ie She Oshown Times For Parking RET Oshawa City cone took hn wher step forward Tharsday | WERL IR the provision of Gow town, ofl-street parking when it was agreed tn wy two Bond street west Ihe af a 1olal cow oA $46 000 The money will come out .of the pRrking meter revenue fund The lots sre located on (he south side of Bond just east of Chureh street, When improve ments are completed sometime Next spring, the lols may pro vide as many As parking falls Frafliec Commities Chalrman| | Abert Walker explained that this Was A Contimiing sep in the y's plans to relieve parking comgestion on downtown streets He cited the recently aequired Hear lA on the north side of) Bend just west of Mary street This is now a hard-surfaced lot aha will he paved nexl year Low bid tor a sewer contract in the Lamers subdivision, onl Elgin street we Wak submitied| Tuesday night hy Stellmar Con truction, Islington, Ont. The price was $6009.70. There were five other tenders Bridge Club Still Life fl High Scores Composition \ 2 in i a hers of the Oshawa Duplics OSHAWA, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 23 | 1960 PAGE NINE COLLEGE STUDENTS FOREGO CHRISTMAS PRESENTS tudenis of the | each to purchase twi haby tend. treasurer of the Seventh-Day | tis, principal of the Sevenths pew and different program wi carried out al Oshawa Cam-| era Club ai the last meeting of the fall season, The president, | William Laird, after preliminary announcements, turned the meel ing over to Miss Phyllis Fergu son and Jim Dalley + On each of five lah had| been laid 8 number of. object | more or less related ta each other. Each member had the fun) and: or work of choosing artis] eles and arranging a still hile | composition on. each lable In Bridge Club on Tuesday, Dec, 3 ( ool at the Oshe © ers for the children's ward of = Adventists; Mrs, W, Wooleott, | day Adventist elementary M t Theme | ART oe gen ed ee ! 7) ff CB NORTHBOUTH d of h gm i M., HB Clarke and Mi Wadsworth, 1% vir ind B. Davis, 108 Irs. | i. DYMOND DRAWS PAST WEA LUCKY NUMBER Dr. and Mrs. 8, P. Kandel, 105 PORT PERRY or M. Bebhris and W, Stouffer, 101;| C. Keith and J, Coles, 97%; Mi Health Minister D WwW. Doe and Mi R. Morris, 42 Ontario reached into a drum Mr. and Mrs. J, Glover, #0 at a service club Christma CELEBRATING party Thursday and drew mond of [a Lek Ihe luck num her belonged Lo Mi homa the Oshawa General Hospital Bhown here from left to right Are John Kieger seerelar BN, accepting a cheque for the | school ehildren's ward and J, B. Cur Oshawa Times Photo Classes In 'Home Nursing Are Popular Members of the executive of the Oshawa hranch of the Cangas dian Red Cross Society, at their December meeting, learned that 81 students have enrolled for the turn |" nursing course It was reported that 408 hottles hese compositions were judg: | of 'blood were collected at the ed. Miss Grace Trull won with : Sg : Dymond in the last provin i | Agi i 8 Congratulations and bh ¢ m this elinie 119 new donors gave | | § y 5) : ] i a ; ial election Mrs, Dorothy Tozer and Mi po, : pir 1 1 wiches to the fallewing Fi elal « on y 2 hod. Ar the December elite a7 : Hill tied on table bw , 4 ? and 'district 4 bottles of blond were collects | Hari ife of the Liberal BIRTHDAYS | | Si vag Bl November Blood Donor Clinie, At Cladys We dents of Oshawa dim Dalley was tops on table led with 66 new donors econ. | H WEEE 1 who are celebrating their 4 # three, Miss Beity Bright was] "Ngan g WAS BEEN ar: | scenes shown above represent | cigaret to a man in the cell hirthdays todas i be tributing hest at table four and Miss Grace, ar drunk driving in Osh the result of breaking this rule hey could he your possessions, | Mrs. Donald King, 150 Ver amage " The chairman vead a letter Trull and Mrs. Harriet Dalle Wi Ml mh el | At top, personal possessions of if vith dun road: Elizabeth Holodry from H. Black, director for Area mix aleohol i | tied at table five ( ix char : in arrested person are kept hy bo ido zuk, 308 Muriel avenue: Mi [A of the Blood Donor Service, { i 0k it gel's | " | The five judges then had their, vember; Who will h this | the police department, while he | line, It could he you th A Gladys Linton, 118 Church A | congratulating the local commits chance and. each echoosin 1 i" It could be you, unl is in the cells, The lower pie the Christmas kindne from street: Lorraine Wright, 181 alse Y 2 , fee on reaching a quota of 118 table, took his turn in setting up| you ohser the hasie rules for ture shows Police Constable | the police constable, Don't let Alhert street; Lori Arm [pen cent for 1960 an Arrangement from a selection] holiday season sur al If Jolin Masiewlch, of the, Oshawa | It happen Keep Oshawa streets strong, 1110 Hortop street During the previous month objects, and Mrs, Winnie you drink, don't drive', The ' Police Department, pissing a ' sale . Rhonda Walsglass, Taunton ; | blankets were given to a needy try atlained the highest road east; John Gagnon cei en S ; b' [family and two layetles were Maple street; Irene Kowal | given to the hoard of health for An estimated. $075 damage re 18 a member of the same Lions ition for donating the use af if | { are, . A photo quiz posed problem AIR CADET NEWS nyt ing or ki, 26 Guelph street: Beall distribution, A tank of oxygen Daniels, 615 Phillip Murray {was provided for a patient in a sults of this were added to each wr) reported hy the Oshawa Poliee member's rating on the former Vv t S #5 Athol east: Mrs, don |FRPAEESC TN TRE LAR madi given fo a diabetic patient, It was contest, Miss Marion Davenport 0 e d 8 Rohertson, 08 Hilleroft street Wore ne Tair ore {reported there is a good supply came out off winner for the eve a and Frances Robertson, 03 of welfare supplies on hand Hilleroft 8 | I'wo car ere involved in a . | an Afterwards Christmas ¢ ak ¢ eputy- eeve The first five persons (Mn eal jon at Ad 3 mires! an [fee reported thal eight new cases Al Istm } form The Oshawa Times of ANLIng avenue, a A were serviced in November, Thige cookies and coffee were enjoyed ine uccess save dauhls y The [by Kenneth: Mills, of 328 Albert As R ' Thomas Harris, a defeated Lib: po0eiv ouble tickets to The Trout Th dri ol the other pod AIRBORNE ON 91ST BIRTHDAY $1 days. The Rune Mee sor eral candidate in the last provin Regent Theatre, good for a the service made 50 calls in Nos With Christmas and ni Cr AYR al upon us the Oshaws lead halloon but for once we, "2 end to which a politician will chine" also "Farhidden [lst car was estimated at $150) Fockler celebrated his 01st | tired farmer around Oshawa |." the , f selehair 4 | § th the Sea Cadets, had a very He mentioned) po) There was no reported damage birthday and on the same day | and gave him a look at his |[OF the use of a wheelehalr 8 rganize Air and Rea Cadets held a ver i hl Re A Adela I A pty, [the incident in Ontario County Anel Lo the NuConkey Cat ah i Tat Ete Pid | | It was learned that a first aid Hees uh hi ima har il th ii 40 0 an Su ( 0 i iy Council on Thirsda ! eports hy ithiaye will Bi li : J I v ; Oshawa port 1 saturda 0 f Cl we received an wtween he amange ited a Mm re conducted at the General Motors The formation of a new ser gyen ears we made money. Not much! He sald that his opponent In| hours of # am. and 10 am ulted from a two ear collision training d at the Celierg Nuh nets, took place at a recent gath A Alin we would like to thank ) ) 11 he rece ) p { \ I" | ft ; \ : RCAFA Hall and our thank 0 £ § BR. Dymond, also for Port Perry Will he received at the usual [Ingham avenue Wrsday afler heen received from the Oshawa ering in Adelaide House. The oc I the ever-helpful CAF Associ-|V ol: Gilhank for coming to the time, Dee, 24. Phone RA [noon. One gar was driven hy An Missionary College and the CGIT mas dinner atte ul | } p f yl Club as he Recently, he Hid 5 ) ) a' i pA A Nias of ner k anded by fe mm During the pa rion have Pa f h ho | haperone and biel §é Hr ol harth oN : etn ¢ ar wis The meeting learned that 58 ore their wives pol dances wer nd prise : ih Liirialmas party OPENS NEW OFFICE IR Ben Bug) n ima £ or rai ganizations are working with the | fo Ww the 1 vi y ¥ mene sireet north | Red Cross at Hillsdale Manor | to he ansvered, and when the re : avenue; Mrs. A. M, Hartman Hlted from thie miner accident nursing home and a slip was ning Stree The branch's Homemaker Servs Port Perpd Deput Reeve thelr birthdays each day will Fhursd me. eal is Ariven teen part-time homemakers works S i Cl b Tahn MeConk f 102 Buel By WINGLESS WILL It seems every vear when we 'i four-week period. THe current [Was John AM nke fn 2 Buck A 4 ar lection f there really d " a "ak a : . wa. | VEMbEr ervice u | hs vont a Ome Bvery year when We cial election, sa ere is rea attraction is "The Time Ma. |INgham. avenue. Damage fo the In early December William | Pilot Ira Carr flew the re A donation of 810 Was teceivad HO [0 gel a vole Btouffvi yn he alr, A toufiville home from the aly class with 26 students is heing vice elub, known as the ¥ Men pa held in the but at least we didn't go hroke, the last election, Hon. Matthew| Dea. 25 and 26 hirthday an Simeoe street north at Buek LIBRARY WORLD for classes in the new vear have casion was marked hy a Christ party, Without him there would 1474 [tonio Botelho, of 406 Simeos group at Audley ! Bn oul, compliments 0fjy wong PARKER OVER wien lon VOR Were: TORONTO (CP)-The Toronto nmvies The executives of the Y's Men: (som awa n rant ohne 60 "the home scene Tuesday Dominion Bank Trust Comnany Pwo cars were Inve' ed in a col The women's work committee " rip, vi | 3 i peta: ndueted hy he i M Men's fons A Wear %, n on evening the Junior cadets took! Pouring the evenin Dr. has received a certificate from |lsion on Thomas street af Ravine | reported nine sewers are works Ton. Foon RING fan: Prosi A or Sih son and Lee over the parade while the senior|Dymond was asked to make athe state of New York authoriz rdad, Thursday. Damage was esti ar < wain ing on the new quota and that font Vi Logie seret d 4 Cadets fell into the rank Dur. (MEKY draw and the winner turn: ing it. to do business, and has mated at $450 One car was driven two new volunteers have joined 1 m Vie ell Jeorelary an PRIZE WINNERS ng the evening the CO held an/ed out to be Mrs. Thomas Hares. lopened a New York office. The a the sewing group Anda Vietor, treasurer thy Fraser MaeDonald, of 1124 Clo The following hook Proview) genius of these Jndividualy is per-| It was decided that the annnal Walter Rathe, president of the Oshawa Y's Men, expressed, on behalf of the club, congratulation to all the members of the Mennets on the formation of the new club Clubs Are Hosts : Senior Citizens Members of the Kinsmen and Kinettes Clubs of Oshawa held a party for Oshawa's senior elt ens at Hillsdale Manor on Wed nesday night, Dee. 21 About 100 of the Manar ne dents attended the Christm party, Kinsmen President Ho Robig addressed the gatherin and wished them "Health, Happ ness far today, tomorrow and al their tamorrows is well as a Merry Christmas Entertainment was provided hy a young Oshawa eeordionist "Joaeea" and the well known and appreciated Mel Smith Santa Clans did not mi ane as he passed out pe Rifts ta every resident of Manor. The kinettes served lunch under the supervision of th president, Norma Stone The Kinsmen, on wishing 1} residents a merry ( stma noted a tear in the eves of many Manor residents. The residents expressed thelr UATE the Kinsmen and Kine stated they had thorou joyed the party Community Chest Total $194,285 It was "eparted 1 morn that $194,283.90 has heen contrib uted ta the Greater Oshawa Com munity Chest. The list of dona tions, nel previously acknow lodged, follows I. L. Riordan Can. Pittsburgh lw 0 A Tayiw | Bal to date wpeetion and the junior cadet hould he congratulated on thelr ne effort Next Tuesday there will he no niform parade as we shall be in he middle of our Christmas holi 1a) In place of the regular neetin ve will have a sports wrpde in which such games as waskethall and hockey will he played PICTURES TAKEN I'n everyone's knowledge, Gen al Mators has a magazine oall 1 GM Toples which is published every month. I'n one of their up ming issues they will he run ning a story on Air, Sea and rmy cadets in Oshawa Fuesday the magazine sent a photographer to Rotary Hall to take same pietures of the cadets n their various training phases Fhe reason I mention this now is to remind the publie ta wateh for this in the magazine and then hey will get an even helter idea of what is done in cadets CLEANUPS It any cadet ar officer knows he whereabouts of F.L. Gil hank's Keys, they are asked to nform him as soon as possible It seems that the CO or seme one misplaced his Keys Tuesday evening, F.-0. Hous ton affered a wr of §1 to any det wha could group five bul let holes into a radius of a quar ter on his target. At my last count, FO. Houston had paid ont $1 and the cadets were still go n trong Christmas and the New Year nearly here and this hein the last column of the year and before the festivities, 1 would like take this appertunity ta wish COMPLETES COURSE |eiervane a Merry Chistmay and ew Year See you QUEREC ENTERS PLAN OTTAWA (CP Queheo ha joined the Mdeval-provineial pros ram for training unemployed workers, Labor Minister slay Agreement he soveranmen pow of 10 en s reached eariien really no end to whieh trust company has paid-up capi a politician will go to g tal and reserve of $2,000,000, and Yerdale street. The ather ear is a subsidiary of Toronto-Do- driven hy Edward R. Kyle, of 220 minion Bank James street CHILDREN FIND LIBRARY ENTHRALLING duce the children to the facili ties provided for broadening horizons and the spending of ES Seen here are y ils Wel § department of 38 Moatrave avenue and | =Qshawa Times Photo were written hy a member of the staff of the MeLaughlin Publie Library MARK TWAIN, FAMILY MAN hy Caraline Thomas Harnsher Hor This 1s an intimate portrait of one of the best-known and best loved men in Ameriea in recent Himes Samuel IL. Clemens, alias Mark P'waln, was a devoted hushand and father whose keen sense of wit and humor enriched the lives of the members of his family, The hook is a tribute also to his wife, Olivia Langdon Clemens Al though she was a semi-invalid from her teens Mrs, Clemens had a courageous outlook on life and her "swlet and benevolent nature imprinted itself in effaceably on the lives af all who knew her." The Clemens' daugh ers were willy hy inhert tance and refined hy the infly ence of their mother. Ineident quoted fram Mark Twain's "Chil dren's Record" ave delightful ta the reader Although the Clemens' were happy and talented, tragedy wa well known within the family eirele. The only bay died at an early age. Susie, the eldest girl died at the age of 235, Clara, the musically talented ane, continual ly seemed to evade the hand of fate: Jean, the youngest, hepame an epileptic and died in her 20's One delightful incident of fam ily affection, ability and cooper ation is brought out in the vecard Ing of a dramatization of Twain's newly finished book The Prince {and the Pauper The family de [eided to dramatize the story and surprise their father with it when he returned from a lecture tour he play was so successful that they decided ta present it a few weeks later with Twain himsel faking part. Susie wrate later We had great fun none of us shall target how immensely funny PAPA was in it, He certainly could have heen an actor as well as an'a anthoy I'he book Ml quatations { wes and letters fen hy Mark Twain and the members o As fomily, so the warmth and anally depicted meeting of the hranch will he |NURFACE AT THE POLE, by held Thursday, Jan. 26, at Ades James Calvert laide House, The annual report Explorations of the Aretie will be presented in hroehure undertaken in 1058, the National form at this meeting Geophysical Year, were of great | The branch moved to send a olentifio and military signifie:|letter of appreciation to Rev, Dr, anee. The story ef the nuclear Paul Dwyer for the use of St inhmavine "Skate", and ls ae: Gregory's auditorium for the complishments in conquering te holding of the blood donor elinies, unknown is told in SURFACE / I'HE POLE by the A aT James Calvert N Child Aboard the submarine, the egro 1 ren reader vicariously visits the great ioe felds of the Arvetie, eharae 3 terized hy shifting floes and tarving varying moods, He visits the northernmost selentifie experi. mental station "Alfa" sitwated on ne Found Dead an fee flog, The visit is abbrevi. ated, however, 'because the lead! MOBILE, Ala, (AP) - One in which the submarine has sur-| Negro child was dis avered dead faced rapidly closes, and the deli:| in & two-room dwelling Thursday cate glant hulk must submerge |along With seven other Negra As skipper, Calvert is able ta] ehildven wha were suffering from tell all facets of the voyage exposure and malnutrition from technical diffieulties of pers, The hody of the dead child. iting the ship under ice ta the/tWo-yearmald, was found on he motional reactions of crew mem. SPrings of a dilapidated hed, the wis. He also inserts interesting Only hed in the house wels of the trials and accom. The other seven children were plishments of farmer explorers of 'aken to hospital where four the Aretic were admitted in serious condis The story is well illustrated hy Hon, The three others were later photographs taken hy the author! 'aken to a detention home after and other crew members being fed warm food \ Negro woman, identified hy | notice as Mrs, Dorothy Thomas, 25 Mi D t 23, went ta a funeral home hours nes epu Y alter palipe had started an inves: Heation enlminating fram Come Cl w k Plaints of neighbors in Trinity | 1088 or Gardens, a segrecated apart TORONTO (CP) Ho feat praject near downtown Mas Rickabhy deputy minister ot The woman identified hte dead mines, loft his Queen's Park child and five others as hers and office Wednesday for the last qwa as her sister's. The sister time after completing 33 years was not located of service with the government Mr. Riekahy, wha joined thel a 1 department as geologist in 1927 JAILED FOR JOKE plans to begin his retirement CARSON CITY, Nev, (AP) with a warld eruise. He and Mrs Reno cabbie keonard Dale Sage Rickabv leave thelr Oakville 3, was sentenced Thursday to home Friday to meet their ship 'e¢ months in prison for mak. i Vancouver ing false threats about a bomb Mr. Riekaby, who was born ai 2a Viee « President Richard Orone nd later returned to Nixon's chartered airliner. Sage { h there, was a lecturer in dmitted jok howl a bhamb nineralogy at the University of When Nixon stopped wm Rene last Taronta before he joined the de. August on his presidential elegs partment of mines, {tion campaign,