B THE CSHAWA TIES, Vunsdey, Decomber 19, 160 [People say they wre rest plessant MARY HAWORTH'S MAIL | Worried At Meeting Rival At Office Christmas Party PEAR MARY BAWORTR: This ther on the offensive mr Aeiensive is the time for the office party. as Fegaris Ber SWoposes wierest My bashend is In charge of tine in your hashend H VERF'S BOTY TE ole | sortmmy mORMIY SICK ners. has heen tat show my WEAR WARY WAWORT; Got lostoand and 4 WOR KH-WOHES i Hess Jou fay yo i gs pa th ice. # nonest # HR RRETIRY ith whom ke rides tn the off Pall % hoes i ust to each other, He doesw't know THE TORE of the Aepraved young 1 hove heard 1s talk men: of today She has 2 Bit of calling the The world fe lon lenient with house when she eat pick Tm the lmmoraiiby of boys and men "up ond she never pives me the They wre free lo willow in ith | message, MwRys aeks lor lim. | ARG IRER EEpEEt § Aecemt YIRE feed this i6 WRERESSRIY wile 16 ahandon hers Bie @ | My problem is how lo net at heriot to their swineish ideas of the party when we mest. Of MSFTage corse people will he watching. 1 is # mans world asd men J . have Made 2 pigsty of 8, and op was, werk, Irightened: women RECALL, SERMON feel oWiiged (6 consent tn share PEAR 8. Yt The point of # the pigsty with them. Hal Christmas perty 16 to cREEale women would refuse tn secede th the Wirth of Jesus Christ, ASE thelr degrading demends, the from thet, i Bas Bo meaning; % morsel health of this sad lend Is & mummery, the porpote of would rapidly improve hon has been lost, | Men are (alee gods and i fs bt the first Christmas celehra time that women resized th thon on # Judacan Wiliside 2000 TE HA WER FERIIER IHS truth and turned to God, withow YEAFE REN, when shepherds tend") RR ne ling their flocks that awesome "hose help ey cannot prevail {might were visited by # celestial onst evil choir, whet was the mesage that | THE STARS SAY | KEEP IN TRIM By ESTRELA a ded BUCK (4 Iowtine IEEE Rd ARE [RRER REW ERIETPIIGES IR make gre Begs wRy W a ad FE BRA out adie J mallars By IDA JEAN EAN A iy (een wi Is AragEing FOR THE BIRTHINA dicoies 918 SHEER DOWRAS, BO AH. inks fine ath Hive Bene that sweping weseht with & "pw H HE WHETE DETROn FTE oie passion" as one (ER termes wtiopeinips wie concerned. Dy i Mitesh HALES PROWA DIOsPEr. Out of the Was TEER. IGE. HF Iie REW JeRE dently fownd wn yor We Wid - year showld The gist HIE Sn aling femm wr soeigt this pn. A view gel hose whe wie single will find, "I have been fat (or #9 my Way wand June favorabie to 1oiteens," she winie me, "I finally IRRREE RRS IRITIREE, BRA ps redial that i Vm ever to have pects BWErmng revel will be any fun, or even feel healthy, | Whusumity promtions Wn Juby and myst find & wey 19 lose Algiit, Ve tried diets, noe right of Where Joh end financial mat-\'7 another, for the past two 615 RFE ENCEIRER, YW Kam &%- VERE, but Ve never had the will pect periods of gan from Janu POVEE 15 Say on them ry theongh June. However, eon. "From owt of the Mae, | finally servplive policies wil pay off \lownd | had will power, and hon Dow't £9 19 extremes, avoid reek S57 Was Wiimportant tn this issness and Aowt let epthusi- covery. | faced the fact that wEmE overriie yor better judg! Pad allowed fot to spoil my Imepi--specially in March and [WB BUEIRE my teens, that In six next August months | would he 14 spd ron A child born this day sidered almost Brown women will be. extremely ambitious and 1 ede wp my mind that | mehty ollicient, and will he en had been fal long eroveh apd tha fd dowed with marked inventive hat, by my 1h Wirthdsy, alents would he down to my righ weight and have a nice figure! "My gon! Is 130 pounds by my tims @m sik she Wad 9 power of her slrstegy wes She Witches her Bet to oh I readers thet, they »¥ towed & god. they will find they eve oil power." This teens letisr tells the sex rE Back of Hang eck WARE RE 16 FeRUrE SRE Working 15 Weed & Eel Form & vid plete Ww your wind of the ©% yon want 19 EEOW ln and make Ber vow wm! hrother teenrgn reducer, whe (rimphed over RB WEIEHE oh. lem, gave her winning Pan. The got of her slrategy was to play the walting game "Make weight," she wiles Want candy har, oF # something, (el yowrsel you'll walk five minutes for 4. Bey 19 yourself, "Really, waiting five mites wow't ill met' "Ws a challenge citing" she promises and points out thet wating changes your mind and lessens your desire lor fetiening goodies While waiting consider this thoweht: i yon decide ta say NO 1» the sweet, whet you are really doing is saving YES to the shim, aliractive gal you want 19 be Once you know In your own game of Ising] Lacross the US. and one nn 19 Women In Banking Circles Have ARR EERETIY KARR tek whot 18 per cent of U8 WRRAR mR IY hold he women 69 They wows | "Linlerest, 59 1» DA tas LMG lm Wiis wade t| tC seems omy (aie that # shows, Ask employer with pride RRR PREERRE, [oid § PERORABL Advises Overweight Teenagers 'Proved Their Capabilities To Hitch Their Diet To A Goal | ww" 1 4 dd tad aid Panis tn 165 Rex I~ BMaE ERATE RY 1 BR RAE Hah WANNER KR RE TRERTREr of es Gok fer "+ L ERTTRY & have pone met WHERER BEYS rs th He FRRRIRE "Ehat's why haves Rie mak Wie women. hs recently as 1000 (ing more wie A Donen. A sym EERENES Wh the ! Ress theese to ome. Bat word i finaly am wrens tht women) RA WAP Reve BREE wilipity, and pow W's ladies two 9 one The gis sre in good 4 aadb Mirpetive En Re5 ek Ww the Wigher circles, ton. There] BE 180 ady bank presidents DARK ErecHiives Is B WOWRS. There's no dow banking new $8 women's field And | Ay RO EIERIET ERGIMPIOR rs Noms Reid Brice a the trpde when she, was here recently for an American Bonk IRE Associption meting hs aesisiant Lr nel oficer] of @ large Norlots, Va., bank, thel GROUPS, CLUBS AUXILIARIES vivacious and wrticwiote Wirs Brice 1hinks women are admir by suited for banking today he cause they pre easier sociahly and have more equanimity Ww Surprise siuations (there prel pt ND PARENTS COMMITTEE The month 2nd Frrents Girl Guide Associgtion wes held meeting of the Commitiee of the $ Paul's Preshyierians BOOK SUGGESTS CURE PEAR E, G.: Yes, Ws a fact Wasn't that i? hot HF pi ry civilization 1s bud Bi By or sicker then MU realizes, with & Well, my advice Is thet you EFEEpng corruption of sexual de stick to the guidance offered in cadence that first Christmas sermen, Go to your hushand's office party protectively wrapped Wn & Spirit |of radiant good will towards ol and-sundry, Put yourself on the ™ H side of those wha e no evil brought out in 1956 hear no evil, speak no evil") To. successfully pm Buch is the prescription for peace) 5 ually sick society re and poise In an atmosphere of sponsible citizen, and expecially gnssip and prying our creative leaders, must freely In meeting the car pool lady, Participate in the redemptive ef treat her with flawless social fort, Professor Borokin says, This courtesy and kindness This Participation must he consistent serves a double purpose con And clean sex conduct Is (he Adam, the bride is the daughter structively. it fulfills your obliga hest disinfectand of the blight," tin to the spirit of Christmas he adds CHILD GUIDANCE » {and also eliminates the stiffness hat " the riinary Poraon Look For Lasting Value (think might exist if you were ¢i (dar, According to Sarg n, if the the herald angels sang? "Peace ft | 18th Dirthdeysin March. | weighed on earth to men of good will / 189 poiinds Bn I sorted ast fal). Bs I lost 29 p i] f her surprises In & bank be Church, Mis, W. D, Stainton §idrs hnldups) president, opened the meeting Fhere's a new look Wn banking! with & prayer snd welcomed the Ws buildings, people and serv: 1h members present rhs since the Second World), The mingles pnd War, she says, And the emphasis spondence were rend by is on public and homan relations, John Gitenchyn and Mrs, | great many innovations are) Knowlton gave the LERBENERT § TE for feminine customers, who sre povi wing mare numerous all the, Mis. W. PD we. There are Kiddy covners Inithe members for making he afety vaults, financial forums Brownie and Guide Christmas or women WOMEn consultants PATIY SHER RB PURERES Al dress, cont and sul OF _the housewiie Investor or plans were made for making should extend to hoth and presenting ties to the newly shonlder seams, Slacks showld|'@ Send the garment to & pro-| formed Guide Pack be hung by the waisthand, on! PHORG! Ary cleaner The lucky draw prize dopaled firm-snapping hangers SPOT-RESISTANT FABRICS by Mrs, E. J, Brookhem was won dust making sire wool Bar: Wool fabrics are coming inl™ Mrs, BR F. Joy ments hang straight on proper ihat have spot-resistant finish, | Refreshments were served hy hangers will cut down on hel and there should he 8 wider Mrs. Peter Riizie assisted by Fange Next year | Mrs, John Gulenchyn : need for pressing and add life When you press wool, use| Superfluous Hair to your wardrobe Give woollens plenty of hrush-\moist heal and a. press cloth, | PERMANENTLY REMOVED By Electrolysis snp ng, using a firm-hristled hrush| moistning the press cloth if youl he newest, tastes, mind that you ean get more rea nok of "hegtine' thet wert than you ean hy gobbling £ down, yon are on the way 18 # y Apt font Poinsettias May Last For Weeks With Little Care Leen slimmer figure As # Christmas plant Ha has lew equals, Yel isn't How To Prolong The Life £5 y far 7] £ ye a dy Te the corre your DYEFWEIEM Mrs w | [ i | Fitirim Borokin has brilliantly documented the situation in his hook The American Bex Revolu TO LIVE AT RICHMOND HILL ten (Porter Bargent publishers) of Mr. and Mrs. P.J McAdam of Oshawa and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs Hans Btarvil of Maple, Ontario Photo hy Treland | poinset i Blanton hsnked disinfect every Pictured after their wedding recently at Bi Gregwy's Roman Cathotie Chureh are Mr an Mys. Boy Jorgensen. For: | merly Miss Margaret Anne Me- | | padded hangers "refuse to dull huy or read contaminating publi cations or attend erotic shows, fun plays and movies or patronize ppd Joints or vole for libertine politi But clans or listen to sexy music, he contributes greatly to the task'! In Toys For Christmas ii Seience sets or ereative n including chemistry sels, By 6G, CLEVELANIr MYERS (especially the youngster under prove very weeful playthings In planning for purchase of|five or six, with a huge assort toys and other Christmas giftsiment of glamorous playthings, given to children too young the fv 4.5 h Miki Bi young of moval decontamination, M. H ; i Ard § for the childven you might wishiand the more they think he will to consider some of the following: he excited en Christmas morning Intelligent parents have an op Mary Hawirth counsels 4 he AR the | ter these parent "portunity ta choose playthings through her eolumn, not hy mail | Ages on in aman, yl ine app d the 44 A WA hen with a purpose for their children. lor personal interview. Write her parents wi Spend, and resolve 10 they make the purchases I stick pretty elose to this budget. as the child grows older, they Don't overlook hooks and chil-|in eave of (name of newspaper) 2. Aim to purchase a few can't see how to reduce the num dren's magazines from which to) sturdy and useful things rather her of different items read to he £hiid, from two lo five yr ] 1 J 4 4 { { than many frail anes of little 1ast-| Glamor, paint and noveity often ob 51% AN TOF ThE GIGET d ng value rank too high in the parent's se: '™" : f P Some questions to ask YOUr: jection, The more like a robot & (My hulleting Letting hahy felt "Christmas tree" (easy self toy is, or the more it resembles 8nd Tot learn and stimulatel just copy a eookie euler), tack How long will the toy 14st? pings grown-ups use, the more Your Child's Imagination, may heii wo on a prominent door and For how many months oF Years|ihey are Inclined to choose (t-- had by sending a self-addressed, | ou'll aveld Christ i ag may the ehild enjoy . an almost life-sized doll, a huge! U.S. stamped envelope to me in youn ave ristmas card ac How many uses ean he put it minature of a truck or fire en- care of this newspaper.) cumulation and clutter if you pin to? Will the ehild he able to op 4 gine, Yet the use of such toys PARENTS' QUESTIONS each one up as it arrives and erate It himself? Is it suited to is likely to he in reverse ratio lo ' a | what a gay. variegated Christmas his interest and age? Q. With one out of four mar Bay, Li {tants { and applying it hriskly aren't using a steam iron. In| An occasional light spongingl her ease, press in the length | Contury Serge shentweyvs, mvesling your rus sell, tise of worry snd ember Kine ressment FREE Consultation MARIE MURDUFF will be In Oshews of th Goneshe Hotel, Pasember 36:3) PHONE RA 3-464) for appointment on these detes DISPLAY YOUR CARDS Cut a doov-sized red or green around! that you ean get Six gond Weeks Wonderful woollens this year plant in & bright, susny loca?" Softly. supple, In eolors thai temperatures); water as soon as nd brown factor, If a day temperature of|P*Y that eare tenfold 'F. are maintained, your planis| ing after wearing it and give it If the lower leaves turn yellow will be gone waler, squeeze until nearly dry, |lapels and other details requiring! If the plant is stunted, with yel Ikles In the proces vain with that woel suit or coat,|Woel, preferably flannel, under) cause, After the ho are es: [shaped to fit the shoulders, and| When dry, brush in direction of| ture) f complete fertilizer {without erushing one another, |Possible while they are fresh. rather than rf it along, and what to do, After the flowering] P7ess hangers ave hest whenljoh well, If in doubt, it is hestias to avoid their Imprints plants hack part way. Then place 66 to 70 degrees temperatures. |# How much ereative fun may he|size construction toys, tals And) A In the words of Dr. Paull with your selssors some quiet Don't Tet poinsettia have any have with it? Will some of his| materials, especially for the ehild| popence, for married happl | snowhound winter evening to eut| electric ght after the first of Parents are tempted, hegin. ance) --paints, construction paper, partner', We eards for next year, suffer, ER ny N " lease Gives His Wife A ish quickly. They think more of These parents build up tools A : ; it than of how long it will last! ability, adding to them. year af: | FOR CHRISTMAS ! and appeal to him {ter year | They like to overwhelm him,! They should be sturdy, - WHERE WOMEN SHOP maddening when the plant fades Of Y G Ww 11 Horliewiturists with the Optarig out of your ponseitias i you heruliul dresses, coals and sep tion; avoid drafts oF hol-air veg TAnee from white through pastels the soll appears dry Wools do require care to keep| about 70 degrees ¥. and a night] As much as possible, give will thrive through and for some! TES, ton, After this treatment (does a good clean-up refresher| Wise direction on the wrong side wilt and drop, blame dry soil and] Wool fibers are elastic, they|then Bo over the garmenl, | right-slde pressing lowing of the top leaves, a nitro When hanging wools in thelJust let it dry at normal voom|the press cloth, (Wool against] tablished, it's a good idea to feed) allow enough space between gar- the nap For best results, use your iron f w to eo ants . : Soap and water or a good dry slip a plece oRNQrown paper under If you want te earvy flants PADDED HANGERS E I | pap period, rest them in a cool spol LA Qa IR (bh hb bbb Th TTT the plants in larger pols, water their size |rlages breaking up, is it all al touch this pdds to the scene! Save mon" (houive on the way to CREATIVE AND BAVE > We A a aver five (and for younger ehil ness, It's not as important to pick toys be well-suited to share with y [out eharming little gift enclosure| eptember, oF Mowering may ping with the youngest ghild, to|clay, hammmer, saw, vise the excitement fo the youngster Rei m ro) n » ust as the holiday season rolls Department of Agriculture - say By ELEANOR ROSS near in mind (hese tps: keep the arates in wools that are erisp slers (poinsettins need steady And brilliant hues to basic back Temperature 1s the important | 107king their heel, bit they re temperature of 80 to 65 degrees|EYery wool garment a good alr time after Christmas you'll notice that most wrinkles\ job, Dip the sponge In cool of the fabric except for pockets 4 a sudden fe€mperature change,|streteh and vecoll, shedding wrin-| Don't worry if caught in the, To do these, use a piece of (gen deficiency 1s probably thelcloset, do use good hangers emperatuze, away from heat.|wool preserves the fabrie's tex: | them every two weeks with a ments so they can hang freely] Get alter-any spots as soon as| lightly, lifting and lowering it aver Tor another year, here's cleaning fluid usually does theithe fold of plemta. gr seams so and let the soll dry out, Cut the them, give them lots of light and | 53 Wise ave parents who empha: matter of pleking the right mate?) Christmas cards and sit down) Christmas blooming, A Thoughtful Husha nd playmates? How safe is the toy? dren who will have some Ruld- the right person as to be the right buy many frail toys which per: sppraPRIATE FOR AGE on seeing the toy as he unwraps suited to the child's age apd SMAKI GAS DRYER ® Completely Automatic ® Variable Temperature Control ® Dries all fabrics safely quickly and economi- sally ONLY 1.25 = ON YOUR GAS BILL OUR CHRISTMAS GIFT T0 YOU! § FREE!! 'S-PIECE SET OF BEAUTIFUL CORNING » WARE WITH THE PURCHASE OF A THOR GAS DRYER NEW! NO-MIX Toni First home permanant with a pre-mised neutralizer | Super, Regular or Gentle $200 SELF-STYLING HAIR SPRAY ne i |, a Fy ee re FOR A SOFT CASUAL WAVE PICK THE PROM FOR THE WAVE YOU PREFER he WE 2 2 Re Creamy Prom for sah, flowing waves Regular Fram for springy, long-lasting surly Shee 5, Pina included $900 New Bobbi Refill $150 WAT Lotion ar Coyntal Cleon AS, 75 $1.35 IP FREE!! 3-PIECE SET OF BEAUTIFUL CORNING WARE WITH THE PURCHASE OF A THOR GAS DRYER FOR CHILDREN 2 TO V2 Ry Like Santa, any of Reitman's famous brand hose are always wonderfully welcome , . . the perfest way to solve that "problem" gift, "Jewel" -- "Dress sheer" -- seamless micra-mesh, 400 needle, 15 denier, sizes 814-11, 99¢, , . 3 prs, $2.08 "Ballet -- "Evening sheer" = in measured lengths, seamless micromash, 400 needle, 1S denier, sizes 814 n LI9, 3p 80.8 and Fulllashioned "walking sheen", in pragwitionsd lengths, 30 denier. Sizes 815+ 1114 ".. dp 00S "Ballerina® -- ""Sheerest of sheer" = plain or mister mesh, in proportioned lenaths -- briel, middi, super 400 needle, 13 denier, Sizes 814 1114 $1.29...3 prs. 8078 "Sart S01" = "Dien sheer" -- fullfashioned, in pie portioned lengths, 51 gauge, twin twead Sizes 8Vh L1]5 We... 3 ps 20S All available In the mest wanted fashion selown Eavier for mother -- WP 8 4 limes fone un SEE THE TNOR GAS DRYER TODAY AT CONSUMERS' GAS SHOWROOM 48 SIMCOE SOUTH OSHAWA RA 3-3468 SHORGAS CO. 0%» (WHITBY) \ Q V / 153 STORES LOCATED FROM COAST TO COAST IN CANADA 29 Simcoe Street South RA 5-422) Oshawa Shopping Contré RA 5-436) OPEN MONDAY TO FRIDAY 'TIL 9:00 P.M. SATURDAYS til 5:00 p.m, for your Christmas Shopping Convenience EEE: & SL a