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The Oshawa Times, 20 Dec 1960, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA TIES Toneday Becomber 18, 1968 ' HITBY and DISTRICT Sauerkraut Soured 'Whitby Moves To ears Sra tb, ur 1 Out BW" rd Mother Say Daughters Leave Coudity vy hm, / wild Jesus er M Vind& gemien hg z 3 i Pickering Town Wig resident wn Adin f any been spravel mw the catdige Honday 19d & sirraaaie cowl i! RN Waclinaid, # farmer her garden, loom which the The SVAN lke in Wikthy's Rar se had heen saccaseied to Fer mAner s Kam BL REE The DigRew ander sauarkrant was made She sod ETIRIIER SOCEHIRER 1) 0 CARE HER AR WEFT RERE them Aaied trom home, sid hat le ofien vines she smnkied the Pants g Aton append court 1a) week lias She secondeR & motion by of 7 Aart of saver IREre. We onid thst Tie sgaesien suit tn key insets away hak mie wa PEROT HR Fir Fie ih BA oi Warren Yes at nearly IB gears pgm. The once (6 Wis. Dighowander What Her seier, Was. Elsm. deg "998 Commitee on lays apd teat the motion by Ye. Brooks ww, Mies. lake Bleon and Mrs. the go and live with Ber Bail: told the wowt of her mothe AP Hine bp HUANG B IARI sem Io the Commitee on by ated Tindinht, both of Atom, bn ters. He sald hat she 1d WO toiling of making & will in 1087 VIBE IF IRE secession of Winiihy [ams ind airhications the month kad ol 106 Lownaing, aE." BURT IREY Bh what They Wamtes fois ing instructions from her." REE Commby Eomneitior Harry Inkpen ph seeing tn set aside ther moth: they wold shave me Aown the father tn divide the ESSE SORE Eomnetlior Cemge Bike, with thit he Awitned any member A ers wit Wich leaves a Wace Shans « three domghie Berve Everett Guam Ee HARE Re prepaced tn vole wn Haem 1s gre former whe! Mrs, MM. Tindall spid tat the" She, tom . # that er mimi anaes, rmght in the ori@na mo- (ENIZERIY oh i on in have wales the farm wt $i60W Laem winch had Ween heswes on" br SR HH FIRAREE Cm wine was Later pended 15 the Tl pres cents wi hot frrher | The only wther legacies in the £8 tn Bennett had been tn the [ET SEOIES ke EWE 160 REE refer (he question 15 Commies | study k i of Mrs. Emma A Nigh | Wighswander family swer Hi BANGER: BIIEE INE SRUETRER ( poinetbhin tind TAI Red ft is time Wiithy win wy wRader. whe died in 10% ot B55. 4858 tf her great-grantiather incident. Bhe recalled me oes thiul the town shicitor he nstrct. seid Comnellor Brovks. "16 1s # sere $00 to each of the ton She said thet her mother do" #8 tater VERER WHER RET ed ln prepare & private I Io be goose laying the golden #ggs danghlers and $2 each ta (wo Ber In 1082 that she had made a IPREr mel Ber at the dow and presented at the newt session of dong with & coupe of other Var amid aah will, Itlowing advice trom hey FHEERSIeA that she showid Sap the legislature ta slow Whithy tn Larisa doa god Jutm A. Catbanaeh, # Markham hushand who had died that win PEF ee Fra From the county and pak When | look oh ony represent a: bieror. told Fudae Arthir Will. ter, In the sill, Mrs. Tindal sald lure How that Hom, De. 8. B. Dymond nd io, he rb ied and the wit. wha presided, that an duly her mother 1oid her tht al 1 ef ' : ! 1. Thomas. the provinost money we spent there, | think how ander. whom Aeihs were paid and the remaw WER Ihe she WRK members for this (own, presert!is time we go ow cen 1 Wis Wile be: Aer divided eaually among the £0 FRY 11m Ihe Rome and 19EX Lie il I feel perhaps we would be 1 ike Wis office and ask. three daughters. Sine that time, CONE Eangnl wp fo her 1h #1 His motion claimed (hat the better olf suid Deputy - reeve she out 3 will, Be said. one of the dangers has died friek and sewed Rey 16 FELER. Low's tRspeyers were hepg dis Wows wt | have not gt the edd that certain lean ie did not, she said, and Dinally . covminated against and r®resen- dolar signs 18 say what the re GAVE BALERKEALY hen she was #7 peighbor s tation wt the Ontario Conny Comn- subt wold he, | feel we cond get Getting tn the sauerkrant i» e. her mother served withi ell has Bo WERNINE oR the amount slong. withint the county system Vindal said she had Bennett and cossed her 1a ve- of money heng paid ta the hit we may be hetier, olf in Hay' H that ween Chrisimas and nin the home, She said hil CON) ' thn Now 194 and had she Mid not Miscuss with her, Comncillor Joyce Burns wonde Foduy, Reeve Everest Quantrtl : ed i anyone knew what i would and Deputy reeve Mowat will rep est tn present sich & Wl and i resent Whithy In # session a the any other mumicipainy of & sim Ontario County Cownetl nade in the will fw oH thie esiale, the if fn! artes Bennet Vander vd Wm not on friendly term ? 0 Aaugiter The » vr i WINAGRY oi ARB. IB, ened slap she Ad the eanrt that Benne Fame tn the tearm hetore her iF depth and worked Hu / (7 bith arm lor twarthivds of the crop PUYSIEAN TESTI 02 wan 1 net's, ow mr miammiers ge WHITBY BOWLING NEWS br. : Ad ' } ity H daughter, Mrs, Eva M. Wilson | 4 ! ¢ / ! aid that she olen visited he grandmother. She recalled hea WHITBY MEN'S MAJOK ove very erasing as the twa Ose shut was registered last top clubs, Courtice Pharmaey, 12 Tuesday as Wilson's Fond Market points and Bamhly Tiee, 11 points put TIYY in #1 val it was torn up and pit in the Wanked Mercantile Store; Bas meet head on. Mercantile Stores with 10 WINNERS IN LADY CURLERS SECTION 5 amir! ior | 6 9 DT oh ws lle POY DAR it dekory Louk vs, tom ond ily Por "wl 1 nnel p foberisn gu files inld her, shi iat Fen. GRANDMOTHER 11) doing the same to Conrtice Phar chance for the section WAREr SRY mother the reason for the threw ' REY mention the » mais AUETErat and | ad Bution's ofhiee hut had heen 10d rel OV Eanne K he also recalled he BULY: Mis and Hamhly Tire edging Bill dovdan was tap shooter this ists for the odd week with a nice 961 (388. 295 chedule winners al he he Eig ah " Curling Club display | ¥n om left tn right ars Ms ) i "Donalds Winter, Mrs. Wa biel heen rand Kraut mewdent She spd thal the © Ey Vion doctor had 1 he had oned hy DIY wel made her sick, toa, but her po 150, Iklowed by Gen. Diffe B66 wmather didn't say what had ext Tuesday the last night (510, 285, 271), Dave Reynolds B59 | o heen Fire Safety Urged WHITBY PERSONALS hh vile i vi Vid Vol ae a ide ov i thet st S70 Tot hot i wh the farm shi CRUSE 108 Man I don't think she knew." shi i, 27% dim Patierson B28 VR, 278 Bel Himes B01 (304 i ain aid thal in later years he had } e Barron, Broad-| My ana irs A Braun wh | ! id only he had bees i) Ben. Charles Bennett, #9, (old the done the cooking, washed the So eke A Ma MY 20 i} avenne. 0 ha Ww ing i ierialned 4 er Liddy d ¢ Hen oh } yi only dropped hie Court that he had come In the dishe erubhed the floors and; od ps gi i" ed \ ed the members 1 hithy B amily dinner in honor | nwination. he said that he ve ghswander farm in the autumn even the laundry HHH BHI were Jd hristma wus the chnstantiwith new ones. When purchasing { Chureh Ladi Ald i her mother, Mys. George Brown f 4 0 # dent ig n ly ba oo of 104] etic at [a sums Hp fie NERY. could wot ve Ernie White 201, Vie Wilks 778 158 of heating kd add a new strings, he sure In lank for home. A lovely dinner wa ved (present were Mr. and My ander and Bennelt eom- PRETTY C0 ih Mr, and Mrs. Nighswander.| member the lapping incident Ba ¢ Hremner 271, dim Suther 0 § } SA y of certifi and the 1 and table » vay Silver and childre > fA & A i 270, Bert Mewell 266, ( flock of new fire hazards to everyiine | mars of. ceriifiealin ind the tree a oie We y ro hii lwined of upsel stomaches- and he was pre cont in Jaler He (old of the share-crop agree: that Mrs, Elson spoke of, but he an 4 fi nel 1 buck home during the winnie SAMIN YUUF Besiranee hat they are he was happy f alten the sanerkram ated for the Christmas fs Mr. V. Yema, of Toran mentioned that the had eaten id M Vindal There ment d remember. the sauerkraut 7" i eh ht a i, h epkend gles as ig vk ant He Ma that he was guile a marked change. Ini He told the court thal he was He sald that it had heen served { Borah k 2A, Doug Rowden 25) A, [a gl W ister a " wo het n it A ught they | i tonen of Du 1604, she said, a doctor told her lunaware [hat he was to receive lon Christmas Da 192, and h Congratutatic in the turkey 4 nd Mi mith of H DREW FIRST Wil thal Mi Vighswanaer had a. the farm until the will was read had taken I in the afternoon J hae Jupsey The symhol of Christmas [¢ eh as radiators, fireplaces and And ex HANRS al Rif} H k PIACE | oye} Horace Bitton, Stouttville soli: thom and would he un following her death. He valued The roads in the area. were winners: Mickey MeMaster, Gen vil the Christmas tree, can TV sets, Make sure, too, thal the Am ng he mem Is ' presen Mrs. BH. A. Housseau oval cor id thal he was Certam halaneen the farm al S108 and added blocked with i he sail and! okitte Dave Reynolds, Glen Rey tum from a glittering familyitree will not ohstruct any exit E00 iy wisi | Wy igi Hotel, and Mrs, Robert Gagnon, that Ws firm had drawn one will] examination Ars. [that there was a morigage of $900 he did not gel oul to see a dor aheck Carwon is ard hil Jor: ielight to a dangerous inferne i fram the room should it fall m Ly Mr. red and Mis of Euclid street. attended ihe If Vii hswander although' pindall said that she never saw against if or AE TE a ee A Te flan, arter Hie dim Suthey ve are careless of live safety! "An important point to remem: n Miller. The party closed with French Canadian Club card pars hen the fime came in produce Ihe that was made in 1842 Bhe was a nice old lady ald he consulted two doctors and! hehalf of 1) f rules, he said her is never to leave the house G00 00 Bo odietinn weld at Bt, Mary of the People's I i #il 3 could nol he found she only knew whal her mother he sad, "and easy to get along was (old that he was "full of Ho ike Pi Py ive re Thi hazard gro vith (he or go to hed and. leave the tres Binsmen's children's Christmas" I, Oshawa i dg that Here REF man had lold her yith Bhe wa partially EFI paison members A tho mn ms ize of the tree, the length of lights buming party was held on Saturday after Mr. and Mi Edward Hep ala 8 } Hine h re HEh Under cio examination hy pled, he sald, and since 1947, he | The case continues again to: Merry Christmas -, yr yn time it has heen cut, where itl Christma partie / YEW haon al Whithy arena Kin Mae|worth, of 416 John street west ie id a th any, od " PEM. Mare, counsel for Bennett, | had fixed her hair each day. He|day "hest in the New Year placed In the room and how Year's parties increase the prob famnson and Kin Paul MeGee Wl he entertaining friends and d ial the topic was what long It 1s kept after Christma lem of careless smoking whieh were in charge of the program. relatives on Saturday, Tee 24 Alwa select a fresh, green started nearly 10.000 fires in OR Cartoons and a short Christmas on the occasion of their 80th wed ' [] - 11 ef that | not dropping tari last year, The Fire Mar: siory were shown and Christmas ding anniversary Reprieve Fails 5 4 i abi i Tr needles," he said, "and keep it In shall advises all hosts and host: carnls were sung. At the singing! Whithy Council $i 196 i # copl place until you are ready esses In keep cigavelles and of dingle Bells, Banta Claus made | Knights of © ghus gave # "™ it up. matehes away from the tree and his appearance and treats were Christmas party Hr all vhildren | or ee om iz , gut off the trunk at ri heek for carelessly discard: distributed lo all ehiidren pres:-|of their members. 1 took place! angle about an inch and a hal a! iis after a party enl on Sunday afternoon at 81 Iohn from the hottom and place it in] Christmas decorations and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Richard. The k vangelist parish hall. Napo own 0gs waley R.21411 are another Christmas son and family, of Georgetown, |Ieon Bernler, Council activity "Be sure to keep the water tie hazard pent the weekend with his moth: |chairman, was in charge. Enter container full at all times Wrappings should he disposed #7, Mrs, V. 1. Richardson, of | tainment was provided by some or ie fie rocks on. Monday Inspect your strings of Vights/of in a metal garbage ean imme: Broek street south [of "the members' children and a hi Failed to win four , hours for hreaks, frays or shorts and!diately after the gifts have heenl Mrs. Marie Henry spent (helalso Banta Claus was present flirly freedom for Whithy's dogs replace any defective strings opened. Special care should hel Veekend in Trenton visiting her and disteibuied a gift to each!" hee months Council ap exercised were open flame ean. Ahern, Mr. David Lott child present. Movies were shown. [/7V04 a committee report eall Taal f [ i Ing for no relaxation in the dog) dles ave used for mantle or tahle control hylaw . | decorations, put, the Marshall ad [] In recent weeks, the council § V p | V as Bus Ser ice vises, it would he far safer not! 3rd Whith Scouts heel besieged from hoth sides of * se them al all the dog question, as il were, One pelition asked for some relaxa G d Observance of a few simple ules of fire safely will o [tion ta alloy gs at lar y Too 00 Hits Flat Oh ae " Have Christmas Party fon old ow Jom a6 large for Ih arning As ued by the sale from fire amd shock hazard Omarion office Fire May Choose a location in the room shall away from all source of hes last-dileh effort hy Council petition called for no ehange in . Mathers of Cubs and Seoils off A past president's pin was pre the present tie-up hylaw ays ounci | WHITBY the drd Whithy Packs were wel sented to Mrs. George Lomas hy his week, the committee on comed to a Christmas party by Mr. R. Vining who 1s secretary PrOtECHOR (0 persons and prop Whithy council, long tryin. to DAY.BY-DAY oul Leader Alex MeAllister.1of the group committee. Mp fT hrought in its report, read awn's hus service, now has a Whithy Firefighters quickly ex evening at All Saints' Anglican/tion of all for the fine work of hyvlaw i fey Lhe of blobs m. They have tinguished & small grass fire af Church hai od whee ial guests Mus, Lomax in the auxiliary Councillor Brooks however Councillor George Brooks, at a Ae Jawese Disposal flan mm APSE and My Hanley ver the A years vould not move that the report meeling of council on Monday| mday atternonn The fire Bill Clark. Cub Leade I An han Ir Cub Leader of Bin adopted. Councillors Coath and | ovening, reported that # meeting] spread to a nearby construction ok. shia : ader no pas arganized--the Cubs and| Burns mved the. adaption of the has heen held with Burley Coach shack, hut damage was minor f h ney i eer mavie of | Seout or a4 game before Mrs report Lines regarding service in Whit Deputy Fire Chief John Heard day ; AL camp ol previous years Armstrong aceompanied on the Counettlor Brooks introduced an| hy. dust when the service prob." timated the damage to he ap Ch was very much enjoyed hy piano for some carol mgng led amendment that dogs he allowed lems were all ironed out hel PVO¥Imately $100 pia od wi Calin Brown en hy Bill Clark. Assisting during at large from 5 pm. to 8 p.m. sald. the town came up with a tertained with a medley of Christ:|the party was Boh smith in Decemher, January and Feh.| new service two days later. this PICK BENT BOXER Mas time songs on the accordion| Santa Claus arrived and dis |ruary. He found no seconder and one by Church Bus Lines Limit ONDON (AP --Britam's box. 'Me0ding "White Christmas, "|tributed presents to all the hovel the report passed without amend ad which serves the town only [Ing writers Monday voted Brian fingle Bell Frosty the Snow: (wha then helped the social con: | ment Burley operates a line running|Cuivis, 34-year-old British and M30 and "Santa Claus 1s Com. vener, Mrs. M. Stubbings, and inte Whithy fram Bowmanville Empire welterweight champion, (108 (0 Town." Colin then invited her assistant convener. Mrs A J | het aided to make the party a and Oshawa the hest young hoxer of 1960 EVervone on jom nm singing 'Si Smith, serve a wonderful lunch greal suece He will meet with the Chureh(Curvis headed Jahn Caldwell, (Nt Night." Scout Ross MeKen: of sandwiches, cookies, ice cream As (he hoys were leaving they Lines this week for further dis-|British flyweight champion, and /€ played "Winter Wonderland" chaealate milk and coffer. Presi: were: given a package of Chris si ussions on hus service to make Chie alderwood, British light/ 40d "Slumbling" on the acoor- dent of the auxiliary, Mrs. © mas candy and an apple to take certain there will be no overlap. [heavywelght champion, who dion Inkpen, and other auxiliary mem: home with them i ping of service, 'were tied for second BROCK "rey Phone MO 618 Evening Sh 7:00 & 8:3 Now Playing ast Complete Show ot ery Ves that SEX makes any and CENTRE fd \ Say "Merry Christmas" an exerting new way! Wry IAN CARMICHAEL ALASTAIR SIM . : Ho many features make this new extension dark so it can be found qiiickly. Then, when PATRICIA BREDIN + BICHARD WATT + BRIC BARKER y phone wonderful for Christmas the veceiver is lifted, it lights up brightly te = : Notice the heautiful styling, for instance, make dialing easy. The little Princess comes THE \ and the Princess phone's small size. It graces in five lovely decorative colours: turquoise, any setting in the home, and saves precious blue, pink, beige and white, To arder yours, space on desk, night table or kitchen counter simply eall your Telephone Business Office, I'he dial lights up, too. It glows softly in the or "ask the man in our green truek", Io hth ARMY os T0 HELP yl | i TNE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA THEATRE GIFT TICKETS NOW ON SALE AT 80x ofmior | © WIRY who wished fn te. | 0 thelr Bubble Stand al the hes od . | Corners, Mom i } man wanamed drops hey 'B 7 go' nf Ling 0 Wakamed drops bes "| of the Buble, Albert Oshawa Tunes Phe

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