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The Oshawa Times, 20 Dec 1960, p. 3

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7% we Dshaw wren, | desoid of practical OWEN SOUND 1S EXPERIENCING RE of ORG Wonbay RTM i) AL WINTER al 42 Wink RNs A ERA This picture Gergen Bs Bound hed » le Erik os inches of Rew Rov oR The Owen Sound ds Oven 0 f# of | wae of he MRS, MILIICENT MARY EDGELL The death peeyrred of & heart wlighting from # Cttlities * ld Sm [ee Fdgell The Baxter Asughier of sareh Bax B, 1883. @ and was married af and, Feb, 12, 1906 following their marringe Mrs, Edgell A resident of Canada ears, Mis Edgell SMINErs al NET Home 8 Bd Ihe wWinle rigughter and EWE, Ble rhe Netoher Predecessed by he William Alfred Edgell 1957, Mrs, Edgell i her daughter, Mrs, Roy in (Bel 2656 Burk two grandchild een snd Donna The memo neld at ihe Home at 2 p.m 21, Interment n #5 the 1% LACE saws Pu hus sit 8 Cammiss of om Agughie fonds Mi ) her Thi yenr Mil Hicent Wes ana Be » former 1h the Shu 5 horn Aug Wakefield, Frgland Leeds, Eng Iminedisley WM Canada fon came 0 59 spent { § § son to nushand,| Feb, 10 ( veel Brenda Martin ( lari i be Iners) al ser Armstrong Wednesds Dex in the fam Nestleton Cemetery. | will be under the the Jehovah's Wil ¥ Vill De auspices of nesses ROSS AR SAND BON EDGA 2 of Mai hee hee: 8 4 son of the dh y sons, Robert and Danny | Also su 5 W Rowntree and the late Freeman) Sandison, he was a lifetime resi: dent of Port Perry, He was mar vied 25 years ago to the former Frances Whittier at Port Perry Mr. Bandison was the propri etor of the Sandison Sand and Gravel Company and was a8 mem ber of the United Church The deceased is his wife, Frances Mrs, Anne Sandison ters, Lois and Anne Walter, all al home A brother, James and two: sisters Knight (Sarah), and dore Knight (Ruth Perry, also survive Ie body Dermoti Home, Port survived hy his mother, | two daugh and a son, 8 of Mrs Mrs hath of Ashhurn Iheo Is Vesting al the M Panabaker Perry, for service nie A po ALEXANDER iSeopty) F REM h nemner {padian Legion and Lhe the az pm alter Res BWA Genera efternoon heart Ged soon aller being adr andi hoEpiiag) A 6 her deceased wag to Oshawa gs & child he My " om. Af awe tor Lions Assi During the Ne served gs & [Wilh the grimy service corps over seas from 194] He Ross kana Sandison died sud- his 1 Gregory, whom he married here in Roa 1946; liam Ken Greentree (Christine Oshawa (Martha) hrothe and awa Ih J neral Home at De Cleve lster Chureh Port! Interment Lnlon Ih Funeral | Legion will in'the 2 OW Des fo Utica chapel Wednesday Interment the Bends! Cemetery Nelson K. Legrow he funersl serv will 4 con 0s Cll A expander Beid, 7% died pt the Hospitgl Mondey 19. Mr. Reid, win year, sulfered € BL work and mitted to 1941, Des $ist VINEE W Alex awe, the Glasgow Ciaming em and Mrs of Osi Dorn 24 son of My vr Reid, Sr in land, March 194) Wis Av are Heners ie rm ana hi Fimeni the south plant Reid wa United Church of Branch 43 WE ent Was aqner ol He of an i the Ca & member Areng Wi Oshawa Children's mission ter played Generals, Mr, Reid played with the Wemble British lee Hocke he with the Osh time ol # he lation Wo despatch Wa riage pecong a to 1945 | Is survived by his parenis;| wite, the former Patricia Hurying to Ihe Christmas | pa or drunk on the way home? It makes no difference hoth can have the same result, Drivers are ueged lo take ex- tra cave during the holiday. sea- two deughters, Barbavs and two FVIVIng are four Kellar Mrs Sholdrg and sisters wil an o and Mis bi qi of Hamilton and James of Madoc Pre gland Andrew of Hamilton Hohert and Murray of Osi {Jean (Anne) N KE, BIRD Sali Writer I'he Supre has upheld issued bh 11 Organizations ine hannin By JOHN Canadian Press OTTAWA (CP Canada ol 1 be held Anderson Fu pm, Thursda Rev, H A, Mellow Northminster Ul eonduet | will he Cemetery members of onduet € funeral ie service Melnlosh me 3 the 3 Court of egality { i fond opposed 2 stamps Wo 2 min: tami United |! stores | to them federal trading Ihe anada larg chain hut will econ law stamp. of If n service Os sig for types 0 . pre a al e the Canadian serviee al UnAnImou sald that in an judgment Monday tamps heing ued hy Lohla Groceteria Company (Manitoba cour n emeters CITY AND DISTRICT Limited and an Independent Giro { Alllance not lore in Ie (rading stamp 21} i f rim ROTARY VISITORS Rotarians from other club: tending the Christmas held by the Rotary Club iwa, at Hotel Genosha ght, were Robert Harman Parry Bound, Tom Roherison of Whithy and \Martin of Bow manville al Party of Osh Monda M te 11] 1 AMBULANCE I Oshawa Fire reported 10 routine calls Monday and this morning fine grass flre was extinguished nm Thonrton road north and one false alarm was answered al Simeoe and Broek streets CALLS HOSPITAL REPORT Following Is the report of the Oshawa General Hospital for the week ending Dec. 17. admissions M7; births male female 1: discharges. 28; newborn dis charges male female 22 major surgery miner suv gery 81; eve, ear andl throat WW: treatments and examinations, | J 19; physiotherapy treat nants 1h 24 y nose Cass i CIVIC bay ammual | san of the Rotary Club af awa will he held Manda 9 + 1881 The speaker Anthony Adamson, MA rok sar af arehitecture at the Univer sity Toronto sts wt lungheon will include member the Oshawa City Clunetl, elvie department heads, members the board of education, public Hilities commission and sepa rate board well as DINNER " Day The ol Ge ne school as hoard and commission heads and (valued al [we h of | elo ) \ ships afl ta Shakespeare son vlosed Department | east ambulance cent possible upen to local traffie To collision at King street and Parl oad nated $400 damage resulted from aceident na Vista the other hing §0n on 8 un 5, 1 pe ended sentence N s of & camera and bla former of [Also oak re Ié § Py sé meaning of Vrs Hona wigan | adequate We il [3 go Ci reeves of neighbors fnwn A Plumpire né { ow A STREETS CLOSED 0 followi to south in Awa | to ba Hp | rnment ) 0 ensur ng &sireels traffic from he Wilson Crerar avenug avenue Nie road south, from Gibn he CPR: Stevenson al the CNR from Ritson these ted the 11] 1] toda 0 If Kk the " amend en minal Code ire that sires! pes tamps are banned govermnmer aurt's decision w der - It pre ald the ihe 200) at RH sult have | and 1 fuale wih Rossland road re Greta north, Wheng streels will closed previou to es or I I an v ale fleal ' fin stamps APPEAL Ihe Supreme ruling in dismissing an appeal b the attorney-general Manitoba against lower oourt Judg § Loblaw and One car wa LF x illegal Hurteh i street, The Car was John of 32 King streel DISMISSED Cou $00 DAMAGE Cars involved made 1 0 were na of Monday night An est ment IGA ithin th Cade Viee larence riminal Laird sa doubt meanin { In Taranto president ne L¢ er in an FINED $50 ality Marks, 68, of 368 was fined $30 Magistrate ¥ fox being \M W Manitoba Merchants per eent of ave WKS sireel ow a general manager of division -of the Retal Association, sald 9% Canadian elallers jirading stamps a costly and vasteful tem of advestising He said retallers and consumers Swater, was given a from coast to coast will petition | by Magisiva te the federal government to change Monday, for stealing ine code amps ankets from his/ al) their varieties employer, Clare Snoddon Regina Attorney RR 1, Blackwater, Des 1 Walke more told the court he a ' tems to hold until Sued still wages, Me § Approximately 0 'thelr owner mn os Ebbs, Manday Kin a publie place 1a Hgainst GIVEN PROBATION oF mer Densmore of RF { Ebbs to outlaw s General Saskat halding In Rabe of Mal Wahrood threat The hill poverament e hill amps Ais §9 Pa as a J hej oontral aff : | i returned provineial COMING EVENTS 3 FERNHILL (Restate: Hinge tonight at AVRIOR A 8 pom, 30 games 8 and $10 bh, $0 ackpeia. Free Tursers KINSMEN BINGO TUESDAY, DEC. 20th Al MISSION RA BL 56 Union Wall, Bond Stree December pW six M0 fackpats "iN Wed games Share FREE § EAM 3 JUBILEE PAVILION INDUSTRIAL COMMISSIONER CITY oF 'OsHAWA CHAIRMAN. Industrial Commimion Cy Nell, shave 28 ae vea | fo WEATHER CER P bry & dl (EF Wirephots) oh Rikis Ths pr 4 are pian on drunk drivers, Police Flintoff has law will he favor or son. Oshawa ping an al i and impaired Chief Herbert warned that the enforced without fear police 0 drive retail ale Ces nigh licensing A Federation organiza prac th # Lem Canadian It the Agriculluy vill the spokesman ¥ of sald mn Also pres Crim his in Amendment to nal Code In § Bonne rading cerned the h Alla Brit egislation ais cloria sald 0 con thution proving stamp th Under ml ramps anyon Wing, giving or MPs Going Home OTTAWA Christmas he ment Plg ha h Parl due al hom [ ranks gN\Jnembers £ Ho hudgel } vin tonigl ) dma and Wasi 1'lie night of # to i show I oh departs Wednesday reeanvi Mind to daskatoon Bask vith his night. He cheek mem hers from const Cammon the alread for 16 Dielenhaker and Prince wite Wed Christ. | i5es holiday Prime vill fly Albert nesday ng Jan @1 CAR, Damage sulted TRUCK COLLIDE $340 estimated at re hen a car was na calls With a truek Rloor and Simeone morning, The John ( street by streel rans Sireets Car i Monday hy W 8 Ihe Arthur adn Vas Vals truck i fuere Oxtard driven Drew Science Now CAPSULE NEWS | Legion Gets New Name alin imhia's| pres {have of | had all in pend mas inned | visiting mvolved| throw Was iremalin Wd ter OVEAR A (CF A SRERT f ekihy AK Samad ata s SERIE TRE rims wR pissy ws Ke pe Cb li% VRE AER wa wk es ik wk A * oe Hide Like wy w VIS MW nk HERE TR PLAN I'SPHERGROLSH HA TORONTO CFF Uatrn VF owowis ® 9 WH fer ah rh AREAS fia Legon Ce 5 > me fe a $5h Rare WW west, RBILY DC td Mad * ad EVO ENSEATS LINDSAY MAYOR LINE cy Aten atm NIEAY Joe Bollon. #2. Monday becpme fing ier g CMA BROWER Last Re DON'T LET THIS HAPPEN TO YOU sald he hoped this wolulg prevent some "otherwise law-abiding citi en from spending Christ mas in Jal Oshawa delay He Warning Times Photo Trading Stamps Legal "But Pressure Continues selling 1 to & mer chan the adi ng stamps of an ortence is io seount bul ale merchant fres ap na Dupree veleomed wiation of Charles We on pla Co the Canadian Companies VieV adden, ould n stamp plans they were and within Wis 0 ] The Vas Ass it h) stamp Farentn ident embarked we 0 interes! aud Ver ie leved the law publi the "i For Christmas the same way la aged mathe pital | kalpon I'he Of ia Tor ottielal Pearsons going agree te ele) I Gar, ale Hie leader's a mio this opposit marcied mathe daughter with dwell, Aides Pearson's a new grandehild on thyee sald Age wor pat randehildren Hg Mrs nearly and old alder i] monins terned travel plans CCF Leader Hazen spending Christmas at fay first time routing was to ret Naskatohewan constituenoy # eolmmunity party SPLITS HOLIDAYS Justice Minister Fulton here for Christmas British Columbia for New External Affairs Minis Green, just hack from Paris NATO talks, had plans to go to Argue Is his hame Normally to his and here the le wn will and go to Year's hrinks Piles Without Pain Or Discomfort Finds Healing Substance That Relieves Pain And Tiching As Tt Shrinks Hemorrhoids Toronte, Ou the fret Hime selence new healing substance with the to shrink hemorrhoids and to velieve pain and itehing Thousands NS heun veeved With this inexpensive substance wight in the privacy of thelr awn home without anv disoam fort or moouven (petal) For has found a ability hold ase alter StREng 1Tmpraves parted and veritied servations lieved. And RVing pain, actual raction (shrinking) Then by PR dove tors ab Py re reduc And most amazing of all this fmprovement was mamtamed Wn ARES W ars' ahservations a Nay 0 pariod of | In. fa0h, results were so thorough | Phat sulterers were able Ww make such statements as "Piles have oeased to be a problem!" And among these sulferers were a very wide variety of hemorrhoid cons | ditions, same of aven 10 ta 20 vears' standing All this, without the use of nam ootics, anasthotios ar astringents of ny kind, The seoret is & new heal ing substance (Bio-Dyne)--the discovery of a famous solentifie ine stitute, Already, RigsDyng is in wide use far healing injured tissue an all parts of the body This new he § substance is altered in suppository or ointment form called Preparation H, Ask for individually sealed convenient Preparation H Suppositories or Preparation i ointment with special applicator, Preparation H 15 sold at all drug res Satislaction guarantead or money refunded » had poles IT et 16100] and | : Kaige Ueym Livyd Bwrows we glen Vad igi fy a M5 per nest of the PRIER "wh JER wi £5 In Pe r AR VENEER FETE Wl ey CRITICVIES MAYOR CRAVEBAM CP ya Hees Wo Yemdey arises Yeo Garnet Bevk Sok HIRE & TRI Riko 4 Ww 8 EE id iia we Emer ganey Mesowrne Organization in Ars prox. Si ey] Comnty : ini Asi er for V& # we = 3 RIFRREE THAFSE TER FRDTRSERE LrRes WHR ae # Whe Bak 1E wit ( ea ik Ry p by 8d. Io Bar fe GODYEAR SHITE DOWY ORONTO (CRIA damn by Good Crapper) New WEE BH ® and Ru gs is € coed fad AHWR ONCE Arps 0 Werks wi ¢ Tr 2 horn iq i" ¥ ALSO STIS ro VICEVTS FORO cp ADMITS RAILROAD PRANK OSHA op student An Pacific placed Mondg ir for ce B i of same WELFARY TORONTI 4,000 ney er ted J CASES op well INCREASE ) More L are ( i 1 the Ontario department ammounced |The increase was near) | cent in 48,568 from 54,787 | horough recorded the sharpest climh, to i 163 from 436, ov a vise | 178.6 per cent LECTURES PLANNED TORONTO (CP) Civil defence eciures will introduced 16 Toronto secondary schools next year, James R, Morgan superintendent of secondary sald Monda GIFT GUIDE GIFT SPOTTER he Gif fied is neat iV arranged your SNOpping pleasure throu this wonderland | Christmas suggestions gi problems | {toher Monday he chools Bpotter in Classi And convenient gift Go of and Kasy | for th | #olve to Vancouver hut here Finance children now intends stay Minister back from remain here while {ter Hees will have | Toronto before Fleming, his school, will I'rade Minis Christmas In attending the Dee | | wedding of a daughter In Eng | land Defence spend Minister Harkness will time in Calgary and Agriculture Minister Alvin Ham Itan will shiek to Eastern Can ada, Northern Affairs Minister Dinsdale will he celebrating Christmas in Manitoba prabahly his Hrandon home Fisheries Minister MacLean | Will be here for the 25th and back in Prince Edward Island later Revenue Minister Nowlan will he at Wolfville, N.§ some | 05 PII AL PEOWRE thn laches of show Ww many localities yesterday es might Twine moving east of the province ~OF MW irephmts THE WEATHER OFFICE Shere senting of One erie wil have manly ciondy shies BRA DETINds of Vg SRW ihiay WHE RET setione of ds «ai /*1 wily swnmy wes ; Cl ar is spreading iy nly wil regions of Que: hee plier a wepk sysiem gave Move to Tighten WEATHER FORECAST Bankruplcy Act n { 8 r Ii dreds of esiales ver nto hankruple sider |Bimeoe | ( ¥ F I was charged after he broke three windows 10 tal damage of $200 {a {hankruptes { € 2d er ee 7 (od iA y veld in hundreds o hier Wp the bans. Mi +i iy & Commons Mon BAP Rk ay tad ap pry BLK II regia OFFAWA Sunny Today A Little Cloud Ending overnight. Winds light to y, £Bsl Lo porthenst 2 lowight Wednesday Georgian Bay lend Lake, Timm) ing, White River gions, North Bay, Sudbury Runny th coudy periods sud # i snowiiurries todey an Continuing ro the @ for Commons $00 vole to vers and YOROXYO (CP)--Forecasis yr Cold snd generally wealher continue ove ut the most southern sections oA Ontario during the next couple ve. The southern ares mre expected 9 he affected B Bow centred in sourl amd expected cloudy skies and snow todey will follow the and Wednesday ern lake Huron, Lake io regions, Toronto: Sunny cloudy periods, contingin today and Wedn Wingham Sho Urries Beginning Hamilton ing the sfterncox evemnpg snd} 5 'Canadian Plant "Moves To U.S. MASSENA, N.Y. (AP A Canpdign company plane to cross the Si, Lawrence Sepwsy and! e«tablish a plant here pied pt 8 re Baliburion Kapuskas dpmes Bey re angle lerms y cases, He dated from len the Conservi wes elected of nrougin pttention proceeding way of prose by southern wring periods Partial yelem io BY Winds fight Forecast Temperatnres tonight, high Wednes $day 1] Ww BInem IRE mE heen / clearing OVErN Noi Ontar ih Low Windso Thomas {London Kitchener naa NE Bas nem hy cold sday Jade KE BAMINISIYE n few dui or het for ¥ ow a ine on Toronie Peterborough Trenton | Killgloe | Muskoks | North Bay Sudbury Eariton Kapuskasing White River Moosonee £ pdaeq and govern here had heen n rol and cont gion appointed LAIMS NEED URGENT J sald the $30.000 ently in addition lo SR] voled for the irrent year's administra of ankruptey get The Cornwall Brass and MP was instructed to|F undries will form & new. cor: One prosecutor was | POFALion #nd open the plant next niended to handle the ¥eer, it was announced Monday, s hut when the justice! The company now is in Cornwall, | looked further into|Ont "so many hun.| Cornwall Brass will supply involved," and|castings to the Reynolds Metals that addi-|1Co,, which has a plant nearby, aecountanecy (the Aluminum Co, of America| and other metal fabricators, Ii expects eventually te em-| ploy several hundred persons | here lon Was VE needed IE 15ly fise the RI Iron lon jepartiment he cases i found weh so tangled, legal and yas needed Wineh (CCF ~-Vancou sald he hoped the act would also be trengthened deal with busi-| The New York Business Devel. iesemen who go into bankruptey opment Corp, has approved J vith one firm and Immediately |loan of $120,000 to the new cor: tablish a new firm to carry on. |poration, which will raise another Mr. Fulton sald he would con. $80,000 through issuance of stock whether discharges from certificates given ton len courts ie onal FIRST GRADE SET ICE Harold East) to i he re hy CASH & CARRY per square 6.566 ons) 1. 46 por squere colo INQUIRE Af Aen Me McOULLOUGH pt DIRECTOR NAMED LUMBER GENEVA (Reuters) --Canadian Deputy aber Minister Arthur H 1270 SIMCOE ST. N, | Brown has been nam rector | of the International Labor Organ: RA 8.4688 ization's office in Ottawa, If was announced here Monday BROKE 7 WINDOWS Doucette, 28, of 356 sireel south, was reman- sentence, by Magistrate hhs, Monday when he guilty to @& charge of intoxication and three The accused Clarence for led leaded rublic harges of mischief estimated to. with an VE Big Sale NOW ON! ! UPHOLSTERED PLATFORM ROCKERS 29.95 WILSON FURNITURE 20 CHURCH § RADIANT CONTROL TOASTER drop In the Tender EAT'N TRUE -TRIM BEEF (-. 12 KING ST, E, RA 3.3633 Meat Specials ! Wed. Only! TENDER CLUB STEAKS Ib. 59¢ FRESH MADE COUNTRY STYLE SAUSAGE 5 lbs. 1.00 You'll scarcely believe your eyes when you see the sheer magic of this completely awtomatic Sunbeam Toaster, All you do is drop in the hread, Bread lowers FRESH MADE Veal Patties 3 lbs. 1.00 itself antomatically, no levers to push, Toast radses itself silemtly, without popping or banging, And what toast --every slice alike from first to last, It's the toaster that has changed the public's conception of what an automatic toaster should do, 'MEAGHER' 5 KING ST. W, "Get The Pick Of The Flock" ORDER YOUR XMAS FOWL NOW! We have Oshawa's Finest Selection of TURKEYS, GEESE, DUCKS, CHICKENS, CAPONS as well as o big selection of SMOKED and COOKED MEATS. ALL AT LOWEST MARKET PRICES ! OSHAWA RA 3.3425

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