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The Oshawa Times, 20 Dec 1960, p. 7

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. : LAWE'S COMPANY Nouhuéisier WSS | ODGES AND SOCIETIES |. i ares ee : ! (pany toast lah sre potatos, | Heralds Chris as qwash, onions, carts nd A Meeti | SUNBEAM CHAPTER N60, Th, (owing sficers: President, Mes, castifiower, ; 4 ing | os Werpert Rrucier, Witwy; fest ¥ . The regiar menting of Bwn- vied president, Wes. V Cope; The bower het of orthomin beam Chppier held recently in second vics-grendent, Wes, I ster mits WER Wag AEF the Wasome Tampa was prevvied Fallen, Wiktiy da ip fevers il yi yo Fu pis od wer fy Wes, Maniaane Gerard, secretary, Wes. Aether Wigsion big Sale now on iH REAIW REA fi . WM. PiNisW s Wes. hanes Kem Withy ; recowfing secretary, Wes meting of the Women's Wie in wd Yrs, Mets Moore were Jack Hogan, Iesewrss, Wes ARBORITE Jo Aldwinckle, Womens Editor isl RA 3-3474 HORRY ociety hod then, Susie (lw Fr welcomed ## Charies Gites, F P---- PI NT Re Senhery of fhe Frenne ere he FY + ms ifs Ue Chrsimas oe rove, it COFFEE THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tussdey, Besember 18, gag : Hanes Welesse, Mis, 1.8 WF # change %. Jessie Tovey 4 i Vive PrEsAEnt, Wire Worry Wel. Eiawnet, Mrs. leahel Machiondld | showed eoloved piatiures of Wer & STEP TABLES low, presided ANE WPERE Yrs. bon Cir, Wes, Martha Don pu ' » meeting by EH eRding # idaiid 1 14 Miss Sybil Lenamaid, Wow 7 lo England amt Finida, a Christ Church Afternoon Guild "acme © 5 oe presen. 2, rm He awe Oo seas : B88 Aller the snging Wo several § r Clifton, & Bs 4 i Chitsimas LRroks And PRRVEr es. Meta Moore. Mr. CWion| Besson the cooked, drained vi i : ' f J WW. Yor and Wr, William Wender i ciaide with swt nd 4 4 'Pot Luck Luncheon, Election [4 75 "i ict se. im Ws voter v¥. sed cies ad one x ot sreom {WILSON FURNITURE 4 din Fou os A Doe se Hrs faurn Sorter | Vwi moth Mash tn # WWppes Consistency 20 CHURCH $7 The apnict meting, elestion dics lounge and Mrs. John Me- retary; Wes, Roy Nichols, gifs es pp A Seta Iotsadiset dl li The hither and cream Sve coher] ' of ollicers and pat Tick [One| Canc was thawed lor the dona lection for Missionary (prayer | gel tol to) "ight of Cards' homes Bayer : Eon of the ALernom Gd WA ofition of the lovely tabi for same Mis. B.D. Cormeh, Christmas oe "Code oriery 1, 196) yo . Christ Memorial Chreh wa 6 I was annowced that the Chapel gift boxes for shins: Wes. Boy) 0 Tee" pies The Red Cross theld recently WHR RB Aendid wt drrpe material had heen scien Nichols, treawrer; Mes, With | Sontety was read, theming mem tendanee, Preceding he meshing, ed Parking, community FOertsmip. | eg beam Chanter 19 an exchange of Chostmas E65. Mes. DD. B. Maore introduced The HEWREGEHID FEpoR indyud A assistance ww the Trek Shor Lwas held Miss Borma Hall whe spoke by Mrs. Chflord Theher ge, divi | Hillsdale Wenor ! The president, Mrs, George iefly on Aysitiaries. Miss Hall £4 the fast that Northstar » Getler of fhamks and A Fletcher led in prayer and intra-| i= the Dominion secretary for the WS had met We plocat on TL cheqne were received by the {duced # mew meer, Mes, W. D1 Junior Auxiliary 960. A new mtacation ¢ WF chapter in apareciation lor w Warren. The president expressed As Is cusimary the Guild will 1961 wie aeerpted. w Mud [14 of # WheRehalr Uher appreciation to the members| ion with the other groups In rounced (hat aap JEON 1k invitation te Otarie Chap) whe had made the Christmas bad providing the Christmas altar 3 Mantrest hospia or (or ler {oF (het nepection Wight of [FRRE SHER A FHECESS Roners, rs Were asked in pote (Fd Prove] Tames | mary . ve pecemied Mis : Poly a # Aen Vere AEFI R © OF phe : Ms BA arres fond tht ime mestings tn futwre will he The danwary meeting will bel CETORIE SEE Ctl ted FMA By A UL | etd om the fourth Wednesday in. # Joint ore W) hh thie Woman's As pain and contests and disaribut gave (he financial salem eich month, the next being dan- sociation on the second Wednes-| Ramee Fi SERERE EES trie door Tie parish coupe was FERRE: or 95 fn the ladies lounde day of January prize was won by Mrs. Whiting. sented by Mrs, Borman MEIER | "Mes 1. BR. Currie nresented the. An invitation to he the guests" £7 oof tuck dinner, served hy Attention # kalled 10 IRE slate of officers for 1661 of Bouthminster WMS a » Mrs, Jean Beott and her commit 4 ng { ary president Mrs, H. DD. Thanksgiving meeting on Decem tee, concluded the evening ed by Commu mM eyerds nresident, Mrs. ber 27 was read fieprge Fletcher: viee-prestdent.. The Announcement was made SHVER CROSS WOMEN wed the piwr- WM BD. WH. Moore; secretary | that the Pieshylery WMS wold mec' Botowa and district chen for the ta M A. RB. Garrett; treasurer. meet at Norithminster on Jang ter pf ver Cross Women held MW 4. 0. Eliott; narish conn gry 25, 156) ts annual Christmas party at # Mrs, Norman Millman: so Aller the report of the Nomin- 5 J SOCIAL NOTICES ps2 uM TH | Rows re WA ating Commitiee was given by irkey supper held at Bimeoe 47, fii 4 : Yr A Holland and Mrs irs, Dorothy Basiey 3 ar Wigston of Whithy 7 . ad : ? serving, Mrs. Roy Day «A tion was taken and dedicated by MES. Arthur Wis , ditii 4 : bi ' hs 5 afore presented the retiring president hid ba 2 AT HOME in Hit z and Mrs i" H Brod Mis Robert Guthraith : Ses. V. A. Cope, with # life mem TRANS ATLANTIC TRAVELLERS LY 0) rs i Hopkins nent npsing Mrs, Ray Hohe ed re Karon Wallace bership pin. Mrs, Cope thanked elephon ing J 4 for their eo-apers reel Wilk he at " Wa § rE | & 3 rank Hort the memnhers Io ¥ | § fri, H. A. Ward Whate, Mrs. and Mrs. Frank Hortop tion aver the Past YRRFS My rie Smith the companion way as they | spend thelr Christmas BoVAays foo. 0 10 their relatives, friends 1 A hol ' . i' : | Mrs. Er With, | the WP m sat Malton to | 8 England h i Wedne slay I. W. Sulton; publiety, Wi This included a devotions) eon-" Ge 58 Taro ticoek installed the le farewell from | boarded a plane at Mallon Phot by Elizabeth €. Frey |? neigliho /y . Avern Taylor ducted hy Mrs, Mellow and a solo) = L Re * Becember 28, from 2 no and 7 = I or Got A Ser" Mrs, Douglas Lander. "Bahoos-|piane hy Mrs, Frank Hortop, with i LEON Wedding ARRIVEFSAFY Clara McCrimmon ca", a Russian CHEISImas fA Vinod in the singing of the last GROUPS, CLUBS AND AUXILIARIES |". wow Th i / i Wallae plant was prese 0 -- fr. and M Edward Hep Earl Atkinson Wed {| a ETI was drawn to 8| Jack Humphreys, the member of Weel - " " £ i str v allongest standing in WMS member COURTICE H and § ASSN Christmas carol followed by|School, or Church." Members f hith wil e fl i their The parsonage of Courtice fos oy Ag rid pA This was a donation hy The regular meeting of Courtice|praye the panel will he is on Saturday, United Church was the seene of| SET iiiny sung and drew the Mrs. George Jewel, who alse Hon snd School Association was The minutes were read. The Kennedy, the Reverend J ) pm, toll recent marriage when Clara meeting tn # €Ose With # veal | convened the tes (able opened h irs. Thomas Glad-\roll was called hy rs William Swackhammer Vrs H B a top uw of their Helen MeCrimmon, daughter of | (FEC e ¢ atmosphere, HW wis| After the benediction, 8 fine mi Mitchell, There were 2 present. | strong, and Mr. Angus Reid 20k dding IVEFSary Mrs, Edward Wileox and the Yate| ood isiver Bells". Mrs, Lan afternoon was drawn to a close 1 mines were read hy Mrs The correspondence was read! Mr. James Allen PrOgEAM LOD 7 Mr. Melrimmon was united in William McKnight. The treasur:| including a card of thanks from| vener, introduced the St " 2 marriage with Earl Atkinson, son er's repost was given hy Mrs A Ray Hood and Mrs. Eawini Church Boys' Choir d je Party at the home of Mrs, Wil-lof Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Atkin A ! Barry Johnson | M rhael direction of Mr. Alan Ri liam Bear, Elgin street east, withison all of Oshawa | on Business opned with a discus:| The group ywelcomed haekiwho sang "A Basqus mp," 12 MEMNers present The Reverend Harold Stainton sion on Home and School euchres, |Mrs, Leighton Boueh whe had! "Phe Holy Boy," and * ne The werk of the group was re-| officiated it was decided to continue hav: heen Ji Pong Merrily on High" 1? lewed and Indicated a success" he hride wore a brown wool ing a euchre Very two weeks Mrs. Harry Stewart thanked | Harold Sproule presented a gift! ful year, including a donation | suit with copen blue hat and ac A The nest euchre is to be held the Group for the dinner served io Myr. Heesor and thanked the the auxiliary treasury, Plans foF| cessories and 8 corsage of ye January 18. Home and Schoollto the Eastern Star. Group Fall chair the year 1061 were discussed with! iow roses Council will meet on January 24.|1ists were chosen also talent Hats. | Mr. Paul Melntosh of (he the present officers ve-eleeted. Her only attendant was Mrs A thank-you note was read from | Talent caplaing are Mrs, BB teaching staff with Mis, Harold It was decided to change the Douglas Keeteh who chose # Linda Courtice for her gradual-|Reed and Mrs Harry Virtue Sproule. accompanving on the MEht of meeting from the see-| sheath dress of champagne helge ing pin ' 4 Wellington weiner ead piano, led in the singing of Christ ond Wednesday ta the first Tues pi hrocade Wit matching hii Miss Reva Tiers entertained a Christmas Blory, "'Sient N 5 Carols day of each month | and aceessovies, Her corsa JAE with a plane solo. Mrs. Beth Mys, H, Virtue read the second Mae ear ; i r were © Twenty house calls and seven: Yellow roses Chartran read a Christmas Story. [chapter of Bt. Luke and Mrs Many hilarious games NOTE 80: on hoenilal £alls Were MH ported] Mr. Douglas Keeteh was the Mrs. Lloyd Courtice read a few Willlam Short gave a reading,| loved under the direction of My Ihe LIviee R oy we 10 8 po, on the oceasion of thelr der was accompanied on the' hy the serving of refreshments Hue fra Power Mi, Rtg M7 ---- -- Powder, [1] P |G it Man » . o . re Always he a Christ-| George Pearce. Mrs, Lorne Shel Refreshments were served hy ™y couple will Cilia ws J vinaed and re: Wi Wilh HURTS he 8 CRI presented & thank you gift Mrs, William Bear, Mrs. Harold apt Newly wedded ple w prehments were served hy Mes.| Mrs. Lewis Disney expressed|to Mrs. Pearce | Bweet and Mes, George Drew, ne yd Courtice and her commit:| thanks to Mrs, Gordon Pirie and| Buffet refreshments from al §RD SCOUT MOTHERS AUX, 4 SOCIAL, NOTE "" " tee Mrs. R. B. Reed for table deco brightly decorated fable were! "The monthly meeting of the No matter the distance, once FUR SALON Class ranners were won by rations. Gifts were exchanged | Provided hy the grade mothers! ard Oshawa Beout Mothers' Auk:| more the Christmas season . 5 Mrs Lenore Hoar at Hiahway| CORONATION W.8 of Miss ¥ Dyriand and Mr. iliary was held at the home of drawing families and friends to 26 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH RA §5-2722 Sehool, and a tie at North pehool, Music and fun highlighted the Paw Melntosh's classes [Mys, Lloyd Brown in the form| gether, The list of Christmas 4 2 . ' p . Bune Goranhom Bam Salt, Miss Catherine Campbell's andi FSCS S00 Ci or Coronation | JERE PANTON Al of # pot nek supper personals puts ald Acquaintances OPEN TONIGHT UNTIL 9 O'CLOCK id t Miss Coleen Hutchinson's classes Home and Behool association | i 4 A AUX, Following the supper a husi- in tou h. Why not follow the pop H SCOUT MOTHERS AUX Mrs, R. 1. Donald opened the (East Group) ness meeting was conducted by| ular trend and let us know if you WH & out Mothers' Aux. business meeting and Mrs, John| The December meeting of the| the president, Mrs, Lloyd Brown. are having visitors or are spend 5» Wi th _. ou 0 Holy 7 Li Chmara read the minutes, Mrs. | East Group of the Jessie Panton Treasurer's report was regd hy ine the helidday out of town The ary ms He ® : : hg : A ki Lorne Bhohhrook, treasurer, ave Missions ili y fs, Frank Singer, Report fom|Socia lepariment would he ity Anglican Church, A pol luek Lorne Shabhros 4 i Missionary Auxiliary of St. An Pesidents' Class held on Novem: pleased to publish this infor Ya olan encouraging report. In the| : Shu bp Mel he and an 4 hahge hsence of Mrs. Frank Kalar drew's United Church was held hep 20, was given hy Mrs. A, H. mation without eharge. Tele:| of gifts helore the SIness pel. 8 J mrs ing, presided aver hysMps, Fred Mrs. G. V. Hawker spoke on the|'® the form of a Christmas Murdoch z phoner RA 8:8474, extension | [ . for their support Lotion, Flower Mist with Peparts were read Announcements were made Alomizes The annual boys' hanquets were 4 h GIVE trict conference was read hy the |PON0® oy B Simcoe Street North, Oshawa past president, Mrs, William Sar unary 24 meeting of Home and | | | | f Dear Herbie ; Church was preceded hy a pot ranged for a panel to discuss "Is | ' : luck supper. Mrs. John Cole: the Place for Our Children's Re | A Neat and Pleasing way fo solve Blue Grass Pusting Pawder far Taylor | great success of the night of - discussed | that the Honorable M 0} : School Counciliwill have as speak ve x I sean [er Mr. Daniel Coughlin 20 Dec, 1960 FAITHFUL GROUP | Room prize w a8 Won hy Mr. | The Christmas meeting of the| Paul Mcintosh, Grade f | Faithful group of the WA ofl At the next meeting, January man opened the meeting with a'ligious Education in the Home, | You've been a great help ta me this Fall and | just a puzzling gift problem, bathtime luxury, $2.50 Th minut and treasuper's| CANS and thanked the members y y hen In Doubt » ee 0» Blue Grass Mond ond 1 ninuLes I ] 4 aka Dymond will speak at Ritson A report on the Lakeland dis goto on vanuary 0 and the Jan the WA of King Street United|16, Mrs. BR. A. Lloyd has ar-| | had ta drop you a line to say hew much | appreciated (] all you have done. But before | close off for this year Th SEEM-FREE OIL TAGE by wishing you and your Dad and Mather and Sister a very | ey re fy Merry Christmas, | have ane mere chore for you te de, @ essence of exc/lement There are still some last minute shoppers that -are ) Blue Gran Dusting Powder, eating their hearts out wondering what te buy for that Hand and Redy lation, Bath guy that has just about everything. Se will you Jey Hang So i" spread the word round the office and at the Curling Club | that Johnston's have one or two answers te that very problem. And just so there will be ne chance of error, Ill list a few of these items that will make somebody very, very happy come Christmas mern, A ski sweater (or it would be just as wonderful far curling) from BAVARIA that zips up the front ta make either a beautiful lay-back collar ar a snug turtle Seamless Blue Grass Flower Mist with Nylons with the flawless fir, Polvxe Atomizer, $3.50 Ask for "Fashionable 400" the Whisper Seem:-Free Mesh neck cardigan, This is warm and rugged and is priced (§ Wesiery for dressup wear. We have light and dark shades at $42.50, And a new shipment of Ski Sweaters I to compliment her prettiest costume colors , , . Beiges, Brawn, from SWEDEN have just cleared the Canadian Customs [| Choveonl, Sizes 8)3 to 1), and these sweaters have all the gay colors and designs characteristic of the modern Swedish Design School I GIFT-ROXER 1.58 PAIR = -- ; Porfume Mist, Lusyey Dusting And some Angora and Weal round neck pullovers from y Sander in have Hragroncon : Blue Gran, Mémoire Chara, Kilspindie of Scotland a gorgeous sweater for any 5 £5 My Lave of Valencia. $10.50 man and done in all the soft shades of heathery * AFTERNOON SHEER, a weight for business wear Pe. 1.5% a \ } ow: -; 3 A | x Cherished gift, ,, the cherished fragrance of new blues and lovats that we associate with Scotland I it TIME 2 thesad for extra strength and wear bv, 1.83 Vahage .,. incredibly feminine! madly flavoring! | * UYUINING SHEER, very sheer 46 gauge and Darathy Gray creates this essence of excitement in a 12 denier Pe 155 8 ¢ So pass the word, Herbie old bay and make old man beautiful new gift series for the important aocasions ahead, =k * STREVCH.ONS, fit any leg superbly. lovely sheer Py: V.5§ ohnston happy, as well as the guy that gets one af * PURE SILK, 6 thread fo h and El Concentrate--~34 oz, $1.50, 14 oz. $2.00, 3 oz $3.50 I A ead for warmth and beauty Pe 2.50 i : + $2,00, 3 oz, § ¢ ful ¢ (an i i Conapntale Algae 3 ws 33.78 these wonderful sweaters AN Regular Hosiery Gift-Boxed If You Wish) Dusting Powder--4Y4 oz, $2.50 + Special Gift Set, $4.50 See you in 1961 and | do hope that your 344 Maw, to Fri, am to 9 pm, 0) yA Ly ~ average at the Xmas exams wasn't toe bad aturday 9 a.m, to 6 p.m, * o adi , Dorothy Gray CITY WIDE FREE DEL v v 330 IML OE + Sincerely, ] ' : PHONE RA 3 5 OSHAWA "Srone RAS North. Simcoe PHARMACY | i JR WwW A R D § | Sangean OSHAWA CORNER SIMCOE & ROBERT SYS. | of JOHNSTON'S (Oshawa) Ltd Ee A RA 3.3418 J SIMCOE AT ATHOL---Free Delivery--RA 5-115)

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