2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tussdey, Becomber 18, 1960 GOOD EVENING "By JACK GEARIN CARY WONE BE HOME AY CHRISTHAS Listen girs! Cary Grant, Hollywood's No ie no different than most sons wt Chi aidn's know He wants to be home with his mother (whe hap~ pens to be Mrs. Lillian Leach of. London, Englond), #nd he had it sil planned, but his plans went floscey Bo you see ~ life Is not always & bed of roses for famous film (olks with palatial homes and yachts, astro- nomics] incomes, (Bot to mention the adulation of mils lions.) and two ex-wives? How do we know? (mre) Hine ALEGRE, RGR VW Cary phoned long-dig- tance the other day from New York City (where his Yuletime trip to see moms ma was cancelled) after his Toronto agents, Unis versal-Internationsl Films, phoned to see if we would he interview interested ir sich an #t no cost to us aidn't ELL our opinion on the state of polities Oshawa, said he Cary phone (0 "ARE YOU § These three tiny ois of the | Oxford Children's Ald Bociety municipal in had never been to Oshawa), He fhe ahout The We managed phoned to talk nis new pieture Grass is Greener to pretty well away from this subjeet Three Veer nim hwy" . . . other Ontario CARY GRANT NEWSPADEE Men were liss tening in, in this mass long-distance telephone press interview, and Cary turned out to be a real sociable guy He was glib, witty, sophisticated and ultras charming, as the oecasion demanded, He never sound- ed superficial, theatrical, We finally hung up with the impression of a man with a keen, incisive mind mendous vitality, and a fine gusto for living When he talked about the cancellation of his Lon don trig (he had to rush back to Hollywood to supers vise the writing of a new seript) he sounded truly disappointed As | grow alder explained drawn closer and closer Londop, which as my home, and I try to get hack re as often as possible, Its disappointing, but my mother will under» stand because she's a pretty wonderful mother He has been cast in a new picture about Lawrence of Arabia and there are other film commitments up coming in such places as Ireland, Hong Kong and North Africa, He says more independent companies are pro dueing ("and this is a very good thing') and that he has a financial interest in some of these companies, eluding Grandon Productions which produced, Grass is Greener" "Somebody asked how old he is he didn't seem to hear and talked on rapidly clear diction: "In my business its important to keep in top shape because of demanding schedules, Despite this, I still manage to keep an athletic figure ! Brutalit NORTH BAY (CP)--LCharges of police made hy Albert Lepine, #2 in magisirale"s court here last week were supported Monday hy John - Joseph James, whe was hrought as a witness from Bur wash Industrial Farm where he Is serving a sentence for hreak |ing, entering and theft dames and Lepine were hoth charged with theft of television sets from the Simpson Bears warehouse, James pleaded guilty and was sentenced, Lepine pleaded not guilty and the trial was adjourned until Frday Two Toronto poleemen--a Ne teetive Cornish and a Const Harkness were pointed oul Monday in the eourtroom hy damse as the men responsible The two policemen had parler denied the accusation Lepine elaimed hrutality wa used in obtaining a statement from him in Toronto, Magistrate M, G, Gould said he would not accept the statement lepine elaimed punched him over his head, hung him over al door hy Ws ankles and burned! his navel with a eclgarel whilels trying tn get him to sign a state! meni dames tren #] find myself I consider he tn n= | "The | (he's about 66), but with fine the CARY 6, BUT YOUNG IN HEART substantiated "I do this by sticking to a light diet, by exercising regularly, 1 was once a pretty fair tennis player around Hollywood, but my favorite exercise now is swimming I do a lot of it", This was Archibald Alexander Leach speaking, the former acrobat and earnival worker who ran away from his Bristol, England, home to find his way to Hollywood and eventually become of the alls time box office greals Cary has made B90 pictures since 1032 when he accidentally got a starving role in "This is The Night" He has long heen the king of sopisticated comedy, Did he work as hard today as in the past? "I certainly do, but with this difference instead of making four or five pictures a vear, I now make approximately one-and-a-half, We try more now for quality and less for quantity, The public demands it", Cary wouldn't fall for a 'loaded" question (one called from a motion pieture trade journal) which went something like this "What ene law would you if you had the power and authority, to improve the motion pieture in dustry as you see it today?" He stumbled around Then he question be repeated, before answering "1 don't know of any capsule advice that T should give ta the motion picture industry, especially in an abbreviated interview, We do the best to give the publie what we think it wants and should have, always keeping in mind the bounds of good taste, We can't present anything too educational, We are often criticized for pres senting subjects of viplence, but I think such films ean, and do effect some good, Papers A TORONTO (CP) Proceedings adainst The Telegram and The | Globe and Mail under the Liguor | Control Ael were adjourned Mon 1day to Jan, 27 | The twan newspapers wens charged in February with pub lishing advertising not approved! hy the Liguor | Ontario, The charges were laid hy | Ross Wicher and Vernon Singer, | Liberal members of the Ontario legislature Magistrate © one seript of the hearing and the cases elted before he eould rule! {on the submission of ©, L. Dubin, | counsel for The Telegram | Mr. Dubin said the Crown had {failed to lay Informations agains! | The Telegram disclosing any of {fence known to the | He based his contention on his Pass, asked that the aw | VIOLENCE HAS ITS PLACE "They help some people to dispel thelr elinations towards violence, I am ecanvineed" What about his new picture? It has ta do with one of England's newest business enterprises, that of turning stately and mans sions into tourist attractions, Cary an earl and Debarah Kerr is his countess=wife. Robert Mitchum, an American oilman, tries to steal Deborah from Cary, It's a sophisticated, drawing room comedy We hope Cary is setting a new trend Press interviews that some of his Hollywood cohorts (ess peciaily Marilyn and Lella) will follow suite and call Oshawa, Search On For Stolen Gold Coins part of a bank display, box containing $18,000 worth of [Shipment bound for Europe vam gold coins that vanished between ished fram Malton before it eould| Zurich, Switzerland, and Toronto. [he loaded aboard a TCA North! Trans-Canada Alr Lines spokes: Star aiveraft, It was never found men said the colns--consigned to) A a the head office of the Bank of Nova Scotia here were put] aboard a Canada » bound jet in London. awn n= Oastles is for and again in Winnipeg and Van {couver, other stops on the west ward flight, i The shipment left London Dee. | {8 but word of the loss was held Up wnt Monday as police tried 10 trace the package i The coins were British saver elgns and United States $20 gold floces and were to have heen ! BAGS AND ROOTS REGINA (CP)---Parters at Re EA's union station are feeling Passengers. and oarge were the winter passenger slow-down switched to another DOCS jot in where it hurts--in the pocket. Montreal to i. Roy west But tape of the Ted caps have! ward furvey. al Malin I come WP With a solution. They tional Alrport here, the coins YWHOR baggage carts for hoot were missing hrushes in the slack periods and! Tye plane was searched here fill the tide shining shoes, Palicemen--one holding mask over he wiwed man's fape { Mepare 1 remove warkehan put a plastic hag Monday in a Paris hospital wily al Lepine's'|a Action Against given hy Mr, Justice 8, N, Sehatg| nept proceedings Justice Behate's judgment stated | that Control Board of lan offence anly If it f A. Thohurn said/fid not state prices nor where he needed time to study a tran! HURT WORKMAN REMOVED FROM CARRI aw atl DE IN THESE THINGS?' URE IT'S SAFE TO RI at Woodstock kd Om before Chr will be in | Bundled in their moving bas homes stmas ket, the infants are shown in Convict Supports v Charge story and claimed the police had! Slack of Toronto which indicated ankles tight swollen shaling his hy and caused the stomach cigaret he was taken were ta the room where Lepine hoots was, and that hoth were heaten and had thelr hair pulled "I sald 'For God's sake may as well sign the statement or get killed here he dold the court, He said Lepine was "in very had shape that he could not stand and was lying on the floor holding his stomach Questioning James, Crown -Al torney E. A. Tilley referred (0 a statement made hy Mrs, Marie Ex-Ambassador Jean Desy Dies PARIS (CP served some After being Wit in and face, he spid hick Marie of aid I belie intimidated hy the dames Vi Slack w ficers DOESN'T BELIEVE ALL The magistrate said Lepine looks and talks like a thug and parts of his evidence | do not he lieve. The onus of proof falls on the Crown which must prove thal the tarily [Fr wi Jean De as Canadian ambassador Paris from 1063 (0 1068, when he who wa year in the police Canadian diplomatic corps, died retired He! 1) tarted hi was H7 Canada's diplomacy was In its Born in Montreal and educated infancy. joining the foreign serv Quehee City's Laval Univer-lice in the early 18208, Paris was he died of ruptured arteiy his first as well as his last post the American Hospital, His! 1n 1025, Desy was named to sf past In the diplomatic service the chair of Canadian history at {the famed Borhonne. He held the post three years Recognizing his talents in the field of international law, the Canadian government pieked him as counsellor "to the Cana dian legation in Paris, a post he held 15 years He was minister to Belgium and The Netherlands' when the HudgmentiGermans invaded the low coun ries an 1040 hut was able to flee {to France and from there make {his way to England, In 1041 he was sent to Brazil to open Canada's first mission in Rin de Janeiro, He hecame am |hassador to Brazll in 1044 when the mission was ralsed to em hassy status, L ji He moved to Haly in 1047 and The Telegram neeame ambassador in Rome in 148, post he held until his trans rsed products were forlfer lo Parls sale, Mr, Dubin said His diplomatie career was in The charges Involve advertise fervent l briefly In 1044 and 1045 ments in weekly supplements (o|when Desy served as diveetor the two newspapers published | general of the CBC's interna last spring before the Ontario gov: |tional service ernment made lguor advertising| A friend in the service de In newsapers legal, Both up: seribed Desy as "a eharming plements were printed in Ne wiman" and "the essence of a dip York state lomat" a djourns nleirpretation of a 27 refusing to quash the hefore Magistrate Thoburn The Telegram counsel sald My unapproved advertising Is advertised liguar for sale The advertisements cited in the| harges against Is hodly of a vietim of the hla hat swept the unlintshed car Tier --=(AP Wirephoto) from the scene fire today aboard carrier Constellation a Brooklyn Navy Yard, At right Wi " of ¢ INTERPRETING THE NEWS French Fighter Against DeGaulle By SLAY HARVEY WV Mere Francie Canadion Press Sati Writer ioleliestuay plansible He Are soy (hey are "EAURg sme A tik eet, DITDREi Ian IRAKES few Tash moves where," with (tall thoviders wd Der Mos cheervers feel We is sine A Bepity Shexifl and Ihre Fo getigl scomi wigs a On A- tere, thowih some wonder where KRBE SREVETE GRVE RYIAERcE Mon got near Pars slier fs Eh he gets bis finenciel svpport sed Ray in the provineial inary 1a fom New York. And the EW are dubious shot some of Ws the process paring oA the Ton-llor Frames is joined in earnest. coliepgues vd # office For Jacames Sonstehie, Mee B. Soustelie certainly has power: H. HB. Donpld, inspector of 16 grees fighter on wehall of he fl undercover NY gol offices, said at least URE poor Communist left, Row th y more sherl's office employecsidaring of the Aisallected right, mist ements sms will be called (oday, nd ie beck to take wp the cndeels pees settlers in Al many ak 14 might eventually #p-lagainet lonely gered de Gowlle pear Wis an odd reverse "Friends of mine in Years ago, Sowstelie went o Algeria with # repulation as RB are setting ¥9 # brilliant anthropologist, Wis group lo Bight ries were [ern He come Algeria." hack # year later, pppareptly # i a |coprinced advocate of "French FASCIRY DANGER ik $a 77 ® Rhee, y Algeria" o Son oppond DY | et a I derma most. liherals crush the right-wing emt the crown More thas anyone. Soustenel co" tinted to the riots on Who received it was the one|Pved the way lor de Gale's gon oi ie during the . whose picture accompanied the Fem fo power, He was Wiel genr ll" stuens" More document (Aonest colleague, Now he fs deiy" 0, th od {Gaulle's enemy No, 1, the spear og Povo Rll gy My HAMI/EON HAS CASE {head of © on 10 the gener oll of vidence, which Meanwhile, Hamilton private #'s efforts to reconcile the em- nally exposed the hollowness and detective Jomes Lawrence, M4 ibittered Moslem and European joo" in ie tee majority wd Gwendolyn J, Chiampl, 21, communities in Algeria y » Moslems support the "French will appear In court in Hemilon' axe scmmyvrMeNy Algerip"' ides fodiy reed ith fabricating Though de Gaylie's mission to, Writes veteran Paris corres: f isin n a Shines nae a Algeria ended in tragedy and is pondept Darsie Gille in the Lon AWIEnce, a former detective generally regarded as having don weekly magavine The Spec with Hamilton police, was freed roied™ in its cone History hie Divorces | Headway TORONTH (CP ABs frying 16 wtenge Wegal prac tices in Ontario's Mymwee proce geria, On leaving New York, Sovsieiie Wes Quel as sRYWE; HTES wen Blyoree pation Gaulle was thet of a woman whe had Re conection with the case These have heen similar allega- tions since thes, When a corn is served, ibs: pi the per: { the nursery home of Mi, Mrs. Philip La France a (CR Wirephotn Integration on 82000 bail but Miss Chiamp) ialor conld not raise the money Police seized the detective's di voree files hut would not com: ment, Lawrence sald the charge stems from an investigation he 'Problem Here OVTAWA (CPI will stil} re fie many years 0 achieve tives, M have achieyed something Before the imposition of cen sorship during the riots, enoweh filkered through by way of radio may "The right-wing opposition thet will he to the fore in France in the next few weeks is not likely to hear wany of the external marks of fascism, though thet complete Integration of Cana dian Indian students into the Fegular school system, Citizen ship Minister Fairclough said in : y f 5 i britality at the hands of Toronto! beaten him also in arother room. she had burned Lepine with al" Commons Monday She spoke in response to an ap peal by Frank Howard (CCF skeena) for elimination of all pecial Indian day and residen tial schools administered by the federal government, He said In dian students should atlend the same schools as non-Indians and he fully integrated into the pro vineial educational systems aernss the The House approved mentary approprigiions J country supple for the statement was given volun: current fiscal year amounting Lolpassed four bylaws covering de- $1,200,500, Most Mrs, Fairclough {spent on winler Lio employ Indian Holdup Man Chased Out MOUNTAIN A armed-holdup fled of the sald works money would he projects | (cr) man would-he without career when loot Monday night when his at. deputy minister of municipal af tempted robbery of the Mountain {post office mel with a barrage of missiles from the postmaster, Clair Van Allen, 60, postmastey here the last 20 years, sald he was startled hy the masked gun: man and greeted him first with an emply mall hag and then chased him out of the hullding hrandishing a child's sled, As the gunman fled, his sawed: off shotgun discharged and hlasted a gaping hole in the post office eeiling 'Winter Works Program lls Eight Volumes | Fi rl | By ROBERT RICE wadian Press Staff Writer OTTAWA (CP) Eight black hound hooks tell the story of the government's $30,000,000 winter works program to fight seasonal unemployment in Canada, Labor Minister Stare kept them arrayed neatly hefore him Mon day as he defended the winter works estimate in the Commons against a "welikedt-hut!' attack {from Liberal and CCE erities The hooks, sald Mp, Stare, [show 'exactly what has heen happening in every city, town and pivavinee under this pro gram." The $30,000,000 measure under which the federal treasury puts up half the payroll cost for ap proved works programs was de sorthed hy Mp, Stare as the most comprehensive program of this kind ever placed before the Parliament of Canada," He said] it would provide about 100,000 \abs--that 4,680 projects worth $203,000,000, involving 78,000 Jobs, | t | | will no doubt he a strong H not the strongest element in it, "I will masoewsre as the champion of & restored pariia- mentarianism, and i will even have. the support of some sockal: ists, The president will pay heave Hy for the isolation he chosen, But he will fight," BACKACHE? For valisl from backache or thet {elev ew, CO conducted for Mrs. Boss Morley he evision and newspabers to i " Homion Moslem nationalism is a genuine nthe process-serving InVesti- ioroe "rather than something eon: gation, Bohert J, Gray, » Process fined to the minority of the Server for 10 years, was com: Algerian rebel movement mitted last week for trial for per i # p 18 Junry and perverting the course My Franoniansais I hetion fo o_Justice Europeans seitlers, the Moslems hoisted the green and white istandard of Erhat Abbas' rebels) and numbers were shot for their pains Passes Bylaws Many of those killed were shal n me ' " . from the roofs or upper windows| STRATFORD (CP)~Cily coun-| op apartment huildings; and some! ell was missing three of is 11 reports sald by no means all of members Monday night when Ito pune is were fired hy French soldiers or paratroops SPOTLIGHT ON PARIS Now the battleground shifts to) § Small Council henture issues for a (otal of 858, LL] To pass such -hylaws, accord: In Toronto, Lome Cumming, AS YOU RECORATE YOUR MASONRY W ASK FOR MASONRY PAINT , Availgble ot ERNIE CAY LUMBER €O, LTD "When It's Lumber Call Our Number" 53 ALBERT §T RA B:0100 Travelling Overseas WHY NOT FLY v [ for the | "The modern way to ing to the Ontario Municipal Act, metropolitan France, de Gaulle gested the four bylaws he passed that right-wing political oppon- phone and dangerous ft, His is voles hy telephone, He said, how | can he given ta the bylaws, Turned Down {Marist Teaching Brothers, 8 Ro-lion certification affecting 65 em- Classrooms, | Jointly hy the Teamsters, Chaul-| |of the International Brotherhood A Canadian Lahor Relations share of the payroll cost set at|showed a minority in favor of the [ernment putting up ahout $77, The figures, said Mr, Martin, a period of high unemployment supplementary estimates placed travel is by air,' worth of spending plans, So far, | al least three - quarters of thelis determined to push ahead with eoumell must he present and his plans, including the Jan, 8 vole, But Mayor C. H, Meler sug: referendum, hut there are signs hy those present and that thelenis are going to try to frustrate city elerk obtain approval of the his plans ahsent members over (the tele: Soustelle is & resolute, shrewd one of the few politicians who [ean make the discredited slogan fairs, doubled the validity of the » ever, that the Ontario Municipal | Union P ermit Board's approval will Pye quired before & third reading NEW SCHOOL | OTTAWA (CP)=The labor de: QUEBEC (CP) A $1,000,000) ngrment Monday announced re: school to he administered by the jection of an application for un: man Catholic order, will be bullt| plovees of Tank Truck Transport at Subirban, Leva, The throm, Limited, Point Edward, Ont, storey huilding will eontain The application was made |feurs, Warehousemen and Help| ers, Local 880, and the General | Truck Drivers' Union, Local 988, {of Teamsters, Chaulfeurs, Ware: housemen and Helpers of Amer: len, [it meant seven projects worth| Board survey of the workers in $466,830, providing Jobs for 17§(COMPpany terminals In Bahia, men, with the government's Toronto and Sudbury, Ont, $5,401 application, For Peterborough, it meant 88] pa projects, 468 jobs, with the gov. {600 as its share of the payroll| [MIL] TELMED INADEQUATE revealed the inadequacy of the program, They showed the lim ited numher of jobs provided in The dehate on the winter works program was part of the general consideration of the fourth set of hefore the Commons 1960-61 fiscal year, The estimates cover $54,204,018 | total hudgeted appropriations for | the federal government run to $5,809,069, 529 LY for information regarding any form of travel , , , DIAL RA 3-944] had heen approved up to last Friday DOESN'T AGRER Lionel Chevrier (1 Montreal | Laurier) ald It did nothing to help distressed areas, a feld in whieh the government "has com pletely fallen down." Frank Howard (COF--Skeena) called 11 a "patchwork" program forced on the Conservative gov ercment hy the seriousness of the unemployment problem. He sald the winter warks soheme was helpful, but when balanced against high-interest rates charged on municipal loans, it left municipalities hardly any heller aff Paul Martin (L---Bssex East) | got Mp, Starr to peep inte his| black hooks ta find out exaell what the winter works program meant for two elties--Peterhor- ough and Cornwall ! For Cornwall, said Mv. Stare, | ORGANIST 9-12 NIGHTLY Wednesday, Friday & Soturday Afternoon Johnny McMann Featuring: Xmas Music = Dec. 19.24 NOTEL LANCASTER We have o direst Toronte telephone line for prampt Alrline Reservations MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE 22 SIMCOE ST, SOUTH, OSHAWA DIAL RA 3.944) Owned and aperated by Thomas Meadew and Co, Canada Lid, Did You Know , , , In the main Piping Reem eof the GENOSHA HOTEL vou can have a Full-course Dinner for ONLY 98¢, Have a complete line of quality clothing gifts far the Boy an your Christmas list, ® SWEATERS ® PYJAMAS ® SHIRTS ® GLOVES * HRY ® SOCKS VISIT OUR BOYS' DEPT, DOWNSTAIRS MEN'S WEAR ATH, "The House of Style For Men and Boys" 74 SIMCOE NORTH RA 33611 -- rh --------] | RRR a >