked twice, One hulet lodged in Ws coco hy hady. The other passed through, | Surgery morning ronan I am {End Grill, ithe scene ol Pr, € C. Gardiner performed on Mazar early his | Harold William Hope, 28, of To was arrested shortly after today, hehind the Bouth 5 Bloor street east the shooting, Hope \was remanded in custody until Friday | the Oshawa lor A LONG WAY DOWN through the ' bridge railing, a A the driver, Kenne ' oF , of Mount Arlington, NJ He wis unhurt, AR Wirephato To Cut [total school grant payments in Pete support for the Communist (recognition of the extent of Poe in its economic and political world's largest. aircraft carrier The navy said there was "noth defence plans, _. |staried when a small hoisting truck sheared off a plug on a News About fluid flowed down a homh ele [ welder was al work In addition to the dead, al Wise, Injured. Forty-three were In) Lod" overnntent, and in fom ald gases they may he too high, the ase £ Association 14,000-man elvilian werk foree, | said today, force headquarters have heen rollable for a short time, spread municipalities having 90 per cent reading with open mouths an|to different decks as the flaming of the population In organized scribing the RCAF hase at Cold ment to another and set ablaze! Premer Frost and his cabinet Lake, Alla, as capable of un. Ww en scaffolding, plywood in: that municipal councils which the heart of Russia othe mmable materials, teachers' salaries likely won't be that Cold Lake is the most potent | ways, slid down ropes and rope; ghe ; Teac rafe | ' 4 The Ontario Teaching Profes-| \ weapon the West has to answer!|ladders, and jumped into the! Jako of ry for| Which school envalments have ex- War with the United Slates and I sion Act makes it compulsory for the United States Congressional heat and billowing, poisonous|iarin Teachers' Federation, In| That renovation of old school] A communique said the Record by Senator Estes Ke. smoke. Some were drowned inloffect, this means the entire On| buildings should be made eligi-|sians will build an ofl refinery {the ley water, many died of suf become a single mammaoth union| Prt where such action is more|steel mill and power plants. colleagues what a powerful ally = ' the US. had in Canada T D d 6 H "The power of the federation school, The Jer-classroom eell-laid in exploration for iron and November issue of the Nationa | wo Vea ' urt has heen demonstrated on more| "E800 &ehoal construction minerals N » ! Ni | olice (lazette at | 2 10 y eo - Dasa Police Gazette, It is known that As Gas Escapes {hoard has heen pink-listed and 1 A More realist figure hased | nounced it will buy 2,700,000 tons the article and that the author forced to arrive at a settlement] pre ding costs [of Cuban sugar if the United 8 § ) P nile ; Migight workers remained in hos: schools," the OMA said [chairman was Torante Contraller (iv trom the Castro regime, The miles northeast of Edmonton pital today after exposure 2 ft carried these headings: qoadly hydrogen sulphide fumes horough Reeve A, M, Campbell, Administraion of Malice. roe (In Havana, Prime Minister missile hase that can kayo Rus that suffocated two men al the chairman, of the special commit mended that municipal 'councils| om offences under municipal [MUNIst bloe had pledged to buy afloat and struck a blow at U.S ing suspicious' about the blaze 0-gallon tank of jet fuel. The vator and into a well in which Cold Lake least 180 were burned or other: All 'the dead were part of 8 Ontario Municipal OTTAWA (CP) Officers al alr! The fire, which seemed com But the OMA, representing American magazine article de- fuel poured from one compart: municipalities, sald in a report to leashing thousands of missiles at t@ ork, cans of paint and deplore the recent upsurge in A portion of the article, saying] We raced down gang- able to do anything about it, any Boviet attack, was Insgried in| Fast River to escape the searing| aii teachers to helong to the On-| ceeded population growth its allies ; us fauver, Tennessee Démocrat who aria school establishment "has Pe for capital school grant sup: [in Cuba, construct an iron and was apparently trying to tell his|focation shop econamical than to build a new (Technicians will go to Cuba to The article appeared in the than ane occasion when a sehool| STAM should he revised upwards| The Soviet Union alse an the RCAF had nothing to do with never visited Cold Lake 1 NIAGARA FALLS, N.Y. (AP) ion salaries in order to staff its Another committee, Whose giaies continues its refusal to to| The report, signed hy Sear William R. Allen, dealt with the price was not announced "Why Khrushchev sees red---the \ \ 4 formar, of the shecal commit geived™ fram offences, except |F idel Castro announced the Com: Hooker chemical plant The fumes fanned over a 200 yard plant area Monday when a pipe nipple leaked sodium sul phide solution from a 5,000 gallon| tank, the company said. The so! lution formed hydrogen sulphid sia!" " "Push-button warfare is a real ity at Cold Lake, In seconds thousands of missiles and rockets can penetrate the heart of Soviet defences," [bylaws, be apportioned 25 per|d000,000 tons of Cuban sugar in {cent to the province and 73 per|!961 at four cents a pound cent to the munieiality after/nearly a cent above the world magistrate's expenses have heen/price--if the United States re deducted, fused to buy Cuban sugar.) MOSCOW (Reuters)--Russia's chief economic planner and its (finance minister today promised [the Saviet people a lighter bur. den of military spending and more consumer goods in 1961, Planning ehief Viadimir Novi: kov and Finance Minister Vasily Garbugav outlined their plans for 1061 and next yedr's budget in reports to members of Russia's Supreme Soviet (parliament) ine eluding Premier Khrushehey, re- covering from an attack of in fluenza Garhuzov told the party and government chiefs that military spending would he eut next year to 11.9 per cent of the total budget expenditure, from 12.0 per cent this year Novikov sald that capital in vestment in light (consumer) in dustry would he increased hy 50 per cent in 1061, The inereased Actually, Cold Lake includes a FIRST PHEASANT (as when it van over acid-satur:| ated soll in the area, plant offi clals reported Thirty-six workers were in ured in all. Most of them were| hind treated at hospitals and released. shoot With his father Prince Philip looking on, he accredited him- se'f as a sportsman should, Not only that, he hagged the first bird he shot at, | "A likely lad that one," said a gamekeeper as they watehed | the heir to the throne hit a cock pheasant at a diffieult angle I'he home | Kent Also weapons range for the testing of air-to-air and ground-to-air mis siles apd rockets with ranges of three or four miles at a maxi mum. It alse trains CF-100 jet erews and has a radar station DISARMAMENT TALKS Canada Swings Spotlight Back Hy JOSEPH MacSWEEN Canadian Press Stall Writer UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (CP Although beaten on a procedural vole, the Canadian delegation can hoast as the 15th United Nations General Assembly goes into re cess today that at least focussed some attention on dis armament Spokesmen for the delegation badly trounced Monday in an attempt to get a prompt vole on its disarmament proposal, took the attitude that the fight wasn't really lost. in view of the amount of dust it kicked up Indian Defence Minister V, K Krishna Menon engineered the defeat hy which the assembly's political committee turned down Canada's request for an imme diate vole hy a rall-call of 28 16 with 26 abstentions Canada had hoped something could salvaged on ment from this session of that it would not he CITY EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS POLICE RA 1133 FIRE DEPT. RA 35-6374 HOSPITAL RA a-2:11 LONDON (AP) Twelve year-old Prince Charles today had an i nportant milestone be him---his first pheasant place the in at Hradburne shoot took of Lord County in the shooting party ihoyance until the assembly sumes its meetings March 7 Practically all delegations Have asserted---sometimes in parrot like speeches--sinee the assem bly opened Sept, 20 that disarma ment is the greatest need in the world today. But the propaganda ridden subject has produced al certain warkd-weariness that is clearly apparent 15 months after Soviet Premier Khrushehev first unveiled Jsplan for holus-balus serapping of e world's arms within four years This almost - cynical attitude has been fostered hy the hlank spots in United States policy re sulting fram the presidential elec ton campaign and the wait for lohn Kennedy to take over fram Dwight 'Eisenhower HALIFAX (CP)--Halifax steve Canadian diplomats felt that dores will continue to handie| the spirited debate provoked by! Cuban-bound cargo so long as it Canada's initiative Monday was does not include "strategie wa a healthy sign despite the defeat. terials." John Camphell presi This was interpreted as one rea- dent of the Halifax Longshore on the Canadians pressed for a men's Association, said today vate although Mm view of He sail there will be ne Menon's unexpectedly sharp at: problem if Trade Minister Hees | tack--a victory seemed unlikely. carries out his announced inten! Rejecting Menon's charges that 'tion not te issue export permits! | the Canadian resolution was "un: for goods that might he used ta realistic" and "inappropriate." build up Cuban military supplies delegation Vice « Chairman Wal As far as other freight is con RB. Neshitt Wl that ned, he if Canadian fraph in par ar should we ATS shin {vated on lo prevent a hiatus last Lt Wg watd March 7, re ald Hon, Norton Knateh- bull Knatehbull shot well, ton Charles was armed with 410 double-harrelled shotgun Accompanying him was his gun dog, Flash Hefore stopping for cold lunch, 'Charles and his father bagged 20 birds between them 'Dockers Will Still Handle Cuban Goods son, a a disarma UN in be the left ace $ one of pa eu law N 0 TA) A Wha are we wl be shipped? 1) oeriay nds 'a Cub 0 shoukd SAY Shey Congo Showdown | UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (CP) Debate on the chaotie Congo headed for a showdown vote to. day as gruelling sessions of the {15th United Nations General As:[that the force cowld not "inter: {sembly drove for a long holiday pose itsell or remain passive in recess Scheduled to gdjourn today 1 tl March 7, the assembly dis was Lord Bradburne's 13-year. ©ussed The Congo until 1:50 a.m. Menon and statements by other and weary delegates were called | back to resume the hitter debate at 10:30 a.m | The 99-country assembly heard | a warning from UN Secretary: General Dag Hammarskjold that he might ask for power ta with.! draw the 20000man UN force! fram The Conga if eit! war hroke out in the stricken young republic Expected In UN Today Hehingd the legalistic phrases of [independence for Algeria. The the cool-headed secretary-general [vote was 63 to 8 with 27 absten- could be detected a steadily stif- [tions, lening attitude as he declared] However, a key provision that! {would have had the UN guar| antee the honesty of a refer lendum on Algeria's future was defeated, The vote was 40 ta 40 with 16 abstentions and a major: ity of two-thirds is required for passage, Canada voled® "ves" an the! resolution as a whole and "no" on the key paragraph, Rejecting Nd ithat the Hain, war is a domestic issue outside i development Mon: | UN soope, the assembly went on! day night, the assembly adopted record for the first time as recog: a resolution recognizing UN ve: nizing in principle that the UN sponsibility in helping ta promote has a vale to play in the Algerian {destiny, France, as in past years, a elvil war, A two-hour speech hy Indian Defence Minister V, K. Krishna delegates helped delay votes on rival Anglo-American and Afro. Asian resolutions to deal with The Congo situation before the assembly recesses, Menon eriti- cized the secretary-general and speeches hy Canada and By! In another "LATE NEWS FLASHES hoyeotted the Algerian debate, Canadian Ambassador Charles 8. A. Ritchie, noting earlier in committee that French President de Gaulle has already proposed Ruschwitz Camp Commandant Caught FRANKFURT (Reuters) mandan: of Auschwitz, ane of termination camps, has been this West Germany city today Lagos Forces Leave Th FAGOS (Rewters) UN operations in The poldville. An official statement in three airlifts hy U.S Air Fore 30th Munich Crash Vie MUNICH (AR) Another of a US military plane inte bringing the total dead .lq 30 mans Wm hospital as a result ¢ were in ritiogy condition, The first group of Nigevian police for Conga left heve today by aiv for Leo Pal procedures for ending the war, ! far a solution of the situation! may be 'ess than perfect, he {was on the right read { Today's agenda, starting with 'The Congo, includes 13 tems. 10ne is the election of one nem permanent member to the 1k {member Security Council, Afro [Asian nations have hatly [tested the candidacy of {[lonialist™ Portugal Menon, in his early-morning | speech, oriticized. Canada's Wal lace RB. Neshitt for stating that the Afra-Asian resolution on The Conga indicated that Hammar skiodd had not adequately fal filled his Congolese mandate wp eo now, { Richard Baer, the last coms the most notorious of Nazi ex- arrested, It was announced in e Congo sald 34 men will be moved Yeo. ¢ planes today and Wednesday tim Dies German injured in the a Munich street died sald thal of the crash Saturday, crash today 1B Ger several PA Al ihe investment {Praduetion in 20 new industrial | construction of 82 others, he sald, Novikov claimed that Russia again gained ground this year in its drive to eateh up with the United States in industrial pro. | duction, He sald industrial output increased more than 80 per cent |In Russia between 1068 and 1060 (while American production went | up only eight per cent, Oshawa On Taunton Road A ld-yearold Oshawa girl, Lil. lian Pearl Varty, was killed short ly before § a.m: today, when the Dee. 28. No hall was sel. | A telephone eall for help to Police Department had heen cut short hy a gunshot All Desk Bergeant M I, Va Allen heard on the was, "the south end telephone Dillabough and sald. "1 think there's trouble af the Bouth End Grill." Constable Dillabough sped (0 the rear of the grill and blocked the driveway exit with his eruis- He walked up to an idling car there and opened the door He said a man was siting he hind the wheel holding a loaded A8 calibre Bmith and Wesson re volver, The pistol was pointed at the officer's stomach, The offiter Arehed the volver and arrested the man, Police Chief Herbert Flintoff ay em a! eant for (heir work in the arrest, After sending Constable Dilla: hough to the scene, Bergeant Van Allen had radioed a erulser carrying Detective Sergeant Ken- neth Young and Detective John ve: Hope of 8 fei hl, WAS CATTYING #& quantity calibre bullets w he was arrested, Detective Mae: Dermaid. said, Mazar is reported to have hip and ahdomen wounds, He is a married man and has two ehil: dren, a boy and a girl, Kennedy i Officially immediately radioed Police Con [stable Dean W President WASHINGTON (AP) -- Bena: tor John Kennedy was elected president of the United States Manday--officially, Tere was no revolt of Kenne: y The electoral college, B87 per: ons parceled ot wihong the 4 states more or less Propos tu Ken: to their population, nedy's onedenh of one per ¥ vole or { votes, the ones | ONE STATE MISSING By the time the various groups of electors had finished their "Red MacDermaid, They arrived at the grill soon after the Con: slahle Dillabough sald he had found for an ambulance, He {ook the would permit full {an he had arrested inside, foldelayed, - possihl walt for the defectives, When ed his man over to them, The wounded man was aken to the hospital hy ambulance, Magar who is night-manager at the grill, had apparently tried fo telephone the police when he had an argument with the last cus tomer for the night, Detective Sergeant Young said the man had fired a shol into Girl Dies to the Dr, Donevan Collegiate where she was a Grade 9 student, meetings in 40 of the B50 state capitals, the electoral vole stood: Kennedy 800, Nixon 219, Senator Harry ¥, Byrd (Dem, Va.) 15, " Defence S endin [Mazar lying on the kitehen| 'Tt fakes 260 electoral voles to {floor at the grill, He then radioed win, A tight election in Hawali has until Jan, 6, final yi A of the extent concerns and the beginning of they arrived the Constable turn-(of Kennedy's eleetoral vietary, Nixon appeared (0 have. carried the newest state, and its vole was sn certified, But a partial recount put Kennedy B68 voles ahead Baturday, A further re count may he ardered, An Oklahoma Republican elees tor insisted on casting his vote for Byrd for president and Sena- tor Barry Goldwater (Rep, Ariz) for vice « president. Nixon had carried Oklahoma hy a large margin, and the siate's seven other electors voted for him, Byrd's other voles came from Mississippi electors, all eight of them, and six of the 11 Alabama electors, These had run without pledging themselves to any can. didate, | Hagley, Taunton road, Mrs, Had. fthe night with another sister he stand of France the Taunton road Mrs, six-year-old Algerian was leaving home to drive the girl BORN IN OSHAWA A lifelong resident of Oshawa the deceased was born here Sept, , 146, Bhe Was a daughter of James W. and the late Edith M, Varty, Miss Varly was a student at Dr, ¥, J. Donevan Collegiate In. stitute and was a member of the Slmeoe Street Pentecostal Chureh, ™ B, ear in which she was riding was in collision with the side of a tractor trailer on the Taunton road, opposite Willls Motors gar age, The girl had apparently been thrown onto the road when the impaet oeeurred, She was pro. nounced dead on arrival at Qsh: awa General Hospital, She was a4 passenger in a car : : Hesides her father she Is su riven by her sister, Mrs. Shivley vived by three sisters, Mys, Greenley (Eileen), of Raglan; Mrs, A. Hadly (Shirley) an Mrs, L, Moffatt (Ruth), bath of Oshawa and four brothers, George, Ross, Gordon and Fred, all of Oshawa, The funeral service will he held at the Melntash = Anderson § | Funeral Home at 8.30 p.m, Thurs. day, Dee, 22, followed hy inters ment in Oshawa Union Cemetery, Rev: J, 8 Pierce, pastor of Sime cop Street Pentecostal Church will conduct the services, dr ley, and her two children, also in the ear, were uninjured hy the collision, The truck, dviven hy Edward Forger, of Ajax, was travelling east on the Taunton read when the impact eecurred, The vietim lived with a sister, Mrs, Ruth Moffatt, at 71 La Salle avenue, She had heen spending Hadley LILLIAN PEARL VARTY said that while de Gaulle's ideas], oon | LITTLE DAMAGE SHOWS ON TAUNTON ROAD DEATH CAR

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