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The Oshawa Times, 20 Dec 1960, p. 6

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The Oshawa dimes iddosiia By Laneaicn Frew spies bese £ i ¥ ot Facade Doesn't Conceal Meaning Of Apartheid Sone CHTESPORARING TRpAt herp tiiily from South Adrics thet there sre » thet many people there sre having second thoughts shows the rightness and the practicality of the Nationalist govern ments apartheid policy. The may be founded on fat there 1s no indication thet the Nations Fr Spt reprts fact CRItZInbY liste are mMOReraling thew pine Nationalists stil) end ry to delude others thet whet they propose hes both moral and Thus, st National Republican thermsely es Aelude into thinking democratic sanction the Porty's the delegates COMET £86 vole Bp Six South oF last month resolution what the African Republic should be. Here ti-Communist pou on Christien end an dems cratic and not authoritarian; a member of the Commonwealth; & perliementsry al which based on the the 1 Alrics Act; & Head of State snd the Head of Govern Head acting as slate principles Sout state nn the would be with the i State ment separ ale ahove politics and initying tactor, and, g state in whieh all purs stice towards recigl and color groups would be ued with respect HERING IERIE a eng age ai tree REGELE ES Bis WEN 2% Vert oh SP South Aries. is pot But i ws clear from CNR REens. Of nw pubbished Ww lah Anca thier 5 80 a rere hs ads Bo liberal Hn thet lepton 5 ge 4h ck racial and CoM Cw ad 8 #55 Montreal Star the repuriican Dr. Verwoerd Africa's 1.500000 blood) will Ait bit sh : i ts gronps, The HIS A day Fria £ Betone phi thet South of a Colored mised { people lines strictly sepeipte rom Parliementary representa be denied them. The inferno apartheid will be conterred D Verwoerd this appear the part of the Nations! oog rot are wited den the white Full-Time Education D Francisco Says Mortimer J good to have tors Adler Way now of Ban or and again He was Toronto Ng up our I'he Hamilton Spectator talkin Canadian Club of to the about what 1s perhaps the greatest education nyth of them all to be as If anything needed gdded to one of the most elaborats mythologies we've developed If I were a legislator," said Dr, Adler who 1s Director of the Institute for Phil osophicel Research in eit | would abolish the term 'adult education Ni If the schools followed a liberal arts they for a life of learning his home one can become educeted in school tra should direct then lition Energies and not assume they turn out educated children with the granting of & degree." In our excitement over convincing our selves that we are wrong in our approach to education in this country and on this hallucination Russia Is turning out scien continent The for military like ; and if the aim of our schools and we jump at any Spectator argues, Because feasons tists sausages then we are "back ward' universities 18 to simply mass-produce technicians and mechanics, chemistry nuclear, or other kind, then we are any wan! Eine ith the k ating dination wit perience di Hut through howl nd He ha ol completed nothing how to broader § ming later oi The under Dy we to Adler be Gireel tood ie) entice I'he body learning and self-improvement the ol mind does not old as Fhe alter grow greatest powers 15 or 40, The children can learn is fiction grows old i { is growth of mine statement that anly It is an ation, It exciting and intelli ohser ght well put for a | gent mi register on those ho, erying pe of leisure hieh 18 nothing more than & vacuum of non-work; look to proliferating and cheap fill rather than educating them entertainment to their empty hours s through ili and inspiration lve storehouse of ci ations ledg to the 1CCeNs weumulated know Trees For Christmas The capablé these days, Homes and business areas are bright with lights and the air full of decarating places of business and moving into the the will be the foeal point of family Christmas atmosphere 1s ines is carols, Christmas trees are homes, and 1t 1s tree that celebra tion on Christmas morning I'he intreduction of the Christmas tree to North America was believed to have the the It developed rather slowly in been about of last beginning entury the United States, but was more readil accepted in Canada since many of our citizens were accustomed to it in Britain before coming here It was easily adaptable to Canada the symbolic too, because from heginning ever green trees the life have been of ever Christ plentiful lasting hy the Child almost every promised very nm part af the country For many years they were cut in ne The Oshawa Times L WILION, Publisher and General € GWYN NINSEY, Rditer Manage! Average Daily Net Paid as of April 30, 1960 16,999 order and much needles of fashion mu trees But rom tilation and waste valuable resulted from sheer carelessness demand for trees United State with the growing elsewhere, notably the and because of other factors, Christmas tree growing became a business proposition with scientific cultivation and cutting farmers and others with a new I'he which Christ tree farming has developed may be fact that 1958 more million Ontario grown trees were USA "the customer pro ash mae ding erop. extent seein in the mn than three exported most of them to the Since the old adage of as much to the 15 always right" applies other saleable last Ohio to find what people look for in « Christmas tree as any article, a survey was made year in Christmas tree According te the Outane Department { Lands and Forests, this 1s what was Needle-holding capacity the found Was most important consideration among 27 Another 17 traditional per cent of those surveyed per cent chose the back species sume 1 home hy which we a referred to the Another 106 foliage a8 most important; Kinds used as children density ol 1 placed priority on shape and balance and per cent put per cent the remaining 17 per cent had miscel laneous reasons for their choice It is interesting to note that Scotch with its good needle-halding capac the Scateh pine ity, was most popular tree pine alsa appears to be growing wm popu larity in this part of Canada possibly because it is being made mare plentiful through its ability to rapidly and the grov reach required sige in about hive event, the Larnstimas tree 1s established custom in Canada and be quite the Appropriately enoutl otters little Christmas just wouldnt sammie without i al & season when the outside attract, the fragrance of the hristmas tree nines READERS' VIEWS Public Apathy And Ratepayers INSIDE YOU Nervous Tension Can Be Released By BURTON H. VERN, MD DOES YOUR doctor think h ' ng from alle and roll, © This empo real those cold vhen But what ahoul eats and pounding hearts thing seems fing" hetore ever it all started you star ed grade eryhaod ou Were ithout a conscience Al n vears of age, you acted like A midget Videl | flzing other helonging ana claiming Un belie deas our Hittle vrongful Like ¢ elie horn astro people them Lr hes ours ahle and tumbled around in mind. Nothing YOU LEARNED Bul & } Tig seemed vears of training taugnl {1} hur yron from ang. You had deep In nem | auldn tn hes Gur mind and in place where th found aome nner glomic hiast float ther a mental force desires and surface on Lanse dden aras the ni mushroom eloud: Bu harrier still p signals warn ale an invisible vith ea VATIINg When radar au that profane trying to break through urally tense and ous Vhile NEAVE radar eels vi ike thoughts You na hecom anxi our rst six Year hasiec pattern, the re embrolders the eds hologleal elo the lire your psy of vous oring ACTS DIFFERENT ROLE All th energ Wt masquer as else, Amall may tereit vou Nightmare may gallop Normal eves nervous gushe ding something roams through your sleep stap seein and healthy ls ache al You ever PARAGRAPHICAL WISDOM + 30 centuries dren will hegin to talk as soon as they horn an anthro palogist, Then the infant will doetar spanked him step on may fee reed telephone pole o wom now ein are Says Ask the wha Why don't you piek on samebod aren men alk, That he deny to shoot You on sides ma n desig eve FACK In Ihe ad do ap-hox ery Hg a deep dice and play the numbers Lan release vo § ten GIANT NTEP Once You unde and a taken 8 giant ep io Vards You need to A CUrE think i hetore thoughts ma talk it yrong' vhen Nerve analyze and aul through you learn are wrong onl you give in to them pills nh may help you all i calmly An landing friend 0 may help tension, The psychi always Cush under fami dootm your anxious ALrisL's can lon that sinking feeling! 1] couch mailthox Is wide open for letters from readers, While he cannot undertake to answer individual letters, he will use readers' questions In his eolumn whenever possible and when they are of general Inter est, Address your letters to Dr Fern in care of this newspaper Fern's REPORT FROM U.K. By nplom disease Lineain's t gicinm © of the pet 1] people time good 1 must for mem timate open ) B free anti hership sims If me LAKPEY Ee} al moership and aitiligtions; geogre IJUES OF coLer ies ed; if the eharter of s drafted benefit of all expediency of & chief objective Oshawa; then, 8 association could do a good for Oshawa Would it not be for any community te have is taxpayers suddenly take sn ac tive interest in the spending of their own tax-<dollars; to have its administrators gently reminded now and then that they are em ployed by the people for the peo ple; to have its aldermen firm ly persuaded of the sanctity of the aldermanic oath, and prom pted to live up to it A ratepayers' association could Chryk suggests relations hb: officials and the eivie pride, and result In a of paiitical uitimale fo ie the ry) alepayers world of rejuvenating im ialson a ¥ prove public between eivic people, evoke in his words eivic. administration he name." worthy PAT SULLIVAN Usliawve CRUELTY Dear Si It is a erying shame that an mals should he lefl outside dur ing the winter months with ne shelter, It is terrible We wouldn't leave & man woman or child in that eondition Have nol animals feelings ton! Mrs. A. Harper Ushiave 10 Downing Street Secrets Revealed By M, MeINTYRE HOOD Special London (Eng) Correspondent The Oshawa Thies Na. 10 Far LONDON reel is rapid! empty shell of a bu tire root has {eariig down partition walls windows have real sf thy Downing hecaming an ding. lis en Workmen ave Ihe ank open gong necome h spaces, 0 foldings of steel Viale facade of And avound the hoard fence, with that trespassers prosecuted, and that no vithout & special tubing coves the structure area 18 a high plentiful notioes vill be CAR enter sty of In paying my regular v LAT office and the monwealth relations office across treet from Noa. 10, 1 have watched the gradual disembowel ment of the ding whieh has housed so many of Britain's ministers oaks pathetie pspecially In he glimmering lusk talling, And ane cannot help realizing the fmmens tv of the task of putting it all gether again in a new and mod am form RELICS ARE FOUND There 1s ine expected | 11) uside af nr min VOPKS Pass isits to foreign Com the [LTH prime Hghis as lea Un Alstori un We Wark o Na. 1 and esting side out the pected mysteries da thed hy the hy day being Now museum {ans 10 pay soene. And he Dulidlers Wica 108 are workmen for AS Deen Suslamary CIALIS and histo visits WArking aeep uw 10, have fourd & Tudor brick vall, belonging, it 1s believed to the ancient Whitehall Palace Archaeologists are studying this wal! to see whether it should he pulled down. Meanwhile, museum officials ave probing the wall for its historic secrets PERFECTLY BUILT One of the bullders expressed admiration of the bricklayers of bygone days who ballt the wall They must have be without equal, is his comment) He der olared the wall the most perfect ly built he had ever n Another historic gem is a steels framed window, uncovered hy builders on the first floor, Ex ports who have studied ¥ declare that it is a priceless specimen Workmen thi also discovered fireplaces of historic terest above floor level, It is believed that these had heen covered up many years ago and that the floors have either sunk or heen relaid PRISON CELL FOUND But one discovery which has ex pital historians more than any other is the existence in No. 10 oom plete prison cell, It has on doar, Historians express belief that this once housed a They No aA an the famous Queen of England say It was Queen Ann Although the wark dismant img the prime winist resi dence (is revealing fasowmating pages of history, it Is alse dan SOPONS. MO ancient are the foun dations that the workmen have 1 ©& Continued Decrease In Immigration Unless New Boom Starts In Canada FIaWA /f Rl a ibid ol ETRE WELT FRR a a ade i ye id HE Fle BL hae RELTERORS ji phen the Bop ver gh oh WL 16% TESA or CAPE T AR 15 RARER ETRE REE]. JR Frm gration shred 6 MB RRRE $s 56 497 to f Bony #7 be a Rack " bin VEIE # Ph = FS wi RV fe EEAAANEY WIRES mas 4A lw. 16905 £1 bape ERPs or pert £45 BY-GONE DAYS » YEARS AGH #lecied | Orie ana EFAOURLOn rae Hospils 1 8 Board the he ded # Train on con dou mak for a local ice she direction of Gordon club professional ing plans under the Thompson k B. Vesey was appointed purchasing agent of General Mo tors of Camada, succeeding the late RB. J. Mach arlane hound reigh train an rear of a standing freight CPR ling Bow dervalling the engine era { And CRUBINE main al manvine And se) derable damage ars 0 There was a strong trend In Lhe Chr plays. Tanks, field guns, hurrl cane and Spitfire aeroplanes were in popular demand nikita me dig Loy Ie streets paralyzed trafttie in many sections of the eity, Thirty minutes was required for the eity huses to reach Simcoe street from the garages on Hillerefi #ireel Reg N Oshawa assistant nstruetress Miss joined staff General Hospital superintendent of Nurses Mary Bourne fhe the as of LY chosen WH ne hort agricultural boys in Durham course in Home fo he given to Hampton wa the centre for courses for 385 County and a Keonomics was 260 rural girls DISTILLERS AND EMPIRE R # James Hoffa i Ad WERUTTE Wg aw RETR iT RR TETRA. ROG THAT FRR [0 REE WTR Fold BRA A eeE fm pant tw a aS he Cmas fama ¢ Vs ab A RETA RIE ET REE WRT Wi Be GE ER REE Fving Rik TRE ER RTRIRRRE 8 AW fle Wik ROE GAR 1 IRR WRETREAGY ERE AAC We vi THis HR REF RE expat wi prrive Bry EERARERE. RAAT Fehrs ml fromi gs ition mt he # Fk [rr ak ren CRRA) othe peony Boil 186 present Progressive CARaprvating gw erminem and he former Liberal adomm RYE FRSA gi BE DEE nes OPPONENTS AGREE Neher has prcepied ot Lnmigranis help RIWARY TEI, sgn & hase of homes, (ame HESERE BRA LIMBUBET Rirme However, t's nh possibie the mimigrativn Lap wm ot os ial I 'AR ITH She & periag wf w tad aah HR, i i oa EN ETP AY BE BRE of ai sy (at (I TETRN Ie exniak or anh Bepoy aid ¢ Fas LMS 0A0E wet - Bd WB # 18 - yes - pia Daniel veh a weer city fing y vip. Bowessr. hundreds of WIRE RE BEER retorning whe fmegnes hey cwidv't go Hanhy yok The RNaer Talis lets Guele Cy erly fine month win 0 TRIO ET Rita Canidae edad Sais fd pened Chars Robertson. # masking fier vetwrning to Pun Rak, Siorkiand WAY CHANGE PINICY Correwt government piiey of whiting hmmigranis in good fines and BIRERE the Bow wd times may be pitered By HIER OR RET RIRERATRERLS |» WE Prose Bf [Re Present ses of Parliament. However, mo he WB Rigging ARIE RS BE I. KG RIEES Trmmigrntion Minister Fale wlamgh ad the Commons in 1998 IRE Bel 8 DERE FEYIED ER 19 AE 8 We Fs ow hap Bi that WORE shi "a J ERR TRBLLERS SS Ren Inet IRE Rew void include "positive ap Mem FRlic PrRgram ii ising of slandards of mimi grams, Nexitie practices (on IR ET RUM 1a TEP REE sirictions in the presemt FEE BLIRE ad brig deal FRA Tk LEAVE Kennedy Press Secretary Attended Toronto School WASHING TON fe EET, § op Pp busky pre ( ) Pre aeni-e Bennedy i 8 RIES piana-pl be he of Canada hitter-sv eet memoris He wer . ¥ end show Toronks ed po He FT digious ' £ plano gave # H i £ yE&LOna Canad ix Mixed wit 1eciions ] his fathe eer Herbert BULA sa Meno death, Mining engin Balinger was geen Bn an on a Co mining expedition in mnie 1844) "You dredge up old memors sald he ear-od who James C, Hager) press secretar IVA ago 1 » Vor QOKed up ow md nan ih emen Lhe piano teacher, ( hourg, and 1 also sav we lived nn Lonsdale he recalled 'Hambourg was # person. He has a» reputation of helping jazz artists all over the country, 1 think he has a night club in Toronto now called The House of Hamhourg HAS FOND MEMORIES I've gol a lot of fond ories of Canada my uiree brothers forenla, George George 15 A Fancisco, Rie school principal ger, 8 popular the Washington press corps horn in Ban Francisco June 1925, of French Catholic and American Jewish ancestry. Ba inger edited a college newspaper al Ban Frangisco State College before he went into the US A house Road m wondertul mem You know two of were horn In and Richard salesman In San hard 8 a WEL in Connecticut figure ih Vis 4 Nav} He commanded a chaser off Okinawa a1 the age of If and was awarded the Navy Marine Corps Medal when he res cued the 14-man erew of a patrol hoat stranded on an Okinawa sandspit during & 1845 typhoon He went Info newspaper after the war, hecame night flor of the San Framelseo Chron the age of 25, plunged into magazine writing and was re glonal editor for Collier's asing when it folded in 1056 Salinger had been working Teamsters Union submarine work ed gle at mag on aa Nes Kennedy's for # ane MADE UMGFR EE Brgusintest Robert nal com BOF TREKEIEETING 1958, he was offered 3 press Demacratic advisory council but Senator John Ken edy told him to hold off snd then hired him as his own pres (FY © | In joh with the Together they make an odd Kennedy, tall and balinger £00 SLOtL BNA his eiothes a inkempt, Kennedy once ked Lo Se er when he e-Pres tichard ® aide, i Blew ai " dokin and com team sien rather dey rhert sses better than MLEEH IN COMMON Bul Kennedy and Salinger i eammon. They b Workers; hoth are fondness for the ses have something in Mrs, Kennedy likes Mrs, Salinger Is » artisan nn clay, pottery sliver eh farion commen £8 on orks of art skilled ana Balinger's mother, Jehanne Bielry, was the daughter of » member of the French Chamber of Deputies, When her father was ent to Indoching after the Fi World War te look afier govern ment plantations and started § newspaper wn Baigon, young Je hnne became editor of that paper in Ban Francisco she he came ari and music editor for the Ban Francisco Examiner "I remember she wrote later in Canada for the Canadian press on art and also got to know A, ¥Y lackson of the Group of Beven," Salinger recalled, "She lives in Calitornia now and still has some of Jackson's paintings, as well as of other Canadian artists." As 8 youngster, Salinger at tengledd De La Balle Oakland Academy in Toronto, took up the plano and was nurtured in Hee thoven, Mozart and Bach, The Balingers allowed him to perform al the Toronto exhibition at the age of six but later decided he should live a more normal life and reduced his plane practice Sallnger was the oldest of fow and when the father died he helped raise and provide for his younger brothers, Now he has his own brood----twe boys and a girl, One of them, Stephen, has taken up the violin, In rare mn ments father and son tune up for a duet, Later ONS "Great things are not produced overnight It took Webster ib yea to complete his dictionary Hine 27 CANADIAN RYE SN. WHISKY Vi Character that only

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